Astronomy Relevant To Astrology by V.P. Jain
Astronomy Relevant To Astrology by V.P. Jain
Astronomy Relevant To Astrology by V.P. Jain
A book on
t u \P^5r"Ino-t
by V. P .Iain
tt q-d dzrr
$ qFr:q{ urRdqr
wr da d {$ d ft{ srFI-aFrrIll-drR\q-Efs-qr
In this Mantra, god Sun has been remembered by three different names.
(Swamy Vidyaranya Ji whom we all know by the name Swamy Moorkhananda Ji, used to recommend this Mantra as very beneficial to all students of astrology.)
Introduction........... Cneprnn I Historical Background............. Names of Astronomers Indian Astronomy................ Siddhantas............... Revolutions of Various Planets in a Mahayuga of Solar Years g .................. ............lz ...................... 15 ................. l?
Surya Siddhanta and Bija Corrections................... 28 Comparison of Time of Revolutions for Various Planets ................... .....................24 Difference between Modern and Indian Classical 4stronomy............... .................. ZG Cxeprnn 2 Sphere, CelestialSphere Great Circle, Small Circle, Plane Pole of a Circle in a Sphere................ .......31 ...........82 ......33
Terrestrial Equator, Meridians, Longitude ............ 34 Terrestrial Latitude ................3b CelestialPoles,CelestialEquator... Ecliptic ........85 ..................... 86
Zodiac 37 CelestialLongitude, Declination .............................. The Right Ascension Decilination Circle, Hour Angle Altitude, Azimuth Zenith, Nadir, Celestial Meridian Verticals,Prime Vertical ...'ir......,... ................37 .............38 .......:.............39
4l Changesin the Sun's Declination............................. 42 Obliquity of Equator and Equinoxes .......e...........,... Cneprnn 3 Stars, Planets, Satellites and Solar System ...........44 47 ..................... Ecliptic ..........6...... ................50 ................ Formation of Seasons Earth on Vernal Equinox and Autumnal Equinox 52 The Moon Cycle of Moon..........;....... Cneptnn 4 ,................53 55 ............................
64 l' Why Planets Become Retrograde............................. Cneprnn 5 Precessionof Equinoxes........... 67 ............... 69 Nutation, Movable and Fixed Zodiacs..................... Division of Zodiac into Signs and Constellations . 71 Cxeprnn 6 P h a s e so f M o o n Nodes Rahu and Ketu Sidereal Period, Sidereal Time Synodic Period Cnlprnn 7 Lunar Eclipse SolarEclipse.... Occultation, Combustion CHeprnn 8 Mean Solar Day .......... The Local Mean Time Units of Time ..............88 .............89 ........... 91 ..........82 ........84 ........87 ......,74 .......76 ........77 .............. ?8 ........79
Units of Measurement of Distance in Space, ..............92 Light Year,Astronomicql Unit.. ' ' Parsec Solar Month .................: Civil Day, Sidereal Day, Lunar Day or a Tithi.......94 95 Lunar/Anomalistic Nodical Month......'.................... 96 Lunar/Anomalistic Nodical Year...............................
Including Extra - Saturnine Planets - Inner and Outer Planets - Retrograde Motion of Planets - How the Seven Days of a Week were Named- Comet
Chapter 5
Movable and Fixed Zodiacs Precession and Nutation Ayanamsha Phases of Moon - Its Synodic Period - Rahu and Ketu Lunar and Solar Eclipses and Combustion of the Planets Local Time, Zonal Time, I.S.T., Various Units of Time, Solar Year, Lunar Year. Panchanga - Tithi, Day, Karan, Yoga and Nakshatra Upagrahas (Astronomical points on the ecliptic) - Sun and Stars. Rising and Setting of Planets and their combustion
98 Tithi .........
Cneprnn 10 Upagrahas
Comets......... Galaxy, Extra Galactic Nebulae Cneprpn 1l Rising and Setting of Planets and their Combustion............. Diurnal Motion
LongitudinalMotion............... Combustionof outer planets Combustionof inner planets Test Yourself.......... Index...... Table of Planetary Movement...........
................. 128 ................. 129 ................. 131 .................. 135 ..198 .....t42
The present'bookof astronomy has been written for students who want to learn Hindu Astrology and possessknowledge of mathematics up to the 10+2 standard and know the elementsof plane geometry, algebra etc. Though the book contains the figures of three dimensions, yet the students can understand the astronomicalconcepts.Using their imaginations and graspping the points explained. In writing this book, help has been taken from the class notes on Indian Astronomy by Shri R. N. Vashist(I.A.&A.S, Retd.), Elementsof Astronomgby George W. Parker, Spherical Astronomg by W. M. Smart and A to Z Astronorngby Patric Moore. I hope students will find theselessonsuseful for un d e rs t a n d i n g a s tro n o my a n d i ts u ti l i sation in astrology. The book is divided into elevenchaptersfor a smooth and easygrasp of the su$ect as under: Chapter I Chapter 2 Chapter 3 and 4 Astronomy and its Historical Background Definitions Earth and Solar System
Astronomy is the science which deals with the heavenly bodies. Since the man saw the Sun, the Moon, Stars etc., he wanted to find out the reason behind them and how day and night, and seasonsetc. occur. Thus started the astronomical concept in hismind.In prehistoric times, our ancestors gazed at the Sun, the Moon and other heavenly bodies in the sky and grouped the stars.into constellations and rashis. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
Historically speaking,we can divide western astronomical development, in three eras: ancient, medieval and modern. Among the ancient astronomersmention should be made of the Greek geometer Pythagorus (562-500 BC), who was one of the first to maintain that the Earth was not flat. He made some study of the movement of planets known in his time. Next came Heraclides (388-315BC), a Greek philosopher,who believed that the Earth rotated on its axis in a period of 24 hours. Aristarchus of Samos (310-250BC) felt
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Astronomy Rchootl
to Atttology
