New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional

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The document provides information about the New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (NZSATCM), including its academic programs, faculty, and policies.

Different qualifications are required to teach different subjects, such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, tuina, and Western medical science. Teachers must have clinical experience as well as training in their subject area and in adult education.

The school has a Code of Conduct and Public Safety policy that govern student behavior. Breaching these policies can result in suspension. Students must also sign a 'Public Safety Policy Declaration' as part of their enrollment.

Ancient Medicine | Modern choice


Ancient Medicine, Modern choice

Register your interest now for

NZSATCM BAcHeLor oF AcuPuNcture
We are accepting letters of interest from diploma holders in the first instance for the current years intake. We will be rolling out the Bachelor of Health Science - Acupuncture for those professionals who already have a diploma in Acupuncture from 2008. See inside prospectus for more information or email administration on: [email protected] or call 0800-88-00-33 for more details.

Directors Letter

Ancient Medicine | Modern choice

Kia ora tatou Welcome to NZSATCM A place where ideas are nurtured, inquiry encouraged and goals are realised.

We are dedicated to providing a quality education to enable you to gain the knowledge and skills to reach your potential in the real world. It is our utmost concern that all students who graduate from our programme are not only qualified but completely confident in their ability to accurately diagnose and to successfully treat. They must be highly skilled, meticulous practitioners capable of precise planning, timing and execution. It is to this aim that we have developed the programme of study at the New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with its emphasis on treating the whole person is increasingly becoming a selected therapy based on its effectiveness in enhancing wellbeing and alleviating diseases instead of solely relieving symptoms. TCM is making great leaps forward in New Zealand, revolutionising how we perceive and treat illness, and challenging us to participate in and shape a new medical model that integrates the best that the Eastern and Western worlds have to offer. As one of the fastest growing and widely accepted emerging healthcare professions, TCM offers excellent opportunities for those seeking a career in this health field as primary care providers.

Who we are looking for:

The prospective student should understand that the medical programme at NZSATCM, like any other medical programme, is a serious undertaking. It is a demanding course of study which will require dedication, persistence and perseverance. A good practitioner must be energetic, commendable and assertive, yet be gentle, understanding and responsive. A great practitioner must be impassioned, irreproachable and powerful, yet humble, compassionate and nourishing. The programme at NZSATCM is for everyone who feels the desire to strive unremittingly to be the best. I encourage you to apply. Sincerely,

A.M. Olatunji



3 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23

Directors Letter Choosing a Career in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine The Skilled Worker Academic Programme Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture) Diploma in Acupuncture Certificate in Midwifery Acupuncture (Obstetrics) Diploma of Tuina / Diploma of Qigong Diploma Of Chinese Herbal Medicine Curriculum Details Enrolment Procedure Your Interview and Successful Applicants International Student Information Academic Policies Teaching Staff INserts Enrolment form Fees information RCC/RPL form
The New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is registered as a private training establishment by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority under the provisions of the Education Act 1989 and its amendments.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system in its own right which is used to prevent disease, treat illness and improve wellbeing.


ACupunCTuRE CHinEsE HERBAL mEDiCinE TuinA QigOng

WELLingTOn Level 10, Willbank House | 57 Willis Street, CBD, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 11076, Wellington 6142, New Zealand
T +64 4 473 9005 or freephone 0800-88-00-33 | F +64 4 473 9040 | E [email protected] | W

AuCKLAnD 272/1 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland 1011 | T +64 9 361 1161| F +64 9 361 2481

choosing a career in Acupuncture & traditional chinese Medicine

hey olatunji, i think this page could read better, as the first page in the prospectus. I added the bit about ACC here also and changed the order of the intro paragraph. Just could be more inviting and reader friendly.

Over 80% of our graduates have their own successful practices within 2 years of graduating compare this to other schools!

the New Zealand school of Acupuncture and traditional chinese Medicine

NZQA Registered and Accredited NZRA Endorsed
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system in its own right, which is used to treat illness, prevent disease and improve wellbeing. It is effective for physical, psychological and emotional problems, and incorporates the complementary specialities of acupuncture, herbal medicine, Tuina and Qigong. This system originated in China more than 3,000 years ago and, due to its proven effectiveness, is still being used today. It is truly, ancient medicine for the modern world. The New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicines programmes lead to professional qualifications in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Tuina and Qigong. Our graduates are trained in their chosen speciality with the biomedical sciences appropriate to the practice of this therapy and are recognised as autonomous, first contact, primary care, health professionals. NZSA acupuncture students also automatically become ACC-accredited practitioners when they join either the New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority (NZASA) or the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturist (NZRA). The New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists has fully endorsed the school and its programmes as able to meet its professional criteria.

