Cs Aromatics en
Cs Aromatics en
Cs Aromatics en
Chemical Industry
BTX and phenols
Aromatics, phenols Aromatics, so called because of their distinctive perfumed smell, are hydrocarbons that consist exclusively of the elements carbon and hydrogen. The basic aromatics are benzene, toluene and the xylenes (BTX). In chemical industry, the BTX aromatics - largely produced from petroleum - are highly important. They help to fulfill human needs in many areas, such as health, hygiene, housing and food. Examples are pharmaceuticals (Aspirin, Penicillin), packaging materials, clothes, car tires, sport articles, CDs etc. Phenols are a class of aromatical compounds consisting of a hydroxyl group (-O H) attached to an aromatic hydrocarbon group. The simplest of the class is phenol (C6H5OH). It is a flammable, colorless or white solid with a strong sweet odor. It is usually sold and used as a liquid, because it dissolves fairly well in water. The largest market for phenol is in the production of Bisphenol A (BPA), which is manufactured from phenol and acetone. BPA is, in turn, used to manufacture polycarbonate and epoxy resins. Both polycarbonate and epoxy resins are used in many industries and in countless items like CDs or circuit boards or fibre glass. Several routes exist for the production of phenol. Today, the oxidation of Cumene (produced from benzene) is by far the most common route. Process analyzers, mainly process gas chromatographs, are standard in phenol production plants. They deliver key data to process and product quality control and plant asset management. Siemens Sensors and Communication provides efficient analyzers, analyzer systems, expertise and solutions to this tasks.
CH3 group
CH3 group
Benzene, C6H6
Toluene, C6H5CH3
Carbon atom
Hydrogen atom
Phenol Caprolactam
Aromatics Aromatics, so called because of their distinctive perfumed smell, are hydrocarbons that consist exclusively of the elements carbon and hydrogen. The main aromatics are benzene, toluene and different xylenes, in short BTX. Toluene and the xylenes are derived from benzene by replacing one or two hydrogen atoms by a CH3 group (fig. 1). The phenols belong to the group of aromatics. In the chemical industry, aromatics rank amongst the most important intermediate products with a wide range of applications. Aromatics are produced from reformate, pyrolysis gasoline, naphta, and LPG. While reformate is the major source of aromatics in most of the world, pyrolysis gasoline is also a significant source of aromatics. Both reformate and pyrolysis gasoline are mixtures of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, with the proportions of each and the composition of the aromatic portion varying according to the processing conditions during their production.
They differ, however, in the following important respects: Pyrolysis gasoline is a by-product from olefins manufacture and its yield and composition are determined primarily by conditions fixed by the needs of the olefins producer. Reformate on the other hand is produced deliberately from naphtha and, within the technical limits available, its production and composition can be set by the needs of the aromatics producer. In general, pyrolysis gasoline tends to be richer in total BTX than reformate, although an overlap occurs under extreme conditions. The processes applied for the extraction and subsequent separation of the aromatics contained in the two feedstocks are considerably influenced by this difference in composition, with pygas treatment geared primarily to benzene recovery and reformate treatment geared to the extraction of the whole BTX, with particular emphasis on xylenes.
Feed materials
Pyrolysis gasoline is the aromatics-rich naphtharange stream produced in sizeable quantities by an ethylene plant when it cracks butane, naphtha, or gasoil. Pygas resembles reformate. It can serve as a high-octane blendstock for motor gasoline or as a feedstock for an aromatics extraction unit. Reformate are high-octane liquid products gained from petroleum refinery typically having low octane ratings, through the process of calalytical reforming. Naphta is a group of various liquid hydrocarbon intermediate refined products of varying boiling point ranges from 20 to 75 C which may be derived from oil or from coal tar, and perhaps other primary sources. LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles. LPG is manufactured during the refining of crude oil, or extracted from oil or gas streams as they emerge from the ground. At normal temperatures and pressures, LPG will evaporate.
Toluene revovery
Benzene column
The typical reformate feed stock stream is rich in aromatics with impurities of light paraffins and light naphtenes (P&N), which are predominantly separated in the dehexanizer. In the benzene column, the benzene and the remaining impurities go overhead while the toluene, mixed xylenes, ethyl benzene, and C9+ aromatics go out the bottom. The overhead enters an absorber/stripper unit to purify the benzene. The remaining P&N enters the benzene recovery column, where any remaining benzene is stripped out before the impurities are sent on to further processing. The bottoms of the benzene column enters an absorber/stripper unit to remove any remaining P&N impurities. The overhead passes to the toluene recovery column where toluene is stripped out before the impurities are sent onto further processing. The purified stream enters the toluene column to separate the toluene. Note: Different solvent extraction processes may be used from plant to plant. Process analytics in BTX units In BTX units, process gas chromatographs are used to ensure product purity and minimize loss of product.
