C Programming On Linux
C Programming On Linux
C Programming On Linux
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Table of Contents
Starting C programming with Linux..................................................................................................................3
Basic Checks...............................................................................................................................................3
The first encounter.......................................................................................................................................4
C/C++ Compiler................................................................................................................................................5
Command-line Options................................................................................................................................5
Using libraries in programs....................................................................................................................7
Types of libraries...................................................................................................................................7
Creating a library...................................................................................................................................8
Libraries and running a program............................................................................................................8
The C/C++ programming environment......................................................................................................10
Man pages for C calls...........................................................................................................................10
C/C++ standard library documentation................................................................................................10
STL documentation..............................................................................................................................10
Preparing and debugging the program........................................................................................................11
Breakpoints and variable values................................................................................................................12
Changing variable values...........................................................................................................................13
GDB command reference...........................................................................................................................13
What do I miss from Turbo C?........................................................................................................................13
Whats next?.....................................................................................................................................................14
Further reading...........................................................................................................................................14
Version Control Systems......................................................................................................................15
Alternate Operating Systems......................................................................................................................15
Contact information...................................................................................................................................15
Brief Vi command reference......................................................................................................................17
File Handling .......................................................................................................................................17
Buffer Handling...................................................................................................................................17
Setting Options.....................................................................................................................................18
Search and replace...............................................................................................................................18
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I meet a lot of computer students on PLUG(Pune Linux Users Group). Invariably I find them using TC i.e.
Turbo C for their C/C++ programming assignments. At PLUG, we attempt to help them getting started with
C/C++ programming on Linux and answer any queries they have. This tutorial is to help them getting started
on their own.
A lot of these students also tell me that they use TC because their teachers insist on using it. We encourage
teachers as well as students to get away from TC as soon as and as far as possible. This tutorial is aimed at
teachers and students alike.
There are several disadvantages of Turbo C. They lead to programming practices which are not exactly
beneficial when a student completes his/her graduation and aspires to be a software professional.
• Most Turbo C installations uses a version which is very old and/or incomplete. It lacks essential features
like namespaces and templates in C++. Hence students practice their skills on a platform which is limited.
• Usage Turbo C promotes DOS programming paradigm which is obsolete on all practical counts. Student
keep thinking that directly writing to VGA memory is a big thing while it is a complete waste of efforts.
• Most Turbo C installations lack a complete C library. Hence students are completely unaware of some
very important features such as threading or localization. Turbo C has a minimal C library installed with
it, which is just enough for basic programming.
• TC being an IDE, students never grasp the concept of project management. Furthermore the assignments
in the course do not promote good project management practices. Many students end up doing all their
assignments in a single file and consequently never learn to reuse the code. Some of the essential practices
students miss are,
• Use of Makefiles
• Usage of Version Control systems
• Practice of modularizing the code in different files/libraries etc.
• Students are never exposed to diversity. They think TC is C/C++. What they do not understand is TC is
but one implementation of C/C++. There are several others, each with it's own strengths, weaknesses and
gotchas. They learn to think in terms of tools rather than language, theory and problem at hand. The lack
of exposure to diverse tools keeps them from maturing rapidly.
This tutorial aims to help students and teachers enriching the learning experience in a undergraduate course.
Though this tutorial explains C/C++ on Linux, I would encourage students to explore usage other compilers
such a Microsoft Visual C/C++ and Intel C/C++.
I want to make it clear here that I am not going to illustrate usage of any IDE on Linux in this tutorial.
Following are the reasons that I can think of, top of my head,
• I think they are easy enough to figure out if you know any other IDE or basic C/C++ programming.
• I intend to show how to use basic C/C++ usage. If I start with an IDE, it will be no different than TC.
Students will think of 'Kdevelop as C/C++' on which is no better than thinking 'TC is C/C++'
• Explaining an IDE in totality is a big job. It could take a book rather than a tutorial to do it.
There could be more reasons but I think these are good enough to skip an IDE right now.
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Following example illustrates how to check existence of development tools. You should get a similar output.
All these commands were executed on my home PC which runs Slackware 10.
If you have afore-mentioned tools available, you are set to start. The last two, vi and pico are text editors.
You can do with any text editor of your choice. However if you don't know where to look for, above are two
very basic choices. Personally, I use kate which is bundled with KDE.
I have put an entire section at the end of the document, illustrating these editors, especially vi. From here, I
will assume that you have one editor available for writing code.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Hello World\n);
Press Ctrl-X to quit. Pico will ask to save the file. Press Y. It will ask for file name. Supply a name of your
choice. I chose hello.c here.
