Cost-Efficient: Counter-Intrusion

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A Cost-Efficient Counter-Intrusion Scheme for One-Time Sensor Networks

Chandana Gamage 1, Jussipekka Leiwo 2, Kemal Bicakci 1,


Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, { chandag, kemal, crispo, ast} @ cs. vu. nl 2 School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Crispo 1,

and Andrew S. Tanenbaum The Netherlands

[email protected]

contrast, we have found it quite difficult to envisage a similarly class of peer-to-peer type of sensor network applications We propose a secure one-time sensor scheme that is highly large in which a low-cost and limited functionality sensor would resistant to forged messages and replay message attacks. A have an application-level requirement to securely communicate sensor in a one-time sensor network transmits only a single with another similar capability sensor. message in its life time but retransmits messages from other The problem that we address is intrusions into a sensor sensors to provide message routing. The only security-specific network by an attacker who either records past messages computational capability required from a one-time sensor in our scheme is a hash function. The bulk of security related or captures sensors to raise false alarms at a base station. data in our scheme is static and therefore can be stored in We present a technique that is computationally and storage non-volatile memory. This is an important design criteria as efficient for use in sensor networks to defeat intruders who energy is the most critical resource in commonly used low- aim to send repeated false alarms to the base station and also cost battery-powered wireless sensors. We further improve the to deplete the battery power of sensors throughout the network storage efficiency of the proposed solution using Bloom filters. and not just at the local neighborhood of attack. The proposed security scheme and the sensor network Keywords: Sensor network security, one-time sensors, intrumodel on which it is based is given in section 2 with security sion resistance, hash functions, Bloom filters and performance analysis in section 3. The techniques for performance improvement are described in section 4 with 1. INTRODUCTION example values to illustrate the benefits. Related work is In many applications of distributed ad-hoc wireless sensor net- discussed in section 5; concluding remarks are given in section works, intruders can cause serious damage [1]. For example, 6. a perimeter surveillance sensor network installed to guard a 2. THE SECURE ONE-TIME SENSOR SCHEME large facility like an airport complex or a military encampment could have its efficacy seriously eroded if intruders are able In this section, we first describe the model for a sensor netto repeatedly generate false alarms as in the classic tale of the work using one-time sensors. Then we describe our proposed shepherd boy crying wolf. A prime reason for using wireless security scheme. sensor networks is the availability of low-cost sensor nodes that can be deployed densely to achieve a high coverage A. The sensor and network model as well as a greater level of fault tolerance. Additionally, We assume each sensor to be configured with a unique the wireless communication capability of the battery-powered identifier bit-string id uniformly and randomly selected from sensors allows for rapid establishment of a sensor network a large set. The sensor network, at the communication layer, without the need for extensive infrastructure facilities such as operates as a peer-to-peer system with each sensor providing a electrical power and communication lines. message forwarding service for routing of communications. At For low-cost wireless sensor network applications to be the application layer, the sensor network operates as a clientwidely used, it is necessary to design security schemes that server system with the messages originating from sensors embody the application-specific security needs that reduce cost being forwarded to a central base station for applicationof implementation and operation while increasing resistance to specific processing. These low-cost sensors (with limited chip attacks. The sensor network security research that we describe area) are assumed to have severe constraints in processing in this paper is focused on applications with a sensor-to- capability, storage capacity and battery power. Furthermore, base station uni-directional messaging model [II]. This model as the energy cost of transmitting a single bit is roughly selection was motivated by the large number of real-world ap- equivalent to the execution of 1,000 instructions [20], it is plications ranging from perimeter protection to natural disaster necessary to keep the number of bits transmitted as low as detection that can be implemented with low-cost sensors. In possible.


0-7803-9399-6/05/$20.00 2005 IEEE



RF [15] operation 'Although it is suffi cient to compute a simpler HASH(id) value list for stor- of low-powerenergy harvestingRFID to obtain ambient energy for theRF energy devices. Unlike chips that operate purely from ing in a sensor, it prevents an optimization that we describe later. Therefore, harvesting, one-time sensors may use a mix of own battery energy and the value is computed as HASH(idx 11 id) with additional redundancy. externally sourced energy.

