Report On Consumer's Perception On Iphone
Report On Consumer's Perception On Iphone
Report On Consumer's Perception On Iphone
Memo of transmittal
Madam Fouzia Jamil Khan Instructor of Psychology Fast National University
Dear Fouzia Jamil Khan: With reference our earlier interaction regarding the selection of the topic for the term of paper for the Psychology we would like to remind you that we were assigned the topic of Consumers perception on iphone for the term ends report. We have done research on the population through questionnaires such as desirable and undesirable. In our report we have make a detailed analysis on the sample that we have taken for this report. It enable us to come on the results that what is the basic perception regarding Apple iphone. In case of any confusion or question feel free to contact us. We shall be more than happy to clarity and help. Yours Respectfully, Name: Abdul Qayoom (09-2647) Asad Mehmood (10-2665) Naresh Kumar (10-2649) Yahya Feroz (09-2667) Danial Munir (08-0071) Shoaib Ahmed (10-2154) Enclosure: Final report
Table Of content
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 6 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 7 APPLE I-PHONE.................................................................................................................................... 8 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Need for the study .............................................................................................................................. 9 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Questionnaire ..................................................................................................................................... 9 MEASUREMENT AND SCALING ............................................................................................................... 9 1. 2. 3. Ordinal Scale ............................................................................................................................... 9 Likert Scale .................................................................................................................................. 9 Sampling Plan .............................................................................................................................. 9
ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Desirable Perception ......................................................................................................................... 10 Undesirable Perception .................................................................................................................... 22 CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................................... 33 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 33 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................................. 34 QUESTIONAIRE .................................................................................................................................. 35 Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................... 39
The report begins with the finding the perception of mobile phone buyers. Earlier mobile was used mainly for voice communication but as the time progressed buyers started people started using mobile phones for messaging purpose. This time was known as the 1st generation of mobile phone. Time changed and the buyers where again looking for some more features in their mobile phones and the manufactures too where busy to come out with innovative features, it was the beginning of 2nd generation of mobile phone, when mobile phones with Camera and MP3 players were introduced. And now we are in the 3rd generation of mobile phone were we can send Emails, Pictures, Video etc from one phone to other. This report mainly focuses on the perception of iphone; we have tried to analysis the perception of people about the product. The result what I got from this research was that iphone is desirable for 93.3% and only for 6.7% people it is undesirable. In sample of 30 people there were 29 male and 1 were female apart from that most were young. Most of the people think that iphone is better than other as compare to other mobile and they think that it is better in aspect of high technology. Lots of people hear about the iphone by marketing. It is strange but it is true that those people whom iphone is desirable are satisfied with their existing handset quality. People like iphone as trusted brand, innovative, fashionable design and strong entertainment and most of the people understand all the functions. Iphone has the great influence in the Pakistan mobile market people are eager to buy this cell phone.
Mobile users today want their handsets to be converged devices handling multiple functions, entertainment being the most important among them. They want their mobile to be fully loaded with top-end features, but they want all that at affordable costs. Iphone contains all that features which people demands and iphone meet on the people expectations. The Apple iPhone is easily the most publicized new mobile device in recent memory.This brand is strong among teens, as many say that they hope to buy it. If that does happen, it will be a kind of "first" in the cell phone market, because Apple isn't likely to discount phones, leaving this to be one expensive status symbol. We all know that iphone is a big name in the modern mobile world, its applications and design are the key factors which tempt people towards it.
From this survey we want to know about the peoples attraction towards iphone. This report will include: 1. Our survey will include the desirability and undesirability of the iphone. 2. Samples were originated through the observation present and specified in the questionnaire. 3. The questionnaires included measurement of scale which were: Ordinal scale Likert scale Sampling plan. 4. The above analysis applied did sketched the preview about the desirable/undesirable school of thought in the real world.
This was the most awaited phone in the Indian market. It is now here, but not before it became famous throughout the rest of the world. Renowned for its chic design and easy-to-use functions the iPhone has tremendous features such as its wide and clear screen, iPod, internet capability with classic web browser, GPS mapping, and last but not lease, a phone. Apple iPhone is being offered in the USA for the price of $900, so the awaiting buyers in Pakistan expected the same price. Unfortunately, that is not what happened. To grab hold of this hot item, you will have to shell out Rs.80,000 for the 8GB.
