Review Report On Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir: Associated Technologies (PVT) LTD

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Associated Technologies (Pvt) Ltd

Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

1.INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 4 2. SUMMARY OF THE FEASIBILITY STUDY..................................................................................... 4 3. MODELING SEDIMENT DELTA PROFILE FOR KAROT RESERVOIR USING HEC-RAS.................. 7 3.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 7 3.2 MODEL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 8 3.2.1 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.3.8 3.3.9 3.3.10 Cross Section Locations ............................................................................................ 8 Boundary conditions................................................................................................. 9 Flow series .............................................................................................................. 10 Temperature ........................................................................................................... 10 Modeling delta profile of Karot reservoir using HEC-RAS:...................................... 11 Project area ............................................................................................................ 11 Scenario for delta modeling ................................................................................... 11 Input data for The HEC-RAS model......................................................................... 12 River system schematic .......................................................................................... 12 Geometric Data ...................................................................................................... 12 Cross Sections ......................................................................................................... 13 Dam Data ................................................................................................................ 13 Quasi-Unsteady Flow .............................................................................................. 14 Sediment Data ........................................................................................................ 15 Delta modeling: ....................................................................................................... 17

4. WORLDWIDE EXPERIENCE OF SEDIMENT FLUSHING ............................................................. 19 5. MODELING SEDIMENT FLUSHING THROUGH KAROT RESERVOIR USING HEC-RAS ............... 22 6. STRATEGIES FOR FLUSHING SEDIMENTS THROUGH THE RESERVOIR .................................... 24 6.1 Flushing Strategies...................................................................................................... 25 Page | 1

Associated Technologies (Pvt) Ltd

Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

7. FLUSHING INDICATORS FOR THE KAROT RESERVOIR ............................................................. 26 8. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................ 29 9. RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................. 29

Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing the cross section locations used for the delta modeling ................................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2: Flow Hydrographs at Karot dam site used as upstream boundary condition..7 Figure 3: Bed material gradation curve for the Karot reservoir ............................................... 8 Figure 4: Suspended Sediment rating curve for Karot dam site .............................................. 9 Figure 5: Typical result of the HEC-RAS model for water surface profile before delta modeling ................................................................................................................................. 10 Figure 6: Results of Sensitivity Analysis of HEC-RAS Model to various Sediment Transport Functions ................................................................................................................................ 11 Figure 7: Modeled Longitudinal Sediment Delta Profile for Karot Reservoir due to one year sediment deposition.12 Figure 8: Modeled Longitudinal Sediment Delta Profile for Karot Reservoir due to 12 years sediment deposition ............................................................................................................... 13 Figure 9: Modeled Longitudinal Sediment Delta Profile for Karot Reservoir due to 16 years sediment deposition.14 Figure 10: Country wise reservoir storage loss in percentages............................................ 155 Figure 11: Worldwide number of flushed reservoirs of various countries .......................... 166 Figure 12: Bed profile of Karot Reservoir before flushing based on 1 year Sediment deposition ............................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 13: Longitudinal profile of Karot reservoir after flushing the 1 year deposited sediments ............................................................................................................................... 18 Page | 2

Associated Technologies (Pvt) Ltd

Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

Figure 14: Average daily flows and average flushing discharge ............................................. 19 Figure 15: Surface area of Karot Reservoir as a function of Elevation ................................... 20 Figure 16: Rating curve for discharges through flushing sluices ............................................ 21 Figure 17: Reservoir emptying time and re-filling time.......................................................... 22 Figure 18: Mean Velocities at various sections of the Karot Reservoir..23 Figure 19: Critical velocities for various sediment sizes (Yang, 1989) .................................... 24 Figure 20: Flushing durations required to flush one year deposited Sediments ................... 25 Figure 21: Cross section immediately u/s of the dam for simplified reservoir geometry.26

Table 1 : Twenty nine cross sections used for the delta modeling.5 Table 2: Computations for flushing indicators of Karot Reservoir28

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

The Power and Energy Studies carried out by the Consultants and incorporated in Feasibility Study Report (FSR) for the reservoir of Karot Hydropower Project, suggests that a flushing period of 10 days per year will be taken to clear and drain out the accumulated sediments downstream through the bottom sluices provided for in the dam. However, during the review of FSR it was discovered that no in-depth analysis regarding sediment flushing was performed by the Consultants to support the said flushing period. Hence a need was felt to study the sediment flushing operation in detail to investigate the flushing scenario fully, i.e. when to flush the reservoir, how much amount of water will be utilized in each flushing, how much should be the flushing duration, what should be the suitable flushing discharge and what strategies are needed to enhance the life of the reservoir. Present study addresses the Sediment flushing operation of the Karot Reservoir in detail including summary of the sedimentation study at feasibility stage, modeling of sediment delta in the reservoir for one year, 12 years and 16 years of sediment depositions using HEC-RAS Model (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2005), worldwide experience of sediment flushing, modeling sediment flushing operation to de-silt the sediment deposits accumulated in one year, strategies for flushing sediments through the Karot reservoir, interpretation of the model results, and finally flushing indicators for the reservoir were determined to explain the feasibility of the flushing for the Karot reservoir.


