FTL Police Affidavit

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MICHAEL J. SATZ. EMAIL COVER STATE ATTORNEY ‘SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA SHEET BROWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE 201 SE. SIXTH STREET FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301-3360 Rich Abdill From: | Susan Selzer Public Records Unit ‘Atin: | Village Voice Media New Times Broward-Palm Beach 954-831-7228 61-12 Page(s) Including Cover 46 [email protected] Public Records Request Defendant: Fort Lauderdale Police Officers Matthew Moceri, Michael Florenco and Geoffrey Shaffer Copies of Warrant and Affidavit to Arrest MICHAEL J. SATZ STATE ATTORNEY SEVENTEENTH TUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA BROWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE 201 SE SIXTH STREET, SUITE 660 A, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 333013360 PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST [Conti Mr. Selzer at (984) $1-7228/ SSelvar@suo!7stut Ls Requestor: RICH ABDILL. Request Reference Company: VILLAGE VOICE MEDIA/NEW TIMES BROWARD Phone: (054)233 1847 ‘ies Fa Da: 62002 iy, Sate, Zip Em [email protected] Sa CASTS Sa TRE [Record T)pe Pubic Records Request Fort Lauderdale Police Oficers Matthew Mose Michael Florenco & Goefrey Shafer: Copies of Warrant YOU ARE ADVI tte Sas Anes Of nin fe int ab The youn reel ese He dy Reviewed Redacted by Approved Disapproved by AS = Fe unable to e lose by Unit ‘See Notes Exemptions Reactions indated below Roquest Wthdrawn-Date ‘SAO record was desryed por $119 02130), Dae PH xp hao rere = Ne dacdiond ~ Noten ‘Notexxemptions from Public Record Disclosure (For Reviewing ASA use only) TE sans mein wg BSS RES gy re ce SH 381 Drona wecetnanen an tnt one mena ey ems OATS ee ee (ont hse 7 {mt coms Ra ete 8 Ds nem et HS 65 ‘Pijceedoacancrs me THOS ccna Rt se mea HFS {Vip ttn ead ay SIDS Bowron Document #1866 ORIGINAL ADM? COPY. Requsing Pary 1D Men me cg BFR BST contslimath rene ten iy mete Pre, [venders pre PIONS {s.r pot pms te SIA Dome ae ae eto aid ste am HSNO Sans" [Caner emt ero 1807098 D iowteedeonin BEAK D oiertemedil mene ne 210 8 am ace HSE) Rev 508/11 (COPY Public Record File 12-016 3 AFG IN THE CIRCUTT COURT OF THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA, Plains, WARRANT, ve ‘TO ARREST IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF PLORIDA, TO ALL AND SINGULAR THE SHERIFFS AND CONSTABLES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: WHEREAS, Randall L, Petham has tis day made an oak before me onthe 30th day of ‘May, A.D. 2012, inthe County and State aforesaid: COUNT 1: OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT ‘The Defendants MICHAEL FLORENCO, MATTHEW MOCERI AND GEOFFREY SHAFFER, on oF about November 21, 2009 and continuing through November 22, 2009, in Broward County, Florida, while public servants, Officers fr the Fort Lauderdale Paice Department, with a comupt intent to obtain e benefit for themselves or another orto cause unlawful herm to another, did knowingly falsify or cause another to falsify an official record or document, to wit: a Probable Cause Affidavit, Fort Lauderdale Police Ofense Report Number 09-128137, euthored by Michsel Florenco, pertaining tothe aest of Kennet Post, contrary to Florida Statutes 838.022(1)(2), 777.011, 775.082 and 775.083, COUNT 2: OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT ‘The Defendants MICHAEL FLORENCO, MATTHEW MOCERI AND GEOFFREY SHAFFER, fon or about November 21, 2009 and continuing through November 22. 2009, in Browanl County. Florida, while public servants, Officers for the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, with a corrupt intent to obtain a bereft for themseives or another orto cause unlawful herm to another, did knowingly falsify ‘or cause another to falsify an official record or document, to wit: a Supplemental Offense Incident Repo, Fort Lauderdale Police Offense Report Number 09-128137, authored by Michsel Flocenco, perlaning to the aest of Kenneth Post, contrary to Fords Stautes 838.022(1}@), 777.011, 775.082, ‘and 775.083,

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