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CADDevelopment CFDAnalysis


India is rapidly ascending from being a base for lowend processes and operations to highend researchanddevelopmentinsectorslikePLMand CAE that can make it a vibrant source of intellectualcapitaloftheworld. Last few years have seen increased activity in the IndianCAD/CAEspacewithMNCproductvendors realizingtheimportanceofIndiaasacosteffective destinationforoutsourcingCAD/CAEwork.Inthe automotive sector, according to industry sources, 15globalcarmakers,includingGM,Ford,Daimler Chrysler, MercedesBenz, Audi, Isuzu and Nissan, havesetupoutsourcingofficesinthecountry,with a combined budget of approximately $1.5 billion. Component makers like Delphi, Visteon and CaterpillartoohavefoundIndiaastheirbestbet. ThecostofautomotivedesigninEuroperangesas high as $800 per hour, and even higher in the US whilecostsareaslowas$60perhourinIndiafor equivalent quality. So, global auto makers are increasingly turning to India for sourcing a wide range of engineering needs that even include designingmodelsmeantonlyforglobalmarket. Similarly all major CAD and CAE vendors from global markets have established research and development centre in India. Dassault System, Solidworks, Geometric, Autodesk Inc, UGS, PTC, Intergraph, Ansys, MSC, Fluent, StarCD and many other product development companies employ morethan5000CADandCAEdevelopersinIndian operations and have indicated that they wish to double the employee strength over the next two years. ThemajorproblemfacedbytheCADandCAE industrytodayistheshortageofskilledhuman resource.CADdevelopmentrequiresablendof technologistandprogrammer. Likewise CAE analysis needs good insight in the physics of the problem, understanding of numerical methods used along with expertise in commercialCAEsoftwarepackages. The most common skill set required in CAD and CAE industry does not confine to one engineering branch such as mechanical engineering; rather it encompasses several engineering braches. Today technology used in CAD and CAE industry is changingatarapidpace.Thismakeseducationand training in CAD and CAE domain difficult and challenging.Thisalsounderlinesfocusedeffortsin thisdirection.
Centre for Computational Technologies (CCTech)


has started a venture into education and training in CAD and CAE. We focus our business on the followingareas: 1. Our primary aim is to increase awareness in the engineering community through various workshops and seminars that will be conducted in engineering institutes across India and various industries workinginCADandCAE. 2. Long term professional courses for fresh engineering graduates and working professionals. 3. Industry specific corporate training designed to adopt new computational technologiesinexistingprocesses. 4. Workshops, seminars and short term courses on the latest technologies to help individualsinupdatingtheirskillsets 5. Customize product development for third parties in the domain of computational engineering

Centre for Computational Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (CCTech) is a venture started by a group of entrepreneurs,whoareindustryprofessionalsand alumniofIITBombay.Ourmotiveistoestablisha knowledgecentricorganizationforthespecialized training market in the field of computational engineering in India and abroad. CCTech promotershaveexpertiseinvariouscomputational engineering domains with complementary skill sets. CCTech aspires to be the best in the professional training and education related to the following ComputationalEngineeringbraches: ComputerAidedDesign(CAD) ComputationalFluidDynamics(CFD) ComputationalStructuralMechanics(CSM) Computational Fluid Structure Interaction (CFSI) ComputationalAeroAcoustic(CAA) ProductLifecycleManagement(PLM) Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) The company is organizing workshops and seminarsconductedbyeminentpersonalitiesfrom IIT and other reputed engineering institutes. Highly skilled industry professionals working in the above engineering branches will also conduct seminarsonvariousotherspecializedtopicsinthe field of computational engineering. CCTech has introduced two professional diploma courses in theareaofCFDanalysis(DiplomainAdvancedCFD AnalysisDACFD)andCADdevelopment(Diploma in Advanced CAD Development DACAD) from August 2006. The company wishes to execute openended research projects in association with theindustrytoexplorenewhorizonsinthefieldof computationalengineering

CCTech has launched two professional courses of sixmonthdurationstartedfromAugust2006.Both the courses are structured to cater to industry requirements.Thecoursesyllabusisformulatedby considering the need of the industry and inputs fromvariousworkingprofessionalsandIITfaculty. These courses have helped students and industry professionals to transcend their level of understanding. The courses are designed to address the key areas like theoretical foundation, practical relevance and reallife problem solving approach. To achieve this, courses are delivered using collaborative learning processes through class room lectures, assignments, student seminars,lecturesbyindustryexperts,casestudies andresearch/industryprojects.

Thecurriculumisdistributedinfivelevels,viz. foundation, core, advanced topics, industry specifictrainingandproductspecifictraining The training program consists of a number of conventional lectures which includes fundamental, core and advanced topics. This includes industry specific modules to give handson experience to students on specific industry problems. This also includes product specific modules so that the students will get experience on widely used software packages in industry. To bridge the gap between theory andpractice,studentswillundertakeaproject attheendofthecourse

AreYouintheGame? Whatdoyouwantoutoflife?Ifyourcareergoals include working with talented people, handling challenging assignments, and the ability to apply your skills in solving complex problems in computationalworld,youarelookingforthesame opportunities that have brought thousands of the bestandbrightesttoCADdevelopmentprofession. The fact is, if your future lies in computational technology, you cannot find a better place to achieveyourpotentialotherthanCCTech. The six months Diploma in Advanced CAD development program pioneered by the institute first time in India. CCTech offers professional training in highly specialized area of CAD Development. As a student of CCTech, every day you will have opportunities to solve real industry problems,helpindustrytofindbestsolutions,and turn ideas into reality. And you will have the full support and unmatched resources of CCTech to backyouup. Not surprisingly, this kind of challenging and rewardingworkappealstolotsoftalentedpeople. Andjustaswegotheextramileforclients,wego to the same lengths to find and retain the exceptionalpeoplewhocanbepartofourdynamic CCTechteam. We do not expect all candidates to have the same understanding of subject as that of ideal CCTech candidate when they first come aboard. That is why we start by giving them comprehensive training and educational opportunities. In our candidateweembedacommitmenttobethebest andtheambitiontoachievesuccessforourclients andforthemselves SalientfeaturesofDACADcourse WellformulatedsyllabuswiththehelpofIIT facultyandIndustryprofessionals TrainingonadvancedCADtechnologiessuch asParasolid,Hoops3DandOpenGL. IndepthtrainingonSolidWorkcustomization usingC++andVB Special course on Computer Aided Geometric Design(CAGD) Syllabus Computer Aided Design (CAD) Development needs lot of programming fundamentals including knowledge of architectural and design patterns. Initially the course concentrates on the programminginCandC++andOSconcepts.After that, fundamentals of data structures, CAD architectural design patterns etc are covered. CAGD (Computer Aided Geometric Design) is one of the main topic which has lot ofdemand in the industry and hence it is taken to great depth. We lay lot of stress in understanding curves and surfacesmathematicallyaswellasalgorithmically. Concepts of Computer Graphics arethoroughly demonstrated using OpenGL, HOOPS3d and OpenSceneGraph libraries. CAD customization technologies are introduced using SolidWorks API trainingusingC++andVisualBasic. Parasolid Geometric Kernel Training is distinctive featureofacourse.CCTechisfirstorganizationin India to offer Parasolid training in a curriculum. Parasolid is main stream geometric kernels using whichmorethan400CAD/CAE/graphicssoftware aredeveloped.Parasolidgivesuniqueadvantageto our DACAD student over other entrant in this field. The rest of the course is structured to cater to latest happening in the industry and it updates everysixmonths. ProgramStructure The curriculum is distributed in several modules like programming Languages, Graphics, Computer Aided Geometric Design, GeometricKernel,CADcustomizationandCAD softwarearchitecturalpatterns The training program consists of a number of conventional lectures which includes fundamental, core and advanced topics. To bridge the gap between theory and practice, students undertake mini project after one monthandmajorprojectsneartheendcourse


