A Survey of Encryption Standards

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A Survey of Encryption Standards

Numerous encryption standards dot the microcomputer landscape, seemingly covering every application. One nevertheless h d s much common ground underlying the many standards. This survey discussesthe standardsand their algorithms,how they compare, how they e r , and where theyre headed.

Burt Kaliski
RSA Laboratories

ryptography is the science, or some would say the art, of secret codes. In its broadest sense cryptography addresses a number o practical problems: f

confidentiality, keeping messages secret; origin authentication, verlfying a messages source; integrity, assuring that a message has not been modified; and key management, distributing the secret keysfor cryptographic algorithms.
This survey focuses on encryption algorithms, the low-level, step-by-step transformations on messages that address these problems, as well as applicationsthat involve encryption.It coverS both approved standards and work in progress; the modifiers draft and proposed should help with the distinction. Since descriptions here are at a summary level, readers seeking greater depth may refer to the standards documents or to encryption surveys such as those by Diffie, which includes a reprint of Diffies article, and Fahn,j which is available from RSA Laboratories or via anonymous ftp to rsa.com. Patel gives an earlier survey on security standards for the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. Much of the encryption standards work fits into one or more security models.The models do

not speclfy algorithms; rather, they define services and give structures for encryption protocols. The OS1 Security Architecture standard5 is one helpful reference. Also on the road to international standardization is the Generic Upper Layers Security(GUS) standard? GULS forms the basis for IEEE P802.10, a local-area network security project, and the draft ANSI X9.41, a standards effort for electronic data interchange. Many ways other than encryption exist to protect data, from access control to tamper-resistant coatings, but they are outside the scope of this article. Even in systems based on cryptography, other issues than just the codes come into play, such as random number sources and password selection guidelines. The US Department of Defenses Orange Book is one o many helpful f references for these topics.* Remember, draft Standards and other works in progress are subject to change. Furthermore, with the large number of standards efforts, I may not have covered some relevant efforts. An efforts absence from this article in no way minimizes its importance.

An encryption algorithm is a method o transf forming a message to add some cryptographic protection, such as confidentiality or integrity. Most encryption algorithms involve one or more keys, which are cryptographic variables, often

