COD Radiant

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The document provides a tutorial on how to install and set up the Call of Duty map editor (CoD Radiant) and export maps and assets into a PK3 file.

The steps outlined to install CoD Radiant are to open CoDTools.exe, agree to the license, check system requirements, install to the correct directory, and create a shortcut.

Some important preferences to set in CoD Radiant include enabling solid selection boxes, showing textures in the 2D view, setting the texture and camera preferences, and setting the units and scale for placing entities.

You & CoD Radiant : Installing / Setting up the Map Editor Tutorial written by : Surgeon This tutorial assumes

that you have no knowledge of mapping, or no knowledge of using any version of Radiant. The first thing you will need, if you havn't got it already is a copy of Call of Duty Radiant (CoD Rad for short). You can get it here.

Installing CoD Radiant To install CoD Radiant: Open up CoDTools.exe Click next Read the License agreement and agree with it. Read the system Requirements and make sure you have what it takes to run CoD Rad. Note : If you have Win ME, read this thread. Make sure that the directory is pointing to where Call of Duty is installed. Install. Create a shortcut on your desktop. Exit. Go to your callofduty/main/maps folder and create a new folder. Rename it mp. You should now be ready to run CoD Radiant for the first time. Note : If you have any problems runnning CoD Radiant, Open Regedit and delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CoDRadiant folder. You do so at your own risk. Setting CoD Radiant up. This section is going to tell you how to set your editor up with some of the more common preferences. Open up your editor. You should be asked to locate the cod.qe4 file. This should be located in tools\bin. The Editor will then open up and you will see something similar to this :

Ok, now that you know what CoD Rad looks like, we have to go and set up some preferences. Click on File->Project Settings:

You should see :

The editor should have detected where everything is. The important lines to check are: basepath (.EXE Location) - Should point to the folder where codsp.exe & codmp.exe are. mapspath (.MAP location) - Should point to the main\maps folder. entitypath - Should point to the cod.def file located in the tools\bin folder.

Next we have to set up CoD Rad's preferences (edit->preferences). This will bring up the Preference Options :

We'll take it in stages. Note: I'm only going to cover the points I consider important. Views / Rendering The 4 little pictures offer you a small choice in the layout of CoD Rad. Try them all out and see which one suits you the best. Solid Selection Boxes - When ticked, any brush/entity selected will be shown with solid bold lines. With it unticked, the lines will be dashed. Ents use '_color' value - ?? Texture Brushes in 2D - This shows the textures on brushes in the 2D window, useful for building geometry from a 2D image Camera Slider - The slider controls the speed of camera movement in the 3D Window. Update XY views QE4 Update Model Farplane - The maximum farplane distance (controls how far the in editor cubic clipping can go). Texturing Texture Toolbar - Unticking this box gives you a handy texture toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Ticking it hides the toolbar. Texture Scrollbar - Gives you a handy scrollbar to scroll through the textures in the texture window. Texture Subset - Gives you a method of selecting textures within a texture set. New Functionality Right click to drop entities - With this ticked you can bring up the entity list by right clicking on the 2D Window. Rotation Inc - ?? Vehicle Arrow Time - A chain of vehicle nodes draws a spline in editor when set up correctly. This control sets how far apart the arrows are by time the vehicle would take to get from one arrow to the next. Vehicle Arrow Size - Sets the size of the arrows in the 2D Window ?? Patch Toolbar - Adds a selection of buttons to the toolbar at the top, that allow the manipulation of Patch Meshes. Light Drawing - With this selected, the editor draws a light entity as a diamond shape. Unselected the light entity is drawn as a common box. Paint Sizing Info - When creating a brush, the unit length/width (dependant on view plane) is visable. Drop Height - Ctrl-Alt-left click copies a currently selected entity to the location clicked. Ctrl-Alt-middle click moves the selected entity. Drop height controls how far above or below the surface you clicked on the entity will be placed. Useful for making the base of trees be below the terrain when they are placed on non flat surfaces. Scale Base - See Toggle "tree/grass placement mode". Scale base defines the default model scale for this mode (100 = normal). Scale Range - Like scale base, but controls the amount of scale variation. Tolerent Wield - The distance at which the editor will do tolerant welding. Startup Shaders - ?? Splay Distance - Select some vertices in a terrain patch and press Alt-W . This will make these vertices separate apart along their current direction by the distance set in this box. Useful for keeping the texture a consistent scale on a patch which uses Set for its texturing (for example roads). Game Path / Tool Settings / Misc Load last project on open - With this ticked, CoD Rad will open your last project when started Load last map on open - With this ticked, CoD Rad will open your last map when started Auto save every - With this ticked CoD Rad will autosave your map every # of mins that you specify. Handy way of making sure that you don't loose much work to a hang / crash.

So thats the basics covered. Now you can begin to learn the basics of mapping with CoD Rad

Getting to Know You : A Guide to CoD Radiants Interface Tutorial written by : Surgeon This tutorial assumes that you have no knowledge of mapping, or no knowledge of using any version of Radiant. Now that you have the preferences for CoD Rad set up, its time to learn a little bit about the editor itself. CoD Radiant's Layout As I stated in the previous tutorial its possible to select one of 4 different layouts for your editor. I'm using layout 1 (the left most option) for this tutorial, so it may be handy for you to do the same.

There are five "sections" to the MoH Radiant main screen. (1) Height Window - Shows the "height" or Z-Axis of your map (2) 2D Window - To begin with this shows a 2d representation of the map (This can be changed using the options). (3) 3D Window - This is the 3D view of your map (4) Texture Window - This is where textures are displayed for you to choose. (5) Texture Toolbar - This allows you to manipulate textures. CoD Radiant's Buttons Along the top of CoD Radiant you will notice a long row of buttons. These are shortcuts that can be used to make your life slightly easier. I will go through the more useful relevant ones here.

Open : This opens a previously saved map into MoH Radiant. Save : Saves the current map.

X-Axis Flip : Flips the selected brush along the x-axis. X-Axis Rotate : Rotates the selected brush along the x-axis. Y-Axis Flip : Flips the selected brush along the y-axis. Y-Axis Rotate : Rotates the selected brush along the y-axis. Z-Axis Flip : Flips the selected brush along the x-axis. Z-Axis Rotate : Rotates the selected brush along the x-axis.

Select Select Select Select

Complete Tall : Flips the selected brush along the x-axis. Touching : Rotates the selected brush along the x-axis. Partial Tall : Flips the selected brush along the y-axis. Inside : Rotates the selected brush along the y-axis.

CSG Subtract : Subtracts the selected brush from another brush. CSG Merge : Allows you to merge 2 brushs, to create 1 brush. CSG Hollow : Hollows a selected brush. Clipper : Toggles clipping. This is covered in the brush manipulation tutorial.

Toggle Snap to Grid : With this on, your brushes will snap to the nearest gridline. Texture View Mode : Different viewing options for the 3D Window. Flip Texture X : Flips the texture on the selected face, along the x-axis. Flip Texture Y : Flips the texture on the selected face, along the y-axis. Change View : Certain layouts (ie layout 1) allow the 2D view to be changed. Cubic Clip the Camera View : Clips the view in the 3D window. Handy when working on a large map.

