BC0041 Fundamentals of Database Management Paper 2

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(1-MARK questions)
1. Typical security classes are1. Top secret 2. Confidential 3. Secret 4. Unclassified a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1, 2, 3, 4 c. 2, 3, 4 d. 3, 4 2. _________ is a set of properties concerning user that are relevant for security purposes. a. Access control b. Multilevel security c. Credential d. None of the above 3. In __________ data is encoded using some coded algorithm. a. Statistical database b. Encryption c. Decryption d. None of the above 4. __________ specifies the channels along which information is allowed to move. a. Credential b. Connect channels c. Flow chart d. Access control 5. _________ allows information to pass from a higher classification level to a lower classification level through improper means. a. A flow policy b. Covert channel c. Invert channel d. Storage channel 6 ________ proposed public key encryption.

a. Diffie b. Hellmann c. Both A & B d. None of the above 7. ________ can provide end-to-end encryption on the channel between sender A and receiver B. a. Public key encryption b. DES c. PES d. All of the above 8. ________ is the scrambled message produced as output. a. Decrypt b. Plaintext c. Cipher text d. Public keys 9. ________ is a means a associating a mark unique to an individual with a body of text. a. Encryption b. Digital signatures c. Cipher text d. None of the above 10. _________ is an ORDBMS that combines relational and object database technologies from two previously existing products. a. Universal server b. Informix universal server c. DBMS server d. Data server 11. _________ helps us extracting meaningful new patterns that cannot be found necessary by merely queering or processing data or metadata in the data warehouse. a. Data mart b. Data mixing c. Metadata d. KDD 12. KDD stands for-

a. Knowledge Data Discovery b. Knowledge Discovery Process c. Knowledge Data Product d. None of the above 13. KDD consists of following phases1. Data selection 2. Data cleansing 3. Enrichment 4. Data transformation 5. Data mining 6. Reporting a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 d. 1, 3, 5, 6 14. _________ the data with additional sources of information. a. Data selection b. Enrichment c. Metadata d. Data cleansing 15. ________ knowledge deduces new information based on applying pre-specified logical rules of deduction new given data. a. Inductive knowledge b. Superlative knowledge c. Deductive knowledge d. None of the above 16. _______ rules correlate the presence of a set of items with another range of values for another set of variables. a. Classification rules b. Sequential patterns c. Association rules d. Logical patterns 17. The goal of _________ is to work from existing set of events or transactions to create a hierarchies of classes.

a. Classification hierarchies b. Association rules c. Regression rules d. None of the above 18_________ is a technique derived from artificial intelligence research that uses generalized, regression and provides an iterative method to carry it out. a. Regression b. Neural network c. KDD d. Classification trees 19_________ are a class of randomized search procedures capable of adaptive and robust search over a wide range of search space topologies. a. Neural networks b. Regression c. KDD d. Genetic Algorithm 20. ________ is a collection of information as well as supporting system. a. Data mixing b. KDD c. Data warehouse d. None of the above 21. ________ is a term used to describe the analysis of complex data from the data warehouse. a. DSS b. OLAP c. OLTP d. Data warehouse 22. _________ support an organizations leading decision makes with higher level data for complex and important decisions. a. OLAP b. DSS c. OLTP d. Data mixing 23. Data warehouses are ________.

a. Nonvolatile b. Both a and b c. Volatile d. None of above 24. The process of returning cleaned data to the source is called _________. a. Cleansing b. Purging data c. Encryption d. Back flushing 25. In ________ data is summarized, with increasing generalization. a. Drill down b. Rollup c. Pivot d. Sorting 26. In ________ data is available by value or range. a. Roll-up b. Drill-down c. Pivot d. Selection 27. _________ contains the commands used to create lllll destroy databases and database objects. a. DML b. DCL c. DDL d. None of the above 28. ________ consists of SQL statements for providing and revoking access permissions to users. a. DDL b. DTL c. DML d. DCL 29. _________ is a column or set of columns that uniquely identifies the rest of the data in any given row.

