Beads in Indonesia: Peter Francis, JR

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Beads in Indonesia


BEADS ARE QUITE prominent III the lives of many Indonesian people, and the
archaeological evidence suggests that in the past they may have been even more
important. Because of their roles in modern society and their ubiquity in excava-
tions, several papers have been written about beads in the archipelago. Much re-
mains to be learned, however, a situation by no means confined to Indonesia.
Our knowledge ofIndonesian beads is limited for several reasons. One is the lack
of systematic research completed on them. Another is the newness of archaeology in
the country and the necessity of channeling economic resources into development,
which leaves the anthropological sciences with meager funds. A third is the in-
creasingly alarming destruction of archaeological sites by looters, plundering the
past before it can be preserved and studied. None of these problems is limited to
Indonesia; they have their counterparts in many nations, particularly developing
Because of these factors, we are in no position to present a comprehensive over-
view of beads in Indonesia. Rather, this paper is an attempt to clarify some issues
that have been raised previously, to make some new observations, and to suggest
avenues for further study.
While beads found at archaeological sites are the main subject of this paper, they
are not the only beads of interest to be found in Indonesia. In addition to beads from
archaeological contexts, heirloom beads-older beads currently in use-are also of
interest. A study of those in Sarawak (East Malaysia) has been undertaken (Francis
1989a), and because many indigenous groups there have counterparts in Kalimantan
(Indonesian Borneo), data from that work are incorporated in this paper.
The Dutch were the first to write about beads in Indonesia, having introduced
archaeology to their former colony. A study by Rouffaer (1899) discussed glass
"mutisalah" beads, dating them to the fifteenth century and suggesting that they
came from India; they had been first mentioned as early as 1702 (van der Sleen
1975: 98; Indraningsih 1985: 1). I have not seen this work, so cannot comment on his
version of what mutisalah beads were; as we shall see, their identification has pro-
voked some controversy.
Peter Francis, Jr., is director of the Center for Bead Research, Lake Placid, N. Y.
Asian Perspectives, Vol. 30, no. 2. 1991 by University of Hawaii Press. All rights reserved.

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Fig. 1. Map of Southeast Asia showing sites mentioned in text.


Nieuwenhuis (1904) discussed the cultural significance of beads, particularly
those of Central Borneo. His wide summary of beads was an early attempt at such
studies, but he tells us little about the origin of those in Indonesia except for the ones
that were being imported at that time.
Molsbergen (1925: pI. 5) published a "bead necklace from a prehistoric grave,"
with polychrome glass beads decorated with mosaic cane eyes, plain eye spots, or
multicolored lines combed into loops. The eye beads have since been published
often, from Sarawak (Beck 1930: K 18), Kuala Selinsing, Malaysia (Evans
1932:111-112; see also Lamb 1966:90), and Java (Seligman and Beck 1938: pI.
iV.1O; van Heekeren 1958: pI. 13; Y oshimizu i 981 : 58-59), and their age and origin
have been discussed (van der Sleen 1975: 98-99; Liu 1985: 25).
The first analyses ofIndonesian beads were done for van der Hoop (1932). Sever-
al scholars have considered Indonesian beads, but as van Heekeren put it (1958: 42),
"the last word on the antiquarian beads ofIndonesia has not yet been written. " Van
Heekeren (1958: 40-43) described some beads and published a few analyses. Some
he linked to the ancient Mediterranean, generally following other commentators.
He uncritically reported the opinion of C.E.A. Harlo, of the Mines Department,
who seemed to think the glass beads were made of clay and described their manufac-
ture on that basis. Van Heekeren's own discussion of bead making was more logical;
I return to it below.
Raats (1958) wrote of four beads found in Flores, types also known from other
parts of the country. Following Beck (1928), he identified them as Roman in origin.
The four were made by three different methods: winding (wrapping hot glass
around a mandrel), drawing (cutting a bead from a glass tube), and segmenting
(constricting a glass tube and cutting the resulting bulges apart). One of the wound
beads with eight facets paddled into the body is called a "twisted square" bead;
another of similar glass has protrusions or knobs on the surface and is known as a
"mulberry" bead. The drawn bead has corrugated layers of different colors and is
called the "chevron" bead. This type of segmented bead was made of two tubes of
glass, the inner one being coated with gold, and is known as a "gold-glass" bead.
Van der Sleen (1975: 100) dismissed the Roman identification of these beads and
proclaimed all of them to be Dutch. We now know that the gold-glass beads were
most likely made in Egypt in the Coptic and Early Islamic periods (Boon 1966;
Francis in press a). The twisted square and mulberry beads are European, dating
roughly from 1670-1780, and are likely Dutch (Francis 1987; Karklins 1987). Chev-
rons have been made in several European countries, but most are Venetian (Francis
Van der Sleen (1975:98-101), who attempted a global synthesis of bead history,
had some beads from Flores and Bali analyzed, and found some to have heavy lead
content. Though now regarded as a strong indication of Chinese origin (Francis
1989b:ll, 1989[:6), this was dismissed by van der Sleen (1975:99, 101) on the
grounds that Chinese museum officials told him that China had never exported
beads. Museum officials may well have told him that, but we know now that it is
not true (Francis 1986:32-34).
The most prolific recent writer on Indonesian beads has been Indraningsih (1982,
1983, 1985, 1986). Although she examined many beads and published some useful
data, she failed to make basic distinctions between bead materials or between manu-
facturing types. This resulted in the publication of analyses of shell and clay beads as
220 Asian Perspectives, xxx (2), 1991
though they were glass (Indraningsih 1985, 1986) and in lumping together possibly
fossil dentalium or shell beads with other beads distinguished only by color or
The latest research papers on Indonesian beads include two on beads from Muara
J ambi in Sumatra by Soekatno (1985, 1988). These are well done; the glass beads
were originally said to have been wound (1985: 308), but this was later amended to
say they were drawn (1988:224 n. 1). A good beginning on a larger scale was made
in a thesis by Ernawan (1987) in which he supplemented his findings on excavated
beads from Matesih with observations and interviews of local modern stone bead-
makers and glassmakers.