The first command compiled the file hello.c to a executable hello. There was no error or warning given.
It means that everything went fine. This is Unix way of doing things.
However for people from DOS/Windows background, this could be confusing. So I issued an ls command,
which is similar to dir command on DOS. This confirms that the executable called as hello was indeed
shridhar@darkstar:~$ ./hello
Hello World
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Here we run the program. There are several things to note in above example. First of all, the current directory
'.' is included explicitly in file name. On Unix, the current directory is not necessarily included in the path. So
running the executable with full path is recommended as a good portable practice, even if you don't have to
do it on your Linux installation.
Secondly the directory separator is '/' on Linux rather than '\' on DOS. If you are using Linux for some time,
I am sure you have noticed it by now. The reasons behind the difference are topic of a continuous debate
between Windows/DOS and Unix users. Let us skip them for now.
Here we have learnt several things.
• On Linux, editing a file and compiling are two different things.
• The compiler is a command line tool which has nothing to do with the way you create/edit source code.
• The C compiler on Linux is called as gcc.
• The directory separator on Linux is '/' instead of '\'.
C/C++ Compiler
The C compiler on Linux is a part of compiler suite, known as GCC(GNU Compiler Collection). This suite
offers compilers for several languages. Following is a list of typical ones offered.
• C
• C++
• Objective C
• Fortran
The name of C compiler program on Linux is gcc and C++ compiler is called as g++. You can find out the
version of the compiler using –version option. This is the output produced on my home machine.
Command-line Options
The command line options to the C/C++ compiler control their behavior. There are large number of options
available. The compiler documentation has the detailed explanation but I will cover the commonly used ones.
A compiler option is denoted by '-' such as -s. This is different than Dos/Windows where the options are
denoted by '/'. In our first program, you can see that we have already made use of -o option.
This option instructs the compiler to just compile the file and produce an object file, instead of creating a
program. Creating a program is the default behavior.
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This is typically used when a program or a library consist of more than one source files and/or the sources
spread across multiple modules. The object files produced has a .o extension rather than .obj as with
-o <name>
This option instructs the compiler to produce the target with a specific name, overriding the default name.
When a source is compiled into an object file, the extension changes to .o e.g. A source file hello.c will
produce an object file named hello.o. However you can change the name of object file using this option.
Following commands demonstrate this usage.
If this option is not specified, the name of program produced is always a.out. This is different than
Dos/Windows where a source file hello.c results into a program with name hello.exe. Hence on
Linux, this option is almost always used while producing the program.
This option instructs compiler to produce optimized programs. Here n denotes the level of optimization. This
is an optional argument. The level of optimization range from 1 to 3. The most commonly used optimization
level is 2.
There are several options that control specific optimizations. This option is a convenient way of specifying a
group of most commonly used. More details on these options are available in compiler documentation.
This options instructs compilers to produce a program with debug information included. Unless a program is
compiled with this option, it can not be debugged.
If a program is created from more than one object files, all of the object files must be compiled with this flag,
so that the entire program can be debugged.
This option instructs the compiler to remove any symbol and object relocation information from the program.
This is used to reduce the size of program and runtime overhead.
Coupled with -O2, these options produced programs that are used in production. Note that this option should
not be used in conjunction with -g as it removes the debugging information as well.
-I <directory name>
This option instructs compiler to add the specified directory to include search path. Compiler will search in
directory when it is looking for header files included by the programs.
By default, the compiler search in directory /usr/include and hence it need not be specified. The
#include directive in source can take relative form. Let us say a program has a line such as follows.
#include <sys/socket.h>
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Then the compiler will match the file /usr/include/sys/socket.h. Compiler will attempt to find a
file among all the include directory path specified before throwing an error.
For C++, /usr/include/c++/<version> is the additional default include directory, where standard
library headers for C++ are located. Here version is the compiler version. So on my machine, it translates to
the directory /usr/include/c++/3.3.4/.
-L <directory name>
This option instructs the compiler to add the specified directory to library search path. This option is actually
used by linker. However since linker is invoked via compiler in most cases, this option is passed to the
compiler. The compiler passes it to the linker.
By default compiler searches the directory /usr/lib. I will describe libraries in more details later.