JobP Profile Qua alification Inta ake Duration :CADDe eveloper,PL LM/CAEDev veloper,Gra aphicsDevel loper :BE/ME E/MCA/MCS Swithfirstc classandpr rogramming gskills :20fulltime,20par rttime :FiveMonths 5.MFC&V VisualC++ cument Inte erface, Mul ltiple Docu ument Single Doc Interface, Event Ha andling, Graphics D Device ndows Com mmon Interface, Model Dialogue, Win tmaps,MemoryManage ement,Doc View Control,Bit Architecture A 6.Compon nentObject Model(COMandATL) Containmen Aggregat nt, tion, Automa ation, Raw COM, C StructureSt torage,Activ veTemplate eLibrary 7.QTProg gramming cument Inte erface, Mul ltiple Docu ument Single Doc Interface, Event Ha andling, Graphics D Device ndows Com mmon Interface, Model Dialogue, Win tmaps,MemoryManage ement,Doc View Control,Bit Architecture A

Operating O System
1.RedHat 1 Linux Architecture A e,fileanddi irectorystru ucture,com mmon userandsys u stemcomma ands,gccan ndg++comp piler, gdbanddisp g playmanage ement,Netw workingcon ncept, telnet,ftp. t 2.Microsof 2 ftWindows s2000/XP Architecture A e,fileanddi irectorystru ucture,com mmon commands,V c VisualStudi iocompileranddebugg ger

Programm P ming
1.ObjectOrientedPro 1 ogramming gwithC++ Variables, Control State V ements, Arrays, Structu & ure Unions, Functions, Pointers, Class ba U asics, Constructors & destr C ructors, Cl lass Hierarchy, inheritance, polymorp i phism, Virt tual Funct tions, Operator ov O verloading, class temp plates, dyn namic memory ma m anagement, file and st tream hand dling, exceptionha e andling 2.Standard 2 dTemplate eLibraries( (STL) Library Org L ganization and Containers, Stan ndard Containers, Algorithm and Function Obj C ms jects, Iterators a I and Allocators, Str rings, Stre eams, Numerics N 3.VisualBa 3 asic Application building, Controls, Variables, VB A Functions,A F Arrays,Files 4.Window 4 Programm ming Windows B W Basics, Win 32 API, working with n Registry,Dll R lMain,Static Linkingto a DLL,Loa c o ading DLLsDynam D mically

Graphicsp programm ming

1.OpenGL GraphicsP Programming StateManag gementandDrawingGe eometricOb bjects, Viewing, Co olor, Lightin Blending Polygon O ng, g, Offset, Display List Drawing Pixels, Bitm ts, maps, Fonts and s, images, Te exture Map pping, The Frame b buffer, Tessellators and Quadr s rics, Evaluat tors and NU URBS, Selection a and Feedbac GLUT: OpenGL U ck, Utility Toolkit,Scenegraph

Point Curve Surface Solid



1.ParasolidGeometricKernel Create, Edit, Interrogate and Display Functionality, Neutral Graphical Output (Go), File Handling and MemoryManagement,AttributesAndGroups,Session Management, History Management Using Partitioned Rollback,OpenXTFormat 2.ACISGeometricKernel

1.MathematicalelementsforCG Matrices, Linear Systems, Vector Algebra, Affine Spaces, Affine Transformations, Change of Basis/Frame/Coordinate System, Orthographic and Perspective, Projections, Barycentric Coordinates 2.GeometricDataStructures

ACIS Architecture ( Classes, API & Options), Create, Edit, Interrogate Geometry & Topology. Display Functionality, File Handling and Memory Management,SATFormat


Geometric Entities, Half edge data structure, GeometricHashing,BoundingVolumeHierarchies structures, Quadtree, Octree, Binary Space PartitioningTree 3.ComputerAidedGeometricDesign

1.SolidWorks Hands on experience of Solid Modeling techniques andFeaturebasedesign


1.ProductLifecycleManagement Understanding key concepts of PLM systems,Product Data Management (PDM), CAD/CAM Solutions, Benefits of Implementing PLM. Introduction to open sourcearasINNOVATOR.

Plane Curves, Space Curves, Bezier Curve, The de Casteljau Algorithm, de Boor Algorithm, NURBS Theory, Properties And Algorithms, Parametric Curves And Trim Surfaces, Curve and Surface Subdivision, Curve And Surface From Algebraic Equation, Curve And Surface Fitting, Geometric Continuity, Principal curvatures, CurveCurve Intersection, CurveSurface Intersection, Surface SurfaceIntersection,ProjectionOfPointOnCurve, Projection Of Curves On Surfaces, Projection Of SurfaceOnSurfaces 4.ComputerGraphics


1.Softwarearchitecture Softwaredesignpatterns,Standarddatamodels, ExamplesClientserver 2.DesignAndAnalysisOfAlgorithm

Illumination and shading, Texture Mapping, BlendingandTransparency,AntiAliasing,Hidden Line algorithm, Surface Rendering, Volume Rendering,Animation 5.SurfaceModeling