careers in tcM
If your looking for a career in a highly sought-after health related field, we encourage you to seriously consider a career in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with its emphasis on treating the whole person is becoming an increasingly sought after therapy which has gained recognition based on its effectiveness in enhancing wellbeing and alleviating diseases instead of solely relieving symptoms. TCM is widely accepted in New Zealand, revolutionising how we perceive and treat illness, challenging us to participate in and shape a new medical model that integrates the best that Eastern and Western philosophies have to offer. As one of the fastest growing and widely accepted emerging healthcare professions, TCM offers excellent opportunities that are recognised internationally for those seeking a career in this health field as primary care provider. NZSA is New Zealands leading TCM education provider dedicated to providing quality education in a supportive and stimulating environment. Our students graduate completely confident in their ability to accurately diagnose and successfully treat their patients. Another outstanding aspect to our curriculum is preparing students to set up their own ACC-registered practice. Were also proud of the fact that over 80% of our students have established their own practice either in New Zealand or overseas within 2 years of graduating - compare this to other schools! We also provide a postgraduate continued education programme, a forum for postgraduate students to stay connected with the school and their fellow peers, giving them access to the latest research findings through regular seminars. So, if your seriously considering a career in medicine we welcome you to a successful future in TCM.

Qualifications offered
+ Bachelor of Health science Acupuncture ( years full-time study) + Diploma of Acupuncture, incorporating the National Diploma of Acupuncture ( years full time study, or part-time equivalent) + National Diploma of Acupuncture ( years full-time study, or part-time equivalent) + Diploma of chinese Herbal Medicine ( years full time study, or part-time equivalent) + Diploma of tuina (2 years full time study, or part-time equivalent) + Diploma of Qigong (2 years full time study, or part-time equivalent) + Diploma in Acupuncture Microsystems ( years full-time study, or part-time equivalent) + certificate in Midwifery Acupuncture (obstetrics) (2 weeks) Course duration times given above allow for completion of all theoretical components, and the gaining of clinical skills by an average student. Actual time to completion is dependent upon the students individual ability to gain the required clinical skills and work experience (clinical hours).

Multiple Qualifications and cross-crediting

Students wishing to study two or more specialities may enrol in those qualifications, and cross credit the central core to each qualification. Extra specialities may be studied concurrently, or taken up at a later stage. Typically each additional speciality adds a further 3 6 hours contact time per week.

short courses
From time to time short courses will be run, please contact the school or browse our website for information on what is on offer , and click Courses tab.

Having studied three different courses at the New Zealand School of Acupuncture and TCM as a mature student, I would recommend the NZSATCM to anybody considering a career in complementary medicine. They have a long standing reputation and highly skilled and efficient staff. The material is presented in such a way that it is easily digestible and though the courses are hard and demanding, they are achievable. The school assisted me in every way they could, from funding to accommodation. Best of luck with your future studies, Gideon Le Roux
.. ..

Academic Programme

The academic programme for NZSATCM includes a central core of essential Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) history, philosophy and theory. This is matched with a thorough grounding in Western Medical Science (WMS). Students thus gain a full appreciation of both the traditional Chinese and the Western medical perspectives of health, illness and disease. These two strands of study prepare students for their role as practitioners in the New Zealand and the international health services sector. To this central core, students add their desired TCM speciality topic, thus determining which qualification they enrol in. All qualifications represent full-time courses, comprising 18-21 contact hours a week for 35 weeks per year, over two semesters. Diplomas may be studied part-time by enrolling in specific courses. For further information contact the school.

AcuPuNcture + + + + TCM/ WMS core knowledge base Acupuncture knowledge Applied clinical skills Research methodology

tuINA AND QIgoNg + TCM/ WMS core knowledge base + Tuina or Qigong knowledge + Applied clinical skills DIPLoMA oF tuINA Level: 7 credits: 336 Duration: 2 years Qualification: PC3663 DIPLoMA oF QIgoNg Level: 7 credits: 271 Duration: 2 years Qualification No: PC3662

BAcHeLor oF HeALtH scIeNce (AcuPuNcture) Level: 7 credits: 480 Duration: 4 years full time study Qualification No: PC9792