-l <library name>
This option instructs the compiler to link against the specified library. This option follows a specific naming
convention. The library name specified does not include library name suffix or prefix. E.g. To link against a
library libnurses.so, one has to specify -lncurses since lib and .so are standard library
A library is like a executable program in that it contains the compiled code in machine specific assembly
language. It differs from a program in that libraries are collection of reusable code. They are no meant to be
run like a normal programs.
To produce a program, compiler invokes linker with appropriate linker directories and libraries. The linker
puts all the object files together in the final program. It creates a list of empty slots from all the object files.
Then it searches for these symbols in libraries specified. For each symbol found in libraries , it marks the
library as a dependency.
If it can not find a symbol in any of libraries specified, it throws a Undefined symbols error. It means
that the linker could not find any library which contains the symbol definition. Necessary libraries need to be
specified so as to get the program linked successfully.
Types of libraries
There are two types of libraries, shared and static. They differ in how the compiled code is reused by the
1 Linker calls function and variable declarations as symbols. It does not deal with functions alone and it is
not specific to a particular language such as C/C++. It can link object files produced by any language as
long as they are in specific format..
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• Static Libraries
When a program is linked against a static library, the linker copies the symbol definition i.e. the code for
function implementation into the resulting program. Hence the program does not need the library installed in
order to run. This results in a bigger program size at the cost of ease of installation. Furthermore to take
advantage of newer version of a library, the program must be recompiled and reinstalled.
By convention, static libraries has a lib prefix and .a extension. Thus a libmyprog.a is file name for
library myprog. While compiling/linking, only the library name is passed and not the complete file name as
linker can locate the file from the library name.
• Shared Libraries
On the other hand, while linking against a shared library, the linker marks the symbols in shared library as
external. While running the program, the runtime linker searches through installed libraries for necessary
library and the required symbol definition in the library. If either the library or the necessary symbol
definition is not found, a runtime error is thrown and program execution is aborted.
Using shared libraries, the program size can be kept to minimum. If more than one programs are using same
library, only one copy of library is loaded saving memory at the runtime. This is not possible with static
libraries. If the installed library is upgraded, all the programs depending upon it get the benefit of newer
The standard prefix for shared libraries is lib and file extension is .so. Thus a library myprog will have
the file name libmyprog.so.
Creating a library
Creating a shared library is very similar to creating a program. One has to include appropriate headers and
specify additional libraries for linker. A shared library can depend upon other shared libraries. In order to run
the program, all the dependent libraries are required to be installed.
However some additional flags need to be passed to compiler and linker to create a shared library. On Linux,
following are the necessary flag.
This option instructs the compiler to generate position independent code. This is a necessary option to create
an object file that can be put into shared library. It prevents the compiler from using the optimizations that are
dependent upon code/symbol location since these locations are not guaranteed in a shared library.
This option is passed to linker. Instead of creating a program the linker creates a shared library.
To create a static library, one must produce a set of object files and pass them to a utility called as ar.
The runtime linker loads the program like any other normal file and reads all the dependencies marked by the
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Then it searches the required libraries in the system. A system-wide configuration file /etc/ld.so.conf,
lists the directories searched by the runtime linker. Once it locates the necessary libraries, it loads them and
searches for the symbol definitions that are marked as external in the program. In order to run the program,
the runtime linker has to locate all the external symbols in the program.
The runtime linker loads the necessary libraries in the programs address space and recalculates the address of
each symbol in the shared library. After this step is completed, the control is passed to the user code.
To find out the shared library dependencies of a program, a utility called as ldd can be used. For our first
example, the dependencies are listed as follows.
Another utility called as nm can be used to list all the symbols in a program. Again, for our first example
program, the listing is as follows. Note that the function printf is marked as 'U', which means that another
shared library has to supply the implementation of this function. The particular shared library is the standard
C library libc.so in this case.
shridhar@darkstar:~$ nm hello
08049494 D _DYNAMIC
08048470 R _IO_stdin_used
w _Jv_RegisterClasses
08049560 d __CTOR_END__
0804955c d __CTOR_LIST__
08049568 d __DTOR_END__
08049564 d __DTOR_LIST__
08049490 r __FRAME_END__
0804956c d __JCR_END__
0804956c d __JCR_LIST__
08049588 A __bss_start
08049484 D __data_start
08048420 t __do_global_ctors_aux
08048310 t __do_global_dtors_aux
08049488 D __dso_handle
08049484 A __fini_array_end
08049484 A __fini_array_start
w __gmon_start__
08049484 A __init_array_end
08049484 A __init_array_start
080483e0 T __libc_csu_fini
080483b0 T __libc_csu_init
U __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.0
08049588 A _edata
0804958c A _end
08048450 T _fini
0804846c R _fp_hw
08048278 T _init
080482c0 T _start
080482e4 t call_gmon_start
08049588 b completed.1
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08049484 W data_start
08048350 t frame_dummy
08048384 T main
0804948c d p.0
U printf@@GLIBC_2.0
In order to find out what these calls are, I would generally recommend a book on Unix programming such as
one from Kernnighan and Ritchie. However there is a simpler reference to all these calls that is installed on
each Linux system .These are man(manual) pages accessible using man command.
