Jar 25
Jar 25
Jar 25
Postal Address: P.O. Box 3000 2130 KA Hoofddorp Visiting Address: Saturnusstraat 8-10 The Netherlands Tel.: 31 (0)23 - 5679700 Fax: 31 (0)23 - 5621714
1 November 2004
JAR-25: LARGE AEROPLANES Please find attached a copy of Amendment 17 to JAR-25, effective 1 November 2004. Following the establishment of the European Aviation Safety Agency in September 2003 and the adoption of EASA Implementing Rules (IR), Certification Specifications (CS), and Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material (AMC) the Joint Aviation Authorities Committee made the decision that in future the JAA would publish amendments to the airworthiness JARs by incorporation of reference to EASA Implementing Rules, AMC and CS. Such publications would have a JAA cover with reference to the relevant EASA document, as well as any differences to it agreed by the JAA. The appended JAR-25 is published following this decision, and replace the current JAR-25 Amendment 16.
Book Supplement
Printed and distributed by Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112, USA on behalf of the Joint Aviation Authorities Committee.
The members of the Joint Aviation Authorities Committee are representatives of the Civil Aviation Authorities of the countries that have signed the Arrangements Concerning the Development and the Acceptance of Joint Aviation Requirements. A list of these countries is kept by European Civil Aviation Conference, 3 bis Villa Emile Bergerat, 92522 NEUILLY SUR SEINE Cedex, France.* Further printed copies of the Joint Aviation Authorities Documents can be purchased from Global Engineering Documents, whose world wide offices are listed on the JAA website (www.jaa.nl) and Global website (www.global.ihs.com). For electronic versions of Joint Aviation Authorities Documents please refer to the website of Information Handling Services (IHS) on www.ihsaviation.com, where you will find information on how to order. Enquiries regarding the contents should be addressed to Central JAA, Saturnusstraat 810, PO Box 3000, 2130 KA HOOFDDORP, Netherlands (Fax No. (31) 23 5621714).
* These countries are: [Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, European Aviation Safety Agency, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine & United Kingdom.]
Amendment 17
JAR-25 consists of Annex to the EASA Executive Director Decision 2003/02/RM dated 17 October 2003 (also called CS-25). For all references to Agency please read Joint Aviation Authorities/Authority as appropriate.
Amendment 17
Amendment 17