Feasibility Report for the Sedimentation study of the Karot Reservoir (SMEC, 2009) describes the sediment characteristics of the watershed of the proposed dam site and reservoir of Karot Hydropower Project on River Jhelum. It covers description of previous sedimentation studies for the dam site, sediment yield of the watershed and sediment transport pattern of the river at the dam site. It also includes computation of suspended sediment inflow to the reservoir from the nearby sediment gauging stations, computations for the bed load, total sediment inflow to the reservoir, density of deposited sediments with time, efficiency of the proposed reservoir in trapping sediments and life of reservoir without any flushing option. Feasibility study also addresses the degradation study on downstream of the dam. The longitudinal sediment delta profile was modeled considering one year of deposited sediments in the reservoir using SHARC Model (Wallingford, 2001). As per feasibility report, the total reservoir capacity of the Karot reservoir would be 160 MCM (129,760 AF) at Normal Operating Level (NOL) of 461 m. Total height of the dam would be 76 m with a free board of 5 m. The crest level of the dam is proposed as 466 m. The power tunnels crown and invert levels are proposed at 440 m and 430 m, respectively. There are four proposed low level outlets of 12 by 18 m cross-section; each with sill level at 410 m, due to which dead storage of the reservoir comes 10.2 MCM (8272 AF) which cannot be sluiced through the dam by any means. Live storage of reservoir then would be 149.8 MCM (121,490 AF). The river bed level at dam site is 390 m. Surface area of the proposed reservoir at Normal Operating Level would be Page | 4

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

5.41 km2 (1337 acres) and length of the reservoir would be about 26 km. Average slope of the reservoir is 0.0026.
Table 2 : Twenty nine cross sections used for the delta modeling Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 River Station 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2.5 2 1 0 1000 1000 0 Distance to d/s (m) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Remarks Reservoir Area do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Karot dam site D/S of dam side do do

For the sedimentation study of the reservoir at feasibility stage, data of thirteen sediment gauging stations were collected and used. However, to estimate the suspended sediment yield and total sediment inflow to the reservoir, calculations are mainly based on two sediment gauging stations, i.e. Azad Pattan and Karot. Results of sediment study reveal that average specific suspended sediment yield at Karot dam site is about 1176 tons/km2/year, average suspended sediment load entering into the reservoir Page | 5

Associated Technologies (Pvt) Ltd

Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

is about 28.75 MCM (23376 AF), average bed load entering into the reservoir is about 4.31 MCM (3495 AF), average annual total sediment inflow to the reservoir is about 33.07 MCM (26882 AF).

Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing the cross section locations used for the delta modeling

Trap efficiency of reservoir computed on the basis of Churchill curve is 40 % for the first year and finally reduces to 18%. The recommended trap efficiency for any year is 47 % based on total sands and coarser material. Mean annual trapped sediment load in the reservoir is 15.54 MCM (12635 AF). The life of the un-sluiced Karot reservoir is about 08 years. The recommended density of deposited sediments is 1106 kg/m3 (69 Pcf). The expected degradation on downstream of the dam is 9 m based on the occurrence of rocks. Sands will start entering into the power tunnel when flow through the reservoir exceeds 6800 m3/s, however a sediment particle of 0.1 mm diameter is expected to enter into the power tunnel when flow exceeds 17500 m3/s. On average basis, the annual sediment load entering into the power tunnels would be 1.22 Mm3. The pivot point of delta deposits will reach at a distance of 16 km from the dam face as a result of one year deposition. Flushing discharge required to carry out flushing of the reservoir would be equal to greater than 1600 m3/s, whereas flushing duration required would be around one to two weeks depending on the flow available for the purpose. Page | 6

Associated Technologies (Pvt) Ltd

Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

The life of the reservoir can be enhanced to about 48 years with appropriate flushing operations at the rate of one per year in the month of May or June. After 48 years, the life of the reservoir can be further extended by the dredging the sediment deposits closer to the dam outlets. To carry out efficient flushing, the sediment delta in the reservoir should be monitored every year before flushing. Moreover, operator must be fully vigilant on the coming forecasted flows which may offer suitable flushing opportunity.

Figure 2: Flow Hydrographs at Karot dam site used as upstream boundary condition

It is noted that Feasibility Study does not contain modeling of sediment flushing operation of the reservoir either using SHARC or HEC-RAS Models. Present study models the sediment delta and flushing operation.

Delta profile modelling and flushing modelling are carried out by using HEC-RAS 4.1 model in addition to SHARC model to become more confident about results in the absence of calibration and validation of data. This study describes the application of HEC-RAS model for the prediction of delta profile and sediment flushing scenario for the Karot reservoir. Delta modelling is carried out using hourly time step for the 16 years of sediment deposition with average flow and sediment discharge conditions, whereas, suitable flushing durations are predicted for various flushing discharges to de-silt the one year deposited sediments. Page | 7

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

The reservoir / river in this study was modelled as the compound channel with 27 cross-sections. The inline structure for the dam is taken in between sections 3 and 2 and named as station 2.5. For Delta profile modeling, the equilibrium load was assigned as upstream boundary condition for the reservoir area. The quasi unsteady equation is used for 16 years inflow data in the reservoir area.

