Blackwater Gulch Rulebook 15 F
Blackwater Gulch Rulebook 15 F
Blackwater Gulch Rulebook 15 F
That on the day of October 5, 1892, the men and boys known to law enforcement as the Clancy gang did willingly and knowingly ride into Blackwater Gulch with felonious intentions of exhibiting harm upon Jacob Williams and the Williams boys. The resulting violence in the Town Square left seven dead, six wounded and the town short a deputy. This lawless behavior will not be tolerated. I, Mayor Horndike, appointed and elected by you, the fair citizens of Blackwater Gulch, have therefore created the Vigilance Committee, a group of communityminded citizens who will defend the laws of this town until such a time that peace and justice once more preside or a deputized lawmaker comes forth to take up the post of Sheriff. Abide by our Town Ordinance or suffer the consequences. No firearms within city limits ~ No drunken behavior ~ No swearing No horse rustling ~ No Natives ~ No Gamblin except in the Golden Coin
Wilt Clancy
Lee Roland Jacob Sparks
For the crimes of: Unlawful killing of a Deputy, Horse Rustling and unspeakable debauchery. Anyone sheltering wanted criminals will face the full extent of the law of the city of Blackwater Gulch. BLACKWATER GULCH NEEDS YOU: Handy with a gun? Fast on your feet? Need a job? The city of Blackwater Gulch needs you. Get deputized by Mayor Horndike, be given a badge and a gun and help defend your town from the likes of Clancy and his gang of criminals. See Rick Dawson in the Sheriff s office. Pay is $3 a day plus free lunch from Lucys Cafe.
Table of Contents
Gangfights in the Old West . Shootout at the Golden Coin . Howdy, Partner! . How it Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 .6 .10 .12 .14 .18 .22 .26 .30 .32 .38 .42 .50 .54 .56 .58 .60 .62 .68 .74 .82
Written and created by Tim Kline. Background and fiction by Jonathan Peace. Proofread and edited by Bryan Johnson. Original artwork by Don Ellis Aguillo, Jason Kingsley, William Stewart, C Wilson Trull, Shane Tyree. Layout, design and model photography by Tim Kline. Stock photography by Thinkstock and Dreamstime. Scenery pieces in photographs by Battle Flag, Buildings by AmeriTowne, Bachmann Trains, GameCraft Miniatures, Perry Miniatures, Sarissa Precision and Woodland Scenics.
Special Thanks to all of our friends and Kickstarter backers! A Newton, Aaron Provost, Adam Crossingham, Adam Schlager, Adam Yates, Ade Roberts, Adrian Finklehelm, Alan Ledger, Alan Twigg, Alex Bermudez, Alexander B Amann, Allen Barton, Allen Damrau, Andr Flores, Andreas Welch, Andrew Batter, Andrew Lum, Andrew McColl, Andrew Munn, Andrew Robertson, Andrew Williams, Art Edgeson, Barry Gingell, Brad D. Kane, Brandon Fields, Brent Collins, Brett LaPrairie, Brian, Brian Z Zaspel, Brian Brodeur, Brian Davis, Brian Hannan, Brian Wilk, Bruce Degi, Bryan Bouren, Bryan Carter, Bryan Creehan, Bryan Nutting, Bryce Kane, Callum Stewart, Cameron J. Smith, Carl Morgan, Casper Fertier, Catyrpelius, Chad Hoss Lynch, Chad Hughes, Charles Kettering, Charles L. Decker Jr., chernabog, Chris Hartwich, Chris Hyde, Chris Langevin, Chris McIrvin, Chris Page, Chris Perkins, Chris Rance, Chris Snyder, Chris Tham, Christian A. Nord, Christoph Keladryel Schrage, Christopher Caputo, Chuck Beowulfthehunter Ocenasek, Colin Miskowitz, Commodore Shmedlap, Damon C Richardson, Dan sparkywtf Goossens, Dan Bruns, Dan Yarrington, Darren Johnson, David Allen, David Gardiner, David Snodgrass, Dennis Jensen, Denzil Rosser aka Morathis Darkest Sin, Deon Beswick, Deputies Arthur & Esme G.C., Dillon Brice, Don Christianson, Dr. R. Horsley, Drew Ausems, Ed Kowalczewski, Edward D. Omiccioli, Jr, Emily Fontana, Eoin Burke, Epee House, Eric Wessels, Eric Wessels, Ethan Chiang, Evan Rattner, Evan Ritt, Falk Kalamorz, Frank Millard, Gdaybloke, Gordon Adler Hobby NH, Green Dragon Game Club, Greg Merwin, Gregory L. Colon, Greyson, Ham-Beast Brantley, Harry Howells, Henry Durand, Ian Hawkins, Ian M Clark, J Womack, J. Gates, Jackson Wilbourn, James E. Harness, James Hawkins, James Liang, James Peterson, James W. Keller, Jamie Drake Pendragon Searle, Janne Jaakola, Jarrod Coad, Jason Kennedy, Jebus10000, Jeff Hubbard, Jennifer Letts, Jeremy Holley, Jerry Kyle Adams II, Jesse James Rexroad, Jim Leitzel , Jim Thompson, Jimmy Lindqvist, Joe G Kushner, Joe Pelfrey, Joerg Bender, John Coates, John Lucania, John Lucania, John Raley, John Robertson, Johnny McPherson, Jon Hermsen, Jon Leigh, Jordan Welch, Jose A. Vasquez, Joseph Blomquist, Joshua Skye Allouche, JustForFun, Peoria IL, Justin & Tiffany Smith, Kargrieg, Keith N. Mannix, Kevin Marshall, Kevin Roust, Kevin Stoner, Kier, Kirk Krikorian, Kit Burrows, Kyle A Gibson, Kyle J Miller, Lance King, Legion McRae, Leo Bruno, Les Seabolt (aka Buck Blacksnake), Liam Byrne, Lon Porter, Malcolm Sleight, Marcio Chammas, Mark A. Hom, Mark Hanna, Mark Thorne, Martin Gallo, Matt Osborne, Matthew A Copeman, Matthias Caryn, Melvin Mac Brookman, Michael A Shuck, Michael Archer, Michael B Hughes, Michael Brand, Michael Brand, Michael Ovsenik, Michael Vercoe, Michelle Yancey, Mike txMaddog Jacobs, Mike Burt, Mike de Jong, Mike OBrien, Mike Slater, Mondo, Mr. Somppi, MSB, Nate Beem, Nathan Francis Breen, Nick Hughes, Nicole L. Garner, Nik Kuhnle, Octavio Arango, Patrick McEachen, Paul Jasper Jameson Appel, Paul (Thargor) Buttolph, Paul Fraser, Paul Romine, Paul Schwartz, Peter Evanko, Petra Schulein-Coret, Phil Hawkins, Philipp Schrter, Ralph Mazza, Ranger Dave Ross, Rasmus Just Nielsen, Ray Chiang, Richard Hsu, Richard Logue, Rick Britten, Rick Rambo, Robert Bob Nolan, aka Varagon, Robert Sakaluk, Robert Terreri, Robin Fahy, Rockheads Comics & Games, Ron Senior, Ronnie Allen, Ronnie Allen, Ross Rossco Baker, Russ Etts, Ryan S. Moore, Ryan T Green, S. C. Justice, Scott Bassett, Scott Griffin, Sean buckshot Connor, Shaun Phillips, Simon R Mangnall, Sonny Jeschko, Stefan Sheckells, Stephen Prazenica, Steven Jasiczek, Tectonic Craft Studios, Temoore Baber, Terry Mac McGregor, The Gort, Thomas Polder, Thomas Sisson, Tim Lawson, Todd C Henry, Tom Ryan, Tom Ryan, Tracy McCormick, Travis Diskin, Tyler Tanner, Urban Blom, Victor Araujo, Viktor Carlson, Vincent Ecuyer, Vladimir Mutabzija, William W. Refsland
Infamous Gangs of Blackwater Gulch . Creating Your Very Own Gang Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weapon Types & Special Rules Livery & General Store Index . . . .