The analyses of Indonesian beads that have been published so far are discussed
in some detail below, in the section on glass beads. Before turning to glass beads,
however, we shall consider some made of other materials.
The earliest known beads are made of organic materials. Some of these (shell,
bone) survive fairly well into the archaeological context, while others (plant parts)
tend to decompose and disappear quickly. As more interest is focused on the earlier
phases ofIndonesian prehistory, one would expect more data on beads of this date to
come to light.
One of the most significant finds of beads made from organic materials was a
pierced specimen of Job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) found in Eastern Timor in a con-
text dated to pre-3000 B. c. (Glover 1979: 18). This fruit of the plant, often
erroneously called a "seed," is used worldwide for beads (Francis 1984: 194-195).
The plant has a long history as a cultigen, perhaps even preceding rice. Its origins
were once ascribed to Manchuria, China, or Northeast India (Watt 1908: 392-393),
and more recently to the Indo-Malaya region, notably the larger islands (Vavilov
1950). This find is not only a remarkable case of preservation but the earliest known
example of the use of Job's tears for beads.
Shell is almost universally used as a bead material. Shell beads are reported from
paleolithic sites throughout Indonesia, including Krai in old Surakarta, now in Cen-
tral Java (van Heekeren 1958: 164), Uai Bobo and Bui Cera Uato in East Timor
(Glover 1977: 43, fig. 7), Palawagan in Central Java, Kidangan and Kawengan in
East Java, Gilimanuk in Bali, Liang Bua in Flores, and Camplong in West Timor
(Indraningsih 1985).
Specific or generic identifications are not reported as often as they should be.
Those found by Glover (1977: fig. 7) were identified as Anadara, Trochus, Nautilus,
and Oliva. The Anadara and Oliva shells were used whole, being perforated only
once. It would be useful to know how the perforating was carried out (Francis
1982a; 1989d). From the plate it appears as though the univalve Anadara was
gouged or hammered, and that the Oliva shells were ground at their apices. The
Nautilus and Trochus shells were cut into disk beads and spacers (with multiple holes
for holding strands apart). At Gilimanuk, Bali (c. A.D. 50), the 1964 excavation
uncovered 1900 shell disk beads. These appear to have been made by the heishi
technique, in which flat shell is chipped into circlets, which are perforated and then
strung together on a stick or fiber and rubbed across a flat or grooved rock, produc-
ing beads of similar diameter (or a tapered strand, if so desired). The technique is of
great antiquity, dating to the upper Paleolithic in India (Francis 1982b, 1989d: 31). It
is also very widespread, found, for example, in the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand,
for the shell money of the "kula trading ring" (Malinowski 1922), in the Americas,
and in Africa. It would be valuable to trace the use of this technique within Indonesia
and to try to determine its connections with other Southeast Asian and South
Pacific shell-working methods.
Stones-more correctly rocks and minerals-are important raw materials for
beads. Before the introduction of efficient drilling techniques, stones with a softness
of less than about 5 on the Mohs scale were commonly worked; after that time
harder stones, especially the quartz family of minerals (hardness 6.5-7), were used.
In the Neolithic, stoneworkers in Indonesia were highly proficient. Finely made
adzes of chalcedony, jasper, and other hard stones are so often found in pristine
condition that it has been suggested that they were barter or magico-religious items
(Soejono 1984:59). These are still so used in Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea (see
also Hughes 1977: 175).
Closely related to the adzes are bangles and rings made of the same hard stones
(van Heekeren 1972: 164; Soejono 1984:61). Parallels with these have been cited by
van Heekeren from Thailand and Malaysia, though the comparison with the
Chinese bi (pi) is not apt. By examining samples of these rings and wasters in the
National Museum, Jakarta, we can tentatively reconstruct their manufacturing
stages. A stone nodule of the right size was chipped into a crude shape called a
"roughout." It was next pecked (repeatedly hit by a point) into a finer shape and
pecked in the center to make a concavity (PI. I) . The final hole was drilled, probably
PI. I. A rough nodule from Belambangan, EastJava, and two broken pecked blanks for carnelian
rings from Tasi Kmalaya, West Java. (Courtesy National Museum, Jakarta.)
222 Asian Perspectives, xxx (2), 1991
PI. II. Various stages of fmished carnelian rings and a horn reamer. The reamer was found at Tasi
Kmalaya (West Java), the chalcedony ring at Cheribon Oava), and the other rings at Banten Oava).
(Courtesy National Museum, Jakarta.)
with a bamboo and abrasives. A long conical object, possibly carabao horn, from
Tasi Kmalaya, West Java, a site where many unfinished rings were found, appears to
have been a reamer to smooth out the final hole. The last stage involved polishing
the rings by means of abrasives and a piece ofleather or something similar (PI. II).
The major difference between hard stone beads and bangles is in the drilling of the
hole or perforation. While bangles can be drilled by using an abrasive and bamboo,
it is much harder to perforate hard stone beads of any length with anything but a
hard drill bit. On the Indian subcontinent in Harappan and pre-Harappan times, drill
bits of flint or jasper were used to perforate beads of carnelian and agate; apparently
the granular variety of microcrystalline quartz is tougher than the fibrous variety
(Francis 1982c: 7-8; in press b). By the last few centuries B. C., southern Indians were
using double-tipped diamond drills (Gwinnett and Gorelick 1988), which found
their way to Rome (Gorelick and Gwinnett 1988) and China (Laufer 1915:28-35) .
Stone-bead making requires raw materials. Raffles's (1817: 29) survey of minerals
in Java listed no precious stones, but several semiprecious ones, none of which he
noted as being worked at that time. No survey of the semiprecious stones ofIndone-
sia has been published, but the O.T.e. Sukoco's (personal communication, 1989)
observations of Tiasky Emms, the leading stone-bead-making firm of modern In-
donesia, provide valuable data on this point. Carnelian in Java is found southwest of
a line drawn from Rangkabitung to Sukabumi (see Figure 2). This material is not of
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Fig. 2. Map of Java showing sites mentioned in text.
the highest quality, tending toward a mottled orange. The central region of Java is
devoid of semiprecious stones, except around Gombong, where some crystalline
quartz, garnet, and tourmaline are found. South of Solo, south of a line drawn from
Wonasar to Malang, there is better quality carnelian, as well as agate and chalce-
dony. This carnelian tends to be deep red in color, and is found in secondary Pre-
cambrian deposits. Chalcedony and Indonesia's best nephrite are found in north-
western Sumatra, and chrysoberyl in the southwest of that island.