that the Earth moves in an orbit round the Sun. He tried to measurethe relative distancesof the Moon and the Sun,though the resultswere inaccurate. Next camethe real breakthroughwhen Hipparchus ( 190120BC) appearsto have prepared a star catalogue. The original star catalogueof Hipparchus has not been preservedbut it would be quite justified to say that Ptolemy based his star catalogue on that of Hipparchus,who alsohad discoveredthe precession of equinoxesand had evenventured to quantify it by sayingthat its rate cannot be less than 36" of an arc per year. The last and really important astronomer of the classicaltimes was Claudius Ptolemy (AD f20180)of Alexandria. His bookAlmagesthas cornedown to us through an Arab translation.This book gives a gist of the ancient scientificknowledge.Ptolemy left a star catalogue and data on the motion of planets and stars.There was an eclipsein Greek astronomy after him. Their tradition was continued for more than 1000years by the Arabs in a subdued form. Among the astronomersof medieval time the first landmark is by Nicholas Copernicus (AD f 4?3-1543) who stipulatedthat the Sun is the centre of the solar system and planets move around the Sun. He was a Polish astronomer and his book was releasedon his death in AD 1543. The next important astronomer was Galileo (AD 1564-L642) who was an experimental telescopeobserver.His championship of Copernicus theory resulted in his persecution by the state and the church. A mention also must be made of the Danish astronomerTycho Brahe (AD 1564-1601), an expert observer astronomer of the pre-telescopeera. He compiled a star catalogueand made observations on planets. Kepler (AD 1571-1630) used Brahe's data
to show that planets move round the Sun in elliptical orbits whose one focus is the Sun. He also enunciated the three Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Sir Issac Newton (AD 1642-L727) enunciated his famous laws of motion and built the first reflector-type telescope, called after him 'Newtonian'. During this very period, lived the Danzig astronomer named Johann Havetius (AD 1611-1667),who had his observatory at Danzig (in Poland). He compiled a map of moon and is known for his notable star catalogue. During this very (seventeenth) century, another notable observer a astronomer Christian Huygens (1629-1695), Dutch scientist made his contribution by recognizing, for the first time, the nature of Saturn's rings. Mention has also to be made of the famous royal (British) astronomer Edmond Hailey (AD 1656-1742) who was not only instrumental in publication of Newton's book The Pnncipiain 1687,but he also predicted the return of a famous Comet (Hailey's Comet) many times observed in the past and observed by Hailey in 1672 and after 76 years in 1758 (Its latest return was in 1986.)- also return in 1835,1911(earliestseen in2467
The modern era should be counted from partly eight ee n t h c e n t u ry (a fte r N e w to n ), n ineteenth century and the current twentieth century. This is bigger marked by building up of many observations, with more significationand resolutionand telescopes a large number of astronomers'British, German, French, American etc. In the nineteenth century, spectroscopy and photography were developed which made radical
changes in experimental and observational fields. From about 1870 large refractors were built ( t e l e s c o p e sw i t h l e n s e s ) . W i t h t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f 3 photography, human eye was mostly replaced by recorded photographs. During the twentieth century, larger reflectors (mirrors) superseded the refractor. Radio astronomy made its first appearance in 1930. With the advent of space age in lg57, astronomical observations are made from artificial satellites or by landing of space craft (e.g.on Moon, Venus, Mars etc.). Use was also made of infra-red, X-rays, gamma rays which were absorbed in atmosphere. Astro-physics and astrospectroscopy based on analysis of frequencies of light received from star lead to many important results regarding content material of a particular star and its recession, velocity etc. The name of a few astronomers of this period are mentioned below: (1) Sir Witliam Herschel (l?38-1S21) A great German observer born in 1781, he discovered the planet Uranus (also called Herschel). He also discovered thousands of new double stars, clusters and nebulae. He gave an idea of the shape of the Galaxy. His largest reflector telescope had a 49-inch mirror. His sister Caroline and his son Sir John (l7gZ-L871) were also astronomers of repute. Francis Bailey (1774-1894) An English astronomer who is remembered for his observations of Bailey's beads (brilliant points seen along the edge of Moon's disc) at the time of solar eclipse. Francois Arago (f786-1853) was director of
Paris observatory. He devoted himself to many studies of the Sun. (4) E W. August Argelander (AD 1799-1875)was a German astronomer. He produced important star catalogues. Sir George Bidell Airy (AD 1861-1892) The British astronomer royal (7th) was responsible to raise Greenwich observatory (in England) to a position of eminence' and contributed to ' astronomy and time-keePing. Johann Galle (AD 1812-1910)was the German astronomer, who along with H.L.D. Arrest, discovered the planet. Neptune in 1846. Le Verrier (AD 18f 1-L877),French astronomer and mathematician's calculations led to this discovery. John Couch Adams (AD f819-1892) English mathematical astronomer made correct prediction of the planet NePtune. Sir Norman Lockyer (AD 1823-t920) was English astrophysicist and spectroscopist. He and Jansen (AD L824'1907), French astronomer, independently of each other, discovered the method of observing solar prominences (other than at the time of total solar eclipse). (9) Asaph Hall (AD 1829-1907) American astronomer. His discovery of Phobos and Deimos (in 1877)the two satellites of Mars. (10) Sir David Gill (AD 1843-1914)was a Scotish astronomer. He was a pioneer in photographic mapping of the sky.
Rebooil to lrf,tvfolg
(ll) Bobert Aitken (AD 1864-f 949)was an Amcrican a s t r o n o m e r .D i r e c t o r o f L i c k O b s e r v a t o r y (California,120-inch reflectortelescope) and 36(l a rg e st i n th a t categor y, i n c h r e f r a cto r completedin 1888). Observerof double stars. (12)S. Walter Adams (AD 1876-1936) as an w American astronomer. was director of Wilson He Observatory.He did important work in Stellar spectroscopy. (1 3 ) G e o r g e El l e r H a l e (A D 1 8 6 8 -1 938) was an American astronomerwho set up great 200-inch (reflector) telescopeat Palomear Observatory (completedin 1948), largest telescope the the in world for many years. He is also famous for inventing spectroheliograph. (14) Hanrietta Swan Leavitt (AD f888-1921)An American woman astronomerdiscovered2,400 variable stars, four novae,severalminor planets (asteroids).She discoveredin 1912the periodT luminosity law of Cepheids. I n t h e t w e n ti e th ce n tu rg g re a t resear ch in astronomy took place alsodue to advent of spaceage, e v e r s i n c e S p u tn i k w a s l a u n ch e d b y Russia in October1957. There were Moon landings,and probes into Venus and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It would b e d i f f i c u l t t o me n ti o n so ma n y a str onom er s, a s t ro p h y s i c i s t s, stro sp e ctro sco p i sts, and space a scientists.However,mention may be made of Clyde who Tombangh (1907),great American astronomer, with discoveredthe planet Pluto (9th planet)in 1930, systematic search from the Lavell observatory in Arizona.
