Thomas Jonnesco - Remarks On General Spinal Analgesia (1909) .

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I3, lgc*








meeting of the German Society of Surgery in Berlin


in April, 1909, Professor Bier of Berlin is reported to have said that the method of general spinal analgesia described

by me at the Congress of the International Society of Surgery in Brussels in September, 1908, must be rbjected, and; Professor Rehn of Frankfort is reported1 to have said that experiments on animals showed that considerable danger attended such injections if made higher than the lumbar region as recommended by me. These pteonouncements, which seem to be without appeal, prove once more that the method described by myself and my assistant, Dr. Amza Jiano, was too novel aiid too hardy to be accepted without opposition. I have w wljich never doubted that thiis would be so, but th9 fa I am about to state will prove the convictiona thal. this condemnation on a priori grounds is mistaken, and I am firmly convinced that my new method of general spinal 6nalgesia 'will ia a short time be universally accepted. During the eight months subsequent to October, 1908, 'I used spinal analgesia in all my operations, whether performed in the university clinic, in the Coltza Hospital, or in my private practice; I have never once had recourse to anaesthesia by inhalation. In addition, my hospital colleagues have -daily had recourse to this method with complete success. Dr. Canny Ryall, of London, who spent twenty days in Bucarest for the purpose of studying it used for forty operations of various my method, character, and afterwards used it in the clinics of Professor Doelinger, of Budapest, and Eiselsberg, of Vienna. Recently I practised it myself in the clinic of Professor Schauta, of Vienna, who was convinced of its superiority over anaesthesia by inhalation. The description of the actual method which I shall now give is founded upon this extensive experience of its use. METHOD. There are two essential points of novelty in the method: (1) The puncture is made at a level of the spinal column appropriate to the region to be ^ 1 operated upon: (2) an anaesthetic . ._;_ i solution is used which, thanks to the addition of strychnine, is tolerated by the higher nervous centres. The selection of the anaesthetic substance to be used will be deter-e; .,4.rk';*. mined by the surgeon's experience or confidence in any particular drug. I prefer stovaine, which has given me excellent results, and which I
know how

contain i mg.; if 10 cg., 1 will, contain 1 mg. The weaker solution is used for the upper, the stronger for the lower puncture. As the strychnine takes some time to dissolve, it is better to prepare this solution a little before the time when it has to be used. With an ordinary Pravaz syringe provided with a needle for lumbar puncture, 1 of the solution of strychnine, a syringeful, is drawn up and is injected into the tube contaning the dose of stovaine judged to be necessary for the puncture about to be made. The tube is corked again, and shaken, and the salts are dissolved. The same syringe is then filled with the contents of the tube, and is held with a sterilized compress and removed from the needle while the puncture is being made.
2. The Apparatus. This, as has already been indicated, is very simple, and within the reach of every surgeon in all circumstances, since it consists only of a common Pravaz syringe holding 1, and the usual needle for lumbar puncture pre. viously sterilized by boiling. The needle I prefer has a point cut rather squarely, for since the arachnoid space is relatively small, if the point of the needle be oblique, it is possible that part of the opening might go through the dura mater while part remained outside it. If this occurs part only of the solution penetrates into the arachnoid space, while a greater or less quantity is injected into the space between the dura mater and the osseous canal, and either analgesia is not produced at all, or it is incomplete; a result too often attributed to the insufficiency of the method or the idiosyncrasy of the patient. 3. The Pu-ncture. In my communications to the Congress at Brussels and to the Academy of Medicine iii Paris, I indicated four points in the spine at which the puncture should be made in order to obtain analgesia of the region to be operated upon. I had already been convinced by experience that spinal anaesthesia was not so regional as I had believed,

and that medio-cervical puncture was as useless as it was dangerous. It favours the appearance of bulbar phenomena-nausea, vomiting, pallor of the face, faintness, momentary stoppage of respiration, and so on, phenomena due to a too direct action of the anaesthetic fluid upon the bulb. Their occurrence may be avoided by making the puncture lower down between the first and second dorsal vertebrae, which produces as perfect and deep analgesia for the segment of the body comprising the head, neck, and upper limbs as is produced by medio-cervical puncture. Medio-dorsal puncture between the seventh and perform, eighth dorsal vertebrae is very often difficultoftothe lower and is not necessary, for perfect analgesia segment of the thorax can be obtained by puncture made between the last dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae, which is easier to perform and produces also anaesthesia of the whole lower part of the body. I have therefore reduced sites of election for puncture




novocain are equally efficacious, and, thanks to the addition of strychnine, equally harmless.