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unique to one user, that control the algorithm and provide security against Table 1. Encryption algorithm classes and their properties. attackers. Cryptographers often class+ encrypClass C OA I KM Prior tion algorithms according to the type of No No Yes Yes Secret-key cryptosystems Yes transformation and keys. Each class No No Yes No Yes Public-key cryptosystems solves a different set of cryptographic Digital signature schemes No Yes Yes No No problems. Some classes require that Key-agreement algorithms Yes Optional No Yes No parties first agree on a secret key by Cryptographic hash functions No No Yes No NO secure means that are separate from the Authentication codes No Yes Yes No Yes normal communication protocol; others do not have this limitation.I describe C indicates confidentiality; OA, origin authentication; I, integrity; KM, key the algorithms standards according to management. one such classification: secret-key Prior requires that parties first agree on a secret key. cryptosystems, public-key cryptosystems, digital signature schemes, keyagreement algorithms, cryptographic hash functions, and authentication codes Table 1 summajack, a classified part o the proposed escrowed encryption f rizes the classes and their properties. standard.'- A panel of cryptography experts recently certified - Secret-keycryptosystems.These algorithms encrypt and Skipjack, with 80-bit keys, as appearing secure,lRbut its dedecrypt messages with a key in such a way that it is difficult tails remain unpublished. to decrypt without the key. Because the encryption and Secret-keycryptosystemsare rarely standardized;some standecryption keys in a secret-key cryptosystem are the same, dards bodies explicitly omit them from their scope. One of such systems are often called symmetric in the literature. the few other candidates is RC4, a fast secret-key cryptosystem with variable-length keys.I9 RC4 is adopted in the cellular Most secret-key cryptosystems operate on messages one block at a time; a block may be 64 bits long, and the keys are digital packet data (CDPD) specifications." usually short, say, 56 bits long. Ideally, an attacker's only Public-keycryptosystems. These algorithms encrypt and approach is trial and error, which amounts, for example, to decrypt messages with two different keys in such a way that 2j6 trials for 56-bit keys. Secret-key algorithms are generally it is difficult to decrypt without the decryption key. The enquite fast. cryption key can be published without compromising secuSecret-key cryptosystems provide confidentiality and key rity. and is called the public key for this reason; the decryption management to parties who have previously agreed on a key is called the private key. Because the encryption and secret key. The Data Encryption Standard (DES)9 is the pridecryption keys in a public-key cryptosystem differ, such mary standard. Published in 1977 and recently affirmed for a systems are often called asymmetric in the literature. The fourth five-year period, DES defines the Data Encryption Alidea comes from Diffie and Hellman." gorithm (DEA). It also specifies how to implement DEA: in Public-key cryptosystems provide confidentiality and key hardware. Technically, software implementations of DEA, management. They can be as secure or more secure than which abound, do not comply. ANSI standard X3.921fland secret-key cryptosystems,but they are generally slower. Their Australian Standard AS2805.5I1specify DEA. main advantage is that, since the encryption key can be pubDespite much controversy about the nature of DEA-the lished, parties need not first agree on a secret key. They are government never revealed its design criteria-the algorithm often combined with secret-key cryptosystems to gain the seems to be quite secure, as far as 56-bit algorithms go. It benefits of both: speed without prior secrets. Although there is no primary standard public-key resists powedul attacks that have broken other systems.lzl 3 Along with DES come some standard modes of operation, cryptosystem, many consider a cryptosystem invented by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA)22 1977 a de facto stanin including electronic codebook, cipher block chaining, cipher feedback, and output feedback.'' These modes apply to any dard. Public-key cryptosystems,like secret-key cryptosystems, block cipher, not just DEA. ANSI X9.171i introduces the enare rarely standardized; when they are standardized, key crypt-decrypt-encrypt (EDE) mode of encryption involving management is a more likely purpose than confidentiality. two DEA keys. Efforts toward RSA standardization include the intervendor Two password-based encryption algorithms defined in the PKCS #1,23 which gives block formats for RSA operations, intervendor public-key cryptography standard (PKCS) #516 and the draft ANSI X9.31 part 4,2' which is currently based on PKCS #l, PKCS #l's block formats have been adopted by are also based on DEA. Internet privacy-enhancedmailzi and, among other algorithms, A potential new standard secret-key cryptosystem is Skip-

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Enctyption standamls

The acronyms for encryption standards and the groups developing them are considered by some as a form of encryption in its own right. Following is an abridged key to the various acronyms and their meanings, as well as to several standards organizations
Ac x s 9






Accredited Standards Committee X9 (Financial Services), a body that develops standards for the banking industry; accredited by ANSI American National Standards Institute, an organization that accredits standards bodies Comite Consultatif International de Telegraphique et Tklephonique, (IntemationalTelegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee), an international standards body Comiti. Franpis dorganisation et de Normalisation Bancaire, a French banking standards body Data Authentication Algorithm, a NIST standard authentication code defined in FIPS PUB 113 Data Encryption Algorithm, the secret-key cryptosystem specified by DES Data Encryption Standard, a NIST standard defined in FIPS PUB 46-1 that specifies DEA






DmeHellman A key-agreement algorithm invented by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman DSA Digital Signature Algorithm, the digital signature scheme specified by DSS Digital Signature Standard, a proposed NIST DSS standard that specifies DSA Encrypt-decrypt-encrypt, a mode of DEA inEDE volving two keys and three DEA operations that is defined in ANSI X9.17 EES Escrowed Encryption Standard, a proposed NIST standard that specifies Skipjack FIPS PUB Federal Information Processing Standard publication, one of a series of standards published by NIST




