Genes and Chromosomes: Important Points
Genes and Chromosomes: Important Points
Genes and Chromosomes: Important Points
Important points
In their body cells, humans have 46 chromosomes, made up of 23 pairs. There are 44 chromosomes numbered 1-22 (called autosomes) according to size from the smallest to the largest and two sex chromosomes: X and Y Womens chromosomes are described as 46,XX; mens as 46,XY A mother passes 23 chromosomes to her child through her egg and a father passes 23 chromosomes through his sperm The chromosomes consist of two very long thin strands of DNA chains twisted into the shape of a double helix and are located in the nucleus (the control centre) of our body cells The chromosomes are long strands of genes Since the chromosomes come in pairs, the genes also come in pairs Genes are also located in very small compartments called mitochondria that are randomly scattered in the cytoplasm of the cell outside the nucleus In each of the approximate 20,000 genes there is a piece of genetic information which guides our growth, development and health and is in the form of a chemical code, called the genetic code The genetic code in the DNA, is virtually identical across all living organisms and is like a recipe book for the body to make proteins The DNA code is made up of very long chains of four chemical letters: Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Thymine (T) and Cytosine (C) In the DNA information, each word is a combination of three of these four chemical letters A, G, C and T Each three-letter word (triplet) tells the cell to produce a particular amino acid that form proteins The sequence of three-letter words in the gene enables the cells to assemble the amino acids in the correct order to make up a protein Different genes are active in different cell types, tissues and organs, producing the necessary specific proteins; some genes are switched off and others are switched on Changes to the genetic code can mean that a particular protein is not produced properly, produced in the wrong amounts or not produced at all In some cases, the change in the genetic code can result in a genetic condition, affecting our growth, development and how our bodies work
Just like we read the words on a page to understand what the author is telling us, the body reads the triplets of words in the DNA (our genetic information) to tell us to grow and develop and guide how our cells work in our bodies. We may also read a book in different circumstances and similarly, our genetic information is read by the cells in a background of our personal internal and external environments. This includes our diet, the chemicals that we are exposed to and the other genes in the cells. Books also get older and the pages become brittle or the words are harder to read, our genes are affected by the ageing process. It is important to remember however that our environment also plays a major role in how we develop and how our bodies work by interacting with the genetic information (see Genetics Fact Sheet 11).
Information in volume 1 came from your Mum. Information in volume 2 came from your Dad. Each chapter has many pages
Chapter one A, G, C, T
Chapter one A, G, C, T
23 pairs of chromosomes. Each chromosome is like a chapter from one of the volumes of the book
of the chemical substance called DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid). The chromosomes are very long thin strands of DNA, that are coiled up like a ball of string as shown in Figure 1.3. The chromosomes containing the genes are located in the nucleus (or control centre) of our body cells (Figure 1.4). An exception is our red blood cells, which have no nucleus and so dont have any chromosomes. Another place in the cell where DNA is found is in the cell in very small compartments called mitochondria that are found randomly scattered in the cytoplasm outside the nucleus.
The mitochondria are the energy centres of the cell. Mitochondria contain genes too, although the mitochondrial DNA is one long string of genes and is not arranged as chromosomes The genes in bacterial DNA are also arranged in a long string, giving rise to the theory that the mitochondria originated from bacteria that invaded a human cell long ago in evolution. Further information on mitochondria can be found in Genetics Fact Sheet 12 All of the DNA in the human cell (in the nucleus and the mitochondria) makes up the human genome.
1 In the laboratory, the chromosomes are coloured (stained) with special dyes to produce distinctive banding patterns (Figure 1.6). Each chromosome has been arranged in pairs and in order of size At one point along their length, each chromosome has a constriction, called the centromere The centromere divides the chromosomes into two arms: a long arm and a short arm The chromosomes are numbered from the largest (chromosome number 1) to the smallest (chromosome number 22): these numbered paired chromosomes are called autosomes. Figure 1.7 shows a drawing of one of these autosomes (chromosome number 7), illustrating its characteristic banding pattern and the centromere. There are also two chromosomes that have been given the letters X and Y: these are the sex chromosomes. The X chromosome is much larger than the Y chromosome. Women have 46 chromosomes (44 autosomes plus two copies of the X chromosome) in their body cells: 46,XX 23 chromosomes (22 autosomes plus an X chromosome) in their egg cells Men have 46 chromosomes (44 autosomes plus an X and a Y chromosome) in their body cells: 46,XY 23 chromosomes (22 autosomes plus an X or Y chromosome) in their sperm cells
As we age and grow, our cells are continually dividing to form new cells. During this division process, each of the long thin chromosomes coils up tightly, so that each of the 46 individual chromosomes become rod-shaped structures and can be seen when using a microscope (Figure 1.6).