Indian Astronomy Now we must turn our attention to the origin and history of Indian astronomy. It is very ancient, it pertains to a period much earlier than those of the Greek philosophers and astronomers. It started well, had depth of knowledge, accurate mathematical calcqlations, a system of observations (but there were no telescopes etc.). But, after political subjugation of Indi,a, the result was burning of libraries and suppression of intellectual research. Hence, India lagged behind in experimental observation especially during the last three centuries In Adi Rannagano by Valmiki (contemporary of Rama's era), Dasrath talks of starting of his rahu maraka dasha. He is also and the consequent need of coronation of a successor. Then muni Vashishtha ('kula purohit') fixed pushyami nakashatra as muhurta for coronation to take place. Since Rama's birth was mentioned as having taken place in Punarvasu Nakshatra in Karkat (cancer) lagna, Pushyami was considered auspicious being second from birth Rashi (nakshatra). Again, Ram-Ravana Yuddha was initiated on amavasya (considered good for starting a war) which ended on the lOth day of shukla paksha with Ravana oadha. Even till today, navaratra and vijaya dashami are celebrated starting from a particular amavasya. Again, in Mah"abharata, war was stipulated to start from amavasya. Krishna was described to have performed pitritarpan, a day earlier than starting of war (due to diference in Ayanamsha calculation). We have the age-old tradition of astronomy and based on that of astrology. The two went hand in
\\ Astronomgf,choont'f,PA"t .l"gY
glove. It was diflicult to visualise an astrologer who two was not an astronomer and vice versa' The sciences were linked tike body and soul' lnBhogowot time Purana, the complete position of planets at the of Lord Krishna's birth is given' In Mohobhototo' Bhishma Pitamaha, the great patriarch of kauravas andpandavas'whohadfalleninthebattlefield, pierced with arrows shot by Arjuna, would not die the litt ttt" sun becomes auspicious by being towards north, uttaragano (i.e. after winter solstice) around ZhndDecember. i Alltheseincidentsareampletoproofofexistence of of the deep study of the two divine sciences shostro' the astronomy and astrology, under igotish (lit planets and sciencedealing with jyoties, the lights, heavenly bodies). In the ancient times, all shastras used to be studied intensively in ashramas of great gurus, rishis devoted to learning, who practised yogas and did Research. The guru used to teach in depth and the learning process was usually extended over decades' The truths were committed to heart and memory through sutros and aphorisms which were like condensed knowledge. There was no printing process. Granths were written in hand on natural material (leaves etc.) Hence we do not have any books of ancient times. Nevertheless,knowledge has passed to us through scholars over the ages' Now what are the various source-shastras on astronomy and who are the scholars? Surya siddhanta is one of the oldest siddhantas on the subject which has come down to us from ages' Even Varahmihira wrote a commentary on lurye
siddhanta. Regarding the age of Varahmihira, some fixed it as (AD 550) Varah also mentions in his Pancha Siddhantika Arya Bhatta- (AD 499). But some associate Varahmihira to the court of Vikramaditya of Ujjain. However, everyone knows that vikrami samvat starts from BC 57 (while saka era starts from AD 78). ,*Iost of the Indian astronomical works are clairhed as divine revelations to various sages. Some of these Siddhantas are mentioned: 1., Surya siddhanta 2. Paitamaha siddhanta 3. Vyasa siddhanta 4. Vashishtha siddhanta 5. Atri siddhanta 6. Parashara siddhanta 7. Kashyapa siddhanta I 8. Narada siddhanta 9. Garga siddhanta 10. Marichi siddhanta 11. Manu siddhanta 12. Angira siddhanta 13. Lomasa siddhanta 14. Paulisa siddhanta 15. Chayavana siddhanta 16. Yavana siddhanta 17. Bhirgu siddhanta 18. Saunaka siddhanta
In the modern Sanskrit encyclopedia, the "shabdaKalpa-Druma", a list of nine treatises entitled "siddhanta" is given, which are: Brahma, Surya, Soma, Brihaspati, Garga, Narada, Parashara, Pulastya, Vashishtha siddhantas (S. No. 1,4,6,8, and 9 are repetitions here). A lot of research is needed to establish their origin, era, actual authorship etc. However, in the present imprecise state of historical background, and pending further research, we can broadly classify these under the following four categories. The first category clearly claims to be the
revelations and of very very antique origin and unknown authorship. In this category, we may name Brahma, Surya, Soma, Brihaspati and Narada siddhantas. (a) Surya siddhanta is at the top of this class of revelations. Though it is of unknown ancient origin, its various translations and editions are available. It is stated to be revealed by Sun God to Asura Maya in 2163102 BC (verses2-g of Surya siddhanta Chapter-l). Surya siddhanta has three stages: the original works as it existed before Varahmihira; Varaha's adaptation of it with the epicyclic theory being added to it; later adaptations and alterations. Its commentator Ranganatha (AD 1608)made it safe from further interpolations and this can be termed as modern Surya siddhanta whose various translations and commentaries are available. (b) Brahma siddhanta, said to be part of "Vishnudharamatra Purana", which work itself appears to us to have lost, is said to be a i revelation of Barhma to Narada. (c) Soma (Moon) siddhanta follows the main system of Surya siddhanta. A manuscript of it was available in Berlin Library (Weber Catalogue No. 840). (d) Brihaspati siddhanta is the revelation by Brihaspati, the guru of Gods. It is not available. but is referred to quite often as an authority in astronomical issues in many Hindu works on astronomy. (e) Narada Siddhanta, is also not available. There are, however, occasional references to Narada as
Releoont to Astrologg
,,i. an authority in astronomical works. Howeve4 Narada Samhita (a course on astrology) was available in Berlin Library (Weber Catalotue No. , 862). In the second category, we can list works attributed to ancient and renowned sages i.e. Garga, Parashara, Vyasa, pulastya and Vashishtha (the last being member of the group of great seven rishis Sapta Rishis-after whom a constellation is also named). (a)'Garga siddhanta is also not available. Only references to it are made in some other astronomical works. (b) Vyasa siddhanta is also not available. (c) Parashara siddhanta. Second chapter of Arya siddhanta contained an extract of this work. However, a work called Vrih,atta prashara (a work of system of astrology) is avaiiable in the \ Mackenzie collection (Wilson Catalogue (i) 120).