Free Rotation : Allows you to rotate a selected brush. Free Scaling : Allows you to increase / decrease the scale of a brush.

Lock X : Locks the selected brush's x-axis. Lock Y : Locks the selected brush's y-axis. Lock Z : Locks the selected brush's z-axis.

Don't Select Curved Brushes : With this selected you cannot select a curved brush. Show Patch Bounding Box : Shows the bounding box of a patch. Show Patches As Wireframes : Shows a patch as a wireframe. Patch Bend Mode : Allows you to bend the selected patch mesh. Redisperse patch points : This will "normalize" your vertex points over thie serface area. of your patch. Works better from the drop down then the icon since I use del and ins for zooming. Put caps on the current patch : If you have a cylinder patch selected for exmaple it will cap it with a one click. ?? : Welds equal patch points during move : ?? Selects drill down rows and columns : ?? Toggles lock patch vertex mode : When selected highlighting vertexs will lock them. Toggles unlock patch vertex mode : When selected highlighting vertexs will unlock them. Cycles edge direction on terrain quads : ??

Splines : ??

Show entities as : Shows entites in the 3D window as your selection. Toggle camera movement mode : Selects the modes of camera movement. This is covered in greater detail below. Toggle alpha rendering of textures : View alpha textures as they would be shown in-game. Disable selection of entities : With this selected you cannot select an entity. Toggle drawing of draw toggle surfs : ?? Toggle drawing of tolerant wield lines : Click on the TW box in the toolbar at the top right. Select the 2 patches you want to join. They must be close enough for them join, when they are a highlighted line will connect the vertices that will snap together. You can drag select as many of the vertices as you like and they will connect to their highlighted partner. Toggle if models are selectable : With this selected you cannot select a model. ?? : The Camera A quick word on camera manipulation. I use Mode 2 (with the button clicked in). Mode 2 is, i feel, by far the best camera mode to use and its the one i'll be using for this tutorial and others after that. To move the camera about the 3D view you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard. D and C will move the camera up and down respectively. A and Z will tilt the camera up and down respectively. The arrow keys will move you forward, backward and rotate the camera left and right. A better way to manipulate the camera is to use the mouse. In the 3d view click and hold your right mouse button, now move the mouse around and see what happens to the camera. Forward and back move the camera forward and back, whilst side-to-side turns the camera view from left to right. Holding down Ctrl + Right Mouse Button : Pushing forward / backwards on the mouse allows you to raise / lower the height of the camera, whilst moving the mouse left/right allows you to strafe in that direction. Holding down Shift + Ctrl + Right Mouse Button : This gives you a "free view" mode, where you can rotate the camera anywhere on the spot. right button and move the camera around. This will be like looking around in the game. If your ever lost in the gray void you can re-position your camera in the 2d view by CTRL+MIDDLE clicking. Combine that with the middle click to point the camera and you can quickly set your camera anywhere. This is the "camera" (see below). The two lines are its field of view. I.e everything in between those 2 lines will be shown in the 3d box. You can point the camera by clicking with your middle mouse button on the 2d map. To find the camera press Alt + X.

To zoom in and out on your 2d view you can use your mouse's scroll wheel or use Insert and Delete. To move around the 2d view rightclick and hold and move your mouse in the required direction. Moving your mouse towards you will move the map up and vice versa. Moving your mouse right will move your map left and vice versa. The Menus There are 13 pull down menus in MoH Radiant. It would take more than a few pages to cover them in detail, but thankfully most are

selfexplainatory, so i'll just mention them briefly. File : Allows you to save / load your maps. You can also save / load prefabs. Edit : You can find brushes / entites with this list. Also gives you access to the preferences scrren. View : Lists all the different view possibilities. Selection : Gives you all the various brush selection options BSP : Ignore this Grid : All the various grid size options. Textures : Lists all the texture groups, and some texture options. Misc : Allows you to set different colours within MoH Radiant. Region : ?? Brush : You can create many sided brushes easily with this menu, along with a few special shapes. Patch : Allows you to create and manipulate Patch meshes Plugins : Gives you any plugin options you have. Help : Gives you a list of all the keyboard shortcuts available. Well thats all the basics you should need for just now. You will pick up more as you go through the tutorials or just while you map.

Painting Your World : A Guide to Basic Texturing Methods Tutorial written by : Surgeon This tutorial assumes that you have no knowledge of mapping, or no knowledge of using any version of Radiant. A map without textures can be compared to a painting with out the paint. Learning how to texture your map and how to manipulate these textures is a very important part of the mapping process. Though the building blocks give the map its shape and layout, the real depth of a map may be seen by the way it is textured. The basic process of texturing is fairly simple to grasp. In CoD, each texture is located in a texture set. These texture sets are based around a theme so you will be able to find similar textures in the same set. If you click on the textures menu in CoD Rad, you will be faced with something similar to what is shown below.

I'll quickly run down what everything means in the texture menu. Show in Use - If you select this, only the textures that are currently being used in your map are displayed in the texture box / window. Show All - ?? Surface Inspector (Hotkey S) - This brings up the Surface Iinspector. This will be fully explained in a further advanced texturing tutorial. Render Quality - The quality of texturing in the 3D window, from wireframe to Trilinear. Find / Replace - Allows you to find a certain texture thats in use in your map and replace it with another texture. Texture Lock - Again a sub menu, texture lock "locks" the texture onto the selected brush when u are moving or rotating the brush. Shaders - ?? Flush - ?? Texture Window Scale- Allows you to increase / decrease the size of the textures in the texture window. The texture sets begin at austria and end at _development . You can scroll up and down the list using the arrows. Start a new map and drag out a new brush (256x256). Deselect it, click on austria in the texture menu, then select floors. In the texture window / box, after a small pause whilst the textures load, all the textures located in the austria/floors texture set will appear. (if you can't see any textures press T to bring up the texture box - this will depend on the layout you have chosen for CoD Rad). With your brush selected (shift + left mouse button), simply choose a texture (I've chosen the first one - rock@marbletile2) and click on it. Voila. Your brush should now be textured with the rock@marbletile2 texture as in the picture below:

You should notice that sll 6 sides of your brush have been textured with the same texture. This is normally not what you want. Deselect your brush (hit escape). Now I'm going to show you how to texture 1 side of your brush. Its important that you understand how to do this in conjunction with caulking. To select a single side or face of a brush, simply hold down Ctrl and Shift, then left click on the face that you want textured. You should see that individual face selected in red rather than the entire brush. The texturing process is then the same, just select a different texture (rock@marbletile2). The picture below shows the desired results.

So thats pretty much it for the basic methods of texturing a brush. To scroll down the texture window / box, hold down the right mouse button in the wondow / box, and drag your mouse up or down. Alternately, go to preferences and select texture scrollbar, for a handy aid.

Your First Room : Introduction to Building with Brushes Tutorial written by : Surgeon This tutorial assumes that you have no knowledge of mapping, or no knowledge of using any version of Radiant. This tutorial is going to teach you the very basic methods of building maps. First we need to select the caulk texture. So go up to the texture list and select common. After a pause, in which the editor is loading the textures, in the texture window you will see the textures from the "common" group (you will need to scroll down to see them all ( right click and drag) ). Select the caulk texture (see below).