Fig. 1.

vertebra prominens with the visible and tangible protuberances of the spinous processes of the second and third dorsal vertebrae. When the patient's head is 1. The Preparation of the Solution. strongly flexed, so that the chin touches the sternum, the The solution must be made at protuberances are very marked, and the spaces they the time when the operation is bound are enlarged (Figs. 2, 3, and 4). The patient being to be performed as follows: The placed in this position, the surgeon marks with the forenecessary quantity of stovaine, finger of his left hand the space between the first and tropacocaine, or novocain is intro- second dorsal vertebrae, and the needle, held between the thumb and forefinger and middle finger of the right duced into a glass tube (Fig. 1) indiarubber with provided hand, is pushed in, following the upper border of the stopper, and sterilized in the auto- spinous processes of the second dorsal vertebrae (Fig. 4). clave. The substances need not be For operations on the head, neck, upper limbs, and thorax sterilized since they are themselves the puncture should be made in this situation.

(a) Upper Dor8al Puncture. Upper dorsal puncture between the first and second dorsal vertebrae is easily performed; the landmark is the

antiseptic, and

The strychnine solution is made by dissolving 5 to 10cg. of neutral strychnine sulphate in 100 grams of sterilized (not distilled) water in a glass-stoppered bottle previously sterilized; if 5 cg. of strychnine are used, 1 of the solution will

some of their properties would be destroyed by heat.

(b) The Dor8o-Lumbar Puncture. The dorso-lumbar puncture between the twelfth dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae is very easily made, owing to the large space which separates the two spinous processes. (Figs. 2 and 3). I prefer this puncture to the classical lumbar puncture between the third and fourth lumbar

'NOV. 13, 1909.]




397 39

Vertebrae. because it produces more perfect analgesia of the Whole abdomen and lower segment of the body. The 'space is easily found, for it is necessary only to count the lumbar spines upwards. The patient is seated with the 'thorax bent strongly forward, as in ordinary lumbar 'uncture (Fig. 5). In making the puncture, the forefinger of the left hand marks the space, while the needle is pushed in with the right hand, following the upper border ,of the underlying spinous process. In both cases the puncture is ma(le in the median plane. -Once the resistance of the skin has been surmounted, the needle ;must be pushed forward slowly, so as not to tear -the tissues which are being transfixed. As a rule the needle enters easily as far as the dura mater, when a 4nomentary resistance is felt; when this has been over-come, the flow of spinal fluid shows that the needle is in the right space. When the puncture is made At the high dorsal level, where the pressure of the -eerebro-spinal fluid is diminished, it comes out drop a by drop, whereas in the d6rso4umbar puncture it spurts out
n a stream. This is the rule, tut there are exceptions, for zeometimes in the high dorsal puncture no fluid escapes; an 'effort of coughing will then 4usually. suffice to make it appear, although it may be necessary to -adapt a sterilized syringe to the

-uid. If

ueedle in order to aspirate the

no fluid is thus ob-tamied, the surgeon must con -dcude that his needle is not in
the arachnoid

,of the needle must be

-drawn back slightly, and pushed

cavity; the point disengaged,

-in again until the space is found.

if the needle is introduced -obliquaely 'it may impinge ona

iamina, but the peculiar

5. Position of Patient after Injection. The position to be assumed by the patient after the injection, so as to ensure analgesia of the region to be operated upon, is a cardinal point, for by attention to it we can favour the distribution of the liquid in the desired direction. If with the higher dorsal injection it is desired to obtain analgesia of the head and neck, the patient is made to lie on his back; if the operation is to be on the throat, the head should be a little raised; if on the face or skull, he should lie horizontally; if on the upper limb or the thorax, he should remain sitting for two or three minutes, and then lie on the back with the head, neck, and thorax bent slightly forward. If after four or five minutes the analgesia of the head or of the neck is not complete, the patient's head should be lowered below the level of the body for three or four minutes. With dorso-lumbar injection if the viscera of the upper abdominal region (liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, etc.) are to be operated upon, the patient must remain in the sitting posture for two or three minutes, and then lie on the back, the head neck, and shoulders being raised. If after five or six minutes the analgesia is incomplete, the patient must be -inclined (Trendelenburg) for a few minutes three or four, after which he again returns to the sitting -I_2 V 0. posture. If the operation is on the lower abdominal region (pelvis, perineum, external i genital organs) or on the lower mbs, the patient should remain in the sitting posture for five or six minutes, and then lie on his back, with the upper part of the body, head, neck, and thorax rdised and bent forward.

tion of having touched bone will warn the surgeon; he must

withdraw the needle

12 V. D.
V. I

,pletely and reintroduce it in the





median plane. If the fluid which #escapes is blood-stained, it shows


smaU vein has been trans-

fixed-a matter of no importance, -since the haemorrhage will soon -cease spontaneously and the fluaid -ecome clear. It is also possible to make 'he punctures with the patient 4ying on his right side, the head being strongly bent on the chest

6. The Do8e. The amount of stovaine and strychnine in the anaesthetic mixture should vary with the site of the injection, the patient's age, and his general condition. I confine my remarks to stovaine, as it is the drug with which long practice has made me familiar, so that I can administer it with precision and safety. I cannot speak with equal confidence of other anaesthetics, such as novocain and tropacocaine, with which I have had little experience.