(d) Pulastya siddhanta.It is also not available; it is at times confusedwith paulisa sidChanta (which schoolof Greek origin was a rival of Arya Bhatta). (e) Vashishtha siddhanta. Its system corresponds with the Surya siddhanta.More than one treatise of this name is referred to by Colebrooks and Bentley. A later compilation by one Vishnu Chandra was founded partly upon this siddhanta and partly upon material from Arya-bhatta. Vrihatta Vashishthasiddhanta was in Mackenzie collection (Wilson Catalogue(i) 121). In the third category, belonging to authors esta b lis h e d i n t h e l a te r h i sto ry, w e ma y gr oup
siddhantas of authors like Aryabhatta, Varahmihira, Brahm Gupta, Romaka Siddhanta. (a ) Ar y a s i d d h a n ta . T w o p ri n ci pal wor ks of Aryabhatta-I (AD 499)are -AryaAshotako-shoto (800verses)and Dosho Gitiko (10 cantos).Berlin Library had a copy (Weber Catalogueno. 834),a workwhich was a commentary on Dasha,Gitika. - Bentley had two treatises called Argo Sidd'honto tr, andLoghu-Arga-Sid,ilhonto. (b) Varaha siddhanta. A great and known astronomical work of Varahmihira (AD 550) was ' Ponch-Sidilhantilco (i.e. a cornpendium of 5 astronomical works) founded upon Brahma, S u r y a , P a u l i sa , V a sh i sh th a and Ramaka siddhantas. It is no longer in existencel Vrahahamihira's astrological works are however available. (c) Brah'-a siddhanta, of Brahm Gupta (AD 628). iddhonto.' Its complete name is Brahmo-Sphuto-S Bentley had its copies.On it was Colebrooke and ' founded Bhaskra's (AD 1150) Siddhonto Shiromoni. Khondokodhyoko is another important work of Brahm GuPta. (d) Romaka siddhanta. Colebrooke links it to an author Srisena.It is founded partly on Vashishta siddhanta. It has been cited by Varahmihira in his Poneho Sidilhantika. In the fourth category, we may put later texts of known time and authorship. These are not so original works, but are mostly compilations, adaptations, and commentaries based on earlier siddhantas. (a) Siddhanta Shiromani, of Bhaskrra Acharya of
twelfth century (AD 1150).It is founded upon Brahma siddhantaof Brahm Gupta (AD 628).It is cited very frequently. It is a very prominent work. (b) Bhoja siddhanta. It was published during the reign of Raja Bhoja of Dhar in 10th-1lth centuries. (c) 'iSiaAhanta sundara. It was composedby Gnan ,Raja in the sixteenth centurY AD. (Q)' Graha-Laghav. A much veneratedtreatise,it is ' a composition of Ganesha(AD 1520)(e) Siddhanta Tattva Viveka. It was composedby Kamalakara (AD 1620). (f) Siddhanta sarbhauma, authoredbyMunishavara (son of Ranganatha, commentator of Surya siddhanta). (g) Of the above, modern publications are those of t h e Su r y a s i dd h a n ta o f R a n g a n atha, the Siddhonta Shirotnani, and Groha Loghao, and these should be available in the market with some effort. There are numerous other minor works of an era later than sixteenth century' In the above historical discussion' some of the important astronomical scholars and writers could not be covered.A mention of those left over scholars must also be made brieflY. These are: NAME : Lata Deva (AD 505) (Pupil of Arayabhatta-I) Lalla (AD 748) :
Expounder of Romaka and Paulisha siddhanta SisyaAdhivriddhida
The Laghumanasa and the Brahma Manasa The Siddhanta Sekhara
The basic astronomicaltime-frame usedin Surya siddhantais amahaUuga, which consistsof 4 yugossotyo or kritgo, treta, drsapor and koliyugo. A mahagugais fixed at 4,320,000 solar years and is divided in the four yugasin the proportion of 4:3:2:1, thekoligugo being the shortesti.e. 482,000 years.Tbis mahaguga has significant in so far as all planets and all nodesand epicyclesof conjuctionscompletetheir full revolution in this period (with no fractions left) and, hence, all will start afresh from their original positions. From comparison of various astronomical constants, such as the number of planetary revolutions (including those of Moon's nodes) in a m a h o y u g o , d i me n si o n s o f E p i cycl e s of Apsis, d ime n s i o n s o f E p i cycl e s o f co n j u ction ( Sighr a Epicycles), Geocentric orbitals etc., we observe that there was a Surya siddhanta even before Aryabhatta-I (AD 499) who adopted the elementsas they came down to him. However, these constants were changed in Khondakodhoyolco(Brahm gupta), by Varahmihira, and in the modern Surya siddhanta at the beginning of the sixteenth century after making Biia corrections. Number of revolutions of variots planets and other crucial points, inaMohoyugoof 4,320,000 solar years, is.given in the table on the next page.