A quick note about caulk: In basic terms CALK tells the compiler that it can ignore this when drawing the world. This is often a face (on a brush) never seen by the Player. We are not going to hollow out a box as most tutorials suggest - yes its quick and easy, but it's a bad habit to get intoand it doesn't always layout the brushes properly. So we're going to create our floor now. In the main section, Left click and drag a square - make it 256 units by 256 units. You will see in the "height" section that your new bruch is 8 units high.Thats fine just now. Move it below the 0 indicator on the grid. You can do this by left clicking in the center of the box, and dragging it down. The red border indicates that the current brush hsa been selected. When you've finished the square, hit escape to deselect the brush.

We now need to create some walls. So drag a wall next to our floor as shown in the image below, make it 16 units wide. Change views to the XZ Front view (using the xyz button in the top toolbar) and drag your brush up so that it becomes 256 units high. With your brush still selected, hit space. This copies any brushes / entities that you have currently selected. Drag your copied wall over to the other side of your floor.

Change back to the XY Top view. Now we are going to create the other 2 walls. Copy one of your walls and hit r. This activates "Free Rotation" mode. by holding down the left mouse button and pushing forward / dragging back you can rotate your brush. Rotate it 90 degrees. Hit r to finish Free Rotate mode. Move the brush into place. Copy this one and drag it into place too.

To complete your room, change to the Front view again, copy your floor brush and drag it up to the top of your room to create a hollow box. There should be no gaps between your brushes. You should have something that looks like :

Ok now we have to texture the inside of the room. Move the camera so that you can see the inside of the room in the 3d view. Now we only want to texture the 6 faces that the player can see (each brush has six sides or faces). To do this hold down ctrl + shift and left click on the 4 walls. Go to the texture menu, and select austria->walls. Selecting a texture will texture the 4 selected faces.

Now do the same thing with the floor and ceiling, selecting a floor texture for the floor and a ceiling one for the ceiling. You have just textured your room. Now we need to add a light. Move the 3D view back to the inside of the room. Right click on the main window, and select light and a light entity appears. Move it down so that it is in the center of the room. Voila one light. There will be more about lights in the next tutorial.

Now we have to add a player start.The player start is where the player will first appear in your map. For multiplayer games you have to add different starts, but thats for a different tutorial. Hit escape to deselect everything. Right click on the main 2D view. Select info->player->start. You will see the infoplayerstart entity appear. Move it down so that its nearly touching the floor.

You will see that there is an arrow inside the infoplayerstart entity. This shows the direction that the player will be facing when the map starts. There you have it. You have finished creating your first room. You now need to compile it.

Illuminating Your World : A Guide to Basic Lighting Methods Tutorial written by : Surgeon This tutorial assumes that you have no knowledge of mapping, or no knowledge of using any version of Radiant. For this tutorial I have created a room (hollow box) with the dimensions of (approx: 512 x 512 x 512) similar to the one created in the previous tutorial. Note : The kind of light we are going to cover is the light that is emitted by a standard lamp or light fitting. It is not sunlight and these types of lights should not be used to light large outdoor areas. If you wish to learn how to create sunlight, please feel free to read the Sunlight tutorial. To add a light to your level right click on the map. Select light from the long list that appears and voila, your first light.

At the moment the light is white and has an inner radius of 300 units. Lets change the colour of the light. There are 2 ways to do this: (1) With the light still selected (red border) press k. This brings up the colour chooser. Simply select the colour you want. If gone for red.

(2) With the light selected press n. This brings up the entities properties. Find the key and value entry boxes. In the key box type _color. In the value box type the RGB number for the colour you want ie : 0.0 0.0 1.0 is blue, 1.0 0.0 0.0 is red and so on. Hit return and the light should turn to that colour.

Changing the radius of the light is done in the same way. With the entity properties box still open, type light in the key box, and a number under the value. The number is the "range" of the light. Place an infoplayerstart into your map, save, compile and then enjoy.

Note 1 : Always have a "source" for a light. i.e a lamp or light model. It makes the map look far more professional. Note 2 : The inner radius of your light should never be allowed to "touch" / enter the void or you will get a light leak.

Creating a SkyBox Tutorial written by : General Death

I have received some requests for some beginner tutorials so I thought we could look at some basic components of a map and go though them stepby-step. We will start with making a skybox. The only knowledge you need to know before beginning is how to create a brush and how to change the grid spacing. In this tutorial I am making use of The Storms sky fix for CoD Mapping. This pk3 file you will want to place in the main folder. It will simply add a sky selection to the texture drop down menu for easy sky texturing. You can get this pk3 file HERE. Lets begin by creating a brush the size it which you want your skybox to be. This is predetermined based off of the size of the map you are creating. You want it to be large enough to completely enclose your maps contents; yet, you dont want it to enclose excessive area that there is no map content.

Now that we have our skybox brush set to the length, width, and height that we want we want to hollow it out so that our map will live inside of a completely enclosed skybox. We can set our grid spacing by means of the grid drop down menu to set the thickness of our skybox. For this example I used 16 but the thickness is really up to you. Once you have your grid spacing set, highlight your brush and click on the CSG hollow command.

You should result in a skybox looking something like this.

Next we will miter the corners so as not to have overlapping brushwork. This is not a must but I highly recommend it for good, clean, fundamentally sound mapping. The example we received, Dawnville, has its skybox sides all over the place and Im not really sure why this is. Highlight one of the brush sides of the skybox and hit V. Small green dots should appear at the vertexes of the brush.

On the inside, side of the brush, we want to pull the two green vertexes on the brush edge towards the center of the brush. You will do so by clicking on the green dot vertex and dragging it into position. Again it will take two times per edge as you are performing this to the top and bottom vertexes of a brush edge. When your done hit V again to get out of vertex editing mode.

Once you have completed all the brush sides that make up the skybox you will have a clean mated skybox that has no leaks. Dont forget to do this to all the sides of the skybox (I consider the top and bottom as sides when discussing this tutorial). Cycling though and using the three 2D views should give you a view down the profile of each side so that you can miter all the sides (You may not need to cycle depending on your radiant layout).

Now we are ready to texture our skybox. This first texture we will use is caulk. This can be found in the common selection of the Texture drop down menu. Highlight all the brush sides of your skybox and texture them caulk. NOTE: Some mappers skip this step. Its one of the fundamental basics of mapping. If you cannot view a brush face as a player then that brush face should have the caulk texture applied to it. Again in the Dawnville example we received this was not the case but should have been.

Then we will apply the actual sky texture that we want to see in game. Remember that pk3 file that we talked about at the start, well, this is where it comes into play. Use the Texture drop down menu and select Sky.

You will notice that all the sky textures come up. We want to only select the inside faces of the skybox that our player will see. We do so by holding down Ctrl + Shift and then moving our mouse over the face and left clicking. After we have selected the six faces lets click on a sky texture. Since we have been talking about the Dawnville example lets apply the mp_dawnville texture as our skybox texture.

