Instruction To Authors
Instruction To Authors
Instruction To Authors
Instruction to Authors
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Instructions To Authors Home ISPC 2012 ISPC 2012 Logo Venue Important Dates & Fees Conference Programme Registration Form Abstract Template Instruction To Authors Full Paper Template Format Of Poster Contact Info Commitee Members Download Brochure Accomodation 4. Style As far as possible, manuscripts should consist of the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion. Each section and sub-section should be numbered using the Arabic numerals. Please use SI Units for all scientific and laboratory data. a) Tables All tables should be kept simple and clear, and should be referred to in the text. They should be numbered, titled, and typed using double spacing on separate pages in the order of which they are referred to in the text. b) Illustrations Illustrations including diagrams and graphs should be sharp, noise free and of good contrast. They should accompany the manuscript on separate sheets and numbered consecutively in the same order as they are referred to in the text. Line drawings should be in black ink on a white background and lettering size must be large enough to permit legible reduction whenever necessary. All photographs submitted must be of good quality and printed on glossy paper. The authors name, short title of the paper and figure number must be written on the reverse side of each illustration submitted. c) Mathematical Notation and Equations All equations must be clearly typed, tripled-spaced and should be identified or numbered accordingly. 5. Acknowledgements A brief acknowledgment of not more than 50 words should be included at the end of the manuscript, before the list of references. 6. References References should appear in a separate Reference section at the end of the manuscript, double-spaced with item referred to by numerals in square brackets. Style for papers: [Reference number], Authors (last name, followed by first initial for main author, and first initial followed by last name for other authors), year, title, periodical (in italics), volume (issue), inclusive page numbers. Style for books: [Reference number], Authors, title (in italics), year, location, publisher, chapter or page numbers. For example: [ ]K a i , M , S O a u , a d R Y s f 1 9 . 1 hld . . mt. n . uo. 95 TmeaueRglto wt Nua Ntok eprtr euain ih erl ewrs adAtraieCnrlShms IE Taso n lentv oto cee. EE rn n Nua Ntok 63:5252 erl ewrs () 7-8. [ ]K a i , M , S O a u a d R Y s f 1 9 . N u o 2 hld . . mt, n . uo. 95 erCnrl ad Is Apiain. Lno: Srneoto n t plctos odn pigr Vra. elg 2. Title Manuscripts should be headed by a concise title. Please include the full name(s) of the author(s), complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers as well as email address. In case of multiple authorship, please indicate the main author to whom all correspondence concerning the paper should be directed. 3. Abstract All manuscripts should be accompanied by two abstracts, of not more than 200 words each, written in English and Bahasa Melayu. Manuscript from outside Malaysia may submit an English abstract only. The abstract should not only indicate the subject and scope of the paper but also summarize the author"s conclusion along with at least five (5) key words separated by hyphens that could be useful for information-retrieval purposes. 1. General Manuscripts, including references, should be typed 1.15 spacing on A4 size paper using font size 12 and should be no more than 20 pages in length inclusive of tables, figures and illustrations. All submissions will be peer reviewed.