2012 Gangfight Game Studio. All Rights Reserved. - [email protected] Version 1.5
Howdy, Partner!
Welcome to Blackwater Gulch, the game of gangfights in the Old West. Blackwater Gulch is a tabletop hobby game where you and your friends will collect gangs of miniature men and battle for fame and fortune in the town streets and outskirts. In order to introduce you to the game, first lets go over what it is and what you need to play. A hobby game is, quite simply, a game that you build yourself. This book provides the rules that you need to play, and you will purchase miniature figures (also referred to as models) to represent your gang and paint them to your liking. The game is played on a board that you also create, which can simply be a table top with a few pieces of scenery for obstacles, or you can build an elaborate Wild West town from scratch. You are limited only by your imagination! In the chapters that follow, you will learn how to build your gang, set up your game board and fight a battle. Measuring Device: Distances such as how far a model can move or shoot are measured in inches (). You should have some sort of measuring device like a small tape measure. Dice: The game uses six-sided dice, commonly referred to as a D6, and you will only need a handful of them. Your gang members Attributes will tell you how many dice you need to roll, referring to your roll as #D6, where # is the amount of dice you need to roll. For example, 2D6 means you need to roll 2 dice. There are some occasions where you will be asked to roll a D3, in this case, roll a D6, but a roll of 1 or 2 = 1, 3 or 4 = 2, and 5 or 6 = 3. Game Board: The game board can be any surface you wish to play on. Any table will do for small games. The board represents a section of forest, desert, small village, town square, or anything else you can imagine. You will add scenery to the board to make it appear more lifelike and give your models obstacles and cover to hide behind. The average board size for most games is 4 feet by 4 feet, but that is merely a suggested size. You may use any size you feel comfortable with, whether its a dedicated game board you built yourself, a kitchen or dining room table or even a folding playing card table.
How it Works
Blackwater Gulch was designed specifically for fast and fun games. Here is a quick summary of how it to play:
Start a Gang
Purchase, assemble and paint your models and keep their Character Cards handy. You will need to refer to the cards as you play the game. Most players like to use baseball card sleeves or pages to keep their cards organized. Your gang must consist of one Gang Leader model, and for the rest of the gang, at least half must be made up of Henchmen. The remainder of the gang can be Professionals who add special skills and abilities to your gang, or you can have even more Henchmen if you prefer.
Choose a Scenario
Next, you and your opponent must decide on a scenario (sometimes called a mission or story) to play. Each scenario will have different conditions or objectives that need to be met in order to win the game. It could be as simple as defeating the other gang, or more complex such as finding gold and getting away with it fast. Scenarios are listed starting on page 62.
Rolling Dice
You should always attempt to roll your dice in an open and clear area of the board. If your opponent agrees, you may use other devices for your rolls such as dice towers or special bowls or cups or dice rolling apps for your favorite handheld device. You should consider any D6 that rolls off the board as cracked, and roll it again. There will be situations where you are permitted to reroll dice, such as the Leaders Luck rule on page 29. When making a reroll, the result of the rerolled D6 is always final. You cannot reroll a reroll, even if your leader still has more lucky dice to spare.
Target Numbers
A target number is what you need to reach on a D6 to successfully perform an action, such as shooting or fighting in melee combat. Results are never added together unless specified. Your Target Number will always be from 1 to 6, in most cases it is the amount of dice that reach or exceed the target number that count. The more you get, the better! Regardless of how many modifiers are added, a 6 will always be considered successful and a roll of 1 will always fail. Even if your Target Number happens to be a 1, you still roll your dice and count 1s as a miss, in this case you will need to roll a 2 or higher. There are some exceptions for specific rules, such as a Doctors ability to heal fallen models, and those exceptions will be noted where those specific rules are explained.
Base Sizes
The models we produce will come with a round, 30mm base for them to stand on. This is the preferred base size for all man-sized models, though a 25mm base is also acceptable. Horses should be on a 40mm round base.
Personal Space
Unless you plan to attack a model in hand to hand combat, the edge of your models base must stay more than 1 away from any enemy model. If your models entire base cannot fit between this 1 area and an obstacle or another models base, your path is effectively blocked and you will have to take the long way around or fight your way through. If for any reason your model enters an enemy models personal space, those models are automatically considered to be fighting in melee combat. This rule only applies to enemy models. Friendly models may get as close as you wish. The only thing that could negate this rule is if a model is totally obscured by terrain (such as a behind a wall or in a building) where an enemy model cannot see them at all.
