Presentation: On Human Resource Management

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On Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (HRM)

It involves the productive use of people in achieving the organization's strategic Objectives and the satisfactions of individual employees needs. The management function that deals with recruitment, placement, training, development of organization members. Simply it is managing the employment relationships.

Importance of HRM
People are important assets of an organization. Success of an organization depends upon people. Peoples performance depends upon careful attention to them.

Components of a HRM System

Human Resource Planning Career Development Compensation & Benefits

Recruitment/ Decruitment


Performance Management



Training/ Development

Oil & Gas Developing Company Limited (OGDCL) The Price of greatness is Responsibility

Introduction of OGDCL
Established in 1961 with Russian Collaboration Self Financed Organization (1989) 44 fields throughout the Pakistan (Nand Pur, Dhodak, Uch ect.)

OGDCL works in:

Exploring Drilling Production Marketing

Our Sources of Information

M. Khalid Paracha Regional Chief OGDCL

Manzoor Watto Field Manager OGDCL Nand Pur

M. Nadeem Asst. to Field Manager

Khalid Parvez In charge Production

Mian Shafiq In charge Plant

M. Shafiq

M. Ameer

Superintendent Admin

Store Supervisor

Company Vision
To be the leading, regional Pakistani O & G Company, recognized for its people, partnerships and performance.

To become a competitive, dynamic and growing O & G Company, rapidly enhancing our reserves through world class workforce, best management practices and technology and maximizing returns to all stakeholders by capturing high value business opportunities within the country and abroad, while being responsible corporate citizen.

Human Resource Management Process

The most important set of activities in any organization

Human Resource Planning

HRM Planning
Human resource planning is designed to ensure the future personnel needs will be constantly and appropriately met. The process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of people in the right places, and at the right times, who are capable of effectively and efficiently performing assigned tasks.

Planning . (continued)
Current Assessment:
Job analysis
Defines jobs and the behaviors to perform them .

Job description
A written statement of what a job holder does, how its done and why it is done.

Job specification
A statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job successfully.

Meeting Future Human Resource Needs.

Planning and Forecasting

The process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them.

Assessing Current Human Resources

Assessing Future Human Resource Needs

Developing a Program to Meet Needs

Job Analysis
Job analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties of positions and characteristics of the people to hire for them.

Uses of Job Information collected through Job Analysis

Recruitment and selection


Performance appraisal
Training Discovering unassigned duties

Method of Collecting Job Analysis Information

Interview Questionnaires Observation Participant diary


Supervisory Interviews Employment Tests Realistic Job previews Selection interview

Recruitment &Decruitment

The development of a pool of job candidates in accordance with a human resource plan It is the process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants.

Techniques for reducing the labor supply within an organization. e.g. firing ,layoffs, transfers, retirements.

Process of Recruitment
Steps in the Recruitment process:
Internal Search Advertisement of a job vacancy. Web based advertising.

Preliminary contact with potential job candidates.

Initial screening to create a pool of qualified applicants.

Methods of Recruitment process:

External Recruitment Internal Recruitment

Employee Testing and Selection

The process of assessing candidates and appointing a post holder to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired.

The scheme used for optimally staffing the organization

Completed Job Applications: Interviews Testing Initial Screening Panel and Serial interviews Background Checks Physical Examination Job Offer



Introduction of new employee to their job, their colleague and the organization.

Formal Informal

Topics often covered in Orientation program

Organizational Issues

Employee Benefits

Names & titles of key executives. Employees title & department. Product line or services provided. Over view of production process.

Pay scales & pay days. Vacations & holidays. Rest breaks. Counseling. Insurance benefits.

Company policies & rules. Disciplinary regulations.

Retirement program.

Topics often covered in Orientation program

Introduction. Job duties.

To supervisors. To trainers. To co workers. To employee counselor.

Job location. Job tasks. Job safety requirements. Over view of job. Job objectives.

In context of OGDCL
Employees are introduced to their job. To their colleagues. To their organization.
Informal way of orientation

i.e job assigned to a senior member.


Training represents activities that teach employees how to better perform their jobs. The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their job.

Benefits of training
Improves profitability. Improves the job knowledge & skills. Improves morale of work force. Helps in understanding & carrying out organizational policies. More efficient problem solving & decision making. Adjust to change. Increases job satisfaction.

Types of Training
Interpersonal skills. Technical. Problem solving/ Decision making

Employee Training Methods

On the job. Job rotation. Mentoring & coaching. Work books & manuals. Class room lectures.

In context of OGDCL
For new employees. Technical training most important. Methods used for training
On the job Mentoring & coaching. Class room lectures.