S. Planet According According No. to Khandak to Surya -adhyaka siddhanta ol Varaha 1. Moon 2. Sun 3. Mars
Accordingto Numberafter Modern Surya Bija siddhanta Gorrection (Ranganatha's) 57,7s3,336 4,320,000 364,212(- 8) 1a6,580(+ 12) 448,199(4)
57,753,336 57,753,336 57,753,336 4,320,000 4,320,000 4,320,000 2,296,824 364,220 146,564 448,219 364,220 146,568(+ a) 448,203(16)
7,022,376(- 12] 7,022,364(-121 8. Mercury17,937,000 17,937,000 17,937,060(+ 17,9s7,044(-16) 60) 9. Moon's Node 232,226 232,226 232,2fi(+ 121 232,242(+ 4l
No. of civil days according to Khandakadhayaka = 1577,912,800 days (from Aryabhatta-I's Ardharatriko) No. of civil days according to Varaha'sSurya siddhanta = 1577,912,800 days (from pancha Siddhantika) No. of civil days according to modern scientist = 1577,912,828 days There were measurementsand constantsalso for dimensions of epicycles of Apsis, of the .sighra' Epicycles, Geocentric orbitals inclinations of planets. The Bija corrections were made at about the beginning of the fifteenth century (sourceBentley). Number of total revolutions of the asterisms (nakshatras) in a mahayuga is: l,S8Z,Zl7,g2g(Verse 34 of Chapter I of Suryo This gives us the
number of sidereal days \n arnahaguga. Thus from a comparison of astronomical constants we can say that Surya Siddhanta was in existence much before Varahamihira's time and he was one of the first to improve upon and update it. The mean time of one sidereal revolution of the various planets in mean solar days according to modern Surya Siddhanta and with Bija correction is given below: Planet
Tlme of Sidereal Revolution
In MeanSolardays
Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Rev. MoonSidereal Rev. Synodic Apsis Node(Rahu)
365.25875648 87.96970228 224.698567s5 686.99749394 4,332.32065235 10,765.77307461 27.32167416 29.53058795 3,232.09367415 6,794.39983121
3,232.12015592 6,794.2828084s
The number of oscillationsof Equinoxesis fixed at 600 (due to precession of the Earth's axis) in 4 , 3 2 0 , 0 0 0y e a r s , w h i c h m e a n s o n e c o m p l e t e oscillation is estimated to take 7,200years. The Ayanamsa was zero at the beginning of koliguga and' was again zero at AD 499 (the time of Aryabhatta-I) 421 Saka (or 3600years reckoned from the beginning of koligugo 3102BC). (Chapter III, verses9 - 12).The
annual rate of precession (mean rate) works out to 54" of an arc per solar Year. Total number of years that are estimated to have elapsed since the beginning of creation up to AD 499 can be calculated as follows: No. of years since creation to the end of the last Y*itaguga No. of years of Treta and Dwopar Yugas No. of years of Kaliguga elapsed (up to AD 499) Total No. of oscillations of Equinoxes (x/7200) 1953,720'000
In the mean position of an oscillation, Ayanamsa is zero. The circle of constellation was about to oscillate eastwards at AD 499 Surya siddhanta was years before Aryabhatta- I. thus revealed 2,163,600 Most of the ancient Hindu scientific astronomy appearsto be re-establishedin the era of AryabhattaI, as all calculations start from AD 499 according to Aryabhatta- I and the modern Surya siddhanta. Aryabhatta is also taken to be the father of Indian Epicyclic astronomY. Now let us compare the times of revolutions for various planets as given in Indian classicalworks like Surya Siddhanta (ascorrectedfrom time to time, which corrections are not very substantive)with the periods as now known to western modern astronomers.
Dlstance Sldereal Synodlc (million Periodof a Perlodic mlles) Revolutlon (days) modern 36 67.2 141.5 483.3 886.1 1783 3667 86 days 365.3days 779.9days years 398.9years 11.9 29.5years 378.1days 84.0years 369.7days 164.8years 367.5days 687days 115.9 days
Accordlngto IndlanSources
87.97days 224.7 days 365.26days 687 days 4332days 10766days - (notgiven) (") ('") Siderealtimeof rev.accordingto lndian Sourcee 27.32days
Earth/Sun 92.957
Neptune 2793
247.7years 366.7days distance time of Synodical from Earth revolution month (miles)
Perigee Apogee
If we compare with the periods of revolutions worked out by Aryabhatta-I, Varahmihira, Brahm Gupta and in the modern Surya Siddhanta (the differencebetweenall correctionsspreadover a 1000 years being quite minor compared to the original), the difference with modern astronomical values of the sameare found to be astonishinglysmall. It is a wonder how the aneientastronomerscould work out thesetime periodsso accuratelywithoutevenhaving the advantage of modern powerful astronomical instruments and facilities. Main points of difference between modern western astronomy and Indian classical astronomy 1. Th e W e s t e r n a stro n o mi ca l ca l cu l ations ar e heliocentric.Taking the Sun as stationaryin the
solar system, all the planets are moving round it in somewhat Elliptic Orbits in time periods of their own. Of course, now the Sun is also taken as moving (along with the solar system) in our Galaxy (the milky way) and this Galaxy is also moving in space and the spaceitself is expanding outwards. The Indian classical system, on the other hand, is Geocentric with the observer (on the Earth) as the centre and all net (or compounded or resultant) motions of the planets (including the Sun, nodal and other points) being measured relative to the Earth. The planets (as well as astronomical crubial points like Nodes, Equinox, the Apsis, and Mandochha, the Conjuction or the Shigrochha etc.) have all been alloted a number of revolutions in a mahaguga of 4,920,000 solar years. The mean period of a revolution is fixed only by dividing this (common time of a tnalr,agugo) by the number of revolutions for each. The time is reckoned from the beginning of the L]niverse. No such absolute motion from time of the commencement of the Universe is followed in the western astronomy. Of course, the IJniverse is now stated to have originated in a split second, with a big bang (out of nothingness), about 20 billion years ago. How the two ideas correlate to each other is a matter for modern research.
star Spica (chitra). The western astronomers' however, follow a moving point of zero reference, i.e. the Equinox position of the Sun each year is the first degree of Aries. The zero Aries of the west is at present actually about 6Yt"in Pisces of the Indian system. The angular distance between first point of the fixed Aries and of the movable Aries, is called Ayanamsa. It is (Lahiri Ephemerles or Chitro Poksho) 23"45'51" on 1.1.1993. The Western astronomy follows Eqatorial Longitudes of all the heavenly bodies, while Indian classical astronomy follows sidereal longitudes. The former are called Sogtono longitudes and the latter, Niragana longitude = Sayana Longitude - Ayanamsa. The Ayanamsa changes every year by about 50.3" of an arc due to the precession of Equinoxes or due to wobbling circular motion of the Earth's axis (which is 23Yz' inclined to the perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic but is also performing a conical rotation).