Generic Upper Layers Security, an OS1 security architecture effort International Electrotechnical Commission, an international standards body Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, an organization that develops transnational standards; that is, the standards are the consensus of individuals rather than national representatives A transnational body that develops standards for computer networking and publishes RFCs; also, the network of computers that implements those standards Intemational Standards Organization, an international standards body Message Digest Algorithm 2, a hash function developed by Ron Rivest that is defined in Internet RFC 1319 Message Digest Algorithm 5 , another hash function developed by Ron Rivest and defined in Internet RFC 1321 Manipulation Detection Code 2 , the hash function specified in draft ANSI X9.31 part 2 National Bureau of Standards; see NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly NBS), a US government agency that develops standards and publishes FIPS PUBS Open Systems Environment (formerly OS11 Implementors Workshop, a group of developers that agrees on implementation issues such as algorithms Open Systems Interconnection, a standard networking model

are cited in the O W implementors agreementsz6(As this article was going to press, I received a copy of Australian Standard AS28095.5.3,which specifies RSA.-) Digital signature schemes. These schemes sign messages and verlfy the resulting signature with two different keys in such a way that it is difficult to sign without the signing key. Similar to public-key cryptosystems, the verification key can be published without compromising security, and is called the public key; the signing key is called the

private key. Digital signature schemes provide integrity and origin authentication. Like public-key cryptosystems, they do not require that parties first agree on a secret key, and they are generally somewhat slower than, for instance, secret-key cryptosystems and cryptographic hash functions. They are often combined with hash functions to gain the benefits of both. Public-key cryptosystems and digital signature schemes are

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Glossary (continued)

Privacy-enhanced mail, a proposed Internet standard for encrypting and authenticating electronic mail; defined in Internet RFCs 1421-1424 Public-key cryptography standards, informal PKCS standards developed by RSA Laboratories with representatives of Apple, Digital, Lotus, Microsoft, MIT, Northern Telecom, Novel], and Sun; available from RSA Laboratories or via electronic mail to [email protected] Rivest Cipher 4, a fast secret-key cryptosystem RC4 developed by Ron Rivest and proprietary to RSA Dala Security Requesfor comments, Intemet publiation an RFC Rivest-Shamir-Adlemanalgorithm, a publicRSA key cryptosystem and digital signature scheme invented by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman Subcommittee 6 (Telecommunications and Sc6 Information Exchange Between Systems), a joint subcommittee of ISOAEC sC27/WG2 Subcommittee 27 (Information Technology), Working Group 2 (Security Techniques), a joint working group of ISO/IEC SHA Secure Hash Algorithm, the hash function specified by SHS Secure Hash Standard, a NIST standard deSHS fined in FIPS PUB 180 that specifies SHA SILS Secure Interoperable Local Area Network Security, an IEEE project; also called P802.10 Skipjack The classified secret-key cryptosystemspecified by EES Simple Network Management Protocol, an SNMP Internet standard defined in Internet RFC 1157

Australia An Australian standards body x9 See ASC X9

closely related. In so-called reversible cryptography, signing in a digital signature scheme is the same as decryption in a public-key cryptosystem, while verification is the same as encryption. In irreversiblecryptography,the relationships do not hold, although a given public/private-key pair may work in both a digital signature scheme and a public-key cryptosystem. There is no primary standard digital signature scheme, but two main efforts are in progress. One involves RSA, which is reversible, and the other involves an irreversible algorithm

proposed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). ISOAEC 9796 almost creates a standard for RSA, but not quite. It defines a signature block format; RSA is in an informative (but nonstandard) annex. The block format prevents certain mathematical relationshipsamong possible RSA signatures.n The draft ANSI X9.31 part 1,j which is expected to become a standard late this year, is based on ISO/IEC 9796 and specifies RSA. The intervendor PKCS #lLgives alternate block formats for RSA signatures. ISO/IECs joint working group SC27/WG2 is developing other digital signature standards. NISTs proposed Digital Signature Standard (DSS),31which defines the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), has been the center of recent controversy.j2DSA, an irreversible algorithm, is a variant of signature schemes due to Elgamalj3 and Schn0rr.j It is intended to be combined with the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA).55 Mainly due to objections from industry, DSS has not yet been approved. The draft ANSI X9.30 part 136 specifies DSA. Key-agreement algorithms. These algorithms manage keys through an exchange of messages derived from private values that are not shared. The result of the exchange is that parties agree on a secret key. It is difficult to determine the secret key from the exchanged messages without the private values from which they are derived. Key-agreement algorithms are sometimes called key exchange algorithms in the literature. Key-agreement algorithms provide confidentialityand key management, and in some cases origin authentication. They do not require that parties first agree on a secret key. As with public-key cryptosystems, no primary standard key-agreement algorithm exists. Many consider an algorithm invented by Diffie and Hellman,21 usually called Diffie-Hellman, the de facto standard here. Efforts toward Diffie-Hellman standardization include the intervendor PKCS #3 and the draft ANSI X9.30 part 4,%which is based on a variant o Diffie-Hellman having origin authenf tication. The cellular digital packet data (CDPD) specifications adopt Diffie-Hellman key agreement. ISO/IECs joint working group SC6 is developing standards for key agreement in the network and transport layers of the OS1 reference m~del,~ Diffie-Hellman as a possible algorithm. with Cryptographic hash functions.These functions reduce a message of arbitrary length to a short code so that it is difficult to find a message with a given hash code, and in some cases also to find two messages with the same hash code. There is no key. Hash functions are also called message digests and modification detection codes in the literature. A hash code is typically 128 or 160 bits long. Ideally, an attackers only approach is trial and error, which amounts to 212*trials to find a message with a given hash code (for a 128bit hash), and 2M trials to find two messages with the same hash code. (This is akin to the birthday paradox: You need