Your model may only attack something in front of it. This is referred to as your models facing. Facing defines what is in your models field of view, and this is determined by where the model itself is looking. Draw an imaginary line across the base with the models face straight ahead. It can see anything within a 180 degree arc in front of it. Any potential target behind a model may not be attacked unless the model turns around to face it during its movement. Attacking a model from behind gives you an advantage, since the target wont see it coming. Any attack against a model from behind, be it shooting or melee, will get a +1D6 bonus when rolling to hit.
Facing: You can see in a 180 degree arc in front of you.
Forming a Gang
To form a gang, all you need to do is buy the models you want to use. As mentioned previously, you need a Gang Leader model to lead your men and at least half of your gang, not including the leader, must be made up of Henchmen models. The minimum size for any gang is 5 models.
Henchmen make up most of your gang. Half of your gang, not including the Gang Leader, must be Henchmen characters. So, for example, in a starting gang with 5 members, you can have your Gang Leader, along with 2 Professionals and 2 Henchmen.
Gang Leaders
Your Gang Leader is the one who commands the rest of your gang. They all look up to him, and while he is standing, he may share his professions abilities with friendly models within 12. For example, if your Gang Leader is a Doctor, he can tell his gang members how to patch up someones wounds, or if he is a Gunslinger, his members can give up their movement to take aim together.
Hired Guns
Everyone is out to strike it rich in Blackwater Gulch. Some hunt for gold, and some hunt for men, and a select few offer their services to the highest bidder. Hired Guns are special characters that are not affiliated with any one gang. They will join forces with anyone willing to hire them, and they all possess unique skills or weapons not available to the general public. Your gang may include 1 Hired Gun for every 5 models. Hired Guns are also considered Professionals as far as your gang makeup is concerned, so you may need to add extra Henchmen to your gang as well in order to make sure they still make up half of your gang.
Gang Affiliation
Your Gang Leader will also have special abilities only available to characters affiliated with his gang, so it is a good idea to try and use as many characters from his gang as possible. However, you are allowed to mix & match and add characters from other gangs if you wish. Even outlaws and lawmen who are bitter rivals may have to join forces against a common enemy sometimes. If you do add in members from other gangs, they will not benefit from the gangs special ability. Only members affiliated with the leaders gang will be affected.
Your Gang Leader and Professionals possess special abilities only available to them. Please see page 32 for more information on the professions in Blackwater Gulch. 18
Forming a Gang
Every character has special Attribute numbers that are used to define different parts of their physique or how experienced they are. If you refer to a Character Card, you will see these numbers located on the left side of the front of the card. These attributes are: Health Points (HP) - Health determines how much damage a model can sustain before being taken out of action. When a model is injured during a game, its Health will go down by 1 point for each attack against him that he wasnt able to defend. If Health reaches zero, lay the model on its side, he is now out of action. Your Gang Leader has 3 HP, Professionals have 2 HP and Henchmen have 1 HP, unless they have a special skill to increase it. Defense Points (DP) - Defense is a special number used to see if a model can avoid being hurt by an attack. It represents their skill at dodging blows or bullets, or just knowing how to keep their head down. Like Health, your Gang Leader has 3 DP, Professionals have 2 DP and Henchmen have 1 DP, unless they have a special skill to increase it. Defense can also be increased temporarily by keeping your men in cover during the game. Experience (XP) - Experience is a number used to determine how much a member of your gang has learned over the course of his or her career. Your Gang Leader, being the biggest and the best, has a base level 100 XP, Professionals have 75 XP, and Henchmen have 50 XP. The weapons and equipment a character has will also add to his XP number, based on the level of the item. For example, a Colt 45 Peacemaker is a level 6 gun, and a model equipped with one would have 6 points added to their total XP. 20 Strength (Str) - How strong a model is. Mostly used to determine how much damage it can do when fighting in melee combat and how much it can carry. Quickness (Qui) - How fast a model can react to things happening around it. Mostly used for actions that will require coordination. Stamina (Sta) - How hearty and healthy a model is. Mostly used to resist certain types of damage or make you live longer. Intellect (Int) - How smart a model is. Mostly used for things that your model may need to think about or concentrate on, such as learning how to use better weapons, or knowing when its a good idea to retreat. Ranged Combat (RC) - Determines how well a model can shoot or throw something. Melee Combat (MC) - Determines how well a model is able to fight with fists, knives, axes and any other kind of handheld weapon that you dont shoot or throw.
Fame is used to determine the overall strength of your gang. Simply add up the XP level of all members of your gang, and this number will be your gangs Fame rating. If you play against a gang of similar Fame, you can expect your game to be balanced and fair.
Gang Leaders
The first member of your gang should be your Gang Leader. Hes the one the rest of the men look up to. Hes (usually) the toughest of the bunch, or the smartest, or most cunning, or all of the above. Give him a name, and start all of his Attributes at 1 with the exception of XP which will be 100, and HP & DP will be 3. Next, pick a profession for your Gang Leader. Add any bonus Attribute point he gets from his profession to the Attribute. Professions are listed starting on page 32. For every 5 points of XP a model has, it will earn 1 point to add to any Attribute. So, your leader now has a total of 20 points to spend increasing his Strength, Quickness, Stamina, Intellect, Ranged and Melee Combat. You may distribute these points however you wish, but no Attribute may be higher than 6. Now he needs some equipment. Browse through the Livery and General Store starting on page 74 to buy him some weapons. Keep in mind his current RC and MC level, and buy weapons that match his level or lower. You can equip him with higher level items, but they will be more difficult to use, so it is usually best to choose weapons that match his skill levels. Also keep his strength in mind, as he may only carry 1 item for each point of strength he has. Lastly, add up the level for each weapon chosen and add that to your leaders XP. For example, a Gang Leader equipped with a Bowie Knife (level 3), a Remington Army Revolver (level 4) and Winchester Repeater (level 5) would end up with a total of 112 XP, and he would also need a Strength of at least 3 in order to carry all 3 weapons.
You can find downloadable character cards like the one above on our website, in addition to good old fashioned roster sheets as well. 26
Leaders Luck
Every Gang Leader has a pool of 3 dice reserved at the start of each game. These dice may be used to add to any roll the leader is called on to perform for any reason during the game. He can use any amount of the pool at any one time, and once the dice are used they are lost. If your Gang Leader is out of action before he uses up all of his lucky dice, they will be lost, even if your leader is a Gambler. If he is healed by a Doctor and gets back in the fight, his dice are still lost. His luck has run out!