In the proposed sensor network model, we assume that all bit in S to 1 and the message is retransmitted according to the sensor identities for the nodes to be used in the deployment the routing rules applicable to the sensor network. Otherwise, are known at startup time and the full list of id values are it is assumed that the message was a copy received due to stored at the base station. The base station is a device with multipath routing or injected into the network by an intruder adequate protection and it does not have storage, processing and simply discarded. or power constraints. 3. ANALYSIS The most important assumption we make is that the sensors are of one-time use. For example, sensors used for applications In this section, we first analyze how the proposed security such as forest fire detectors, biological/chemical warfare agent solution can completely prevent certain attacks on a onedetectors, or pressure-based ground surveillance detectors time sensor network and how some of the other attacks are would have a sensor element that would operate correctly only deterred either by preventing its propagation or by causing the once. Its activation would render the sensor element unusable intruder to incur a high attack cost. Then we analyze the extra without recalibration or replacement. However, the wireless computational and storage requirements imposed on a sensor communication element of the sensor would continue to op- by the proposed solution. We continue the analysis in section erate by providing message relaying towards the base station. 4 by presenting a scheme that can provide a trade-off between Furthermore, we do not assume any form of tamper-resistance security and performance that does not significantly weaken for these low-cost sensors and therefore if an intruder were to the security strength. capture a sensor, he will have full knowledge of all its content including unique identifier value id and any other security- A. Security analysis related data. 1) Replay attacks.: An intruder who enters the sensor network will not be able to transmit messages generated by B. Proposed solution himself as he will not have valid id values to use. Therefore, We consider a network of one-time sensors that report to a the intruder has to monitor the traffic and capture some base station. An attacker has the following main objectives: messages. An intruder cannot mount a successful replay attack (1) To raise a (false) alarm to which the base station responds in the same area from which he has captured a message as positively so that its resources are depleted and (2) to make each local sensor will have the corresponding id value flagged sensors in the network repeatedly process and retransmit alarm in string S as having already transmitted its message. If the messages so that their fixed energy store is exhausted. intruder moves to a new area and replays the message, then it Consider a sensor network of n nodes with the id values will be forwarded to the base station. However, as the original randomly and uniformly selected from a large set of size N message would have reached the base station already with a with n < N. The message transmitted by a one-time sensor high probability2, the replayed message will be discarded there is formatted with a header consisting of an index value (idx, as a copy forwarded due to multipath routing. As it is only a from 0 . . . n-1) and identifier value (id, from 0 ... N - 1) replayed message and is duly discarded, this attack does not pair. As this is simply an alarm message generated by a one- result in an application-context damage. time application-specific sensor, the message can be implicit Therefore, a static intruder can mount a power exhaustion with a null-length payload. Thus, the total header length of attack only on immediate neighbour sensors by forcing them log2(n) + log2(N) bits will equal actual transmitted message to repeatedly perform message receive (RX), hashing and list length. matching. However, these operations require much less battery Let's assume that each sensor in a network of n nodes is power than the more energy intensive message transmission configured with a full list of id values for the nodes in the (TX), which the static intruder has to incur. Only heuristic network by storing the values HASH(idx 1 id) in a list L'. It measures such as an exponential back-off on responding can also has a bit string S of length n with each bit initially set to protect against this type of power exhaustion attacks on sensor value 0. As the index values are a consecutive series 0 ... n, nodes in which an intruder repeatedly engages a sensor in the list L needs to store only the computed hash values with communication with a view to exhaust its battery power. the index being implicit. Another possibility is for the sensors to use technology for Now, when a sensor receives a message, with a header in power harvesting3 from the received signal for the RX part of which the index and identifier value pair is (idx,, id,), before the processing, similar to how RFID tags operate. retransmitting the message, the sensor would first check if the A powerful roaming intruder can cause the losses due to idx4h bit in the string S is set to the value 1. If the value power exhaustion attack to increase by moving through the is not set, then it checks in its list L if the identifier value in the message has a match by computing the hash value for 2We do not consider as practical the scenario in which an attacker the received value and directly matching at location idxr in selectively jams sensor network traffi c to prevent legitimate messages being L. If a match is found then the sensor would set the idxlh received at the base station while invalid messages are let through. 3There are many techniques such as energy scavenging [17], energy hunting
[21] and