100 90 80 70

% finer

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 dia (mm) 1 10 100

Figure 3: Bed material gradation curve for the Karot reservoir



The HEC-RAS 4.1 software was developed at the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), which is a division of the Institute for Water Resources (IWR), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The software was designed by Mr. Gary W. Brunner, leader of the HEC-RAS development team. HEC-RAS is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking, multi-user network environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface (GUI), separate hydraulic analysis and sediment transport analysis components, data storage and management capabilities, graphics and reporting facilities. HEC-RAS is designed to perform one-dimensional sediment transport calculation for a full network of natural and constructed channels. The following is description of the major capabilities of HEC-RAS (U.S., 2005).

3.2.1 Cross Section Locations

The inline weir and gated spillway routines in HEC-RAS require the same cross sections as the bridge and culvert routines. Four cross sections in the vicinity of the hydraulic structure are required for a complete model, two upstream and two downstream. In general, there should Page | 8

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

always be additional cross sections downstream from any structure (bridge, culvert, weir, etc), such that the user entered downstream boundary condition does not affect the hydraulics of flow through the structure. These four cross sections include; One cross section sufficiently downstream such that the flow is fully expanded, One at the downstream end of the structure (representing the tail water location), One at the upstream end of the structure (representing the headwater location), One cross section located far enough upstream at the point in which the flow begins to contract.

10,000,000 1,000,000

Sediment disc (tons/day)

100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 10 100 1,000 Water discharge (cumecs) 10,000 y = 0.0187x 2.1456 R2 = 0.709

Figure 4: Suspended Sediment rating curve for Karot dam site

3.2.2 Quasi unsteady flow simulation

Current sediment capabilities in HEC-RAS are based on quasi-unsteady hydraulics. The quasiunsteady approach approximates a flow hydrograph by a series of steady flow profiles associated with corresponding flow durations. Because this type of analysis requires different information than steady or unsteady flow, so it is necessary to provide different input along with boundary condition.

3.2.3 Boundary conditions

Several different boundary conditions are available in HEC-RAS. Each upstream boundary (the most upstream cross section of an open ended upstream reach) must have a Flow Series boundary condition specified. Optional internal boundaries include Lateral Flow Series and Uniform Lateral Flow Series. Each downstream boundary (the downstream most cross section Page | 9

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

of an open ended downstream reach) can be either: Stage Time Series, Rating Curve, or Normal Depth.

3.2.4 Flow series

Since Quasi-unsteady flow can have irregular (varying) time steps, each specified flow must also be accompanied by a time duration (over which the flow is constant). Additionally, a computational time step must be entered for each record. Flow Duration: To approximate a flow hydrograph as a series of steady flows, each steady flow profile must have a flow duration. The duration is then broken up into a series of computational increments over which the sediment routing occurs. Due to the non-linear nature of alluvial sediment movement, transport is usually concentrated during large, peak flow events. These events are usually of relatively short duration and are characterized by rapidly changing flow. Because of this non-linearity, an irregular time step is desirable. Low flows, corresponding to small or moderate transport (or bed change), are often approximated with large time steps.

Figure 5: Typical result of the HEC-RAS model for water surface profile before delta modeling

3.2.5 Temperature
Because several aspects of sediment transport mechanics, particularly fall velocity, incipient motion and sediment transport are sensitive to water temperature, hence, HEC-RAS requires temperature information. Only one temperature per time step can be specified for the entire model. Page | 10

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir


Modeling delta profile of Karot reservoir using HEC-RAS:

HEC-RAS 4.1 has been used to model the longitudinal delta profile in the reservoir from stating to ending simulation time. The monthly average flows and monthly average sediment flows were given as the input to the reservoir, whereas, sediment calculations are carried out on hourly basis. The results of the modelled delta can be easily seen for all time steps through animation option of the software.

3.3.1 Project area

The project area lies along the river Jhelum on Rawalpindi - Kotli (Azad Kashmir) Road nearly 68 km from Rawalpindi. Karot dam site is located on River Jhelum at latitude of 33 36' and longitude of 73 37'. At the dam site, there was a stream flow gauging station having wire weight gauge slightly on the upstream of the new bridge; the gauging station was closed by the end of 1979.

3.3.2 Scenario for delta modeling

For the present study, it was assumed that the reservoir is full at NOL of 461 m and the average monthly flow data is used to simulate the delta profile due to deposition of sediments in the reservoir area.

Annual Sediment Deposition (MCM)

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Functions Empirical

Acres & white

England & Hansen



Figure 6: Results of Sensitivity Analysis of HEC-RAS Model to various Sediment Transport Functions



Meyer Peter & Muller

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

3.3.3 Input data for The HEC-RAS model

The data needed to perform various computations with HEC-RAS are divided into the following categories: Geometric data; Quasi-unsteady flow data; Sediment data; Bed gradation curve and inline structure data. A brief description of these data formats and requirements in accordance with this study is given in the subsequent sections.

