The expression Psora means different things to different minds. In the Hahnemannic historico-pathological case-taking it plays a most important part. Here its true appreciation is of the utmost significance and incalculable range. Psora may not, perhaps, express an absolute truth, but it is of extreme practical worth. It must not be regarded as synonymous with the acarus disease, although it may be possibly included in it. As far as I understand the subject, it has not any more to do with scabies than with eczema, psoriasis, rhagades, phthisis, or cancer; but psora is the soil in which these weeds thrive, the psoric individual is their appropriate host. Those who ridicule the Hahnemannic doctrine of psora, believing it to be synonymous with the acarus malady, are both right and wrong; right in refusing to subscribe to the teaching of such identity merely, but wrong in supposing that Hahnemann ever taught so. At least I cannot see that he does so in the original. The mucous membrane in its entirety and he common integument must be looked upon as homologous : what is on one to-day may appear on the other to-morrow, and conversely. Metastases from the one to the other are most frequent. Both are dermoido-epithelial structures; and, for me, psora means a constitutional crisis that manifests itself as a disorganisation of some portion or portions of these homologous structures, whereby we may have itching when it is on outside. We have seen that the lens is differentiated skin, a dermoido-epithelial structure; and hence cataract may well be conceived as being a metastatic, or primitive, psoric expression. This I conceive to be theHahnemannic Pathology and Etiology of Cataract. On this line cataract is curable with medicines. Further, I submit that this is pretty clearly demonstrated in quite a number of the cases of cure that I have cited and narrated. It is vague, I admit; neither would I maintain that it is an absolute truth; it certainly requires reading of booksand of nature, and some reflection withal. But the willing mind, with fertile receptivity and docility, may in this wise get behind, and beyond, and under many otherwise inscrutable forms of disease, and he will be thus often enabled to cure what, from any other standpoint, seems hopelessly incurable. It would lead me too far, were I to attempt to follow this up and to elaborate it. I have, myself, obtained more insight into the doctrine of psora in working at this "Curability of Cataract with Medicines" than I ever before could; the light - crepuscular only as yet - is nevertheless, better than the darkness of despair. "Censeurs savants, je vous estime tous;
I called the next day, about eighteen hours thereafter, and my patient opened the door herself, slightly screening her eyes with her hand, and was quite able to bear a moderate amount of light. The inflammation was nearly gone; and the next day it was quite gone. Patient's amazement was great indeed. In all suffered much, and had a number of doctors, including London oculists, to treat her; but to no purpose. And yet she had been treated actively, and there had been no lack of physic and leeches, and also no lack of medical skill; but there was lacking in their therapeutics the one thing needful - The law of similars. How was it that I, with no very special knowledge of the eye or of its diseases, and with only usual practical experience, could thus beat skilled specialists and men of thrice my experience? Was it, perhaps, greater skill, deeper insight into disease, or more careful investigation of the case? By no means. . . It was just the law of similars, patiently carried out in practice. My dear allopathic confreres, why are you so very simple that you leave us homoeopaths with this enormous advantage over the best of you? Any little homoeopathic David can overcome the greatest allopathic giant, if he will only keep to his Materia Medica and the directions of Hahnemann. And the good thing lies so near, and is so constantly thrown at you. If we homoeopaths were only to make a secret of our art, you would petition the Government to purchase if of us! But - revenons nos moutons. My patient was naturally very grateful, and said. "If that is homoeopathy, I wonder if it could cure my cataract?" On examining the yes now with some care one could readily perceive that there were opacities behind the pupils, that of the right being the much more extensive. She then informed me that she had a cataract for some years, and was waiting for it to get ripe, so as to undergo an operation. She had been to two London oculists about it, and they agreed both as to diagnosis and eventual operative treatment. She had waited a year and gone again to one of these eye-surgeons and been told that all was satisfactorily progressing, although but slowly; it was thought it might tale another two years before an operation could be performed. Her vision was also getting gradually worse, and she could not see the parting in her hair at the looking-glass, or the names over the shops, or on the omnibuses in the street; could see better in the dusk than in broad daylight. In answer to her question as to the curability of cataract with medicines, I said I had no personal experience whatever on the subject beyond one case *, and I thought that from the nature of the complaint one could hardly expect medicines to cure it, or even affect it at all. Still some few homoeopaths had published such cases, and others had asserted that they sometimes did really succeed in curing cataract with homoeopathic treatment. I added that, inconceivable as it was to me, yet I had no right to question the veracity of these gentlemen simply because they claimed to do what seemed impossible.
* This was the case of a lady of 48 years of age, with senile cataract, in which Calcarea 30, and Silicea 30, had been given with apparent benefit. In fine, I agreed a patient's special request, to try to cure her cataract with medicines given on homoeopathic lines! I must confess that I smiled a little at my own temerity. But I consoled myself thus : "What harm could it do to treat her while not prevent it!" So it was agreed she should report herself every month or so, and I would each time prescribe for her a course of treatment. All this was there and then agreed to. She took from May 26th to June 19th, 1875, Calcarea Carbonica 30, and Chelidonium 1, one pilule in alternation 3 times a day. Thus, she had two doses of the Calcarea one day and one the next, and conversely of the Chelidonium. There were indications for both remedies, though I cannot defend the alternation; I hope I alternate less frequently now. Then followed Asafoetida 6, and Digitalis Purp. 3. Then Phosphorus 1, and subsequently Sulphur 30, and then Calcarea and Chelidonium. Thus, I continued ringing the changes on Phosphorus, Sulphur, Chelidonium, Calcarea Carbonica, Asafoetida and Digitalis, till the beginning of 1876. On February 7th, 1876, I prescribed Gelsemium 30, in pilules, one three times a day; and this was continued for a month. Then I gave the following course of drug treatment : Silicea 30, for fourteen days; Belladonna 3, for fourteen days; Sulphur 30, three times a day for a week, and then Phosphorus 1, for a fortnight. A month or so after this date, March 20th, 1876, I one morning heard some very loud talking in the hall, and my patient came rushing in and crying in quite an excited manner that she could see almost as well as ever. She explained that latterly she seemed able to discern objects and persons in the street much better than formerly, but she thought it must be fancy, but that morning she suddenly discovered that she could see the parting in her hair, and she at once started to inform me of the tract, and, en route, she further tested her vision by reading the names over the shops, which she previously could not see at all. I ordered the same course of treatment again, and in another two months the lenticular (or capsular) opacities completely disappeared, and her vision became and remained excellent.
She never had any recurrence of the ophthalmia, and she remained about a year and a half in my neighbourhood in good health; she then went abroad again, and in her letters to her friends since, she makes no mention of her eyes or sight, and hence I fairly conclude that she continues well. The patient's age is now about 50 or 51. I have detailed this case somewhat circumstantially, so that my conversion to a belief in the medicinal curability of cataract may appear to others as it does to me. This case made a considerable stir in a small circle, and a certain number of cases of cataract have since come under my care in consequence, and the curative results I have obtained in their treatment are extremely encouraging. Be it noted that the diagnosis of cataract was made by two London oculists. This case had led me to look up the literature of cataract a little, to see what others have said and done on the same subject; and in treating various cases of cataract. I have been often moved to a consideration of the true nature and origin of this affection, and on these points some few thoughts will not be out of place by-and-by.
In consequence of this cure of cataract with medicines, I began, as just stated, to look about in our literature to see what others had done. In the British Journal of Homoeopathy, for 1847, vol. v., p, 224 et seq., there is a very able article on this subject by the late Dr. Henry V. Malan. This writer considers the primary cause of cataract to be a psoric taint in the constitution, and asserts that all constitutional cataracts are from a psoric cause. This, of course, does not apply to traumatic cataract, and not necessarily to those of inflammatory origin. Dr. Malan continues . . . "Many circumstances accompanying the formation of the cataract render the surgical treatment, it left to itself, either impossible or most difficult; for that reason the attempt has frequently been made to find a medical one. According to Vidal de Cassis (Pathologie Externe, Paris, 1840 , none have been found except in some rare cases, and then only for the inflammatory and recent cataracts. The French surgeon Velpeau corroborates this statement, and tells us that some cures have been made by revulsives to the skin, setons, moxas, etc., and that "it is only by revulsion that the cures of some cataracts in their infancy have been made; but that these cures, after all, are only the exceptions; old cataracts of the capsule, or of the lens, must always be operated on." "Here I (Malan) differ. The general opinion entertained on this point is not mine. I shall try to point out, in a few remarks, my reason for differing, and shall endeavour to be concise."
"We have seen that for cataract, as for many other similar states of the human body, no better treatment has been to this day found, than surgical operation; we shall see, also, that in many cases these means prove useless; in otorrhoeas they are injurious, and often they might, with much advantage, be exchanged for homoeopathic treatment. "I have said that surgical operation often proves useless. It is the case when the cataract is a constitutional disease; if the general health be not improved, and the disease arrested and cured by previous internal and rational treatment, the removal of the diseased organ will not cure the progress of the malady any more than plucking rotten fruit from off a tree because it is the only one as yet decayed - will remove the internal cause of disease in the tree. Too often, however, are surgical operations made on quite a similar mode of proceeding, and are, to say the least, useless. This, applied to the case of cataract, will explain why internal treatment will often be most beneficial. "I said also that surgical operations were sometimes injurious to the general state. How often, for the same reason mentioned above, is the removal of an organ - visibly more affected than the others - really injurious to the whole body, as the internal disease, finding its outlet cut off, will often burst out in weaker but more essential organs, and by this inroad into the constitution bring on rapid and inevitable death. "In other cases, I have said that surgical operation might, with advantage, be exchanged for homoeopathic treatment. It is often so in the complete and ripe cataract, though, generally speaking, surgical operation is not injurious to it, and often cures the affection when the internal process which caused the cataract has ceased, and then this morbid product stands as an inorganic mass and in the way of the functions of the organ. Even in this most favourable case, however - the only one in which surgical operation ought to be permitted it can often be, with much advantage, exchanged for homoeopathic treatment. "No medicine or internal treatment has, as yet, been of any avail in confirmed and ripe cataracts; this was left for better days to medical science, and homoeopathy has given us means of cure which were totally unknown before. I do not mean to say, be it well understood, that homeopathy will entirely supersede surgery, and that we are not to trust this latter means, or ever employ it - no; but I wish to draw attention to these three remarks only; that, firstly, in many cases, homeopathy will cure, completely cure, real cataracts, even old and ripe ones; secondly, in many more it will prevent the progress of the cataract in the other eye, when as yet only one is affected; thirdly, that if it does not always succeed in curing, it will always prepare the whole constitution for the surgical operation, prevent inflammatory accidents after it, and secure its success. "This part of medical treatment has been, to this day, too much neglected, because, to out eyes this more or less ex-organic body seemed not fit for medical treatment, and because our ears have been accustomed to hear that surgical operation only is of any use we have left aside the internal treatment, which will often be crowned with far more success than is generally expected. Not the least process in the human body, morbid or natural, can take place without the whole constitution taking some part in it. We cannot expect that an organ
of the body, be it ever so small, can become affected quite independently of the organism, but rather that it becomes affected in consequence of a morbid process existing, though not seen, in the organism itself. I am as far from admitting such confined notions, as I would be right to admit that the very same organ has no common tie with the rest of the body, and is not one constituent part of it, by its nerves, its vessels, and all its texture. "If, therefore, one part of the body is diseased, we must not direct our treatment to it solely, and use what is called local treatment alone. We must act on the whole constitution in the same way as we would direct our attention to the whole tree when it bears decayed fruit. In this case, and for this very simple reason, it is not only advisable, but necessary, to have internal treatment, and this way of attending to disease will prevent many a failure, and the harm which might ensue from local treatment. In a case of cataract, therefore, the whole constitution must be acted upon, as in all diseases. Our Materia Medica has many a remedy against such a state." The remedies reckoned the most important by Dr. Malan are Sulph., Silic., Caust., Cann. Sat., Phosph., Calc.and Conium. The cause is psora, the remedies principally antipsorics. Accidental symptoms to be removed by apsorics. He concludes : "It is not possible to say that, in this or that species of cataract, this or that remedy will cure. The tout ensemble of the symptoms must always decide us in the choice of the remedy; and, in all cases, no second remedy is to be given before the first has exhausted its action."