DIPLoMA IN AcuPuNcture Level: 7 credits: 480 Duration: 4Note: the National Diploma of Acupuncture PLeAse years Qualification: PC3660 deregistered by NZQA and (3 years) has been Incorporating upgraded to the Bachelor of Health science NAtIoNAL DIPLoMA oF AcuPuNcture Level: 7 Duration: Approx 3 years
(Acupuncture). the Diploma in Acupuncture (4 years) has been

cHINese HerBAL MeDIcINe + TCM/ WMS core knowledge base + Herbal knowledge + Applied clinical skills DIPLoMA oF cHINese HerBAL MeDIcINe Level: 7 credits: 336 Duration: 3 years Qualification No: PC2448

the skilled Worker

Technique is beyond tool Strategy is beyond technique A single strategy can be used to manipulate a wide range of conditions. All strategy is concerned with the application of technique. It is only after a sufficient number of techniques have been mastered that you may begin the study of strategy. Physical training, the doing of a thing, produces physical memories. By training in the correct manner, your knowledge will become instinctive instead of intellectual. This is imperative if you desire to be a person who uses strategy instead of just a person who knows about it.

oBstetrIc AcuPuNcture + TCM/ WMS core knowledge base + Obstetric Acupuncture knowledge + Applied clinical skills certIFIcAte IN MIDWIFery AcuPuNcture Level: 7 credits: 79 Duration: 26 weeks Qualification No: PC9723


Bachelor of Health science (Acupuncture)

QuALIFIcAtIoN NuMBer cLAssIFIcAtIoN LeveL creDIt LeNgtH oF stuDy eNtry reQuIreMeNts QuALIty AssurANce

PC9792 Acupuncture 7 480 4 years Domestic and international entry requirements New Zealand Qualifications Authority: Approvals, Accreditation, Audit

WHAt WILL I LeArN The course comprises the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medical Studies (WMS) core curriculum, in combination with Acupuncture (ACU) specialist theory and practical courses, including extensive clinical experience. Stages 1 and 2 are largely classroom based, with observation and assistance roles in the student clinic. Stages 3 and 4 continue with classroom based learning, but the focus moves to the students role as a clinical practitioner and researcher. The BHSc (Acupuncture), is on par with other international qualifications and takes four years full-time training to complete. QuALIFIcAtIoNs gAINeD Our graduates qualification will allow them to: + Become members of the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists (NZRA) without further training or examination + Have achieved an internationally recognised acupuncture qualification + Become members of the Australian Acupuncture professional body without further training + Take the national examination of acupuncturists in the USA without further training + Have the ability to undertake research in acupuncture + Undertake post-graduate studies course DurAtIoN Students who undertake the full four years of study, progress to become reflective practitioners, with enhanced clinical ability, demonstrating greater confidence and maturity as practitioners. Course material prepares students for practice under the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) scheme as referred treatment providers; extends their theoretical and clinical knowledge in specialist areas selected for their relevance to practice in the New Zealand health environment; and incorporates a small business management course aimed at supporting their future commercial success. In addition, the higher level of analysis and reflection required, prepares students for post-graduate studies either in New Zealand or internationally. Completion of the full fourth year ensures students have a qualification that has ample theoretical coverage and clinical experience to meet international equivalency requirements.

cANDIDAtes WItH AcuPuNcture QuALIFIcAtIoNs Candidates with existing acupuncture qualifications who wish to transfer to the Bachelor degree course will be from: + The National Diploma in Acupuncture (NDA): where the qualification does not include 500 hours of clinical training and took three years of training to qualify with any provider. + The National Diploma in Acupuncture: where the qualification does include 500 hours of clinical training and took four years of training to qualify with any provider. + The NZSATCM Local Diploma in Acupuncture: this is the primary acupuncture training course delivered by NZSATCM and takes four years of training. This includes 500 hours of clinical training and reflects majority of the content of the proposed Bachelor degree. + A Local Diploma in Acupuncture from another PTE: this qualification must be listed on the New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications and will be subject to the RPL/RCC process. + A Foreign Diploma in Acupuncture: This must be recognised by NZQA as the equivalent of the NDA and will be subject to the RPL/ RCC process. .11.