3.3.4 River system schematic

The schematic defined in the HEC-RAS show the simplified plan view and locations of the cross section data from upstream to downstream of the dam site. The setting up of the model was carried out by considering 26 km river length with 27 cross-sections as shown in Figure 1. The dam site is situated at section number 2.5, whereas three cross sections were taken on downstream side of the dam. i.e. number 2, 1 and 0, respectively. In river system schematic,

river Jhelum was drawn in geometric data editor option of HEC-RAS. In the geometric data editor the name for river reach was specified.
Figure 7: Modeled Longitudinal Sediment Delta Profile for Karot Reservoir due to one year sediment deposition

3.3.5 Geometric Data

The basic geometric data consist of establishing the connectivity of the river system (River system schematic); cross section data, reach lengths, and stream junction information. Twenty nine cross sections were incorporated in the model and inline structure was also created in the geometric data in between section numbers 3 and 2. Page | 12

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

3.3.6 Cross Sections

Boundary geometry for the analysis of flow in river was specified in terms of ground surface profiles (cross sections) and the measured distance between these (reach lengths at each crosssection). The cross sectional data of river Jhelum was entered in HEC-RAS by the cross sectional data editor. Cross sections from both the ends of inline structure (dam structure) upstream and downstream were plotted. The data entered into the cross section data editor comprises of River station information, Pairs of station and elevation, Demarcation of main channel bank station. Downstream reach lengths (i.e., the distance up to next downstream cross section.) for main channel, left over bank and right over bank and Mannings roughness coefficient (both vertical and horizontal variation of n- values were considered). The detailed information about the locations of cross sections is given in Table 1.

Figure 8: Modeled Longitudinal Sediment Delta Profile for Karot Reservoir due to 12 years sediment deposition

3.3.7 Dam Data

The data regarding dam was entered in the geometric data editors sub-option inline structure data. Karot dam was simulated as an inline structure. The data entered into the In Line Structure data editor comprises of River station information Weir embankment data Weir crest shape Information about crest level Page | 13

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

Figure 9: Modeled Longitudinal Sediment Delta Profile for Karot Reservoir due to 16 years sediment deposition

3.3.8 Quasi-Unsteady Flow

The flow data which was synthesized from the previous historical data was entered in the Quasiunsteady flow data editor which comprised of two boundary conditions. a) Upstream boundary condition b) Downstream boundary condition


Upstream Boundary Condition

Monthly inflow hydrograph for 16 years was assigned as the upstream boundary condition. The flow hydrograph was generated using the Karot and Azad Pattan gauging stations data using 37 years data record (1970-2006), 1979-2006 at Azad Pattan which was transformed at Karot using a proposed multiplication factor. The upstream boundary condition flow hydrograph is shown in Figure 2.

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

3.2 2.8

Storage Loss (%)

2.4 2 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0



S Africa

SE Asia





Figure 10: Country wise reservoir storage loss in percentages


Downstream Boundary Condition

Normal depth was prescribed as downstream boundary condition with friction slope equal to the average river bed slope in the reservoir area at the downstream end (S = 0.0026).

3.3.9 Sediment Data

Once the geometric data are entered, the sediment data was entered to develop a delta profile of sediment transport. The sediment data was entered in sediment data editor which comprised of following conditions. Initial Conditions and Transport Parameters. Boundary Condition


Initial Conditions and Transport Parameters:

The initial condition and transport parameters specified for HEC-RAS for Karot reservoir are as following at each cross section.

i. Transport Function:
A sediment transport function can be selected from the drop down box near the top of the form. For the present study, England-Hansen transport function was selected on the basis of sensitivity analysis of transport functions to model the delta of Karot reservoir. This function gives relatively suitable results closer as computed by the SHARC Model and also determined by empirical approach. Page | 15


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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

ii. Sorting Method

The sorting method to compute active layer thickness and vertical bed layer tracking assumption. The Exner 5 method is currently used. It is a three layer active bed model that includes the capability of forming a coarse surface layer that will limit erosion of deeper material thereby simulating bed armoring.

27 24

No. of flushed Reservoirs

21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0

China Switzerland

New Zeland

Puer Rico



Cost Rica











Figure 11: Worldwide number of flushed reservoirs of various countries


Fall Velocity Approach

Several methods are available for computing fall velocity. But Report 12 (Default method in HEC6) was used for delta modeling of the Karot reservoir. It was also selected after carrying out the sensitivity analysis of various fall velocity formulae available in the software.

iv. Maximum Depth

In the HEC-RAS sediment framework, a sediment control volume is associated with each cross section. The control volume starts midway from the next cross section upstream and ends midway to the next cross section downstream. The maximum erodible depth used for model is 10 m.

v. Bed Gradation
HEC-RAS first requires the creation of bed material gradation curve. Then the bed gradations curve can be associated with the appropriate range of cross sections using pick and drag functionalities. Bed Gradation curve used for modeling the delta profile is shown in Figure 3, which was generated for the dam site using sediment discharge data of Karot reservoir area. The sediment sizes in the bed material of the dam site ranges in between 0.004 to 32 mm. Figure 4 shows the Page | 16



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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

mean gradation curve for the suspended sediments at the Karot and Azad Pattan stream gauging stations of the river Jhelum.

b) Sediment Boundary Conditions

The equilibrium load is used as sediment boundary condition for delta modeling.