ComplexityMeasures,AnalyzingAlgorithms, DesigningAlgorithms,DivideandConquerAlgorithm, Searching&Sorting 3.DataStructures

LinkedLists,StacksandQueue,HashTables,Binary SearchTree

NURBS Surfaces, Surface Of Revolution, Sweep Surface, Quadric Surface, Piecewise Surface Representation, Bilinear Surface, Ruled and Developable Surfaces, Coons Surface, Blending surface,GaussianCurvatureandSurfaceFairness 6.SolidModeling

Concept of Topology, Boundary Representations (BRep), Constructive Solid Geometry, Part Modeling, Assembly, Drawings, Extrusion, Revolve,Shell,Draft,Patterning,SurfaceandSolid BooleanOperations




7.FeatureTechnology Feature Identification and Definition, machining features, sheet metal feature, routing Features, User DefineFeature.DevelopingnewfeatureusingCSGand BRepgeometrykernel 8.AdvanceGeometryTopics

Polygon triangulation, convex hull, voronoi diagram, Delaunaytriangulationpointsearchinpolygon,point search in polyhedron, planer point location, area and volumemeasures

EverymomentyouspendatCCTech,willbedevoted for learning. We believe in interactive learning and open environment. The student and teacher interactionishappeningatdifferentlevels.Letitbe seminars, discussions, industrial visit or project presentations, the basic aim of sharing the knowledge is always followed. Students are involvedinmanyactivities. Seminars CAD Development is a field of changes. To remain competitive in this field requires continuous absorption of technology. So seminars help in developingunderstandingofthecurrenttechnology as well as new ones coming everyday. Through seminars,studentssharetheirknowledgewiththeir fellow students and faculty. The topics assigned covervariousareasofCADdevelopment.Following are the few seminars topics that our exstudents havedelivered 2DConstraintSolver BinarySpacePartitioning GCCCompiler GeometricKernelUsedinCAD OpenSceneGraph MeshingAlgorithms ConvexHullAlgorithm ExpressionParsinginC++ ApplicationofDesignPatterns Discussions We understand that every student has different level of understanding. Every student has his/her own way of interpretation. These daily discussions helpusincorrectingthemisconceptionsinstudents mind.Sometimesthesediscussionsalsogiveusthe different perspective of the subject. These discussionsarearealfunandsometimesendupin debate.


1.CADProductDevelopment Architecture, Design of Data Structure, Use of Geometric Kernel, UndoRedo Implementation, User Interface,GraphicsInterface,FileSerialization 2.CADCustomization

COMforAutomation,SolidWorksCustomizationusing VBandVC++ 3.CADTranslators

Development of standard CAD files translator, Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES), Data Exchange File (DXF), Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), Stereolithographics File Format (STL)


1.SoftwareProjectManagement Software Configuration Management (CVS and Subversion), Makefile and Configuration scripting, Softwaretimeandcostestimation 2.SoftwareTesting

Testing Methodologies, Shell Scripting and VB Scripting

FeatureTech The information loss in the process of CAD data translation makes it difficult to consistently handle geometry.Theconstructionmethodsandparametricdata available with original CAD system areoften lost in CAD translation.ItisdifficulttooperateonimportedCADdata without any such information. FeatureTech addin helps to reconstruct the entire set of feature lost in data translationfromneutralCADfilessuchasIGES. FacetTech All highend CAD softwares permit operations on nonfacetedgeometriesonly.Howeveritisestimated that more than 50 % 3D models of the world are in faceted format (polygonal representations). CCTech hasdevelopedFacetTechaddintoprovideusersetof functionalities to edit faceted models. 3D Boolean operationssuchasaddition,subtractionandintersect canbeperformedonfacetedmodelsusingthisaddin Development of Algorithms for Shape Recognition of GeometricForms Project aims to find conditions that would determine geometric shape of object from set of input curves and surfaces.Theseconditionsshouldbeabletodetect: 1. Line,acircle,arc,aellipse,aplanarcurve; 2. Plane,asphere,acylinderoracone; 3. Surface of revolution, extrusion, a ruled/developed surfaceorageneralizedcylinder Input is received in form of IGES or DXF files.

DevelopmentofNURBSLibraryforgeometricmodeling Development and Implementation of various NURBS based algorithms in CAGD like creation, editing, conversion, and displayofgeometricdata.Libraryhasbeendevelopedusing ANSIConLinuxplatform 3DSearchengineforCADmodelsDiscreteEngine Developmentofa3DsearchenginewhichindexestheCAD models using FFT shape descriptor. Shape descriptor converts the querying model in statistical form and compares it with available models in repository. Suitable CAD models are retrieved on comparison and displayed usingOpenGL.ProjectsupportsDXF,VRMLandSTLfiles. RepairTech RepairTech is a healing tool developed for CAE applications. It has capability to automatically identify gaps,holesinCADmodelandclosethemwithappropriate patches. RepairTech also simplifies geometry by producingmonolithicsurfaces


sysPLES Infos CC CTechprovidescoursem materialtoe everystudent.Coursem materialcon ntainsstanda ardbooksan ndcompose ed no otes.Booksp providedasaCourseM Materialinclu udes: TheComp pleteC+++R ReferenceH HerbertSchildt Computat tionalGeom metryandCA AGDCCTec chNotes Computer rGraphicsU UsingOpenG GLF.S.Hill l Cours seMaterial Adm mission SolidEdge e,Siemens PLMSoftw ware onEnergy Suzlo Neilsof ftLtd. Proto oTechSolut tionsandS ServicesPvt t. MMTechn nologiesPv vt.Ltd. Kra ayonPicture es V Vizexperts Tetrahedr rixEnginee eringPvt.Lt td. Intelizign Solutions Intellect tionSoftwa are&Techn nologiesPv vt 3DPLMSo oftwareSol lutionLtd. Geom metricLtd. AltairEn ngineering IndiaPvt. Ltd. Recr ruiters

ApplicationP Process
The erearetwowaystoapp plyfortheco ourses Download the a application form f from Fill the applica ation form with www.cctec appropriat informat te tion. Send the duly f filled application nformtoinf [email protected] hebestway ytoapplyfor rthe VisitingourOfficeisth youcandire ectlytalktoo ourfaculty Courseasy

SelectionP S Process
Theselectio T onofapplicantforthe courseisba asedon thefollowin t ngcriteria e Perform mance in the Entrance test and p personal interview based on fundamen n ntals of Geo ometry, eandCprog gramming aptitude Scoresr receivedatG Graduation orpostgraduation levellikeB.E./M.E. Scores received a the "Ac at ccepted Qu ualifying ation"likeG GATE Examina