The system of measurement of time is different. Day is related to the Earth's spin on its axis and in Indian system it is measured from sunrise to next sunrise. Month is related to Moon's motion round the Earth and related to Phases of the Moon. It is measured from arnauas to next arnauas (Moon's exact conjuction i.e. same sidereal longitude as that of the Sun). Year is measured with Sun's sidereal (relative or apparent motion in the Ecliptic) from zero Aries to next zero Aries or from Equinox to Equinox. Thus, we have civil days,lunar months and solar
days, with months divided Year or about 365y4 days into 30/31128129 and each day divided into 24 hours (midnight to midnight). F\rrther, local time was followed in Indian system while standard zonal times are followed for countries or zones in a country in the modern (Western) system. This local noon is mid-day locally and local midnight ls Ardharotri (half point of ratrtrnan). 5. Indian system followed observations by the naked eye and calculationswere by structures like Sun-Dial, making use of geometric shapes and algebraic and trigonometric calculations. The concepts of Deoatas of.Mandochho and (the point of the slowest motion i.e. Sighrochh,o Apsis, and the point of the fastest motion etc.) that is, acceleratingand retarding the relative motions by pulls on the planets (of different astronomical points) in different directions (forward and retro) were followed. Later on' an epicyclic theory was adopted. The Western astronomy followed Kepler's laws of planetary motion, modern mathematics and detailed calculations. Telescopic observations were taken. Photographic records of position of heavenly bodies and skies were made. were used to analyselight spectra, Spectroscopes and from the study of shift of the frequencies of lights emitted by stars, their motion was determined; from the study of their individual spectra,their composition was ascertained.Ftom parallax studies,the distanceof various heavenly bodies (of planets,stars, galaxiesand supernova) were estimated. With telescope of very high
*, {:
In Indian, astronomy and astrology developed as a twin science. If former is the body of this science, the latter is its soul. Both were part and parcel of this divine knowledge and were linked to philosophy - cyclic origin of the Universe, its maintenance and destruction by the Almighty Brahma and its regeneration. Jyotish was a Vedanga. In the West, astronomy developed more as a secular, physical, science. Both, however, tried to fix the position of planets, Sun and Stars, and determine their motion (velocities and directions). But, whereas, Indian system concentrated on angular position and motion only, the western system also worked out linear distances and linear velocities.
In Indian system, position and motions of certain astronomical points were studied in addition to those of physical bodies e.g. Nodal points of the Moon and various planets, Motion of the Apsis of the orbit, motion of Conjunction points, and other astrologically important positions (Mandi, upagrahas, yogas, Karanas, ascensional differences, right ascensions, meridian cusp etc.) were also astronomically calculated.
Important Definitions
1 SPHEBE If a circle is rotated around one of its diameters, the figure so formed is a sphere. Examples of spherical surfaces are: ball, football, orange etc. The centre of a circle is equidistant from all the points on its circumference and the centre of the circle is the centre of the sphere and equidistant from all the points on its surface. Radius: Half the diameter of a circle or sphere is called radius. In other words, the distance between the centre of a circle or a sphere and any point on its circumference or surface is radius of the circle or the sphere. 2 CELESTIAL SPHERE
The Earth is also spherical and if the surface of the Earth is projected infinitely in the heavens, the figure so formed will be celestial sphere. In other words, celestial sphere is a sphere of infinite radius compared with any distance on the Earth, so that the Earth occupies the position in the
centre of this imaginary sphere. . It can be explained as under: If two persons are standing at two diametrically opposite points on the Earth, each will see an . apparently concave hemispherical surface of the heavens. If both the hemispherical surfaces are joined, a celestial figure of a sphere is obtained. 3 GREAT CIRCLE Any plane passing through the centre of a sphere cuts the surface in a circle which is called a great circle, or A great circle on the surface of a sphere is a circle whose diameters pass through the centre Figure 7 of the sphere i.e. the centre of the sphere is the centre of the great circle AOB is a diameter of the sphere. The circle AEB is a great circle in figure 1. A great circle always divides the sphere in two hemispheres. 4 SMALL CIRCLE Any plane not passing through the centre of the sphere cuts the surface of the sphere in a small circle. Its diameter or radius is shorter than the diameter or radius of the sphere or great circle. Circle CFD is a small circle in figure 1. 5 PLANE If a plane surface is extended infinitely, it is called
a plane (in mathematical terms) i.e. if the top of the smooth table is extended infinitely, the surface so formed by the top of the table will be a plane. 6 POLE OF A CIRCLE IN A SPHERE The concept can be well explained with the help of the figure 2. In figure 2, APBQ is a sphere whose centre is O. The plane A AEB cuts it and makes a great circle AEB whose centre is O. The plane CFD which is parallel to the plane AEB is cutting Ftgtre 2 the sphere in a small circle with its centre at O'. Now OO' is produced upwards and downwards to meet the sphere at p and Q. The points P and Q are the poles of circles on the parallel planes to these circles. The properties of the pole are: (1) The straight line joining the poles cuts the circles at right angles of which these are poles. (2) The lines on the surface of the sphere joining the two poles also form an angle of 90" with these circles. (3) A pole'has only one great circle on which the ' line joining the poles form a right angle. (4) Every great circle will have two opposite poles . on the sphere, where all lines (circular) drawn
at right angles to the circumference of the said <rf circle will meet. 7 TERRESTRIAL EQUATOR
In the figure 2 on the prepage' let the Earth be the sphere, P and Q be its poles, the great circle AEB will be the terrestrial Equator. The terrestrial Equator is a great circle drawn round the Earth but perpendicular to its axis. The Earth's axis is passing through its North Pole P and South Pole Q. In the figure 2 P and Q are called the terrestrial poles. Terrestrial Meridians: Any great circle terminated by P and Q is a terrestrial meridian. In the figure 2 the curved lines joining the poles of the Earth P and Q are terrestrial meridians. First Meridians: Principal Meridian: The meridian passing through Greenwich observatory (near London in England) has been regarded as the principal meridian by universal agreement. 8 TEBRESTRIAL LONGITUDE
Let PRQ (figure 2) be the principal meridian, cutting the Equator at R, and let PLQ be any other meridian cutting the Equator at L. The angle subtended by these two meridians is called longitude i.e. angle ZPcOL is the longitude of meridian PLQ there O is the centre of the earth. If this meridian is in east of the prinipal meridian, the longitude will be east and if it is in west, the longitude will be west. Spherical angle RPL between the two meridians (one is the principal meridian) at the pole also measures the terrestrial longitude of the meridian PLQ.