3.3.10 Delta modeling:

The Karot reservoir area was modeled for 16 years using monthly flow and sediment data. The maximum depth that is distance below the original invert of the channel was assigned as 10 m for all the cross sections and same bed gradation curve generated for Karot was used for the model. The typical result of HEC-RAS for the water surface profile before delta profile modeling is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 12: Bed profile of Karot Reservoir before flushing based on 1 year Sediment deposition

Figure 6 shows the results of the sensitivity analysis for the various sediment transport functions. Results show that Englund-Hansen equation computes the sediment deposition value and pattern very similar to SHARC Model results and as well result of the Empirical Approach which is the basic one.

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

Figure 13: Longitudinal profile of Karot reservoir after flushing the 1 year deposited sediments

Figure 7 shows the aggradations on the upstream side of the dam and degradation on the downstream of the dam after one year flow and sediment transport processes. The pivot point of the delta approaches at 16 km from the dam face whereas level of pivot point reaches at 451.7 m. The total sediment deposited in the reservoir was estimated as 15.5 MCM. The maximum degradation appears at just downstream from the dam site with a degradation depth of about 4 m. Figure 8 shows aggradations in the reservoir area and degradation on downstream of the dam site after 12 years. The result shows that the he pivot point of the delta approaches at 8 km from the dam face whereas level of pivot point reaches at 446.8 m. The total sediment deposited in the reservoir was estimated as 66.63 MCM. The maximum degradation appears at just downstream from the dam site with a degradation depth of about 4.1 m. Figure 9 shows aggradation in the reservoir area and degradation on the downstream of the dam after 16 years of fluvial processes. The total sediment deposited in 16 years in the reservoir was estimated as 76.7 MCM. The pivot point of the delta will reach as close as about 7.9 km from the dam face. The overall sediment deposition patterns in the reservoir for several years up to 16 years, show that flushing of the sediment becomes essential at the end of each year to flush the deposited sediments accumulated in one year. After a long deposition period, it would become difficult to flush sediments in a shorter period which can be sacrificed for the flushing process. Page | 18

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

2000 1800 1600 1400

flow (m 3/s)

1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 60 120 180 time (days) 240 300 360 hydrograph flushing discharge

Figure 14: Average daily flows and average flushing discharge

Moreover, the high pivot point location of the delta deposits after 16 years would be such that it will cause entry of heavy sediment load with bigger sediment diameters into the power tunnel in case of high flows. This is highly objectionable as far as the safety of the hydraulic machines is concerned.


Globally there are about 25,500 storage reservoirs with the total storage volume of about 6,464 Bcm (ICOLD 1998, White 2000). The maximum number of reservoirs are in North America, i.e., 7,205, with the storage volume of about 1,845 Bcm., whereas the minimum numbers of reservoirs are in Central Asia, i.e., 44, with the storage volume of 148 Bcm. The number of storage reservoirs with storage volumes (in Bcm) in other regions are as: South Asia 4131(1039), South Europe 3220(938), Pacific Rim 2278(277), North Europe 2277(938), China 1851(649), South America 1498(1039), Africa 967(575), Middle East 895(224), North Africa 289(188), and South East Asia 277(117). World annual reservoir storage loss due to sedimentation varies from 0.1 to 2.3 percent, with average annual world storage loss of about 1.0 percent (Liu, 2002). As shown in Figure 10 the maximum storage loss is in China, i.e., 2.3%, whereas the minimum storage loss is in U.K., i.e., 0.1%. The storage loss in other regions is: Turkey 1.5, India 0.46, South Africa 0.34, South East Asia 0.30, U.S.A. 0.22, and Japan 0.15. As a result of reservoir sedimentation rate, about 300 to 400 new dams need to be constructed annually just to maintain current total storage. This Storage loss is mainly due to different vegetation cover, topographic and geological conditions of the watershed areas (Liu, 2002). Page | 19

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

20 18 16

Surface area (Mm 2)

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 350

y = 5E-34x 12.777 R2 = 0.9762




450 475 Elevation (m)




Figure 15: Surface area of Karot Reservoir as a function of Elevation

The 20th Century was concerned with the development of reservoir storage, more emphasis will be required in the 21st century on the conservation of storage. Sediment management will become crucial. The goal will be to convert todays inventory of non-sustainable reservoirs into sustainable assets for future generations (White W.R. (2005)) Several methods by which the life enhancement of storage Reservoir can be made are: Watershed Management, dredging (conventional dredging, hydrosuction and dry excavation), flushing of sediments from Reservoir, sediment routing/sluicing, sediment bypassing and Density current venting, used independently or in combination (Palmieri A.,2003).