All the manual pages for programming calls are located in directory /usr/man/man2. These man pages
follow a specific naming standard. A typical man page /usr/man/man2/unlink.2.gzmeans that it
documents a command called as unlink in section 2 of the manual. This section number is required if two
sections contain man page with same name. In this case, the required man command to be issued on shell
prompt would be 'man 2 unlink'.
Even though you can use the man command to view man pages, I would recommend a GUI viewer such a
konqueror in KDE since it can hyperlink other man pages and source file.
STL documentation
STL is Standard Template Library which provides many useful containers and algorithms that can be used in
C++. The standard C++ library on Linux includes an STL implementation.
When a program does not work as expected, one has to debug it. Debugging is a integral part of software
development. So to learn to develop programs on Linux, we need to learn to debug them as well.
The most primitive technique of debugging is to introduce plethora of print statements in the programs to
execute state of program at each stage. It certainly work for some class of problems. But it is no replacement
for a proper debugger.
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I will cover gdb in this chapter which is a command line debugger on Linux. While there are GUI front-ends
such as DDD available for gdb, I will cover gdb only since it is the minimum required for debugging. Again
no matter what Linux system you encounter, you can count on gdb to be available.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i=0;
printf("The value of i is %d\n",i);
Notice the '-g' flag passed to compiler. It instructs to add debugging information in the program. Let us run
the program.
shridhar@darkstar:~$ ./print
The value of i is 0
It just runs like any other program. The next step is debugging. Here is a gdb session which runs the program.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/shridhar/print
The value of i is 0
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(gdb) q
The debugger accepts the name of program as the argument. You are dropped to a prompt where you can
enter the debugger commands. Here the command 'r' runs the program and 'q' quits the debugger.
Note that the user gets control at break point. The source line shown is the one which will be executed next.
Hence the value of i is random when printed first and it is set to zero after the statement is executed. The
command 'n' is used to run one statement at a time. If the line contains a user defined function call, then
command 's' steps into the function rather than treating the entire line as one step.
Break points can be set in two ways. One way is to specify a function as we have done here. Other way is t
specify in form of filename:line number. This is how it is done.
(gdb) b print.c:5
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8048394: file print.c, line 5.
By default, gdb searches the source files in current directory. You can tell it to search specific directories
using dir command.
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Note that each invocation of dir command adds the directory to the list of directories to be searched, rather
than replacing it. Unfortunately gdb does not understand directory tree. So if you have a multilevel source
tree, you can not just tell gdb the top level directory and expect it to search entire tree. You need to specify
each directory separately.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/shridhar/print
This is a header in Turbo C that provides interrupt related functions and entry to Dos kernel. This header is
not available on Linux.
Linux does not allow direct use of interrupts from user application programs. Unlike Dos, Linux is a multi-
user multi-tasking OS which provides standard IPC (interprocess communication) and other APIs.
Linux can do all the things provided by this header and much more. However the syntax and APIs are
drastically different. If you have any programs that rely on this header, you need to rewrite them in Linux.
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This header file in Turbo C provides functions that can manipulate screen and cursor. On Linux, one needs to
use a library called as ncurses to achieve similar effects. The discussion of porting to ncurses is out of
scope of this tutorial.
Turbo C provides a simple graphics programming API that can handle VGA graphics and provide low level
routines for graphics manipulation.
On Linux, a library called as SVGALib is available for similar effects. However this library is discontinued in
favor of other options. Direct frame buffer rendering is another option available.
However it is strongly recommended that instead of using any of these options, one directly use X and higher
level toolkits such as GTK/Qt/FLTK. The discussion of X and any of these toolkits is beyond the scope of
this document. There is plenty of material available on internet for these topics.
Whats next?
Further reading
This document touches on many issues but can not cover them in detail. I recommend that the reader pursue
following subjects as well. These are important tools for developing professional and large scale software
applications. I will provide a brief description of each of these.