The region around Sukabumi is currently a center for stone working and bead
making, though there seems to be no especially long tradition for it there. West of
Yogyakarta at Punung, bead making is carried out in a traditional manner. In
Sumatra agate beads are roughly tumbled and drilled at Pakanbaru. The antiquity or
histories of these industries have not been thoroughly investigated.
As for the past, the fairly large number of deep red carnelian pieces found in
various archaeological contexts in Indonesia and neighboring countries might sug-
gest the exploitation of the deposits south of Solo. Bead making is attested to at
Demak around the tenth century or so by the uncovering of two roughouts of
square bicones in carnelian (Ambary et al. 1977: 46).
It has long been assumed that India, the major stone-bead-making center of Asia
(Francis 1982c), was the source of semiprecious stones uncovered in most archaeolo-
gical contexts in Southeast Asia. Certainly this would be true of particular types,
such as the soda-etched bead uncovered at Leang Buidane in the Talaud Islands
(Bellwood 1985: 307-309), and it may well be true for the fancy faceted carnelians
found there as well. On the other hand, there is growing evidence that stone-bead
making also took place in other parts of Southeast Asia, including Mantai in Sri
Lanka, Klang Thorn in Southern Thailand, Oc-eo in Vietnam, Kuala Selinsing in
West Malaysia, and Bukit Maras in Sarawak (Francis 1989b:23-24). It would come
as no surprise, then, to discover that Indonesia, especially Java, once had a large and
flourishing stone bead industry; research along these lines should be pursued.
Beads of organic materials were most likely locally made within Indonesia. The
picture is less clear in the case of hard (quartz family) stone beads; some of them
were imports and others were locally made. For some glass beads, which have re-
ceived the most study of any beads in this region, we are able to make more definite
statements about their origin, trade, and chronology.
224 Asian Perspectives, xxx (2), 1991
Mutisalah is the Bahasa Indonesian/Bahasa Malay word for "false pearl." Mutisa-
lah beads do not resemble true mollusk pearls, but the term suggests an analogy to
several other languages-including Latin, Greek, French, and German-in which
the word for "pearl" is cognate with "bead." The root of the word, mati, is Sanskrit
for "pearl," but is often used in modern Hindi to mean "glass bead" as well.
Mutisalah (or muti tanah, meaning beads from the ground) is the name used in the
Lesser Sundas, especially Timor and Flores, to mean any small glass bead of opaque
red or orange. Such beads are highly prized. In Flores, they may be owned only by
the chieftains and are displayed on ceremonial occasions; common people are forbid-
den to wear them (Rokus Due Awe, pers. comm., 1989). It apparently makes no
difference if the beads are drawn or wound, as long as they are the right size, color,
and presumed antiquity (Sumarah Adhyatman, pers. comm., 1989).
Drawn mutisalah are Indo-Pacific beads (Francis 1990a). Mutisalah is commonly
used by most Indonesian archaeologists in this sense, as it was by Lamb (1965a,
1965b). Wound mutisalah are "coil beads" (Francis 1989b:14-15; n.d.), and are the
beads van der Sleen (1966, 1975) considered the "true" mutisalah.
Indo-Pacific beads (drawn mutisalah) were made first at Arikamedu, India, in the
third century B. c. and thereafter at various sites in India and Sri Lanka and farther
east, especially in Malaya. The western (Indian subcontinent) branch of the industry
continues to this day, while the eastern (Southeast Asian) branch ceased production
about A.D. 1200. The coil beads (wound mutisalah), with a heavy proportion of
lead, are Chinese in origin and were made from the ninth or tenth centuries until the
sixteenth century or so. In sites in the Philippines and Sarawak, coil beads all but
completely replace the Indo-Pacific beads around A.D. 1200.
One of the earliest occurrences of Indo-Pacific beads in Indonesia was at Gilima-
nuk, Bali, with nine radiocarbon dates averaging 1872 86 B.P. (Bronson and Glov-
er 1984: 41). Among the glass beads, there are also some "collar" beads, made by
heating a glass tube, flattening it, and constricting the ends to make small handles or
"collars" around the apertures. Collar beads are a distinctive Indian type (Francis
1988b). Glass ones were made in quantity at Arikamedu, and in the Indian context
they are mostly gone by A.D. 300. The presence of the collar bead and Indo-Pacific
beads and the early date of Gilimanuk suggest importation from Arikamedu itself,
though Oc-eo, Klong Thorn, or Mantai could have supplied the Indo-Pacific beads.
There are a few hints that some sites in Indonesia may have made Indo-Pacific
beads. Some chips and bits of glass found around Demak (M. Wayono, personal
communication, 1989) are suggestive of this, but do not constitute firm proof.
At Muara Jambi, near Palembang, Sumatra, Indo-Pacific beads were found with
a few drips and spatters, which would indicate glass working; some small clumps of
beads, which melted together when they were being reheated to smooth off the
sharp edges of cut segments; a black bead with a clogged perforation; and a piece of
glass formed by the melting together of apparently unperforated beads of black, red,
and green. All of these pieces are typical bead-making waste of the Indo-Pacific
industry, though this group alone is not necessarily indicative of bead making as
such (Francis 1990a). Similar waste products are found, for example, at Laem Pho
Chiaya, Thailand, but there is no further indication that bead making took place
there. The explanation seems to be that Takua Pa, a contemporary site across the
transpeninsular route from Laem Pho, was a bead-making center and that beads
were shipped in bulk to Laem Pho, where the people stringing them discarded the
waste materials.
Is this what happened at Muara Jambi? Did the beads come in bulk from some
Malayan Indo-Pacific bead-making center and were only strung in Sumatra, with
the nonbead waste being discarded? The beads were found in the courtyard of a
temple, hardly a place for a bead or glass furnace to be located. But the presence of
glass waste has to be explained in some way. Unfortunately, this was the one site
from which requests for samples for analyses were inexplicably denied; the analyses
potentially could have added a new chapter to the history of beads in Indonesia.