a. Foreign key b. Alternate key c. Primary key d. None of the above 30. ________ allows a DBMS to access data quicker. a. Views b. Indexes c. Sequences d. Synonyms 31. ________ is a join without a where clause. a. Inner join b. Outer join c. Natural join d. Cartesian product 32. ________ is a logical unit of database processing that includes one or more data access operations. a. Processing b. Distribution c. Transaction d. None of the above 33. The basic database access operations that a transaction can include isa. Read-item b. Write-item c. Both a and b d. None of the above 34. _________ means a transaction is either performed entirely or not performed at all. a. Isolation b. Atomicity c. Durability d. Consistency 35. ________ refers to multiple transactions accessing the same database. a. Isolation b. Concurrency c. Durability

d. Atomicity 36. _________ is a mechanism that is used to deal with problems arising due to concurrency. a. Atomicity b. Locking c. Isolation d. None of the above 37. ________ is a situation in which two or more transactions are in a simultaneous wait, each of them waiting for one of the others to release a lock before it can proceed. a. Locking b. Dead lock c. Exclusive lock d. Inclusive lock 38. __________ models describe how data is stretch as files in the computers by representing information such as record formats, records orderings, and access path. a. Conceptual data models b. External data model c. Physical data models d. None of the above 39. __________ describes the structure of the whole database for a community of users. a. Internal level b. Conceptual level c. External level d. Views 40. The processes of transforming requests and results between levelly are called ________. a. Implementation b. Mappings c. Merging d. None of the above

(2-MARKS questions)
41. The DB_verify utility does the following; c) Ensures local integrity of the data in an Oracle 8i database

d) Diagnoses problems in the rare event that the database gets broken e) All of the above f) None of the above 42. With reference to tables in Oracle 8i, which of the following holds true? i) Maximum length for table is 30 characters. ii) The table names first letter should be an alphabet iii) Underscore, numerals and letters are allowed g) Blank spaces and single quotes are allowed A) B) C) D) 43. i), iii), iv) ii), iii), iv) i), ii), iii) all of the above

What does the below given command do? SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERED h) i) j) k) Disables all constraints Enables all constraints Sets all constraints Enforces all constraints

l) m) 44. What does the below command do? ALTER TABLE MITE ADD PRIMARY KEY (IT_ORDER, ORDERADATE) DOSABLE; n) o) The command ensures that two rows in the table have same value for both IT_ORDER and ORDERDATE p) The command ensures that no two rows in the table have a same value for both IT_ORDER and ORDERDATE q) The command ensures that no two IT_ORDER and no two ORDERDATE in the table will have same values r) None of the above s) t) 45. To suppress the title definition, we use u) i) Title off v) ii) Set Title off w) iii) Btitle off x) iv) Set Btitle off y) z) i), iii) aa) ii), iii), iv) bb) i), iii), iv) cc) all of the above dd) 46. EADD is the name of the column in the table EMP which is of the user defined

type: ee) i) SELECT ENO, E EADD.ADD1 FROM EMP E: ff) ii) SELECT ENO, EADD.ADD1 FROM EMP E WHERE EADD.ADD1-11: gg) iii) SELECT ENO, ENAME, E.EADD FROM EMP; hh) ii) i), ii) jj) i), iii) kk) ii), iii) ll) all of the above mm) nn) 47. The single row function includes oo) i) Date, Numeric pp) ii) Avg, Conversion qq) iii) Max, Min, Sum rr) iv) Character Conversion ss) tt) i), iii), iv) uu) i), ii) vv) i), iv) ww)ii), iii) xx) yy) 48. Which of the following is true for partitioning? zz) i) Less chance of losing data aaa) ii) Load balancing is made easier bbb) iii) Back up of data is maintained ccc) iv) Less corruption ddd) eee)i), ii), iii) fff) ii), iii), iv) ggg)i), ii), iv) hhh)i), ii), iii), iv) iii) jjj) 49. The groups function includes kkk) i) Date, Numeric lll) ii) Avg Sum mmm) iii) Max.Min nnn) iv) Character, Conversion ooo) ppp)i), ii) qqq)ii), iii) rrr) ii), iv) sss)iii), iv) ttt) uuu)50. The potential problems of distributed DBMS are vvv) i) Complexity www) ii) Cost

xxx) yyy) zzz) aaaa) bbbb)

iii) iv) v) A)