cataract of the right eye, ripe for some years, and one of the left, which had been ripe only a few months. Monsieur Maunoir had operated on the right eye three times, but without any success; the third operation took place four weeks before applying to me. Ever since, the patient had suffered from a violent inflammation of the whole eye; the sclerotica was much injected, the cornea opaque : there was great photophobia, a constant discharge of tears, and complete loss of sight. Besides, the eye-ball had partially emptied itself, the patient had lost his appetite, there was great thirst and much fever. I prescribed Aconite (3/5) pulv. ij., and next day Bell. (2/20), a teaspoonful three times a day until amelioration. On the 15th of November there was a great change, but the cornea remained opaque, the eye-ball partly shrunk, and the patient was made aware of the complete loss of that eye. Merc. Sol. (3/15). On November 22, all the inflammatory symptoms of the right eye had disappeared; the left one presented a thick whitish opacity of the lens; the pupil was dilated, but mobile. The patient had certainly lost the sight of the right eye, and with the left he could only distinguish day from night, but was unable to guide himself. He was led about by this servant. Sulph. (3/30) was given dry on tongue. On December 7, there was much amelioration, even of both eyes; the opacity of the right one had sensibly diminished in appearance, he could distinguish the fingers of the hand interposed between him and the light; and with the left eye he could distinguish the difference between some coins. Nothing was given. On December 25, amelioration continued in the feet eye, the right remaining in the same state. He went about to his affairs, drove his own gig, and attended to all his business. A pustular eruption, accompanied with much itching, covered the whole body. He was given Cann. Sat. (3/15), and the sight continued to improve until he left off treatment, as he thought himself far enough recovered to need no further medical care I met with the patient seven months afterwards, he was still enjoying his sight and health. It is much to be regretted that Dr. Malan does not give a minute account of both eyes at this period; still, the evidence of curative drug action cannot be contested. Note well the sentence in italics. Case III. - December 21, 1844. A man of forty-two years of age, living in the country, of bilious temperament, thin, and who had suffered much from headaches, applied to me. He complained, for the previous six years, of a whitish hard cataract of lens of the left eye, and had for some years past completely lost the sight of that eye. He had the itch twenty years ago, and kept it three months. Sulph. (8/30) removed chronic headaches and an inflamed state of the eyes.
January 23, Silic. (3/30) was given. Not much change occurred till Sulph. (3/30) was repeated. On the 24th of February, a violent itching came on, particularly when undressing at night; and all over his body an eruption of small pustules ensued. From that time the eye began to amend. He could distinguish the fingers of the hand, and gradually see objects more clearly; but having left the country I was unable to follow this interesting case. "Dr. Malan thus concludes : "I know of other cases where the homoeopathic treatment proved most beneficial, but I object to mention those I have not myself witnessed. "At this moment I have under my treatment a patient, who, for some years back, has had a cataract of the left eye. He has lost the sight of that eye for more than two years, and when he came under homoeopathic treatment, the cataract of the right eye was fast progressing. Since that time, now fifteen months ago, the right eye has been very nearly stationary, though the bad state of the general health has been much in the way of its treatment. It is to be regretted that he did not apply to homeopathy at an earlier period, for he was prevented from doing so by the advice of a homoeopathic practitioner. I mention this, - not to say that, contrary to this advice, homoeopathy will always cure the cataract, and that it will supersede surgery, - but only on order to draw the attention of my colleagues to this part of practice too neglected. I feel assured that regular homeopathic treatment will, if not always cure the cataract, yet do so in many cases; in many more it will stop the progress of the disease in the constitution, and the development of the cataract in the other eye; and in all cases where the operation must be resorted to, it will prepare the organism for the surgical operation, and prevent any danger attending it. "The treatment of the cataract must, therefore, be first medical, and, en dsespoir de cause only, surgical." This being Dr. Malan's experience, it must be admitted that he has at least demonstrated the possibility of the medicinal cure of cataract. That all cases are not amenable to medical treatment is not to be wondered at; indeed, it cannot be said of all the cases of any ailment that they are curable with medicines, since some cases of common cold end fatally, even with the most skilful treatment, and yet we do not usually consider a cold to be a deadly malady. The fact is, the eye is considered the expulsive province of the surgeon; and so long as this idea remains there cannot be any great advance in the medicinal treatment of eye affections, and therefore not of cataract. Everything is impossible until it is tried. At one time it was impossible to heal an inflammation without blood-letting. One very great drawback to the medicinal treatment of so-called surgical complains is its difficulty as compared with mere knife-work, and then any one can appreciate a clever operator, but very few can appreciate the best work of the real physician, of which the effects can only be seen after many days.
The medical or surgical Hodge demands bulk, and obvious immediate effects; the sterile skeptic weens fertility impossible, since it is not in him; the weakling dreads any deviation from the trodden path, lest he be thought a medical dissenter, and you know dissent is not comme il faut. The original dissenter must be a man of grain and grit. To be in the van is to be in an exposed position, and in the van of medical dissent involves misapprehension, and imputations of wrong and unfair motives. The man who advocates the medicinal treatment of anything authoritatively considered to lie solely within the province of the surgeon, must expect to be either ignored or tabooed at first; medical men constitute a trades-union, and they ill brook any independent thought or action. I now give another case : Mrs. McM., an intelligent lady of about sixty years, lost the sight of her right eye, and began to lose the sight of the left. She consulted several of the best physicians of both schools of Philadelphia, who all pronounced it a cataract, and agreed that nothing but an operation would restore her sight. An old woman told her to apply the oil from a rabbit to the eye, which she did twice a day, and in six months it completely restored her sight, and removed all traces of cataract, so that she can read without glasses, which she had not done for many years. She complained of constant dryness in the eyes, which the oil removed, and this was the only peculiar symptom. - (W. Lovell Dodge, M.D. , Philadelphia; Hahnemannian Monthly, July, 1878, p. 648). What the oil from a rabbit may be I do not know. This is a curious case, and perhaps of not great weight. Let some one with cataract try it. Here is a further case : An infant that was born with cataract. Sulph. effected considerable improvement; a cure was finally completed by means of Euphrasia and Lyc., which is recommended by Rummel. (Jahr, Forty Years' Practice, Hempel's Translation, New York, 1869). Jahr says further : "In this disorganization (cataract) of whatever kind I have so far accomplished most withsulph., allowing the dose to act a long time. If the action of Sulphur seems exhausted, I then commonly resort to Calc. and next to Lyc. with tolerable success. If these remedies do not help, I have given, with more or less success, Magnes., Cannab. Sat., and Silic., and in the case of old people Conium 30, of which I cause a solution of six globules to be at the same time applied externally." There is not much individualizing here. Tout comme chez nous! Dr. Angell, the eminent ophthalmologist of Boston, U; S., in his Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye for the use of General practitioners, Boston, 1870, thus expresses himself on the medicinal treatment of cataract : "It does not seem improbable to me that in the course of time we may find some reliable remedy, the administration of which, before the lens-fibre has become degenerated, may restore its transparency. Cataract is known to be a result of
ergotism. It has also been produced in frogs by administering sugar in large quantities or by injecting it under the skin. Chloride of sodium and alcohol * have produced similar results. In our school, cures, or beneficial results, are reported to have followed the use of Cannab. Sat., Con., Phos., Silic., Sulph., and a few other of our remedies." *An old Vienna oculist used to recommend his cataract patients to drink brandy so as to hasten the maturation of the cataract. Then why not try medicinal treatment during the ripening, and in cases in which operation is impossible or undesirable? But cause of scientific therapeutics cannot be advanced on the line of "some reliable remedy"; we must rather individualize and treat the patient, not the cataract. A specific for cataract, in the very nature of things, cannot be found, because there are not two cases of cataract exactly alike. Thus, I have noticed in my own experience one case due to repeated attacks of inflammation; another arose from arsenical poisoning; another from a liver affection; another was congenital, and another hereditary. Then there are those due to trauma, to retrocedent gout and suppressed menses, and, again, the many arising from a repercussion of an affection of the skin, as also those in the diabetic. Not being a specialist, my experience is necessarily limited, yet I have seen enough to know that there is cataract and cataract; and I do not mean merely nosological forms. Moreover, various substances are known to cause cataract - such as ergot, nitric acid, common salt, alcohol, santonine, and sugar; and certainly of as many different kinds. Case VII - Cataract of right eye; man, aet. 61. August, 1859, Cannab. Sat., 30; high potency; Nov. 9, Mag. Met., high potency. The eye, dry before, is now moist, and the sight commences to improve. March 18, 1860, sulphur, high potency; May 22, Sulphur, high potency; July 22, Caustic. 30; September 22, Sulphur, high potency. Sight clearer, but no dissolving of cataract. November 21, Silic., high potency. Seven days after, great improvement of sight. January 5, 1861. Silic. high potency; entire disappearance of cataract. - (Dr. Kirsch, Senr., Allgemeine Hom. Zeitung, lxxxiv., 214. From Raue.) There is no mistake about this case; the persistent treatment persevered in from August, 1859, to January, 1861, is a worthy example to be followed. And one is very apt to be senile, at 61, especially if there is a cataract. Case VIII. - Cataract in a lady, aet. 60, was cured by the administration of Sulph., Pulsat., Silic., Calc. Carb., Baryt. Carb., Amm. Carb., and Mag. Met., given at long intervals and high attenuations. - (Dr. Kirsch, Senr., Allgemeine Homoeopathische Zeitung, lxxxv. 44.) Here, too, we trace the hand of a great master in the therapeutic art. Case IX - Cataract. Mrs. E., aet. 48; complains of heaviness of the eyelids, mist and gray fog before the eyes, and a feeling as of sand in the eyes. She was nursing a baby. In the
right eye beginning of cataract. Burning n forehead; flashes in right eye; pain, as if beaten, in small of back. Sulph. 200, December, 1871. Nebulous sight, eruption on ears; the eye becomes clearer. Feb. 1, Sulph. 400; and March 1, 1872, Caustic. 60; perfect cure - (Ibid). In fact, rapid medicinal cure of incipient cataract. Case X. - Woman, aet. 63, cataract in both eyes, worse in the right. October 18, 1869, Sulph. 60; January 4, 1870, Amm. Carb. 30, and higher potencies till May. May, Calc. Carb., high potency; July 7, Lycop., high potency; latter part of August, Mag. Carb., high potency; October 24, Baryta Carb., 30;December 21, Baryta Carb. 200. In the last two months a number of rhagades appeared in the palms of both hands; the eyes got entirely clear in that time - (Ibid). This is good honest therapeutic work of the right stamp. Case XI - Cataracta Dura Incipiens. A lady, aet. 67, was suddenly attacked, after taking cold, with pressing pain around the eyes, which was worse in the open air; before the eyes she constantly saw dark figures, like spider-web or lace, of the size of a hand. She had been subject to sick-headaches all her life. Sepia 3, one dose night and morning, for fourteen days. In four weeks the large dark figures were reduced to mere specks, and her general health greatly improved. - (HL. Goullon, Junr., Internationale Hom. Presse, 1875, p. 691. In Raue.) Dr. Goullon, Junr., is a man of considerable reputation. Case XII. - Young man, aet. 20, had had the itch one year and a half ago, of which he got rid y internal and external use of medicines. Later, he had had an attack of intermittent fever, which he cured with pepper and whiskey. A short time since he discovered that he could not see with his left eye. The eye had a deal look; pupil was enlarged and immovable; in the middle of the lens there was an opacity, as if it had been punctured by a needle; the lids and conjunctiva were somewhat reddened. On holding the hand quite near to the eye, he could dimly discern the fingers. August 2, Sulphur 6; August 9, several pimples on the face and arms. Sight better. Sulph. 6, which was repeated on the 19th, 26th, and 29th of August, and on the 3rd and 23rd of September. There appeared a number of furuncles on the arms; the eye looks natural again, and he sees as well as ever before. - (Fr. Emmerich, Arch., XIV., iii. p. 115. In Raue). In Hale's New Remedies, 1875, vol. ii., p. 569, we read under the heading, Pulsatilla Nuttaliana : "Dr. W.H. Miller, of St. Paul, Minnesota, struck with the many points of similitude between this plant and the European Anemone Pulsatilla, conceived the idea that in chemical composition and therapeutical effects they were also closely allied, if not identical. He instituted numerous experiments with a view of verifying the latter surmise, and according to his statements, they proved to be entirely successful. He claims to have established the value of this remedy in many chronic diseases of the eye, particularly cataract, amaurosis, and opacity of the cornea. Very decided advantage was also experienced from its employment in cutaneous eruptions, and in secondary syphilis."