Now this is simply up to your personal taste but I prefer to fit my skybox texture to each brush since I dont care for the tiled look in the radiant. With the faces still highlighted I use Ctrl + F and this will fit the texture to each face. This will not change the effect of the texture in game. It will work the same in game if you decide to keep it tiled or if you fit it.

Finally lets add some worldspawn lighting to our skybox. To do so we will now select the entire brush, all six brushes, and hit N. You will see that about in the middle of that dialog box you can scroll and see the different Keys and Values that can be add. Towards the bottom of the dialog box is where we can input our Keys and Values. We will not go into depth on worldspawn settings as thats a small tutorial in itself. I will say though that information on each setting is described in the tools/docs/CoDRadiant.htm file that came with the CodRadiant. There are also two tutorial maps that have basic settings for a day map and a night map. You can find those files HERE.

Once you have followed all the steps you will have a seamless sky that surrounds your map.

As you see, the skybox of a map can be very simple to create and setup. Some keys to keep in mind when working on a skybox are: 1) Make sure you dont have any holes in your skybox. This can be easily avoided by working on the grid and cleanly mitering all skybox sides to make sure they fit tightly together. 2) Dont let entities pass into the skybox or even worse case though the skybox. Also remember that skyboxes dont have to be square or rectangle in shape. Depending on how you map is designed it could consist of several square or rectangle areas that are all tightly mated together.

Basic Terrain Height Editing Tutorial written by : General Death

In this tutorial we will go over the basic options of editing your terrain to create hills and valleys. First thing we will want to do is create a large terrain mesh and in this sample map I used 15 X 15 density. I think it goes without saying that the smoother the terrain you want to accomplish the higher the density will be required.

Now I like to use the option of rendering my mesh as wireframe since to me it helps see the definition in my mesh.

Now with the mesh still highlighted hit Y and this will open the Advanced Patch Editing Options. The inner and outer radius controls the surface area that the editing option will affect and the amplitude controls the intensity of the edit. The four editing commands that we will cover are Paint Height, Flatten, Smooth, and Grab Value.

These are the options you will be using a lot so lets go over each one briefly. For these options to work Alt has to be held down while performing them. Paint Height simply increases height that your mouse is over with the left mouse button depressed and decreases it with the right mouse button depressed. Flatten works in connection with the Height box in the lower right corner of the dialog box. Enter a height that you want an area of a mesh to be and then click and drag with your left mouse button over that area. Smooth is a nice tool to clean up your work. With this option selected use either mouse button and drag you mouse over the terrain. It will try to even out and normalize the height of a certain area. Grab Value is an extension of Flatten. If you want to copy a certain height in your mesh select the option and click the area to copy. After that has been done you will be automatically switched to Flatten and now ready to make other areas of your mesh the same height as the area you copied.

So now we are ready to use some of these options on our test map. Lets start with Paint Height first and make a hill. Remember to use the left mouse button.

Now lets move over a bit and create a valley. Remember to use the right mouse button.

Then by using the Smooth option we can go over the hill and valley and normalize the differences in height. Use either mouse button.

Now theres an area on our mesh that we know we want a certain height. Lets use the Flatten command and use a value we want in the height box. Remember to use the left mouse button.

Again we will use the Smooth option to clean up our work.

And there you go. Now we have some varied terrain. Last I will add a water effect in the valley and add a skybox with a spawn and then test it in game.

NOTE: There is an issue with ground textures containing "_" in the name and having a white box around the texture image. They will be non-solid in game.

Patch/mesh Vertex Splitting Tutorial written by : General Death

The primary use of this tutorial will help you design your terrain around brushwork that passes through it. For those of us that were used to LOD terrain we could simply delete areas of it. Since we cant do that with patchs and meshes in CoD we have to be a bit more creative in the process of removing terrain. Now when we talk about brushwork that passes through it we are talking about brushwork that creates features and/or an area that the player can pass through the terrain level. In this simple example we are going to add a bunker that passes through terrain we have designed. The floor of the bunker is lower than the terrain so we need to remove a section of it so our player can move down and into the bunker. This tutorial does not explain how to create meshes or patches. So we have a bunker that passes through our terrain which we have already edited. We dont want to recreate our terrain around this new bunker as it is already finished.

Well, we have the "split" command that can help us make quick work of modifing our existing terrain to fit around brushwork. Highlight the terrain mesh and hit "V". This will display the vertices on your mesh and allow you to edit them.

As you can see the rows and columns of the mesh dont line up with the edges of our brushwork. We can make this happen very quickly by moving them. Hold down shift and then left click on the row or column that you want to move and drag it till it lines up with your brush edge. Note that the first click highlights the column and by making an additional click it will switch to the row.

Now if you have been working on the grid your work will pay off as you can line up the rows and columns exactly to the edges of your brushes. Always work on the grid as much as possible. Now that we have lined up the rows and columns to the bunker we are ready to start splitting. You will notice that the entrance to the bunker is not lined but we will take care of that later.

Now highlight the row and or column to make a split and go to the drop down menu and select Patch>Split. It our case we will start with a column.

We now have two seperate meshes. Continue this process around the bunker. For every split you will get two meshs.

Next we will work on that entrance that we left for later. Align the rows and columns of the mesh to the brush edges just like we did before.

Finally perform the remaining splits on the brush edges and in doing so you will end up with terrain meshes inside the bunker that you can now delete.

Now we have our bunker in our terrain and it lines up perfectly to our brush edges. The more complex the brushwork passing through the terrain, obviously, the more work you will have to perform to your meshes but this should give you the basic concept on how you can accomplish it.

Patch/Mesh Vertex Connecting Tutorial written by : General Death

Some have asked for a simple tutorial to explain how to connect individual vertices on two different patches or meshes. This tutorial does not explain how to make meshes or patches. So you have two patches that you want individual vertices to "attach" to one another (This will work with meshes also).

First highlight the two patches and hit "V". This will display the vertices on your patch and allow you to edit them. Note: The order in which you highlight the patches will determine which vertex moves and which one will remain where its at. For example with the patches we have in this tutorial if I want the vertices from the left patch to move to the right I need to highlight the right patch first. So highlight the patch in which you want the vertices to remain in there current position, first.

Now lets start at the top and hold down "control" and select the two vertices that are circled. Then with both of them selected hit "control + K" and they should "attach" to one another.

Finally, finish attaching the vertices that you choose to and you will have connecting patches.

These patches are not one now. If you choose to move them apart you can.

Breakable Windows Tutorial written by : General Death

I first want to thank n00bCODmapper & natestah of IWNation for laying the groundwork on this concept. In this tutorial we will be adding breakable windows to a building in our test map. Call of Duty does not support the basic Quaked func_window feature so we will need to do some trigger and scripting work just to get our windows to break. So we have a little test map with a building that we want to add some breakable windows to.

Lets go to our first window and copy that brush. The window texture that I used, by the way, is in Austria > windows.

This new brush we are going to make our broken window with a broken window texture and the one we copied from will be our unbroken window with the unbroken window texture. Again both of these textures can be found in Austria > windows.

Then we are going to create another brush which will be our trigger brush. I am going to make mine thick enough so that I can break the window from the front or the back. We will texture this brush with the trigger texture in common > trigger.

