Power Spectral Density
Power Spectral Density
Power Spectral Density
In an analogy to the energy signals, let us dene a function that would give us some indication of the relative power contributions at various frequencies, as Sf (). This function has units of power per Hz and its integral yields the power in f (t) and is known as power spectral density function. Mathematically, 1 P = Sf ()d. (1) 2 Assume that we are given a signal f (t) and we truncate it over the interval (T /2, T /2). This truncated version is f (t)(t/T ). If f (t) is nite over the interval (T /2, T /2), then the truncated function f (t)(t/T ) has nite energy and its Fourier transform FT () is FT () = F{f (t)(t/T )}. Parsevals theorem of the truncated version is
T /2 T /2
|f (t)|2 dt =
1 2
|FT ()|2 d.
|f (t)|2 dt = lim
1 1 T T 2
|FT ()|2 d.
Sf ()d = lim
1 1 T T 2
|FT ()|2 d.
In addition if we insist that this relation should hold over each frequency increment, then Mf () = 1 2
Sf (u)du = lim
1 1 T T 2
Mf () is known as the cumulative power spectrum. Now, interchange the order of the limiting operator and the integration (assuming it is valid)
2Mf () =
Sf (u)du =
Sf () = lim
This derivation are adapted from F.G. Stremler, Introduction to Communication Systems, 2nd Ed., AddisonWesley, Massachusetts, 1982
Taking the inverse Fourier transform of Equation (9) gives us F 1 {Sf ()} = 1 2 |FT ()|2 j e d. T T lim
Interchanging the order of operation yields F 1 {Sf ()} = lim = lim = lim 1 T 2T
T /2 T /2 FT ()FT ()ej d T /2 T /2 T /2
1 T 2T
f (t)ejt dt f (t )
T /2
T /2 T /2
1 T T
f (t)
1 2
The integration over in the above equation is equal to (t t + ), therefore F 1 {Sf ()} = lim 1 T T
T /2 T /2 T /2 T /2
f (t)
T /2
f (t )(t t + )dt dt
T /2
1 = lim T T
f (t)f (t + )dt
The inverse Fourier transform of Sf () is called autocorrelation function of f (t) and is denoted by Rf ( ). To summarize 1 T /2 Rf ( ) = lim f (t)f (t + )dt (13) T T T /2 and Sf () = F{Rf ( )} If the signal is periodic with period T0 then, Rf ( ) = 1 T0 f (t)f (t + )dt