Company Law: Meetings of The Board of Directors
Company Law: Meetings of The Board of Directors
Company Law: Meetings of The Board of Directors
A Company is a body corporate, a body of persons, known as its members or shareholders The body corporate is recognized by law- the Companies Act, 1956- as a legal person having its entity separate from its members. It acts in its own name, enters into contracts, own and hold property in its name, sue others and can be sued by others. Despite all these, it has no physical person of itself. It, therefore expresses its will or take its decisions through resolutions passed at regularly convened meetings of the company A gathering or assembly or getting together of a number of persons for transacting business activities There Must be at least two persons to constitute a meeting Every gathering or assembly does not constitute a meeting Company meeting must be convened & held in perfect compliance with the various provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the rules framed there under.
Statutory Report
The Board of Directors shall, at least 21 days before the day on which the meeting is held, forward a report referred to as The Statutory Report to every member of the company.
Shares allotted, amounts paid up thereon, and the consideration received, if cash not received on those shares; Cash received on shares with an abstract of receipts and payments and balance in hand; Preliminary expenses of the company-an account or estimate thereof; Names, addresses and occupations of the directors, auditors, manager and secretary and changes, if any, since incorporation; Particulars of contracts or modifications thereof, if any, proposed to be submitted to the meeting for its approval; The extent, if any, to which each underwriting contract, if any, has not been carried out, and the reasons therefor; Calls, if any, unpaid by the directors and manager Particulars of commission and brokerage paid or payable to the directors or the manager
Subsequent AGMs
Subsequent annual general meeting must be held by the company each year within six months after the close of the financial year but the interval between any two AGMs must not be more than fifteen months. Registrar may, for any special reason, extend the time by a period not exceeding three months.
There is no contravention if an adjourned meeting accidentally comes to be held on a public holiday. Annual general meeting may be held with a shorter notice if it is so agreed by all the members entitled to vote in the meeting The notice must expressly specify the meeting to be Annual General meeting.
If a company defaults in holding an annual general meeting two consequences will follow: Firstly, any member may apply to the company law board which may call or direct the calling of the meeting, and give such directions as it may consider expedient in relation to calling, holding and conducting of the meeting. The central government can give any ancillary or consequential directions which it thinks expedient in relation to calling, holding and conducting of the meeting. The company law board may direct that one member present in person or by proxy shall be deemed to constitute the meeting. Secondly, the failure to call this meeting is an offence punishable with fine which may extend to Rupees 50,000 on the company and every officer of the company who is in default and for continuing default, a further fine of Rupees 2500 per day during which the default continues.
In the case of a company having share capital, such number of them as hold at the date of the deposit of the requisition, not less than one-tenth of such of the paid up capital of the company as at that date carries the right of voting in regard to that matter; (5) In the case of a company not having a share capital, such number of them as have at the date of deposit of the requisition not less than one-tenth of the total voting power of all the members having at the said date a right to vote in regard to that matter. (6) If the board does not, within twenty-one days from the date of the deposit of a valid requisition, proceed duly to call a meeting for consideration of those matters on a day not later than 45 days from the date of the requisition, the meeting may be called By the requisitionists themselves (7) A meeting called under sub-sec (6) by the requisitionists or any of them: Shall be called in the same manner as that in which meetings are to be called by the Board; but Shall not be held after the expiration of three months from the date of the deposit of the requisition. Where two or more persons hold any shares jointly, a requisition, or a notice calling a meeting, signed by one or some of them shall have the same force and effect as if it had been signed by all of them. Any reasonable expenses incurred by requisitionists by reason of the failure of the Board duly to call a meeting shall be repaid to the requisitionists by the company
Class Meetings
Class meetings are those meetings which are held by holders of a particular class of shares, e.g. preference shares. Thus, for effecting such changes, it is necessary that a separate meeting of the holders of that class of shares is held and the proposed variation is approved at the meeting. Meetings of Debenture holders & Creditors When a company issues debentures it provides in the trust deed executed for securing the issue for holding of meetings of debenture holders. Meeting of Creditors A company, either as running concern or in the event of winding up, has to make certain arrangements with its creditors, which has to be worked out in the meetings of creditors.
In the case of an AGM, by all the members entitled to vote thereat; and In the case of any other meeting, by members of the company A: holding, if the company has a share capital, not less than 95% of the paid up share capital, or B: having, if the company has no share capital, not less than 95% of the total voting power exercisable at that meeting
Unless the articles of the company otherwise provide, the members personally present at the meeting shall elect one of themselves to be the chairman thereof on a show of hands. If there is no Chairman or he is not present within 15 minutes after the appointed time of the meeting or is unwilling to act as Chairman of the meeting, the directors present shall elect one among themselves to be the Chairman of the meeting Sec 176: Proxies Any member of a company entitled to attend and vote at a meeting of the company shall be entitled to appoint another person (whether a member or not) as his proxy to attend and vote instead of himself; but a proxy so appointed shall not have any right to speak at the meeting
Special resolution
A resolution shall be special resolution when the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been duly specified in the notice calling the general meeting the votes cast in favor of the resolution are not less than three times the number of votes cast against the resolution by members so entitled and voting.