Now we are done creating brushes and we are ready to set them up. First lets set the trigger brush. Select the trigger brush and right click in a 2D view. In the menu, select trigger > damage.

Next we need to set a key pair for the trigger brush so that it will know what to do based off of the script we will talk about later. With the trigger brush still selected hit N to bring up the Entity Editor. We want to type in a key of targetname and a value of window. Then hit enter and your pair should now be listed under the classname pair.

That completes the trigger brush and we are going to setup our unbroken and broken window brushes next. Select the unbroken window and right click in the 2D view. Select script > brushmodel from the menu. Follow the same process for the broken window brush.

Now we have a trigger brush and two window brushmodel brushes.

Then we will setup each brush to target the other. We will start with the trigger and unbroken window brushes. Highlight the trigger brush first and then the unbroken window brush and then hit Ctrl + K (W). Note that the order in which you select the brushes is very important. You should now see a line and arrow connecting from the trigger to the unbroken window brush. We want to follow this same process for the unbroken window brush to the broken window brush.

Once completed, we have the trigger targeting the unbroken window brush and the unbroken window brush targeting the broken window brush.

The last thing to setup is where we want the glass breaking FX to appear when we break the window (For this tutorial map I picked the center of the window). For this we will setup a key pair on our unbroken window brush. In order to do this we need to get an X, Y, and Z location. Move your mouse in the 2D view over where you would like this effect to take place. We are going to start with the XY Top view to get our X and Y location. Note the X and Y location as we will need it later.

Then we will go to our XZ Front view and get our Z location. Note the Z location as we will need it later.

Next we will select the unbroken window brush if you havent done so already and hit N to bring up the Entity Editor again. We want to add a key of origin and a value of the locations we just recorded. In our case it was -344 -130 96. Again after we input our value location and hit enter the key pair will appear in the key pair window with the other key pairs.

Last we want to move the broken window brush and trigger brush to the unbroken window brush location.

For my other windows I have copied and pasted the three brushes to the other locations where I want breakable windows. Note: Dont forget to update the origin key with new values for each window that you copy and paste. Dont worry about having to setup all that we did for the first three. The CoD Radiant will keep track of the different triggers.

That completes all our map work. At this point you can compile your map. All we have left is to make a script for our trigger. This part has already been done by n00bCODmapper that we mentioned earlier. Download his script from this link HERE and rename it to your maps name. Our test map was named breakwindow so its currently named breakwindow.gsc. He has done an excellent job of describing what each part of his script does. Make sure your .gsc and .bsp are in the same folder for testing. Note that if you already have a script for your map you will simply want to implement his script into yours. I have made a short video of how this will work in game. Its a good bit of work to have breakable windows but the effect it has on a map is quite nice. Get the video HERE You can download a copy of the .map HERE and .bsp HERE. Again dont forget to get the .gsc HERE.

Ladder Tutorial Tutorial written by : m0g This is very simple tutorial that will teach you how to make a ladder. 1. First step is to make a ladder with brushes and give it a texture! (Here i used a wooden texture)

2. Now make a new brush and place it infront of the ladder, touching it. A tip would be to make it a bit higher then the actual ladder to make it easier to get off and on (if climbing down)

3. In the 'Textures\Common' you'll find a texture that has the name 'Ladder', apply it to the brush, and voila' a fully working ladder!

Adding FX Tutorial written by : General Death

So your at the point in your map that you would like to add some FX's to it. In CoD we add this by means of a script rather then entities in our map. Some may view this as a hassle but it really offers some flexibility as this can be added, altered, or removed without doing anything to your map file and/or needs for additional compiles. In this tutorial we are going to add a small fire and some smoke to an area on our map thats already setup for it. There are many, many FX's that can be found in the pak5.pk3 file. They have the file extension .efx and I like to extract them out of the pak5.pk3 so that I can view the folder location and file names with ease. You can also find scripting features in the _fx.gsc file in the same pk3 file. Ok, so lets add some fire and smoke to our map. First lets open the map to simply get some reference information for our script file. After we have our map open lets go to the XY Top view and place your mouse over the location we want our FX's to be. You will notice that at the bottom of our CoDR we have X,Y, and Z coordinates of where our mouse is. In this XY Top view we can only get the X and Y location which we will note for later.

Then lets go to the XZ Front view so that we can pin down our last coordinate, Z. Again move your mouse to the location and note the value.

Lets add to extra entities to our map just to add a real feeling that the fire is there. We are first going to add a light where the fire will be (I will assume by now you are familiar with how to create lights so we wont go into detail on it). Once you get it in location and the size you want it, lets change the color to fit the glow that comes off of a fire. Hightlight the light and hit "K". I am going to use a orange shade.

Now lets make a hurt trigger brush so that when you in the fire the player will take on damage. Create a brush the size and location of your fire. Then right click on it in a 2D view and go to Trigger>hurt (There are options to setup variables for a hurt trigger but we will not go into those in this tutorial). Next we want to texture the whole brush with the Common>trigger texture. We can now save the map file and compile it.

Last, lets setup the script file that will call the FX's and place them where we want in the map; the X, Y, and Z locations we noted earlier. Either open your current .gsc file or if you dont have one we will make one. If you need to make one simply make a .txt file and name it that same name as your map file. Now we are ready to add the script information to our .txt, or current .gsc, that will add our FX's. For our fire we are going to add: level._effect["fire"] = loadfx ("fx/fire/tinybon.efx"); maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("fire", (555, -435, 315), 0.6); and for our smoke we are going to add: level._effect["smoke"] = loadfx ("fx/smoke/ash_smoke.efx"); maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("smoke", (555, -435, 370), 0.7); Your final finished script should be in this format: main() { level._effect["fire"] = loadfx ("fx/fire/tinybon.efx"); maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("fire", (555, -435, 315), 0.6); level._effect["smoke"] = loadfx ("fx/smoke/ash_smoke.efx"); maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("smoke", (555, -435, 370), 0.7); maps\mp\_load::main(); } To best explain what does what I have labled a shot of the script file. Dont forget to rename your .txt file to a .gsc file. You can setup your pc to simply open .gsc files in whatever text editor you want for future editing.

Finally, save the .gsc file, place it in the same folder that your bsp file exists, and test it in game.

Basic Curved Pipe Tutorial written by : m0g

This tutorial will teach you how to create basic curved pipes. (Click the images to enlarge) 1. A curved pipe is very easy to create. Start with making a square brush. I made a one with the sides of 8x8x8.

Having the Brush selected go in the menu and chose > Patch > Cylinder. This will make the Brush into a Cylinder Patch.

Now, you might need to Rotate the Cylinder to make it look like in the image below. Do so by pressing R and rotate it with your mouse. When this is done, we'll start to move the Vertices around. To see the Vertices press V. Start by selecting the vertex point in the centre left row and move it to the top vertex in that row.

Now, do exactly the same thing with the vertex in the bottom of that row.

This might look a bit weird, but select the centre vertex in the bottom row to the left so that it'll be aligned with both the top-left vertex and the centre vertex.

Now, move the last vertex in the bottom row all the way to the left so that it's aligned with the ones above it.

