Reflection & Attributes in C#

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Reflection & Attributes in C#

Provide an introduction to .NET Reflection Explain how applications can use Reflection to explore type information and how they can build types at runtime

Section 1: Overview Section 2: Exploring Metadata Section 3: Detail Information Section 4: Building Types at Runtime Section 5: Putting it together Summary

Section 1: Overview
.NET Compile-Execution Cycle .NET Reflection Core Concepts

Reflection Overview
All types in the CLR are self-describing
CLR provides a reader and writer for type definitions
System.Reflection & System.Reflection.emit

You can read programs You can map between type systems You can interrogate objects and types inside a running program

.NET Reflection Core Concepts

Single location for type information and code Code is literally contained within type information Every .NET object can be queried for its type Types' metadata can be explored with Reflection Highly dynamic and language independent Types may be extended and built at run-time Allows on-the-fly creation of assemblies .NET Compilers use .NET to emit .NET code

Dynamic Type System

Reflection is fundamental to the CLR

RMI JVM COM Directory DBMS XML Proxies

Code Generation Analysis, Documentation

Metadata uses
Allows type developed in a PL to be used by code in other PL GC uses to traverse objects Serialization (essential for Web Services) IDE (e.g. IntelliSense)

Section 2: Exploring Metadata

Who are you? What are you? Anything special about you? Now tell me what you have! Types and Instances

Type Reflection
Savings.BaseType ==Account Savings.BaseType.BaseType == Object

Ixfer.BaseType == null Account.IsSubClassof(IEnquire) == false Savings.IsSubClassof(Account) == true



Savings.GetInterfaces() == { Iprint, Ixfer, Ienquire }

Ienquire.IsAssignableFrom(Savings) == true

IPrint IXfer

Reflection and the CLR type system













MetaData: Type Info at Runtime

System.Type Attributes Events Fields Properties Constructors Parameters Methods
[serializable] public class Person : { public event OnSaveChange onsv; public Date DOB; public string FirstName; public string LastName; public string Name { get { return FirstName + " " + LastName; } } public Person(string First,string Last) { FirstName=First;LastName=Last; } public bool Save() { System.Type t = this.GetType(); foreach( FieldInfo f in t.GetFields() ) { ... } }

Traverse every element in an assembly

Using System.Reflection; Public static void WalkAssembly(String assemblyName) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load (assemblyName); foreach (Module module in assembly.GetModules()) foreach (Type type in module.GetTypes())

foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers())

Console.WriteLine ({0}.{1}, type, member.Name;


Save state of an object on disk or send to a stream:

public class Point : { public double x; public double y; public double length; // computed from x, y };

Inherit from a base type:
class Point : Serializable { } but base type does not know derived type requires multiple inheritance

Solution: Attributes

[Serializable] public class Point : { public double x; public double y; [NonSerialized] public double length; // computed from x, y };

Reflection Emit
Abstractions correspond closely to the CTS that underlies the CLR:
Assemblybuilder ConstructorBuilder CustomAttributeBuilder EnumBuilder EventBuilder FieldBuilder ILGenerator Label LocalBuilder MethodBuilder ModuleBuilder ParameterBuilder PropertyBuilder TypeBuilder

Who are you?

Accessing meta-data: System.Object.GetType()
All .NET classes (implicitly) inherit System.Object Available on every .NET class; simple types too C#, JScript.NET: typeof() VB.NET: If TypeOf Is Then Types have unique identity across any assembly Types can be compared for identity
if (a.GetType() == b.GetType()) { };

Explicit language support for type meta-data Determining Type Identity

Access to meta-data for any .NET type Returned by System.Object.GetType() Allows drilling down into all facets of a type
Category: Simple, Enum, Struct or Class Methods and Constructors, Parameters and Return Fields and Properties, Arguments and Attributes Events, Delegates and Namespaces

What are you?

Value, Interface or Class?
IsValueType, IsInterface, IsClass

Public, Private or Sealed ?

IsNotPublic, IsSealed

Abstract or Implementation?

Covers all possible properties of a managed type Very intuitive API, no "Parameter Hell"

Anything special about you?

Special Memory Layout?
IsAutoLayout IsExplicitLayout IsLayoutSequential

COM Objects?

IsUnicodeClass IsSpecialName, etc.

Type and Instances

Type Safety First! Type checking at runtime
C#: if VB: If
(o is Customer) { } TypeOf o Is Customer Then End If

Dynamic Invocation through Reflection

Support for late binding
MethodInfo.Invoke() FieldInfo.SetValue() PropertyInfo.SetValue()

Section 3: Detail Information

MemberInfo FieldInfo, PropertyInfo ConstructorInfo, MethodInfo

Base class for all "member" element descriptions
Fields, Properties, Methods, etc.

Provides member kind, name and declaring class




FieldInfo EventInfo PropertyInfo



FieldInfo, PropertyInfo
Field data type and attributes Static or Instance field, protection level Can set value through reflection
Provides low-level, direct access with SetValueDirect()


Property type and attributes Test methods for readability, writeability "get" and "set" MethodInfo Indexer ParameterInfo Can invoke "set" and "get" through Reflection

MethodInfo, ConstructorInfo
Return type and attributes List of all parameters as ParameterInfo array Detail implementation information through flag-field Can invoke method through Reflection

Same features as MethodInfo, just for constructors

Custom attributes are the killer-app for Reflection! Attributes enable declarative behavior Attributes allow data augmentation

[dbcolumn("Address1")] string Street; [dbcolumn("Postcode")] string ZIP;

Mark class as serializable Type.GetCustomAttributes() Map fields to database columns with FieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes()

[serializable] class Person { ...

Custom Attributes
[BugFix(121,GA","01/03/05")] [BugFix(107,GA","01/04/05", Comment="Fixed off by one errors")] public class MyMath { public double DoFunc1(double param1) { return param1 + DoFunc2(param1); } public double DoFunc2(double param1) { return param1 / 3; } }

Definining a Custom Attribute

public class BugFixAttribute : System.Attribute { public BugFixAttribute(int bugID, string programmer, string date) { this.bugID = bugID; this.programmer = programmer; = date; } // Named parameters are implemented as properties: public string Comment { get { return comment; } set { comment = value; } }}

Using Attributes
MyMath mm = new MyMath( ); Console.WriteLine("Calling DoFunc(7). Result: {0}", mm.DoFunc1(7)); // get the member information and use it to retrieve the custom attributes System.Reflection.MemberInfo inf = typeof(MyMath); BugFixAttribute[] attributes = (BugFixAttribute[])inf.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BugFixAttribute), false); // iterate through the attributes, retrieving the properties foreach(BugFixAttribute attribute in attributes) { Console.WriteLine("\nBugID: {0}", attribute.BugID); Console.WriteLine("Programmer: {0}", attribute.Programmer); Console.WriteLine("Date: {0}", attribute.Date); Console.WriteLine("Comment: {0}", attribute.Comment); } Output: Calling DoFunc(7). Result: 9.33 BugID: 121 Programmer: GA Date: 01/03/05 Comment: BugID: 107 Programmer: GA Date: 01/04/05 Comment: Fixed off by one errors

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