Computational Fluid Dynamics constitutes a new third approach in the philosophical study and development of the whole discipline of fluid dynamics. In the 17th century, the foundations for experimentalfluiddynamicswerelaid.The18thand 19th centuries saw the gradual development of theoretical fluid dynamics. As a result, throughout most of the 20th century, the study and practice of fluid dynamics (indeed, all of physical science and engineering)involvedtheuseofpuretheoryonthe onehandandpureexperimentontheotherhand.If youwerelearningfluiddynamicsasrecentlyas,say, 1960, you would have been operating in the two approach world of theory and experiment. However, the advent of the high speed digital computer combined with the development of accurate numerical algorithms for solving physical problemsonthesecomputershasrevolutionizedthe way we study and practice fluid dynamics today. It hasintroducedafundamentallyimportantnewthird approach in fluid dynamics the approach of ComputationalFluidDynamics ComputationalFluidDynamicsorsimplyCFDis concernedwithobtainingnumericalsolutiontothe fluidflowproblemsbyusingcomputer.Theadvent ofhighspeedandlargememorycomputershas enabledCFDtoobtainsolutionstomanyflow problemsincludingthosethatarecompressibleor incompressible,laminarorturbulent,chemically reactingornonreacting PureExperiment

TounderstandCFDletsbreakdownthewordCFD: Computationalhavingtodowith mathematics,computing Fluid Dynamics the dynamics of things thatflow The dynamics of fluid flow is governed by continuity (conservation of mass), the Navier Stokes (conservation of momentum), and the energy equations (conservation of energy). These equations form a system of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). Because of the nonlinear terms in PDEs, analytical methods canyieldveryfewsolutions CFDisanartofreplacingthedifferentialequation governing the fluid flow, with the set of algebraic equations (the process is called discretization), whichinturncanbesolvedwiththeaidofadigital computer.Thewellknowndiscretizationmethods used in CFD are Finite Difference Method (FDM), Finite Volume Method (FVM), Finite Element Method(FEM)

There are essentially three stages to every CFD simulation process: preprocessing, solving and postprocessing Preprocessing


Generation of CAD model (geometry), cleaning of CADmodelandmeshing. Solution Solvingthediscritizedfromofgoverningequations usingcomputer


Postprocessing Visualization of data using color plots, contour plots,vectorplotsetc

TheThreeStepProcess PreProcessing



ApplicationsofCFD Overthelastfewyears CFDhasbecome avitaltool in many industries. Because of its ability to predict the flow features correctly, it has become a regular activity in design and R & D departments of many organizations. FollowingaretypicalapplicationsofCFDtools Aerospace Combustor Externalaerodynamics Inletsandnozzlesinstrumentation Missilesystems Propulsion Automobile Enginecooling Intakeandexhaustmanifolds Externalaerodynamics Motorsports Combustionchamber PassengerComfort Chemical DryingTechnology Filtration Heatandmasstransfer MixingSimulation Chemicalreactors Biomedical Bloodhandlingequipment Surgicalanalysis Sterilizationequipment Bloodseparators ElectronicsandSemiconductors CPUcabinetcooling Chipcoolingsystem HeatSinkDesign Coolingfandesign HVACandRDesign Airflowaroundbuildings Fannoise Environmentalcontrolsystems Heatingsystemdesign Ducts,hoods,valves,fittings Roomflowdistribution


India is identified as one of the world's fastest emerging CFD market with growth rate more than 20%. Many MNC's have well established CFD design centre in India, and many more have started to establishtheirCFDdesigncentre.Themainstumbling block today is not the technology but the skilled professional who can make use of the technology to solve industrial problems. CFD industry is lacking quality man power. DACFD is a unique professional course which bridges the gap between YOU and CFD industry Isthecoursesuitabletoyou? Are you an UG/PG graduate, or working in an engineeringfirm? Areyouinterestedinanalysis? Do you want to shift your profession as an analyst? WouldyouliketobeapartoffastestgrowingCAE industry? IftheanswerforanyoftheabovequestionisYES,you aretherightcandidateforDACFDcourse SalientfeaturesofDACFDcourse? Welldesignedcoursewiththeoreticalfoundation andsoftwaretraining Enhances MS/P.hd admission chances in top universities like Georgia Tech, Carnegie Mellon, UniversityofIowaetc Visiting faculties are experienced industry professionals and professors from reputed instituteslikeIITs Courseinvolvesindustrystandardprojects Morethan300hrsoflecturesessionsand500hrs ofpracticalsessions Continuousassessmentthroughoutthecourse DirectplacementinCCTechtotoprankers Course material along with access to library and internalwebsite Modules FullTime:Forfreshengineering graduates/postgraduates PartTime:Forfinalyearstudentsandworking professionals


JobProfile Qualification Intake Duration :CFDEngineer,CAEEngineer,DesignEngineer :BE/B.Tech/ME/M.TechinMechanical,Aerospace,ChemicalEngg.orequivalent :20fulltime,20parttime :SixMonths Geometry Mesh

1.LinuxOperatingSystems The Basics of Linux OS, Frequently used Linux commands,Filesystem,Basicshellscripting,Using differentsoftwareinLinuxenvironment 2.CProgramming Introductory concepts, Data types, Writing simple C programs, Operators and expressions, Data inputs and output, Control flow, Functions and programstructure,Pointersandarrays,Structures

1.GeometricModeling Geometric transformations, File formats and translators, Parametric representation of curves and surfaces, Fundamentals of CAGD, Concept of topology, Surface modeling, Faceted models, Solid modeling 2.CADRepairforMeshing Creationofwatertightgeometry,FacetedBoolean operations, Dependent and independent CAD errors, Healing the geometry using surface knitting,Surfaceprojectionmethods 3.StructuredGridGeneration Linear interpolations, Transfinite interpolations, Laplace grid generation, Poisson grid generation, Map and submap, Sweeping, Surface grid generation, Mono block, multi block, hierarchical multi block, Moving and sliding multiblock, Grid clusteringandgridenhancement,CGNSmultiblock formatandstructure 4.UnstructuredGridGeneration Basic theory of unstructured grid generation, advancing front, Delaunay triangulation and various point insertion methods, Unstructured quad and hex generation, grid based methods, Quadtree and Octree based methods, Concept of medial axis and medial surface, various elements in unstructured grids, Surface mesh generation, Surface mesh repair, Volume grid generation, Volume mesh improvement, mesh smoothing algorithms, grid clustering and quality checks for volumemesh SoftwareTraining CAD:SolidWorks PreProcessing:ICEMCFD,GAMBIT,TGrid