Distribution of control Security backup i), ii), iv), v) cccc)i), ii), iii), iv) dddd)i), ii), iv eeee)i), ii), iii), iv), v) When the built-in data type REF is said to be dangling it means: REF is pointing to a non-existent object REF is pointing to an existent object REF is pointing to not a null object REF is pointing to a null object mmmm)i), ii) nnnn)ii), iv) oooo)i), iii) pppp)i) iv)

ffff) gggg)51. hhhh) i) iiii) ii) jjjj) iii) kkkk) iv) llll)

qqqq) rrrr)52. If a cursor is defined as followed, which of the following holds false? ssss) TYPE CURL IS REF CURSOR tttt) uuuu) i) The cursor does not return value vvvv) ii) Cursor variable is shape independent. wwww) iii) Cursor variable is not flexible. xxxx) iv) Cursor variable is strong. yyyy) zzzz)i), ii) aaaaa)ii), iii), iv) bbbbb)iii), iv) ccccc)all of the above ddddd) eeeee)53. Which key in a relational database in defined as an attribute or an attribute combination in our relational whose values are required to match those of the primary key of some other relation? Primary key

Foreign key
Candidate key Composite Key fffff) ggggg)54. What is the output of the following statement? hhhhh) SELECT RTRIM (MANIPAL, PAL) FROM DUAL: iiiii)


lllll)PAL mmmmm)manIPL nnnnn) 55. For Raise_application_error utility of Oracle 8i, which of the followings are correct? i) It takes tow parameters ii) Error numbers ranges from-2000 to 2099 iii) It rollbacks the transaction taken place iv) Terminates the execution of the program A) B) C) D) 56. i), ii) i), iii), iv) ii), iii), iv) all of the above

What is the output of the following statement? SELECT CEIL(45.778) FROM DUAL; ooooo)45

qqqqq)45.778 rrrrr)45.7 57) ______ Means that each server participating in distributed database is administered independently from all other databases. a) Transparency. b) Site autonomy. c) Replication. d) None of the above. 58) .Distributed database security can be achieved by: a) Password authentication for users and roles. b) Koreros version 5 for connected user links. c) DCE for connected user links. d) All of the above. 59) .In _________ we can create global users authenticated through SSL or by using Passwords, then manage these users and passwords in a directory. a) Network authentication service. b) Enterprise user management. c) Both A & B. d) None of the above. 60. The logical structure consists of.components sssss)program units ttttt)Sequences

uuuuu)Database links vvvvv)Table space wwwww)Extents xxxxx)Segments A) All the above B) a, b, c C) b, c, d, e

D) d, e, f (4-MARKS questions)
61. Match the following: i. Private ii. Public. iii. Global. Iv. Connected A. I-4, ii-3, iii-1, iv-2. B. I-2, ii-1, iii, 3,iv-4. C. I-2, ii-1, iii-4, iv-3. D. I-3, ii-4, iii-1, iv-2. 62. For managing distributed databases, the administration tools available are: i. Enterprise manager. ii. Third-party administration tools. iii. SNMP support. iv. Data encryption tools. v. Auditing. vi. Transparency. yyyyy)I, ii, iii, IV, v, VI. zzzzz)I, ii, iii. aaaaaa)I, iii, IV, v. bbbbbb)Ii, iii, IV, v. cccccc) dddddd)63. .Match the following: i. Connected user link. 1.users connect as themselves. ii. Fixed user link. 2.a user connects as global user. iii. Current user link. 3.multiple client process can use the same link. iv. Shared database link. 4.users connect using the username and Password referenced in the link. eeeeee)I-1, ii-2, iii- 4, iv-3. ffffff)I-1, ii-4, iii-2, iv-3. gggggg)I-1, ii-4, iii-3, iv-2. 1. Creates a database-wide link. 2. Creates link in specific schema of local database. 3. User connects as themselves. 4. Creates a network wide link.

hhhhhh)None. iiiiii) jjjjjj)64. Which of the following operations cannot be performed while using database links: I. Grant privileges on remote objects. ii. Analysize remote objects. iii. Delete data from remote database objects. iv. Define or enforce referential integrity. vi. Grant roles to users in the remote databases. vii. Execute hash query joins. A. B. C. D. I, ii, IV, VI, vii. I, iii, IV, viii. I, ii, iii, IV, v, VI, vii. None of the above.