And the final touch is to move the far-right vertex in the center row down so that it's straight with the one to it's left and with the one above it. It should look somethings like this.

Now texture the curved cylinder and open up the Surface Inspector and press Natural. that'll make it look nice and not streched out.

Look! you have a very basic curved pipe that you can rotate and flip, to make it fit somewhere into your surroundings. Also to extend the pipe create a new Cylinder the same way as in step 1 and 2, use this one to create the pipes. This is my finished pipe within CodRadiant:

And this is how it looks ingame!

Now that you finished this basic tutorial, play around with different sizes and stuff.. Experiment and have fun! Happy Mapping :)

Call of Duty Mapping FAQ's This FAQ is a set of the most asked questions, you might be able to find the help you need right here in this faq. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. What do I need to start making Call of Duty maps? What is a brush? How do I select / deselect a brush? What is a face and how do I select / texture one? What is a leak? What is an entity? What is compiling? Why can't I compile my map? Why won't my map load? What is caulking and why is it important? What are the dimensions of a player? How do I see my map in the in-game menu? What is Z-Fighting? What is an .arena file? What is a shader? What is a .pk3 file? How do I make a .pk3 file? What is a levelshot? How do I get a picture of my map to show on the loading screen and level select menu? How do I rotate an entity/model? How do I apply a texture to just one side of a brush? How can I make a ladder without using any code? How can I group brushes together? Is there any way to select group of objects in one area? How do I take textures I make and import them so I can use them in my map? How do I move a texture around once it's on a brush? Is there a limit to the size of map I can make?

1. What do I need to start making Call of Duty maps? Call of Duty - the game itself, The Call of Duty editing tools (including the editor CodRadiant) Get the game from the shop, and the tools here. 2. What is a brush? A brush is the basic building block of mapping. Pretty much everything you see within a map are made up of brushes. They are blocks which you draw on the map to make rooms. A basic room would be made out of 6 brushes - 4 walls, a ceiling and a floor. You can create a brush by clicking, and dragging your mouse over the grid to the size you desire. You'll see red lines around it, that means it's selected. There you go, a brush!

3. How do I Select/Deselect a Brush? Press the ESC key to deselect. To reselect a brush, click the brush you want to select while holding down the SHIFT key. To resize a brush, make sure you have the brush selected, click and drag outside the brush to make that side move. To move a brush, make sure you have it selected, click and drag inside the brush to where you want it.

4. What is a face and how do I select / texture one? A brush consists of 6 or more faces, i.e sides. Each one of these sides can be individually selected and textured. To select an individual face simply hold down CTRL + SHIFT and left click on the face with the left mouse button. You can select more than one face this way. To texture a selected face (or faces) simply click on the texture you want to use and voila the texture should be applied to the face. To deselect a face simple hit escape. If you have many faces selected and you only want to deselect one, simple hold down CTRL + SHIFT and left click on the face you want to deselect with the left mouse button.

5. What is a leak? When you are creating your maps, think of starting out looking at a void or vacuum. Everything you build is within that void, and for anything to exist in your map it must be "sealed" from that void. A leak is a gap that leads from your map into that void. Your map must be sealed by brushes. You cannot use entities, models, Patch Meshes or Terrain Meshes to seal your map.

6. What is an entity? An entity is usually just one point in the map (i.e. no size) and tells the game where it should place various items etc. An entity can also 'contain' one or more brushes. Using the entity you can tell the game that these brushes are 'special', and are dynamic. Sometimes that can be used/interacted with by the player.

7. What is compiling? In level design for CoD you create a .map file. This map file then needs to be compiled into a .bsp file. The compile process is where the tools figure out what the map should be like in game, it determines the lighting, the environment, everything, it compiles it so it can be played.

8. Why can't I compile my map? There are many different reasons as to why your map might not compile. We have compiled a list of the most common compiling errors here. If you can't find your particular error, check the various Mapping forums - chances are someone has had the same error before.

9. Why won't my map load? Make sure that your .bsp file (the compiled map) is in the correct directory of CoD. Make sure you have added at least 1 mp/deatmatch_respawn entity. Also check to make sure that your map has compiled properly. If this doesn't work try asking in various Mapping forums.

10. What is caulking and why is it important? This is applying a texture called caulk (which is found in the menu: Textures > Common) to any faces that you cannot see. Caulking unseen faces means the game engine doesnt draw them, which means higher fps and and better allround performance. Some mappers make there maps out of caulk first entirely and then put the texture they want to be seen on the faces.

11.What are the dimensions of a player? The unit scale in CoD seems to be about 1 unit : 1 inch. (roughly)

1 unit = 1 inch in CoD. 1 foot = 12 units in CoD. Players are 72 units or 6 feet high. Players are 32 units wide. Stairs in CoD are 8-12 units high. Doors are 52x96 units in CoD (dawnville). Door thickness is 4-6 units. Ladder rungs on a ladder that is in Dawnville are 24 units appart. It looks kind of silly. In real life this would be more like 12 units. Outter walls are 8 units thick. I made inner walls 6. Sidewalks 64 units wide and 8 units high Height to ceiling is normally 128, but then again it all depends if its a anormal room, warehouse or what your creating. Player Player Player Player Player Height Clearance =< 71 units Crouch Clearance =< 51 units Prone Clearance =< 31 units Max Jump =< 39 units Width Clearance =< 31 units

12. How do I see my map in the in-game menu? Let's say your map is called mymap.bsp, create a file in the scripts directory called mymap.arena you would probably then add something like this: { map "mymap" // Map Name longname "The French Village" // Full name you've given you map gametype "dm tdm sd re bel ctf" //Type of game } Anything after the '//' are comments and not necessary in your .arena file, but are helpful to people looking at your creation. 13. What is Z-Fighting? This is when CoD is showing two textures in the same plane and they both show in the game. The textures seem to 'fight' over which is displayed. 14. What is an .arena file? An .arena file is what holds the information to put you map into the game, it will add your map to the list of maps you can choose when in the game. 15. What is a shader? A shader is a text script that describes special effects you want to apply to a texture when it is rendered in game. Shaders are gathered in shader files. (default ones are in Main/scripts/*.shader) You can create your own shaders, but at this moment there's no official Shader Manual for CoD, but have a look at the Q3Radiant version, many things still apply. 16. What is a .pk3 file? A pk3 file is really just a zip file with a different extension, I would recommend using WinZip. Double click on the pk3 file in Windows Explorer and then choose WinZip to open it in the Open With dialog box, make sure the 'always use this program to open this file' box is checked. Click OK, now whenever you double-click a pk3 file it will open in WinZip. (optional program would be PakScape) 17. How do I make a .pk3 file? Coming soon... 18. What is a levelshot? A levelshot is a picture of a map which is displayed to the player on the map loading screen and in the map select menu. 19. How do I get a picture of my map to show on the loading screen and in the level select menu? You can make your own picture if you wish (e.g. take a screenshot in game in any position). Make sure you save this picture to main\levelshots\mapname.tga where mapname is the name of your map. 20. How do I rotate an entity/model? Select the entity/model and go to the Entity Inspector (N). In the entity view you type angle in the key box, and then type the angle you want in the value box. You can also use the numbered 'angle' buttons in the bottom left of the entity view. 21. How do I apply a texture to just one side of a brush? It's yet another selection method, Hold down CTRL-SHIFT and click on the face that you want to add texture to. This will only work in the 3D view, not the gridded views. Also You can hold down ALT-CTRL-SHIFT and click on a number of different faces to select them. 22. How can I make a ladder without using any code? Here's a small tutorial on how to create a simple ladder. Link.. 23. How can I group brushes together? First you have to select the objects you want to group. Then apply a func_group by opening the Entity window or rightclick > Func > Group. Now you'll only have to SHIFT+Click on one of those brushes and do SHIFT+A, or SHIFT+ALT to select them all at once. 24. Is there any way to select group of objects in one area? Make a new brush that completely covers the brushes you want to be selected. Use the 'Select Inside' button in the menu. 25. How do I take textures I make and import them so I can use them in my map? Coming soon.. 26. How do I move a texture around once it's on a brush? Using different methods, the best is to use the Surface Inspector (press S). But you can move the texture around by holding down SHIFT and using the arrow keys, and rotate it by holding down SHIFT and using the PGUP and PGDOWN keys. BTW: If you want the texture to move less with each press of the key, you can change the grid size for movement, and there's an option in the preferences to change the rotation angle. 27. Is there a limit to the size of map I can make? Yes, the size of the grid in CodRadiant is the largest size map you can make.