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

20,000 18,000 16,000

Discharge (cumecs)

14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 Out flow Inflow

Reservoir Level (m)

Figure 16: Rating curve for discharges through flushing sluices

Flushing sediments through a Reservoir has been practiced successfully and found to be inexpensive in many cases. However, the great amount of water consumed in the flushing operation might affect it (Fi-John Chang, 2003). Every Reservoir of the world cannot be flushed successfully due to the number of parameters affecting it like flatter bed slope, wider section, higher height of the dam and availability of water for flushing. Flushing also causes sediments to be released from the Reservoir at a much higher concentration than occurs in the natural fluvial system which may create unacceptable environmental impacts downstream, however, these impacts are less severe as compared to absence of flushing at all. Two approaches to flushing exist; complete drawdown flushing, partial drawdown flushing. In complete drawdown flushing the Reservoir is emptied before the flood season, resulting in the creation of river-like flow conditions in the Reservoir. Low level outlets for flushing operation are provided close to the original riverbed level and sufficient hydraulic capacity to achieve full drawdown White (2000). Some irrigation Reservoirs in China are emptied for flushing during the first part of the flood season, passing early season floods through the impoundment without significant detention. The Reservoir is refilled during the latter part of flood season Chaudhry, M.A (2007). Flushing is most effective in preserving Reservoir storage when outlets are placed near the original streambed level and Reservoir is completely emptied. However constraints may limit either the allowable drawdown or the invert elevation of flushing outlet, requiring the flushing be undertaken with only partial drawdown. Flushing with partial drawdown may be used to clear more live storage space and locate the sediments in a more favorable position for future complete drawdown flushing Morris and Fan (1997).

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Emptying and Refilling time (hrs)

25 20 15 10 5 0 410 Emptying time Refilling time












Reservoir Level (m)

Figure 17: Reservoir emptying time and re-filling time

Flushing is not a new technique and has been experienced for the last 6 decades and probably attempted for thousands of the reservoirs of the world. The study reveals that there are about 50 reservoirs which are flushed, out of which flushing data is available for about 22 reservoirs. As shown in Figure 11, the maximum numbers of reservoirs are flushed in China which are 21. The number of flushed reservoirs in different countries are as: Switzerland 5, Former USSR 4, India 3, USA 3, Puerto Rico 2, Algeria 1, Austria 1, Costa Rica 1, Guatemala 1 Iran, Japan 1 New Zealand 1 Pakistan 1, Sudan 1, Taiwan 1, Tunisia 1, Venezuela 1. Worldwide flushing has been successfully implemented at Baira-India, Gebidem-Switzerland, Gmund-Austria, Hengshan-China, Palagnedra-switzerland, Santo-Domingo-Venezuela Reservoirs, while the unsuccessfully flushed reservoirs are: Chinese reservoirs, Gaunting, Heisonglin, sanmenxia, Shuicaozi, Naodehai, Nanqin, Guernsey-USA, Ichari-India, ouchi-Kurgan and ZemoAfchar of former USSR, sufid-Rud-Iran, Warsak-Pakistan, Jensanpei-Taiwan, KHASHM EL GIBRASudan, Mangahao-Newzealand, and Cachi of Costa Rica (White, 2000).


As the reservoir is small and the sediment deposition rate is high, the project can only be considered feasible with successful flushing of the deposited sediments. To investigate the flushing performance of the reservoir, flushing scenario is modeled using HECRAS 4.1 Model. For modeling, the same 27 basic locations of cross sections were used as the geometric data, except that these were modified as obtained after one year delta modeling. It was assumed that the flushing becomes essential after one year sediment deposition in the Page | 22

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reservoir. The longitudinal profile of the delta which was used as input for the flushing scenario is shown in Figure 12.

3.0 2.5

1800 1600

Mean Velocity, Froude Num

1400 2.0 Velocity (m/s) 1.5 1.0 0.5 200 0.0 0 Froude Num Flow (cumecs) 1200

800 600 400












Distance from dam face (m)

Figure 18: Mean Velocities at various sections of the Karot Reservoir

For flushing modeling, similarly a quasi unsteady file was prepared. As boundary condition, daily flows of 800, 1200, 1600, 2000 and 2400 m3/s were tried as the constant flushing discharges for the entire flushing duration of 120 days. Flushing durations required to flush the deposited sediments in one year were determined. The temperature of the water was assigned for each day as it affects the sediment transport processes. The normal depth was given by assigning a value of friction slope as 0.0026. For initial condition, bed material gradation curve at the dam site was used. Sediment transport function used for the analysis was the same England-Hansen, sorting method used was of Exener 5 and fall velocity method of Report 12 was used for the estimation of fall velocities. For the sediment boundary condition, sediment rating curve derived for the dam site based on long past data record was used. Moreover, fraction of the clay, silt, sand and gravel was assigned on the basis of the bed material gradation characteristics and amount of the bed load transport rate. Figure 13 shows the reservoir bed profile after flushing the deposited sediments in the reservoir which were accumulated in one year. The flushing duration required to flush the deposited sediments was 20 days for a flushing discharge of 1600 m3/s. Due to flushing operation, slight aggradations have been obtained on the upstream of the dam site. It is due to the fact that the Page | 23




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sill level of the flushing sluices is sufficiently higher than the bed level and hence it has to be filled with sediments. However, there is an increase in the degradation of bed profile on the downstream of the dam site. It is due to the fact that the height of the dam up to the sill level of flushing sluices acted as a barrier in the transport of bed load and much of the suspended load, and hence relatively silt free water has caused scouring on down stream side. This scouring on the downstream of the dam site will automatically check once the bed level on the upstream of the dam site will raise up to the flushing sluices sill level. Then instead of degradation on downstream side of the dam, aggradations will start and at a later stage an equilibrium condition will be maintained by the river.

