CCNP Route Tma01
CCNP Route Tma01
CCNP Route Tma01
. 0 .0 .15 70 1
17 0. 1 50 . 0. 4 /3 0
0 0/ 3
17 0.1 50 .0 . 12 / 30 / 30 4. 4 0.6 . 15 0 17
/ 30 0.8 50 . 0 .1 17
DTE .2
0 /3 .8 64 0. 15 0. 17
Asteroid Belt
Answers to Question 1b are as follows: The logic is to implement Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) which utilises Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSM) to allocate IP addresses to subnets according to individual need rather than by class, therefore allowing more efficient use of IPv4 address space whilst reserving usable subnets/addresses for potential future growth.
(2). Figure 1, shows the Solar System Network (Class B Public Address) has been subnetted using the subnet mask of /20 which makes 16 subnets of which 5 subnets are utilised with the remaining reserved for future growth. Subnet is further subnetted with a /22 to give further 4 subnets. Subnet is further subnetted with a /26 masks. The mask will allow 62 host addresses per subnet in the Asteroid Belt. The subnets ranging to are used for Ceres, Pallas, Juno and any potential asteroids growth. (3). For subnet, more bits are borrowed again to create further 1024 subnets ranging from to which are utilised for router interfaces. In a 1
similar fashion, more bits are borrowed from subnet within the planets to be used on the interfaces as shown in Figure 1. (4). IP addresses to the Moon Base Alpha is (It will further support 12 addresses ranging to use Network Address Translator (NAT) to cope with the increasing growth). IP address of the Europa and Ganymede are and respectively. c. Solar Network configured with Open Shortest Path First OSPF system as per the Packet Tracer File. OSPF is enabled on Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars routers with the router ospf process-id global configuration command. In this topology, OSPF is enabled using the same process ID of 1. The combination of network-address and wildcard-mask are used to specify the interface or range of interfaces to advertise routes. d. Static routes are commonly used when routing from a network to a stub network. A simple version of the syntax for configuring a static route is: ip route network-address subnet-mask {ip-address or exit interface}. Route summarisation is injected on the Mars and Jupiter router into the OSPF areas configuration. e. In the solar system network topology, OSPF on Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars were enabled using the same process ID of 1. The global configuration command used was router ospf 1. This was followed with the OSPF network command which uses a combination of network-address, wildcard-mask and area-id. OSPF area 0 is used as all the routers are within the same OSPF area and sharing the linkstate information. The following configurations were made on the routers stated: (1) Mercury Router: router ospf 1 network area 0 network area 0 router ospf 1 network area 0 network area 0 network area 0 router ospf 1 network area 0 network area 0 network area 0 network area 0 router ospf 1 network area 0 network area 0 network area 0 network area 0
Venus Router:
Earth Router:
Mars Router:
(f) Network Address Translation (NAT) overloading maps multiple private IP addresses to a single public IP address or a few addresses. In this scenario, to map range of users so as to have access to the server on designated port. Port forwarding or tunnelling was then had to be used which allows an external user to reach a port on a private IP address (inside a LAN) from outside through a NAT-enabled router. (1) Typically, peer-to-peer file-sharing and key operation such as web serving and outgoing FTP require that router ports be forwarded or opened to allow these applications to work. Port 2
forwarding on Cisco 2800 routers were not identified and hence simple static route was enforced to replicate the functionality. (g) (h) (1) Dynamic routing protocols are enforced on the solar system topology which overcome the time consuming and exacting process of configuring and maintain static routes. OSPF (RFC 2328), a link-state routing protocol and a classless routing protocol that uses the concept of areas for scalability thus defeating the reliance on hop count as the only measure for choosing the best route. (a) OSPF uses Dijkstras shortest path first (SPF) algorithm to create an SPF tree which is then used to populate IP routing table with the best paths to each network. CIDR (RFC1519) through use of VLSM allows route summarisation and therefore reducing the size of the routing table. NAT is also implemented which limit the number of public IP addresses an organisation must use for security and economy purposes. (2) VLSM was implemented to allocate IP addresses from Class B public address of to subnets according to the topology need rather than by class. This also reserves various subnets for further disposal should there be a future growth in the network. OSPF (with AD of 110) network command (combination of network-address and wildcard-mask) was used to specify the interface (or range). Static routes were also assigned on a stub network where there is only one egress and ingress of the network. (3) Network device such as multilayer switch anchoring all the major routers provided a redundancy links thus avoiding single point of failures on the network. Servers were isolated at stub network so as to allow control access for both economical and security reasons by the use of NAT. (4) Assumptions were made on potential future growth and therefore sufficient subnets were reserved for disposal. Assumptions were also made that ports on multilayer switch will all be running OSI Layer 2 mode that care only about MAC addresses. Therefore, no switchport global command followed with appropriate IP address was assigned to configure port as a routing port. It was also assumed that split-horizon route advertisement technique was used as default to prevent routing loops in OSPF by prohibiting a router from advertising a route back onto the interface from whit it was learned. (5) Due to the difficulty with the port forward configuration on Cisco 2800 routers, a decision was made to replicate the functionality by simple use of static routing on the given routers. Ports on Multilayer Switch (L3) were configured as routing ports. Same as para (f).