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Encryption standards

365 people in a room to be likely to find one with a given birthday, but only 23 to be likely to find two with the same birthday.) Hash functions are generally quite fast. They provide message integrity to parties knowing a messages hash code. They are often combined with digital signature schemes, as noted earlier. The Secure Hash Standard (SHS),3i which defines SHA, is the primary standard. SHA produces a 160-bit hash from a message of arbitrary length; it is intended to be combined with DSA.31ANSI X9.30 part 241specifies SHA. Other hash algorithms suitable for standardization include MD2 and MD5, developed by Ron Rivest for RSA Data Secur i T 242 and adopted by Internet privacy-enhanced mail,li and MDC-2, which is specified in draft ANSI X9.31 part 2.4 SC27/ WG2 is also developing standards for hash functions. Authentication codes. These codes reduce a message of arbitrary length to a short code under a secret key so that it is difficult,without the key, to compute the authentication code, or to find a new message with a given authentication code. Authentication codes provide message integrity and origin authentication to parties who have previously agreed on a secret key. The message itself need not be encrypted. An authentication code is typically 32 or 64 bits long, and the keys are 56 bits long. Ideally, an attackers only approach is trial and error on the keys; arbitrary message modifications have some probability of success, but the attacker cannot check for success without the help of the real user. Authentication codes, like hash functions, are generally quite fast. The primary standard is FIPS PUB 113,+ which defines the Data Authentication Algorithm. The algorithm is a variant of DEA it produces a 32-bit authentication code from a message of arbitrary length and a 56-bit key. ANSI X9.Y6 and Australian standard AS2805.4 specify DAA.

The applications standards described next combine families o algorithms, and sometimes specfy particular algorithms, f to solve confidentiality, integrity, origin authentication, and key management problems. Although many of the standards specfy much more than just cryptography, encryption plays an important role. Ideally, an algorithm should work in many applications, and many algorithms should work in a given application. The design of applications and algorithms is in this sense orthogonal,and the designers have generally done a good job at providing orthogonality. Do not confuse these applications with the applications layer o the OS1 reference model; some may well run at that f layer, and others at lower layers. Secure electronic mail. Six years in development and now a proposed standard, Internet privacy-enhanced mail (PEM) combines secret-key cryptosystems, public-key cryptosystems, hash functions, and digital signature schemes