The objective of the project is to explore the perception of the customer towards i-phone as a brand. To do a comparative study of iphone handsets in Pakistan In the first part of my objective, I will try to find out the perception about wither it is desirable or not for people Second part of the study will be focused on knowledge of people about the product and their satisfaction with existent handset. This analysis will be done on the basis of the features which customer prefers more.
There are nearly 120 million consumers of mobile handsets making the telecommunication sector one of the most lucrative markets for global mobile phone manufacturers & cell phone providers. For this research I have taken a random sample of 30 mobile phone users in Different parts of Pakistan. The methodology to conduct the study was composed of different tasks as follows
Questionnaire: The inputs from the above two helped us in the questionnaire formation.
Important attributes were identified and incorporated. Also, the research objectives helped us Identify the nature of questions we needed to ask.
3. Sampling Plan: We intend to carry out our survey on a population which would comprise of customer from all age group.
Desirable Perception
Age Cumulative Frequency Valid 15-20 21-25 26-30 Total 6 20 2 28 Percent 21.4 71.4 7.1 100.0 Valid Percent 21.4 71.4 7.1 100.0 Percent 21.4 92.9 100.0
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that 21.4% people are in the age of
15-20. 71% people are in the age of 21-25 while 7.1% people are in the age of 26-30.
Gender Cumulative Frequency Valid Male Female Total 27 1 28 Percent 96.4 3.6 100.0 Valid Percent 96.4 3.6 100.0 Percent 96.4 100.0
Question no #1
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that 78.6% people thinks that Iphone
is better than other and 17.9% people thinks that iphone is not better than other mobile.
Question no #2 Cumulative Frequency Valid High-tech Quality Design Function Total Missing Total System 11 10 2 4 27 1 28 Percent 39.3 35.7 7.1 14.3 96.4 3.6 100.0 Valid Percent 40.7 37.0 7.4 14.8 100.0 Percent 40.7 77.8 85.2 100.0
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that 40.7% people thinks that iphone
is better than other mobile in aspect of High Tech, 37% people thinks that iphone is better than other mobile in aspect of Quality, 7.4% people thinks that iphone is better than other mobile in aspect of Design, 14.8% people think that iphone is better than other mobile in aspect of Function,
Question no #3
Interpretation: 32.1% people says that they hear about the product by Friends,
50% people says that they hear about the product by Advertising, and 17.9% people says that they hear about the product by internet.
Question no #4 Cumulative Frequency Valid Unsatisfied Satisfied Total 7 21 28 Percent 25.0 75.0 100.0 Valid Percent 25.0 75.0 100.0 Percent 25.0 100.0
25% people say that they are not satisfied with the existing
handset quality, while 75% people say that they are satisfied.
Question no #5 Cumulative Frequency Valid Yes No Sometimes Total 13 7 8 28 Percent 46.4 25.0 28.6 100.0 Valid Percent 46.4 25.0 28.6 100.0 Percent 46.4 71.4 100.0
Interpretation: 46.4% people says that advertising affects them, 25% says that it
does not affect then and 28% people says that sometime it affect them.
Question no #6
Interpretation: 46.4% people says that they understand the function of iphone,
28.6% people says that they do not understand, 10% people says that they understand and 14.3% people says that they understand only few functions.
Question no #7 Cumulative Frequency Valid Trusted Brand Innovative Fashionable Design Strong Entertainment Total 9 10 4 5 28 Percent 32.1 35.7 14.3 17.9 100.0 Valid Percent 32.1 35.7 14.3 17.9 100.0 Percent 32.1 67.9 82.1 100.0
the thing which decided them to purchase is trusted brand, 35.7% people says that the thing which decided them to purchase is innovative, 14.3% people says that the thing which decided them to purchase is fashionable design and17.9% people says that the thing which decided them to purchase is strong entertainment.
