As 3769-1990 Automatic Teller Machines - User Access
As 3769-1990 Automatic Teller Machines - User Access
As 3769-1990 Automatic Teller Machines - User Access
User access
Australian Standard
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Australian Standard
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Amdt 1—1990
This Standard has been prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Public Access to
Information Technology Equipment, following a recommendation in a report published by the
Ministry of Technology, South Australia*. The report maintained that a proportion of the
aged population found the use of automatic teller machines difficult and often impossible for
a number of reasons, many of which related to features of their design and installation.
Organizations representing people with disabilities also recommended the preparation of a
Standard which would provide for the installation of ATMs which were more accessible.
In particular, wheelchair users found that some ATMs were installed in locations where steps
and other obstructions made it difficult, if not impossible, to approach the machine. Where
approach to the machine was possible, the ATM often was installed at a height which was
outside of their reach. Among other difficulties expressed was the complexity of the operation
of ATMs perceived by elderly people and others.
While it was not feasible for the committee to make recommendations which would
significantly improve all aspects of user access to ATMs which had been identified as
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problematical to some users, the recommendations of this Standard are those considered by
the committee to be the most practical solutions towards reducing problems which are being
encountered by users, within the constraints of current ATM designs.
Because there is no existing, or foreseeable, standardization of banking procedures or of ATM
design, the aspect of complexity of operation is not covered in this Standard.
While some of the recommendations in this Standard cover features of ATM design which
are conducive to the successful use of these machines by people with disabilities, these
recommendations are not exclusive to ‘special use’ ATMs, neither is it intended that their
implementation will create ideal conditions for accessibility to an ATM by any particular user
Some of the recommendations in this Standard which refer to VDUs and keyboards have been
taken from the following publications:
(a) VDUs and Work, Occupational Safety and Health Working Environment Series 13,
Canberra, 1983, Commonwealth Department of Employment and Industrial Relations.
(b) Guidelines for Working with Screen-based Equipment, Health and Safety Bulletin No 12,
May 1982, ACTU-VTHC Occupational Health and Safety Unit.
Consideration needs to be given to the time for changeover to these recommendations because
of the design restrictions of current models of ATMs.
* Technology for the Aged, Report by South Australi an Council on Technological Change, Adelaide, 1984, Ministry
of Technology.
FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
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AS 3769—1990 4
ATMs in use in Australia are designed and manufactured elsewhere. Therefore, in setting
requirements for their access by users, consideration needs to be given to the technology,
features of design and security aspects of these existing ATMs.
The view has been expressed that standardization of ATM design, and also the mode of
effecting transactions could greatly increase the number of people who could use automatic
banking systems. While it is not yet feasible to agree on standard banking transactions and
standard ATM design, the objectives of providers of the ATM service should be for new
installations, wherever possible, to comply with all of the recommendations of this Standard.
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5 AS 3769—1990
Australian Standard
Automatic teller machines—User access
1 SCOPE. This Standard sets out guidelines for the However, in choosing a site, it is important that
installation of automatic teller machines (ATMs). consideration be given to the existence of the clear
Included are some recommendations for their design and circulation space fronting the area of the proposed
performance to facilitate unobstructed access to a level, installation, as specified in Clause 4.2.
adequately sized, well-lit area in front of an ATM, and The existence of an area which is devoid of building
the provision of features of the user-interface of the stanchions, street utilities, and the like in the vicinity
ATM which are within reach and operable by the of the ATM installation will not only assist users who
greatest possible number of users, under conditions of require wheelchair accessibility, but will also
adequate privacy and security. Excluded are ATMs facilitate the queuing of users so that more privacy
installed for drive-up use. can be obtained.
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2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. The following A further consideration is that the site should be one
documents are referred to in this Standard: where direct or reflected sunlight or other glare is
AS prevented from striking the ATM display.
1428 Design for access and mobility 4.2 Circulation space. A clear circulation space
1428.1 Part 1: General requirements for access— should be provided in front of each ATM installation,
Buildings as follows:
1680 Interior lighting (a) The surface of the circulation space should be
1680.1 P ar t 1: Ge nera l p ri nc i pl e s a nd level in the direction parallel to the installed
recommendations ATM.
2713 Lighting and the visual environment for (b) The circulation space and the gradient of any
screen-based tasks crossfall should conform to the dimensions for
2805 Electronic funds transfer—Requirements for enhanced requirements shown in Figure 1.
interfaces Where the provision of a smaller space or a steeper
2805.3 Part 3: PIN management and security space is unavoidable, the dimensions of the
2822 Acoustics—Method of assessing and circulation space should be not less than those shown
predicting speech privacy and speech for the basic requirements in Figure 1, and any
intelligibility crossfall should be not steeper than 1 in 20.
3 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this Standard, 1. Unavoidable condit ions may include the topography of a
the definitions below apply. street. Where gradients are too steep, considerati on may be
given to siti ng the ATM wit hin an accessible lobby or alcove.
3.1 Automatic teller machine (ATM) — a card The lack of a clear cir culati on space or convenient queuing
operated, automated, customer-activated machine which area on the str eet may also favour the siti ng of the ATM
dispenses cash as its prime function. within a lobby or alcove.
2. It is desir able that the cir culati on space have a slip-r esistant
3.2 Continuous accessible path of travel — an surf ace that compli es wit h fl oor surf aces in AS 1428.1.
uninterrupted path of travel to or within a building, 4.3 Lobbies. Where lobbies with doors are
capable of being negotiated by a wheelchair user and not provided, the circulation space within the lobby
incorporating any stairway, step, turnstile, revolving should be in accordance with the requirements for
door, escalator, or other impediment to travel. circulation spaces at doorways specified in
3.3 Personal identification number (PIN) — a AS 1428.1.
numeric or alphanumeric code or password made up of 4.4 Continuous accessible path of travel. Where
between 4 and 12 characters that the cardholder practicable, a continuous accessible path of travel
possesses for the purpose of identification. from car-parking places to the ATM should be
3.4 User-interface— the components of the automatic provided. Access should be provided in accordance
teller machine with which the user interacts to effect a with AS 1428.1.
transaction. 4.5 Lighting of the circulation space. During
3.5 Visual display unit (VDU) — a device day-light hours, ATMs in outdoor locations will
incorporating a screen or panel which displays messages. probably have sufficient illuminance in the circulation
space. However, by night it will be necessary to
4 INSTALLATION. ensure that there is sufficient light.
4.1 Site. The choice of a site for the installation of an It is recommended that a maintenance illuminance of
ATM will be influenced by such factors as the design, at least 40 lx be provided in the horizontal plane at
structure and location of an existing building, a site floor (ground) level within the circulation space, so
which is favourable to passing trade, security aspects, that dropped objects can be easily located.
environmental noise, and laws governing the use of Installations may need lighting which is additional to
public walkways. the task-directed lighting integral to the ATM.
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