HS Friday Bulletin 08-31

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International School Manila

For ATTENDANCE concerns, please contact the HS Office (Sam Ramos or Laurie Atilano) Tel: 840 8650 / 840 8653 email [email protected] For GUIDANCE concerns, please contact Bella, Gigi or Jasmin Tel:840-8655 / 840-8660


A weekly bulletin for Parents and Students

Dear Parents, I would like to thank the many parents who attended High School Open House or Back to School Night, last Tuesday evening. We had a good turn out from parents and from comments I have received it appears that it was a highly successful evening. I was busy myself with my Grade 12 homeroom, and then teaching my Grade 11 Information Literacy Class, followed by dropping into a few of my own sons grade 9 teacher presentations. For those who were not able to attend HS Open House I would like to include here part of the body of my welcome address. Here is ISMs Mission Statement. You will have seen it before no doubt, posted around the school and also in the front of all of our school publications. I have highlighted just two areas that I want to briefly comment on. MISSION International School Manila is an independent, international school whose structure, traditions and style emanate from the United States and whose curriculum and methodology reflect the best in worldwide educational research and practice. Our school is diverse and dynamic, and our students have the highest aspirations for their education and future lives. Our mission is to build a community of reflective learners who are passionate, caring and responsible contributors to the world in which we live. CORE BELIEFS that bind our community of faculty, staff, parents and students. We strive to Advance the value of learning, growth and self-awareness as life-long endeavors. Nurture creativity and originality as precursors for critical and reflective thought and action. Succeed collectively as well as individually, achieving our personal best in all aspects of school life. Maintain a healthy balance in the time devoted to work, rest and recreation. Involve our community in sustaining and safeguarding our environment. Interact through honest, respectful and open communication. Acknowledge and celebrate our differences and encourage empathy, compassion, understanding and respect for human dignity. Live our lives positively, joyfully and ethically.

Let me deal with the second highlight first, I commented in the opening student assembly that we are very excited that this year ISM has chosen to adopt a school wide goal which engages our community to focus on sustainability issues. The fact that this initiative evolved from our hosting of the Global Issues Network conference and is student organized is a powerful example of our mission statement in action. The first highlight concerning the latest educational research and practice was an opportunity I could not pass up. It is not very often that I can brag about my alma mater, but Professor John Hattie, formerly of the University of Auckland, has done some brilliant work which I would like to briefly comment on.

In a meta-analyses synthesizing over 800 educational studies relating to achievement, Hattie calculated an effect size for a range of influences and noted the source of that influence. Here are the top 15 influences. Clearly the single greatest factor on learning that schools can control is the teacher. Influence Feedback Students prior cognitive ability Instructional quality Direct instruction Remediation/feedback Students' disposition to learn Class environment Challenge of Goals Peer tutoring Mastery learning Parent involvement Homework Teacher Style Questioning Peer effects Effect Size 1.13 1.04 1.00 .82 .65 .61 .56 .52 .50 .50 .46 .43 .42 .41 .38 Source of Influence Teacher Student Teacher Teacher Teacher Student Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Home Teacher Teacher Teacher Peers

Hattie, John A. (2008). Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement So to paraphrase Jim Collins in his book Good to Great, we need the right teachers on the bus or in ISMs case the jeepney, and then sitting in the right seats, to move ISM from being a good school to an even better one. Teacher feedback to student and the instructional quality are two key influences on learning. I have spoken before about the significant progress we have made as a school with the design of our curriculum that places at the center teaching and learning for understanding. Within that framework we have also made serious progress on assessing student performance with authentic tasks, where students are engaged in real world applications. As we walk around ISM we frequently comment on the fantastic and ever improving ISM facility. You will see a number of those significant improvements tonight. In addition we acknowledge that we are very fortunate to have many brilliant students, which of course relates to Hatties second most important effect, but we also know that schools are more than bricks and mortar and I hope that tonight when you are in your daughter or sons class you will get a sense of the great work that our ISM teachers do on a daily basis. My own litmus test when I sit in classes is would I have been engaged and encouraged to learn in this class? Would I want my own children taught by this teacher? I am pleased to report that at ISM the answer is a resounding YES! I think we have assembled a truly world class faculty and I would love to hear your feedback if after tonight you dont entirely agree with me. We have listed many opportunities and activities in this Bulletin. Please avail of these, beginning with next Tuesdays PTA Bearcat Welcome and followed by the September HS Parent Coffee. Kind Regards