1.Mathematics Vector calculus, Vector algebra, Linear and non linear equations, Ordinary differential equations andPartialdifferentialequations 2.FluidDynamics Concept of continuum, streamline, streakline and pathlines, Pressure distribution in fluids, Buoyancy, Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions, Reynolds transport theorem, Integral and differential form of conservation equations, Dimensional analysis and Modeling, Viscous and inviscid flows, Laminar and turbulent flows, Euler andNavierStokesequations,Externalandinternal flows, Compressible and incompressible flow, Propertiesofsupersonicandsubsonicflows,Flow characteristicsovervariousbodies 3.HeatTransfer HeatandotherformsofEnergy,1Dheat conductionequations,generalheatconduction equations,Boundaryandinitialconditions, Solutionof1Dequations,Steadyandtransientheat conduction,Heattransferbyconvection,Velocity andthermalboundarylayer,Externalforced convection,Internalforcedconvection,natural convection,Heattransferbyradiation,Conjugate heattransfer


Solve PostProc cess

CFDFunda C amentals:S Solver

1.Introduc 1 ctiontoCFD D Philosophy of CFD, Governing e P equations o fluid of dynamics an there phy d nd ysical mean ning, Mathem matical behaviorofg b governinge equationsan ndthereimp pacton CFD simula C ations, Sim mple CFD techniques CFL s, condition,Lo c ocalandGlo obaltimeste epping 2.Numerica 2 alMethods sinCFD Finite Difference, Finite Volume, an Finite El F e nd lement, Upwindand downwind schemes,Si U impleandS Simpler schemes,Hig s gherorderm methods,Im mplicitande explicit methods (1D heat cond m D duction), Stu and tra udy ansient solutions,co s onsistency,c convergence e,andstabili ity

Industry ySpecific
Turboma achinery Introduction to tur rbo machin nery terminology, Stator Inter raction, CFD study D QuasiSteady RotorS tion of of rotorstator interactions, CFD simulat chinerycom mponents,In ndustrialExa amples turbomac Aerospac ceSimulatio on Introduction to various terminologies in t mics, Comp putations of Cd, Cl, f o for 2D aerodynam aerofoil, Flow simul lation on aerofoil at v a various f upersonic and subsoni flow a ic angles of attack, Su simulation Lift, dra predictio on aero plane, ns, ag on rocketsan ndmissiles,solvingexampleproble ems Automob bileSimulat tion Introduction to various terminologies in t ons, CFD an nalysis on Ahmed automobile simulatio ansient and steady state analysis, Under body, Tra hood ana alysis, External flow, HVAC of c car for passenger rcomfort Chemical lFluidMixi ingSimulat tion Stirred ta ank modelin using th actual im ng he mpeller geometry Rotating f y, frame mode The MRF Model el, F Sliding m mesh model,, Snapshot model, Eva aluating Mixing f from Flow Field Results, Ind w R dustrial Examples

AdvancedT A Topics
1.Turbulen 1 nceModelin ng Theory of t T turbulence, Closure problem, Re eynolds Averaged N A NS equatio ons (RANS) Eddy viscosity ), models,Alge m ebraicmode els,Oneequa ationmodel ls,Two equation mo e odels, Near wall treatm ment, Large Eddy e Simulation ( S (LES), and Direct num merical simu ulation (DNS) ( 2.Combust 2 tionModeli ing Introduction to comb n bustion mo odeling, Fl lamelet models, Mul step eddy dissipatio model, D m lti y on Discrete phase mode Radiatio models, Pollutant m p els, on models, Combustion modeling case stud C dies, Comb bustion modelingstr m rategies 3.Multipha 3 aseModelin ng Fundamenta F als of multiphase flows, Eu ulerian Lagrangian (ELAG) a L approach, EulerianEu ulerian (E2P)approach,Volume ( eOfFraction(VOF)app proach, Solvingexam S mpleproblem ms 4.Conjugat 4 teHeatTran nsfer(CHT) Introduction ntoCHT,Flu uidboundar rycondition ns,CHT solidbounda s aryconditions,CHTinte erfacecondi itions

Visualiza ation:Pos stProcessi ing

Contour plots, vect tor plots, and scatter plots, a r nsparent surfaces, P s Particle Shaded and tran esandpathlinetraject tories,Isosu urfaces, trajectorie Animation and mov ns vies, Exploration and a analysis ofdata SoftwareTraining dPostProce essing: Solverand FLUEN NT CFX, FlowZ Z


Fin nTypeHea atExchange erAnalysis In thisproject tthestudy ofheattran nsferbetwee enhotexha austairfrom mengineand dcoolingw waterisdone e.For ducingthec cellcountsy ymmetryand dperiodicb boundaryconditionsare eusedandfl luidregionb betweentw wofins red are modeled using segre e egated solve of FLUEN All hex structured mesh is cr er NT. reated using ICEMCFD The g D. tem mperatured dropof150C Cisseenfro ominlettooutletofhotair. Geome etry HotGasInlet H t Pathlin nesthrough hfins Opt timizationo ofInletduc ctsforServ verRoom Coo olingSystem m The server room cooling system co e g onsists of four rairhandlin ngunits,wh hichsupplie escoldair tot theroomthroughducts s.TheCapacityofall theairhandling gunitsisno otsame,due etowhich teringthero oomisnotu uniformly the coldairent tributed. Th aim of the proje he f ect is to dist opti imizethepr rofileandth henumber ofbaffles such hthattheflo owisunifor rmatthedu uctoutlets and also atomize the geometry mesh d e y, gen neration&So olverproces ssesfor2DC Casewith Mul ltifilehandl lingandCP Programmin ng. CFD DAnalysiso ofClimateC ControlSeat Proj ject involve design and optimiza es ation of Clim mate Contro Seat (CCS). The CCS consists ol of T Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) un fixed g nit und the car s der seat. Depen nding on occ cupant's requ uirement,hotorcoldairsupplied through chan nnels from TEC unit to CCS. GAMBIT and o FLU UENTusedf formodeling gandanalys sisofair flow wandtempe eraturedistributionoft theCCS. For this analys porous media mod from sis, del FLU UENT is use Based o the resu ed. on ults, air dist tributioncha annellocatio onswerefix xed Mode eling Of A Automotive Diesel En ngine At Vario ousFuelInj jectionTim ming In this project d domain is d divided into several o ew zones are mesh hed with fluid zones. Fe rilateralelementsandt theremaini ingzones quadr are meshed with triangular elements. Further, m h r the area above the valve h non conformal a has interf faces. Unste eady segre egated solver along with kepsilon turbulence model is used. e Modelisusedforsimula atingfuel DiscretePhaseM tion, ev vaporation, and droplet inject boilin ng. Analysi of the results for various is inject tiontimingi isdonebypostprocessi ing Auto omationof CFDproces ss This project foc cuses on au utomation of CFD o analy ysis proces ss. Using C program and m journ file faci nal ility in GAMBIT and ANSYS FLUE ENT,thesim mulationpro ocessisauto omated. The geometry creation, mesh gene eration, boun ndary condi itions and s solution pro ocess is automated. ONE ERA M6 win is taken as test ng case and CD/CL vs alpha graph is created L c with inputs as r range of angle of attac from ck . user. Pro ojects