9 TERRESTRIAL LATITUDE In figure2,let M be a placeat meridian PMLQ,the meridian cutting the Equator at L. The great circle arc ML is the latitude of the place.Angle ZMOL will also representthe samething (as the great circle arc will also be measured in angles).If the place is in North of Equator, it is called north and if it is in south, it is called south.All the plaies lying at one meridian will have the samelongitude. All the places lying at the srr,allcircle passing through, say,M, and parallel to the Equator will have the same latitudes. So, latitudes are also parallel circles to the Equator at different angular distancesi.e. all the placeslying on the circle CMFD will have the same terrestrial latitude. Note.'CelestialPoles,CelestialEquator,Celestial Lo n g it u d e , e t c . w i l l b e w ri tte n P o l e , Equator , Longitude in the following pages. IO CELESTIAL POLES If the axis of the Earth is extended infinitely it will cut the celestialsphere at two points known as celestialpoles.The extensionof the axis northwards will meet at the North Pole and extensionof the axis southwardswill meet at the South Pole. ll CELESTIAL EQUATOn Cele s t i a l e q u ato r i s th e g re a t ci rcl e on the celestialsphere whose plane is at right anglesto the direction of Celestialpole. It can also be termed as the projection of Earth's Equator on to the celestial sphere.The great circle thus projected on the celestialspherewill be known
as the celestialEquator. 12 ECLIPTIC Ecliptic is the apparent annual path of the Sun amongst the fixed stars on the cosmic sphere. It is inclined at 23'28' to the celestial Equator. Actually it is the Earth that is moving round the Sun. So exactly it is the projection of the earth's annual path round the sun on the cosmic sphere.
t3 zoDIAC
Zodiac is an imaginary belt of about 9o north and 9o E south of the c ecliptic where the Moon and all the planets have their movement. In the
Fl,gure 3
figure 3 of the celestial sphere, EQ is the celestial Equator,AB is the ecliptic inclined at angle of 23o28' to the Equator,CD and FG are circles parallel to AB at a distance of 9o in north and south. The belt betweenCD and FG is known as Zodiac and ecliptic is in the middle of this belt i.e. the spacecoveredby CAF moving around the sphere passing through D and G is known as Zodiac. The following are the definitions which are explained in2.l7. Celestial Latitude of a heavenly body is its
distance from the'ecliptic measured north/south of the ecliptic on an arc perpendicular to it. 14 CELESTIAL LONGITUDE Celestial Longitude of a heavenly body is the angular distance between the first point of Aries and an arc perpendicular to the ecliptic drawn through the body. It is also defined as angular distance of the heavenly body measured along the ecliptic from the reference zero point. 15 THE DECLINATION The declination of a heavenly body is its angular distance from the Equator measured on an arc perpendicular to the celestial Equator drawn through the body. 16 THE RIGHT ASCENSION The right ascension is the angular distance between the first point of Aries and an arc perpendicular to the celestial equator drawn through the body, this first point of Aries being on Syana system i.e. the Vernal Equinox. 17 In figure 4, S is the star, EOE'is the Equator, AOB is ecliptic, OO' points. of inter-section of EE' and AB, O is the first point of Syana Aries (Vernal Equinox), P & Q are North and South poles, P', Q'are Ecliptic poles, P'SN is perpendicular from P'on ecliptic through S,
PSM is perpendicular from S to Equator, Arc SM is Declination Arc O M i s R i g h t Ascension(RA), Arc SN is Latitude, Arc ON. is Longitude (Syana). Note: The definit io n s o f t e r r e stri a l Sphcr. latitude and longitude Fiaurc4 are totally different from those of celestial latitude and longitude. 18 DECLINATION CIRCLE Parallel of Declination is a small circle through the star parallel to the celestial Equator. Each star rotates round the celestial pole on its parallel of declination. Secondaries a great circle are the great circles to whic h a r e p e r p e n d i cu l a r to i t. T h u s, mer idian through a star will be a secondarythrough it on the celestialEquator. 19 HOUR ANGLE The angle which the meridian makes through a star with the observer'smeridian is known as hour angle.When the star is at the observer'smeridian its hour angle is zero. It is said to transit or culminate. Then star's meridian moves gradually towards west and completes a circle (with the Earth's rotation being West to East) in 24 hours. When the star is to
the West of the observer's meridian, its hour angle is between 0 hour and 12 hour: when it is in the East its hour angle is between 12 hour and 24 hour. 20 ALTITUDE The altitude of a heavenly body is its distance from the horizon measured on the vertical drawn through the body, form the zenith of the observer to the horizontal circle. It has been explained in figure 5 below. 2T AZIMUTH Azimuth of a heavenly body is its angular distance on the horizon between the North point of the horizon to the foot of the vertical drawn through the body from the zenith of observer as explained below. NCS is the horizontal great circle called horizon, O is the observer and Z, N the Zenith. P is the North Pole,andXastar. The plane NCS, the horizon, is at right angles to OZ.