As for the wound mutisalah beads, the Chinese coil beads, there is not yet enough
evidence from excavated contexts to suggest when they may have first come into
Indonesia. In Sarawak they are present in small numbers at Kian Hitam (the Painted
Cave), Niah, in about the ninth century. This is contemporary with the earliest date
for them in Korea (Francis 1985a: 22). Their period of greatest popularity was be-
tween c. A.D. 1200 and 1500, after which time they were on the wane. There is little
evidence to show when they entered Indonesia or when they attained heirloom sta-
tus in the Lesser Sundas.
Java Beads
It is all but certain that some glass beads were made in central or eastern Java
around or before the ninth to tenth century, including some of the most spectacular
glass beads found anywhere in Asia at this time. There are several different types of
these beads, which can be related on the basis of certain shared characteristics.
The beads are generally large-2, 3, or even 6 cm or more in diameter. In shape
they are oblates. Most important is the fact that they are made on cores of poorly
fused waste glass, often of mixed colors, or reused beads. Precisely how they were
made remains to be learned. Technically they can be divided into two major types
and several subtypes.
Type I. These beads often have poorly fused cores of fritty glass, and straight
perforations. Onto this core have been fused thin slices of complex mosaic "eye"
canes (rods of glass built up in such a way that all through the canes is a design of
various colors). The result is a mosaic eye bead (PI. III). One such bead was found at
Kuala Selinsing; some are circulating in Sarawak, as noted above; and some were
found in south Sumatra. The majority have been found inJava (van Heekeren 1958:
pI. 13).
Type II. These differ from Type I in that the core is made differently and they are
decorated in another manner. The cores are rarely, if ever, of fritty glass, but rather
of glass that had been molten and flowed. Unlike most Type I beads, there is an
irregular bulge or concavity at the center of the perforations, marked by deep paral-
lel grooves running perpendicular to the orientation of the perforation. This must
be a result of the manufacturing technique, but at this point it is not understood
what caused this feature. Four varieties of this type have been noted:
Type II A. These are eye beads but, unlike the mosaic cane eye beads of Type I,
they are decorated with spots of white surrounded by a deep, rich green-blue (PI.
Type II B. These are decorated with several colors of glass laid down in lines, and
226 Asian Perspectives, xxx (2), 1991
PI. III. A mosaic eye bead (Type I), presumably made in Java. The interior of a similar bead,
though with a different pattern, reveals its grainy or "fritty" nature. (Center for Bead Research
Collection. )
then combed into a wave pattern by running a stick or wire through the glass while
it was still hot (PI. Va).
Type II C. These have a bright monochrome yellow exterior (PI. Vb).
Type II D. These beads are smaller than the others, with diagonal lines of white,
green, yellow, and red.
PI. IV. Broken plain eye bead (Type II A) found atJatiagung, Central Java. Some of the exterior
white and blue-green glass is mixed in the core and there are perpendicular striae in the center of
the perforation. (Courtesy National Research Center of Archaeology, Yogyakarta Branch.)
PI. V. Large combed bead (Type II B) from Sumatra Seletan. (Courtesy National Museum,
Three lines of evidence suggest that these beads were made in central or eastern
Java: their distribution, their unusual method of manufacture, and a possibly iden-
tified manufacturing site. As for their distribution, they are commonest in Java, and
next in Sumatra and Borneo. Outside of the Greater Sundas, they have so far only
been found at Kuala Selinsing.
Their method of manufacture is peculiar. The cores are either reused beads or
scrap glass. Cores of some of the yellow beads (Type II C) contain scraps of mosaic
eye canes (Sumarah Adhyatman, personal communication, 1989). Plain eye beads
(Type II A) have been found with scraps of their exterior in the core. While beads
with cores decorated externally with other glass are not unknown, such beads are
almost always wound beads . These, however, were not simply wound, and the
method of making them has not been documented from anywhere else.
The precise cause of the concavity in the perforations of the Type II beads is
elusive. The diagram in Van Riet Lowe's (1955: 13) report on Mapungubwe, South
Africa, is reminiscent of these beads, though personal examination of his "garden
roller" beads do not reveal them to be much like the Javanese beads. The "garden
roller" beads of Mapungubwe were made in thin clay molds, discarded after each
bead was made (though the published reconstruction needs confirmation). No
molds are reported for the Javanese beads, but some sort of molding process might
have been used for their manufacture (pI. IV).
Another possibility is that the cores were formed on a stick with a wide joint (not
bamboo), in order to hold the bead to be further decorated, with the stick being
burned out later. Van Heekeren (1958: 42) has previously suggested the same possi-
In any case, the manufacture of these beads is unusual, if not unique. That would
indicate a locally devised bead-making process, rather than one that came from some
228 Asian Perspectives, xxx (2), 1991
PI. VI. Two fragments of a large monochrome bead (Type II C) fromJatiagung, with thin yellow
exterior. (Courtesy National Research Center of Archaeology, Yogyakarta Branch.)
established traditional bead-making site elsewhere. It would also seem that some of
the glass was not made locally but imported. The mosaic canes for the Type I beads
resemble some known from the Islamic West, and they may have been imported and
used locally on these beads.
The third line of evidence is the tentative identification ofJatiagung, EastJava, as
a manufacturing site for the Type II beads. As with the other arguments here, the
evidence is circumstantial, and given the heavily looted nature of the site, we may
never know much more about it than we know now. No beads of Type I have been
found there, but many of the other types have. Included among those are a great
many fragments, which may indicate bead manufacturing. There were also a num-
ber of beads that had been perfectly formed, but were overheated and slumped to
their sides (PI. VI).
Finally, there is the question of the dates of these beads. They have been found in
several dolmens, but the terminal dates for dolmens are not known with precision.
Estimates by Indonesian archaeologists who discussed this question in relation to
these beads run from the fifth to the tenth century or somewhat later. Jatiagung is
estimated to date to about the tenth century. Kuala Selinsing, where one bead was
found, is dated roughly from the sixth to the tenth century. We may tentatively
suggest a date in the ninth or tenth century for the beads.