(1). Strychnine. and the thorax being bent forThe variation in the quan. ward for the dorso-lumbar punc'ure. This position should be tity of strychnine is not relapreferred when -the patient is higher tively great. For Ithe employ: Fig1.11 2. dorsal injection feeble or very impressionable in 1 and cannot remain in the sitting position without risk For children of from 1 to 5 years J mg. of fainting; it must also be used it, an operation having The solution is made by dissolving 31 cg. of neutral lasted longer than was anticipated, a second puncture and strychnine sulphate in 100 grams of sterilized water. For children above 5 years, for adolescents, adults, and aged injection to prolong the analgesia become necessary.
4. The Irjection. As soon as the escape of cerebro-spinal fluid renders it certain that the arachnoid space has been entered, its -further loss should be stopped, for I am convinced that the escape of more than a certain quantity of fluid is rather harmful than useful. The loss of too much fluid <1) may cause signs of faintness, pallor of the face, sweating, etc.; and (2) by suddenly diminishing the quantity of -cerebro-spinal fluid may cause too rapid diffusion of the anaesthetic, which is undesirable and may be mischievous. As soon, then, as a few drops of fluid have escaped, the


needle is closed with the forefinger of the left hand, while with the right the syringe filled with the anaesthetic ,mixture is adapted to the needle. The liquid must be ,slowly injected so as not to produce an undue impact upon ,he spinal cord.

people the solution contains w mg. of neutral strychnine sulphate in 1, and is made by dissolving 5 cg. of the strychnine salt in 100 grams of sterilized water. For dorsolumbar injection, for children from 1 to 10 years old, I use a solution containing 1 mg. of strychnine in 1 c cm.; for children above 10 years, adolescents, adults, and old people, a solution containing 1 mg. in 1, made by dissolving 10 cg. of the neutral strychnine sulphate in 100 grams of sterilized water. (2). Stovaine. The amount of stovaine varies with the site of the iajection, the patient's age, and his general condition. For the higher dorsal injection 1 use for children from 1 to 5 years old, 1 cg.; from 5 to 15 years, 2 cg.; for adolescents, adults, and agd people, 3-cg. For the dorso-lumbar puncture, for c ren from ito 5 years, 2 to 3 cg.; from