BTX production
Aromatics Fractionation Units (also called BTX units) are used to separate a mixture of aromatics into pure Benzene, Toluene, and mixed Xylenes. The resulting BTX product streams are either processed by a chemical unit within the refinery itself or sold for processing in other plants. The feedstock is typically the reformate from a catalytic reforming unit (reformer).
Benzene recovery
Non-aromatics 6
Measuring task
Minimize impurities before getting to the products stream Reduce benzene loss
Siemens Analyzer
Minimize toluene overhead loss Minimize impurities reaching benzene product Minimize benzene loss to toluene stream Minimize impurities from toluene product stream
5 6 7
Table 1 Analysis measuring tasks, related to fig. 4 MCP: Methylcyclopentane, MCH: Methylcyclehexane
Special attention should be paid to the analyzer configuration because many of the compounds are very difficult to properly separate and analyze. High temperature ovens and high efficiency separation technology (capillary columns) support short analysis times. The Siemens MAXUM II Process Gas Chro-
matograph offers all features and technologies to perfectly solve this application. Today the oxydation of cumene (Hock process) is by far the dominant synthetic route to phenol. Table 1 informs about the various analysis measuring tasks.
Production of phenol
Process analytics in the Cumene route
Cumene (produced from benzene and propene) is at first oxidized with oxygen to cumene hydroperoxide (CHP). CHP is then cleaved to phenol and acetone by using a strong mineral acid as catalyst. Beside phenol also acetone is received as by-product. Cumene is the most important feedstock for the production of phenol. Starting with benzene and propene, the cumene route includes several steps: Production of cumene (Isopropylbenzene) via alkylation of benzene with propylene. Oxidation of cumene to cumene hydroperoxid, CHP. This reaction is usually carried out in a series of reactors at temperatures of 90 - 130 C and pressures of 1-10 at. Fresh and recycled cumene is fed, together with oxygen from air. Careful control of acidity levels, temperature and pressure are vital as at higher temperatures, the hydroperoxide is unstable and can decompose violently. The CHP concentration is then increased by vaccuum distillation to 65-90 %. The off-gas is purified by condensation and adsorption. Cleavage Based on an ionic mechanism, in the cleavage section CHP is reacting to acetone and phenol in presence of a sulfuric acid as catalyst. The first leavage reactor operates at 40-80 C, the second above 100 C. The product is cooled and neutralized using sodium phenolate (NaPh). The organic phase from the cleavage reaction, consisting of phenol, acetone, cumene, AMS, water, and byproducts, is sent to the distillation section for separation into acetone, phenol, tar, and crude AMS. The aqueous phase is sent to wastewater treatment. Alternatives for coproduct-free phenol production routes are known (toluene route) or under design, e.g. the direct oxidation of benzene to phenol.
Phenol 1012 13
Vacuum distllation
Acetone column
Cumene column
Waste water 14
Hydrog. H2
Measur. range
Measuring task
AMS column
Siemens Analyzer
Off-gas after activated Total hydrocarbons carbon adsorbers Cumene after hydrogenation reactor
Ketones, aromatic hydro- ppm/% carbons, aromatic olelevel fines, phenol, hydrogenaCumene before hydrotion products of aromatics genation reactor Aceton column head Pure Acetone Alcohols. aldehydes, keppm/% tones, aromatics, conden- level sation products of aceppm level tone, e.g. di-acetone alcohol Aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic olefines, phenol ppm/% level ppm/% level ppm level Phenol, aromatic ketones, % level aromatic high boiling constituents Ketones, aromatic hydro- ppm/% carbons, aromatic olelevel fines, phenol, phenolic constituents (e.g. ppm level kresols), heterocyclic constituents (e.g. furanes)
Control of by-products Product quality control Control of by-products Control of by-products Product quality control
4 7 8 9
Head product AMS column AMS column bottom Pure AMS Phenol column bottom tar Phenol column head after various purification steps Pure phenol
MAXUM PTGC Control of by-products Product quality control TOC MAXUM PTGC
10 11 12 13
Production of phenol
MAXUM Process GC
The solution provider for process analysis in phenol plants
General objectives
Setup A
In phenol plants, process gas chromatographs are by far the most important process analyzers. They deliver detailed data from the process and enable the control system to continuously optimize the process. The main objectives are to optimize and control plant operation for best efficiency and product quality (e. g. impurities in pure phenol < 100 ppm) by continuous monitoring of the process streams composition continuous control of by-products to minimize expensive treatment steps such as distillation or ion exchange, online product purity control to avoid expenses for a process monitoring laboratory analysis. MAXUM II controls process conditions Procuct quality of a phenol plant strongly depends on parameters such as process stream composition, reaction temperatures, separation performance, etc. For process profitability and product quality, a phenol plant must be operated as close as possible to the particular optimal process parameters. This also provides maximum throughput and minimized production costs. Gas chromatography can support this objective essentially. Flashheater injection module This injection module is specially adapted to vaporize high boiling liquid samples, such as phenols, AMS, fatty alcohols, or glycols. The flashheater combines the design requirements of a liquid injection valve for process usewith the performance of a laboratory injector. Optimal and ultra-fast vaporizing is guaranteed by the design of the