When a models Attributes reach level 4 and 6, they may be eligible to earn a new skill. You may select any skills you wish for your models, providing they meet the level requirements, but a model may only have as many skills as it has Intellect. For example, a model with an Intellect of 3 may learn up to 3 different skills.
Intellect Skills
4: Bravery - Lower target number by 1 when making a Morale roll. 6: Know-how - The model may use weapons 1 level higher than its RC or MC Attribute without a penalty. Bounty Hunters may use weapons 2 levels higher.
Strength Skills
4: Brute Strength - Your opponent must reroll one successful D6 from his saving throw in melee combat. 6: Strong Arms - Big muscles help you keep your gun steady when firing, making you less susceptible to recoil. Lower the models target number to hit with ranged combat with any weapon other than thrown weapons attacks by 1. When using thrown weapons, a model with Strong Arms will roll an additional +1D6 for range. In melee combat, a model with strong arms will pulverize their opponents, and this enemy will not be able to be healed by doctors if taken out of action.
Quickness Skills
4: Run & Gun - The model may attack (Ranged or Melee) if it ran, but with a +1 to its target number to hit. The model may only attack, no other actions may be performed. 6: Duck & Cover - The model gains +1 Defense.
Stamina Skills
4: Hearty - The model may reroll 1D6 from a failed saving throw. 6: Really Tough - The model gains +1 Health. 30 31
Bounty Hunter
Some would call them a Jack or Jill of all trades. Bounty Hunters excel at catching a man dead or alive... usually dead. To get the job done, they master a variety of weapons and tend to be stronger than most. Some bring only criminals to justice, but most will go after any bounty that pays well enough. Bounty hunters gain +1 Strength. They are known to use a variety of different weapons, and to reflect this they may use equipment one level higher than their current Ranged or Melee Combat Attributes with no penalty. The penalties are treated as one level higher. Pay attention and ya might learn something. If your Gang Leader is a Bounty Hunter, any friendly model within 12 of him will also have no penalty for using weapons 1 level higher than their current skill.
Relying on cunning and a little bit of luck, a Gambler always has a few tricks up his sleeve. He knows the odds and he counts the cards, and his nimble fingertips will help lighten your pockets whether its at the card table or in a dark alley. Gamblers gain +1 Quickness when first recruited. Always a bit luckier than most, a Gambler has one bonus D6 that he may add to any one roll in the game, the same as defined in the Leaders Luck rule on page 29. Dont tell me the odds. If your Gang Leader is a Gambler, he will combine his lucky Gambler D6 with his Leaders Luck dice for a total of 4, and any friendly model within 12 may use these dice if you wish, not just the leader.
Explorers and wanderers by nature, Prospectors spend most of their careers panning, digging and mining for gold and other precious minerals. Their shovels and picks are always at the ready, for working or fighting. They often will hire a gang for protection, or get recruited by one for their moneymaking skills. Prospectors gain +1 Stamina when first recruited. More at home in the wilderness than most, a Prospector knows how to conceal his whereabouts and blend in with his surroundings, so no one can follow the trail back to his claim. To represent this, a Prospector treats outdoor Area Terrain as Heavy Cover. In addition, Prospectors do not need to make a Quickness roll for moving in area terrain, and instead can move their full 6 every time, but still may not run. Keep yer heads down! If your Gang Leader is a Prospector, his Area Terrain cover bonus will apply to every friendly model within 12.
Usually more of a tonic salesman than a surgeon, Doctors do what they can to patch up your gangs hurt. Very few are formally trained, but they know enough to bandage a bad wound, splint a broken limb, or hack off a bad appendage. Most gangs employ Doctors to keep them fighting, or just to have access to different medicines. Doctors gain +1 Intellect when first recruited. During a game, a Doctor may revive a friendly model that is out of action. The Doctor must move within 1 of the fallen model, and heal them instead of attacking. The Doctor will make an Intellect roll, using the fallen models Stamina as a target number, however in this case you must roll at or below their Stamina level to revive them. Also in this case, rolling a 1 will not be an automatic failure. If the hurt model gets back up, but is taken out again, they may not be healed again by anyone and will remain down for the rest of the game. Put some pressure on that wound! If your Gang Leader is a Doctor, any friendly model within 12 of him will also be able to heal fallen models.
Most often found causing trouble in local saloons, a Wrassler has a bad attitude and a score to settle with anyone that gets in their way. They are first to start a brawl and the last to finish one. Try to stay on their good side, if they have one. Wrasslers gain +1 Melee Combat when first recruited. During a game, a Wrassler receives one bonus attack in melee combat when using melee weapons. For example, if he is wielding a 2-handed weapon, he may make 2 separate attacks, but if he is wielding two 1-handed weapons, he may make 3 separate attacks. Clobber em, boys! If your Gang Leader is a wrassler, any friendly model within 12 may also make 1 bonus melee attack.
Never one to miss a good shoot-out, a Gunslinger is a true marksman. With his sixguns by his side or a rifle in his arms, a Gunslinger can hit almost any target at any distance. Quite common in Blackwater Gulch, most gangs are more than willing to recruit them, and pay them well. Gunslingers gain +1 Ranged Combat when first recruited. During a game, Gunslingers may give up their movement (though turning on the spot to change your facing is allowed) and take aim. Gunslingers that aim will earn a -1 to their Target Number to hit. You wont miss with me doin the spottin If your Gang Leader is a Gunslinger, friendly models within 12 of him will also be able to give up their movement to aim.
Similar to games like chess or checkers, each player moves one model at a time, and each model may only move once and perform one action, usually attacking, each turn. This is commonly referred to as activation. After your model is finished, your opponent does the same with one of his models. Switch back and forth activating one model at a time until all models have been activated. It is a good idea to keep track of which models have been activated. You can just flip their Character Card over, or place a small counter next to a model such as a coin or glass bead. There are 3 parts, or phases, to activating a model: upkeep, movement and attack or actions.
At the beginning of each turn, both players roll 1D6, rerolling ties. The winner may choose who goes first and that person will activate his first model.