This latter remark, regarding its good effect in skin diseases, is significant, considering that the lens and its capsule and the skin are embryologically of identical origin. It may be remarked that our Pulsatilla was already considered by Stoerck to be a remedy for cataract. At this moment I have a lady patient suffering from cataract, who is taking Pulsatilla Nuttaliana. It must not be given in too low a dilution, or it causes considerable distress at the neck of the bladder with frequent micturition. In Hale (op. cit.), p. 671, under the head of Santonine, we read : "It was also used in nine cases of cataract, of which four were cured, the rest not benefited." We will next quote from Ophthalmic Therapeutics, by Timothy F. Allen, M.D. , Surgeon to the New York Ophthalmic Hospital, and George S. Norton, M.D. ? Surgeon to the Hew York Ophthalmic Hospital, and Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon to the Homoeopathic Hospital on Ward's Island, New York, 1876. On p. 252, we read : A large number of cases are to be found in our literature, in which the internal administration of a few doses of the properly selected remedy has worked a wonderful cure of cataract, but the great majority of these must be taken cum grano salis, and put aside with the remark "mistaken identity". "We are, however, certain that by a careful selection of drugs according to the homeopathic law, and by continuing the use for a long period, we may succeed, in a large proportion of cases, in checking the progress of the disease, and are enabled to clear up a portion of the diffuse haziness, thus improving vision to a certain extent. But after degeneration of the lens fibres has taken place, no remedy will be found of avail in restoring its lost transparency and improving the sight. We must then - providing the vision is seriously impaired and it is senile or hard cataract - wait until it has become mature, when the lens should be extracted. "The medical treatment will consist in the selection of remedies according to the constitutional symptoms observed in the patient, for the objective indication are entirely or nearly absent, and we cannot yet decide from the appearance of an opaque lens what remedy is required. "The drugs found below have been verified by us, as having arrested the progress of the cataract : Baryta Carb., Calc., Caust., Lyc., Mag. Carb., Phos., Sepia, Sil. and Sulph."
Now, even though we accept these statements of Drs. Allen and Norton at the same price at which they accept the like statements of others on the same subject, viz., cum grano salis, still they are of considerable weight, even allowing that they, too, are sometimes mistaken in their diagnosis. The italics are mine. In the North American Journal of Homeopathy, vol. xiv., 1866, p. 592, is this article : Cataract - Dr. Quardi, of Italy, has for several years been treating cataract with Ammonia. He gives the following case : A woman, aged 22, perceived a diminution in her power of vision. Her mother, two of her brothers, and her sister had all been afflicted with cataract. Her eyes presented a cortical opacity, which appeared greater at the circumference than towards the centre. Dr. Quadri prescribed the daily application of liquid Ammonia in watch-glass to the temples, and a few centigrammes of Hydrochlorate of Ammonia administered internally. After following this treatment for two months her eyes had so far improved as to enable her to resume her needle-work. The ophthalmoscope revealed at the same time a diminution in the extent and density of the opacity. The patient persevered in this treatment for five years, during which the affection continued to diminish; she left it off for a month, but was obliged to resume it at the end of that time, the infirmity having again gained ground; her return to the old treatment was attended with success. From this case we may at any rate learn patience and perseverance in treatment. What the modus operandi of the Ammonia is, may not be readily determined (let us call it revulsive), but as there are numbers of cataract patients waiting for the completion of the maturation process, it would not harm them to give Dr. Quadri's Ammonia treatment a fair trial. The treatment of cataract with Ammonia, is, however, by no means new. Ammoniated counter-irritants have been successfully used in the treatment of cataract; a very convenient form is Goudret's Pommade Ammoniacale, certainly less objectionable than Dr. Quadri's method. The next case is culled from the American Homeopathic Review, vol. ii., 1860, p. 413. It is translated by the late (also that we should say late) Carroll Dunham from l'Homoeopathe Belge, and is by Dr. J. Mouremans of Brussels. M. J., aged seventy-seven, had been blind four years. She is small, emaciated, and of sallow complexion. She had had three children. The account she gave of the exciting cause of her disease was very unsatisfactory. She could only say that several years ago, in consequence of a cold, she was attacked with inflammation of the conjunctiva, and that from that time her vision became more and more feeble. She saw snow-flakes and spider-webs continually in the atmosphere; surrounding objects appeared to her to be enveloped in a thick mist, which prevented her from distinguishing with accuracy the external margin of an object; the
light of a candle was encircled by a halo; she could distinguish more clearly in the evening than in the morning; artificial light she could not well tolerate. The patient came to our Institution (Brussels Policlinique) April 29th, 1856. At this time, she could hardly distinguish light from darkness; the pupils were dilated, and the mobility of the iris was partially impaired; the crystalline lens was obscured, of a whitish color and uniformly shaded. The patient complained of no pain; her disposition was much affected, however, and she had, for four years, found it impossible to apply herself to her accustomed occupation. All bodily functions were normal. We began our medical treatment 29th April, with Euphrasia 30; three globules were dissolved in six ounces of water, and a teaspoonful taken every night and morning. May 26th. The patient reported an improvement. She could already better distinguish day from night. The same remedy was continued, but in a higher potency, and the three globules were ordered to be taken all at once. August 4. The patient began to distinguish objects, but they appeared distorted. Cannabis 30 was prescribed, three globules to be dissolved in five ounces of water, and teaspoonful of the solution to be taken every morning and evening. This remedy was allowed to act undisturbed until December 1. The condition of things was unchanged. The high potencies were then resorted to, Sulph. 200, three globules, was given. On the 2nd March, the crystalline lens appeared to be less clouded. The patient could distinguish persons, although they appeared to her as if in a mist. After this time she was able to come to the clinique unattended. Causticum 200 was given. April 30th. She still saw black spots floating before the eyes, but vision kept gradually and steadily improving. Silicea 30 was ordered, to be taken as the previous remedies. At the end of the month of May, the patient, quite overjoyed at her condition, informed us that she could readily distinguish all objects; could clearly recognize the letters in a book; that she could devote herself again to her usual occupation, but that she saw a halo around the light of a candle. Phos. 30 was the last remedy which the patient received. Two months later she came to render thanks for the benefits she had received, assuring us that her vision had improved to such a degree that she could thread a needle, could sew, and could read with ease. Before publishing this history, we have made enquires respecting the good woman, who has now reached her eightieth year, and learnt that the happy result, thus attained by her through Homeopathy, has continued to the present time. As this case bears the approval of Caroll Dunham, few our school will gainsay it. The next case is Dr. Berridge's * (in Raue, 1871), pp. 60-1).
Cataract of the Eight Eye - For ten months has often seen a very bright light, beginning at right outer canthus, increasing in size, then standing before right eye as large as a penny for a minute, then decreasing in size and vanishing. It is seen when the eyes are open or closed, but closing it tightly makes it decrease and disappear; it comes chiefly when stretching himself; it causes lachrymation when looking into it, and makes him feel stupid. Hahnemann gives under Chelidonium; "A dazzling spot seemed to him to be before the eyes, and when he looked into it, the eyes watered." One dose of Chel. 200 was given. Fourteen days after he reports that the light is smaller, dimmer, does not cause lachrymation, or make him feel so stupid. This symptom is thus confirmed. After this Dr. Berridge did not see him. Apropos of the use of Chelidonium Majus in cataract, we may here note that Dr. Buchmann, in his monograph on this remarkable remedy, gives two cases of cataract cured by it. I myself can add a case of amelioration of a right sided cataract brought about largely by Chelidonium. The patient is a lady of about forty years of age, who used to suffer much from chronic congestion of the portal system, and this was my indication for it. (See Buchmann's Monograph.) Dr. Baehr (in his Science of Therapeutics, vol. i., p. 257. Hempel's Translation, New York, 1869) says : "Cataracts are generally considered incurable by internal remedies. The proposition has been refuted in homoeopathy by a number of successful cures, and we can boldly assert that we have succeeded in controlling this disorder by the use of internal agents. Unfortunately, however, when the proper remedy is to be selected, we are compelled to admit that we have not yet succeeded, in determining what remedies are adapted to the different forms of cataract. The main remedies are : Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Calc. Carb., Lycopodium; the less certain and less tried remedies are Silicea, Cannabis, Euphrasia. Of course, we do not mean to say that we can remove every cataract by homoeopathic remedies. As a general rule, we can only say that the prognosis is so much more favourable the younger the patient, and the shorter and the less developed the disorder. In the case of old people, where cataract may be regarded as a gradual dying out of the lens, it would be absurd to suppose that internal treatment is of any use. The prognosis of capsular cataract is more favourable than that of any other form." In the Homeopathic Theory and Practice of Medicine, by Marcy and Hunt, New York, 1865, p. 133, we read as follows :
Treatment of cataract
Before resorting to the operation of couching or extraction, as is so often done by the oldschool surgeons (and the new?) we should always give our medicines a fair trial. It is quite true that we have but few remedies which simulate this affection in their pathogenesis, yet the successful results which have been observed from the use of medicines in a few cases, render it incumbent on us to avail ourselves of them on all proper occasions.