network and replaying messages that would get retransmitted towards the base station. In this attack scenario, the intruder has to expend an even higher amount of energy to both transmit messages and to move around the network. 2) Forgery attacks.: For an intruder to successfully attack the base station and cause application-context damage (such as raising a false biological weapons attack alarm), he has to first obtain a valid id. The only method available to do this other than to capture a sensor is to randomly guess. For a sensor id value length of log2(N) bits and a sensor network of n nodes, the probability Pf of a successful guess is Pf = n/(n N) = 1/N. By selecting appropriate values for N (say, 64 bits) the probability of an intruder successfully forging a message that would get retransmitted to the base station and processed correctly could be made as small as required. Therefore, with a very high probability, the immediate neighbor sensors will discard the forged message without retransmission. Similar to the replay attack, an intruder can repeatedly mount forged message attacks on a sensor causing power exhaustion. But as explained earlier, the attack will not propagate and the intruder has to expend much more energy than the sensor under attack. 3) Sensor capture attacks.: The only method by which an intruder can successfully cause an application-level damage with high probability is by capturing a sensor and then transmitting a false message. Once an intruder captures a sensor, he has full control over it and can use all its data and functionality. The proposed scheme does not provide any direct countermeasure against this type of powerful attack. However, by the very nature of the one-time sensor paradigm, the intruder can send only a single valid message using a captured sensor. Any other message transmission attempts will be either forged or replay message attacks and will be unsuccessful. Therefore, the sensor network may implement application-specific heuristics to counter this threat. These heuristics can be as complex as necessary as they are implemented at the base station or beyond and not on the sensors. As an example, for a sensor network deployed at a large public gathering such as an international sports event to detect chemical warfare agents, the base station may not raise a public safety alarm unless messages from a cluster of at least st nearby sensors arrive at the base station, where st is the threshold value. It is clearly required for sensor network application developers to calibrate message interpretation to deal with false positives. 4) Sybil and black-hole attack.: An intruder will not be able to forge multiple valid identities if the id values for the sensors are chosen uniformly and randomly from a large pool. This is an effective counter measure against the Sybil attack [8], [16] on a sensor network. An intruder will not have any increased advantage in carrying out a Sybil attack even after capturing a set of valid sensor nodes and extractino their id values due to the one-time nature of the sensors. A black-hole attack is semantically the inverse of a Sybil attack and occurs when an intruder takes over a sensor and continually discards received messages without ever retrans-

mitting them. If this particular sensor is located in a message routing path that has no other alternatives, it could potentially partition the network and isolate one or more sensors from communicating with the base station. So, rather than illegally introducing multiple identities to the network, as in Sybil attack, many valid identities will disappear from the network. A black-hole attack may be carried out by an intruder even without capturing a valid sensor if the MAC algorithm used in the sensor network link layer uses a dynamic neighbour discovery protocol [19]. For example if the MAC algorithm uses a scheme by which transmission power is incremented by a fixed quantum until a neighbour acknowledges reception, then an attacker could masquerade as a valid sensor and carry out the denial of service attack. The only effective counter
measure for black-hole attacks is to deploy a sensor network with adequate density to provide multiple paths for message transmission to the base station.

B. Performance analysis For a sensor network of n sensors with an id value length of log2(N) bits (with n < N) and a hash function HASH with output length r bits (for example, SHA- 1 with 160 bits), the total security related memory requirement at a sensor is (log2(n) + log2 (N) + nr + n) bits respectively for its own (idx, id) pair, list L, and control string S. However, it is strictly not necessary to store the full hash function output as the size of the network n is significantly less than the output size of this hash function. Therefore, we can fold the hash value output without any loss of randomness by simply taking the t least significant bits (for example, 64 bits) as all the bits in a computed hash value are equally random. This allows us to maintain the required Pf = 2' against forgery attacks. Also, the string S is used to control network communications by preventing both multiple retransmissions and replaying of messages. Therefore, processing and storage costs associated with S should not be considered as a purely security-related cost. The index value idx of a sensor is also not solely security related as it is required to identify the sensor from which a message has originated. Therefore, we can approximate the direct security related memory cost to be (log2(N) + nt) bits or just nt bits for log2(N) << nt. For sample values of log2(N) = 256, n = 1024, and t = 64, the total security-related memory cost is approximately 64 Kbits per sensor. For each received message, the sensor has to compute a single hash value (for cost(HASH)) and then do a direct match with list L with index value being the list address pointer. For a single bit-comparison cost of cost(BEQ), the comparison cost is t x cost(BEQ). Therefore the total of strictly security-related computational cost can be approximated as cost(HASH) + t x cost(BEQ) cost(HASH) as in general, cost(BEQ) < cost(HASH).

