1 What Engineers Do
1 What Engineers Do
1 What Engineers Do
Engineering is a profession. Its members work closely with scientists and apply new and old scientific effects to produce products and services that people want. Engineers do creative work. They are skilled in the art of inventing new ways of using the forces of nature to do useful things. Scientists strive to understand nature while engineers aim to produce useful products subject to economic and societal constraints. Engineers deal with reality and usually have a set of specific problems that must be solved to achieve a goal. If a particular problem is unusually difficult, it may have to be solved approximately within the time and cost limitations under which the engineer operates. Engineering problems usually have more than one solution. It is the aim of the engineer to obtain the best solution possible with the resources available. A criterion for measuring the degree of success of a solution is usually adopted and an attempt is made to optimize the solution relative to this criterion. The engineer rarely achieves the best solution the first time; a design may have to be iterated several times. Engineers are professionally responsible for the safety and performance of their designs. The objective is to solve a given problem with the simplest, safest, most efficient design possible, at the lowest cost.
Figure 1.1 shows the major human activities represented as three poles labeled as follows: Ideas Nature People and Things
The major activities of different individuals are grouped around these poles as follows: Closest to the ideas poleHumanities Closest to the nature poleSciences Closest to the people and things poleGoods and Services Between the ideas and nature polesThe Abstract Sciences
What Engineers Do
Between the nature and people and things polesThe Applied Sciences Between the people and things and the ideas poleThe Social Sciences Engineering is obviously one of the applied sciences. The specific activities of the engineer cover a wide spectrum (Fig. 1.2). They range from the role of a pure scientist (research), to that of a sales or applications engineer who has more to do with people-oriented subjects such as psychology and economics.
The science subjects are normally physics, chemistry, and mathematics. An engineering science subject presents the principles of science in a form well-suited for the solution of a particular class of engineering problem. An example of an important engineering science subject taken by many engineers is Fluid Mechanics. This subject came into being as an integrated subject as recently as 1940. The applied engineering subjects are concerned with the art of engineering. In these, little new knowledge is presented. Instead, students are trained to solve real problems, preferably under the guidance of an experienced engineer. A typical applied engineering subject is engineering design. A very important aspect of engineering education is the development of communication skills (written, verbal, and visual). These attributes are usually covered in special subjects as well as in connection with reports associated with experiments. Humanities and social science subjects are included in the curriculum because an engineer usually must deal with people and problems associated with people. An important item, usually not treated in a formal way, is the development of a professional sense of responsibility. This includes the habit of getting jobs done on time with a reasonable degree of completeness and with emphasis on precision and a logical approach. Engineering education is divided into several branches depending on the subject matter of the engineering science and applied engineering subjects. Figure 1.3 lists the most common engineering disciplines. These are arranged with regard to an increasing emphasis on a quantitative approach. Those branches of engineering near the top of the list are most like chemistry while those subjects near the bottom of the list are most like physics. Mechanical engineering is almost as quantitative a discipline as electrical engineering. The location of the other fields of engineering may be readily placed in Fig. 1.3. For example: Nuclear and aeronautical engineering is most like mechanical engineering Naval architecture is most like civil engineering Petroleum engineering corresponds to materials and chemical engineering
What Engineers Do
Despite the fact there are now a large number of engineering areas of specialization, the philosophy of approach is the same for all. This involves a strong scientific base and the practice of breaking a large complex problem into smaller manageable units that are represented by an approximate model of the real situation. One of the most important aspects of engineering is this approach to the solution of problems. This is more or less the same for all branches. Only the vehicle for discussion is different. As with other professionals, education of the engineer does not end with graduation from a four-year curriculum. It is important to keep abreast of new developments in technology that are appearing with ever increasing frequency. In the future, it will be necessary for successful engineers to devote between 10 and 20% of their total effort to learning new analytical procedures and becoming aware of new technology. This will usually be done by self-study, attendance at technical society meetings, or participation in special short courses (one or two weeks duration). It may even become common for engineers to return to a university for from six months to a year of full-time study every ten years or so. Graduate work in engineering is relatively recent. Before World War II, the Ph.D. in Engineering was virtually unknown. This is illustrated by the fact that the first Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering was awarded at MIT in 1930 and by 1941 only 14 such degrees had been awarded there. Today, this same department annually produces Ph.D.s by the dozens. The growth of graduate training in engineering has occurred very rapidly. About half of the engineers presently continue their formal studies for an advanced degree after graduation.
Throughout the book, the often circuitous route taken in the development of new ideas is emphasized. In this connection, a classical volume by Galileo will be used by way of illustration. Where possible, Galileos view of things is related to modern technology; appropriate passages are considered and discussed in most chapters.