If a model needs to roll for morale, is on fire or had any other sort of effect placed on it previously, now is the time when you make whatever rolls are required to resolve the effects.
Every model may make a normal movement of up to 6 inches. When you move your model, you can end your movement facing any direction you choose, but this is the direction it will face until its next activation. Running - If you have a great distance to cover, you may wish to have your model run. In order to run, activate your model and make a Quickness roll. Add the number from the highest D6 to the amount of inches your model may move that turn. If a model runs, it may not attack or perform any other action until its next activation unless it has a special skill to allow it.
Blackwater Gulch is a lawless place, where gangs battle each other on a near daily basis. Fighting is the heart and soul of the game, and if you want to win, you have to get your hands dirty.
Ranged Combat
In order for your model to make a ranged attack (shooting a gun, throwing a stick of dynamite, etc), you will roll an amount of dice equal to your models Ranged Combat (RC) attribute, taking into account any modifiers you may have from professions, skills, cover, and more. Your model may attack any enemy model that it is facing and within its line of sight. You may measure the distance to any target you are able to see at any time, and attack whichever valid target you wish as long as it is visible within range. Under normal conditions, the number you need to reach is 4. Add or subtract any modifiers that come into play and this will be your target number. Roll an amount of dice equal to your Ranged Combat Attribute and keep track of every D6 that met or exceeded the target number. Your opponent will need to know how many successful rolls you made when he attempts to defend himself.
Choosing Weapons
Your Character Card will list all of the weapons a model is equipped with. Many models will have more than one type of weapon, such as a pistol in one hand and a rifle slung over its back. If this is the case, you must declare which weapon you are using before you roll your dice to attack.
Line of Sight
If you want to make a ranged attack, your model has to see it. A model should be able to form an imaginary line from its head to the target, with nothing blocking it completely. If your target only has the tip of a gun or top of his hat sticking out, that isnt good enough. Your attacking model should be able to see roughly 75% of the target model. Sometimes you will need to bend down, eye level to the board, and get a models eye view of the game to see if they can hit their target.
All terrain features will provide cover for models behind them and provide modifiers for ranged attacks. Soft Cover: If your target is behind soft cover (hedges, fences, overturned table, dead bodies), or about half of the target model is covered by terrain, add +1 to hit target number and your target gains +1 Defense. Hard Cover: If your target is behind heavy cover (stone wall or large rock, in a building looking out the window), or about 75% of the target model covered by terrain, add +2 to hit target number and your target gains +2 Defense. Needless to say, it is a good idea to take cover and not be caught out in the open. More rules for other special types of cover is detailed in the Terrain chapter on page 50.
Crowded Targets
If your target has another model (friend or foe) within its Personal Space, there is a chance you may hit the other model(s) if you miss. If you completely missed your roll to hit your intended target, count up the amount of other models within its personal space and within range of your gun and assign them a number from 1 to 6. Roll 1D6 and if it lands on an assigned models number, that is the one that got hit. This model will have to make a Defense roll as if it was hit with one successful D6, as defined in the Defense section on page 49. Example: There are 2 models within your targets Personal Space. The first model would be a 1, the second model would be a 2. You roll 1D6 and it lands on 2, the 2nd model has been hit by your shot.
Melee Combat
A models Melee Combat Attribute determines how well it can hit and hurt an enemy in melee combat (also referred to as close combat or hand to hand). In order to engage an enemy model in melee, your model must move within 1 of your opponents model, entering their Personal Space. In order to hit an enemy model, you will roll an amount of dice equal to your models Melee Combat Attribute in addition to any weapon or skill modifiers you may have. Like shooting, your target number to hit will be 4. Also like shooting, you must take note of every successful roll as your opponent will need this number when he attempts to defend himself. Once you enter an enemy models Personal Space, you and your enemy must fight in melee until one of you is defeated, or successfully moves away. You are both effectively locked in combat, and you may not decide to shoot at a different target instead. In the case of multiple models in melee together, you may only target models within your own Personal Space.
Not everyone fights fair in the Wild West. If you have more than one enemy model within your personal space, you are outnumbered, unless you have other friendly models attacking the same enemies in melee as well. If you are outnumbered, your attacks will have a +1 to hit your target number. But, if you outnumber your opponent, your target number will not change and you may add +1D6 to your roll. Example: Last turn, you and your enemy fought a melee with no outcome and the 2 models are continuing the fight this turn. Your opponent moves one of his models into your personal space, so the fight is now 2 on 1 and now his models will get an extra +1D6 when they attack you. You survive the attack from the new model, and move a friendly model in to join the fray. The fight is now even, and neither side is outnumbered.
Fist Fights
Weapons will provide different bonuses in melee combat, but any model may fight in melee combat whether they have a weapon or not. They can just use their fists, without any bonuses, and even though you may have 2 hands, you will only be allowed to make 1 attack as if you were using just 1 weapon. A 1-handed melee weapon will replace your fists, so if you want to make 2 attacks, you need to use 2 separate 1-handed weapons.
Models always get a chance to survive an attack, sometimes called a save or saving throw. When hit, roll an amount of dice equal to the models Defense statistic. The target number you will need to reach will be the Strength of your attackers weapon, or the attacking models Strength Attribute in the case of melee attacks. Take into account any modifiers that weapons may add to the attack. In addition to beating the Strength of the attack, the defending target must also roll enough successful saves to meet or exceed the amount of successful dice in the attacking to hit roll. If the defending target does not or cannot roll enough saves, it will lose 1 HP for the remainder of the game. If a models Health reaches zero, it is considered out of action. Lay the model on its side. It is effectively no longer in play, but should remain where it fell for other actions or scenario objectives that may affect it, or if a Doctor would like to try and heal them.
Right: Jacob Sparks and The Norwegian square off against Spearman and Chief Bloodwolf. Jacob can attack Chief Bloodwolf or Spearman, and Chief Bloodwolf may attack The Norwegian or Jacob. However, Spearman can only reach Jacob, as The Norwegian is more than 1 away, and The Norwegian may only attack Chief Bloodwolf.
Terrain is an all encompassing word used to define trees or buildings or any other objects you will use to decorate your game board to make it look more realistic. Gangfights should have a lot of terrain, so your gang members have things to hide behind or climb onto. Terrain is split into two types: Area Terrain and Obstacles.