Make is a program to maintain a project build in a consistent state. It reads the project description in form of
dependencies of sources and targets. In context of programming, sources files are source and programs are
targets. However the definition of sources and targets is provided by application developer. Hence Make can
be used in variety of creative ways.
The source target dependency description is provided in a file called as Makefile. The Make documentation
covers the format of Makefiles.
Based on timestamps of each sources and target, it determines the targets that needs to be updated. It updates
only those targets that are older than corresponding sources.
A source can be a source file or another target e.g. An object file can be source for a program though it is not
a source file. Make can nest the dependencies so all the dependent targets are rebuilt. In this example, if the
source file is updated, it causes the object file to be rebuilt and hence the program that depends upon the
object file.
GNU Make is installed on most Linux systems. It provides some extensions over traditional Unix Make.
There are some other programs that provide similar functionality. Jam from Perforce Inc. and scons/cons
are two such programs.
Autoconf is a system of tests that tests availability of certain features in operating system. It is used for
building software from same sources on multiple platforms. If a test succeeds, a preprocessor directive is set
in a configuration header file. Application developer can add code for the particular system if the directive is
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Autoconf is written in m4 which is a macro processing language available on most Unix systems.
It is responsibility of application developer to write tests. However since large number of Free software
projects use Autoconf, there is a rich set of tests already made and which can be reused.
Automake is a tool that makes writing makefiles easy. It has a simpler syntax compared to Make. Automake
processes a file called as Makefile.am and produce Makefile. The produced makefile has many useful
built-in targets such as clean, install/uninstall etc.
It supports constructs like directory recursion, program and library creation in a much simpler manner
compared to make.
A version control system brings order and maintainability to a software project. Without a version control
system, it is not possible to maintain a software project of considerable size.
CVS and SubVersion are two version control systems that are widely used in Free software projects. One
should be familiar with at least one of them.
As explained earlier, diversity is very important from a software developer's point of view. It brings maturity
and experience that is invaluable.
Once you are familiar and comfortable with Linux, I recommend that you fiddle with at least one other OS.
FreeBSD is the closest. Developing on FreeBSD with expose you to cultural differences between these two
which is a good learning experience in my opinion.
Contact information
As we have learnt in last section, any text editor can be used to write C/C++ programs. There are plethora of
them available on Linux. Here is brief introduction for two of them with mention of others. The idea is to
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make sure that if a particular editor is unavailable, the other one can be used.
If you don't know any editor in Linux, read one of following sections to start with.
Vi is very age-old and powerful editor. Typically, Linux has a flavor of vi, called as Vim(Vi Improved)
Vi has a reputation of being tough for newbies. However it's user base swears by it. It should be easy enough
to use if the command reference provided here is handy. Of course it would be little unfamiliar to start with
but that phase will last for first few days only. Learning vi is recommended because you will find it available
no matter what Unix OS you use.
Vi operates in two modes, command mode and editing mode. By default, it starts in command mode. So
anything you type is treated as a command. Any one of the editing commands starts the editing mode. To
switch back to command mode, Esc(escape) is used.
If you start vi with a file, you can move around the file using arrow keys but you can not edit it because you
are in command mode. If you start vi with no file, there is nothing to move around.
Remember that vi commands are case sensitive. Also vim allows normal navigation controls such as arrows
keys, page up/page down to be used. But traditional vi key sequences are still mentioned for compatibility
with other Unix OSs.
A brief vi command reference can be found in appendix. Vim also has a GUI version gvim which can be used
with menus and all other GUI goodies. GVim is also available for Windows.
Pico is a very simple editor. It is the default editor in text mail client pine. The help can easily be obtained
using Control-g. The editor has a on-screen help menu which covers most basic operations. It does not
have modes i.e. unlike Vi, you just start typing. All the commands are paired with Control key.
This is another very simple editor. It has a wordstar like key bindings and can be easy to use for people
familiar with wordstar.
One thing to remember is that pico and joe are not as easily available as vi on other Unix OS.
Following are other editors that are typically available on a Linux system. Note that Emacs is not an editor
but virtually an OS in itself. There are/used-to-be religious wars between vi and emacs fans. However I am
not covering it here because I have never used it personally.
• Emacs
• GNOME editors such as GEdit
• KDE editors such as Kate/KWrite
• NEdit
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You can use any of these. The choice is yours. Use an editor that suits your needs.
Brief Vi command reference
File Handling
Buffer Handling
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Setting Options
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