Question 2. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) a. Introduction: BGP performs inter-domain routing in Transmission-Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networks by carrying/exchanging routing information between multiple autonomous systems (AS) or domains (Ferguson, 2010). External BGP (EBGP) is used between AS and Internal BGP (IBGP) is used within an AS. BGP Version 4 is the current de facto exterior routing protocol used in the global Internet and replaced its predecessor, the now obsolete Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP). BGP carries a large number of attributes with each IP prefix which are as follows: 3
(1) AS Path: The complete path dictating which autonomous system the packet would have to traverse to reach its destination. (2) Local preference: The internal cost of a destination.
(3) Multi-exit discriminator: Give adjacent Internet Service Providers (ISP) the ability to prefer one peering point over another. (4) Communities: A set of generic tags that can be used to signal various administrative policies between BGP routers. b. Strengths: BGP makes it easy to use Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), which is a way to have more addresses within the network. BGP is a path-vector routing protocol which is always used as the routing protocol of choice between ISPs (EBGP) but also as the core routing protocol within large ISP networks (IBGP). (1) Novel network service such as MPLS-based virtual private networks , large-scale quality-of-service (QoS) deployments or large-scale differentiated Web caching implementation rely on BGP to transport information they require (PepeInjak, 2007). As BGP is the critical routing protocol of the Internet, it is a target of attack. However, conventionally several approach to securing BGP sessions have been developed since its existence since 1994 ( Hogg, 2008). c. Weaknesses: Whilst majority of routing protocol are concerned with finding the optimal path towards all known destination, BGP cannot take this simplistic approach because the peering agreement between ISPs almost always result in complex routing policies due to its focus on security which presents poor integrity as routing protocol of the Internet is always prone to malicious attack by no exception. (1) Two security researchers have demonstrated a new technique to stealthily intercept internet traffic on a scale previously presumed to be unavailable to anyone outside of intelligence agencies like the National Security Agency. The tactic exploits the internet routing protocol BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to let an attacker surreptitiously monitor unencrypted internet traffic anywhere in the world, and even modify it before it reaches its destination (Zetter, 2008). (2) BGP is considered to be one of the slowest converging routing protocols in comparison to other routing protocols. The delayed convergence bears an adverse effect on end-to-end traffic delay, causing packet loss and intermittent disruption of connectivity (Feng, 1997). d. Operational Requirement: BGP performs three types of routing: inter-AS, intra-AS and passthrough AS routing. The Internet serves as an example of an entity for inter-AS and intra-AS routing. Pass-through AS routing occurs between two or more BGP peer routers that exchange traffic across an AS that does not run BGP. Figure 2 overleaf illustrates a pass-through AS environment.
Figure 2 - BGP pairs with another intra-AS routing protocol in pass-through AS routing1
BGP Routing: BGP maintains routing table, transmits routing updates and bases routing decisions on routing metrics. The primary function is to exchange network-reachability, including information about the list of AS paths with other BGP systems. BGP uses a single routing metric to determine the best path to a given network. The metric consists of an arbitrary unit number, the value is based on criteria including the number of AS through which the path passes, stability, speed, delay or cost. BGP Message Types: Four BGP message types are specified in RFC 1771, which are briefly explained below: (a) (b) (c) (d) The Open Message: Opens a BGP session between peers and is the first message sent. An Update Message: Is used to provide routing update to other BGP system allowing routers to populate a network topology. The Modification Message: Is sent when an error condition is detected to close an active session. The Keep-alive Message: Often sent to notify BGP peers that a device is active.
e. Commercial Implementation: The most commercial use of BGP is by ISP to increase the stability of their network, provide end-to-end quality-of- service or penetrate enterprise markets. Figure 3 below depicts the principle of how large ISPs such as BT and Virgin functions using BGP.