Building interiors are a special kind of Area Terrain. All models within buildings are considered as being in Hard Cover for ranged attacks coming from the outside of the building, even if an attacker has a clear view to the model (for example, the model is inside but fully visible through an open doorway). Area Terrain movement penalties still apply while inside buildings, to represent your model having to move around furniture and other clutter that could be inside. When both the attacker and the target are inside a building, assume the target is in Soft Cover, even for melee attacks, again, to represent furniture and clutter.
Area Terrain
Area terrain is something like a wooded area, small pond or stream, the inside of a house or perhaps an area of rocky ground, or any other kind of terrain that would normally be difficult to move through, especially in the middle of a fight. To define a section of the board as Area Terrain, simply place terrain pieces inside a small area. A good way to show the area is to use a shaped base to show its borders, which can be made from colored cloth, cardboard, or thin sheets of wood that you can cut into any shape you wish and decorate. Place your trees or other items on top of the base. Any model within Area Terrain will be harder to hit if youd like to shoot at them. All models within Area Terrain are considered as being in Soft Cover for ranged attacks.
Tall or Flat Area Terrain
Tall Area Terrain would be something like woods or a building. Something that, in the real world, would logically prevent you from seeing through it. Tall Area Terrain will effectively block line of sight, meaning you cannot see a model behind it. Flat Area Terrain would be something like a pond or patch of bushes and shrubs, or other things that logically wouldnt obscure a target completely. Models behind Flat Area Terrain may be targeted.
There are many small obstacles that your models may have to hop over as they move. These could be items such as big rocks, hedges, fences or large pieces of furniture. When traveling over an obstacle, your movement distance will be lowered by 1 for each obstacle you cross as you hop over it. A model may not hop over an obstacle over 1 high, anything higher than that is considered impassable and you must take the long way around.
Above: Fences and small trees make great obstacles. These will count as Soft Cover.
Effects of Cover
As mentioned in the Ranged Combat section, remember that being in Soft Cover grants your model +1 Defense and attackers shooting at your model will have +1 added to their Target Number to hit. Heavy cover grants +2 Defense and +2 to hit.
Right: The large decorated base with trees on top is area terrain. Sam Winston may appear to have a clear line of sight to Boneshirt and Mohawk in the trees, but since they are inside the area terrain, they are considered to be in Soft Cover. Spearman is behind the area terrain and Sam cannot see him at all, because area terrain blocks line of sight.
Sometimes you could be so outnumbered or the casualties could be so vast that your men know its time to retreat. At the beginning of a game turn, if a gang is outnumbered AND has lost half of their members or more, they may run away. When this happens, during the Upkeep phase of each of your models activations, make an Intellect roll to see if it can stay in the fight. Your model needs just one successful D6 to pass its morale test and fight on. Your base target number is a 4. If your gang is outnumbered 2 to 1, your target number is a 5. If you are outnumbered 3 to 1 or worse, your target number is a 6. If the roll fails, the model will retreat and make a normal move toward the closest board edge. The model must move in the most direct route possible, though it may go around Area Terrain or Obstacles, and climb up or down stairs and ladders (instead of jumping) if necessary. After moving, you may face the model in any direction and perform a ranged attack as you normally would, or it may run toward the edge instead of attacking if you wish. The model may shoot at any target that is visible, but it will not voluntarily enter melee combat and must end its movement more than 1 inch away from enemy models. Models locked in melee must first try to leave the fight as defined on page 48. You will have to make a Morale roll for each of your models for the remainder of the turn. At the beginning of the next turn, check and see if your gang is still outnumbered. As you were making a fighting retreat you may have been able to inflict enough casualties on the other gang that youve turned the tide, and they could the ones retreating this time. Keep in mind that even if every model runs away, you could still win the game. For example, scenarios such as Gold Rush have objectives that can still be fulfilled even if you retreated. If your model was carrying more gold than the other, and managed to flee off the table, you win! Example: You and your opponent are both playing small 5-man gangs. In the previous game turn, you managed to take down one of his models, but he has taken down three of yours. As the turn begins, you have lost more than half of your gang, and are now outnumbered 2 to 1, so your models will roll for morale on their activations. You activate your first model, who has an Intellect of 2. You roll 2D6 with a target number of 5, but you roll 1 and a 3. The roll fails and your model immediately falls back toward the closest board edge.
Your gang members can travel on a horse to benefit from greater speed. Horses are available for purchase from the Livery and General Store listed on page 74. A horses listing includes any Attributes, statistics or skills & functions it may have. Horses also have an XP rating for the purposes of determining your gangs Fame. Some or all of your gang members may have their own horse. Please remember the WYSIWYG rule. If you want a model to ride a horse, you will need to have a model of your gang member on a horse, in addition to a similar model on foot to be used in case he wants to get off the horse or the horse is killed. In order to use a horse, you simply activate its rider as you normally would. If the rider ever dismounts, the horse will remain where he left it until he returns. Movement: A horse will have a movement speed associated with it, this is how many inches it can move each turn. The rider may also use a run action for the mount, but using the horses Quickness Attribute. The rider cannot attack or perform any other action if the horse is running. Mounting & Dismounting: The rider can get off or on his horse whenever he wishes. A rider must mount or dismount instead of moving or attacking. If your model wants to get on a horse, it must end its movement within the horses Personal Space. Example: if you begin your activation by dismounting, you will not be able to move anywhere unless you run, moving only the distance in your Quickness roll, or you may attack. If you would like to get on your horse after walking up to it first, you will not be able to attack or perform any other action. Shooting at Horses: If you wish to attack a mounted model, simply roll your attacks as normal. If all rolls miss, roll a 56 further D6 and on a roll of a 1 or a 2, your shot hit the horse instead, similar to the Crowded Targets rule on page 44. You cannot target the horse itself, your attack is always made against the rider, unless your missed shot hits the horse. A model on a horse counts as being in Soft Cover. If a horse is taken out of action, but the rider is still alive, remove the horse model and replace it with a model of the rider on foot. If a rider is taken out of action, assume the horse ran off and left him for dead. Attacking from a Mount: As long as you dont direct your horse to run, you may still make a ranged or melee attack. If your horse moved, you will have a +1 added to your target number to hit. There is no penalty if the model remained stationary, or just turned on the spot to change its facing. In melee combat, a horse counts as a second model for the purposes of outnumbering, though the horse itself does not fight. Due to its size and strength, a rider on a horse may freely leave melee combat during his movement and cannot be restrained. Trampling: Horses will not fight in combat normally, but the rider may direct his horse to trample a target. Declare that you want to trample when you move the model. The rider will direct the horse to run, and may only move in a straight line. Any model (friend or foe!) that will come within 1 of the horse along its path risks being trampled. Models may jump out of the way by making a Quickness roll, using half of the total inches moved as a target number. You only need one successful roll to jump out of the way. If a model fails the roll, it is trampled! Roll a D3 to see how many saves the trampled model must make, using the horses Strength to resolve the damage done.