William R. S. Brown High School Principal

Monday,September3: IB2PsychExperimentWeek CommonApplicationWorkshop34pm(Rm1082) IB2MathSL/HLIABegins Tuesday,September4: IB2PsychExperimentWeek PTABearcatWelcome7:309:00am(Lofthouse) HSParentCoffee9:30am11:00am(LT) CommonApplicationWorkshop34pm(Rm1082) Wednesday,September5: LateStart CommonApplicationWorkshop34pm(Rm1082) Thursday,September6: CommonApplicationWorkshop34pm(Rm1082) Friday,September7: IB2Bus&MgtDraftIADue CommonApplicationWorkshop34pm(Rm1082) UPCOMING EVENTS: September4:HSParentCoffee9:30am11:00am(LT) September1014:FreedomfromChemicalDependency Week(FCD) September20:BattleoftheBearcats September21:NoschoolFacultyInService InvitetoHSParentCoffee: WewouldliketoinviteallParentstoattendtheHS ParentCoffeeMorning When:Tuesday,September4 Time:9:30am11:00am Venue:LittleTheater(LT)


An Evening with Selective U.S. Universities

Columbia University, Duke University, Georgetown University, Northwestern University, and Princeton University cordially invite you and your family to an evening information session in the FAT at ISM. Admission directors from the five universities will each give a brief presentation about their institution (undergraduate programs only) and will be available to answer specific questions at the end of the program. The information session will also include an overview of admission and financial aid policies and procedures. Tuesday, September 11th, 2012 6:30 - 8:00 PM

**A special time ONLY for ISM families will be 5:15-6:15 on the 2nd floor of the FAT. ISM students and parents are welcome also to stay for the 6:30-8:00 presentation. Anyone interested in attending this event should register in advance. Pre-register by clicking on the appropriate date in this link:

Check out the High Schools new Bearcat Career Experience facebook page located at https://www.facebook.com/#!/BearcatCareerExperienc e. Click like and get updated on various career/college related information as well as updates on the popular BearcatCareerExperienceInternshipprogram.

Wehopetoseeyouthere! Agenda
o o BearcatCareerExperience HSCurriculum


BelowareuniversitieswhichwillbeatISMduringthelunchperiodinSeptember.Universitiesarecontinuingtoschedule visits(andmakeminorchanges),sokeepuptodatebycheckingtheHSFridayBulletinandFamilyConnection(Naviance). September 3Macalester 4Chapman,Babson,Elon,Augustana 11LMU,SeattleUniversity,JohnCarrollUniversity,GeorgeMasonUniversity,UniversityofWyoming,Universityof Hawaii,FairleighDickinsonUniversity 13UniversityofChicago 14ClaremontMcKennaCollege 19CISCollegeFair(30universities) 25St.Mary'sCollegeinCalifornia 26EmersonCollege 28ISCAHMMakati

PSAT Testing on October 17

The PSAT test will be given to students in grades 10 and 11 at ISM on Wednesday, Oct. 17. Students must register for the test by paying the fee of $20 USD to the ISM Cashier. Deadline to register is Monday, Oct. 1, at 4 p.m. No late registrations will be accepted. The PSAT test is an excellent practice for the SAT as the same skills are evaluated - critical reading, math and writing. While the PSAT is optional, students who are considering university admission in the U.S. should take the PSAT. Additionally, students not completing the IB Diploma and considering university admission to other countries, including the UK, Canada and Australia, may also need to take the SAT and therefore would benefit by practicing with the PSAT. In January, students will receive their scores along with their test booklets so they are able to review specific questions. Students also receive feedback regarding their strengths and weaknesses in each section of the test. This information can then be used for SAT preparation. In addition, students taking the PSAT will have access to the College Board's My Road program, a career and college search resource. Students registered for the PSAT will need to bring #2 pencils and a calculator (with extra batteries) on the day of the test. Students will be assigned a testing location, and should plan on testing from 7:30 a.m. to approximately 11 a.m. If you have specific questions about the PSAT, please contact your child's high school counselor.

HS Parent Book Group for Fall 2012:

The high school counselors will host a book discussion group in September and October for parents with students in grades 9-12. We have chosen WHY Do They Act That Way?: A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen by David Walsh, Ph.D. In this U.S. bestseller, the author explains exactly what happens to the human brain on the path from childhood into adolescence and adulthood. This is one of the first books to explain the changes in teens brains and show parents how to use this information to understand, communicate with and stay connected to their kids. If you are interested in being a part of this book group, please reserve your space by contacting Bella Velasco at 840-8655 or [email protected]. For discussion purposes, we are limiting the number of participants. You will need to obtain a copy of the book. It is available in digital form for e-reading devices, and we have a very few copies in the HS Counseling Office that you can check out - first come, first served. Book discussions will be 8:30-10:30 a.m. in the Little Theater on Sept. 12, Sept. 26, Oct. 10 and Oct. 24. Those who sign up for the book group will be sent additional information. For additional information at this time, contact Lisa Ball, grade 11-12 counselor, at [email protected].

