Cadence Introduction
Cadence Introduction
Cadence Introduction
VLSI stands for "Very Large Scale Integration". This is the field which involves packing more and more logic devices into smaller and smaller areas. it is the process of creating integrated circuits by combining thousands of transistors into a single chip. VLSI began in the 1970s when complex semiconductor and communication technologies were being developed. The microprocessor is a VLSI device. A typical digital design flow is as follows: Specification Architecture RTL Coding RTL Verification Synthesis Backend Tape Out to Foundry to get end product. This process is repeated on the wafer to get identical Ics.
Logical Synthesis RTL Compiler Netlist and SDC files NCLaunch is a graphical user interface that helps you manage large design projects and lets you configure and launch your Cadence simulation tools. RTL Compiler is a powerful tool for logic synthesis and analysis for digital designs. It is fully compatible with all other Cadence Tools and especially with Cadence Encounter which is mainly used for physical design automation.
Opening the terminal window ---right click on the Desktop open terminal pwd ----------Print Working Directory. Shows the current location in the directory tree. ls --------- List all files in the current directory, in column format.
4. cd Cadence_digital_labs/ 5. cd Workarea 6. mkdir [folder name] test 7. cd test 8. vi [file name.v] test.v 9. after writing program tap [Escape] :wq ------------------w for saving file, q for quit 10.csh ----------------- Executes and runs the C Shell if present 11.source ~/cshrc.main ---------------------------- source - Evaluate a file or resource as a Tcl scrip 12.nclaunch -new & MULTISTEP
14. click
the file toolsverilog compile the module in work lib elaborate your snapshot simulation
1. remove the test bench from your code
3. csh 4. source ~/cshrc.main 5. rc -gui 6. edit the file list name in setup.g file.
8. set_attribute library /home/bce/Cadence_digital_labs/Workarea/rclabs/library/slow_normal.lib 9. read_hdl -v2001 /home/bce/Cadence_digital_labs/Workarea/test/test.v 10.elaborate 11.synthesize -to_generic 12.synthesize -to_mapped 13.write_hdl 14.write_sdc > /home/bce/Cadence_digital_labs/Workarea/test/test_net.v > /home/bce/Cadence_digital_labs/Workarea/test/test_net.sdc