Cooperative Learning in Neural Networks Using Particle Swarm Optimizers
Cooperative Learning in Neural Networks Using Particle Swarm Optimizers
Cooperative Learning in Neural Networks Using Particle Swarm Optimizers
a F.
a Department
This paper presents a method to employ particle swarms optimizers in a cooperative conguration. This is achieved by splitting the input vector into several sub-vectors, each which is optimized cooperatively in its own swarm. The application of this technique to neural network training is investigated, with promising results. Keywords: Particle swarms, cooperative learning, optimization Computing Review Categories: G.1.6, I.2.6
1 Introduction
Particle Swarm Optimizers (PSOs) have previously been used to train neural networks[6, 10] and generally met with success. The advantage of the PSO over many of the other optimization algorithms is its relative simplicity. This paper aims to improve the performance of the basic PSO by partitioning the input vector into several subvectors. Each sub-vector is then allocated its own swarm. In Section 2, a brief overview of PSOs is presented, followed by a discussion of how cooperative behavior can be implemented through a splitting technique in Section 3. Implementations, applied to both neural network training and function minimization, are described in Section 4, followed by results obtained from various case studies in Section 5. This paper is concluded by some ideas that can serve as future research directions.
worse performance on others. Kennedy [7] used cluster analysis to modify the update equations so that particles attempt to conform to the center of their clusters rather than attempting to conform to a global best. This approach resulted in improved performance on some problems, but slightly worse performance on others.
2 Particle Swarms
Particle swarms, as rst described by Eberhart and Kennedy [3, 5], are best classied under the heading of evolutionary computing. The basic operational principle of the particle swarm is reminiscent of the behaviour of a ock of birds or the sociological behaviour of a group of people. Various attempts have been made to improve the performance of the baseline Particle Swarm Optimizer. Work done by Eberhart and Shi [9, 4] focus on optimizing the update equations for the particles. Their improvements generally leads to better performance on a very large class of problems. These improvements can be (and have been) applied to the technique presented here. Angeline [1] used a selection mechanism (as used in genetic algorithms) in an attempt to improve the general quality of the particles in a swarm. This approach lead to improved performance on some problems, but somewhat
In a cooperative learning framework, several populations will be considered simultaneously [8]. The solution vector is then split amongst the different populations according to some rule; the simplest of schemes does not allow any overlap between the space covered by different populations. Thus, to nd a solution to the original problem, representatives from all the populations are combined to form the potential solution vector, which is passed on to the error function. A new dimension is now added to the survival game: cooperation between different populations. The same concept can easily be applied to PSOs. Theres already some form of cooperation between the elements in the swarm: they all share the global best position. By using multiple swarms and splitting the vector across these swarms inter-swarm cooperative behavior emerges. Two new problems are introduced with this approach, however: Selection: The solution vector is split into N parts, each part being optimized by a swarm with M particles, leaving N M possible vectors to choose from. The simplest approach is to select the best particle from each swarm (how to calculate which particle is best will be discussed later). Note that this might not be the optimal choice, it is analogous to pairing highly t members of a GA population only with other highly t members, which is known to have a detrimental effect on training performance. Credit assignment: This is analogous to the real-world problem of handing out group projects to students: Who gets the credit for the nal product? In terms of swarms, how much credit should each swarm be awarded when the combined vector (built from all the swarms) results in a better solution? A simple solution is to give all swarms an equal amount of credit. The next section will present an argument to help explain why splitting the vector results in improved performance.
3 Cooperative Learning
The driving force in a population of solutions in a genetic algorithm is the competition between the different members of the population. During crossover, two solutions cooperate to produce new solutions, but this serves only to create new members who will compete for the top spot.
an improvement. However, the valuable information contained in the middle component (vk b ) has been lost, as the optimal solution requires a sub-vector of (20,20,20). The reason for this behavior is that the error function is computed only after all the components in the vector have been updated to their new values. This means an improvement in two components (two steps forward) will overrule a potentially good value for a single component (one step back). One way to overcome this behavior is to evaluate the error function more frequently, for example, once for every time a component in the vector has been updated. A problem still remains with this approach: evaluation of the error function is only possible using a complete n-dimensional vector. Thus, after updating component vk b , n 1 values for the other components of the vector still have to be chosen. A method for doing just this is presented below.
above), and the one chosen for the implementation used to obtain the results presented here. This algorithm optimizes each variable separately within each epoch, but cooperates with other variables between epochs.