Performance Appraisals and Managing Career

Employee Performance Management

Performance management is a process used within organization to establish and evaluate an individuals job performance to achieve goals and objectives.

The Process In Performance Appraisals

Establishing performance goals and standards Measuring actual performance. Comparing actual performance and standards Performance review Making corrective action (if necessary)

Performance Appraisals at OGDCL

Managers of all departments,including all field managers. Team-based verification of employees performance. Feedback,development & incentives required to help employees performance deficiencies. Main target is to improve performance.

360 Degree Feedback

Written Essays

Multiperson Comparisons

Performance Appraisal Methods

Graphic Rating Scale

Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales

Critical Incidents

Graphic Rating Scale

Performance Criteria 1. Quality of work 2. Quantity of work 3. Creativity 4. Innovativeness 5. Co-operation Rating Scale Excellent Good Fair


Who Should Appraise Performance?

The supervisor observes and/or

evaluates his or her subordinates work. Self-appraisal requires employees to evaluate their own performance Subordinate appraisal provides feedback to managers on how their subordinates view them especially on leadership, communication, delegation of authority, co-ordination, and interest in subordinates. Peer appraisal involves employees rating one of their own fellow workers, and the reports are compiled into a single profile for use in the performance review conducted by the employees manager

Managing Careers

A sequence of positions held by a person during his or her lifetime. It is also defined as advancement.


Career Career Planning Career Management Career Development HR Departments & Career Planning Managing Promotions & Transfers Diversity in Career Management Benefits of Career Planning

Significant Conclusion about Career Development?

1. 2. 3. 4. Today The individual not the organization is responsible for his/her own career! Organizational members have to look out for themselves and become more self reliant. Boundary less career is being established in which individual rather than organization define Career Progression. Organizational loyalty. Important skills. Market place value.

Career Planning in OGDCL

A distinct sector working under the HR Department Career planning for employees,with the collaboration of HR Department Full guidance to employees in developing their career

Benefits of Career Planning

Awareness of Opportunity Assists with workforce Diversity Taps employee potential Reduces hoarding Satisfies employee needs Lowers turnover

The HRM Process

Human Resource management



Selection Career development

Orientation Compensation benefits

Training Performance management

Compensation (Strategic Pay Plans & Incentives )

What employees receive in exchange for their work.

To attract and keep the desired quality and mix of employees

To ensure fair and equitable treatment

To motivate employees to improve their performance continually To ensure compensation is maintained at the desired competitive level

In Context of OGDCL contd

Officers Assistants Workers

Pay Rolls
Rs. 45,000 to Rs.100,000

Rs. 20,000 Rs. 40,000

Rs. 10,000 Rs. 15,000

In Context of OGDCL contd

Increment on Salary
15 % on best performance 7 % on average Performance Performance bonus on net profit

(Additional Incentives) Compensation

In Context of OGDCL
Friendly Working Environment Semi De-Centralized Model Pick & Drop Service Allowances for Food

In Context of OGDCL contd

Heads In annual budget for staff Fire Department Air Base (under process) Fly Camp (Entertainment)

Benefits & Services

Fringe Benefits Benefits and services that employees receive as indirect compensation.

Benefits & Services

Benefits are classified into: Insurance Security Time-off Work Scheduling

Benefits & Services in OGDCL

Medical Benefit Time-off Retirement plan Employees Safety

Residential Facility

Ethical Aspects of OGDCL

Employees Are praised for good work. Are Trusted. Complaints are dealt with effectively. Are treated with respect. Questions and problems are responded quickly.

Ethical Aspects of OGDCL

Employees hard work is appreciated. Employees are treated fairly. Co-workers help each other. Co-workers treat each other with respect.

Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining

Labor Unions
An association or society of employees of a particular field/org. which represents them and exists for a purpose.

Union security Improved wages, hours and working conditions.

Collective Bargaining
Process through which representatives of union and management meet to negotiate a labor agreement.

In context of OGDCL
Here two Labor Unions Exist
All Employees Labor Union All Mazdoor Ittahad Union

Union Tools
Strikes Boycotts Corporate campaign Inside games

Losses may face by the OGDCL

If employees dont work for an hour, the org has to face the loss of millions of rupees.

Overall Framework for Human Resource Management

Globalization Technology Managing change Human capital Responsiveness Cost containment

Planning Recruitment Staffing Job design Training/development Appraisal Communications Compensation Benefits Labor relations

Background diversity Age distribution Gender issues Educational levels Employee rights Privacy issues Work attitudes Family concerns

Issues & Challenges affecting HRM

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