"After a thorough trial with medicines like Silicea, Graphites, Kali Hydroiod., Merc. Hyd., Calc. Carb., Acet., if there is no prospect of amendment, the patient should be turned over to the surgeon for the necessary operation. "In a few cases of incipient cataract, much benefit has followed the local employment of sulphuric ether vapor to the eye, and should our internal remedies prove fruitless, there can be no objection to the trial of this substance. "As internal remedies we suggest : Silicea, Graphites, Iodine, Merc. Hyd., Conium, Pulsatilla, Mag. Carb., Sulphur, Cannabis, Phosphorus, Digitalis, Spigelia, Euphrasia. Conium and Cannabis may be employed where the cataract has arisen from a wound or other injury to the eye. "Magnesia Carbonica, Pulsatilla, Digitalis and Phos. have proved curative in capsulolenticular cataract, either with or without abnormal adhesions, also in opacity of the lens or capsule alone. These remedies are useful when the disease has been accompanied with ophthalmia." We will now quote from Manual of Therapeutics (Part. II., p. 27, et seq., London, 1878). Dr. Richard Hughes thus expresses himself : "Cataract. - You may be surprised at my including this disease in a treatise on Medicine, as it is ordinarily supposed to be amenable to surgical measures only. But it is difficult to see why It should be beyond the reach of medicines. Grant that in aged persons a hard lenticular cataract is merely, like ossified arteries, an evidence of senile decay. But this is one variety only of the disease. Capsular cataract is nearly always the result of inflammation, and corresponds pathologically with opacity of the cornea. Both capsular and lenticular cataracts have been known to form within a few days, or even in a single night. They have followed retrocedent gout, suppression of the menses, of cutaneous eruptions, and of habitual perspiration of the feet (I do not speak of diabetic cataracts, as there is reason to suppose that these are of purely physical origin). Morbid conditions so characterized ought to be amenable to specific remedies; and homoeopathic literature already witnesses that such remedies are in existence." A paper by Dr. Malan, in the fifth volume of the British Journal of Homoeopathy (already cited by us in extenso), and the section in Peters' Treatise, contain all the cases of homoeopathic cure or improvement of cataract with which I am acquainted. Some of these are of dubious value; but even when they are eliminated, the power of Sulphur, Silicea, Cannabis, Pulsatilla, and Calcarea must remain unquestioned. Silicea has been most frequently successful; it should be especially thought of when suppressed perspiration of the feet seems to have been the exciting cause. Sulphur ranks next; its value is obviously best marked when the trouble dates from repercussion of a cutaneous eruption. Cannabis, and perhaps Euphrasia, would be suitable when the cataract was capsular, the result of inflammatory action. Should we catch such a cataract in the act of formation, i.e. , in the inflammatory stage - it seems probable, from one of Peters' cases, that Belladonna might be relied upon to disperse
it. Pulsatilla was a reputed remedy for cataract in the hands of Stoerck. It acted very satisfactory in one of Peters' cases where a chronic catarrhal ophthalmia calling for it was present; and would be specially indicated where suppression of the menses was the exciting cause. Calcarea would naturally be thought of in strumous subjects. I add a note, furnished me by my friend, Dr. Madden, who had unusual experience in the treatment of this disease. . . . "In the early stage, where vision is but clouded, and only streaks of opacity are seen by the ophthalmoscope, a check to further deposit may very often be expected. If there is nothing more than smokiness of the lens, it may clear away entirely. The medicines I have found of most service are Merc., Calc., and Phos., all in the higher dilutions." Dr. Hughes mentions a case of traumatic cataract in which blindness had continued for eighteen years, and which was then cured by Dr. Bayes with Conium. It must be admitted that this is a goodly array of fact and opinion concerning and affirming the curability of cataract with the aid of medicines administered internally according to the law of similars, or guided by one or more of its corollaries. It may be repeatedly noted that some morbid cutaneous activity is manifested just before a striking amelioration in the cataract takes place. In a case of my own, which shall presently narrate, the same thing occurred; it may, therefore, be conceded that some previous epithelial disease had lain at the root of the cataract formation. At a meeting of the Cercle Medical Homoeopathique des Flandres, held on the 31st October, 1878, a paper was read by Dr. Bernard, of Mons, on the Homoeopathic Treatment of Cataract. It may be found in the Revue Homoeopathique Belge, November, 1878. It seems that Dr. De Keersmaecker, a rising homoeopathic ophthalmic surgeon of Brussels, had doubted, if not actually denied, the possibility of the cure of cataract by internal treatment, at least so far as concerns les cataractes sniles, dures, nulcaires ou corticales. Drs. Criquelion, Martiny, and Van Den Neucker expressed an opposite opinion, and the two latter stated that they had themselves succeeded in curing cataract with medicines. Dr. Charge had informed Dr. Bernard that he had himself only succeeded in curing one single case of cataract that co-existed with general psoriasis *; both cataract and psoriasis yielded after the administration of Sulphur and Calcarea. Dr. Bernard's searches in literature for medicinal cures of cataract gave the following results : In the Clinique Homoeopathique of Beauvais-Saint Gratien, may be found seven cases of cataract cured or ameliorated with medicines, - five in the first volume, and two in the second.
The first is the observation of Caspari, which we will cite later on. The second observation is by Dr. Hoffendahl, and in which the cure was obtained by means of Spigelia, Belladonna, and Stramony. The third is Dr. Haubold's, and runs thus : A cataract, rather advanced, was cured in six weeks, and that radically, by sulphur 30, and a fortnight afterwards by Causticum, in an old lady of sixty-one years of age. The fourth case is Dr. Schroen's, and comes later. The fifth is Dr. Emmerich's, also reported further on. In the sixth observation, Dr. Kopp also notes a marked amelioration in a maiden lady, sixty years of age, due to Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Conium, and Mercurius Solubilis. This patient had previously been seized with left-sided facial hemiplegia. The author of the seventh observation is Dr. Stender, and it runs thus : A cataract, already, formed in a scrofulous lad twelve years of age, was cured in two months and a half by a few doses of Sulphur 3/30, Pulsatilla having been twice exhibited between whiles.
Dr. Bernard then gives an epitome of fifteen cases from Ruckert's Klinische Erfahrungen. I will only give the fifteenth at this place, as the others occur in other parts of this book. The fifteenth is this : Crusta lactea disappears and cataract supervenes, which latter is cured with Spirit Sulph. (Autore, Schoenfeld). Dr. Bernard also notes that in several of the cases habitual perspirations reappear, or a cutaneous eruption either appears or reappears. Need we any further proof that cataract is a cutaneous affection? Dr. Prie published numerous observations of ameliorations of cataract from homoeopathic treatment. First, we find in the fifth volume of the Bulletin de la Socit Mdicale Homoeopathique de France, a short account of sixteen observations; a second memoir, published in the sixth volume of the same journal, contains an account of other six cases, in all twenty-two, with results that Dr. Bernard thus epitomizes : 13 - Amelioration more or less marked; 5 - remained stationary; 3 - not ameliorated; 1 - result not known.
__ Total : 22
In these twenty-two cases of Dr. Prie it would seem that Magnesia Carbonica 6 was largely accredited with the beneficial results. Then there comes the case of Dr. Streintz, published in the Allgemeine Hom. Ztg. Patient was a retired major, seventy-five years old, in whom an amelioration almost equivalent to a cure resulted from Phosphorus 30, after Sulphur and Causticum 30 had been given without effect. I cannot agree that all the honor be accorded to Phosphorus in this case, as my experience shows that the last medicine given is by no means necessarily the one that produces the benefit; we must remember that the changes in the cataracts of the aged are, in the nature of things, slow, and may exist long before one can detect them. We may read in the Art Medical (t. xliii., p. 226) the following case : Cataract of the left eye in a maiden lady, thirty-four years of age. Oleum phosphoricum by instillations into the eye, and frictions on the brow and temples. At the end of four months there were great amelioration of the sight and notable diminution of the cataract. Dr. Bernard does not tell us the original author of this case. "Le traitement de la cataracte, disait M. Ozanam, le 15 Juin, 1868, la Socit Mdicale Homoeopathique de France, offre encore de grandes lacunes. J'ai espr en triompher un instant en m'inspirant du principe homoeopathique, car ayant lu l'histoire des pidmies d'ergotisme; j'y trouvais un assez bon nombre de cas de cataractes produites par l'usage de l'ergot de seigle. Mais, ni l'emploi de Secale doses variables, ni l'emploi de l'huile essentielle d'ergot de seigle ne m'ont donn de rsultat efficace, et la question est encore a rsoudre." Then in 1869, M. Ozanam treated eight cases of cataract in aged persons for the space of one month, with Phosphorus in various doses, but without success. Here I would remark that this is very unscientific homoeopathic treatment to give eight cases right off the same medicine. No wonder he had no success. Moreover, one has no right to expect any success in one month. To do this is to ignore the essential nature of cataract; and to take eight cases of cataract, and give them all one drug, is equally to ignore, or to fail to comprehend, what homoeopathy really means. This is where Hahnemann's other teachings come in; here we require the higher homoeopathy of the pathologist Hahnemann. In 1872, M. Ozanam says : . . "Ainsi le seigle ergote produit la cataracte double; il la produit
plus facilement chez les femmes et dans l'ge adulte. Il dtermine surtout des cataractes molles ou semi-fluides; donc le seigle ergote sera d'une indication trs gnrale dans le traitement de la cataracte, et sera, en outre, tout particulirement indiqu chez les femmes adults atteintes d'une cataracte molle et double, c'est--dire, dans les cas les plus graves et les plus complets de cette pnible affection." That is a good deal better, only there must be other differentiate as well; especially must the history of each case be carefully weighed, or there will be only indifferent success. Jousset recommends Cannabis Indica, Secale Cornutum, Iodum, Kali Hydroiod., Conium, Silicea, Magnes. Carb.; and says, "Colchicum would be called for in capsular cataract of rapid development." Dr. Hubert-Begenne, in his Traitement Homoeopathique des Maladies des Yeux, declares himself unequivocally for the curability of cataract with purely internal treatment, that is, in a certain number of cases. Dr. Bernard continues : "That which Boerhaave, one may suppose, thought to himself when he wrote Cataractas Mercurius Solvit; that which others have through to obtain by the prolonged use of Belladonna or of Pulsatilla, or by energetic revulsion in the neighborhood of the eye, we may say, can be better obtained with medicaments homoeopathically appropriated to the state of the subject, and amongst which we cite Conium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Causticum, Cannabis, Calcarea, and Silicea, administered for a long time in infinitesimal doses, and consequently always without danger." Mille faits ngatifs ne sauraient infirmer un fait positif. Dr. Anastasio Garcia-Lopez, Medical Director of the Mineral Water Establishment of Segura, published a memoir on the effects of the Segura waters upon cataract. His statistical table was thus : Of 118 patients suffering from cataract, 14 were cured; 65 relieved; 15 received no benefit; and of 24, the result remained unknown. These were treated between the years 1859 and 1868. A discussion on the Homoeopathic Treatment of Cataract took place at a sitting of the Cercle Medical Homoeopathique des Flandres, on January 30th, 1879. Dr. Martiny had treated three cases of hard cataract successfully with medicines; he had not only succeeded in arresting the progress of the affection, but had got the patient well enough to do without atropine. One of his cases he treated with Silicea alternated with Phosphorus; the second case with Calcarea, and the third improved under Cannabis. Dr. De Keghel had obtained a very manifest amelioration in three cases of soft cataract : one with Sulphur 30; another in an obese lady, with Sulphur followed by Calcarea; the third case, in a lady at the change of life, with Pulsatilla 30.