4. AN IMPROVED SOLUTION USING BLOOM FILTERS Two of the main design objectives of the proposed secure onetime sensor scheme were firstly to minimize the amount of


useful information an intruder can obtain by capturing a sensor 70000 sc Standa em*.............................................. and secondly to minimize the security-related complexity of 60000 the sensor processing element. These two objectives were successfully achieved by storing a list of hashed (idx,id) 50000 value pairs on the sensor and requiring only hash computations 9 on the sensor. These two design decisions allow us to use a 6 40000 1\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 classic algorithm called a Bloom filter [4] to further reduce the @ 30000 Improvdd SGhomOs o memory required to store the list L. . . .i/ A Bloom filter is an algorithm to compactly store a list of 20000 keys and then efficiently search it to see if a candidate key is _ ~~~~.... 10000 a member in that list. The algorithm requires that the list of keys is fixed at the startup and the membership result tolerates o 5 10 15 20 25 35 30 40 45 a certain probability of false positives. The one-time sensor k no of hash functions network applications that we have outlined earlier can tolerate 1: The optimal bit vector both these algorithmic limitations. As Bloom filters store the Fig.different false number of hash functions a(k) and network oflength (m) for n = 1024 positive probabilities (Pa) in sensor list of (idx, id) value pairs as HASH(idx, id) one-way hashes, nodes an intruder who captures a sensor cannot recover the actual id values without performing an exhaustive search of the full (idx, id) value space. Even in such a brute force attack, the we would be setting the probability of false positives PC and intruder cannot be certain of finding the correct id values due number of hash function initializers k, the size of the bit vector to the probability of false positives associated with the Bloom V stored on each sensor can be given as filter scheme. -kn mn = 1 (2) To be successful, an intruder will require "valid" id values ln(1P-PCk) for forging messages for which the base station will react positively in comparison to "arbitrary" id values that pass the The total security-related memory required under the Bloom Bloom filter test but are rejected at the base station, which ifilter improved scheme is (log2((n) + log2 (N) + m + compare the received id value against the stored master list. klog2(m) + n) bits respectively for (idx, id) pair, vector V, Construction of a Bloom filter requires use of a number of tthe k number of HASH function initialization values, and the distinct (say, k) hash functions. We can satisfy this requirement string S. As before, we can exclude the memory required for by initializing the common hash function HASH with a set of k the retransmission control string S and index value idx from different values stored on the sensor. The Bloom filter uses a tthis purely security-related cost. This memory cost can be bit vector V of a suitable length m bits and the hash function tfurther approximated as m bits by removing the cost of fixed output must be in the range of O mr-1, so that the computed iid value of the sensor and the very small memory requirement hash value acts as an index to a bit position in the vector V. of k log2 (m) for hash function initializers. For a sample value The bit vector is initialized by setting all bits to 0. Before the ofn = 1024, Pc = 0.001, and k = 5, the security memory cost sensors are deployed, the Bloom filter is computed and stored iis approximately 17 Kbits per sensor, which is a significant on them by running each of the concatenated idx 1 id values saving from the earlier non optimized scheme cost of 64 Kbits for all n sensors through the k hash functions and setting the ffor t = 64 bits. The graph in figure illustrates the possible bit in V corresponding to the hash value to be 1. If a bit at a fperformance improvements in memory usage. particular position is already set to 1, it remains unchanged. This memory saving is achieved at a cost of false positive After the sensor network is deployed and when a sensor Xprobability-of PC (for the example values above, PC = 0.001) receives a message with header index value and identifier aand additional computational costs in hashing. For each mesvalue pair (idx,, id,), the membership in the Bloom filter is ssage received at the sensor, hash values must be computed k checked by computing the k hash values for the concatenated ttimes and bit comparisons done k times for a total cost of input idx, 1 id, and checking to see if the corresponding bit Ak cost(HASH) + k cost(BEQ) k cost(HASH) which compares positions in V is set to 1. If any of the bits remains as 0, then ffavorably for small k with the non optimized scheme cost of the id, value does not belong to the list of valid identifiers aa single cost(HASH). and indicates a fake message. If all the corresponding bits are The specific number of hash functions (k) to be used with set to 1, then the id, value can be accepted as a valid member IBloom filter optimization technique should be determined in with a high probability. The classic original paper on Bloom cconjunction with the relative cost of computing a hash value filters [4] gives the probability of a false positive acceptance aagainst the acceptable level of false positives as these in PC as t [urn trigger message forwarding through the network towards e m=(1-) k ( 1 ) the base station. As sensors are powered by fixed-capacity )atteries, it is important to note that when considering the We need to choose k and m so that P, is at an acceptable c,ost of computations in sensor networks, it is more pertinent to level based on the sensor network application heuristics. As c,onsider the actual energy cost per operation than the number

