In The: Cavity
In The: Cavity
In The: Cavity
now remove the support, cope sweep and spindle. The hole in the sand left by removing the spindle is plugged up with a tapered wooden plug. See Fig. 8-8C. We dust the sand surface with parting powder and place the cope on the drag and ram it up in the usual manner (ventingetc.). Li the cope off and set it on horses and finish it. The cavity in the cope represents in reverse (female)the shape of the drag mold so if closed there would be no cavity left. Here's where the drag sweep comes in. We remove the wood plug, replace the spindle, place the drag sweep on the spindle and attach the support. The curve of the inner face of the drag sweep is closer to the center of the spindle than the cope sweep by the metal thickness of the bell casting we are making. With this sweep we carefully sweep off the metal thickness, and remove the support sweep and spindle. The hole left by the spindle
is now closed up with a tapered dry sand core, first fill the hole up with molding sand. The drag is finished, blacked, slicked etc. The cope placed on the drag clamped and weighted, ready to pour. See Fig. 8-8D. In both chapters on bench and floor molding we did not go into any detail as to the gates and risers required in the examples as we will cover them separately in Chapter 9. Because most castings can be poured by more than one way with success, the choice is yours. I have produced swept bells as in Fig. 8-8, gating some simply through the top and some through the lower rim. The mold, bench or floor, can be green sand, skin dryed green sand, or dry sand. The weight of the casting and its complexity will dictate which way to go. Some shops pour 500 lb. castings in green sand with excellent results and other shops pour everything from 150 lbs and up in skin dryed or dry sand molds. To skin dry a mold, the cope and drag faces and mold cavities are sprayed with a mixture of molasses water, glutrin water (with or without graphite) and dried to a depth of % to % of an inch back from the surface. This is done with a torch using a soft flame. The flame must be kept in continuous motion (sweeping) to avoid hot spots or burning the sand. Ali you want to do is dry and set the bider (glutrin etc.) and produce a dry
firm skin on which the metal will lay. Prepared mold sprays and washes can be purchased. Some are mixed with alcohol, sprayed or swabbed on the sand and ignited, the alcohol bums and sets the wash. Some are universal, used for both a core and mold wash, or a spray. A good one is made up of zircon flour, graphite and a binder sold in a paste form. You supply the alcohol. The trade name is Zic-0-Graph A. A dry sand mold is one that is made up of sand mixed with a binder such as pitch, resin etc. (in steel flasks) and the cope and drag dried, in a core or mold drying oven, until dry throughout, when cooled are closed and poured. A skin dried mold must be poured soon after drying, otherwise the moisture, behind the skin dried depth, will migrate back to the surface and defeat the purpose. Plaques and grave markers are always skin dried to prevent the lettering from washing away when poured. Core paste applied from a paste bulb is used as a seal to prevent metal from running over the section of a core in a print and getting into the core vent, closing it off. A line of core paste is run across the print in the drag, the core set, and a line run across the core and drag which will seal off the cope. A circle of core paste is applied to the bottom of a drag print, the core set and a circle of core paste applied to the top of the core to seal off the cope. See Fig. 8-9. A ring of core paste is often placed on the drag around the cavity to seal cope and drag together as an added safety against run outs. In
floor work what is called a dough roll is used. The dough roll is made of wheat flour and molasses water and rolled out into worms with the palms of the hands on a board, like you made clay worms as a child. See Fig. 8-10. Do not close off core vent exit cut in the molds surface (this gas must get out). When the mold is closed the dough roll forms a good flat seal when it squishes flat. Also in medium to large floor work, a dry sharp silica sand is used for parting in place of dry parting powder, applied with a parting sand sifter. See Fig. 8-11. The bigger the core the bigger the vent should be.
clean metal backs up into the gates and runs into the casting. See Fig. 9-3. The use of a runner in the cope with angled back drag gates is the most common type of gating on match plates with multiple patterns. The runner bar is wide enough and extends into the cope to a point above the highest point of the castings. This way the runner becomes riser and runner combined. See Fig. 9-4. Gating and risering is by far the most controversial subject in the foundry and each expert comes up with his pet theory on the subject. I will attempt to give some general rules. However, each metal has its own peculiarities, shrinkage rates etc. These must be carefully studied in order to determine just where to start. Years ago in New Orleans, we had a very large aluminum gear housing to cast, 7 feet in diameter and quite deep. It was a new job from start to finish. We made the pattern and core boxes in our own pattern shop. Every
Fa.94.Combined runner and riser. Back to the general rules for gates and risers. 1 You must have directional solidification from the light sec. tions to the heavy sections. 2. The pouring basin should be at least three times the diameter of your sprue. 3. The sprue should be small enough in diameter so that it can be kept choked during pouring. 4. The gating system should allow the metal to enter the mold fast but without turbulence. 5. Use sufficient number of gates properly placed to prevent cold shots and miss runs. 6. Design the gating system in a manner to prevent the metal from splashing through the gate. 7. Avoid any gate design that would spray the metal into the mold cavity. 8. Gate through the risers if possible, but when doing so, choke between riser and sprue. 9. Avoid gating against a core. Come in on a tangent so that the metal will not splash against the core. 10. Avoid all sharp comers in the gating system (use large fillets). 1 . Patch and clean out gates, give them the same attention 1 that you give the mold cavity. 12. Do not cut gates by hand. If possible, used mounted gates or set gates. 13. Use round down gates, cut with a tapered metal sprue cutter. When using a gate stick it should be smooth so that the downgate sand will be firmly rammed and smooth.