Diploma in Acupuncture

certificate in Midwifery Acupuncture (obstetrics)

cer tIFIcAte

QuALIFIcAtIoN NuMBer cLAssIFIcAtIoN LeveL creDIt LeNgtH oF stuDy eNtry reQuIreMeNts QuALIty AssurANce

PC3660 Acupuncture 7 480 4 years Domestic and international entry requirements New Zealand Qualifications Authority: Approvals, Accreditation, Audit

QuALIFIcAtIoN NuMBer cLAssIFIcAtIoN LeveL creDIt LeNgtH oF stuDy eNtry reQuIreMeNts QuALIty AssurANce


Acupuncture 7 79 26 weeks Applicants must have current NZ Midwife registration or an equivalent qualification New Zealand Qualifications Authority: Approvals, Accreditation, Audit

WHAt WILL I LeArN The course comprises the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medical Studies (WMS) core curriculum, in combination with

WHAt WILL I LeArN The course includes TCM theory as applied to midwifery, acupuncture practicals of channels and points location, the practice of selected needle techniques. TCM explanation of environmental disease factors, acupuncture treatment techniques, selected Obstetric disorders according to TCM patterns, close and limited supervised clinical training. QuALIFIcAtIoNs gAINeD This qualification is approved by the Midwifery Council of New Zealand as an elective course which has been awarded 40 points. This course meets the requirements for continuing education for the maintenance of the Midwifery Practicing Certificate. Midwives with this qualification are able to apply obstetric acupuncture techniques in local hospitals with the approval of the District Health Board or Hospital Management. On completion of this qualification, graduates will have a solid and well-established foundation in the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and clinical practice of obstetric acupuncture. The qualification will lead directly into the workforce or enable the pursuit of further tertiary study in acupuncture.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Acupuncture (ACU) specialist theory and practical courses, including extensive clinical experience. Stages 1 and 2 are largely classroom In 2008, The National assistance roles in the student clinic. Stages 3 and 4 continue with based, with observation and Diploma of Acupuncture was officially deregistered by NZQA. classroom based learning, but the focus
movesOurthe students Acupuncture has now been upgraded to the Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture), see page to Diploma in role as a clinical practitioner.

11 of this prospectus for further details or contact the school. The Diploma of Acupuncture, is equivalent to international qualifications and takes four years full-time training, it may also be studied Please Note: if you are considering working overseas that the Australian Register of Acupuncturists and other part-time. international professional bodies also require a Bachelor degree to work in this field.
QuALIFIcAtIoNs gAINeD Graduates qualify to become members of the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists (NZRA) without further examination, as they will have achieved 500 hours of supervised clinical training, and have achieved the National Diploma of Acupuncture, the New Zealand minimum standard, during the course of their training. course DurAtIoN Students who wish to leave the programme early may exit after 3 years, providing they have demonstrated competency in their clinical skills, at which point they will have achieved the National Diploma of Acupuncture (NDA), the New Zealand minimum standard. However, at this stage, students are unlikely to have achieved the 500 supervised clinic hours required by NZRA. The balance of the 500 supervised hours may be gained through the school, by enrolling on a part-time basis in the Clinical Experience component only; this can be done on a term-by-term basis until 500 hours have been achieved. Alternatively graduates with only the NDA may apply to join the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists by taking the entrance examination. Students who undertake the full fourth year of study, progress from having achieved the minimum required level of clinical skills, to become reflective practitioners, with enhanced clinical ability; demonstrating greater confidence and maturity as practitioners. Course material prepares students for practice under the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) scheme as referred treatment providers; extends their theoretical and clinical knowledge in specialist areas selected for their relevance to practice in the New Zealand health environment; and incorporates a small business management course aimed at supporting their future commercial success. In addition, the higher level of analysis and reflection required, prepares students for post-graduate studies either in New Zealand or internationally. Completion of the full fourth year ensures students have a qualification that has sufficient theoretical coverage and clinical experience to meet international equivalency requirements.



Diploma of tuina / Diploma of Qigong

Diploma of chinese Herbal Medicine


WHAt WILL I LeArN These courses comprise the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medical Studies (WMS) core curriculum, in combination with Tuina or Qigong specialist theory and practical courses, including clinical experience. Stage 1 is largely classroom based, with observation and assistance roles in the student clinic. Stage 2 continues with classroom based learning, but the focus moves to the students role as a clinical practitioner. QuALIFIcAtIoNs gAINeD The Diploma of Tuina, and the Diploma of Qigong take two years full-time training to complete for either course of study; they may also be studied part-time. We encourage students to consider taking a double-diploma as these modalities are highly complementary. These diplomas can also be combined with the other TCM modalities offered by the school. Cross crediting provisions enable students to complete 2 or more qualifications within the same time frame. Refer to the cross crediting provisions for details.