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is for the buyer to be certain that the id value given by the seller is a valid identifier that would be accepted by the base station. As the intruder who is offering to sell an id value can query its Bloom filter with arbitrary values to find a (idx, id) pair that would pass the membership test, the buyer would have no guarantee that it is a valid id.

B. Offline oracle attacks An intruder who captures a secure one-time sensor, optimized 1000 with a Bloom filter, can use it as an oracle to create a list 500 of "arbitrary" (idx, id) value pairs for which the membership test succeeds without having to use a brute force attack to 50 determine "valid" (idx, id) value pairs. Depending on the 35 40 20 45 10 15 25 5 30 k no of hash functions probability of false positives the Bloom filter was configured Fig. 2: The total number of sensors a network can support for different false to accept, the intruder can query the captured sensor repeatedly positive probabilities (P,)cost for a fi xed bit vector size (m = 32 Kbits or 4 with random (idx, id) value pairs to buildup a set of values that KBytes) pass the test. For example, a P, = 0.001 probability would allow the intruder to build a list with 100 values that pass the membership test by simply querying 100,000 times, which is of processor cycles to complete an operation. In practice, a sensor manufacturer would fix the amount of a relatively small effort. Now, the intruder can use these arbitrary (idx, id) value memory available for users. Therefore, it is interesting to check pairs to forge messages that would be correctly accepted and the total number of sensors in a network that can be supported by a given fixed amount of memory available for implementing forwarded by other sensors towards the base station. While the proposed security scheme. The graph in figure 2 shows there would be no application-level damage caused as the base the total number of sensors that is possible for a sensor with station would detect these values to be bogus by comparing 4 KBytes of memory for different false positive probabilities with the original set of (idx, id) pairs it stores, the sensors in that an application could tolerate. The graph shows that for the network would be subject to a serious power exhaustion P, = 0.001, the maximum size of the sensor network is attack. We can mitigate this offline oracle attack by computing a set of distinct Bloom filters (for example, by using different approximately 2300 nodes at k = 9. hash initialization values) and randomly selecting a Bloom A. Colluding intruders filter to be stored in a particular sensor. In the extreme case, The probability of false positives (Pc) in the Bloom filter based each sensor could be stored with its own unique Bloom filter. one-time sensor network security scheme has an interesting As the computation of Bloom filters and then configuring benefit. Let us assume, for example, that an international sports the sensors with them is done offline prior to the actual event is being protected against attacks with chemical warfare deployment of a sensor network, the costs associated with this agents and that the security administrators have decided on solution are not a significant factor. a threshold of st alarm messages before activating public This multiple Bloom filter approach would greatly reduce emergency services. Let us also assume that an intruder to the success probability of an intruder, who captures a sensor the sensor network that has captured s, number of sensors and computes a list of acceptable (idx, id) pairs, being able (sc < st) has found out this threshold value and is negotiating to simply transmit messages constructed using the list and with some other intruders to obtain the remaining number of have those messages accepted and retransmitted by other sensor id values to mount a false alarm attack. sensors. This is an effective countermeasure against the power This being a transaction among less than honorable parties, exhaustion attack. the first requirement is for the sellers to prove to the buyer 5. RELATED WORK that they have possession of some sensors without revealing the actual id values of the sensors they have until the sales The concept of one-time sensors was introduced by Bicakci, et negotiation is complete. Now, if a seller computes the set of al. [2] with protection against node capturing attacks provided k hash function values for the sensor id he has and sends using several techniques including public key cryptography them to the buyer, the buyer can convince