4 Implementation
The optimization method described in Section 3 involves a trade-off: increasing the number of swarms leads to a directly proportional increase in the number of error function evaluations, as one function evaluation is required for each particle in each swarm during each epoch. The total number of error function evaluations can thus be summarized as: Nf Ns N p E (1)
where N f is the number of error function evaluations, Ns the number of swarms used, N p the number of particles per swarm and E the number of epochs allowed for training. An extreme example illustrates this point: Consider that a single swarm using n-dimensional vectors is allowed to train for 2n epochs. To keep the number of error function evaluations constant (thus the execution time), a system using n 1-dimensional swarms will only be allowed to train for 2 epochs. Clearly the swarm optimizer will require more than 2 epochs to nd a good solution (assuming that the single-swarm set-up was able to nd a good solution in 2n epochs). One way to increase the number of allowed epochs is to reduce the splitting factor. In the above example, splitting the n-dimensional vector across only two swarms will allow n epochs for optimization, which is more likely to succeed than only two epochs!
Figure 2: Neural network architecture 4.1.1 Plain The plain architecture takes the weights from the different layers and serializes them into a D 1 M M 1 C-dimensional vector, which is optimized using a single particle swarm. This architecture is used as the baseline for the benchmarks. 4.1.2 Lsplit The Lsplit, or Layer-split architecture splits the network weights between two swarms. The rst swarm contains the D 1 M weights from the rst layer, while the second swarm optimizes the M 1 C second-layer weights. This architecture was chosen on the assumption that the relative scales of the weights in these two layers differ. The number of allowed forward propagations, N f , is kept constant by halving E, the number of allowed epochs during training. 4.1.3 Esplit The Esplit, or Even-split architecture takes the serialized D 1 M M 1 C-dimensional vector (as used in the plain architecture) and splits it in half. The assumption here was that splitting the vector into a 90%/10% conguration (as sometimes happens with Lsplit) does not leave the 90% part with sufcient freedom to maneuver, thus an even split would result in the optimal 2-way split. The number of epochs are halved again to keep the number of error function evaluations constant. 4.1.4 Nsplit The Nsplit architecture attempts to build on the Lsplit approach by splitting the weights according to function. For each hidden and output unit, a swarm is created containing all the weights entering that unit. This results in M D 1-dimensional vectors plus C M 1-dimensional vectors, for a total of M C swarms. By applying (1) it becomes clear that a large number of hidden or output units would put this architecture to a severe disadvantage, as the number of allowed epochs will be signicantly reduced. Thus, if the plain architecture was allowed to train 4
As was the case with the neural network experiments, the plain architecture makes use of only a single swarm consisting of n-dimensional vectors. This again serves as the baseline for comparison. 4.2.2 Dsplit The Dsplit architecture is the extreme opposite of the plain architecture, splitting the n-dimensional vector across n 1dimensional swarms. It is called Dsplit (in lieu of Nsplit) to avoid confusion with the denition of Nsplit given above.