Dr. Schroen published the following case in All. H. Ztg. this case, and several of the following, I take abridged from Peters : A tailor aged sixty, affected with capsulo-lenticular cataract of both eyes, could barely distinguish light from darkness. Magnes. Carb. 30 was given once a week in alternation with the essence of Cannabis Sativa. Two months from that time he could read large-sized print. He received several other remedies, but no further improvement was effected. Mrs. B., aged 31, was left after typhus fever with weakness of the eyes and eyesight. Everything appeared as if she were looking through a mist; she could only see outlines of objects, and did not dare to walk out alone. The left eye was most affected; behind the pupil there was an opacity of the lens, the bulb of the eye not affected, the pupil responded to the influence of the light; menses was suppressed. Pulsatilla, Sepia, and Cannabis, were used without benefit. Lycopodium (4) was then given, and six days afterwards the menses reappeared; in two weeks more there was decided improvement of the sight, so that she could discern smaller objects, and in three weeks her sight was entirely restored. - (Dr. Diez in Hyg., 18, 457). Dr. Becker treated a carpenter who had been affected for some time with tetters about the face, which disappeared after a while without his taking any medicine, but his sight became impaired; everything appeared in a place different from its real position, so that he was unable to use his tools properly. The pupils presented a misty, smoky appearance, as in the forming stage of cataract. He received Sp. Sulph., ten drops three times a day; the old eruption reappeared, and he now saw everything in the right position, but otherwise his sight was not improved. Then on March 22nd, Aq. Silic. was administered in doses of seven drops daily, and this was followed by a great improvement in his sight. He perspired easily, and had much perspiration about the feet. Deposit in urine like lime. July - A rheumatic inflammation of the foot set in - (Ibid). The same gentleman treated a lady whose feet generally perspired freely, and then became very dry, and thereafter she noticed that her sight became affected in such a manner that everything she looked at appeared to be enveloped in a cloud; she could only read large point. Aq. Silic. was administered in doses of ten drops twice a day. The accustomed perspiration of the feet returned again in about a month. Her eyesight became much better. Two months later, at the time of menstruation, her eyes became worse again, and she then took twenty drops Aq. Silic., three times a day, after which she improved very much, could read better, and continued taking the same remedy. I have before referred to Dr. Caspari's case. It is this : "Mrs. D., aged 36, had had small-
pox while a child, and her eyes have been affected ever since. "Her symptoms were : Tears from the right eye, of a corroding, salty nature, which caused constant irritation of the lower lid and cheek; trichiasis of the few remaining eyelashes of the upper lid; conjunctiva pale red; varicose vessels running to the cornea; sometimes a sensation as if sand were in the eye; agglutination of the lids during the night; for six months past she had simple light-gray, lenticular cataract; she could still distinguish very large objects at a distance of four yards. "After she had taken Pulsatilla 9, there was a subsidence of the inflammation and photophobia; her sight was improved; the lens became clearer at its circumference, and the pupil was distinguishable; after a further use of Pulsatilla there was observable only a small, grayish speck in the lens; the circumference was fully transparent, and the sight only remained slightly obscured. "The essence of Cannabis, and lastly, Opium 6, rendered the lens perfectly transparent." Dr. Caspari examined the the eye on several subsequent occasions, but there was no return of any of the former symptoms. Dr. Argenti published the the following case (Arch., 19, 1, 77) : "A young man, aged 20, otherwise healthy, except that he was subject to inflammation of the the eye and weak sight. "During one of these attacks, which had lasted for some time, he was found in the following condition : conjunctiva of both eyes much inflamed and very much swollen, resembling a piece of raw meat; great intolerance of light; lids agglutinated in the morning; pressure on the eyes, especially on opening them; sight almost extinct. "Belladonna 30, in often-repeated doses, subdued in two weeks the inflammatory state of the eyes, but produced no change in the eyesight. After a more critical examination, a cataract in each eye was noticed." "Belladonna was continued, without benefit. Finally Silicea 30, once in six or eight days, perfectly re-established the eyesight in three months." Perhaps I have already given a sufficient number of cases of the medicinal cure of cataract to show that the thing is at least possible. Some of my readers, who may have read thus far, may be already convince of this; but others may be skeptical, and these I must punish with yet a few more cases. At all events, I shall give plenty of work to such as may attempt to explain them all away. "Mrs. E. became afflicted with arthritic ophthalmia and leucomatous opacity of the cornea, and after the gradual clearing off of the opacity, the lens was noticed to be of the color of a
beginning cataracta glaucomatosa." "After receiving Phosphorus 30, the lens returned gradually to its former healthy state." (Arch., 8, 3, 156, by Dr. Schuler.) "A gentleman, aged 38, in consequence of a cold in the face, became affected with an inflammation of the left eye, with the following symptoms : Towards the cornea an arterial network was noticed, over which were coursing some larger vessels towards the circumference of the cornea; drawing pain between the shoulder-blades and right upper arm. Bryonia and Puls. were given without benefit; four days later, however, the inflammation had somewhat diminished, but was followed by nebula of the left eye, in consequence of which the patient could distinguish large letters only; behind the pupil could be noticed an opacity of the capsule of the crystalline lens; the pupil was round, and the iris was also unchanged; there was no photophobia, and no secretion from the eye. The accompanying symptoms were, pressure and distension over the region of the stomach, extending as far as the right breast and lower lumbar regions. Great uneasiness, pressure in the forehead, feeling of heaviness and drawing in the thigh, and sleeplessness. "Nux was given, without benefit; then Bellad. 3 was used night and morning for two days, with such surprising results that every vestige of disease disappeared." - (All Homoeopathische Ztg., 37, 340. Lembke.) "M., aged 20, tinsmith by trade, was affected a year-and-a-half ago with the worst kind of itch, and subsequently with fever and ague. Sometimes he had tearing pains in the left eye, and some itching of the skin, to which he paid very little attention; suddenly he noticed, however, that he had become completely blind in the left eye." "Symptoms - A staring look of the left eye; pupil dilated and immovable; in the centre of the lens there was a slight opacity; his sight was almost extinguished." "Treatment - August 2, sulph. 6; from August 9th to September 23rd, six doses of the same." "Six days after the first dose, many pustules appeared on the face and arms; in the meanwhile his eyesight improved so much that he was enabled to distinguish large letters. From September 13th to September 23rd, furuncles on the arm made their appearance; after that the skin became clear again, and the affected eye was as useful as if had ever been before." - (Arch., 14, 5, 105, Emmerich.) "A girl, aged 12, had been affected since her earliest recollection with flocculent cataract (probably congenital) of both eyes. She had had an operation performed about four months ago, without the least benefit; four doses of Magnes. Carb. 200 were also give, without any benefit. Five months later she received Euphras. 200, in water; a tablespoonful once a day was followed by some improvement of the left eye. The Euphrasia was continue for four months with steady improvement; as soon as the patient ceased to improve Sulph. 200 was
given followed by Magnes. Carb. 200, one dose every week for five months, at the end of which time the circumferences of the cataracts in both eyes were only just observable. Euphras. 200, Silic. 200, and Acid. Nitr. perfected the cure. The use of spectacles for cataract assisted, however, very much to increase the sight of the child." "How much the former operation had done towards the cure, referent is not able to say." (Allg. H. Ztg., 35, 205. Rummel.) "A farmer, aged 50, of small stature and with light-brown hair, had suffered for the last few weeks with impaired sight; the patient had formerly been troubled with scrofula." "Symptoms. - Patient sees with the right eye only those things which are above him, and with the left eye only those which are at his side; but in all other directions everything appears as dark as night to him." "Partial opacities of the crystalline lenses were clearly observable; the one in the right eye occupied the larger, and that in the left the smaller half of the pupil." "Treatment. - Cannab. 2, three drops daily in water for three weeks, was given without benefit. Calc. 3, six doses, at first one dose a day for two days, afterwards one dose every week; before the last dose had been taken, patient had entirely recovered his sight." (Viertelj. Schr., 2, 426. Villers.) "A priest, affected with cataract, took extract of Conium internally with benefit; finally, he became tired of taking medicine, and made a cataplasm of the bruised leaves, which he placed upon his eyes at night. This enabled him to read his breviary without difficulty, and to walk about without a cane or guide." - (Frank's Magazin.) "A healthy girl, regular, aged 23, had had dimness of sight for two years, and complete cataract for more than one." "Treatment - She took 8 to 10 grains of Conium, increased to 25 grains, three times a day; her appetite remained good, and she seemed active and well, and the edge of the cataract seemed clearing up; she could see the window, and in October could see her hands and fingers, but all objects seemed red, and her menses became suppressed." - (Ibid.) These, friendly reader, are some of the cases of the cure of cataract that I have found in homoeopathic literature; I do not know what you may think now of the curability of at least some cases of cataract with properly chosen remedies; but I, for my part, must confess that the evidence in its favor is very considerable. I do not wish to persuade any one that cataract is curable with medicines, if it is not, but I have tried to bring together sufficient evidence to interest thoughtful physicians and laymen in the subject : as for the ophthalmic surgeons, I expect nothing but sapient smiles from them, and I shall not be disappointed in this expectation. All honor to their digits and their prejudices. They say, they never find anything but an operation of any avail, and this is perfectly true too. Why? Forsooth, they
never try anything else! For the same reason I never find anything but medicines, chosen homoeopathically, do any good, i.e. , I never try anything else. And from the good results that I have heretofore obtained, I am confident that if all our homeopathic practitioners were to treat cataract on exactly the same plan as they treat any other constitutional chronic ailments, instead of sending them straightway to the surgeon's knife, we should be able to do great things in a few decades. It might be as well, perhaps, to say that I lay no claim to any special knowledge of the diseases of the eye in general, or of those of the lens, or of its capsule in particular; at the same time I am not one of those physicians who consider ophthalmology as lying without their province and within that of the ophthalmic surgeon only. On the contrary I consider that the duty of the true physician consists in constantly seeking to limit the domain of the surgeon by extending that of the physician. The treatment of cataract concerns, first, the physician, and, failing him, the surgeon. The field of surgery - the ophthalmologic portion particularly - is wondrously well-worked; it has been most carefully surveyed, most minutely mapped out, and everything accurately named. Well may the surgeon-oculists be proud of their position and progress. But where are our physician-oculist? Nowhere. In general practice I have met with very encouraging results in my treatment of cataract with medicines administered internally; but, with only ordinary means of observation, the number of cases that have come under my care is necessarily limited. Hence my own experience has occupied and will only occupy a very small space, and will principally serve to introduce the observations of others. It is to be hoped, also, that this little work will encourage many other homoeopathic practitioners to try the effects of well-chosen remedies in those cases of cataract that may come under their notice. At any rate, let us give medicines a full and fair trial and in the end humanity and science must be the gainers. A cataract cannot be operated on until it is ripe; then why not try the medicinal treatment during the ripening process? We are neither doing out duty to the science of medicine, not to that branch of it called Homoeopathy, nor to our patients, not to ourselves, unless we at all events try to cure our cataractous patients with medicines. But before entering upon such an arduous undertaking, it is well to have a clear conception of what a cataract really is, and how it comes about, so that the trial may be an intelligent one, and founded on a scientific basis. The attempt to cure cataract medicinally is not new; all through the history of medicine there have been cases of cataract reported as cured with medicines; but previous to the discovery of the ophthalmoscope it was not unfrequently confounded with, or included in, amaurosis, more especially some forms of it. And a facetious oculist was wont to say that amaurosis was that condition in which both doctor and patient could see nothing. That was
in the pre-ophthalmoscopic days, bien entendu. But ever since Helmholz invented the ophthalmoscope, in 1851, the ophthalmologists have been busier than bees in the instrumental investigation of the eye; and now, as a well-known oculist lately informed the writer, they count over three thousand diseases of the eye. Such is the simplicity of science. I am dealing here with only one of these diseases, and that will leave two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine for the ophthalmic surgeons; hence they ought not to complain of this little poaching raid. There are eye surgeons in plenty, and not a few of them are men of the highest attainments; we want some good eye physicians, not specialists but medical practitioners, who can focus their energies upon a small part of the human economy without ever for a moment forgetting that the part is qualitatively the whole, and conversely. We should then make rapid strides in narrowing the limits of the supposedly incurable. To have one's ailments cured surgically is good, but to have them cured medicinally is better. As cataract is a disease of the lens or its coat, it will be well to inquire into the true nature of the parts involved, both from an embryological standpoint, and also from that of histology and chemical constituents.