FROM THE ATAC OFFICE: The1stseasonpracticescheduleAug14thtoOct12thispostedon notice boards around school and is available on the ATAC blog. http://atac.ismonline.org/schedules/hs/ InformationaboutourESsoccerteamsandtheRIFAfestivalscan be found here http://atac.ismonline.org/atac/1stseason/es soccerrifaleaguefestivals/and flyers have been posted on ES noticeboardandonthenoticeboardlocatedunderthetentatthe ESfield.SeetheinformationlinkfortheMS7asidesoccerteams http://atac.ismonline.org/atac/1stseason/mssoccerrifaleague festivals/Parentspleasenotethevenuesforthe7asideCandE festivalsonSept15and22havechangedduetothenumberof teamsineachdivision.TheCfestivalswillnowbeheldatCSAas theycanaccommodatealargernumberoffieldsneededandthe EfestivalswillbeatISMHSfield. The next RIFA League 7 a side festivals will be held on the dates/venuesbelow: SaturdaySept15thandSept22nd Midgets C teams (C1, C2, C3 and C4 Coach Eric/Chris/KlengandJaysteams)atCSAkickoffat8am. Midgets E teams (E1 and E2 Coach Popoy and Coach Francisteams)atISMkickoffat8am MidgetsGteams(G1andG2CoachMikeandCoachIsas teams)atBritishSchoolManilakickoffat8am. MS girls 7 a side festival at ISM 1pm on Sept 15 and on Sept22ndatCSA1pmkickoff FinalswillbeplayedatAteneoonOct13thforteamsthat qualify. Permission slips will be issued to all players via the coaches at training prior to each festival. Please consult the ES andMS links abovetogetthelatestinformation. TheAllyearroundprogramforSailfish,TaeKwonDo,Judo,Aikido, Table Tennis, Chess, Gymnastics and Wall Climbing is now in full swing. For detailed information about our Sailfish Swim Team programpleasevisittheSailfishbloghttp://sailfish.ismonline.org/ andgetincontactwithCoachAndy.Studentscanjoinourallyear roundteamsatanytime,justgoandtalkwiththecoachesatthe venuesafterschoolifyouareinterested.

A great way to stay in touch with the ISM ATAC program is to subscribe via RSS feed to the ATAC blog and also to follow via twitter(seetwitterfeedonthebloghomepage).EachMondayI will post the weeks happenings and highlight important events for students and parents information on the ATAC blog and in theregularFridayparentbulletins. GAME SCHEDULE PDF: (access to game schedule information) Informationaboutallmidweek/weekendfixturesforISMteams canbefoundviatheATACblog.Pleasenotethegameschedule doeschangeoftenduetoinvolvementwithmanylocalschools so please check the page regularly to find out the latest informationofwhereandwhentheBearcatsteamsareplaying. ClickonschedulestabortheBearcatlogotobedirectedtothe http://powerschool.ismanila.org/public/ You will need your power school user name and password to access the game schedulepdf.Thisservicewillnotbeopenuntilpoweropensto thecommunity. HSStudentregistrationforATACactivities:(newforschoolyear 1213) A Google doc registration is now available for all HS studentswhowilltakepartinanyATACseasonalsportsteams, MUNandCulturalConventionprograms.Pleasetakethetimeto complete this online registration for activities that you plan on joining next school year. Please access the form via the HS StudentRegistrationtabfoundundertheHelpfulShortcutsbar on the ATAC blog home page. *please note this is for HS students only and you must use your school email address to access the link. Personal gmail or hotmail addresses will not allowyoutoaccessthepage. BEARCATDEN:http://atac.ismonline.org/bearcatden/ OurBearcatDenisupandrunningandopenforbusiness,please dropbytocheckouttherangeofBearcatproducts.Wehavea great team of volunteers who run the den and are always looking for more people to help out. If you are interested in joining a fantastic group please contact Melanie Ball at [email protected]. Wehaveanewrangeofdrifittshirtsnowavailablealongwith newBearcatbags Regular Opening Hours for the Bearcat Den: Wed and Fridays from11:30am1:00pmandeachafternoonfrom2:304pm. HaveagreatyearattheHomeoftheBearcats!