No other class of beads holds as much interest, mystery, or importance for In-
donesian archaeology as do these, since they were most likely locally made by pro-
BEAD TYPE Si02 K20 CaO Fe203 Ab0 3
Opaque red drawn
Indo-Pacific 36.0 46.0
Yellow 26.4 3.1 10.3 33.0
Blue-green 31.4 30.3 3.7 2.6 32.7
Note: Numbers represent percentages by weight of each compound.
cesses not known elsewhere. At this point we have far more questions than answers
about them. We do not know exactly how, where, or when they were made, or
even if the two types are contemporary. To begin to solve these problems, we need
analyses, controlled excavations and precise dating, experimentation, and more in-
formation on their distribution.
Several authors have published analyses of glass beads found in Indonesia. There
is a general discussion of the use of glass analyses in an earlier paper in Asian Per-
spectives (Francis 198ge). The following remarks are often hampered by incomplete
descriptions of the analyzed beads in the literature reporting them. Nonetheless,
some broad trends can be seen, and the beads are grouped here according to their
analytical contents.
The first analyses were done for van der Hoop (1932). These were later published
by van Heekeren (1958: 71-72) and Tornati and van der Sleen (1960: 20), from
whom these data are taken. Three beads were involved; they are listed in Table 1 as
an opaque red drawn Indo-Pacific bead, a yellow bead, and a blue-green bead.
These analyses are peculiar in several ways. Concerning the red drawn Indo-
Pacific bead, Lamb (1965a: 98) remarked, "There is something strange about this
pioneer analysis" and pointed out that there is no other reference to glass having
nearly half its weight in iron. Indeed this is unusual, as is the very heavy potassium
content of the blue-green bead. It is difficult to comment more on these anomalies. It
may be that the red drawn Indo-Pacific bead was not glass at all or that the analyses
were not done very skillfully. However, it is clear that the other two beads are of
lead glass, though we do not know exactly what sorts of beads they were.
More complete analyses of Indo-Pacific (drawn mutisalah) beads are listed in
Table 2 as follows: a bead from a sarcophagus in the Pasemah Plateau, South Sumatra
(van Heekeren 1958: 41); the mean average of seven beads from megaliths at Man-
tesih, Central Java; the mean average of three glass beads from stone cists at Kidan-
gan and Kawengan, EastJava (Indraningsih 1985: 8, table 4); the mean average of six
beads from a settlement layer at Gilimanuk, Bali, with a radiocarbon date of 1900
B.P. (Indraningsih 1985: 8, table 5); an orange drawn bead from Flores published by
Tornati and van der Sleen (1960: 23, #30) and dated by them to A. D. 400-800. The
seven beads from Mantesih were not identified by Ernawan (1987: 124), but those at
230 Asian Perspectives, xxx (2), 1991
0 CaO FeZ03 Al20 3 CuO MgO PbO Other
Pasemah Plateau,
Sumatra 53.34 24.00 1.79 2.88 3.52 8.95 4.72 0.75 0 0.53
Mantesih, Java 68.39 3.13 6.71 11.21 2.77 0 3.04 0 4.74
Kidangan and
Kawengan, Java 61.80 14.93 2.25 4.67 3.78 8.72 1.57 1.58 0 0.47
Gilimanuk, Bali 62.65 10.72 4.98 5.41 3.87
A ~ ,
0.45 0.82
,., , ~
'/.L.1 L..IJ
Flores 56.51 10.70 1.67 3.13 10.23 5.88 0 1.34 0.78 0.55
Note: Numbers represent percentages by weight of each compound.
BEAD TYPE Si02 Na20 K20 CaO FeZ03 Al20 3 CuO MgO PbO Other
Orange coil
mutisalah) 34.40 1.46 9.95 4.47 2.49 2.83 4.50 1.24 37.92 0.47
Wound orange 39.61 0.88 13.16 4.16 1.79 2.28 1.60 0 26.00 0.51
Wound translucent
red (a) 45.87 1.10 3.37 0.56 0.15 0.70 0 0.23 47.58 0.06
Wound translucent
red (b) 41.37 tr 6.63 0.77 0.11 0.65 tr tr 50.40 0.01
Note: tr = trace.
Some figures were rounded off from thousands.
Also looked for but not found: Sn02, S02, CrZ03, CuO, FeO. Small amounts ofTiOz were found in all
beads, and MnO in the orange coil and wound orange beads. Traces of Au were found in the wound
orange and wound translucent red(a) beads.
Numbers represent percentages by weight of each compound.
the National Center for Research on Archaeology are Indo-Pacific beads. This
group was remarkably homogeneous. The three beads from Kidangan and Kawen-
gan are not quite as homogenous as the Mantesih beads, but reasonably so. The six
beads from Gilimanuk are the least homogeneous group.
In general, these analyses are similar to others performed on Indo-Pacific beads,
showing little or no lead, and high aluminum and soda contents (save for those from
Mantesih). A more detailed program of analyses should help form some idea of
which Indo-Pacific sites produced beads found at which importing sites.
The next set of beads is grouped together because of high lead contents (Table 3).
They were published by Tornati and van der Sleen (1960: 23) and again by van der
Sleen (1975: 100). They are as follows: a dark opaque orange coil (wound mutisalah)
bead from Flores; a wound opaque dark orange oblate about 4 mm in diameter from
Bali; a wound elliptical bead about 8 mm in diameter of translucent red (van der
Sleen says wine-red) from Flores; and a wound translucent red bead from Bali.
The analyses in Table 3 are indicative of Chinese glass. The heavy lead content is a
good marker of Chinese manufacture, as lead glass was rare anywhere else in the
world until relatively recently. Also important is the choice of potassium (KzO)
over soda (NzO). Among several "recipes" for Chinese glass that have survived,
the use of lead and potassium (expressed as saltpeter or nitre, K0
) is most com-
mon. Chau Ju-Kua (Zhao Rugua) in A.D. 1225 said the Chinese make glass "by
burning oxide of lead, nitrate of potash, and gypsum" (Hirth and Rockhill
1911: 227). In 1637 Sung Ying-Hsing described glass making in Shandong Province,
long the Chinese glass-making center, by "smelting [and casting a mixture of] nitre,
lead, and pearl fragments" (Sun and Sun 1966: 307).1 The Imperial Glass Workshop
in Beijing between 1740 and 1753 used a formula of7.5 percent feldspar, 28.0 per-
cent saltpeter, 13.3 percent borax, 5.1 percent white lead, 5.1 percent arsenic, and
2.0 percent fluorite (Brown and Rabiner 1987:76).z
Assuming that these really are old beads similar to those found elsewhere in
Southeast Asia, the question arises as to how the translucent red color was achieved.