'139 19093 99

5 to 15 years. 4 to 6 cg.; for adolescents from 15 to 20 years a mistake; no patient could support 20 to 30 eg. of stovaine' old, 6 to 8 cg.; and for adults and aged people 10 eg. The and 2 or 3 mg. of strychnine without presenting markedi dose of stovaine must also be adapted to the general con- balbar phenomena-stoppage of breathing and of the, dition of the patient. In persons who are consumptive, heart-attributable to the excess of stovaine. The occurvery anaemic, who are suffering from autointoxication or rence must be otherwise explained. It is to be attributedJ grave infections, or who have suffered severe injury, or are to an untimely movement of the patient at the moment of; ischaemic owing to profuse haemorrhage, 5 or 6 cg. of the injection, very trifling, perhaps, in appearance, but, stovaine produce deep and prolonged analgesia, and larger sufficient to disp ace the point of the needle already doses are badly tolerated, causing pallor of the face, engaged in the arachnoid cavity. Owing to the slight. nausea, vomiting, and transient faintness. and imperceptible displacement the orifice of the needle is In order to be able to judge of the degree of the diffasi- withdrawn partly or wholly from the cavity, and the bility of the liquid injected into the arachnoid cavity the solution is therefore injected in part or in whole ootsidespecific gravity of the solution of strychnine and stovaine the cavity, between the dura mater and the osseous. compared with that of the cerebro-spinal fluid must be canal. In one case of high dorsal puncture I only obtaineil' known. The average density of cerebro-spinal fluid is 1,003, but it varies from 1,003 to 1,020.2 Dr. Hancu, Chief analgesia after a third injection-that is to say, aftePharmacist to the Coltza Hospital, has found that the using 9 cg. of stovaine and 1l mg. of strychnine, doses which no patient could support: following solutions have the without showing bulbar phespecific gravity stated: nomena. It is certain, therefore, Sp. gr. that only the third injection Grams. penetrated the arachnoid cavity. 1. Strychnine 0.05 1,0019 ... Stovaine ... 2.00 In another case of doreo-lumbaa' Water ... 100.o ) injection, in a patient in whom, 2. Strychnine 005 ) on a previous occasion excellent 1,C030 Stovaine ... 3.00 analgesia was obtained with Water ... 100.00 j 6 cg. of stovaine, 16 cg. in two. 3. Strychnine 0.10 ) injections failed to give any 1,CG71 ... Stovaine ... 6.00 result, and it was only after abWater ... 100.00 J third injection of cg. thab. 4. Strychnine 0.10 ) analgesia was produced. 1,01C5 ... Stovaine ... 8.00 During analgesia patientsWater ... 100.00 J retain full consciousness, an& 5. Strychnine 0.10 1 1 am in the habit of speaking, Stovaine ... 10.00 ... 1,0120 to them to divert their attention Water ... 100.00 J frgm the operation, of which. the majority are unaware, theThe solution used for injection in high dorsal puncture (containoperating field being hidden from. them by a cloth supported by ing 3 cg. of stovaine and mg. two bars attached to the operatof strychnine) specific 12 VD. at the level of gravity equal to or greater ing table prefer this cloth tothe. aneck. I 12sV.L than the average density of I cerebro-spinal fluid; this fact exs mask, which is embarrassing to the patient and a great trial to. plains the rapid diffusion toyvards his patience during a long operathe cervical part of the cord d tion. A patient may be heaid to. and the cranial cavity, which, ask after an operation is finished as will be shown later, takes when it is to be begun. place if the injection is made The immobility of the limbs, here, and also the readiness with which the neck, and the head, due teanalgesia is produced. paresis caused by the spinal analThe solution used for injection in the dorso-lumbar puncture gesia, is a great advantage to thethe other hand, has, specific surgeon by suppressing moveT ments which might embarrass gravity greater than that of him. It is true that there way cerebro-spinal fluid, and the be complete anaesthesia wit.oiat: larger the quantity of stovaine loss of mobility in the limbs;w the higher the specific gravity In this situation the diffusion of this rarely happens, but its occurrence ought to be known, as the solution takes place slowly, i' is not necessary to wait a fact which explains the relafor paresis before beginming te. Fig 3. tive delay in the production of operate. the analgesia, and partly also After dorso-lumbar injection the abdominal viscera, the harmlessness of the Trende!eabarg position, the solLc tion tending to remain in the lower parts of the arachnoid including the intestines, are immobile, and this " abdominal~ stillness " is a great advantage, especially in gynaecological' cavity. laparotomies. The viscera are, as it were, congealed, arenot stimulated by any fit of coughing or effort of vomiting,, PHEBNOMENA OBSERVED DURING ANALGESIA. With the higher dorsal puncture the analgesia is, for and therefore do not obstruct the field of operation, as the reason just stated, usually complete in two or three happens so often with inhalation anaesthesia. The occurrence of such phenomena as pallor of the face, minutes. On the other hand, after dorso-lumbar injection, analgesia is produced more slowly, but is complete nausea, or sweating, so often observed when spinal in at most ten minutes. If analgesia is not obtained analgesia is produced by the injection of stovaine, tropawithin this time, it is evidence that the solution has not cocaine, or novocain is seen only exceptionally when thereached the arachnoid cavity, or has reached it in too stovaine and strychnine solution is used. The face retains small a quantity, and the puncture and injection must be its normal aspect; nausea occurs in 2.25 per cent.; repeated. It is a mistake to attribute failure to produce *vomiting-a single effortless ejection-in 1.25 per cent.;. analgesia to idiosyncrasy. It is true that I have seen and sweating in 2 per cent. In some cachectic, feeble individuals I have observed faecal incontinence (4 per cent.). some cases in whicti after punctare followed by a flow of carebro-spinal flaid no analgesia has been produced, but The pulse, which is slowed in spinal analgesia producedby stovaine alone, is, when the stovaine and strychnine solu-a second, or in some cases a third injection of the same dose of the anaesthetic has prodaced complete analgesia. tion is used, usually normal in rapidity and strength. It is tempting to suppose that these patients were refrac-' Sometimes it rises to 80 or 90, but always remains strong. tory to normal doses and required larger doses, but this is These facts prove the powerful influence of the strlchnino