The following case is, I think, although not very successful, interesting : A lady, aet. 64, widow of a staff officer, has resided many years in India. She has cataract of both eyes these four years, worse of the right. Previously to the discovery of the cataract she had slept for four years in a room lines with arsenical wall paper. In this room she lay with diseased kidneys for nine months. She dreads an operation, and has already received mercury, iodide of potash, sulphate of zinc, and borax either topically or internally. The opacity of the right lens has a stellate appearance. There is constant and great photophobia, and much secretion and morning agglutination. The treatment was begun with Nux Vomica 3, and Sulphur 30. This was in June, 1876. July 22. Eyes more comfortable. To take Bell. 2, and Lith. Carb. 3 trituration. Sept. 12. General health decidedly improved. To bathe the eye-lids with a weak infusion of Calendula and take Zinc. Mur. 3. Sept. 30. Calc. Carb. 3 trit. Nov. 21. Sight and everything decidedly better. Arnica 6, and Gelsemium 6. Dec. 12. Santon. 3.
Feb. 12th, 1877. Improvement in sight; can see better to read and write. Zinc. Cyan. 3. March. Euphrasia Off. (mother tincture.) April 25. The painfulness after dinner and on first waking is gone. Sight better. On examining with the ophthalmoscope one can see only very slight opacity of left lens; that of the right is whitish and opaque in its upper and outer portion. Rep. and Phos. 30. June 5. More pricking in the eye and more secretion, Arnica Montana. July 5. Sight better, but pain worse, Glonoin and Euphrasia. Aug. 9. The edge of the opacity seems a little less defined. Acid. Oxal. 2x. Sept. 24. Eyes very painful. Calc. Mur. 30. Jan. 12th, 1878. Ferrum Phos. 6 trit. Feb. 7. Kali Chlor. 6 trit. March 7. Nat. Mur. 6 trit. April 10. Eyelids look much better, not being so inflamed, and he secretion is far less. Rep. May 15. Worse. Kali Chlor. 6. June 20. No better. Santonine, 3 trit. Sept. 25. Slight indications of gout in big toe. Nat. Mur. 30. Dec. 28. No better. Puls. Nut. 1. Feb. 5th, 1879. No better. Aurum Fol. 1 trit. March 11. Eyelids dreadfully bad; they smart very much, as if they contained pepper. Zinc. Sul. 3 trit. April 25. Eyelids as sore as ever. Lith. Carb. 3. May 29. Calc. Mur. 30. July 12. Eyelids better. Elaps. Cor. 6.
This is the sum of three years' treatment, and is certainly not very encouraging. Still, I think the cataract is arrested, but the eyelids continue to be very troublesome. I intend next trying a high dilution of Arsenicum to see if it will antidote the old arsenical poisoning which persistently resists medication, and the locus minoris resistentiae once established by the arsenicism seem fed by the gout. Could the chronic arsenical ophthalmia tarsi be got rid of, and some good reaction to the to the periphery be obtained, a good result may yet be looked for. Patient's general health is very good. I give this case to show the immensely difficult task before me, and to try to get at the real truth, since I am neither desirous of deceiving my own mind nor the minds of others. My next case was an aged lady treated at the Wirral Homoeopathic Dispensary; I gave her many medicines during a considerable period, and did her no good at all. Obs. IV. - Mrs., aet. 66, came first under observation at the beginning of March, 1877. For eight years previously her sight had been failing, and twelve months before coming from Scotland to consult me, she was examined by Dr. Argyll Robertson, of Edinburgh, who diagnosed double cataract, that of the left eye advanced, and less so that of the right. She has an elder brother with cataract that began at about the same age as did hers. She has photophobia; great dimness of vision; objects do not seem distinct; cannot see anything at a distance; things at times appear double; her dimness of vision is unquestionably increasing. ] Tc. Aurum Muriaticum 3x. One drop at bed-time. April 14. Better in general health, but the eyes are no better except that work does not strain them so much. ] Glonoin 2 and Iodium 2. May 16. Still better in general health; fancies she sees better. To continue the medicines. June 14. "I am thankful to say I do feel a shade of improvement in these bright sunny days. I used to feel the sunshine very blinding; but within the last fortnight I have felt my vision clear for distant objects." To continue the medicines. September 1. "I feel thankful to say I do feel a shade better, can discern objects more clearly."
To continue the medicines. October 24. "I am not sensible of further improvement, but am better in general health." ] Hydrastis Canadensis 1x. November. ". . . . ; about my eyes - I am thankful to say I feel a little improvement, objects are clearer." To continue the medicine. January 16, 1878. Much the same. ] Ferrum Phosphoricum 6 trituration. Six grains night and morning. March 9. Has been reduced by a bad attack of bronchitis. ] Acidum Nitricum 1. Three drops of water three times a day. April 26. I feel my eyes stronger; improvement in my sight is apparent. To continue the medicine. May 22. Much the same. Natrum Muriaticum 6 trit. July 3. No worse. ] Santonine 3 trit., grana vj. September 20. Have taken two lots of the powders (= 72); no change. But after I had taken some seven of the powders an eruption came out on my arms and shoulders. ] Tc. Pulsatilla Nutalliana 1. Two drops in water forenoon and afternoon. December 13. "I have continued the 'drops', which I procured at Mr. Pottage's in Edinburgh and am glad to say they have done me good; I do feel less of dimness and see things clearer than for some time previous. . . . I do feel hopeful that the cataract is being checked, as I am feeling my sight better than it was six months ago. - P.S. My general health is very good. I have scarcely had a headache since I came under your treatment. To continue the medicine. February 17, 1879. Is continuing to improve, but reminds me that she is very deaf these many years.
] Tc. Elaps. Cor. 6. April 22. "I am glad to say the drops have really done me good; my eyes seem clearer and I am quite sensible of improvement. Shall be in Edinburgh next weeks, and can get what you prescribe while there, from Mr. Pottage. We have had a very severe winter, but I have kept well, and the longer experience makes me more convinced that the homoeopathic medicines agree very well with my constitution. To continue the medicine. June 27. "I have again exhausted my little bottle I got filled, when in Edinburgh, and feel thankful to be able to say, my eyes are wonderfully improved; I am more sensible of this by the last medicine than I have felt by former drops or powders, and my constitution seems in good order considering my years. To continue the medicine. September 5. It is two months since I wrote to you; my eyes are wonderfully improved, sometimes I can read a little without the aid of my spectacles; I feel my constitution to be in a very healthy state; I am free of all headaches, and stomach and bowels in good order. As this lady has been taking medicines now for about two years and a half, and is so well in her general health, and the sight evidently not only vastly improved but still improving, I advise abstention from all medication for a time. I have given the extracts from this lady's letter, and thus my readers can judge for themselves. I have not seen her since the commencement of the treatment. I call attention to the appearance of the eruption, to the lady's age - now nearly 69 - to the fact that her brother has also cataract, and to the vast improvement in her general health. Cataract is a constitutional complaint, and we must treat the person, not the cataract. Thus in this case my first prescription was given for the heart symptoms, and it is very evident that the Aurum really benefited the heart, and that was the first step up the therapeutical ladder. As far as I know, an advanced cataract, of eight years' growth, does not thus behave between the ages of 66 and 69 when let alone. November 1879. The report runs : "My breathing is no better, but my eyes continue well, my sight is wonderfully strong. Obs. V. - Gentleman of high position, 59 years of age, has cataract of right eye, left eye doubtful; his mother had double cataract; 47 years ago an apple hit his left eye and permanently injured it; thus more work has been thrown on right eye.
When looking at the moon or a candle, he sees a disk of red. May 1877. ] Arnica Montana 1. June 20. Has an impression that the left eye (which was injured) is a little improved. To continue with the Arnica. This gentleman did not consult me again; he seemed vexed because I would not give him any positive prognosis, and announced his intention of going to his eye surgeon again; and, as I know the latter spends his spare time in laughing at Homoeopathy, there is no difficulty in guessing the result of the interview. I never give a positive prognosis as to the curability of any given case of cataract, as I have no sufficient data to go by; I simply say, "Try, and if we fail you can still have recourse to an operation." Obs. Vi. - Maiden lady, aet. 49, came under treatment on January 13, 1878, for cataract. Had taken a great deal of Platina 3x in grain 5 grain doses, night and morning, for many months! The first day of taking it, it gave her a congestive headache. This I mention, as it may have had something to do with the lenticular opacities. Her symptoms were these : Both upper lids swollen the left worse; the right eye was the first affected, and is, perhaps, the more misty of the two, but in the left eye there is an appearance of white transparent threads, and when inflamed, a crescent-shaped band, like a flame, seems to cross it below the lids, but does not remain; the eyes are often inflamed, especially the left one; there are heat, soreness, and sometimes itching; the eyes are better at the seaside. R Ferrum Phos. 6 trit. In 6 grain doses, three times a day. Feb. 10. "Have felt stronger; the bowels more regular the first week, but less so the week following. The halo I used to see around a candle-flame has almost disappeared, but seems to have given place to a somewhat greater mistiness; there is also less dread of light, less aching, and less inflammation, so that on the whole the eyes are decidedly stronger." R Trit. 6 Nat. Mur. July 5. "My eyes are much stronger and better in every way." Repeat. August 5. "Altogether I am in much better health; the eyes are much stronger; can see distant objects better."