Only copper and gold could have been used in glass of any age to make the "ruby"
color. Tornati and van der Sleen (1960: 23) assumed gold was coloring the glass, but
only one of their beads had a trace of gold. Copper is the coloring agent of two beads
from fourteenth- to sixteenth-century contexts in Singapore and the Philippines, as
recently confirmed by David Killick and this author using x-ray fluorescence at the
McKay Laboratory at Harvard University. Also interesting is the lack of tin in these
beads. While tin is not absolutely necessary for gold or copper ruby glass, it is very
difficult to make either without it (Weyl 1959: 380-386, 425-429).
The last group of beads (Table 4) was published by van Heekeren (1958:41). It
consists of: a large, round monochrome wound green bead from a dolmen near Be-
suki, EastJava; a similar bead in yellow from a temple in Ulu Sungai, Kalimantan; a
similar bead in red from Ulu Sungai; an eye bead of Type II A (see above) with a core,
white eyes, and a green-blue field (van Heekeren calls it deep green), from a dolmen
near Besuki; a mosaic eye bead of Type I (see above) from a different dolmen near
Besuki; a hexagonal bicone of translucent green from Ulu Sungai; and another
hexagonal bicone, but of dark translucent blue.
There is not enough lead in these beads to consider them "lead glass" beads, but
the tin contents are of interest. Tin and lead in the wound yellow bead from Ulu
Sungai were probably responsible for the opaque yellow color, assuming they were
in the form ofPbSn03 (Biek and Bayley 1979:9). The tin and lead in the wound red
bead from Ulu Sungai may have helped the copper to dissolve to yield opaque red,
but this is unlike the formulas used for red Indo-Pacific beads. The use of the tin in
the two polychrome eye beads that we assume were made inJava is most significant.
Tin is found in Indonesia (today mined mostly on Banka and Belitung [Billington]
Islands and in the Riau group). It melts rather easily into glass up to concentrations
oflO-15 percent at temperatures as low as 1050 C (Turner and Rooksby 1961 : 1). Its
primary use in glass is to opacify it, a use that became common about the middle of
the first millennium (Turner and Rooksby 1959,1961). The high amount employed
in the mosaic eye bead from Besuki may provide a clue to its origin.
The two translucent beads are very similar in their composition. Wound and
pressed hexagonal bicones, although usually shorter in length than these specimens,
are known from a number of Southeast Asian sites, dating mostly from the first half
of the first millennium (Francis 1989b: 15, 19). An analysis of a green hexagonal
232 Asian Perspectives, xxx (2), 1991
BEAD TYPE Si02 Na20 K20 CaO Fe203 Al20 3 CuO MgO PbO Sn02
Wound green 52.24 21.78 1.73 3.50 2.10 9.40 3.88 0.62 3.93 0
Wound yellow 53.94 20.56 3.25 6.26 1.41 2.69 0.46 4.36 4.25 2.76
Wound red 59.85 13.27 1.88 5.08 3.60 7.73 4.32 1.48 0.93 0.88
Eye bead (Type II
A) 45.64 11.37 1.42 3.88 1.51 5.56 2.72 3.61 0 24.02
Mosaic eye bead
(Type!) 53.10 21.61 2.29 3.86 1.75 5.50 1.38 2.42 3.12 4.99
Translucent green 61.94 20.45 3.73 6.20 0.98 2.03 0.12 4.08 0 0
Translucent blue 63.16 20.99 2.53 5.84 1.48 2.64 0.12 3.54 0 0
Note: Numbers represent percentages by weight of each compound.
All samples contained some Ti02, ranging from 0.53 to 0.12%.
bicone found at Oc-eo (Malleret 1962: 467) revealed a pattern rather similar to the
two beads of van Heekeren, but their true similarities remain to be established.
In sum, the analyses of the 33 beads summarized in tables 1-4 show considerable
differences between them. By far the most homogeneous group are the 19 Indo-
Pacific beads in Table 2, but this was perhaps to be expected. The lead glass in the
beads of Table 3 identifies them as of Chinese origin from the Song period onward,
but the question of how the translucent red was achieved remains open. The use of
tin in several beads in Table 4 is important, particularly the heavy amount in the
presumed Javanese eye bead. The precise significance of this is not yet known. The
two translucent hexagonal bicones in the same table form a class of their own, and
may be related to similar beads found elsewhere in Southeast Asia. A program of
analyses of beads from Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries being pre-
pared in hopes that some of our problems will be solved, including those of the
origins and trading patterns ofIndo-Pacific beads, the coloring of the ruby glass, and
the constitution of the Java beads.
This short section deals with some beads found in Indonesia belong in the
archaeological context, whether or not they come from controlled excavations.
Several are discussed in greater detail in a previous paper in Asian Perspectives (Fran-
cis 1990b). More recent glass beads, some of which are also known from archaeol-
ogical contexts, are discussed in the final section of the present paper, dealing with
heirloom beads.
Pinched beads. These are wide diameter monochrome beads made by pinching off
the ends of thick drawn tubes. They were made as a byproduct of the Indo-Pacific
bead-making industries at least in Mantai (Sri Lanka), Oc-eo (Viet Nam), and Sun-
gai Mas (Malaysia). They have a wide distribution in Southeast Asia and as far north
as Korea throughout the first millennium A.D. They are recognized by the striations
which run longitudinally at the equators and then curve in toward the apertures at
the ends.
Fig. 3. a. Sketch of the "bird bead" (black or dark blue ground, white design); h. Sketch of an
exterior and interior fragment of a fused mosaic cane bead (from Sungai Mas, Malaysia, but
visually identical to beads found in Indonesia). (Both sketches by Jacqui Steinberg.)