Sample Carrier gas
Flashheater injection
Detection Oven 2
Setup B
Sample Carrier gas
Oven 1 (Analysis type 1): Flashheater injection, isotherm, Airbath, FID, capillary columns
Oven 1 Live Column switching FID
Flashheater injection
Oven 2 (Analysis type 2): Flashheater injection, temperature programmed, Airbath, FID, capillary columns
Sample Carrier gas Flashheater injection Live FID Oven 2
Fig. 6 MAXUM II: Dual oven concept with Airless (A) and Airbath (B) configuration
plunger inside of the injector. No peak tailing effects are occuring. The plunger is directly heated (appr. 1 000 Amps) with a temperature rise of about 250 C/min. Heating time is adaptable to the properties of the sample. The control unit also manages a time delay of appr. 0.2 s between moving the plunger into the vaporizer chamber and start of heating. Outstanding features The Siemens MAXUM edition II (fig. 11) represents the top technology with outstanding features resulting in a high versatility to solve demanding application tasks with best possible analytical results at lowest costs. Selected features especially for sophisticated applications, such as in phenol plants, are: Multiple analytical tools such as injectors, ovens, detectors or columns to adapt the hardware perfectly to the analytical needs
Single and independent dual oven concept (fig. 6) for minimizing the number of analyzers Temperature programmed oven option to optimize separation and analysis time for high boiling and complex mixtures Airless oven to reduce utility costs Flashheater injection module (fig. 7) to optimize the evaporation of high boilong liquid samples and to prvide lowest detection lomits < 1ppm. Valveless column switching to reduce maintenance
MAXUM Process GC
Analyzers and chromatographs are available in different versions for rack or field mounting, explosion protection, corrosion resistant etc. A flexible networking concept allows interfacing to DCS and maintenance stations via 4-20 mA, PROFIBUS, OPC, Modbus or industrial ethernet.
Product scope
Siemens Continuous Gas Analyzers and Process Gas Chromatographs
Extractive Continuous Gas Analyzers (CGA) ULTRAMAT 23 The ULTRAMAT 23 is a cost-effective multicomponent analyser for the measurement of up to 3 infrared sensitive gases (NDIR principle) plus oxygen (electrochemical cell). The ULTRAMAT 23 is suitable for a wide range of standard applications. Calibration using ambient air eliminates the need of expensive calibration gases. CALOMAT 6/62 The CALOMAT 6 uses the thermal conductivity detection (TCD) method to measure the concentration of certain process gases, preferably hydrogen.The CALOMAT 62 applies the TCD method as well and is specially designed for use in application with corrosive gases such as chlorine. OXYMAT 6/61/64 The OXYMAT 6 uses the paramagnetic measuring method and can be used in applications for process control, emission monitoring and quality assurance. Due to its ultrafast response, the OXYMAT 6 is perfect for monitoring safety-relevant plants. The corrosionproof design allows analysis in the presence of highly corrosive gases.The OXYMAT 61 is a low-cost oxygen analyser for standard applications.The OXYMAT 64 is a gas analyzer based on ZrO2 technology to measure smallest oxygen concentrations in pure gas applications ULTRAMAT 6 The ULTRAMAT 6 uses the NDIR measuring principle and can be used in all applications from emission monitoring to process control even in the presence of highly corrosive gases. ULTRAMAT 6 is able to measure up to 4 infrared sensitive components in a single unit. ULTRAMAT 6 / OXYMAT 6 Both analyzer benches can be combined in one housing to form a multi-component device for measuring up to two IR components and oxygen. FIDAMAT 6 The FIDAMAT 6 measures the total hydrocarbon content in air or even in highboiling gas mixtures. It covers nearly all requirements, from trace hydrocarbon detection in pure gases to measurement of high hydrocarbon concentrations, even in the presence of corrosive gases. Process Gas Chromatographs (Process GC) MAXUM edition II MAXUM edition II is very well suited to be used in rough industrial environments and performs a wide range of duties in the chemical and petrochemical industries and refineries. MAXUM II features e. g. a flexible, energy saving single or dual oven concept, valveless sampling and column switching, and parallel chromatography using multiple single trains as well as a wide range of detectors such as TCD, FID, FPD, PDHID, PDECD and PDPID. MicroSAM MicroSAM is a very compact explosionproof micro process chromatograph. Using silicon-based micromechanical components it combines miniaturization with increased performance at the same time. MicroSAM is easy to use and its rugged and small design allows mounting right at the sampling point. MicroSAM features drastically reduced cycle times, provides valveless sample injection and column switching and saves installation, maintenance, and service costs. SITRANS CV SITRANS CV is a micro process gas chromatograph especially designed for reliable, exact and fast analysis of natural gas. The rugged and compact design makes SITRANS CV suitable for extreme areas of use, e.g. off-shore exploration or direct mounting on a pipeline. The special software "CV Control" meets the requirements of the natural gas market, e.g. custody transfer.