QuALIFIcAtIoN NuMBer cLAssIFIcAtIoN LeveL creDIt LeNgtH oF stuDy eNtry reQuIreMeNts QuALIty AssurANce

PC2448 Acupuncture 7 336 3 years, may also be studied part-time Domestic and international entry requirements New Zealand Qualifications Authority: Approvals, Accreditation, Audit

WHAt WILL I LeArN The Diploma of Chinese Herbal Medicine prepares graduates to work as autonomous, primary care, health professionals. The course

Diploma of tuina
QuALIFIcAtIoN NuMBer cLAssIFIcAtIoN LeveL creDIt LeNgtH oF stuDy eNtry reQuIreMeNts QuALIty AssurANce

comprises the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medical Studies (WMS) core curriculum, in combination with Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) specialist theory and practical courses, including clinical experience. Stages 1 and 2 are largely classroom based, with observation and assistance roles in the student clinic. Stage 3 continues with classroom based learning, but the focus moves to the students role as a clinical practitioner. QuALIFIcAtIoNs gAINeD This diploma is ideally suited to combine with other TCM modalities offered by the school. When combined with Acupuncture, it is recommended that students complete Stage 1 Acupuncture before beginning their specialist Herbal Medicine study; both Diplomas are then completed in the students 4th year. Refer to the cross crediting provisions for details.

Tuina 7 336 2 years Domestic and international entry requirements New Zealand Qualifications Authority: Approvals, Accreditation, Audit

Diploma of Qigong
QuALIFIcAtIoN NuMBer cLAssIFIcAtIoN LeveL creDIt LeNgtH oF stuDy eNtry reQuIreMeNts QuALIty AssurANce

Qigong 7 271 2 years Domestic and international entry requirements New Zealand Qualifications Authority: Approvals, Accreditation, Audit




curriculum Details

traditional chinese Medicine (tcM)

year 1 theory History of Traditional Chinese Medicine Philosophy and Theory Physiology year 2 theory Pathology Formulate Diagnosis Treatment Principles and Methods year 3 theory Selected internal disorders: Part 1 Principles and methods of treatment year 4 theory Selected Internal Disorders: Part 2 Selected External Disorders Hand Needle Insertion and Manipulation Microsystems Five Phase Japanese-Korean-Chinese Acupuncture

chinese Herbal Medicine

year 1 - Materia Medica Properties of Individual Herbs Categories year 2 Formulas Classical Herbal Formulae Functions Derivative Formulae Methods of Preparing and Dispensing Contraindications year 3 - Modern Herbal Formulation Herbal Prescription Use of Prepared Medicines for Internal and External Conditions Adjusting Formulae for Individual Patients Creating Formulae Making Substitutions

year 1 - tuina techniques Swinging, Pushing, Rolling, Kneading, Twining Rubbing, Scrubbing, Pushing, Twisting, Wiping Pressing, Pinching, Lifting, Combinations Shaking, Vibrating, Knocking, Patting, Striking, Flicking year 2 - Applied techniques Contraindications Joint Mobilisation, Rotating, Back-Holding, Pulling, Stretching, Tramping Applications: Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Back Pain, Leg Pain, Stress

Western Medical science (WMs)

year 1 Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Human Development Professional studies: Communication, Ethics and Cultural Awareness year 2 year 3 Pathology When to Refer Pharmacology in TCM Practice

year 1 - Qigong techniques
Taijiquan; Energy techniques to gather and distribute Qi for personal health (Shi Ba Shi, Ba Duan Jin)

supervised clinical experience

Clinical experience is provided in the TCM specialist student clinics: Acupuncture, Tuina (and where offered Herbs, Microsystems) year 1 year 2 Clinical Setup and Clinical Observation Clinical Assistance and Clinical Reasoning Treatment Principles and Methods Formulate Diagnosis Case Studies Close Clinician Supervised Limited Clinician Supervision Case Studies Research year 2 - Applied techniques

Recognise and understand Qi requirements of patients Recommend exercises for selected patients needs

Midwifery Acupuncture (obstetrics)

Delivered in six weekend courses Weekend 1 Weekend 2 Weekend 3 Weekend 4 Introduction to acupuncture needling and acupressure, Prebirth Emotional treatments, Introducing moxa, Breech and mother warming Morning sickness, Miscarriage, Back pain, Symphysis pubis pain Pregnancy induced hypertension, Haemorhoids, Heat burn, Constipation, Insomnia, Thrush, Itching, Anaemia, IUGR, Oedema, Intrauterine death

year 3

year 4

year 1 Practical Jingluo The channels, their location and functions Xuedao The points, their location and functions year 2 Practical