Compiling and Testing

Mon. Nov. 24, 2003 Compiling your map and testing it in the game. To Compile Your Map First thing you will want to do is make a .bat file.

CoD Mapping

To make a .bat file make a .txt file with notepad and save it whatever name you want. Now edit the file name and replace the .txt with .bat. A .bat file is really nothing more then an "executable" text file. I simply name my bat file for compiling, Compile and edit it for whatever map name I am compiling. Here is what the Compile.bat should look like:

cd ..\..\tools\bin q3map ../../main/maps/[insert your map name] q3map -vis ../../main/maps/[insert your map name] flare -extra -sundiffusesamples 10 -dumpoptions ../../main/maps/[insert your map name] cd ..\..\ pause Compile options will vary depending on what settings you are looking for. Read the Compiling Maps.htm that came with the tools. Whenever you want to compile a map simply replace [insert your map name] with the name of the .map file you want to compile. To edit the .bat file simply right click on the .bat file and select edit. once your done dont forget to save the .bat file. Now that the Compile.bat file and your map file are in the main/maps folder double click on the Compile.bat file to run the compile. once the compile is complete you should have a .bsp, .poly, and .prt file in addition to your .map and the Compile.bat file. To Test Your Map MP map testing First make a folder under the maps folder named mp. Place the .bsp from your compile in the mp folder. Now open the CoDMP.exe and go to "Start new server". The only setting you have to change is pure...turn it off. You can make this change from the Server Settings or do it from the console. Now bring down the console with the tilda key "~" and if you haven't yet set the server to pure, type /sets sv_pure 0. Then continue by typing /map [insert your map name]. once you have done that your map will now load.

SP map testing Leave your .bsp file in the maps folder and open the CoDSP.exe. once it has loaded bring down the console with the tilda key "~" and type /map [insert your map name]. once you have done that your map will now load.

Creating a new Model for CoD Using Milkshape 3D

Mon. Dec. 20, 2004

Author unknown - if you are the author - or know who the author of this tutorial is - please inform a moderator or admin so they can attach the proper credit This tutorial walks you through creating a static model using Milkshape 3D

A Tellermine (Plate Mine) static model for Call of Duty

Milkshape 3D and file conversion sections by No1_sonuk The first part of this tutorial covers modelling the mine itself in Milkshape 3D (MS3D). If you use any other program, skip to the file preparation stage. The second part (after the Milkshape export) is common to all models. Note that this tutorial is currently for STATIC models only, not animated. It also does not currently cover Level Of Detail (LOD) models. These are used to view the models from a distance - The high-poly model is replaced by a lower-poly version when you are far away enough to not notice. LOD models were omitted to get this tutorial out quick. Files you will need: Latest version of Milkshape 3D (1.7.0 at time of writing) ScorpioMidget's CoD exporter plugins for MS3D, placed in MS3D's root directory.(V2.0b at time of writing)

In MS3D:-

1) Using the cylinder primitive from the Model tab, create a 3-stack, 20 sided cylinder, 50 units diameter and 50 units high in the left/right view window (-25 to +25 in both cases). We'll scale it down to the proper size and shape later. (Fig. 1)

2) Select the top 2 vertex rings. (Fig. 2)

3) Scale them in by a factor of 0.4 in the x and z axes (leave y as 1). (Fig. 3)

4) Create a new directory and save your model. I'll use "wmdteller43" for the directory, and "wmdteller43_01.ms3d" for the model file. "wmd" because it was originally made for a mod called WMD, "teller43" because it is a Tellermine 43, and the "_01" is the version number of the model. Add 1 to the number each time you save so that you can recover an earlier version if you completely mess up. 5) Now select the top FACES of the mine and regroup them. 6) Rename the group to "trigger". 7) Select the bottom Faces and regroup them with the name of "base" 8) Select the middle stack of faces (the cone part) and assign them to smoothing group 2. This makes "hard" edges at the top and botom of this section. Note: If you use Unwrap3D to skin your model you will need to redo all of the smoothing groups (This option will not be covered in this tutorial). (fig. 4)

9) Save your model. I'll use "wmdteller43_02.ms3d". 10) In the Materials tab, create a new material, and name it "metal@wmdteller43". The "metal@" part tells CoD to use the metal shadertype. (fig. 5)

11) In the 3D window, right click, then select "textured". Because no texture is assigned yet, the image shouldn't change (unless you were on "flatshade" beforehand).

12) From the Groups tab, select each of the 3 groups, then go back to the Materials tab, select the "metal@wmdteller43" material and press "Assign". As you've not given the material an actual image yet, the 3D view will be unchanged. 13) Go back to the Groups tab and make sure they were all assigned. If they're not, repeat step 12. (fig. 6)

14) Save your model. I'll use "wmdteller43_03.ms3d".

Skinning the model

NOTE: There are other, better, ways to texture this model, but they involve additional software such as Unwrap3D.

15) Now, either make your own skin image or use this one. My skin is made so that any number of slices can be used for the mine model. On this model, we would probably be better off using a 256 x 256 skin, but the bigger one is easier for beginners to work with.

16) Call it "[email protected]" and put it in the directory with the model files. 17) Go to the Materials tab and select the "metal@wmdteller43" material.

18) Press the image button indicated in Fig. 7, below, (button label is "none" when no image is assigned). 19) Find and select the image file you just created/downloaded, then press "OK". 20) The 3D image will now change. (fig. 7)

It's very unlikely that it will be useable like that, so we need to use the Texture Coordinate Editor (TCE).

21) Go to the Groups tab and select all the groups. (You need to do it by groups, rather than selecting the faces).

22) Open the TCE from the "Window" menu, and expand it so that you can see all of the image. (fig. 8)

23) Put a tick in the "Redraw" checkbox. This allows the 3D view to update continuously while you are modifying the skin.