himself of the and Merkle hash trees [14]. This concept paper [2] explains truthfulness of the sellers claim of possession of a sensor the usefulness and justification for one-time sensor network with only a probability of (1 Pa). Therefore, an intruder applications. The Bloom filters were originally introduced who already has access to the Bloom filter cannot prove with for use in efficient compression and fast searching of data absolute certainty to another intruder who also has access to structures such as dictionaries and were later found wide use the same Bloom filter of its possession of a valid sensor, in database applications. In recent times, Bloom filters have thus potentially complicating transactions among colluding been used in many network applications as indicated in the intruders. The second requirement, which is more important, survey by Broder and Mitzenmacher [6].
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One of the first security protocol suites for sensor networks was the SPINS architecture by Perrig, et al. [18] that was based on a model of sensor-to-base station communication. For peer-to-peer secure communication between sensors, a shared key was established using the base station as a TTP. Recent research work on sensor network security has focused on peerto-peer secure communication by sensors and the most widely proposed security scheme for conventional sensor networks has been pair-wise key predistribution. A probabilistic hop-byhop key establishment protocol was proposed by Eschenauer and Gligor [10] where each sensor is preinstalled with a randomly selected subset of keys from a large key pool. A secure communication path between two sensors is established by selecting a set of intermediary nodes with a single pair-wise shared key between each sensor pair. This scheme by Eschenauer and Gligor has the weakness that an attacker who is capable of capturing a small set of sensors is able to determine a large number of end-to-end paths. The work by Chan, et al. [7] was directed towards reducing this problem by requiring a sensor to have more than one pair-wise shared-key with a neighbour to establish a hop in the end-to-end path. The random pair-wise key establishment scheme of Du, et al. [9] is based on the key predistribution scheme of Blom [3] and the similar scheme of Liu and Ning [13] was based on the two-party key establishment for dynamic groups of Blundo, et al. [5] combined with multiple key spaces. We do not make a direct comparison of our proposed sensor network security scheme with other work cited above for two reasons: (1) the security model used by us is based on a one-time sensor concept while all the previous work consider multi-use conventional sensors and (2) the main objectives of previous security proposals have been to provide message confidentiality (by encryption) and integrity (by MAC) using the shared keys and prevent exposure of a shared key established using the particular protocol to an attacker while we focus on countering an intruders ability to raise false alarms by using message forgery, message replay or node capture techniques.
6. CONCLUSION We have presented an efficient security scheme for one-time sensor networks with performance improvements using Bloom filters. Both the proposed security scheme and the use of Bloom filters in sensor network security are new contributions in this evolving research area. Importantly, the use of Bloom filters to reduce memory requirements on the sensor does not increase the size of messages and thus keeps the important cost of bit transmission fixed. This is an important factor, as message transmission constitutes a major portion of sensor energy consumption. The feasibility for the one-time sensor network applications to tolerate false positives (that is, allowing a forged message to reach the base station) rather than false negatives (that is, disallowing a correct message to be transmitted within the network) is a key element in the applicability of the proposed Bloom filter based security scheme to real-world scenarios.

The research result presented in this paper, based on the novel one-time sensor idea, is part of an on-going effort to develop efficient and secure algorithms for low-cost sensor networks. To increase the range of sensor network applications that can utilize the basic idea introduced in this paper, we have extended the algorithm to a k-time sensor scheme [12] and at present we are setting up an experimental network to evaluate its energy use and other properties.

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