Weekend 5 Weekend 6

Post natal, Retained products, Breast feeding Revision and practical needling assessment

Needle Insertion, Manipulation Microsystems Ear Moxa, Cupping, Dermal Hammer, Intradermal Needling, Guasha



enrolment Procedure

your Interview and successful Applicants

Applications for enrolment are accepted throughout the year, for the school year commencing in February of the coming year. to enrol in any program of study you must: + Have health and travel insurance. + Have completed 6th form certificate or NCEA level 2, or an equivalent international secondary school qualification, and/ or be aged 18 years or over at the time of enrolment. + Have met the English language requirement listed on page 21 of this prospectus. + Competency is required to a minimum level of 6.0 on the IELTS academic scale, or 560 on the TOEFL scale. Test results should be current (obtained within two years from application date), or + Have studied full time within the New Zealand school system for a period of two (2) years and completed NCEA level 2 or above.

Once we have received your application form and information we will acknowledge receipt of your application by either email, fax, phone, or post. At that point your application fee of NZ$215 dollars will be due. Please note your application cannot be processed until this fee is paid. See the Fees Information insert at the back of this prospectus for methods of payment or alternatively visit our website for more information:

Preparing For your Interview

It is important that you have compiled and familiarised yourself in preparation for the interview discussion with the following: Any previous academic achievement Cross / Transfer Credit Possibilities / RPL credits Life experience / Aspirations Reasons for wanting to enrol Student: Code of Conduct / Responsibilities/ Grievance procedures / Welfare / Support Study requirements: Course / Language / Assessment / Attendance requirements Fees: Refund / Protection / Withdrawal policies and procedures Enrolment policy Academic progress / Assessment International student interviews also include: Grievance procedures for international students Accommodation Code of Pastoral Care Health and travel insurance Details of orientation programme and support services

Fill out the enrolment Form inserted at the back of this prospectus, or down load a copy from the NZSA website Post the completed Enrolment Form together with the $215 Administrative Fee to the School. This Administrative Fee is refunded only if your application is not successful. The School will process the application and an interview will be arranged. Where possible your meeting will be conducted in person, otherwise it will be conducted by phone.

Successful applicants will be notified directly at the interview, or by telephone or email. A formal acceptance letter will be sent confirming that you have a place on the course. This letter is accompanied by a receipt for the administration fee, the course booklist, a Study Guide and selected policy documents. A class time table will also be sent. Please note that class times may change, a confirmed timetable will be distributed at Orientation. Course fees are due in full before commencement of the course, and may be paid at any stage after receipt of the acceptance letter, but must be paid before the end of the first week of the academic year. Late fees attract a penalty.

successful Applicants Information

Successful applicants will be notified at the time of the interview by email, fax, phone or post. On receiving the Letter of Acceptance all fees must be paid before the due date stated on the letter. Please note at this stage your application fee is now non-refundable and late fees will attract a penalty. Once the School has received your fees, a receipt and final Letter of Acceptance will be sent. Keep this letter safe and handy. Information found in this letter is necessary to quote when obtaining financial aid from StudyLink or Lending institutions. The Letter of Acceptance will inform you of: + Confirmation of place + Course of study + Year of study + Student ID number + Site of study the school requires a recent photo of you so that a student card can be made, please supply a passport sized photo of yourself by email or post.

The academic year begins with Student Orientation. All students must attend the first day of Orientation, and will be advised of attendance required for the remainder of that week. Normal classes commence the following week. Orientation covers a basic introduction to the school, including safety procedures, study protocols, and school policies. Students are given a copy of the Student Regulations Handbook, course workbooks, and a timetable. Orientation provides an opportunity to meet with the full student body, and teaching and administrative support staff.



International student Information

The New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration welcomes all international enquiries and can provide information about: + The Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students + Any additional welfare and support services that are available + Transportation + Using the New Zealand banking system + New Zealand laws, customs and culture + Student work opportunities + Touring in the Auckland / Wellington regions and around New Zealand