24) If the previous steps worked right, you should see the unwrapped Cylinder01 group. 25) It's likely that the lines don't line up with the vertices, so press "Select" and select the first line you need to move.

26) Press "Move", then drag the vertices up or down to line them up with the texture.

27) Repeat 25 and 26 until all the vertex lines are lined up. (fig. 9)

28) Close the TCE and save the model 29) Open the TCE again

I'll use "wmdteller43_03_t.ms3d" Same version of model, but now textured ( the "_t" )

The close-save-open will save you much hair-pulling in the long run because you are bound to mess it up at some stage

30) Put a tick in the "Redraw" checkbox, and Press the "Region" button 31) From the dropdown boxes, select "trigger" and "top" 32) Using the left mouse button, drag a box just inside the light coloured box, as shown. (fig. 10)

33) Click "Remap", and the texture will change in the 3D view (move the TCE if you need to), and a top view of the vertices will appear in the TCE. (fig. 11)

34) Repeat 32 and 33 until you're happy with the result.

35) Close the TCE and save the model. I'll use "wmdteller43_04_t.ms3d". 36) Repeat 29 thru 33 with "base" and "bottom" at step 31. If you do this immediately after the trigger, you may not need to do step 32 as the area may already be selected. 37) Close the TCE and save the model. I'll use "wmdteller43_05_t.ms3d". 38) You should now have a textured, but out of proportion, model of a Tellermine 43 in your 3D window. (fig. 12)

Getting the proportions right - Rescaling the model

As it is, it's far too high compared to its diameter. This was done to make it easier to skin in MS3D. 39) Select only the second from the bottom ring of vertices and move them to y= -0. ( Should be y + 8.333)

40) Select only the bottom ring of vertices and move them to y= -8. ( Should be y + 17) 41) Select only the second from the top ring of vertices and move them to y= 3. ( Should be y - 5.333) 42) Select only the top ring of vertices and move them to y= 6. ( Should be y - 19)

The mine should now be in the right proportions. (fig. 13)

43) Save the model

I'll use "wmdteller43_06_t.ms3d" Select the whole model, then scale by 0.25 in x, y, and z axes, centred on th

44) Now the model may be in the right proportions, but it's 4 times too big origin. (fig. 14

45) While the model is still selected, move it so that the bottom of the mine is at y= 0 (depending on what you want it for, you may want the top at y= 0, o even leave it in the middle). In my case, I move it y + 2 to make the bottom at y = 0. (fig. 15)

46) Save the model. I'll use "wmdteller43_07_t.ms3d".

Exporting to the Call of Duty xmodel_export intermediate format

The following assumes that you installed Call of Duty and the tools in the default directories. Steps marked with *) are Milkshape-specific. 47) Create a directory in "tools\model_export" for your model. Call it "wmdteller43". (Note 1) 48*) Due to the way Milkshape assigns its axes, you'll probably need to rotate your model 90 degrees around the x axis, using the origin as the pivot. You could fix the orientation in Radiant using the "angles" keypair, but it solves a lot of problems doing it in Milkshape. 49*) In Milkshape, Select FILE > EXPORT > CoD X*_export. 50*) If you didn't put any bones into your model, you will be asked if you wish one to be auto-inserted, click "Yes".

51*) A joint will appear in your model, and you will be given a save dialogue box. 52) Save the "wmdteller43.xmodel_export" file into the "tools\model_export\wmdteller43" directory. 55) Place the skin images in the "tools\model_export\wmdteller43" directory. 56) Place a shader (Note 2) in the "tools\model_export\wmdteller43" directory. 57) Open the Asset Manager. (Note 3) 58) From the list on the left, select "Xmodel", then press "New item". 59) Enter the name "wmdteller43" and press OK. 60) Now in "model type", select "rigid". 61) To the right of the "filename" box, press the button with 3 dots to search for you model. 62) Search for and select the "wmdteller43.xmodel_export" file from the "tools\model_export\wmdteller43" directory. Then OK the file box. 63) Go to File > Save as, and save the file as "wmdteller43.gdt" in the "tools\model_export" directory. 64) From the "tools\bin" directory, run "converter.exe". Make a note if any errors come up. 65) If no errors come up, go to the "tools\game\main" directory. 66) Copy all the "xblah" directories and the "skins" directory to your "Call of Duty\main" directory. (Note 4) 67) Open your map in CoD Radiant. (Note 5) 68) Place a misc_model in your map. Don't worry if it doesn't show up, there's a SNAFU in radiant that puts the wrong path to the model in the "model" key pair. 69) Select only the box that appeared when you inserted your model (if it's not already) and press "n". 70) Click on the "model" key pair, and edit the value to "xmodel\wmdteller43". Press enter. 71) Your model should now be there. Tadaa! (Note 6)


1) Creating the subdirectories below the tools\blah_export directories isn't necessary, but it does mean your models will have proper names, rather than just numbers. 2) Here's where I'm a little in the dark. The model needs a shader to compile, but I think that if you use the existing shadertypes (metal@... etc) you may not need it. 3) I kept getting errors when I used the start bar link, so I use Windows Explorer and double-click on the asset manager in the "tools\bin" directory. 4) Doing this will make them accessible to CoDRadiant. You should PAK them with your map before distributing. In the directories you just copied there will be some files you don't need. You should copy them into temporary directories somewhere, then delete the spare files before putting them into the "Main" directory. 5) You might want to create a bare room map to test models in. 6) I had a weird problem where my models would sometimes not show up if only one was present. Someone else who used the model from this tutorial had no trouble. YMMV.

First you will want to download [WINRAR]. This is what we will use to create the actual PK3 file. Below are the preparation steps to get ready to PAK the PK3 1: Create a temporary folder on your desktop and name it your-map_temp,(for this tutorial i will go with test_temp) to collect all the files related to your map. 2: Inside this folder create a second folder called maps. Inside the maps folder make the mp folder. Copy your BSP and any GSC files you may have to this folder. 3: If you have an ARENA file: Go back to test_temp and make a new folder called mp. In this folder you will place your arena file (if you have one) if you dont have one then dont bother with this folder. 4: If you have any New textures: Go back to test_temp and make a new folder called textures. In this folder you will place any new textures you may have created just for this map. 5: If you have any New shaders: Go back to test_temp and make a folder called scripts. If you have any new shaderscripts for a texture, this is where it will go. 6: If you have any New sounds: Go back to test_temp and creat a folder called sounds. In this folder you will place any new sounds you may have created for this map. Everything collected? Good Now we will Pak the PK3 file. If, by this time, you havnt already installed Winrar please do so. Below are the steps to pak the PK3 file. 1: Open your temp folder on your desktop.(eg test_temp) 2: Highlight all files and folders. 3: right click on them and select "Add these files to an archive." A window appears 4: In the filename box type then name you wish it to have 5: next select the ZIP format( located on the left of the screen)... Notice this will change the extension of your filename to .zip. 6: Now change your file extension to .pk3 instead of .zip. If all goes well by this time you will have a pk3. To test put it into your main folder and run it. Good Luck Tutorial by: Kryton

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