3.0 2.5

Critical Velocity (m/s)

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.001





Average Sediment dia (mm)

Figure 19: Critical velocities for various sediment sizes (Yang, 1989)







Literature on flushing the reservoirs reveals that the flows required for flushing should be of the order of double of mean annual flow. As the mean annual flow is 816 m3/s, hence a recommended flushing discharge would be about 1632 or 1600 m3/s. A mean daily flow hydrograph for the Karot dam site is plotted in Figure 14 along with the flushing discharge of 1600 m3/s constant line. This Figure show that the suitable flushing time would be somewhere in May or June, when the flows are highest. However, for every year it depends on the availability of the flows closer to 1600 m3/s.

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Flushing Strategies

To carryout flushing of the sediments through the reservoir, it should be emptied somewhere at the end of April on the basis of average flows. Practically it would depend on the actual temporal distribution of the flows. After emptying, certain days are required for continuous flushing at riverine flow conditions, after flushing operation, it should be re-filled back. To study this whole process, time for emptying the reservoir, flushing the reservoir and refilling the reservoir must be estimated. To do so graphical relationship between surface area of the reservoir and elevation was established and is shown in Figure 15. Rating curve for total outflows from the dam is shown in Figure 16. As it is necessary to empty the reservoir before flushing, time required to empty the reservoir at various levels have been computed and shown in Figure 17. The time required to empty fully the reservoir is 11 hours with the provided facility of under sluices. The same Figure illustrates the time required to refill the reservoir with a standard flow of 1600 m3/s.

24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Flushing Duration (days)




Flushing discharge (m /s)

Figure 20: Flushing durations required to flush one year deposited Sediments

To achieve draw-downs, the flushing sluices will be opened and a riverine flow will be obtained. Corresponding to any discharge value what will be the depth of flows, Froude number and mean velocities, can be obtained from the output of the HEC-RAS model in tabular form. For discharge of 1600 cumecs, the velocity of flows at various sections are given in Figure 18. The velocity of flows during flushing varies from 0.5 to 2.6 m/s. Figure 19 depicts the findings of Yang et al. about the critical velocities required to move various particle sizes. This Figure shows that even a 50 mm diameter sediment particle can be flushed with 1600 cumecs discharge value. Page | 25

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The one year delta deposit was given as input to the flushing model HEC-RAS. The model was run for various discharges and flushing durations were determined. These are plotted and shown in Figure 20. Flushing was modelled for range of flushing discharges from 800 to 2400 m3/s. It is learnt from the Figure that suitable flushing discharges for the Karot reservoir are 1600 to 2000 m3/s, for which flushing durations required would be 20 to 17 days. At low flushing discharge (800 m3/s), the flushing duration required would be 22 days.

Scoured channel cross section Reservoir cross section

Figure 21: Cross section immediately u/s of the dam for simplified reservoir geometry

The above calculations show that around 18 days flushing is required to desilt the about 90% of the annual trapped sediment load in the Karot reservoir. Total time required for the flushing process would be time for emptying the reservoir (11 hours), time for flushing (18 days) and time for refilling the reservoir (30 hours). In total 20 days would be required for complete flushing operation of the reservoir. This much duration of flushing is expected for average flow and sediment years.


The various indicators for successful flushing of sediments from Reservoir are Sediments Balance Ratio (SBR), Long Term Capacity Ratio (LTCR), Draw Down Ratio (DDR), Sediment Balance Ratio during full draw down ( SBR d ), Flushing Width Ratio (FWR) and Top Width Ratio (TWR). For the successful flushing the limits of these indicators are: - SBR >1, LTCR approaching to unity, DDR = 0.7, SBR d >1, FWR > 1 and TWR = 1-2 (Atkinson, 1996). But the main indicators that are to be Page | 26

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fulfilled to assess the successful flushing of the reservoir, are the SBR and LTCR. Successfully flushed Reservoirs fulfill the above two indicators whereas unsuccessfully flushed reservoirs do not fulfill the LTCR criteria at all (Habib et al., 2009). The detailed discussion about two parameters is given below: Sediment Balance Ratio (SBR) is defined as the ratio between sediments mass flushed annually and sediments mass deposited annually.