Figure 3 - Multiple Autonomous Systems (1) The figure above illustrates multiple As which could be large networks from service provider who are connected to each other. Interior Gateway Protocol such as EIGRP may be running within each autonomous system. However, the routers connecting the different AS to each other are running BGP (EBGP). (2) Because of inherent BGP complexity, customers and small ISPs would deploy BGP only where needed, for example on peering points and a minimal subset of core routers as shown in Figure 4 below.
Unknown., 1999. Internetworking Technology Overview [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011]
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) a. Introduction: OSPFv2 (Defined in RFC 2328) is an interior gateway protocol (IGP) that routes packets within a single autonomous system (AS) using link-state protocol (LSP) to make routing decisions. OSPF runs Dijkstras algorithm to and maintains Link-State database which is used by routers to construct a tree of shortest path to the rest of the network (Juniper Network, 2004). LSP is based on cost rather than hops and allows different sized subnet masks to be used within the network thereby allowing more efficient utilisation of available address space. OSPF also supports unnumbered point to point links and equal cost multipath (Haden, 2009). b. Strengths: Routing information distributions are more structured and simpler to troubleshoot as OSPF is a hierarchical protocol using network area. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) designed OSPF to be quickly converging routing protocol which minimise bandwidth consumption by routing information (Borella, 2007). (1) Routing update packets are small as it doesnt send the entire routing table. OSPF is not prone to routing loops and scales very well for large networks. It recognises the bandwidth of a link and takes this into account in link selection. As mentioned previously, it supports VLSM or CIDR to maximise addressing efficiency. OSPF is an open standard routing protocol and can run on routers from a variety of vendors easing the pains of network administration and troubleshooting (Heaton, 2000). c. Weaknesses: While OSPF is an excellent routing protocol for networks of all sizes, one of its weakness is that is can be quite complex to configure. The main drawbacks of link state protocol is that it does not scale well as more routers are added to the routing domain. By adding more routers increases the size and frequency of the topology updates and also the length of time it takes to calculate end-toend routes. This creates a very large OSPF database becoming more processor and memory intensive and therefore adversely affecting the network integrity. This lack of scalability means that OSPF is unsuitable for routing across the Internet at large (Microsoft TechNet, 2005). d. Operational Requirement: OSPF routers typically go through the following stages to maintain the operation of an entire network. (1) Neighbor Discovery. OSPF routers use the Hello packets to discover each other and elect a Designated Router (DR) and a Backup Designated Router (BDR) for the area. Hello packets are sent periodically to establish and maintain neighbor relationships between OSPF neighbours (Crowe, 2007). Several stages that OSPF goes through while discovering neighbor are annotated in figure 5. 6
(2) Database synchronization. The neighboring routers in ExStart state (see figure 5) will decide which router should be the master, as well as the initial sequence number to be used by subsequent Database Description (DBD) packets. Adjacencies are forming in this state, which then transits to the Exchange state. In the Exchange state, the router sends DBD to describe its database to neighbours (Crowe, 2007). (3) Route Calculation. After the Link-State database is learned, each router calculates path to every destination route, using the SPF algorithm based on interface reachability and the cost metric. Best routes metric are then placed in the forwarding table before it is advertised to its peers. Figure 5 summarises OSPF operation.