In-situ Continuous Gas Analyzers (CGA) LDS 6 LDS 6 is a high-performance in-situ process gas analyser. The measurement (through the sensor) occurs directly in the process stream, no extractive sample line is required. The central unit is separated from the sensor by using fiber optics. Measurements are carried out in realtime. This enables a pro-active control of dynamic processes and allows fast, cost-saving corrections.
Product scope
Analytical solutions are always driven by the customers requirements. We offer an integrated design covering all steps from sampling point and sample preparation up to complete analyser cabinets or for installation in analyser shelters (fig. 15). This includes also signal processing and communications to the control room and process control system. We rely on many years of world-wide experience in process automation and engineering and a collection of specialized knowledge in key industries and industrial sectors. We provide Siemens quality from a single source with a function warranty for the entire system. Read more in chapter "Our services.
DCS: Distributed Control System ASM: Analyzer System Manager CEMS: Continuous Emission Monitoring System
Process Control DCS Integration: Modbus PROFIBUS Industrial Ethernet OPC via Ethernet
Industrial Ethernet
Process GC
Field Installation
Shelter, CEMS
Gas Chromatographs
4-20 mA
Engineering and manufacturing of process analytical solutions increasingly comprises "networking". It is getting a standard requirement in the process industry to connect analyzers and analyzer systems to a communication network to provide for continuous and direct data transfer from and to the analysers. The two objectives are (fig. 16)
To integrate the analyzer and analyzer systems seamless into the PCS / DCS system of the plant and To allow direct access to the analysers or systems from a maintenance station to ensure correct and reliable operation including preventive or predictive maintenance (fig. 14). Siemens Process Analytics provides networking solutions to meet the demands of both objectives.
FEED for Process Analytics Front End Engineering and Design (FEED for PA) is part of the planning and engineering phase of a plant construction or modification project and is done after conceptual business planning and prior to detail design. During the FEED phase, best opportunities exist for costs and time savings for the project, as during this phase most of the entire costs are defined and changes have least impact to the project. Siemens Process Analytics holds a unique blend of expertise in analytical technologies, applications and in providing complete analytical solutions to many industries. Based on its expertise in analytical technology, application and engineering , Siemens Process Analytics offer a wide scope of FEED services focused on analysing principles, sampling technologies, application solutions as well as communication system and given standards (all related to analytics) to support our clients in maximizing performance and efficiency of their projects.
Whether you are plant operators or belong to an EPC Contractor you will benefit in various ways from FEED for Process Analytics by Siemens: Analytics and industry know how available, right from the beginning of the project Superior analyzer system performance with high availability Established studies, that lead to realistic investment decisions Fast and clear design of the analyzer system specifications, drawings and documentation Little project management and coordination effort, due to one responsible contact person and less time involvement Additional expertise on demand, without having the costs, the effort and the risks of building up the capacities Lowest possible Total Costs of Ownership (TCO) along the lifecycle regarding investment costs, consumptions, utilities supply and maintenance.
If you have any questions, please contact your local sales representative or any of the contact addresses below:
Siemens AG I IA SC PA, Process Analytics stliche Rheinbrckenstr. 50 76187 Karlsruhe Germany Phone: +49 721 595 3829 Fax: +49 721 595 6375 E-mail:
[email protected]
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Phone: +1 713 939 7400 Fax: +1 713 939 9050 E-mail: [email protected] www.siemens.com/processanalytics Siemens LLC I IA 2B. PO Box 2154, Dubai, U.A.E.
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Siemens AG Industry Sector Sensors and Communication Process Analytics 76181 KARLSRUHE GERMANY www.siemens.com/processanalytics