to provide security for electronic mail.x It is a text-based protocol compatible with most electronic-mail systems. PEM supports public-key and secret-key techniques; the former involves X.509 certificates.@ Currently,PEM has adopted RSA, DEA, MD2, and MD5 algorithms,zibut the protocols are flexible and other suites of algorithms are likely to be added. Mail is not the only application of PEM, o course, although f it is a primary one. The same protocol that adds encryption or authentication to a mail message can enhance any digital document, such as a contract; the document need not be mailed to someone. The intervendor PKCS #7jis a binary extension of PEM; it offers the same services, but works with binary data and allows one to sign attributes such as the time of day along with the underlying message. Certain modes of PKCS #7 are cryptographically compatible with PEM, in the sense that messages can be translated between the two protocols without any cryptographic operations. PKCS a7 does not specify a particular algorithm. Another approach to electronic-mail security is found in X.400 message-handling systems,jwhich solve the basic problems of confidentiality,authentication, and key management. X.400 also provides special encryption-based services such as proof of submission and proof of delivery. (X.411supplies the details.) X.400, like most international standards, does not specify particular algorithms. It supports both public-key and secret-key techniques. I S 0 10021-li3is technically aligned with X.400. X.435, a standard for electronic data interchange over X.400, builds on X . 4 1 1 ~ services, defining related services such as signed receipts. Secure communications. These standards focus on the security of local-area networks and wireless links. IEEEs P802.10 project, Secure Interoperable LAN (local area network) Security (SILS), addresses privacy and authentication of data at the data link layer. Devices following the protocol encrypt data link frames as they pass through the network; the protocol is transparent to higher layers. A proposed d r a w specifies Diffie-Hellman key agreement. The CDPD specifications2 define an encryption protocol for wireless links based on Diffie-Hellman key agreement and RC4. IEEE project P802.11, focusing on wireless links, has just started.

Directory authentication and network management. X.509 directory authentication9 applies public-key and secret-key techniques to the problem of determining the identity of a user attempting to access an X.500 global d i r e ~ t o r y . ~ ~ Weakauthentication identifies a user by a password, while strong authentication involves digital signatures. The authentication protocols can also ensure that messages to and from the directory are not modified in transit. X.509 standardizes on no particular algorithm, although RSA is in an informative annex. Two additional contributions

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of X.509 are certificates, which bind a public key to a users name with a digital signature, and certificate-revocationlists, which break the binding. These elements have found their way into other applications such as privacy-enhanced mail and the X9.30 and X9.31 drafts. Although directories are just emerging, users names in the related applications are designed in anticipation of a future directory entry. I S 0 9594-857 is technically aligned with X.509. In a proposed security standard for the Internets Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP),58 parties identlEjeach other with a secret shared key.59Network management requests are hashed together with the secret key under MD5 to produce an authentication code. Encryption with DEA is also an,option. SC27/WG2 is developing authentication protocols involving public-key and secret-key techniques. Banking. The primary key management standard for the banking industry is ANSI X9.17. It is based entirely on DEA and related algorithms, including the EDE mode of DEA. To date, X 9 s standards have all involved secret-key techniques; work on public-key techniques is in progress in X9.30 and X9.31. Other banking standards efforts include draft Australian standard AS2805.6.5.3,@ which specifies RSA; CFONB ETEBAC-5,61a French banking standard that specifies RSA and DEA; and I S 0 CD 11666, a draft standard for banking key management that specifies RSA.62.63 Whether it will be approved is unclear, as its architectural features have been criticized.M

turing and key escrow processes. The panel that reviewed the Skipjack algorithm is also evaluating the manufacturing and key escrow processes.

Escrowed encryption. A likely candidate to surpass even the DSS controversy is the proposed Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES), part of the US governmentsCapstone project for encryption standards. It implements an April 1993 presidential order that certain encryption devices provide entry points for legitimate law-enforcement wiretaps. The governments Clipper chips are the first examples of such devices.6i EES is based on the Skipjack algorithm and involves a classified law-enforcement access field (LEAF). Each hardware device complying with EES (software is not allowed) has a secret key; the key is split at the factory and escrowed with (that is, put into the custody of, as with money or deeds) two govemment agencies. Under court order, the agencies reconstruct the key. With the secret key and LEAF, authorized offcials can decrypt messages encrypted by the device. Neither escrow agency can decrypt messages by itself. What is controversial about EES appears not so much to be government wiretapping, which has always been controversial, but the issues of algorithm secrecy, hardware-only implementation, and potential security risks in the manufac-