Our genes
The DNA making up each chromosome is usually coiled up tightly. If we imagine it stretched out, it would look like beads on a string (Figure 1.3). Each of these beads is called a gene Each gene is a piece of genetic information Thousands of genes make up each chromosome Since the chromosomes come in pairs, there are two copies of the genes. The exception to this rule applies to the genes carried on the sex chromosomes: the X and Y. Since men have only one copy of the X chromosome, they have only one copy of all the genes carried on the X chromosome
Figure 1.6: Normal chromosome picture (karyotype) from a male 46,XY (SEALS Genetics Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick)
That is why the DNA that makes up the genes is often called coding DNA The DNA string between the genes is often called non-coding DNA. It was originally referred to as junk DNA as it appeared that this DNA did not contain the information for gene products that the cells use and produce. It is increasingly clear that the non-coding DNA has a very important role to play That role is still largely unknown but is likely to include regulating which genes are switched on and which are switched off in each cell Studies of this non-coding DNA are useful for forensic investigations and determining biological relationships (see Genetics Fact Sheet 22)
Genes contain recipes for the body to make proteins - the Book of Life is like a recipe book for our bodies
The DNA message in the genes is like a recipe for an essential component of the body, such as a protein. Chains of the protein building blocks (amino acids) called polypeptides, fold into more complex structures. These structures (proteins) have a specific function or role in cells. Proteins may be made up of a number of different polypeptides That can mean that a number of different genes are concerned with coding for that protein The Genetic Book of Life is made up of recipes for proteins - it is like a recipe book for our bodies. In this Book, each three-letter word (triplet) tells the cell to produce a particular amino acid, or to start or stop reading the words. The sequence of three-letter words in the gene enables the cells to assemble the amino acids in the correct order to make up the protein or polypeptide
We are all born with several faulty gene copies that usually cause no problem
Importantly, some faulty (mutated) genes may not cause any problem. We are all born with several faulty genes. Indeed having a faulty gene can be beneficial as discussed in Genetics Fact Sheet 5. When faulty genes are contained in the egg or sperm cells, they can be passed on to children (inherited). The faulty gene may be in these cells because that person inherited it from one or both parents. Sometimes, however, a mutation can occur for unknown reasons in an egg or sperm cell and may cause a genetic condition. An individual conceived from that egg or sperm cell will be the first in the family to have the condition but which may then be passed down to his or her children and future generations. Genetics Fact Sheets 8, 9, 10 & 11 discuss the patterns of inheritance of these faulty genes in more detail. Fact sheets 4 & 5 discuss changes to the genetic code in more detail.
Other Genetics Fact Sheets referred to in this Fact Sheet: 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 22, 24, 58
Harper P . (2004). Practical Genetic Counselling. London: Arnold. Wain H, Bruford W, Lovering R et al. (2002). Guidelines for human gene nomenclature. Genomics 79(4):464-470 McKusick VA. (2007). Mendelian Inheritance in Man and its online version OMIM. Amer J Hum Genet, 80. 588-604 Nomenclature and Chromosome Committees of the Human Genome Organization (HUGO) [online]. Available from: nomenclature/ [Accessed June 2007] Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, OMIM. McKusick-Nathans Institute for Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) and National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine (Bethesda, MD) [online]. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm. [Accessed June 2007]. The GDB Human Genome Database Hosted by RTI International [online]. North Carolina. Available from: CountGeneByChromosome.html [Accessed June 2007].
Edit history
June 2007 (8th Ed) Author/s: A/Prof Kristine Barlow-Stewart Acknowledgements this edition: Gayathri Parasivam Previous editions: 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998, 1996, 1994, 1993 Acknowledgements previous editions: Mona Saleh; Bronwyn Butler; Prof Eric Haan; Prof Graeme Morgan; Prof Michael Partington; Amanda OReilly