kkkkkk) llllll)65. Which of the following are true for INSTEAD OF triggers? mmmmmm) i) They are available only at the row lever nnnnnn) ii) They are available only at the statement level oooooo) iii) They can be applied only to tables pppppp) iv) They can be applied only to views qqqqqq) rrrrrr)i), iii) ssssss)ii), iv) tttttt)i), iv) uuuuuu)i), ii) vvvvvv) 66) The different type of transparency are (i) Data Independence (ii) Network transparency (iii)Data transparency (iv)Replication transparency (v) Fragmentation transparency a) (ii) (iii) (iv) b) (iii) (v) c) (iii) (iv) d) (ii) (iv) (v) 67) Advantage of Package are (i) Modularity (ii) Easier Application Design (iii) Information Hiding (iv) Added Functionality a) (iii) (iv) b) (i) (ii) (iv) c) All of the above

b) None of the above 68) Which of the following is valid (i) SELECT EMP_ID, LAST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEE; (ii) SELECT EMP_ID, LAST_NAME ORDER BY EMP_ID FROM EMPLOYEE; (iii)SELECT EMP_ID, LAST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMP_ID=333; (iv)SELECT EMP_ID, LAST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE SALARY BETWEEN 2000, 3000; a) (iii) (iv) b) (i) (ii) (iii) b) All of the above c) None of the above 69) In Oracle 9i which of the following holds true? (i) We should specify a unique column name (ii) We should specify proper data type along with its width (iii)By default, the condition for the column value is NOT NULL (iv)A table can have columns with user defined types a) (i) (iv) b) (i) (ii) (iii) c) All of the above d) None of the above 70) What will be the output of the following : CREATE TABLE salaryaud AS SELECT emp_no, emp_name, salary FROM sal WHERE 1>2; a) Table salaryaud is created with no records b) Table salaryaud is created with copy of records from sal table c) Warning but table is created d) Error in syntax 71) In Oracle 9i which of the following holds true for views? (i) Views can be used to hide sensitive columns (ii) Views can be used to check option (iii)Views can have ORDER BY clause (iv)Views cannot be updated if it contains joins and set operators a) (i) (iv) b) (i) (ii) (iii) c) All of the above d) None of the above 72. What are the built-in inherent constraints in the hierarchical model? wwwwww)No record occurrences may exist without a parent occurrence.

xxxxxx)If a child has two or more parents from the same record type, then the child must be duplicated once under each parent record. yyyyyy)A child may be deleted independently of its parent, however, deletion of a parent record results in its child and descendent records being deleted automatically. zzzzzz)A child having two or more parents of different record types can do so only by having at most one real parent and all other virtual parents. A) a, b, c, d B) a, b, c

C) except c
aaaaaaa)a and b only 73. List out the responsibilities of a database administrator a) To install and upgrade Oracle 8i server and application tools. b) To backup and restore database c) To create, allocate and deallocate storage requirements for the database system bbbbbbb)To monitor and optimize the performance of the database. ccccccc)Implement a database from the information given by application developers. A) a, b, c, d B) a, c, e

C) a, b, d
D) All a, b, c, d, e 74. The tasks performed by system monitor process are ddddddd)Performs instance recovery at instance start up eeeeeee)Performs instance recovery for a failed CPU. fffffff)A contiguous free extent to make larger blocks of the free space ggggggg)Ensures that data segment blocks in memory that are changed frequently hhhhhhh)Cleans the temporary segments that are no longer in use A) a, b, c

B) a, b, c, e
C) c, d, e D) only d and e 75. Consider an object type of name dept_type. Created as SQL>create type dept_type as object 2>(deptno number (2), 3>dname varcfhar2(14), 4>loc varchar2(13)); and dept_t is a table of type dept_type. The n, which of the following are/is incorrect usage? iiiiiii)SQL>create table dept_t of dept_type;

jjjjjjj)SQL> create table Emp 2> (empno number(4), 3> name varchar2(10), 4> job varchar2(9), 5> mgs number(4), 6> hiredate date, 7> Dept REF dept_type); kkkkkkk)SQL> update emp set dept=(select REF(d) from 2>dept_t where 3>deptno=10 where empno=7900; a) b) c) d) All the above Only b a and b none of these

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