Drawn beads with longitudinal stripes. Again, these are subsidiary products of the
Indo-Pacific bead-making industries. The color combinations differ, but the com-
monest are white stripes on black or blue. Mantai and Takua Pa in Thailand are two
confirmed production sites of these beads. They are relatively widespread, but not as
common as the pinched beads, and are found through the first millennium A.D.
Bird beads. These are black or dark blue beads in oblate and ellipsoidal tubular
shape. They are generally decorated on one side in white with a standing bird and on
the other side with a sunburst (Fig. 3a), though squirrels and flowers are also known.
They have been found at Oc-eo and several sites in Malaya and Thailand. They are
no doubt Asian, but it is not known exactly where they were made; their temporal
distribution is the latter half of the first millennium A.D.
Gold-glass beads. As discussed above, this type of segmented bead was probably
made in Egypt. They are known from a number of sites in India, at Mantai (Thai-
land) and Oc-eo (Viet Nam), and in royal graves in Korea. They have been found at
Jatiagung (East Java), in about a tenth-century context. Similar beads, but without
gold, formed by putting an amber-colored tube over a milky white one, were made
in Takua Pa (Thailand). In Malaya, at least, they are commoner than true gold-glass
beads (Francis 1990b).
Fused mosaic cane eye beads. These beads are made by joining short sections of
mosaic cane and fusing them into a round bead. They are unlike the Java mosaic eye
beads in that they have no cores. Two major types exist. One is a small bead with
various complex combinations of colors; these are known from Europe and the
Middle East and are products of the Islamic West. A simpler type has canes of black
234 Asian Perspectives, xxx (2), 1991
or dark blue with one or two concentric circles of white as the decoration (Fig. 3b).
Fragments of this type of bead are so common at Sungai Mas (in Kedah), Malaysia,
that they may have been made there of imported canes from the Islamic West. Both
of these types are found from about the ninth to eleventh century.
Heirloom beads are ones that remain in circulation, generally among the more
isolated ethnic groups. They are of considerable importance to the people who own
them, and are highly valued. They fulfill many different and often overlapping func-
tions. They are a store of value, a means of deferred payment, and a unit of account,
but are rarely used as currency. Their social functions include distinguishing be-
tween different groups of people, and within a group along the lines of gender or
wealth, marital status, or other life stages. Their presence is sometimes required for
ceremonies important to individuals or the group. Some communities invest them
with magical powers; they are not always considered magical in and of themselves,
but confer power upon their owners. Of course, they are also decorative.
A recent study of heirloom beads in Southeast Asia concentrated on those of the
Philippines and Sarawak (Francis 1989a). The similarities and contrasts between
these two regions were striking, and the data from Sarawak can be profitably ap-
plied to the study of heirloom beads in Kalimantan. The Sarawak-Kalimantan bor-
der is a recent political invention, and many highlanders share genealogies and cus-
toms with their kin across the watershed. A few notes on the results of the Sarawakl
Philippines study are, therefore, appropriate in a discussion ofIndonesian beads.
The most important difference between the heirloom beads of Sarawak and the
Philippines is the higher value and greater age of many of them in Sarawak. One
factor that may account for this is the difference in burial practices between the two
regions. In Sarawak, beads were common burial goods in the Niah Cave complex
until the ninth century, but by Song times (A.D. 960-1279) we see a different pat-
tern. At the Tanjong Kubor and Tanjong Tegok cemeteries along the Sarawak
River, despite thousands of potsherds recovered, only 46 and 2 beads were found,
respectively (Solheim 1983: 38, 47; Cheng 1969: 14-15). In the Philippines, cemeteries
at Bolinao and Calatagan, both on Luzon (c. A.D. 1300-1600) yielded no fewer than
129 of the 178 provenienced bead types from that period, often in great numbers. It
seems that the Filipinos continued to inter beads with the dead until Islam or Chris-
tianity took hold. Why the Sarawakians ceased this practice and began keeping beads
is not known.
Two types of heirloom beads in Sarawak are known from the excavations at
Bukit Sandong, in Kuching District, from the fourteenth to sixteenth century. One
is an opaque red barrel bead called the "ghost bead." It is not especially valued; the
Kelebits put it on stakes in the fields to ensure a good crop, while Kayans throw it
out the window after a bad dream or when someone is sick (Harriss on 1950: 212;
Munan-Oettli 1981 :21-22). The other is a black wound barrel bead with longitu-
dinal stripes always in the same pattern: red, yellow, red, two greenish-white, red,
yellow (or green), red, and two greenish-white (see Munan-Oettli 1987:91). A
longer, thinner, newer bead with the same pattern is circulating in Sarawak and
Kalimantan. A good match to the older beads is found on sample cards of Francis
Greil, a Venetian beadmaker of the late nineteenth century (observed at Peabody
Museum, Harvard University). Most of the beads from Bukit Sandong seem to be
Chinese. In the case of the striped bead we appear to have a later European imitator.
We have documentary evidence on the origin of one heirloom bead, the light to
dark blue (sometimes green) barrel beads, which the Kelebit prize and call Let.
Although Harrisson's experience (1950: 209-211) shows that similar beads were
made long ago and far away, we can trace the origin of the Let bead. Similar beads
excavated from ninth- or tenth-century sites at Tanjong Kubor, Sungai Jaong, and
Niah were analyzed and found to have far less lead content than the Let beads now
circulating (Harrisson 1968: 127-130). Parallels from the Philippines, from c.
A.D.14S0-1600, however, have high lead contents (Francis 1989c: 14).
