Anti Surge Control
Anti Surge Control
Anti Surge Control
History of Compressor Controls Integration Fundamentals Rotating Stall & Incipient Surge OptiComp BN
Our jobs
Its not all about design..
Our Responsibility
We must get it right
Or operations might have a bad day
GE Energy
What is Integration?
Centrifugal Compressors Axial Compressors Hot gas Expanders Cryogenic Expanders Drivers (GT, ST, VFD, Motor) Power Recovery Train
Oil & Gas Production Pipeline Liquefied Natural Gas Refining Petrochemical Power Generation
Speed / Extraction Antisurge Load /Capacity Loadsharing Quench Discharge Pressure Limiting Current Limiting
Vibration / Condition monitoring Machine Emergency Shutdown Sequencing Seal System Lube oil / Control oil
GE Energy
Definition of Surge
Large and self-sustaining pressure and flow oscillations in the compression system Rotating speed or motor current is affected Interactions between the compressor and the process system Fluid aerodynamic phenomena Flow reduction (light surge) Flow reversal (hard surge)
Suction KO
Pv Pd
GE Energy
Advanced OptiCompTM Antisurge Control Technology Rotating Stall and Incipient Surge
extended operation in this region may reduce efficiency and damage the machine
well developed rotating stall = incipient surge
Surge Detection
Current methods rely solely on process measurements
Compressor must be surged for accurate mapping of surge points Compressor surge detected only after full surge event Cannot detect stall (precursor to surge) Can give false indication and response to surge event Cannot be analyzed for severity of surge event
Incipient surge
Incipient Surge ? Incipient Surge ? Surge
Suct. P Disch. P
Flow dP
Speed Valve
GE Energy
Integrated OptiComp BN
Fluid measurements
Surge Limit Line (SLL) Surge Control Line (SCL) High Subsync Alarm, DE
Op. Point
30 20 10 0 0 5000 10000 Qa (m 3/hr) 15000
Power Limit
Lower risk when field testing to establish accurate surge limit detect stall pre-cursor to surge vs. full surge of compressor More precise location of surge limit used in controller Detect stall and surge when compressor characteristics change gas composition, degradation or malfunction Ability to alarm re: unstable area of compressor map Option to adjust surge margin when stall is detected Identify/highlight unstable areas of performance map on HMI More reliable surge detection and appropriate recovery response Assess potential mechanical damage resulting from compressor surge