5 Case Studies
5.1 Neural Network Experiments
The data sets used in this section were obtained from the UCI machine learning repository [2]. All experiments were performed using 500 runs per architecture. The tables appearing in this section show the classication error, expressed as a percentage, followed by the 95% condence interval width. Each table lists the total error (train + test) as well as the training error. Note that the Training error is the more signicant of the two, as no attempt was made to prevent over-tting. 5.1.1 Iris The Iris classication problem consists of 150 patterns falling into three classes. This is considered to be a simple classication example, as the three classes are (almost) linearly separable. A 4-input, 3-hidden and 3-output network architecture was used. From Table 1 it is clear that the 2-way split architectures (Lsplit and Esplit) perform signicantly better than the plain architecture. Early on during training the difference is in the order of 267%, settling to 241% later on. Figure 3 presents the training errors graphically. It is interesting to note that the slope (rate of improvement caused by more iterations) of the split architectures seem to be less steep than the plain approach. The Nsplit architecture is leading by a small amount. Table 2 shows the results of a convergence test. Here, a training session is said to converge when it fails to improve for 200 consecutive epochs. The second column in this table lists the average number of error function evaluations (forward propagations in the network) used during training, until the network converged. The 2-way split
Error (Total) 6.00 2.81 2.59 2.39 3.99 2.02 2.07 1.88
95% dev. 0.43 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.34 0.17 0.23 0.23
Error (Train) 5.52 2.32 2.06 1.73 3.69 1.55 1.53 1.49
95% dev. 0.41 0.23 0.24 0.22 0.32 0.17 0.22 0.23
Table 1: Iris plain vs split architectures Type plain Lsplit Esplit Nsplit Fwd. Props. 27468 64165 62573 300000 Error (Total) 5.03 1.24 1.10 1.24 95% dev. 0.56 0.16 0.07 0.08 Error (Train) 4.50 0.72 0.59 0.64 95% dev. 0.57 0.16 0.06 0.07
Figure 3: Iris classication error (train) architectures used roughly twice as many function evaluations as the plain method, but much lower classication errors result. The Nsplit architecture completely failed to converge, which probably means that the threshold used in the convergence test is too sensitive. Besides the failure to converge, the error after 300000 epochs still exceeds the Esplit approach. 5.1.2 Ionosphere The ionosphere problem has a much higher input dimension than the Iris problem, but only two output classes. This results in a 34-input, 5-hidden and 2-output network architecture. Due to the high input dimension (versus the output dimension), the Lsplit architecture becomes highly unbalanced at a 175:12 ratio, or a 94%/6% split. Having to train a 175-dimensional vector using 500 epochs (Lsplit) vs 187-dimensional vector using 1000 epochs (plain) explains why the Lsplit architecture performs worse than the plain method. The Esplit method regains this ground by (narrowly) beating the plain architecture. Figure 4 graphi5
Figure 4: Iono classication error (train) cally illustrates this fact. The Nsplit architecture falls somewhere between the Lsplit and the plain architectures. This is probably caused by the higher interdependancy between the variables, i.e. some weights in the network may be correlated.
5.1.3 Glass The glass problem is difcult to solve, possibly because of its severely skewed class distribution. An 8-input, 6hidden, 6-output unit network was used to perform the experiments. Table 4 shows that the Esplit method again outperformed all the other architectures. The Lsplit architecture is relatively well balanced, at a 54:42 ratio, so that it performs similarly to its sibling, Esplit. Nsplit seems to perform well, beating the other architectures at low epoch counts and drawing even at high counts. Figure 5 shows how dramatically the plain network improved by going from 500 epochs to 1000 epochs.
Error (Total) 0.91 1.17 1.09 1.07 0.86 1.06 1.01 1.03
95% dev. 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.08
Error (Train) 0.42 0.63 0.39 0.48 0.32 0.42 0.29 0.35
95% dev. 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04
Table 3: Iono plain vs split architectures Type plain Lsplit Esplit Nsplit plain Lsplit Esplit Nsplit plain Lsplit Esplit Nsplit Epochs 500 250 250 42 1000 500 500 83 2000 1000 1000 167 Error (Total) 13.79 9.87 9.41 8.57 11.08 9.33 8.90 8.94 9.83 8.87 8.74 8.70 95% dev. 0.74 0.39 0.36 0.35 0.53 0.26 0.25 0.22 0.36 0.21 0.23 0.24 Error (Train) 13.78 9.86 9.40 8.58 11.08 9.31 8.90 8.93 9.83 8.87 8.72 8.72 95% dev. 0.74 0.39 0.36 0.35 0.53 0.26 0.25 0.23 0.36 0.21 0.23 0.24
Table 4: Glass plain vs split architectures Type plain Dsplit plain Dsplit Epochs 500 25 1000 50 Error (Total) 8.46e+00 5.73e-05 7.43e+00 1.75e-10 95% dev.