code of Practice for the Pastoral care of International students

Please read and be advised of the complete wording of section 5.3 of the code by visiting the following websites listed below: + code: The New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students published by the Minister of Education. Copies of the code are available on request from this institution or from the New Zealand Ministry of Education website at: + Immigration: Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying and reporting requirements can be viewed on the New Zealand Immigration Service website: + eligibility For Health services: Most international students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand. If you receive medical treatment during your visit, you may be liable for the full costs of that treatment. Full details on entitlements to publicly-funded health services are available through the Ministry of Health. This can be viewed on their website at: + Accident Insurance: The Accident Compensation Corporation provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors to New Zealand, but you may still be liable for all other medical and related costs. Further information can be viewed on the ACC website at: + Medical And travel Insurance: International students must have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance while studying in New Zealand. Most international students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand unless they are: A resident or citizen of Australia; or A national of the United Kingdom in New Zealand; or The holder of a temporary permit that is valid for two years or more. If you do not belong to one of these special categories and you receive medical treatment during your visit, you will be liable for the full costs of that treatment. We require that you have insurance that will cover the cost of medical treatment in New Zealand for the duration of your stay in New Zealand. We also require that you obtain insurance to cover your travel to and from New Zealand.

Preparing For your Interview

It is important that you have compiled information and familiarised yourself in preparation for the interview discussion with the following: Any previous academic achievement Cross / Transfer Credit Possibilities / RPL credits Life experience / Aspirations Reasons for wanting to enrol Student: Code of Conduct / Responsibilities/ Grievance procedures / Welfare / Support Study requirements: Course / Language / Assessment / Attendance requirements Fees: Refund / Protection / Withdrawal policies and procedures Enrolment policy Academic progress / Assessment Details of orientation programme and support services Grievance procedures Code of Pastoral Care Health and travel insurance Accommodation

PLeAse Note: It is important to present your receipt and acceptance letter to the New Zealand embassy, consulate or High commission in your respective country as part of the visa application requirements. You must have the following information before New Zealand Immigration service will process a visa. + Letter of acceptance and duration of your course(s). + Documentation showing all fees have been paid. + Name and ID number of our institution. + Student ID number. + Name of course(s) you are enrolled in. + Documentation showing New Zealand accommodation details.

You must already have a place to stay in NZ before the NZ Immigration Service will process your visa. We do not provide accommodation for students ourselves. Please go to our website for possible help with accommodation or phone one of our support staff on +64 4 473 9005 for advice on arranging a place to stay,

Students must have achieved a minimum of 6.0 on the IELTS scale of English or the equivalent. All courses and their subjects are taught in English and all written and verbal reports, presentations, projects, assessments, etc., are required in English.

Work Permits
For international students prior arrangements between the New Zealand Immigration Service and the student must be made. Visit the New Zealand Immigration Service website for more details. Please Note: Courses are full-time (21 hours /week x 44 weeks /year), please allow an additional 15-20 hours a week for study.



Academic Policies

teaching staff

The NZSATCM maintains a full policy and procedure manual, available from Administration at each school campus. The policies and procedures outlined are reviewed regularly by the school, and are regularly audited by NZQA for compliance with statutory requirements, and good practice. Students are each provided with a copy of the Student Regulation Handbook, which details the school policies that relate to students course requirements, assessment and re-sit policy, and complaints policy, as well as covering the enrolment, withdrawal and refund policies. Policies relating to student conduct are outlined including attendance, code of conduct and public safety protocols. International student policies and information is also included. Students are also welcome to ask their tutors or Administration at their campus for advice on any course or school related issue.

We believe our dedicated and professional teaching staff to be the greatest asset of our school; all are skilled clinical practitioners, with experience and training in adult education. Continuing clinical practice and research, together with on going professional development ensures that they remain at the forefront of their profession. Details of their qualifications and professional experience are available on our website. It is with great pleasure we introduce our tutors and clinical supervisors to you:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + A. M. olatunji: School Director, Ac.T, CHb.T, NDA (NZ), NZRA, RNZTCMP Debra Betts: MBAA, NDA (NZ), NZRA, NZRN Michael Fletcher: Ac.T, NDA (NZ), NZRA Dr. H.r. (Henry) su: B.M. (China) Ac.T, Chb.T, NDA (NZ), Tuina, Qigong, NZRA Dr Jane J.H. Huang: BM (China), Ac.T, Chb.T, NDA (NZ), NZRA Dr. yan Qiu (Karen) chen: B.M. (China) Ac.T, Chb.T, NDA (NZ) Dr. Alphonse v. Pantig: HOD, MD (Phil), CFP (Phil), DipAcSc (Ac) (Aust), NDA (NZ) Dr. P.D. (george) cui: B.M. (China) Ac.T, Chb.T, NDA (NZ), Tuina, Qigong, NZFCMS Joanna graham: Dip. Physio. Dip. Manip. Therapy, Dip. Advanced Physio-Manual Therapy, Dip Micro Mass., Dip Ac.T, NDA (NZ) Joseph Liguori: BS (NY), Dip. Acup.(NZ), NDA (NZ), Dip Tuina-Qigong, NZRA Kate roberts: MHSc (TCM), BHSc (Acu), NDA (NZ), NZRA Lucy schwabe: Dip Ac, Ch Herb, NDA (NZ), NZRA Philip Mettrick: Dip. Acup. (Melb), Grad. Dip. Clinical Osteo. (RMIT), NDA(NZ), NZRA Philip Jameson: NDA (NZ), NZRA