NOVO 139





If3JoA! 1399 ANALGESIA.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

in neutralizing the depressing action of the stovaine. 50 per cent. Post-operative vomiting has rarely been Under certain special conditions I have in 5 cases observed, and 1 have never seen post-anaJgesic paralysis. observed momentary stoppage of respiration; in 3 STATISTICS. of these oases Ihad used for medico-cervical The following are statistics of 398 operations performed puncture a solution to which atropine 1 mg. had been addded. I have abandoned both the use of by means of general spinal analgesia, from October 23rd, atropine and puncture in this situation. In one other 1908, to July 5th, 1909. case I had used for high dorsal injection 4 cg. of stovaine, I. HIGH DORSAL ANALGESIA, 103 CASES. too large a dose, as subsequent experience has proved. In (a) Operations on, the Skull, 14.-Decompressive herni-cranithe cifthase dorso-lumbar puncture had been preceded by ectomies, for epilepsy (12); trephining of the mastoid process (1); e -ubeutaneous injection three and a half hours before angioma of the forehead (child 2 years old), extirpation (1). (b) Operationts on the Face, 45, including extirpation of epi-operation of scopolamin and morphine. In this case, as submaxillary lip, thelioma of the I had feared in view of the poisonous effects of so powerful and submental inferior (22) ;with extirpation of the child, 3 years harelip, autoplasty, glands -a drug as scopolamin, the respiration stopped, and was old (1); extirpation of a naevus of the labial commissure (1); -only re-established after fifteen minutes. None of these cancer of the tongue, with extirpation of the submaxillary and accidents can be attributed to the method that I have submental glands (1); ectropion, autoplasty (5); ptosis of the superior eyelid, autohere described, but to plasty (1); epithelioma ,departures from it of th,e inferior eyelid, which ought to be autoplasty (1); paralysis -.-avoided. of the left facial, myoplasty (1); sebaceous cyst of the orbit, extirDURATION OF ANpation (1) ; cancer of the ALGESIA. orbit, enucleation (1) The analgesia, when retro-ocular phlegmon, Athe anaesthetic is adKroenlein's operation (1); osteoma of the orbit, ,ministered in the Kroenlein's operation (1); -m a n ner described, naso-pharyngeal polypes, lasts from one and a Oliver's oeration (5) ; reF .half to two hours, a section of the superior period longer than is maxilla (1) ; oste-operiaostitis of the superior necessary to perform 11maxilla, trephining (1); .. -anyoperation. I should osteo-sarcosis of the two -add for the benefit of submaxillary bones, resurgeons inexperienced section (1). 'in spinal anoalgesia, (c) Operations ont the -that though the conCervicoThroat, 23. thoracic 8sympathec-dition may be obtained tomy (11); resection of with less than 3 cg. of the superior cervical ,stovaine in high dorsal sympathetic ganglions puncture, andless than (1); thyroidectomies (6); total laryngotomy for in the dorso10 cancer (1) * tracheolummar puncture, the tomy (1); external anaesthesia is neither oesophagotomy for | -so deep nor so durable. foreign body (set of With 8 cg. analgesia t''' *~ . .: :ipoma,(1); dorso-cervical 'teeth)extirpation (1); I be produced, but may cervical phlegmon, in.*, ;,-K X w the patient preserves cision (1). -sensation of contact _i*.W. .;_l (d) Operationis on and of traction on Thorax, 7. - Cancer of -the viscera, or on the the breast, large exeides of the wound. tirpation (Halstedt 8 u- I With '10 cg. all 'sensa. Balacesco-Legueur _ Tiersch) (3); amputation 4tion is abolished; for of the breast with extir-this reason there. pation of the axillary 7 should be no hesitation gland (2); cystic disease in using doses which of-the breast, extirpation, 1 and extirpation of the tmay seem large, but ! axillaryglands (1); resecwhich are harmless tion of ribs (1). -and produce complete (e) Operations on the anaesthesia. If an Upper Limb, 14.-FracFiIE 4. -operation has lasted ture of the clavicle, Lamg botte suture (3); axillary -so long that the analaxillary lipoma, extirpaextirpation of the glands off, I make another puncture with the patient adenitis, scapulo-humeral luxation (2); days), reduction (Kocher) gesia passes (17 in dorsal decubitus, and in this way analgesia can be pro- tion (1); the humerus, trephining (1); enormous (1); osteomyelitis of 4onged as long as may be necessary without inconvenience. sarcoma of the arm, extirpation (1); ankylosis of the elbow, The sdose used for the second injection should be either resection (1) ; autoplasty of the flexor tendons (1); section of -equal to that given in the fi si or smaller, according to the the flexor tendons, tendinous sutures (1); tendinous dermoid cyst, extirpation (1); ssnguinpous redressment of the fingers ,probable duration of the operation. and amputation of the thumb (1). PHENOMENA AFTER ANALGESIA. II. SPINAL DORSO-LUMBAR ANALGESIA, 295 CASES. Headache, retention of urine, and a rise of temperature, -irequently observed when spinal analgesia is produced by (a) Laparotoniies, 52, including eventration (5); exploratory .stovaine alone, are seldom noted, and are of short duration laparotomies (5j; tuberculous peritonitis, laparotomy (2); hydatid cyst, marsupializawhen the method here described is followed. Headache Talma's operation (1); abdominalmarsupialization (1) ; hydatid liver, tion hydatid has been observed in 6.25 per cent., but is not severe and cyst (1); the liver,cyst of the extirpation, suture (5); cholecystecof incision, -disappears in a few hours. Transitory retention of urine tomies (4); spIenectomies (8); gastro-enterostomies (5); resecwas observed in 4.5 per cent., but only in those operations tion of the pyIorus, with gastro-enterostomy for ulcer (6); in which it is also produced with inhalation anaesthesia, intestinal occlusion, laparotomy (2); appendectomies (6); iliac (1). such as those on the anus, the uterus, and for hernia. In anus Gynaecologic Laparotomies wvith Inclined (b) ,no case did the temperature reach 400 C. (1040 F.); a hysterectomies (35); hysterectomies, with Plane, 49, including extirpation of the temperature as high as 390 C. (102.20 F.) was observed on illo-lumbo-pelvic ganglions for cancer of the uterus (5); retrothe evening of the day of operation in 1.75 per cent.; of flexion of the uterus, plications of the large ligaments, and -38 C. {100.40 F) in 16 per cent.; of 370 C. (98.60 F) in intra-abdominal shortenings of the round ligaments (1);