High Noon
This Town Aint Big Enough
Both gangs have run into each other, and this town aint big enough for the both of you. This is what is considered a normal gang fight where the object is, quite simply, to kill the other gang.
Bounty Hunting
Word has it, theres a price on someones head. Always looking for a quick buck, many gangs are out on the hunt. Hes wanted, dead or alive!
Wipe out the other gang or send em packing. The winner will be whichever player has taken the entire enemy gang out of action, and/or forced them to run away. If your game is cut short, or you are playing with a fixed turn or time limit, when the game ends simply add up the XP for every enemy member that you took out of action or forced to flee completely off the board. This will be your score for the game, and whoever scores the highest is the winner.
Set Up
The attacker should have at least 1 Bounty Hunter in the gang. If there are more than 1, nominate which Bounty Hunter will be going after the bounty. If there are none, the gangs leader will be after the bounty instead. The attacker then selects 1 enemy model to be the one with a price on his head. Simply choose one, or use a random way to determine. The wanted model can (and should!) be placed in cover or inside a building.
Attackers must take out the wanted model, defenders must take out the nominated Bounty Hunter. If the wanted model is taken out of action or flees off the board, the attacker wins at the end of that turn, unless a doctor can heal him before the turn ends, or the Bounty Hunter is taken out as well. If the Bounty Hunter is taken out of action or flees off the board, the defenders will win at the end of that turn, unless a doctor can heal him or the wanted model is also taken out. If both the wanted model and the Bounty Hunter are taken out of action in the same turn, and not healed before the turn ends, the game will end as a draw.
Stay of Execution
A member of your gang as been captured by a rival and is about to be executed for his crimes. Now is the time to stop them! If freed, the captured model will only be permitted to defend himself in melee combat with just his fists, unless a friendly model within his Personal Space spends his activation to lend the captive one of his weapons instead of shooting or fighting, or any other action. The defending player will not be allowed to attack the captive unless he is first freed. Then all bets are off! If the executioner is killed, the captive will remain where he is until freed as described above. He is tied up and cant move on his own. The defenders still may not attack him unless he is freed first. If the captive is freed, he must attempt to flee off of any board edge. The Attackers will win at the end of the current turn if they can free the captive model and it can escape off the board. The defenders will win if they can take the captive out of action while its escaping.
Set Up
Add a suitable terrain feature for a hanging or other sort of execution in the center of the board. This could be a model representing gallows, or simply a tree that could have a branch with a noose tied to it. If you do not have a suitable piece of terrain, you may use a building and consider it a jailhouse or rival gangs hideout. The defender selects any one of his models to be the executioner, and any one of the attackers Henchmen models as the captive. Place the executioner and captive within 1 of the special terrain piece. The captive should be in the executioners Personal Space, but they cannot fight each other. After these 2 models are placed, set up the rest of your models based on the layout you chose.
The objective is to free the captured model or take all of your enemies out of action. To free the captive, one of the attackers models needs to be within the captives Personal Space and spend a turn freeing him instead of attacking or performing any other action. The model attempting to free him must make a Strength roll of 5+, and may roll +1D6 for every other friendly model in the captives Personal Space. 64 65
Gold Rush
Youve heard prospectors saying theres some gold running through this place. Your gang is out to claim their share, but so is everyone else.
Get all the gold! To collect a chunk of gold, a model simply walks up to it and picks it up instead of attacking or performing any other action. The counter is kept with the model at all times. A model may carry up to 1 chunk of gold for each point of Strength it has, no more. If a model with gold is taken out of action, all of it will drop at his feet and any other model may pick them up, but may only pick up 1 piece per turn. One gang must eliminate the other, but if a model has at least one piece of gold, it may voluntarily flee off the board via the gangs starting board edge. If all gold chunks are taken off the board, the game will end at the end of that turn, and the player with the most gold will win. If both players have the same amount, the game is a draw. If one entire gang is wiped out, the game will end and the remaining player may claim all pieces left on the board. Each piece of gold that a player can remove from the board is worth 1 point. At the end of the game, when one gang is either wiped out or fled, the gang with the most chunks of gold will win, even if they were the gang that was wiped out.
Set Up
Each player rolls 1D6, plus the amount of Prospectors in their gang, if any (for example, if you have 2 Prospectors, you will add 2 to your roll). This total is how many chunks of gold they may place on the board. First, the defender will place one of his gold chunks in the center of the board. You may use any kind of suitable token, such as a glass bead or small coin. Next, the attacker will place 1 chunk 8 away from it in any direction. Then both players will take turns placing 1 chunk at a time in any direction, 8 away from any other chunk. All chunks must be at least 2 away from each other.
A common 2-handed, medium to long range gun. Repeating rifles have a magazine or other sort of mechanism that can hold several rounds, allowing a talented shooter to fire several bullets in quick succession, granting +1D6 when rolling to hit.
Some melee weapons have long blades or shafts that can be used to parry or block incoming blows. A weapon that can parry will give the wielder +1 Defense against melee attacks. If a model is equipped with two 1-handed weapons that can parry, he will earn +1 Defense and also be permitted to reroll 1 failed D6 in a saving throws from melee attacks.
Most common in Blackwater Gulch, pistols or revolvers are guns with a short to medium range. As they are 1-handed weapons, if a model has a pistol in each hand, it may shoot twice.
These are commonly 2-handed, long range rifles meant to take out targets at a great distance. Extra long barrels and steady hands give these rifles the ability to reroll 1 missed D6 when you roll to hit.
