2012-06-14 - Column

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KANATA NORTH NEWS Marianne Wilkinson Councillor, Kanata North PRESTO CARD

Problems with the Presto Card that have been experienced by those using the card during the trial period have resulted in a postponement of the distribution of the Presto Cards and the full implementation of the system. On June 7, Presto and Transit Chair Deans announced that the distribution of the 200 000 free Presto cards is delayed until the issues have been addressed and resolved. Presto is to cover costs resulting from the delay. In the meantime, the Friends & Family Pilot Project is being extended with 1,000 additional participants added. This will provide more input and testing to ensure that the system will work consistently. The Chair of the Transit Commission, Diane Deans, indicated that for July, users should continue to use their same fare system. I am looking into the ECOPASS situation since many had cancelled that pass effective July 1 due to previously provided information. Watch the OC Transpo website for status reports and further information.


Work has been progressing on the design of the addition to the Beaverbrook Library to enlarge it to serve as the West District Library. Additions are complex and the site required consultation with the Ottawa District School Board, the Recreation Department, and the Kanata Seniors Centre particularly with regard to parking issues. These have now been worked out. On June 20, at 7 pm in Halls A & B of the Mlacak Centre, you can view the planned addition and changes to the site and provide your feedback. Once final comments are received, the final design and site plan will be prepared. The new parking areas will be constructed this fall and building construction will begin next spring.


One important part of the light rail system is the route from Tunneys Pasture to Baseline. The Transportation Committee has approved having additional work done within the environmental assessment, now underway, to determine the best route. In the Transportation Master Plan, this route is the next light rail priority (after the Tunneys Pasture to Blair section). The number of options for the route has been reduced from 15 to 4. Carling Avenue will be studied as a secondary rail route to serve local needs. The rail connection towards Kanata will also be indicated. By early next year information will be available, and public sessions held, so that you can comment on the route, which is vital towards eventually getting light rail to Kanata.

The design of the Mural for each entrance of the March Road underpass is underway and the students who will paint it have been chosen. There is a consensus to have the entrance from Kanata with a focus on natural features to tie into moving into the Greenbelt, while the east entrance will be an introduction to the urban area. Once the design is completed, Ill have it on my website. Painting is to start June 26, at which time, for safety reasons, cyclists will need to walk their bikes through the underpass. The City has received a proposal for a building up to 15 storeys at 1131 Teron Road. This has not been approved by staff or me. I will be working with the community association to have meetings to let you know what has been proposed and to discuss a response to it.


Fri June 15th, Relay for Life at Walter Baker Park, starts at 7 pm Sat June 16, 11am 2 pm, Briarbrook/Morgans Grant Community Association Barbeque, W.C. Bowes Park Sat June 16, 4 6:30 pm, Lawn Supper, St. Johns, 325 Sandhill Mon June 18, 7 pm, Ward Council, Programme Room, Kanata Seniors Centre Tues June 19, 5 pm, Morgans Grant Community Garden Meeting, WC Bowes Park Wed June 20, 6 pm, Final Design Skateboard Park, Mlacak Hall D Wed June 20, 7 pm Beaverbrook Library Expansion Plans, Mlacak Halls A & B

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