mon of the leg, incision (1); transplantation of tendons, osseous resection for infantile paralysis (1); club - foot, Phelps's elongation of the tendo Achillis (4); incarnate malextraction (1).

apparatus (4); phleg-

bladder (1). (e) Rectum and Anus, 26.-Cancer of the rectum, abdominoperineal extirpation (1); ano-rectal cancer, perineal extirpation (1); haemorrhoids, extirpation (Whitehead) (14); rectal stricture, extirpation (1); anal fissure, dilatation (2); anal stenosis, dilatation (1); rectal fistulae, cauterization (2); perianal vegetation, extirpation, cauterization (2); papilloma analis, extirpation (2). (f) Operations by the Vaginal Route, 31.-Curettage of the uterus (20); vesicovaginal fistulae (11). (g) External Genital Organs of Man, 7.Unilateral castration (2); radical cure of varicocele (4); radical cure of hydrocele (1). (h) Perineum, 7. Fistula and abscess, incision, curettage (6); perineorrhaphy (1). Abdominal Coat, 2. - arcoma, extirpation (2). (j) Lower Limbs, 43.Coxo-femoral luxations, reduction (4),; coxo. tuberculosis, I a s t e r apparatus (1); inguinal adenitis, extirpation (1); adenosarcosis, extirpaA. tion (3); fracture of ,: the femur, Laambotte suture (1); myoma of the adductors, extirpation (1); varices, resection of the saphena (2); white tumour of the knee, arthrectomy and apparatus the disarticu]ation of (4); knee (1); amputation, Sabanejeff (1); ankylosis of the knee, reduction (2); genu valgum, osteotomy (1); osteotomy of the leg bones (2); amputation of the leg (3); Lambotte suture of the tibia (3); extraction of y pieces of metallic sutures (2); fractures of , the leg bones, plaster V

atrophic ligatures for inextirpable cancer of the uterus (4) ovariectomies (3); extrauterine pregnancy (1). (c) Hernia, Radical Cutre, 70, including inguinal unilateral hernia (49); bilateral inguinal hernia (9); strangulated inguinal hernia (5); inguinal hernia with appendicitis (1); unilateral crural hernia (1); bilateral crural hernia (1); strangulated crural hernia (2) ; umbilical hernia (2). (d) Kidneys, Urinary Bladder, 8.-Nephrectomy (1); nephropexies (3) ;hypogastric cystotomies (3); exstrophy of the urinary

398 cases I add the statistics which I presented to the Congress at Brussels relating to 617 operations performedb from July 6th, 1904, to July 25th, 1908, with lumbar, medio-cervical, or superior dorsal spinal analgesia (14 cases), I have a total of 1,015 spinal analgesias without a death, and without any serious complication either during analgesia or afterwards. Of earlier statistics, I need only recall that I have performed:
27 laparotomies (among them 2 splenectomies, 3 resection of the pylorus with gastro-enterostomy, 3 intestinal resections, 6 detortions of volvulus, 5 appendectomies, etc.); 24 gynae-; cologic laparotomies, with inclined plane (9 hysterectomies, 2 hysterectomies for cancer, with extirpation of the lumbo-ileopelvic ganglions, 12 atrophic ligatures for inoperable cancer of" uterus). I have done also 14 first operations on the head, the neck, the thorax, and the upper limb, with medio-cervical or superior dorsal puncture (among them I temporary hiemicraniectomy, 1 enucleation of the eye, 1 thyroidectomy, 2 resections of' the c e rvi co-thoracic sympathetic for ex-ophthalmic gottre, 1 suture of the clavicle,. 1 Halsted operation for


* -1



of the breast)

J .