A rifle that is a short ranged, 2-handed, double-barreled gun meant to blast whoever gets too close. They fire shells full of buck shot, granting +1 Strength when fired at targets in Close Range. 68 69
Exploding weapons are very dangerous. Not only is it bad to be caught in the middle, all explosions have a blast radius of 1D6 and anything caught in the radius is in for some pain. Roll to hit as normal, you just need 1 successful hit for the explosion to go off. Roll 1D6 for the blast radius and measure out from the edge of the targets base the amount of inches rolled, and any model within this distance is caught in the blast and will be hit as well, friend or foe. The target model will take 1D6 hits from the explosion that must be saved with a Defense roll. If a models entire base falls within the blast radius, it will take 1D3 hits. If a models base is just partially in the blast radius and not fully inside, it will take 1 hit. Example: 3 models are caught in a dynamite blast and must make a saving throw to avoid being hurt. The stick of dynamite has a strength of 5. The target model rolls a D6 and scores a 4, the second is fully within the blast radius, so he rolls a D3 and comes up with a 2. The 3rd model only had half of his base touched by the blast radius, so he just takes 1 hit. The target model will need to make 4 saves with a target number of 5 to avoid being hurt, while the second will only need to make 2 saves, and the third just makes 1 save. Unless otherwise specified, an explosive weapon must be used against a model, not just targeted at the ground.
Super Strength
There could be occasions where the Strength of an attack gets modified to be higher than 6. For example, a model with a Long Barreled Shotgun firing at a target in close range would be attacking with a total of 7 Strength, but dice only go up to 6. To address this, every point of Strength over 6 will force the target to reroll 1 successful D6 for his saving throw. In the above example, the unfortunate target getting hit with a Strength 7 attack would have to make a Defense roll with a Target Number of 6, and then he will have to reroll one successful D6.
On Realism
In reality, most if not all of the guns in the game could shoot quite far. To break it down into realistic terms where 1 inch in the game could equal around 4-5 feet in reality, just about every gun could shoot clear across the board, and then some, with very little difficulty. The game, however, wouldnt be very fun if everyone just sat in the corners shooting at the opposite side. In the interest of game balance and enjoyment, the ranges represented above were selected to provide a challenge and allow players many fun tactical options, and to make the game interesting and entertaining. Furthermore, some weapons held very small amounts of ammunition, or could only fire once or twice in succession. This is something we just do not consider, again in the interest of gameplay and fun. Just assume your gang members are reloading their weapons on the move.
Models Strength
Mostly just for melee weapons, a Strength value listed as M on the equipment listing means you will use the attacking models Strength to determine the Strength of the attack. Some weapons may also add extra Strength to your attack, and if so this will be listed in the Strength values of the weapon as M+1 or M+2 and so on.
Volcanic Pistol
Short Range
Long Range
Short Range
Long Range
Tomahawk or Hatchet
1-Handed Melee
1-Handed Melee
Volcanic Carbine
Short Range
Long Range
Short Range
Long Range
Throwing Knives
Str Type/Notes
Short Range
Long Range
Short Range
Long Range
Short Range
Long Range
1-Handed Melee, Parry
2-Handed Melee
Henry Repeater
Short Range
Long Range
Short Range
Long Range
Short Range
Long Range
Colt 45 Peacemaker
Short Range
Long Range
Short Range
Long Range
2-Handed Melee, Parry
Short Range
Long Range
Winchester Repeater
Short Range
Long Range
Short Range
Long Range
Str Type/Notes
Thrown, Explosive
1-Handed Melee, Parry, also requires Quickness of 3
Small Horse
Large Horse
War Horse
Activation 39 Attribute Rolls 14 Area Terrain 50 Attributes 20 Attacking 42 Base Sizes 15 Bounty Hunter 32 Buildings 50 Choosing Weapons 42 Cover 45 Crowded Targets 44 Defense (Saving Throw) 49 Defense Points (DP) 20 Dice 11 Doctor 35 Experience (XP) 20 Explosives 71 Facing 16 Falling 40 Fame 21, 28 Fist Fights 48 Flaming Weapons 72 Gambler 33 Game Board 11, 13, 58 Game Board Setups 59, 60, 61 Gangs 10, 12, 18 Gang Affiliation 18 Gang Creation 26 Gang Leaders 18, 27 Gunslinger 37 Health Points (HP) 20 Henchmen 19 Hired Guns 19 Horses 56 How Many Hands 68 Initiative 38 Intellect (Int) 21 Jumping 40 Ladders 41 Leaders Luck 29 Leaving Melee Combat 48 Line of Sight 44 Longarm 68 Measuring 16 Melee Combat (MC) 21 Melee Comnat (Attacking) 46 Melee Combat Modifiers 47 Morale 55 Models Strength 72 Movement 39 Obstacles 52 Outnumbered 47 Parry 69 Personal Space 16 Pistol 68 Professions 18, 28, 32-37 Prospector 34 Quickness (Qui) 21 Ranged Combat (RC) 21 Ranged Combat (Attacking) 43 Ranged Combat Modifiers 43 Repeater 69 Running 39 Scenario 12 Shotgun 68 Skills 30 Stairs 41 Stamina (Sta) 21 Strength (Str) 21 Super Strength 73 Tackling 41 Target Numbers 14 Terrain 50 Thrown Weapons 70 Upkeep 39 Wrassler 36
Cheat Sheet
Set Up
1. Choose a Game Board Gang Setup (page 60) 2. Choose a Scenario (page 62)
1. All models move 6 2. To run instead of attacking, make a Quickness roll. The highest D6 rolled shows the additional distance you can move, in inches. 3. Stay 1 away from enemy models, unless you plan to
1. Base target number to hit = 4 2. Make a RC roll for shooting, MC roll for melee Combat Modifiers: If shooting at long range, add +1 to hit. If your target moved more than 6, add +1 to hit. If you attack from a moving horse, add +1 to hit. If you are using a weapon with a skill level that is higher than RC or MC, add +1 to hit for each level above your Attribute, to a maximum of 6. Shooting a target with more than 1 model its personal space, add +1 to your to hit. If you are outnumbered in melee, add +1 to hit. If you outnumber your opponent in melee, add +1D6 when rolling to hit. 83