molder in the shop had a different idea as to how it should be gated, each sure his was the correct way to go but all of them different. As we had some 200 to produce I decided to use the ?stcasting a s a guinea pig. We made a mold and gated it into one side with a simple sprue and choke, knowing all too well we were undergated. We used no risers whatsoever. The casting ran and shrank, everywhere it neededa riser. By postmortem study we were able to determine exactly where to gate and what size, number and location the risers should be, which in this case did not agree with what we had thought before casting the beast. The job was a complete success from there on out.
Fig. 9-5. A Styrofoam ball riser.
14. A piece of paper or tin should be placed over the pouring basin of closed molds until they are ready to pour. A fairly new and very effective system of risering is the use of styrofoam balls, a sphere makes an excellent feed riser. The styrofoam ball is stuck down on a tapered gate stick and rammed in the cope. The metal during pouring vaporizes the ball and takes its place. See Fig. 9-5. With small castings of a thin even wall thickness, the sprue will serve as both sprue and riser provided the ingate is not too thin that it will freeze off before the casting has solidified. See Fig. 9-6. In going from a liquid to room temperature, you have three distinct shrinkages: 1. You have, as the metal cools from a molten mass to its solidification temperature, one reduction of volume. 2. When the metal goes from its solidification temperature to a solid you have another reduction in volume. It is during this second period that you must supply metal to compensate for the reduction in volume. This is why risers are used.
3. From the solid stage to room temperature there is another reduction in volume. This reduction is taken care of by the use of a shrink ruler when the pattern is designed. It should be pointed out that an ineffective riser, one that will not feed is worse than none at all. See Fig. 9-7. When you have an area or section on a casting that requires feed metal, but by virtue of your design and the location in the mold, a feed riser cannot be placed where needed, a chill is used. An external chill made of cast iron molded in the sand will chill the area (where applied) and promote directional solidification. An internal chill is one that (like a chaplet) becomes part of the casting fusing into the area of use. See Fig. 9-8.
Fig. 96. Thin gates.
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Box car wheels are chilled with a ring chill to make the tire dense and hard (for wear) leaving the web soft and resilient. The face of an external chill which will be in contact with the casting is washed with lube oil and graphite to prevent blowing. A variety of other gate and riser designs are shown in Fig. 9-9 with a description of their uses.
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Fig. 49. Samples of gates. (Continued from page 154 and 155.)
standingin the mold. Knowing the designer and how hard headed he was (after all this was his creation, his child), we decided, based on experience with other air cooled engine cylinders, that if we removed every 2ndfin on the pattern we could cast the cylinders easily and the engine would not suffer from insufficient cooling. As we needed the job, this is what we did. Well, after casting them for some five years, the company called the pattern in for redesign. We asked why the redesign and were told it was to increase the bore and decrease the h i n g , as the engine ran a shade too cool for proper operation. If they had noticed that the cylinder castings and pattern had only half the number of fins as the print called for, nothing was said, and we made the redesign patterns and kept on casting for the company. The redesign prints were correct for good sand casting practice. There are lots of ways to skin a cat but only one to the cat.
BASIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1 On castings that must present a cosmetic appearance along . with function, the exterior should be designed to follow simple flowing lines with a minimum of projections and no unnecessary projections. 2. The size and weight should be kept within the limits of adequate performance and the end use of the casting, not 1 inch thick sections when % inch would do. Build in strength by design instead of weight or section thickness where possible. 3. Design where possible, so that all operations from concept to the end product are simplified; pattern equipment, core making, castings, machining etc. By doing this you will save time and money. 4. Avoid irregular or complicated parting lines, wherever possible. Design for partings to be in one plane. 5. Stick with designs that do not require loose pieces and use loose pieces only when it cannot be avoided, when there is no other way to accomplish the desired results. 6. Use ample draft but not excessive. Avoid any no draft vertical surfaces unless there is no other way out. 7. Design around dry sand cores. If you can have the casting leave its own green sand core, this is cheaper. 8. In designing a casting which requires a dry sand core, see that it has sufficient prints t o support it without the use of
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Fig. 10-1. Examples of good and bad casting designs. (Continued on pages 161 and 162.)