She perspires a good deal in the head. R Calc. Carb. 6 trit. She subsequently informed me by letter, that her vision was very materially improved; she could see distant objects better; from her sitting-room window she could clearly distinguish objects far down an opposite street. She is not desirous of further treatment. Obs. VI. - Case of cataract in an elderly, gouty gentleman, in whom the Iodide of Potash A trit. has decidedly improved the sight. He is still taking it. Obs. VII. - Case of cataract of both eyes in middle-aged gentleman. It began three years ago. General Symptoms. - Great liability to catch cold; considerable lachrymation; sleepiness after dinner; dry pain in eyes. These symptoms determined me to Natrum Muriaticum, 6 trit., 6 grains in water twice a day. All those symptoms disappeared, and he continues to take the medicine these many months on responsibility; hence it may be presumed that he is getting better. profound give him promptly his own
Obs. VIII. - Young lady, about 25 years of age, double cataract these three years, perhaps congenital; the right eye has been pricked by Dr. - General Symptoms. - Perspires in the hands a good deal; menses scanty, slightly painful; renal sphere normal; alvine function tardy; hands and feet go to sleep, dead, yellow, numb. R Pulsatilla Nuttal. 1. Three drops in water, three times a day. This was in September, 1878. Oct. 18. Bowels now quite regular; perspires less in hands. Pergat. Nov. 28. Hands do not often perspire now; sight in statu quo. R Puls. 3. Dec. 30. Headaches better, menses more free than formerly. R Pil. Sul. 30. Jan. 30th, 1879. No difference, except that her headache is worse. R Cina Anth. 1. February 26th, 1879. "Stronger and stouter than before treatment : mamma and my sisters think I can see with the affected eye better than I could, but I feel doubtful of it myself." To continue the medicine. RCina Anth. 1. April 15. "Can see to read better, but cannot see any better at a distance; the operated eye is not so serviceable as it was." PAGE 101 To continue the remedy.
June 20. "Do not know whether it is the clear sun or the medicine, but I see better; I am afraid it is the sun; my general health is now perfect." R Trit. 6 Calc. Fluor. August 1. No further change. R Pil. Silicea Terra 30. Continues under treatment. This case looks promising, but time must show. Obs. IX. - Lady, married, 38 years of age. History. Has lived a numbers of years in South America, and there suffered from inflamed eyes. Returned to England in May, 1876, after an absence of twelve years. On returning consulted Mr. Shadford Walker, Liverpool for the inflamed eyes; he examines the eyes with the ophthalmoscope and found cataract of right eye. He cured the inflammation and said the cataract must be left alone. Saw Mr. Critchet at the beginning of August, who said it would probably progress very slowly. Has been under Dr. Drysdale, of Liverpool, with benefit for her general health. Present State. Left pupil larger than the right; has always been weak in the right side of the body; there is opacity of the right lens, though not very extensive. She cannot see well; has always been myopic; wears glasses; cannot see so well with the right eyes as with the left; has always a mist before the right eye. Has considerable pain in the right side for the past twelve months; before that, suffered for a year from dysentery; pain in the right hip; pain also in an around the right ovary. Menses rather too frequent; is very slightly haemorrhoidal; ankles swell towards night, the right one more than the left. ] Tc. Chelidonium Majus 3. November 18, 1876. No change. To go on with the Chelidonium. November 23. The pain in the right side is very much better; it is worse when she breathes; suffers very much from heartburn. ] Tc. Phosphorus 1. December 8. Much better in general health; the pains in the right hypochondrium, right hip, and right ovary, very much better; she feels stronger. ] Trit. 3. Natrum Sulphuricum. January 9, 1877. Still has pains in the right side, but it is less severe; the right eye very uncomfortable; dreadful heartburn; is very cold; worse In wet weather. ] Trit. B Iridin. February. Is now quite well in general health, but the mist before the right eye is no better. ] Trit. 4 Acidum Oxalicum. April 27. Feeds tolerably well : eye no better. At times gets acute attacks of pain in the right side. Is recommended at such times to take the tincture of Chelidonium 1. ] Tc. Euphrasia 6. June 20. The eye is worse, it feels uneasy, and is getting more dim; the pain in the side
very bad; mouth dry and parched; tongue covered with a thick orange-coloured fur. ] Trit. V. Iridin and Phosph. 1. July 24. Eye better; many symptoms of the hydrogenoid constitution. ] Trit. 5 Natrum Sulphuricum. October 24. The urine is very turbid; there is very much pain in the uterine sphere. ] Tc. Solidago Virga aurea 1x and Tc. Viburnum Opulus 1. May 28, 1878. The eyes water a good deal. Natrum Muriaticum 30. June 15. Pil. Sanguinaria Canadensis 6, one before each meal. About this period, but whether before taking the Sanguinaria or after, I unfortunately cannot ascertain, an eruption came out all over the body, in patches, itching very much, worse in the inside of the thighs, legs, and arms and chest. It was an erythematous eruption and lasted only a few days. August 14. Natrum Muriaticum 4 and Pil. Calcarea Carbonica 30. March 4, 1879. The pain in the right side is now observed only at rare intervals; eyes decidedly better; the lower lid of the right eye twitches a good deal. To take Dulcamara 3. Four drops in water at bed time for two months. After writing this prescription, and while engaged in some general conversation, I noticed that my patient's eyes watered a little, and that she used her handkerchief to wipe them. There was no epiphora, but the eyes seemed to get brimful, and that apparently caused her to desire to clear them; perhaps, the fluid interfered with vision. This lady had read, or heard about, my little monograph on Natrum Muriaticum, and was telling me of a friend to whom salt is a positive poison. I then said, "Are you fond of salt?" and learned to my astonishment that she was extremely partial to it, being in the habit of putting salt into her drinking-water after sweet pudding. She also informed me that her tears were very salty. I then remarked that salt had been known to cause cataract in some of the lower animals, and recommended only a moderate use of this condiment. I did not see this lady again till the 2nd of September, 1879, and then only casually, when se informed me that the haziness before the right eye disappeared six months or more ago. Now she sees quite clearly with it, the only difference between the two eyes being that on closing the left eye and looking with the right one, and then reversing the process, she notices that she can see more distinctly with the left one, but she remarked that had always been the case. The eyes do not water, and there seems no reason to continue the treatment, as patient complains of nothing and looks exceedingly well. There was no time to make an ophthalmoscopic examination of the eyes as she was hasting to catch a train, but she has promised to catch a train, but she has promised to call at her convenience to enable me to do so. If she calls before this goes to press, I will add the result. But as the haziness was no doubt caused by the cataract, and as the haziness is gone, it is pretty sure that the cataract has likewise
disappeared. With the naked eye, one can detect nothing abnormal. It will be noted that the treatment began in October, 1876, and I may add that it was continued under the most unfavourable circumstances; nursing sick relations and severe pecuniary losses from an earthquake in South America, circumstances tending to lower the vitality, and therefore not conductive to therapeutic success.
Arsenicum album
Cannot rest in any place; changing his position continually. Vomiting of the ingesta after each meal. Violent, unquenchable, burning thirst, with frequent drinking, but little at a time. Tongue dry, brown, black, cracked. Burning sensation all over the body. Everything appears green. Sees as through a while gauze. Pulsative throbbing in the eyes, worse after midnight. Periodical headache. Ulceration of the cornea. Burning in the margins of the eyelids. Corrosive lachrymation making the lids and cheeks sore. Pains are relieved by warm application.
Aurum metallicum
Is especially called for persons with syphilitic mercurial dyscrasia. The least contradiction excites his wrath. Fiery sparks before the eyes. Vertical half sight. Eyes look protruded. Objects seem smaller and more distant. Fog or smoke before his eyes. Bones around the eyes feel bruised. Putrid smells from the mouth. Constipation. Stools very hard and knotty. Discharge of fetid pus from the nose. Passes more urine than what corresponds to the quantity he drinks.
Baryta carbonica
Weakness of memory. Inflammation of the throat with swollen inflamed tonsils. Cracking in the ears when swallowing. Great liability to take cold. Cough worse in the evening till midnight. Sensation of dryness in the eyes. Scrofulous inflammation, with phlyctenula and ulcers on the cornea. Photophobia. Flying webs and black sports before the eyes. Paralysis and palsy of the aged persons. Fetid perspirations on the feet. Tearing in the limbs, with chilliness. Dry or humid scurf on the head.
Calcarea carbonica
Great liability to take cold and great sensitiveness to moist, cold air. Acidity of the whole digestive tract with sour taste, sour vomiting and sour smelling stools. Profuse and easy perspiration. Intense thirst and great hankering for milk or half-boiled eggs. Catamenia too early and too profuse in fat women. Pressure, itching, burning and stinging in the eyes. Watering of the eyes in the morning, or in the open air. Dimness of sight. Mist before the eyes when looking sharp. Cutting in the eyes and eyelids. Vertigo, when ascending a height, walking in the open air, or turning the head quickly. Anguish, with palpitation of the heart. Perspiration on the feet.
Calcarea fluorica
Indurated glands. Syphilitic ozena, with offensive discharge. Constipation, with inability to expel the faeces. Blind or bleeding piles. Cataract. Blurred vision. Spots on the cornea. Flickering and sparks before the eyes. Enamel of the teeth, rough and deficient. Malnutrition or caries of the teeth. Sore throat, better from warm drinks.
Calcarea phosphorica
Forgetfulness; can remember things only for a short time. Difficulty in performing intellectual operations. Staggering when rising from a seat. Aching pain in the eye-balls as if beaten. Ulcers and spots on the cornea. Cataract. Eyes water with yawning. Sensation as of veils before the eyes. Gums painful and inflamed. Loss of appetite. At every attempt to eat, the belly aches. Belching, followed by burning in the epigastrium. Offensive, hot and noisy stools. Protruding piles; oozing of a yellow fluid Anal fistula.
Cannabis sativa
Asthmatic attacks; he can only breathe when standing up. Difficult respiration when lying down. Violent palpitation of the heart. Feeling of weariness. Injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva. Great photophobia and lachrymation. Cornea, opaque and vascular. Dimness of vision. Cataract. Sensation as if intoxicated. Congestive headache. Sensation as of a heavy weight on the vertex. Constipation. Strangury. Burning and smarting pain in the urethra while urinating.
Carbo animalis
Panting and rattling breathing. Sensation of coldness in the chest. Hoarseness. Painful swelling and induration of the glands of the neck, etc. Sensation as if the eyes were lying loose in their sockets. Senile cataract. Vision of a net swimming before the eyes. Eyes feel weak. Hardness of hearing. The tip of the nose is red, chapped and burning. Repugnance to greasy food. Weak digestion; almost all food causes distress. Hard and knotty stool.