Figure 5 - OSPF Adjacency Process (Crowe, 2007) e. Commercial Implementation: OSPF is extensively used in Cisco networks and is fully supported by the Cisco IOS operating system. However, OSPF is also fully supported by other networking vendors such as Juniper etc. Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) a. Introduction: EIGRP (Cisco proprietary protocol) is a distance vector, classless routing protocol which is an enhancement of Cisco Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) and is used extensively as an exterior gateway protocol for inter-domain routing. EIGRP uses the Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) to find the least and efficient route to the destination (Cisco, 2011). (1) EIGRPs neighbor discovery mechanism enables routers to dynamically learn about their neighbors attached to the network. The data packets in the EIGRP are delivered using RTP (Reliable Transport Protocol), which ensures the reliable and guaranteed delivery of the data packets (Networking Tutorials, 2007). 7
(2) In most cases, EIGRP by default only uses Delay and Bandwidth with Bandwidth taking precedence. The metric is calculated by multiplying the metric by 256 (Sinclair, 2002). b. Strengths: The key strengths/features of EIGRP are explained below; (1) Fast convergence. DUAL is used in EIGRP to achieve rapid convergence. A router on EIGRP network stores all its neighbors routing tables so that it can quickly become accustomed to any changes in the network such as discovering alternative route in the event of link failure (Muller, 2000). (2) Partial updates. EIGRP sends partial updates only when the path or the metric for a route changes. As a result EIGRP consumes less bandwidth and requires less processing power and memory (Rahman, 2006). (3) VLSM support. EIGRP advertises a subnet for each destination network which enables to support VLSM and discontinuous subnetworks. (4) Seamless connectivity across all data link layer protocols and topologies. Compare to other routing protocols such as OSPF, EIGRP is simple to configure and does not require additional configuration to function across Layer 2 protocols (Teare, 2010). (5) Multiple network layer support. EIGRP also supports IP Version 6, Apple Talk and Novell NetWare Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) (Teare, 2010). c. Weaknesses. Since EIGRP is Cisco proprietary protocol, other vendors are not able to use it and therefore limiting ones to only utilising Cisco hardware. Because of the reliable multicast approach used by EIGRP when searching for an alternative to a lost route, router (EIGRP network) expects to receive reply for each query generated. Therefore if replies are not received for any reason, EIGRP presents a greater risk of router going to Stuck-in-Active (SIA) mode (Ashique, 2010). d. Operational Requirement. EIGRP Operation and Mechanics are briefly explained below. (1) Populating EIGRP Table. EIGRP selects Successor (primary) and feasible successor (backup) routes from the neighbor table. These are marked as such in the Topology table and the successor routes are then moved to the routing table. Figure 6 overleaf summarises the operation of three tables that EIGRP uses.
(2) EIGRP Messages. EIGRP sends out five different types of packets to establish the initial adjacency between neighbors and to keep the topology and routing table up to date. Purpose of the packets are briefly explained below: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Hello. Used for neighbor discovery and tracking and sent to the multicast address of in EIGRP. Update. Is sent when a neighbor first comes up, when a router goes from Active to Passive and when there is a metric increase for a given destination. Query. Sent to all neighbors when a router enters a destination into the Active state. Reply. Is required as a response to a query. Acknowledgements. Is sent in response to hello packets and this is how EIGRP guarantees reliable delivery and receipt.
e. Commercial Implementation. The proprietary status of EIGRP presents an inherent limitation to its universal use other than organisations using Cisco Hardwares. In addition, several other notable deficiencies, such as its inability to be used in a hierarchical arrangements, which precludes its use in large IP networks, and its lack of support for MPLS also restricts its overall networking utility (Juniper Networks, 2005) REFERENCES Ferguson, P., 2010. Introduction to the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) [online]. Available from: [Accessed Jul 2011]. Zetter, K., 2008. The Internets Biggest Security Hole [online]. Available from: [Accessed Jul 2011]. PepeInjak, I., 2007. The protocol that makes the internet work [online]. Available from: offer=briefcase. [Accessed Jul 2011]. Hogg, S., 2009. IPv6 Internet Security for your Network [online]. Available from: [Accessed Jul 2011]. Feng, T., 2004. Implementation of BGP in a Network Simulator [online]. Available from: [Accessed Jul 2011]. Haden, R., 2009. Introduction to OSPF [online]. Accessed from: [Accessed Jul 11]. Juniper Networks., 2004. Open Shortest Path First Overview [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011]. Borella, M., 2007. OSPF: Link State Routing Example [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011]. Microsoft TechNet., 2005. OSPF [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011]. Crowe, D., 2007. OSPF Conformance and Performance Testing [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011].
Networking Tutorials., 2007. Introduction to EIGRP [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011]. Rahman, M., 2006. Hybrid Routing Protocol [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011]. Muller, V., 2000. Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011]. Ashique, A., 2010. Simulation Based EIGRP over OSPF Performance Analysis [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 11] Sinclair, J., 2002. Enhance Interior Gateway Routing Protocol [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011]. Juniper Networks., 2005. EIGRP to OSPF Migration Strategies [online]. Available from: [Accessed Aug 2011]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Teare, D., 2010. Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE). 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Cisco Press. Hogg, S., 2008. IPv6 Security. 1st ed. Indianapolis: Cisco Press.