I ought to add that. two of my old pupils, -now assistant surgeons to the hospitals-Drs. Jiano and

Before concluding,

en.ough to give, goodtheir statistics oft me

operations under



produced by method.
in the first




- _ j_

Dr. Jiano, operating' surgica` clinic of the faculty (Senior Surgeon, Professor Severeano) at the Coltza Hospital, haea had 114 cases, including 20 supero-dorsal or medio-cervical punctures (operations on the head, neck, thorax, and upper limb), and '94 dorso-lumbar punctures (operations on the abdomen, pelvis,. perineum, and lower limb). Dr. Nasta, operating in the Dr. Racoviceano-Pitesti Clinic in the Colentina. Hospital, reports thal following: 19 dorsosuperior and 78 dorsolumbar punctures. Ir all these cases the, results were excellent.

Deducting 603 lum bar analgesias with from children of 1 stovaine alone, I have Fi1lig 5. year 9 months to old 412 cases of analgesia. people of 75 years. with my new method I have operated on 15 children under 10 years old, 1 of -398 indicated in this paper and 14 published at Brussels 1 year 9 months, 4 of 2 years, 1 of 3 years, 2 of four years, -with 117 high injections, medio-cervical or supero-dorsal, 1 of 5 years, 2 of 6 years, 2 of 8 years, 1 of 9 years, and 1 of and 295 low dorso-lumbar injections. Adding the cases of 10 years. They all supported the injection perfectly with Drs. Nasta and Jiano, I have a total of 623 operations. the doses I have above indicated. Therefore age is not a done by means of my method from July, 1908, to July, contraindication. 1909, of which 156 with medio.cervical or supero-dorsa) With regard to the general condition of the patient, puncture-operations on the head, neck, thorax, upper, chronic cardiac, pulmonary, renal, or hepatic diseases do limb-and 467 with dorso-lumbar puncture-operations on. not contraindicate the use of the method described. the abdomen, pelvis, perineum, lower limb, etc. I have operated on persons with advanced cardiac diseases, such as myocarditis, aortic insufficiency, and mitral stenosis CONCLUSIONS. or insufficiency, without inconvenience; the same can be 1. The fundamental principles in spinal analgesia. said as to other chronic affections. Further, acute or are that puncture of the arachnoid may be performed chronic infectious diseases are not contraindications, but at all levels, and that to the anaesthetic, whether the dose of the anaesthetic must be diminished. Neither stovaine, tropacocaine, or novocain, strychnine should be angular nor lateral curvature interferes with success, save added. in exceptional cases of ossification of ligament. If to these 2. Puncture of the arachnoid at whatever level is harmDatients

The ages of the

have varied





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less, and the fear of pricking the card unfounded; even if it happens it is not harmful. 3. Medio-cervical puncture is useless and dangerous; mid-dorsal puncture is difficult and useless; superior ,dorsal puncture between the first and second dorsal vertebrae, and dorso-lumbar between the last dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae are easy, and suffice to obtain -analgesia of all regions of the body. 4. The addition of neutral strychnine sulphate to the .anaesthetic preserves the full antiseptic power of the and at the same time neutralizes its injurious action upon the bulb. Thanks to this addition, superior spinal analgesia can be performed without danger. 5. Among known anaesthetic substances, stovaine, tropacocaine, and novocain seem to be the best; any of them may be used with the addition of strychnine. 6. The strychnine and the anaesthetic substance need -not be sterilized, a process which would destroy. some of their properties. 7. The water used for making the solution must be sterilized but not distilled. 8. The injection should consist of 1 of solution, ,the amount of strychnine and anaesthetic substance being varied. 9. The technique is simple, requiring only a Pravaz and the usual needle for lumbar puncture. 10. There are no contraindications for general spinal anaesthesia, which always succeeds if the liquid penetrates into the arachnoid cavity and if the dose of the .anaesthetic is sufficient. 11. General spinal anaesthesia is absolutely safe; it has never caused death, nor produced any important complications, early or late. 12. General spinal anaesthesia is infinitely superior to inhalation anaesthesia. Owing to its simplicity, it is within the reach of all, and as there is no contraindication it may be employed with any patient. As it can be performed by the surgeon himself it does away with the attendance of a person often inexperienced, and never responsible. 13. In operations on the face, or the throat, where analgesia by inhalation is difficult and often incomplete, spinal analgesia is a great resource. In laparotomies, owing to the " abdominal silence " it determines, it is very much superior to analgesia by inhalation. 14. The facts stated in this paper will prove how in science a condemnation a priori like that pronounced by Professors Bier and Rehn is precipitate and ill-founded. 15. I am firmly convinced that general spinal analgesia will be the analgesic method of the future.



