As 60038-2000 Standard Voltages
As 60038-2000 Standard Voltages
As 60038-2000 Standard Voltages
AS 60038
Australian Standard™
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Standard voltages
[Modified and including the full text of IEC 60038:1983]
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee EL/40, Standard Voltages,
Current Ratings and Frequencies. It was approved on behalf of the Council of
Standards Australia on 17 December 1999 and published on 23 February 2000.
Australian Standard™
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Standard voltages
Originated as AS C1b—1926.
Final edition AS 2926—1987.
Revised and redesignated AS 60038—2000.
© Standards Australia International
All rights are res erved. No part of this work may be reproduc ed or copied in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanic al, including photocopying, without the written
permission of the publisher.
Published by Standards Australia International Ltd
PO Box 1055, Strathfield, NSW 2135, Australia
ISBN 0 7337 3275 5
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Committee EL/40, Standard Voltages, Current Ratings and Frequencies, to supersede
AS 2926—1987, Standard voltages—Alternating (50 Hz) and direct.
This Standard is the result of a consensus among representatives on the Joint Committee to
produce it as an Australian Standard.
This Standard is based on and contains the full text of, but is not equivalent to, IEC 60038:1983,
IEC standard voltages, incorporating its Amendment 1:1994 and Amendment 2:1997.
Variations to IEC 60038:1983, as amended, are indicated at the appropriate places throughout
this Standard. Strikethrough (example) identifies IEC tables and passages of text which, for the
purposes of this Australian Standard, are deleted. Where Australian tables or passages of text
are added, each is set in its proper place and identified by shading (example). A summary of
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Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 1
4 Supply voltage....................................................................................................... 2
Table I ........................................................................................................................ 3
Table II ....................................................................................................................... 4
Table IV...................................................................................................................... 6
Table V....................................................................................................................... 6
Table VI ...................................................................................................................... 7
Australian Standard
Standard Voltages
Any IEC table, figure or passage of text that is struck-through is not part of this Standard. Any
Australian table, figure or passage of text that is added (and identified by shading) is part of
this Standard.
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— a.c. transmission, distribution and utilization systems and equipment for use in such
systems with standard frequencies 50 Hz and 60 Hz having a nominal voltage above
100 V;
— a.c. and d.c. traction systems;
— a.c. and d.c. equipment having rated voltages below 120 V a.c. or below 750 V d.c., the
a.c. voltages being intended (but not exclusively) for 50 Hz and 60 Hz applications; such
equipment covers batteries (from primary or secondary cells), other power supply devices
(a.c. or d.c.), electrical equipment (including industrial and communication), and
This publication shall not apply to voltages representing or transmitting signals or measured
This publication shall not apply to standard voltages of components and parts used within
electrical devices or items of equipment.
For alternating voltages, the voltages stated below are r.m.s. values.
The highest value of voltage which occurs under normal operating conditions at any time and
at any point on the system.
It excludes voltage transients, such as those due to system switching, and temporary voltage