On Tuesday, September 4 at 7:30 am in the Loft house, the ISM Parent Teacher Association is holding a Bearcat Welcome for all families new to ISM NOT JUST ANOTHER COFFEE MORNING . . . ITS A BEARCAT COFFEE MORNING!!
What is a Bearcat? The ISM school mascot, a symbol of our community spirit.. We welcome our new families and encourage them to get to know each other and to learn more about our school and about Manila: You will learn about some local social and international organizations; You can meet and greet our PTA and our Bearcat Den team and volunteer (which is always well appreciated and needed) for school activities. We also invite all returning parents and teachers to come and meet the new families and to enjoy a great opportunity to see old friends again. Looking forward to seeing you all!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 7:30 to 9:00 am at the ISM Loft House

Questions? Email [email protected]
Registration for the upcoming baseball/softball season will take place on September 1, from 9am to 4:00pm at the Colegio San Agustin (CSA) Baseball-Softball field (located inside Dasmarinas Village). We will also have a special on-campus registration for ISM families at the ISM Bearcat Welcome on September 4, 7:309am at the ISM Lofthouse. For 36 years, the International Little League Association of Manila (ILLAM) has shared the love of baseball with the ISM community through its T-ball, Coach Pitch, Softball and Baseball programs. A volunteer association, ILLAM is affiliated with Little League Philippines and Little League International Inc., an American organization based in Williamsport, Pennsylvania which handles and supports Little League baseball and softball programs globally and hosts the Little League World Series annually every August. The ILLAM baseball season runs from September through February. Practices are typically once a week after school, and games are usually scheduled on Saturdays. The registration fee of P6,000 covers uniforms, field rentals and umpire fees as well as yearbooks and trophies/medals for each player. For inquiries, please contact Noela Lagajino at 0912-315-5345 or email us at [email protected].


CarStickers Thecarstickersfortheschoolyear2012/2013areavailablefrom the security office. Each ISM family will be issued one vehicle stickerfreeofcharge. Any additional stickers will be issued following payment of Php100.00tothecashiersoffice. Forvehiclesalreadydisplayinganexistingsticker,parentsshould submitacompletedrenewalformwithacopyofthecurrentLTO official receipt. For new vehicles, parents are reminded that a copy of the vehicles certificate of registration and a current officialreceiptneedtobesubmittedwiththeapplication. Applications for vehicles registered with companies or other institutionsshouldbesupportedbyaletterofassignment. Inordertofacilitatetheeasyrecognitionofauthorizedcarsatthe gates,thestickersshouldbeaffixedtothetoprightcornerofthe windshield. Further to this, old ISM stickers issued in previous yearsshouldberemoved. Vehiclesnotdisplayingthisyearscarstickerwillnotbeallowed accessfromAugust31,2012. IDCards ParentIDs ParentIDsissuedinpreviousschoolyearwillcontinuetobevalid for the new school year 2012/2013. Parents who require replacementschoolIDsduetolossordamagecanacquirethese from the Security Office upon payment of Php100.00 to the Cashier. SchoolPasses School passes issued to parents employees and representatives needtobereplacedforthisschoolyear.AsofAugust31,2012 the dark blue bordered passes issued for the school year 2011/2012 will be invalid. Each family will be given two free school passes. Additional school passes may be obtained after payingaprocessingfeeofPhp100.00eachtotheCashiersOffice. VisitorsPasses All visitors must secure a pass from the guardhouse at Gate 3. Beforeentrywillbeallowed,atelephonecheckwillbemadewith the relevant office to confirm the visitors business within the school. Visitors will need to surrender a photoID upon entry to campus.

DropOff/PickUpPasses For the school year 2012/13 we are introducing a new pick up and drop off pass that can be issued at Gate 3. This is for non regular drivers who are entering school to drop off or collect visitorsormembersofourcommunitybutwhodonotintendto park within the campus. Our regular checks to confirm the identityofdriversandtheirpurposeforenteringthecampuswill continuetobemade,butwewillnotretainaphotoIDinreturn fortheissuedpass.Theuseofthesenewpasseswillavoiddelays attheGate1exitandreducetrafficcongestionatbusytimes. Securitystaffdirections Oursecurityteamisendeavoringtomaketheschoolassafeand secure an environment as possible for all members of our community. Weaskthateverybodycooperatewithusinthisimportanttask. In particular, all those entering our campus are requested to comply with any directions given to them by members of our guardforce. If you are confused or unclear as to the purpose of such instructions, please seek clarification from the security office. Please note that it is the parents responsibility to advise their staffaccordingly. Thank you for your cooperation. We are looking forward to anothersuccessfulyearatInternationalSchoolManila. Bestwishes, MichaelFlynn DirectorofOperations andSecurity


Adult Language Courses at ISM

ISM is pleased to offer language courses such as English, Filipino, and Chinese. All of our adult language courses are taught by experienced educators in the community. Courses typically run for 5-10 weeks and are held twice a week in the morning at ISM. It will run from September to November, 2012. If you are interested to join the Chinese, English, or Filipino language course, kindly register through the link: http://bit.ly/K8hZJc For other inquiries, please email Armie Bausas at [email protected].
Learn a new language and get a new soul. Czech Proverb

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