The Rastrigin function is quite easy to optimize, as it is basically an n-dimensional parabola with some cosine bumps on its surface. Formally, it is given by f x Figure 5: Glass classication error (train) 3 0n x2 3 0 cos2xi i
i 1 n
where n 20 and 5 12 xi 5 12, with its global minimum at 0. Since there are no cross-component products, it is possible to minimize this function component-wise. As can be seen in Table 5, the Dsplit architecture is decidedly superior, yielding errors that are several orders of magnitude smaller than the plain architecture. Another 6
95% dev.
Table 6: Griewangk function plain vs split architectures benet of the Dsplit approach is the reduced execution time. Note that although the number of error function evaluations were the same for both approaches, the overhead between error function evaluations is reduced in the Dsplit architecture as it deals with smaller vectors. This results in an effective speed-up factor of 2.5 for the same number of error function evaluations. 5.2.2 Griewangk Function The Griewangk function cannot easily be minimized component-wise, as it contains a product term: f x 1
i n n x2 i cos i 1 1 4000
lems tested so far. One possible explanation for this phenomenon is that the splitting leads to ner-grained credit assignment, reducing the chance of neglecting a possibly good solution for a specic component of the vector. Although the Esplit method ousted the plain architecture on all the neural network tests, it was not convincing in its victory on the Ionosphere problem. This is most likely due to a high degree of interdependency between the weights in the network, as the function minimization experiments shows that interdependent variables tend to reduce the effectiveness of the split approach.
7 Future Work
It has been observed in the results above that the split architectures are sensitive to the degree of inter-dependency between the variables, compared to the plain architecture. By using both an unsplit and a group of split swarms in conjunction, it might be possible to gain the best of both worlds. The split swarm would continue as usual, but during each epoch the vector formed by combining the best of all the split swarms could be injected into the unsplit swarm, serving as a new attractor especially if it has a lower error value than the previous best particle in the unsplit swarm. Another direction might be to nd the critical splitting factor (the number of disjoint swarms) where the reduction in the allowed number of epochs (for a xed error function evaluation budget) outweighs the benet of having more independent sub-vectors. It would be interesting to see if there is a universal constant governing this behavior. Lastly, different methods of addressing the credit assignment or the selection problems will be investigated.
x i
where n 10 and 600 xi 600, with a global minimum at 0. Table 6 shows that the Griewangk function, having more inter-dependencies between its component variables, benets less from the Dsplit architecture, although the reduction is still by a factor of two. This example serves to characterize the split-swarm approach to optimization: Problems that have a low interdependency between vector components lend themselves well to split-swarm techniques, while problems with high inter-dependency tend to show very little gain.
6 Conclusion
The improved performance can be cast into the framework of a sociologial phenomenon as follows: Let us assume that the societies under consideration require the skills of a patent lawyer. In society A it is desirable to be an engineer, thus all students strive to become engineers. Unfortunately, this society also requires other skills for other professions, e.g. lawyers or artists. Since all students are aiming at engineering, the do not develop their artistic or law skills, thus they will never develop to be successful patent lawyers. Society B might consist of several homogeneous factions, i.e. engineers, computer scientists, lawyers, artists, etc. A new student can now learn skills from more than one faction, e.g. law and engineering, and end up becoming a patent lawyer. Therefore society B tends to develop a solution to the problem more quickly by using the best specimens (best engineer, best lawyer) to train the new student, whereas society A only has good engineers to train their students. Splitting a vector to be optimized across multiple swarms, be it for neural network training or function minimization, appears to improve performance on all the prob7
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