Rheumatic affections with contraction of the flexors and stiffness of the joints. Involuntary urination when coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose. Frequent ineffectual desire to defecate. Feeling of sand in the eyes. Heaviness of the upper eyelids or ptosis. Burning and itching sensation in the eyes. Flashes of light before the eyes. The sight is bedimmed as though he were looking through a fog. Incipient cataract, with perpendicular half-sight. Cataract reticularis. Warts on the upper eyelids. Aversion to sweet things. Greasy taste in the mouth. Violent thirst, with desire for cold drinks. Asthma, especially when sitting, or lying down. Rattling noises in the chest. Cough with pain in the hips, and relief by a swallow of cold water.
Chelidonium majus
Low-spirited and desponding, with inclination to weep. Gnawing sensation in the stomach, relieved by eating. Constipation. Misty appearance before the eyes. Weak sight. Cannot distinguish letters. Lachrymation. Pain in the eyes, as if pierced by knives. Lamp light aggravates pains in the eyes. Longing for warm milk. Oppression of the chest. Great debility and lassitude after awaking in the morning. Stiffness in the joints.
Cineraria maritima
This is the only homoeopathic medicine that has been used externally as a specific for the cataractous affections of the eyes. It is prepared from the juice of the plant and dropped in the eye. The juice does not appear to produce any inflammation : a slight burning sensation, which lasts for about two minutes, follows its application. There is also more or less lachrymal discharge tinged with the colouring matter of the liquid used. Probably the action of this remedy consists in stimulation of the absorbents, and so far out present experience goes, the improvement produced is progressive and enduring. The general dosage should be two drops instilled in the eyes three times daily. One should continue this medicine with some patience for several weeks before any material change will be observed.
Conium maculatum
Cataract especially from contusion. Short-sightedness. Things look red. Aversion to light, without inflammation of the eyes. Sensation of coldness or burning of the eyes in the open air. Ulcers on the cornea. Vision weak with vertigo, and general debility. Lids only open with great difficulty. Frequent micturition, during the night; the urine cannot be retained. Strangury. Constipation, with ineffectual desire for stool. Violent, spasmodic, nightly cough. Chilliness, with desire for heat, especially the sunshine.
Euphrasia officinalis
Cough only during the day. Oppression of breathing. Profuse, fluent coryza, with smarting lachrymation and photophobia. Increased secretion of mucus and agglutination of the eyes
in the night time. Stitching pain in the eyeballs. Swelling of the eyelids. Pulsating pain in the head. Frequent emission of clear urine. Stitches in the hips and knee-joints when walking.
Repugnance to salt food. The abdomen becomes inflated after eating. Stools hard, knotty. The urine smells sour or offensive. Intolerance of light. Muco-purulent discharge from the eyes. Letters run together when writing. Flickering before the eyes. Everything turns black on stooping. Profuse lachrymation. Eczema of the eyelids. Moisture and sore places behind the ears. Hardness of hearing. The nails are thick and crippled. Menses too late, too scanty and too pale. Profuse, thin, leucorrhoea with weakness in the back.
Kalium carbonicum
Cataract, especially of the right eye. Sharp stitches in the eyes. Weakness of vision. Lachrymation. Bright sparks, blue or green spots before the eyes. Puffiness; swelling between the eyebrows and eyelids like a sac. Especially useful for those who take cold easily and suffer from frequent attacks of tonsillitis. Perspiration easily excited. Great stiffness of the back, unable to stoop. Spasmodic cough, with retching and vomiting. Cough worse from 3 to 4 a.m.
Kalium iodatum
Principally called for the syphilitic subjects. Darting pain in the region of the heart. Cough with oppression of breathing and salty and greenish expectoration. Pain in the back as if bruise. Ptyalism. Ulceration of the tongue and mouth. Dim and foggy vision. Sees objects indistinctly. Dull discoloured state of the iris. Burning in the eyes and lachrymation. Syphilitic choroiditis. Iritis after abuse of Mercury. Chemosis. Chilliness all night, with shaking and frequent waking. At times chilly and at other times profuse perspiration. From the least cold repeated attacks of violent and acrid coryza.
Lycopodium clavatum
Has arrested the growths of cataracts. Weak vision, unable to distinguish small objects even at a short distance. Seems as though one were looking through a fine lattice. Nightblindness. Veil and flickering before the eyes. Black spots before the eyes. Hemiopia, sees only the left half of objects. Mucus in the eyes, must wipe them to see more clearly. Cough with copious purulent expectoration. Every exertion causes shortness of breathing. Red, sandy sediment in the urine. Immediately after the meal, the abdomen is bloated. Has a great appetite, but a small quantity of food fills him up to the throat.
Magnesium carbonicum
Hardness and stitching pain in the region of the liver. Constipation. Ineffectual urging to evacuate, with small stools, or only discharge of flatus. Black spots or moles before the
eyes. Dimness of vision. Lenticular cataract. Obscuration of the cornea. Dryness of the eyes or profuse lachrymation. Chronic blepharitis. Agglutination of the eyelids especially in the morning. A short walk tires much. Rheumatic pains in the limbs. Sleepiness during the day. Sour taste in the mouth. Vertigo when kneeling or standing. Pressing headache.
Mercurius solubilis
Spongy, easily bleeding gums. Fetid smell from the mouth. Ptyalism. Tongue broad, flabby and ingested. Sore throat. Violent burning thirst, day and night. Discharge of mucus from the rectum. Stitches in the eyes. Periodical vanishing of sight : Aversion to light and to look into the fire. Mistiness before the eyes. Black spots flies or sparks before the eyes. Ulceration of the margin of the eyelids. Lachrymation. Ciliary injection. Offensive and oily or sour-smelling sweat. Perspiration gives no relief, and accompanies almost all complaints. Rheumatic pains, worse at night.
Natrium muriaticum
Chronic coryza, with loss of smell and taste. Ptyalism. Longing for bitter food and drink. Continuous thirst. Evacuations difficult, with stitches in the rectum. Passes blood with the stools. Unsteadiness of vision; objects become confused. Dim sight, as if looking through gauze or feathers; objects seem covered with a thin veil. Sees only one-half of an object. Fiery zigzag appear around all objects. Eyes give out in reading or writing. Pain in and above the eyes, coming on and going off with the sun. Lachrymation in the open air. Throbbing, as of little hammers in the temples. Palpitation worse from the slightest exertion or noise.
Nitricum acidum
Mercurial and syphilitic ulcers in the mouth and fauces with pricking pains. Gums swollen and easily bleeding. Foetor oris. Violent thirst. Cataract of the right eye. Regions of the eyes sore and painful to touch. Burning pain in the eyes. Vision obscured when reading. Black spots before the eyes. Objects appear dark. Corneal ulcers. Lachrymation. Varices of the anus swollen, burning and bleeding after every evacuation. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge of dark-brown, bad smelling urine. Sycotic condylomata.
Especially suitable for lean and slender persons. Great liability to take cold. Painfulness of the larynx, preventing talking. Difficult inspiration. Cough worse in the evening and at night. Burning sensation all over the body. Mistiness of sight. Gauze before the eyes. Sees halo around the candle. Cataracta viridis. Black mole floating before the eyes. Aversion to light. Hunger soon after eating. Great thirst, with longing for something refreshing. Vomiting of what has been drunk, as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach. Haemorrhoidal tumours easily bleeding.
Plumbum metallicum
Obstinate constipation. Stools hard, lumpy, difficult to expel. Violent colic. Painful pressure in the stomach. Intense thirst, especially for cold water. Cloudiness before the eyes inducing one to rub them. Dimness of vision, especially on right side. Nightly tearing pains in the eyes and forehead. Could hardly distinguish day from night. Eyeballs feel too large. Vertigo, especially on stooping and on turning the eyes upwards. Strangury. Anxiety about the heart and palpitation. Heavy and difficult breathing. Paralysis of the lower limbs and feet.
Pulsatilla pratensis
Is especially suitable for the females, who are quiet, mild and yielding in their nature. Cannot describe her ailments without weeping. Feeling of chilliness with pains and thirstlessness with most of the complaints. Vertigo when rising from a seat. Amblyopia from suppression of menstrual discharge. Dimness of sight, with lachrymation in the open air. Flashing of fire before the eyes. Dryness of the eyes and eyelids, feeling better from cold application or bathing. Discharge of muco-purulent matter from the eyes. Agglutination of the eyelids in the morning. Frequent attacks of diarrhoea, with painless and changeable evacuations. Desire for cold food and drinks.
Rhus toxicodendron
Is useful in suppuration of the cornea after extraction of the lens; also in pan-ophthalmitis after operation. Eyelids red, swollen, oedematous, especially the upper, and spasmodically closed. Profuse gushing of tears on opening the eyelids. Orbital cellulitis. Cheek under eye dotted with red pimples. Lids agglutinated in the morning, with purulent mucus. Obscurity of vision. Extreme confusion of sight. Triangular redness at the tip of the tongue.
Light sleep at night, the least noise wakens him. Very profuse perspiration, especially on the chest, arm-pits and genitals. Perspiration from the least exertion. Cataract, especially after an operation. Obscuration of sight, with glistening before the eyes, worse from rubbing them. Swelling of the eyelids. Eyes pain as if they were pressed out, as if the eyeballs were being expanded, especially in the evening at candle light. Cough with copious expectoration of tough mucus. Chronic bronchitis or bronchial asthma. Oppressed breathing, as if the chest were not wide enough. Violent palpitation of the heart. Dyspnoea, as from stagnation in the lungs.
Sepia officinalis
Chiefly called for cataract in women, and who suffer from uterine complaints. Particularly useful in the incipient stage. Sparks before the eyes. Green halo around the candle light. Black spots hovering and swimming before the eyes. Burning pain and pressure in the eyeballs. Falling off of the hair. Loss of smell or fetid odour from the nose. Ozena; blowing
of large lumps of yellowish-green mucus and blood from the nose. Continuous, debilitating sweats. During menstruation, depression, toothache, headache, bleeding of the nose, and soreness in the limbs. Stools insufficient retarded, like sheep-dung.
Silicea terra
Cataract, especially of the right eye, after suppressed foot-sweat. Spots and cicatrices on the cornea. When reading the letters run together or look pale. Obscuration of sight, as from a gray cover. Black spots and fiery sparks before the eyes. Aversion to light. Ulcers on the cornea. Lachrymation in the open air. Profuse, sour-smelling sweat, on the head only. Tendency to take cold in the head, which cannot possibly be left uncovered. Obstinate constipation. Stools after being partly expelled, slop back again. Aversion to warm, cooked food. Desires only cold things.
Is especially called for dirty ad filthy people, prone to skin affections. Aversion to being washed; always worse after a bath. Burning and smarting sensation in the eyes - dimness of vision, - acrid tears. Feeling as of a splinter of glass in the eyes. Cortical cataract. Cataract especially of the left eye. Intense thirst. Desire for sweets and highly seasoned food. Burning sensation in the soles, compelling him to put them out of bed-cover.