Cold dWater


Ad dmission CCTechpro ovidescours sematerialt toeverystudent.Coursematerialc containsstan ndardbooks sandcompo osed notes.Book ksprovidedasaCourse eMaterialin ncludes: FluidM MechanicsFundamentalsandApp plicationsby yYunusCeng gelandJohn nCimbala Heatan ndMassTra ansferAPr racticalAppr roachbyYu unusCengel Compu utationalFluidDynamicsBasicsW WithApplicat tionsbyJoh hnAnderson n CourseMateri ial MWH HGlobal Mec chartesResearchersPv vt.Ltd Prico olTechnologies Kir rloskarBro othersLimit ted Zeus NumerixP Pvt.Ltd KSBPum mpsLimited d Beh hrIndiaLim mited. ACRI I WhirlPool,G W GTEC ANSYSFL LUENTIndia Cum mminsRese earchandT Technology Recruiters

Em mersonClim mateTechnologies(India)Limite ed FlomericsI IndiaPvt.L Ltd. prameyaAs ssociates Ap Flo owmasterIndiaPvt.Lt td.

ApplicationProcess A
Therearetw T wowaystoa applyforthe ecourses Downloa ad the application form from www.cct F the appl Fill lication form with m appropr riate inform mation. Send the duly filled y applicati ionformtoinfo@cctech Visiting ourOfficeis sthebestw waytoapply forthe asyoucandirectlytalkt toourfacult ty Coursea

Theselecti ionofapplic cantforthe ecourseis b basedon thefollowingcriteria mance in th Entrance test and p he e personal Perform intervie ew based on funda amentals o Fluid of Mechan nics,HeatTr ransfer Scores receivedat Graduation norpostgra aduation levellik keB.E./M.E E. Scores received at the "A Accepted Qu ualifying nation"likeGATE Examin


Sh hortTerm mCourseonCFD DAnalys sis

CourseStatist tics
Dura ation TheorySessions s Prac cticalSessions Proj jectWork ks :6Week :50Hou urs :50Hou urs :50Hou urs

Cours seFeature es
Well designe course with perfe W ed ect blend of th heoreticalfou undationan ndsoftwareexposure Fo ocus on pap perpresenta ation and re esearch work forstudentsa aspiringhigh herstudiesa abroad est ed ustry profe essional wh ho Be designe for indu wa antstoknow wKnowHo owofCFDinshorttime e Tr rainingononeofthebe estpreproce essing(ICEM M CF FD) softwa are and on of the best solv ne ver (F FLUENT)

Who oShouldA Attend

BE(BE(Civil,Mecha anical,Indus strial,Produ uction, Chemical, Petroch hemical, Aerospace and A Biomedic cal) Third Ye ( SemII or Final Year Engine ear I) Y eering Students s FinalYea arB.E.Stude entswhoar reaspiringh higher studiesa abroad Working gprofessionalsinDesig gn,Manufact turing andServ viceIndustry y

Fundam mental
Flui idMechani ics Der rivationandUnderstand dingofNSEquations Hea atTransfer Fun ndamentalso ofConductio on,Convecti ionandRad diation,CHT T Mat thematics Vectorcalculus s,Ordinaryd differentiale equationsan ndPartialdi ifferentialeq quationswith eng gineeringapp plications Num mericalMet thodsinCF FD Fini iteDifferenc ce,FiniteVo olumeMetho ods,Simplea andSimpler rPVCoupling,Implicit t and dexplicitme ethods,consistency,con nvergence Tur rbulenceModeling The eoryofturbu ulence,RAN NSModels,A Algebraicm models,Onee equationmo odels,Two equ uationmodels,Nearwal lltreatment, ,LESandDNS


M MeshOutput t Creationof fParts ApplyingB BoundaryCo onditions MeshexportforFLUEN NT IC CEMTetra Creationof fBody(Fluid dDomain) GlobalandLocalMesh hParameters s PrismMesh hing MeshClust teringusingDensity Meshquali ityparamete ers MeshEdit Ge eometry Geometryimportandrepair GeometryCreationinICEMCFD BuildTopo ology Stitch,FillandBlendG Gaps DisplayTr reeforGeom metry ICEMHexa a Creationof f2Dand3DBlock BlockInitia alization,Blo ockcreation nusingswee ep,vertices BlockSplit usingedge,usingpoint t Ogridcrea ationandma anipulation Vertex,edg geandfacea association,Movevertex xoperations s PreMeshP Parameters Clusteringu usingedgem mesh,updat temeshfunc ction PreMeshQ Quality Qualityche eckparamet ters,premeshsmooth


Introduction nandGUI GUIandTU UIMode OverallCFD DProcessCy ycle sforCFDAn nalysisusing gFLUENT Basicsteps Re eadingand Manipulati ingGrid Gridimport tfromvario ouspreproc cessors Creatingno onconforma alinterface MergingSeparatingFusingZones Scalingand dTranslation nOperations So olver Boundaryc conditions SolverBasics SolverMath hs Modeling ateHeatTransfer ModelingConjuga /Deformingmesh ModelingflowswithMoving/ ModelingTurbule ence ModelingMultiph hase ModelingTurboM Machinery Postproc cessingand dInterpreta ation CreatingLine,PlaneandIsoS Surfaces Rende eringtheMo odel ContourandVectorPlots Pathli inesandani imations Interp pretingther results