CRYFTOGRAPHY IS FINDING BROAD APPLICATION in the computer world. There is much common ground in the underlying algorithms. Interestingly,solutions to the confidentiality problemencryption in the pure sense-seem to be the hardest to standardize. Much more activity focuses on peripheral cryptographic problems such as authentication and key management, as well as algorithm-independentstandards. As evidenced by the parallel X9.30 and X9.31 efforts, the controversy over DSS has brought about parallel standards, one involving the reversible model (for example, RSA). Here, signing is the same as encryption, and verification i the same s as decryption. The other standard involves the irreversible model (for example, DSA) without such relationships. Reversibility is considered by some to open the door to confidentiality of unlimited security, a problematic feature for law enforcement and national security concerns. Others see dual standardization to be problematic for industry concerns. Since NIST may have reaffirmed DES for the last time, what comes next? The Internets PEM working group has been looking at new encryption algorithms, among them the socalled triple-DES with three DEA operations, of which X9.17~ EDE is one example. Whether the factor-of-three slowdown in performance is too much remains to be seen, but in light of the secrecy around the Skipjack algorithm and the few published alternatives, most likely triple-DES will become a f standard encryption algorithm in some corner o the standards world. RC4 may play a role as well. While all of this is sorting itself out, a new IEEE project, sponsored by the Computer Societys Microprocessor and Microcomputer Standards Committee, aims to complete the family of public-key standards. These standards will be based on the RSA and Diffie-Hellman algorithms, covering key management, encryption, authentication, key generation, and hardware support. The IEEE authorized P1363, RSA, DiffieHellman, and related public-key techniques this June, and an initial meeting is being planned as of this writing.

1 am grateful to Richard Ankney for sharing his standards expertise.

1. W. Diffie, The First Ten Years of Public-Key Cryptography, Proc. IEEE, 1988, pp. 560-577. 2. G.J. Simmons, ed., Contemporary Crypfology: The Science of

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lnformation Integrity, IEEE, New York, 1992. 3. P. Fahn, Answers to FrequentlyAsked QuestionsAbout Today's Cryptography, Version 2.0, RSA Laboratories, Redwood City, Calif., Sept. 1993. 4. A. Patel, "Emerging Network Security Standards in an OS1 Environment," Computer Standards & Interfaces, 1989/1990, pp. 239-247. 5. RecommendationX.800: SecurityArchitecturefor Open Systems lnterconnection for CCl77Applications. CCITT, Geneva, 1991. 6. lSO/lEC DlS 11586: Generic Upper Layers Security, ISOAEC, Geneva, 1993. 7. Accredited Standards Committee X9, Working Draft: American National StandardX9.4 1- 1993: Security Services Management for the Financial Services Industry, American Bankers Assoc., Washington, D.C., Aug. 1993. 8. DoD5200.28-STD:Departmento f Defense(DoD)TrustedComputer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), US Department of Defense, Washington, D.C., 1985. 9. FlPSPublication46-1:DataEncryptionStandard. NIST,Washington, D.C., Jan. 22, 1988; originally issued by the National Bureau of Standards. 10. Accredited Standards CommitteeX3,ANSlX3.92: Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA), ANSI, New York, 1981. 1 1 . Australian Standard2805.5 1985: ElectronicsFunds TransferRequirementsfor Interfaces: Part 5-Data EncryptionAlgorithm, Standards Assoc. of Australia, North Sydney, NSW, 1985. 12. E. BihamandA. Shamir, "Differential Cryptanalysisof theFulll6Round DES," Proc. Crypto 92, Advancesin Cryptology, SpringerVerlag, New York, 1993, to appear. 13. D. Coppersmith, "The Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Its Strength Against Attacks," tech. report RC 18613 (81421). IBM Research Div., Yorktown Heights, N.Y., Dec. 1992. 14. FlPSPublication81:DESModesofOperation, NIST, Dec. 2,1980. 15. Accredited Standards CommitteeX9, American NationalStandard X9.17: financiallnstitution Key Management (Wholesale), ANSI, 1985. 16. PKCS#5: Password-BasedEncryptionStandard, Version 1.4,RSA Data Security, Inc., Redwood City, Calif., June 1991. 17. NIST, "A Proposed Federal lnformation Processing Standard for an Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES)," Federal Register, Vol. 58, No. 145, July 30, 1993. 18. E.F. Brickell et al., "Skipjack Review, Interim Report The Skipjack Algorithm," July 28, 1993; contact author for copies. 19. R.L. Rivest, The RC4 Encryption Algorithm, RSA Data Security, Inc., Mar. 12, 1992. 20. Ameritech Mobile Communicationset al., Cellular Digitalfacket Data Sjfstem Specifications: Part 406: Airlink Security, CDPD Industry Input Coordinator, Costa Mesa, Calif., July 1993. 21. W. Diffie and M.E. Hellman, "New Directions in Cryptography," /E Trans. lnformation Theory, Vol. IT-22, 1976, pp. 644-654. 22. R.L. Rivest,A. Shamir, and L. Adleman, "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signaturesand Public-Key Cryptosystems," Comm.ACM, Vol. 21, No. 2, Feb. 1978, pp. 120-126.