What Engineers Do
Galileo (15641642) was born in Pisa and studied at the university there. From 1589 to 1610, he was a member of the faculty of the University of Padua where most of his innovative ideas were formulated. He wrote two important books: Dialogs Concerning the Two Chief World Orders, (1628) and Dialogs Concerning Two New Sciences (1638). The first of these books discussed experimental observations that supported the Copernican theory that the Earth and all other planets revolve about the sun and that the Earth is not the center of the universe. The second book is concerned mainly with the resistance of materials to fracture and the motion of bodies. Both of these books emphasize the importance of experiments in deriving physical laws as opposed to a reliance on proverbial beliefs, authority, or purely theoretical reasoning. Selected passages from the second of these two books will be used here to demonstrate: The importance of experimental verification. How very simple experiments that do not require sophisticated instrumentation may be devised. The power of inductive reasoning. The importance of explaining experimental observations in fundamental terms. The importance of dialog and group action in the solution of complex problems. The skillful use of example. That even the most famous people may be wrong on occasion. The origin of several important physical concepts including those of inertia, buoyancy, surface tension of liquids, the density of air, and its resistance to motion (drag). How understanding one physical phenomenon in fundamental terms often provides an explanation for other related ones, or even suggests new inventions. To illustrate the value of simulation in the solution of engineering problems. That in the approximate solution of engineering problems, relative values rather than absolute numerical values are often sufficient, more easily obtained, and in some cases, preferred.
It is important that an engineer understand that the solution of new problems rarely involves a direct path of reasoning as textbook explanations usually do. Instead, several false starts are often involved before a solution satisfying all requirements and constraints is obtained. Galileos book is written as a rambling dialog between a professor (Salviati representing Galileo) and two students (Sagredo, an A student, and Simplicio, a C student) over a four-day period. To say that the book rambles is an understatement, and a first reading is apt to be confusing when following the order in which the material is presented. Therefore, selected passages concerned with topics being discussed in more modern terms are suggested at appropriate points in this text. It is hoped that this will not only illustrate the working of a great mind, but also serve as an introduction to one of the great pieces of classical scientific literature. The first segment of the Galileo text to be considered is the first page (passage number 49) followed by the passages numbered 50 through 67. It is suggested that these pages be read after considering the following discussion of their content. In passage 49, Galileo mentions visiting the arsenal at Venice and interacting with the artisans there involved in the design and construction of various instruments and machines. He considers this useful since many of them by experience have sound explanations for what they do. However, he finds that all their explanations are not true and warns against false ideas that are widely accepted (proverbial concepts). Galileos main objective is to explain the resistance to fracture that materials exhibit. He begins by discussing the role that geometrical size plays relative to strength, and concludes that two geometrically similar machines made from identical material will not be proportionately strong. In support of this view, several examples are discussed: The case of similar wooden rods of different size loaded as cantilevers The paradox of a brittle column being eventually weaker with three point support than with two point support The strength of two geometrically similar nails loaded as cantilevers
What Engineers Do
In each of these cases, loading is not in simple tension but involves bending. Fracture involves not only the applied load, but also its distance from the point of fracture (called a bending momentthe product of a force and the perpendicular distance from the force to a center of rotation). At this point in the dialog, Galileo does not distinguish between strength in simple tension and strength in bending. However, in the second day, he derives a number of relationships for the relative strengths of beams of different geometries loaded in bending. These will be considered in Ch. 4. Galileo next tackles the origin of the strength of different materials in simple tension. Fibrous materials, such as rope and wood, loaded parallel to the grain, are considered first. The question of how a long rope consisting of relatively short fibers can be so strong is considered next. The role that helical entwinement of individual fibers plays is qualitatively explained as is the mechanics of a capstan and that of a clever device for controlled descent of a person along a rope (Fig. 3 in Galileo). The breaking strength of other nonfibrous materials is next considered from two points of viewthe force associated with the vacuum generated when two surfaces are rapidly separated, and the possibility of some sort of adhesion existing between minute particles of the material. The role of a vacuum which accounts for the tensile strength of a column of water turns out to be negligible for a solid such as copper. Galileo anticipates the fact that solids consist of extremely small particles (now called atoms) that are held together by some sort of adhesive substance (now called atomic bonds). He further concludes that when a metal is raised to a high temperature, the adhesive substance is reversibly neutralized and the metal melts. These matters are discussed from a modern perspective in Ch. 5 of this book. In passage 60 of the Galileo text, Sagredo makes the following Yogi Berra-like observation. ...although in my opinion nothing occurs contrary to nature except the impossible, and that never occurs. However, a short time later he makes a more meaningful observation that establishment of a vacuum, as when two smooth flat plates separate, cannot be responsible for the resistance to fracture since generation of the vacuum follows separation by fracture (cause must precede effect). It is suggested that, at this point, passages 4967 of the Galileo text be read to gain an appreciation for the way in which a problem is tackled by Galileo and the many interesting discussions that, temporarily, intervene. Galileo, being unusually inquisitive, cannot resist exploring many side issues, but eventually returns to the main problem.
Beginning in passage 68, Galileo considers the nature of infinity and whether infinity can be subdivided. This consists mainly of some clever geometrical considerations designed to better understand the meaning of infinity and whether subdivision of a solid into extremely small particles is feasible. The end result appears to be that infinity is not a number, but an entirely different concept. It, therefore, cannot be treated like a number and subjected to arithmetical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or extraction of a root. It is suggested that the material from passages 68 to 85 of the Galileo text be merely scanned. Material discussed during the remainder of the first day will be covered in subsequent chapters of this book, mainly because important concepts of significance today are clearly identified, and, in many cases, verified by elegantly simple experiments.