San ndipN.Jadha av Cof founderandChiefExecu utiveOfficer Prog gramDirect tor(CAD) Edu ucation B.Te ech.,MechanicalEngineeri ing, Technologica alUniversity,Lonere DrB.A.T M.Te ech.,Aerospa aceEngineeri ing, IndianIn nstituteofTe echnology,Bo ombay Prof fessionalExp perience tModelingG Group,SolidW Works(India) Part Sand dip has ma ainly worked on featur base solid d re mod deler develop pment using Parasolid BR geometr Rep ric kern nel. He wor rked on mo of the a ost advanced an nd com mplex feature such as s es shell, surface extend an nd surf face knitting. He gained i immense kno owledge abou ut CAD Dproductarc chitectureand dsoftwaredevelopment at Solid dWorks Cof founderZeusNumerix(P P)Ltd,Mum mbai,India Grou Leader, IITZeus Gr up roup, IIT Bo ombay, India Sand has playe a vital role in transforming IITZeu dip ed us grou IIT Bomb from rese up, bay earch group to commerci ial entit He becam cofounder ofZeus Numerix Pvt Lt ty. me r td, Tech hnology Incu ubator of IIT Bombay. Lea the IITZeu ad us grou in various national and internation events an up s nal nd foru ums. He ma anaged deve elopment in the area of geom metry and gr generatio Sandip ma significan rid on. ade nt cont tribution to IITZeus product developmen o nt, simu ultaneously w working wit various m th mission critic cal cons sultancyprojects Sand dipiscoarch hitectureoffo ollowingCAEproducts: Professiona alCFDPackag ge CFDExpert Educationa alpackagefor rCFDTrainin ng CFDTutor oGM CNCcodeg generatorforCADdata Auto dip rked on var rious consult tancy projec cts Sand has wor from industry and researc organiza m ch ation such a as Gene eral Motors, Detroit, US Hindustan Aeronautics SA, Limi ited(HAL),In ndia,NavalS Scientificand Technologic cal Labo oratory,India aandD.R.D.O O,India dipwontheN NationalAwa ardforMecha anical Sand Engi ineeringDesi ignduringun ndergraduate estudies.He wasthespecializ zationtopper duringhisM M.Techstudies atIIT TBombay VijayMali ofounderan ndChiefOper rationalOffi icer Co ProgramDirec ctor(CFD) ducation Ed B.E E.,Mechanica alEngineering g, ShivajiUniversity,K Kolhapur M.T Tech.,Aerosp paceEngineering, IndianInstituteofT Technology,B Bombay ProfessionalE Experience Co oreTeamDev veloper,FloW Wizard,Flue entIndia Vijayworkedo onthedevelo opmentofFlo oWizard,ane ext neration auto omated CFD analysis soft tware by Flu uent gen Inc c.fromAugus st2005.Hew wasthemesh hingspecialistin the FloWizard developme e d ent team an worked on nd dif fferent mesh hing require ements of FloWizard. He dev velopedand enhancedthe erobustmes shingalgorith hms for rtheautomat tedgridgene eratorinFloW Wizard Re esearchAsso ociate,MDO Group,CASD DE,IITBomb bay Vijay has work ked on shape optimization of transo onic win He impl ng. lemented AD DIFOR which is sensitiv h vity ana alysis and au utomatic diff ferentiation tool vastly used t for design and optimizati r d ion. His work was mai inly foc cused on sha optimizat ape tion of transo onic wing us sing CFD.Hehasint tegrateddiffe erentsensitiv vityanalysisa and optimizationto oolswithCFD Dsolver.Duringthisstudy yhe has also developed a cust s tomized TFI grid generat tor. Th standalon design to was use to design a his ne ool ed n tra ansonicwing e d onal He has sound knowledge of CFD and computatio eng gineering. He possesses a fine set of programm o ming exp pertise variousstude entorganizat tion Vijayhasbeen involvedinv nagement at IIT Bombay He served as y. d and event man oductionteam mheadande executivecou uncilmember rin pro IIT TBombaystu udentbody eliveredprese entationonO Optimization nofL/Dfor De ON NERAM6Win ngUsingADIF FORandEule erat100Yea ars Sin nceFirstPow weredFlightInternationalSeminarand d Ad dvancesinAerospaceScien ncesATechn nicalSeminar r, Bangalore

C CoreTea am


SeniorAcco ountExecuti ive NemKum mar ChiefInform mationOffic cer(CIO) ProgramM Manager(CAD D) Education B.Tech,Aero onauticalEng gineering, PunjabEngi ineeringColle ege,Chandiga arh

Cor reTeam

Pawan Pathak SeniorM MemberofTe echnicalStaf ff Educatio on B.E.,Aero onauticalEng gineering, NorthMa aharashtraUniversity AmitB Bhise Member ofTechnica alStaff Educatio on M.Tech.(CAD/CAM) SGGS,Nan nded Jalinde erSable Member rofTechnica alStaff Education M.Tech.(CAD/CAM) SGGS,Na anded Harshi ilOza Member rofTechnica alStaff Education echanicalEng gineering, B.E.,Me Saurab bhSaini Member rofTechnica alStaff Education echanicalEng gineering, B.E.,Me

ProfessionalExperienc ce zant SAP(JavaCoE),Cogniz Nemhasma ainlyworked donWebbase edtechnolog gieslike Java, J2EE, XML, and H HTML. He wa part of th SAP as he o (JavaCoE) (Centre of Excellence) team who were SAPXMII(xA AppsManufac cturing workingondevelopingS ence)expertis se IntegrationandIntellige SamMath hew AssistantM Manager(CFD D) Education B.Tech.,Che emicalEngine eering, IndianInstit tuteofTechn nology,Bombay Dhanashr reeBait

Education M.Com. rsity PuneUniver Makarand dKulkarni SeniorMem mberofTech hnicalStaff Education B.E.,Autom mobileEngineering, NorthMaha arashtraUniv versity


