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The paper presents a five level inverter with a novel dual carrier modulation technique that reduces total harmonic distortion and switching losses compared to other modulation techniques.

The inverter uses a full bridge inverter and auxiliary circuit to generate five output voltage levels of 0, +0.5Vdc, +Vdc, -0.5Vdc, and -Vdc by proper switching of the auxiliary circuit and full bridge inverter.

The dual carrier modulation technique uses two identical triangular carrier signals, each with amplitude half of the reference signal, to generate PWM signals and reduce harmonic distortion and switching losses.

Design and Simulation of Dual Carrier Modulation Technique for a Five Level Inverter

Velammal engineering college,ambattur

Presented by :S.KALAVATHY
4rd year EEE department Velammal engineering college [email protected] 9600177637

4rd year EEE department Velammal engineering college [email protected]

Design and Simulation of Dual Carrier Modulation Technique for a Five Level Inverter
S.Kalavathy, P.Nivedha
EEE,Velammal Engineering College,ambattur [email protected] , [email protected]

Abstract-This paper presents a single phase five level inverter with a novel dual carrier modulation technique.The inverter consist of a full bridge inverter and an auxiliary circuit with four diodes and a switch .The inverter produces output voltage in five levels :zero,+0.5V dc,+Vdc,-0.5Vdc and Vdc. The dual carrier modulation technique uses two identical triangular carrier signals each with amplitude exactly half of the amplitude of the sinusoidal reference signal to generate PWM signals. .The performance evaluation of the proposed PWM strategy for single phase five level inverter is done using MATLAB .Total harmonic distortion and switching losses for both the dual reference modulation and dual carrier modulation techniques are compared .It is observed that the dual carrier modulation technique gives reduced total harmonic reduction and switching losses.

losses are determined for various switching frequencies and found to be lesser than the dual reference modulation technique. II.BASIC OPERATIONAL PRINCIPLE The basic operational principle of five level cascaded multilevel inverter is to generate a five level output voltage i.e zero, +0.5Vdc,+Vdc,-0.5Vdc and Vdc, where Vdc is the supply voltage[2]. The auxiliary circuit which consists of four diodes and switch S1 is used between the dc-bus capacitor and the full bridge inverter. By proper switching of the auxiliary circuit can generate half level of the supply voltage i.e zero, +0.5Vdc,+Vdc,-0.5Vdc and Vdc, The full bridge inverter configuration together with an auxiliary circuit is shown in Fig.1. Table 1 illustrates the level of Vdc during S1- S5 switch on and off.

Key Words: PWM inverter, Switching Losses ,THD. I.INTRODUCTION Multilevel inverter have become an effective and practical solution for increasing power and reducing harmonics of AC waveforms. This paper presents a cascaded five level inverter which consists of a full bridge inverter and an auxiliary circuit with four diode and a switch as shown in Fig.1.The inverter offers great advantages such as reduced number of switching elements, improved output waveform , lower THD ,lower switching losses, smaller filter size[1]-[3]. This paper employs a dual carrier modulation technique to generate PWM signals for the switches and to produce five output voltage levels: zero,+0.5Vdc,+Vdc,-0.5Vdc and Vdc. where Vdc is the supply voltage. The modulation technique uses two identical triangular carrier signal each with an amplitude exactly half the amplitude of the sinusoidal reference signal. This technique reduces the total harmonic distortion and the switching losses when compared with the dual reference modulation technique and the conventional single phase five level PWM inverter. Sinusoidal PWM is obtained by comparing the high frequency carrier with a low frequency sinusoidal reference signal .In this paper ,the dual carrier modulation is incorporated into the sinusoidal PWM to produce the switching signals[8]. Two carrier signals Vcarrier1 and Vcarrier2 will take turns to be compared with the sinusoidal reference signals Vref , to produce the switching signals for different switches. The total harmonic distortion and the switching

Fig.1.Full-bridge inverter configuration together with an auxiliary circuit.