23. PKCS # I : RSA Encryption Standard, Version 1.4, RSA Data Security, Inc., June 1991. 24. Accredited Standards Committee X9, Working Draft: American National StandardX9.3 I - 1993: Public Key Cryptography Using ReversibleAlgorithms for the FinancialServices Industry: Part 4: Management o f Symmetric Algorithm Keys Using RSA, Am. Bankers Assoc., June 4, 1993. 25. D. Balenson,RFC l423:Priva~EnhancementforlnternetEl~ronic Mail: Part ///-Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers, Trusted lnformation Systems, Inc., Glenwood, Md., Feb. 1993. 26. SpecialPublication500-183: Stable lmplementationAgreements for Open Systemslnterconnection Protocols: Part 12-OSSecurity, NIST, June 1992. 27. Australian Standard 2805.5.3-Electronic Data TransferRequirementsforlnterfaces: Part5.3: Data EnciphermentAlgorithm 2, Standards Assoc. of Australia, 1992. 28. International Standard9796: lnformation Technology, Security Techniques: DigitalSignatureScheme Giving Message Recovery, ISO/IEC, 1991. 29. L.C. Guillou et al., "Precautions Taken Against Various Potential Attacks in ISO/IEC DIS 9796," Proc. Eurocrypt 90, Advances in Cryptology, I.B. Damgard, ed., Springer-Verlag, 1991, pp. 465473. 30. Accredited Standards Committee X9, Working Draft: American National StandardX9.3 1- 1992: Public Key Cryptography Using ReversibleAlgorithms for the FinancialServices Industry: Part I : TheRSASignatureAlgorithm,Am. Bankers Assoc., Mar. 7,1993. 31. Publication XX: Announcement and Specifications for a Digital Signature Standard (DSS), NIST, Aug. 19, 1992. 32. NIST, "The Digital Signature Standard, Proposaland Discussion," Comm. ACM, Vol. 35, No. 7, July 1992, pp. 36-54. 33. T. Elgamal, "A Public-Key Cryptosystemand a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," /E Trans. lnformation Theory, Vol. IT-31, 1985, pp, 469-472. 34. C.P. Schnorr, "Efficient Identification and Signatures for Smart Cards," Roc. Crypto 89, Advances in Cryptology, SpringerVerlag, 1990, pp. 239-251. 35. FlPSPublication 180:SecureHashStandard(SHS), NIST, May 11, 1993. 36. Accredited Standards Committee X9, Working Draft: American National StandardX9.30- 199X: Public Key Cryptography Using lrreversibleAlgorithms for the FinancialServices Industry: Part 1: The DigitalSignatureAlgorithm (DSA), Am. Bankers Assoc., June 18, 1993. 37. PKCS #3: Diffie-HellmanKey Agreement Standard, Version I .3, RSA Data Security, Inc., June 1991. 38. Accredited Standards Committee X9, Working Draft: American National StandardX9.30- 1993: Public Key Cryptography Using lrreversibleAlgorithms for the FinancialServicesIndustry: Part 4: Managemento fSymmetricAlgorithm Keys UsingDiffie-Hellman, Am. Bankers Assoc., June 4, 1993. 39. ISO/IEC JTC 1 K 6 , N2559: DraftNetworkkayerSecurityProtocol, ISOAEC, Sept. 1990.