code of conduct
A student may be failed or dismissed for academic dishonesty, or for acts or inattention that violate professional ethics in patient care. At the discretion of the Director a student may be suspended for behaviour disruptive of the educational mission of the school, such as, but not limited to, those stated below: + Cheating or plagiarism in connection with an academic program, + Forgery, alteration or misuse of School documents, records or identification, or knowingly furnishing false information to the School. + Obstruction or disruption of the schools educational process, administrative process, or school functions. + Physical, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse or harassment of any member of the School community. + Theft or non-accidental damage to School property or property owned by a member of the School community. + Not taking care to preserve patient confidentiality or identity when discussing case histories or failing to preserve patient confidentiality in any other situation.

Public safety Policy

Students have no moral or ethical right to provide acupuncture, microsystems, herbal medicine or tuina treatments without having first completed the course work and passed professional examinations assuring competency in this health domain. + No student is permitted to treat people on or off school premises without supervision or permission from clinical staff or school administration. When permission is allowed, it will be granted in written form, with terms and conditions clearly defined. + Students are not allowed to accept a fee for their services, nor to offer their services for a fee. + The consequence of ignoring this policy is immediate suspension. + Students must sign and return the Public Safety Policy Declaration posted to students with their letter of acceptance, as part of their enrolment procedure. At the discretion of the Director, students suspended for breaches of either the Code of Conduct or the Public Safety policy may be refused re-enrolment at the School.

chinese Herbal Medicine

+ + Dr. yan Qiu (Karen) chen: HOD, B.M. (China) Ac.T, Chb.T, NDA (NZ) Dr. H.r. (Henry) su: B.M. (China) Ac.T, Chb.T, Tuina, Qigong, NZRA

+ + + Dr. Z.y. (vinson) Wu: B.M. (China) Ac.T, Chb.T, Tuina, NZRA Dr. P.D. (george) cui: B.M. (China) Ac.T, Chb.T, NDA (NZ), Tuina, Qigong, NZFCMS Peter Larking: HOD, NDA (NZ), Dip. Tuina & Qigong, NZRA

cross credit / transfer credit / recognition of Prior Learning Policy

Formal tertiary study completed at this or another recognised institution may be eligible for cross-credits, or transfer credits. If it is informal, or in the form of work or other life experience, it is called recognition of prior learning.

cross credit
All Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medical Science core subjects gained at the NZSATCM in one diploma can be crosscredited to other diplomas. Upon your enrolment in subsequent diplomas, cross-crediting will occur automatically. If you have any queries about this please contact Administration.

+ + Peter Larking: HOD, NDA (NZ), Dip. Tuina & Qigong, NZRA Peter caughey: NDA (NZ), Dip Chb.T, Dip. Tuina & Qigong, NZRA

transfer credit
Credit may be awarded for course work and clinical instruction completed by students at other recognised institutions. A student seeking transfer credit for work must demonstrate current competency in that area. Recognition of current competency (RCC) is then used to award credits.

Western Medical science

+ + + + Barbara Hoverd: HOD, BSc (Zoology, Botany), NZI of Medical Lab Techs. Cert of Attainment in Microbiology Dr. Alphonse v. Pantig: HOD, MD (Phil), CFP (Phil), DipAcSc (Ac) (Aust), NDA (NZ) Dr Pacifico L. garcia: MD (Phil.), DipPPS (Phil.), BSc (Biology) Dr. Anna Harvey: MBChB, Dip.Obst. FRNZCGP MBChB, University of Auckland ,

recognition of Prior Learning (rPL)

RPL is available to anyone with skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values that can be validated through recognition of current competency (RCC). Contact Administration to discuss transfer credits and RPL. Based upon your situation, Administration will give you an indication as to how much, if any, credit is likely to be given. If you decide to make a transfer credit or RPL application, you will need to complete the Application for Transfer Credit/ RPL form at the back of this Prospectus, or available from Administration. A fee of $50 will be charged for processing requests, and should accompany your application. Please make sure verified copies of documents supporting your application are attached. .22.


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