+0.5Vdc +Vdc 0




-0.5Vdc -Vdc

III.MODULATION STRATEGY FOR CASCADED FIVE LEVEL INVERTER There are many control techniques employed for cascaded five level inverter. This paper presents the dual carrier modulation technique. Two carrier signal Vcarrier1 and Vcarrier2 each with amplitude exactly half of the amplitude of the sinusoidal reference signal are considered as shown in Fig.2. Vcarrier2 is compared with the sinusoidal reference signal and pulses are generated whenever the amplitude of the reference signal are greater than the amplitude of carrier signal. If Vref exceeds the peak amplitude of the Vcarrier2, then Vcarrier1 will be compared with the Vref. This will lead to the switching pattern as shown in Fig 3.The switches S2 and S3 will be switching at the rate of the carrier signal frequency while the switches S4 and S5 will operate frequency equivalent to the fundamental frequency.
(a)PWM switching signals for S1

(b)PWM switching signals for S2

Fig.2. Carrier and reference sine waveform for dual carrier modulation technique

(c)PWM switching signals for S3

Fig.4.Dual reference modulation strategy

(d)PWM switching signals for S4

4.PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF DUAL CARRIER MODULATION TECHNIQUE The performance evaluation of the proposed PWM strategy for single phase five level inverter is done using MATLAB. Total harmonic distortion and the switching losses are determined. Total harmonic distortion of dual carrier and dual reference are compared as shown in Fig.5 .It is observed that the most suitable switching frequency at which THD is minimum is 2250Hz. At this switching frequency, dual carrier modulation technique has reduced THD of 17.57% shown in Fig.6 whereas dual reference modulation technique has THD of 21.27% shown in Fig .7.

(e)PWM switching signals for S5 Fig.3.Switching pattern for single phase five level inverter.

A.. Comparison of Dual carrier modulation technique with Dual reference modulation technique The dual reference modulation technique in which two reference signals Vref1 and Vref2 will take turns to be compared with a single triangular carrier signal as shown in Fig.4.[1]. The total harmonic distortion and switching losses are determined for both Dual carrier modulation technique and Dual reference modulation technique.It was observed that the Dual carrier modulation technique has lesser THD and switching losses when compared with the Dual reference modulation technique.

Fig.5.THD Vs Switching Frequency of dual reference and dual carrier modulation techniques

A. Switching loss calculation for the main switch IGBT and

diodes in auxiliary circuit. The switching loss of an IGBT is calculated from the equation Psw =0.5VCEICfsw(ton+toff) (1) The switching loss of a diode is calculated from the equation Pswd =0.5VD*IDfsw(ton+toff) (2) The diode switching loss calculation circuit and the IGBT switching loss calculation circuit are shown in Fig.7. and Fig.8. respectively. The voltage, current are shown in Fig.9. The power curve for IGBT during turn on and turn off is shown in Fig.10

Fig.6.FFT spectrum of dual carrier showing THD of 17.57%

Fig.7.Switching loss calculation cicuit for diode.

Fig.6.FFT spectrum of dual reference showing THD of 21.27%

Simulation were performed by using MATLAB SIMULINK to verify that the proposed inverter can be practically implemented. It helps to conform the PWM switching strategy for the five level inverter. The five level output is shown in Fig.11.

Fig.8.Switching loss calculation circuit for IBGT

Fig.11.Five-level inverter output voltage.

Fig.10(a) Power curve for IGBT during turn ON

Fig.9(a).Determination of turn-on time

Fig10(b)Power curve for IGBT during turn OFF

Total switching loss for five IGBT switches is found to be 281.24403W and the total switching loss for four diodes is found to be 0.625527W. In dual carrier modulation technique the switching loss of the IGBT and the diode is found to be reduced by 1mW when compared with dual reference modulation technique. VI. CONCLUSION This paper presented a single phase five level inverter with a dual carrier modulation technique. The dual carrier modulation technique uses two identical carrier, each with amplitude exactly half of the amplitude of the sinusoidal reference signal. The proposed strategy has been verified through MATLAB simulation .By employing this technique, the total harmonic distortion and the switching losses has been greatly reduced when compared to the dual reference modulation technique. The five level inverter whose waveform is much closer to the sinusoidal shape has reduced total harmonic distortion.

Fig.9(b).Determination of turn-off time.

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