degrees of atmospheric heat and humidity, for this is known; but to ascertain, if possible, the lowest degrees of atmospheric heat and humidity combined at whih body temperatur~e begins to rise above the maximum normal limit-37.20 C. (99.00 F.). In each observation I give the dry-bulb temperature, the wet-bulb temperature, the absolute and the relative humidity of the atmosphere; for there seems to be some uncertainty as to which of these atmospheric factors is the cause of body temperature rising. So I think it better to give all. The observations are as follows: The drying power of the air is given per 10 cubic feet, as thiz is approximately the bulk of an average man. Frgm my own sensations in the glass houses and in warm and hot climates, I would say that bodily discomfort begins as soon as the body temperature begins to rise above the maximum normal limit, 37.20 C. (99.00 F.), from imppdiment to heat loss from the body. When body temperature begins to rise above this normal limit from increased production of heat in the body, as from exercise in the open air, I have not noticed the same discomfort until the body temperature reaches nearly 37.70 C. (100.0 F.). But in this paper I am not concerned with rise of body temperature from increased production of heat, but only from impediment to heat loss. In order to apportion the relative importance of each meteorological- factor of the atmosphere within the glass houses in producing rise of body temperature by impeding heat loss from the body, it is necessary to remember that heat is lost from the body by radiation, by evaporation, by conduction and convection, and by the exereta.

Lo08 of Heat from the Body by the Excreta. As no excretions were voided during the short exposures in the glass houses, this need not be further referred to. Lo8s of Heat from the Body by Radiation. The rate at which any radiating body gives off heat depends on the difference between its own temperature and that of the surrounding air. When the dry-bulb temperature of the surrounding air is the same as the normal temperature of man-36.8 C. (98.40 F.)-no heat is being lost from the human body by radiation. As the drybulb temperature of the surrounding air falls below the temperature of the body, loss of heat from the body by radiation increases. When the dry-bulb temperature of the air falls to 0.00 C. (32 00 F), or over sixty degrees below the temperature of the body, loss of heat from the body by radiation must be considerable.
Lose of Heat from the Body by Evaporation. The rate at which heat is being lost from the body by evaporation depends on the drying power of the surrounding air, that is, its capacity for taking up water -vapour. The drying power of cold air is small. At 0.00 C. (32.00 F.), air can contain only 21 grains of water vapour per 10 cubic feet when saturated. As at such temperature air is always nearly saturated, the amount of vapour it can take up is very little. Consequently loss of heat from the body by evaporation is little. Thus in air having a dry-bulb temperature of 0.0 C. (32.00 F.), when loss of heat from the body by radiation is considerable, loss of heat by evaporation is inconsiderable. As the dry-bulb temperature of the air rises the drying power of the air increases, and as the dry-bulb temperature falls the drying power of the air falls. Whilst air having a dry-bulb temperature of 0.0 C. (32.00 F.) can only contain 21 grains of water vapour per 10 cubic feet, at 10.00 C. (50.00 F.) it can contain 41 grains; at 21.10 C. (700 F.) it can contain 80 grains; and at 36.80 C. (98 4 F.) -that is, at the temperature of the human bodyit can contain 193 grains per 10 cubic feet. Hence as the dry-bulb temperature of the air rises, and loss of heat from the body by radiation decreases, the drying power of the air and loss of heat from the body by evaporation increase. In like manner, as the dry-bulb temperature of the air falls and loss of heat from the body by radiation increases, the drying power of the air and loss of heat by evaporation decrease. Thus it seems that loss of heat from the body by radiation and loss of heat from the body by evaporation are usually complementary one of the othler; and for this reason exposure to great extremes of atmospheric temperature can be borne without abnormal increase or

REFERENCES. t Presse m,dicale, Paris, May Ist, 1909. 2 Gaulthier. Chimie 1892.


IN the Warrant of appointment of the Departmental Committee on Humidity and Ventilation in Cotton-Weaving Sheds, the Home Secretary asks the Committee to say: " At what degrees of heat and humidity combined definite bodily discomfort arises, under the conditions of the work carried on by the operatives, and what, if any, danger to health is involved by continuous work at those degrees." Being for many years much interested in the question of the effect of combined heat and humidity in raising body temperature in warm and hot climates, I made some observations on a number of healthy men at rest, exposed within glass houses heated by 5-in. pipes, and, when it appeared, by the sun, and humidified by sprinkling the earthen floor with water at the natural temperature. The air within the glass houses was still. These houses are used for growing orchids, crotons, ferns, grapes, and tomatoes. The men during exposure wore their coats or not as they pleased. The body temperature was taken in the mouth. My object was not to ascertain how high body temperature can be raised by exposure to high

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