The historic data for these beads were furnished by John Saris, the first English-
man to sail to Japan, who around 1600 lived in the thriving port of Bantam (Banten),
now a mere village west of Jakarta. In separate documents he described a certain blue
I have many times certified your worships of the trade the Flemings [Dutch) follow to
Soocadanna [Sucadana, Kalimantan) which place yieldeth great store of diamonds, and
of their manner of dealing for them for gold principally which comes from Beniermas-
sen [Banjurmasin) and blue glass beads which the Chinese make and sell 300 for a [piece) of
eight, and they are there worth a mas a 100 which is [3 shillings) and sometimes more
sometimes less according as gold doth rise and fall. (Danvers 1896: 221; emphasis mine)
[Commodities vendible and in request at Sucadana include) all sorts of small Bugles
[tubular glass beads), which are made in Bantam oj colour blue, and in fashion like a Tunne
[a barrel), but of the bignesse of a Beane, and cost at Bantam four hundred a Riall of
eight, with at Soocodanna, a Masse the hundred, the Masse beeing three quarters of a
Riall of eight .... (Purchas 1625:3:513-514; emphasis mine)
Saris was a keen and accurate observer, discussing the same bead in both pas-
sages. It was blue, barrel shaped, the size of a large bean, and valuable in Borneo. It
was made by Chinese living in Banten, Java. This must surely be the Let bead
(Francis 1985b). Munan-Oettli (1981: 19-20), who had long suspected this bead was
made in Southeast Asia by emigrant Chinese, agrees (personal communication,
Even older than these beads are some that came from the Islamic West, several of
which have been discussed above. These include fused eye beads, and folded beads
(made by heating a plaque of glass and folding it over a wire to fuse the two ends). A
"checker" bead, made by fusing four plaques of checkerboard mosaic canes into a
ring and finishing the ends with a strip of glass, is also from this source. As we have
noted, the mosaic eye beads with poorly fused cores made in Java in the ninth or
tenth century are found in Sarawak. Somewhat more recent are wound imitations of
the true chevron beads. They are most likely Chinese and date from the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries.
Not all heirloom beads are of such antiquity. Many are of Venetian, Bohemian,
or Chinese manufacture of the last few centuries. At least one heirloom glass bead
was made in Borneo. At Tanjong Selor (Tandjung Seilor), Kalimantan, H. Moham-
med Saleh set up a factory in the 1920s or 1930s to crush yellow European glass
beads in a mortar, pour the powder into clay molds, and bake them in an oven,
piercing them while still hot (Tillema n.d.). These beads are mottled in color, poorly
fused, and have rough perforations (PI. VII).
The foregoing notes on heirloom beads in Sarawak and Kalimantan should suffice
PI. VII. Collapsed specimen of the plain eye bead from Jatiagung. (Courtesy National Research
Center of Archaeology, Yogyakarta Branch.)
PI. VIJI. Heirloom necklace from Kalimantan. Most of the beads are Venetian of the last century
or so, but the yellow disks were made at Tanjong Selor, Kalimantan. (Courtesy Adam Malik
Museum, Jakarta.)
to indicate the wide range of beads that fall into this category. The heirloom beads of
other parts ofIndonesia have not even been considered (save the mutisalah from the
Lesser Sundas). At least as much research remains to be done in this field as in the
archaeological context, and work in the two fields on this subject will be com-
The story of beads in Indonesia is just beginning to be pieced together, and this
paper is offered more as an analysis of what needs to be done than as a comprehen-
sive overview of what is known. Indonesia is a vast country, and its various consti-
tuent islands did not always share the same historical backgrounds. While there are
threads of similarity running through their pasts, there are also great differences.
Properly studied, beads provide an important body of evidence for sorting out the
movements and interplay of goods, people, and cultural traits that characterized
earlier periods.
Beads of organic materials are still being used by some people, and a full docu-
mentation of their use, especially of plant parts and other perishable substances, is
sorely needed. Shell was an important bead material for a very long time, and it
remains to be learned in what ways the shell-bead industries of prehistoric Indonesia
were linked to or contrasted with those of other peoples in Southeast Asia and the
Southern Pacific.
It seems likely that stone beads could have been a major product of early historic
Indonesia, especially Java and Sumatra, and perhaps Borneo. Much more work
along these lines is needed to identify possible sources of raw materials, manufactur-
ing sites, and the internal and external distribution of such beads.
Glass assumes a very important place in the story of beads in nearly every coun-
try. The identification and documentation of imported glass beads can help in trac-
ing the lines of communication and transportation used in commerce and other
forms of intercourse in the past. The likelihood that Java was the center for the
manufacture of some very spectacular beads needs to be investigated in much more
depth. More precise descriptions of beads and a well-considered program of glass
analyses are also needed.
The use of heirloom beads is a rich source of information. In this part of the
world it clearly overlaps the realms of the ethnographer and the archaeologist. Not
only is it important to trace the origins of beads and to identify the people who use
them, but also it is useful to study both the physical and social uses to which the
heads are put. The importance of beads to many peoples ofIndonesia is undeniable,
and this alone should be incentive for a systematic ongoing study of them as cultural
Many thanks go to the Bead Society of Los Angeles, which helped fund this work, and
to many other people who have encouraged it and helped with corroborating data.
Within Indonesia, I am most grateful to: Hassan M. Ambary, R. P. Soejono, Endang
Sh. Soekatno, and Rokus Due Awe of the National Research Center of Archaeology in
Jakarta; M. Wayono of the National Museum, Jakarta; O. T.e. Sukoco of Tiasky
Emms at Bogor; Goenadi Nithaminoto at the Yogyakarta Branch of the National Re-
238 Asian Perspectives, xxx (2), 1991
search Center of Archaeology; Sumarah Adhyatman of the Adam Malik Museum;
Zainoel Arafin; and Darussalem Syah of Jakarta. In Sarawak my thanks go to Heidi
Munan, Lucas Chin, Edmund Kurui, and the other staff members of the National
Museum. Thanks are also due to Jacqui Steinberg for figure 3.
1. The translators of this text consistently rendered the term Iiu-Ii as "lapis lazuli" Some, but not all,
authorities believe that the Chinese word Iiu-Ii was derived from the Sanskrit vaidurya, which means
"gem," and probably specifically "lapis lazuli." However, liu-li usually means opaque glass in
Chinese, contrasted with po-Ii, which is translucent glass, though this distinction was not always
made. In Sung's text it is dear that iiu-ii means "glass" and not "lapis lazuli." It is compared to quartz
crystal in that it is lustrous and transparent and comes in many colors. The Chinese imitate it (presum-
ably because they could not make very clear glass) by the recipe quoted in this paper.
2. If these are percentages by volume, the lead will weigh much more than this by weight. If they are by
weight, this is not really lead glass.
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