Mf M dep


Where M f is sediments mass flushed annually and M dep is the sediments mass deposited annually.
Wres = Wbot + 2SS res (El f El min )

(2) (3) (4)

Wf = 12.8 Q f S=


El max El f L Q f S 1.2 W 0.6


QS =


M f = 86400 T f QS
M dep = M in TE 100

(6) (7)

LTCR is defined as the ratio between sustainable capacity to the original capacity of the reservoir; whereas sustainable capacity is the total volume of the reservoir which can be maintained due to the flushing of the reservoir (Atkinson, 1996). LTCR = Af Ar (8)

Wtf = W + 2 SS S (El max El f

(9) (10)

Wt = Wbot + SS res (El max El min )

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Table 2: Computations for flushing indicators of Karot Reservoir

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Input data for flushing Analysis Parameter Symbol Original Storage Capacity Co Reservoir Length L Elevation of top water level at dam Elmax River Bed Level at dam site Elmin Water surface elevation at dam during flushing Elf Representative bottom width Wbot Representative Side Slope SSres Representative Side Slope for Sediment SSs Mean Annual Water Inflow Vin Mean Annual Sediment Inflow Min Tsinghua University Factor for Sediment Type Sediment Load factor (if different China) Capacity inflow ratio Co/Vin Trap Efficiency TE Flushing Discharge Qf Flushing Duration Tf Output Flushing Parameters Parameter Symbol Sediment Balance Ratio SBR Long Term Capacity Ratio LTCR Drawdown Ratio DDR Flushing Width Ratio FWR Top Width Ratio TWR

Value 160 26,000 461 390 412 90 1.5 1.5 25,840 36,070,000 300 3 0.0062 47 1600 20

Units MCM m m m m m

MCM Tonnes

% cumecs days

S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Value 35.42 0.81 0.69 1.73 1.00

Criteria >1 1 > 0.7 >1 1 to 2

Af =

Wtf + W 2

(El max El min )


hm =

Wres W 2(SS S SS res )


hl = El max El f hm h f = El max El f

(13) (14)

Where Af is the cross sectional area of valley scoured out by flushing (m2), Ar is the cross sectional area of reservoir in reach immediately upstream from dam (m2), Elf is the water surface elevation at the dam during flushing (m), Elmax is the elevation of top water level (m), Elmin is the minimum river bed elevation immediately upstream from the dam (m), hf is a height defined in Figure 21 (m), hl is a height defined in Figure 21 (m), L is the reservoir length (m), Mdep is the mass of sediments which deposits annually in the reservoir (Tons), Mf is the mass of sediments flushed annually from the reservoir (Tons), Min is the mean annual sediments inflow (Tons), Qf is the discharge passing through reservoir during flushing (m3/s), Qs is the sediment load during flushing (Tons/s), S is the longitudinal slope during flushing, SSres is the Page | 28

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Sediment Flushing Through Karot Reservoir

representative side slope for the reservoir, SSs is side slope for the deposits exposed by flushing, TE is the trapping efficiency of reservoir (%), Tf is the duration of flushing (days), W is the width of flow for flushing conditions (m), W bot is the bottom width for the reservoir (m), W f is the width of flow at the bed of the flushing channel (m), W res is the reservoir width in the reach upstream from the dam at flushing water surface elevation (m), W tf is the top width of the scoured valley at the top water level (m), is the multiplier in the Tsinghua University method for sediment load prediction during flushing. The values of 05 flushing indicators have been computed for the Karot reservoir and are reported in Table 2. The input data required for these calculations are also given in the same Table. The parameters are computed for a flushing discharge of 1600 cumecs with a flushing duration of 20 days. The computed value of Sediment Balance Ratio (SBR) is over satisfied. The output values show that Karot reservoir fulfills all the criteria except for Long Term Storage Capacity (LTCR), its value is 0.81 except 1. The value of Drawdown Ratio (DDR) is very close to the criteria i.e. 0.7, whereas Flushing Width Ratio (FWR) and Top Width Ratio (TWR) are also fully satisfying. As the Karot reservoir does not satisfy the LTCR criteria fully, hence the flushing efficiency of the reservoir wouldnt be 100%. It would be around 80 to 90%.

Feasibility report does not contain any study relating to sediment flushing modeling through the reservoir using either SHARC or HEC-RAS Model. The mentioned one to two weeks flushing duration was just based on the experience of the Consultants expert. Results of the HEC-RAS Model for longitudinal sediment delta profile of the Karot reservoir reveal that in one year deposited sediments would be 15.5 MCM and the pivot point will reach at 8 km from the dam face. After 12 and 16 years, sediment deposited would be 66.63 and 76.7 MCM, whereas, pivot point would be expected to reach at 8 and 7.9 km, respectively. Appropriate flushing discharge determined for the Karot reservoir flushing is 1600 m3/s and the appropriate month to flush the reservoir should be either in May or June, whereas, total flushing duration required to flush the deposited sediments of one year including the emptying and refilling time would be around 20 days. Numerical values obtained for 05 flushing indicators for the Karot reservoir are well satisfied except for LTCR, hence flushing efficiency of the reservoir to flush the sediments wouldnt be 100 %, hence a longer duration of the flushing is expected.

Flushing discharge of 1600 m3/s with a total flushing duration of 20 days is recommended in the month of either May or June to flush the deposited sediments of one year in the Karot reservoir. Page | 29

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