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40. ISOAEC JTC 1ISC6,N6285: Draft TranspottLayerSecurity Protocol, ISO/IEC,Nov. 1990. 41. Accredited Standards Committee X9, Working Draft: American National Standard X9.30- 1993: Public Key Cryptography Using Irreversible Algorithms for the Financial Services Industry: Part 2: The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), Am. Bankers Assoc., 1993. 42. B. Kaliski, RFC 1319: The MD2 Message-Digest Algorithm, RSA Data Security, Inc., Apr. 1992. 43. R.L. Rivest, RFC 1321: The MD5 Message-DigestAlgorithm,MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, Mass., and RSA Data Security, Inc., Apr. 1992. 44. Accredited Standards Committee X9, Working Draft: American National Standard X9.3 1- 1992: Public Key Cryptography Using Reversible Algorithms for the Financial Services Industry: Part 2: The MDC-2 Hash Algorithm, Am. Bankers Assoc., June 4, 1993. 45. FIPS Publication 1 13: Computer Data Authentication, NIST, May 30, 1985. 46. AccreditedStandardsCommitteeX9,AmericanNationalStandard X9.9: Financial Institution Message Authentication, ANSI, 1982. 47. Australian Standard 2805.4 1985: Electronics Funds TransferRequirements for Interfaces: Part 4-Message Authentication, Standards Assoc. of Australia, 1985. 48. J. Linn, RFC 1421: Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Pr~edures, Mail:Partk-Mewge EnciphermentandAuthentication Internet Activities Board, Feb. 1993. 49. Recommendation X.509: The Directory-Authentication Framework, CCITT, 1988. 50. PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard, Version 1.4, RSA Data Security, Inc., June 1991. 51 . RecommendationX.400: Message Handling System and Service Overview, CCITT, 1988. 52. Recommendation X.4 I I : Message Handling Systems: Message Transfer System: Abstract Service Definition and Procedures, CCITT, 1988. 5 3 . lnternationalStandard10021- I : InformationProcessingSystems, Text Communication, MOTIS, Message Handling: System and Service Overview, ISO/IEC, 1988. 54. Recommendation X.435: Message Handling Systems: ED/ Messaging System, CCITT, 1991. 5 5 . /E Draft Standard for Interoperable Local Area Network (LAN) Security: Part C-Key Management Proposal, IEEE, Apr. 10, 1992. 56. RecommendationX.500: The Directory-Overview of Concepts, Models and Services, CCITT, 1988. 5 7 , International Std. 9594-8: Information Processing SystemsOpen SystemsInterconnection-The Directory-Authentication Framework, ISOIIEC, 1988. 58. J. Case et al., RFC 1157: The Simple Network Management Protocol, SNMP Research, Knoxville, Tenn., May 1990. 59, J. Galvin, K . McCloghrie,and J. Davin, RFC 1352: SNMP Security Protocols, Trusted Information Systems, Inc., July 1992. 60. Draft Australian Standard: Electronics Funds TransferRequirements for Interfaces: Part 6.5.3-Key Management-

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Terminallnitiali~tio~~ymmetrical, StandardsAssoc. of Australia, May 1990. changesTelematiquesentreles BanquesetleursClients,Standard ETEBACS, V I .I , Comit6 FranCaisdOrganisationetdeNormalisation Bancaire, Paris, 1989. /SO CD 1 1 166-1, Banking-Key Management by Means of AsymmetricAlgorithms-Part 1:Principles,Prmeduresandhrmats, IS0 TC68/SCZ/N346,1992. /SO CD I 1 166-2, Banking-Key Management by Means of Asymmetric Algorithms-Part 2: Approved Algorithms Using the RSA Cryptosystem, IS0 TC68/SCZ/N304,1992. ISO/IEC JTCIISC27I1NG2, N205: Criticism of IS0 CD 11666 Banking-Key Managementby Means ofhymmetric Algorithms, ISO/IEC,Apr. 1993. D.E. Denning, The Clipper Encryption System, Am. Scientist, Vol. 81, NO. 4, July-A~g.1993, 319-323 pp.

Burt Kaliski is chief scientist of the RSA

Laboratories division of RSA Data Security. His research interests include cryptography and fast arithmetic. Kaliski received the BS, MS, and PhD degrees in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, the International Association for Cryptologic Research, Sigma Xi, and Tau Beta Pi. He served as general chair of Crypto 91, and he is interim chair of IEEE P1363.

Direct questions concerning this article to the author at

RSA Laboratories, 100 Marine Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065; or [email protected].

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