Question no #8
Question no #9
among their friends if they purchase iphone and 85.7% people says that it will make them feel outstanding among their friends.
Question no #10
Interpretation: The view about this product of 69.9% people is very good and the
view of 32.1% people is good.
Undesirable Perception
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that 50% are in the age of 21-25
and50% are in the age of 26-30.
Percent 100.0
undesirable perception.
Question no #1
Percent 100.0
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that 100% people use the nokia phone
which makes the iphone undesirable for them.
Question no #2
Percent 100.0
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that 100% people are satisfied with
their phone which makes the iphone undesirable for them.
Question no #3 Cumulative Frequency Valid Less than six Month Less than one year Total 1 1 2 Percent 50.0 50.0 100.0 Valid Percent 50.0 50.0 100.0 Percent 50.0 100.0
This frequency table shows that 50% people are using their
mobile less than six month and 50% people says that they are using this product less than one
Question no #4 Cumulative Frequency Valid Satisfied 2 Percent 100.0 Valid Percent 100.0 Percent 100.0
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that all people are satisfied with their
existing handset quality.
Question no #5
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that advertising affect 50% people
and it do not affect50% people.
Question no #6
Percent 100.0
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that all people understand the function
of their mobile which make the iphone undesirable for them.
Question no #7
Percent 100.0
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that all the people are decided to
purchase their phone just because of innovation, which make iphone undesirable for them.
Question no #8
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that 50% people will not buy other
brand if similar product is offered by another brand and 50% people says that they will buy it.
Question no #9 Cumulative Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Total 1 1 2 Percent 50.0 50.0 100.0 Valid Percent 50.0 50.0 100.0 Percent 50.0 100.0
Interpretation: This frequency table shows that 50% people says that their brand
make them feel outstanding among their friends and 50% says that their brand do not make them feel outstanding among their friends.
Riding on a wave of increasing growth, the mobile telephony in Pakistan is expected to rise to a consumer base of over 96.77 million by 2010, making the telecommunication sector one of the most lucrative markets for global mobile phone manufacturers & cell phone providers. The mobile phone manufacturers need to be more specific about what features customer want in their handsets. Now even Apple has also launched iphone in Pakistan market. After analyzing we found that although it is expensive mobile in Pakistan, but it is desirable for people. It is also sign of high status in society.
1. Out of the 120 million users of mobile phones, only a sample of 30 mobile phones users where taken for the study, so result of the study may vary from the actual. 2. Since questionnaire where used for collecting the primary data, so there are chances that the given data may vary from the actual, which can lead to wrong results. 3. Due to the limitation of time, there were some of the factors, which were not considered in the study.
Q#1: Do you think iphone is better than other mobiles? No (if no go to question no 3) Q#2: In which aspect do you think iphone is better than others? High-tech Quality Design Function
Q#3: How did you hear about iphone?
Friends Advertising Internet Salespeople Q#4: Are you satisfied with the existing handset's quality? Unsatisfied 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Satisfied
Q#5: Does advertisement of iphone affect you? Yes No Sometimes Q# 6: Do you understand the functions of iPhone? Yes No Not all Only few
Q#7: What are the main factors that you have decided to purchase iphone?
Trusted brand
Fashionable design
Strong entertainment
Q#8: If a similar product will offered by another brand, is it possible that you will chose it? Impossible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Possible
above 30
Q#1: Which brand are you currently using? Nokia Samsung HTC Other Q#2: Are you satisfied with your mobile phone? Yes No
Less than one month Less than six month Less than one year More than one year Q#4: Are you satisfied with the existing handset's quality? Unsatisfied 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Satisfied
Q#5: Does advertisement of their existing brand affect you? Yes No Sometimes
Q#7: What are the main factors that you have decided to purchase your phone? Trusted brand Innovative Fashionable design Strong entertainment Q#8: If a similar product will offered by another brand, is it possible that you will chose it? Impossible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Possible
Q#10: State one drawback of iphone which makes it undesirable for you.
Magazines Digit Edition: August 2008 PC Quest Edition: July 2008 Websites www.gsmarena.