Prin ncipalConsul ltant Dr. M.S.Tandal le D.(Mechanica alEngineerin ng)IITBomba ay Ph.D Prof fessor and Head, Department o Mechanic of cal Eng gineering, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technologic cal Universit ty, Lonere. cialization:H HVAC,Therma alSystemDes sign Spec AshishV.Or rpe Dr. D.(ChemicalEngineering) )IITBombay Ph.D Scie entist(Nation nalChemicalL Laboratory) Spec cialization:FluidMechani ics,ChemicalEngineering AmitayIssac c MrA D. DFA) Ph.D (UNSW,AD M.Tech(CSE),IIT TBombay cialization: MDO, Softw ware Architec cture, Parall lel Spec Com mputing Adv visoryBoard d Prof f.K.Sudhaka ar Ph.D D.(IITBombay y) Profe essor and Head, Dep partment o Aerospac of ce Engineering,Indi ianInstituteo ofTechnology yBombay cialization: M Multidisciplin nary Design Optimization n, Spec Syste emEngineeri ing RakeshMeh hta Mr.R ech.(IITBom mbay) M.Te Direc ctor,BitMapperIntegrati ionTechnolog gies(P)Ltd. Direc ctor,Mechatr ronics(P)Ltd d.Pune Spec cialization: VL Design a LSI and Chip Fab brication, VLS SI Train ning Mr.Vishv vadeepShriv vastav M.Tech(T ThermalandF Fluid),IITBombay Autodesk, ,Inc. Kalamkar Mr.Vilas Ph.D.(Tur rbomachinery y),IITBomba ay Professor, ,SardarPatel lCollegeofEngineering,M Mumbai akantNegdeve Mr.Surya M.S.(Ther rmal),IISc.Ba angalore PursuingP Ph.D.(Hypers sonicFlow),IITBombay shekJain Mr.Abhis M.Tech.(A Aerodynamic cs),IITBomba ay ZeusNum merixPvt.Ltd..,Mumbai Mr.IrshadKhan hanical),Pune eUniversity B.E.(Mech ZeusNum merixPvt.Ltd shChoudhar ri Mr.Ashis B.E.(Comp puterScience es),MumbaiU University ZeusNum merixPvt.Ltd shGhole Mr.Rajes M.Tech.(B BiomedicalEn ngineering), Schoolofb biosciencesa andbioengine eering,IITBo ombay alK.Yadav Mr.Visha M.Tech.(P ProcessEngin neering) DeptofMetallurgicalE Engineering,I IITBombay VisitingF Faculty


Num mecaInterna ational,Belgi ium mecaisamajo orCFDsoftwa arevendorfr romEurope Num with large user b h base in Turbomachinery and Aerospa industry y ace segm ment. Numec and Cent ca tre for Com mputational T Technologies (CCT Tech), Pune signed M e MOU agreem ment regard ding mutual colla aboration to promote Num meca CFD pr roduct offering in Indian indu ustry. meca provides all the sup pport to CCTe in terms of software ech Num licen nsing,training gandtrouble eshooting Sie emensPLMS Software(fo ormerUGSC Corp.,USA) emens PLM S Software pro ovided Paraso geometr kernel to CCTech in olid ric Sie Jun 2007. Cen ne ntre for Comp putational Te echnologies, Pune becam the first me org ganizationinIndiatoofferprofessiona alandstuden ntParasolidtr raining rasoliduser baseestimat tedtobemor rethantwom millionendu users.This Par has sboostedCCTechCADDe evelopmentG Groupcapabil litiesimmens sely GeometricLimited,Pune G e CentreforCo C omputational lTechnologie es(CCTech)s signedaMem morandumof f Understandin (MOU) wi Geometric Limited in June, 2008 under which U ng ith c u CCTechwouldprovidetra C ainedhumanresourcesfromDiplomainAdvanced CADdevelopm C ment(DACAD D)coursetoG Geometric Incollaborati I ionwithGeometricnewD DACADprogr ramwouldof fferexcellent t learningandplacementop l pportunitiesforfresheng gineeringgrad duates Spati ialCorporat tion echbecomesS SpatialUniv versityPartn ner.AsaUniv versityPartne er, CCTe CCTe echwouldhav veaccesstot thebest3Dte echnologiesa availablefor3 3D mode eling and vis sualization. I includes 3 ACIS Mod It 3D deler, 3D AC CIS Defor rmableMode elingandHOO OPSproducts s.


Te echSoft3D,U USA echsoft, USA provided Ho oops3D grap phical kernel to CCTech in Te Ma arch2007.CC CTechisonly yorganizatio ontoofferprofessionalan nd stu udent trainin on Hoops ng s3D in India HOOPS 3D technolog a. 3 gy provides integrated suite o componen which ena of nts able the rapid evelopment of highper rformance d design, visua alization, an nd de en ngineeringapplications


So oftwareandC Computing Softwareprodu uctsandcomp putingfacilitiesownedby yCCTech: SolidWorks(Profess sional)2008 eLicenseofP ParasolidGeo ometricKerne el 15node 20node eLicenseofH Hoops3DGra aphicsKernel l 15node eLicenseofA ACIS Geometr ricKernel

Ev valuationand dCertificatio on:

Continuous sevaluationa andperforma anceimprove ementProgra am Balancedassessmentsb basedoninternalexamina ationsandproject anscriptsalongwithcertificate Detailedtra

acilityandIn nfrastructure: Fa

1000sq.fe eetCAD/CFDlabandclass sroomatapr rimelocationinPunecity Highendg graphicsmach hinewith17 LCDforeach hindividual Classroom msequipwith hLCDProject tors,Laptop 16Node/1 16GBLINUXc clusterforHighPerforman nceComputa ation Connectivi ityof100Mb bpsinternalL LANandhighspeedBroad dband Linuxprox xy,fileandlic censeservers sfordatasecu urityanddatastorage Coursema aterialavailab bleonintrane et. DigitalMed diaLibraryat tCCTechcon ntainsacollec ctionofmore ethan30,000 books.

20nodeLic censeofANSY YSProducts( (Acad) ANSYSCFX nch ANSYSWorkben FD ANSYSICEMCF ronment ANSYSAI*Envir censeofFLUE ENTProducts s(Acad) 20nodeLic

15 5nodeLicens seofNumeca Products(Ac cad)

Flu uent Gam mbit TGr rid

Fine/T Turbo,Fine/H Hexa 20 0NodeLicens seofZeusPac ckages(Acad dandProfessi ional)


CFDTu utor CFDEx xpert


Impo ortantLinks

Impo ortantDa ates

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CADDevelopmentCourse(DA ACAD) CFDA AnalysisCourse(DACFD) CCTe echPlacemen ntActivities Abou utCCTech

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CentreforComputationalTechnologiesPvt.Ltd, FlatNo.6,BharatiApartment, 26/1,Wakedewadi,Shivajinagar, Pune411005 PhoneNo. :+912025521873 Website GeneralInfo :[email protected] SakalNews Paper Office ForDACAD NemKumar ProgramManagerDACAD CentreforComputationalTechnologiesPvt.Ltd. Phone:+919881195918 Email:[email protected] ForDACFD VijayMali ProgramDirectorDACFD CentreforComputationalTechnologiesPvt.Ltd. Phone:+919850861178 Email:[email protected]


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