Horizon W C
Figure 5
Great circle ZXC is perpendicular to the horizon meeting at C. CX is altitude of the star. AXB (small circle) is called the parallel of altitude. Vertical circle through P and Z cuts the horizon at S and N. The point S is
the south point and N, the north point of the horizon. The west (W) and East (E), also cardinal points on horizon, have an angle of 90" from N and S points. The arc NC expressed the angle is called the in (W) as it is towardswest. Azimuth Thus, the position of a heavenlybody can alsobe describedcompletelywith referenceto the horizon. 22 ZENITH Zenith is the.point of intersectionof the celestial spherewith the plumb line produced upwards i.e. a point on the celestialspherewhich is vertically above the observer'shead. 23 NN)IN Nadir is the point of intersection of the celestial spherewith the plumb line produced downwardsi.e. a point on the celestialsphere which is just below the observer'sfoot. 24 CELESTIAL MERIDIAN C e l e s t i a l m e ri d i a n i s a g re a t ci r cle passing through the celestialpolesand zenith of a place.It is also called observer'smeridian or prime meridian. 25 VERTICALS Great circles drawn perpendicular to horizon form the zenith are called verticals. These are also to called secondaries the horizon. 26 PRIME VERTICAL The vertical drawn due eastand west and at right anglesto the celestialmeridian is the prime vertical
of a place Changes in the Sun's Declination At the spring (Vernal) equinox the declination of the Sun is zero, it being at A (Figure 6) on 2lst March, this point is also the first point of movable (Syana) Aries. The declination increases every day as the Sun is moving on the ecliptic until it reaches the point C (Figure 6), the point of greatest declination i.e. 23'28'(N). This point is called the summer solstice. It happens on or about 2lst June. After that the declination of the Sun starts decreasing as the Sun starts moving southwards. It decreasesand becomes zero on (or about) 23rd September when the Sun reaches at B (another point of intersection of ecliptic and Equator). Now the Sun goes to south of the Equator and its declination becomes south.It reaches at point D on (or about) 21st December which is called the \trinter Solstice
21st Junr
Fl,gure 6
The declination of the Sun becomes 23"28'(S) after that the Sun starts moving Northwards and its
south declination decreases gradually till it reaches zero on 21st March. Sun's declination at Vernal Equinox on 2lst March is 0o. Longitude and RA = 0o Sun's declination at Summer Solstice on 21st June is 23"28'(N). Longitude and RA = 90o Sun' s d e c l i n a t io n a t A u tu mn a l E q u inox on 2lst September is 0o. Longitude and RA = 180" Sun'sdeclinationat winter solsticeon 21stDecember is 23"28'(S). Longitude and RA = 2?0" It is also pointed out that the latitude of the Sun is alwayszero movesalong the ecliptic. When the Sun starts moving northward from .position D (Figure 6), it is said that the Sun has becomd Uttragan and it remains uttrayan from D to C i. e . 2 l s t D e c emb e r to 2 1 st Ju n e a nd becom es Dakshinagon while moving from C to D i.e. during the period 21st June to 21stDecember. Obliquity of Equator and Equinoxes The angle between the planes of Ecliptic and Equator is 23'28'.It is said to be the obliquity of the ecliptic to the Equator. Every year on two days the Sun crosses the Equator and its diurnal path almost coincideswith the Equator rising in the eastand setting in the west. One-half of its diurnal path is abovethe horizon and the other half below. So the day and night are equal
on these two days. These two points are called equinoxes. When the Sun is going from south to north of the Equator, the point of intersection with the ecliptic is called the first point of (Sayan) Aries and when it is going from north to south, it is entering Libra. The position of first point of Aries occurs on or about 21st March and that point is called spring Equinox or Vernal Equinox. When the Sun is on the other point i.e. about 23rd September, that point is called the Autumnal equinox. The altitude of the star is greatest when it is on the meridian i.e. when the star is on the observer's meridian, it is at upper Culmination or in transit. After that the altitude starts declining. The altitude of the celestial pole at any place is equal to the latitude of the place i.e. at Equator it will be zero which means the poles will lie on the horizon.
Before proceeding to the Solar System, we may explain the terms stars,planets and satellites. Stars: Stars are self-luminousbodieswhich emit light and heat in the space.The Sun is a star. Stars are grouped into constellations. ' '"' Planets: Besidesthe fixed stars,the Sun and the Moon, there are other heavenlybodies visible to the naked eye and moving around the Sun. As their motion is whimsical among the fixed stars,they are c a lle d p l a n e t s o r w a n d e ri n g sta rs. A fixed star appearstwinkling while the planets shine with steady light. The planets which can be seen by the naked eye are Mercury, Venus,Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, while the other planets lJranus, Neptune and pluto are seenonly with the help of telescopes. Satellite: Satellites are those heavenly bodies which move around the planets and in turn move around the Sun along with the planets and are normally called moons of the planets,like the Moon which is a satellite of the Earth. Solar System: The Solar System made up of the
Sun, planets, satellites, comets, minor planets, and interplanetary dust, gas etc. It is a very small part of the Universe and seems important to us only because we happen to live inside it. As the Sun is also a star and is at one focus of the orbits of all the planets revolving around it, the system is called the Solar System. In this system, only the Sun is emitting light. Rest of the family members of the Solar System are revolving around it and are non-luminous. The other important members of this family viz. the planets, satellites to various planets, comets, minor planets, meteors, meteorites etc. also form part of the Solar System. Our Solar System is centred round the Sun and the planets are moving in elliptical orbits around it. There are nine planets in all i.e. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupite4 Saturn, IJranus, Neptune and Pluto, out of which we are living on the planet Earth. Our ancients could see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter 'and Saturn (in addition to the Sun and Moon which are also called planets (grahas) in astrology) by the naked eye. Actually, both of these are not planets. While the Sun is a star, the Moon is a satellite. But the word Grahas is loosely understood as planets. With the invention of telescope, several other large planets and many small ones could also be seen. The names of the planets known at present in their order of distance from the Sun are:
Their orbits are shown in order of their distance from Sun i.e. the nearestorbit to the Sun is nearer and the farthest orbit is away from the Sun. (figure 7). The planets whose orbits are between the Sun and orbit of the Earth are called inner or interior or inferior planets i.e. Mercury and Venus are inner planets. While the planets whose orbits lie outside the orbit of the Earth are called outer or exterior or superior planets.Mars, the asteroids,Jupite4 Saturn, tfranus, Neptune and Pluto are the exterior, outer planets or superior planets. Sun: The Sun is the most important of all the heavenlybodied to the inhabitants of the Earth. Its rays supply light and heat etc. not only to the Earth and those who live on it us but to the other planets and other family membersof the Solar System.The Sun controls the motions of all its family members. Its influence on our day-to-day life is supreme and we cannot imagine our existencewithout it. I t s d i a m e te r i s 8 6 5 ,0 0 0mi l e s, i ts volum e is 1,300,000 times that of the Earth, and its mass is 330,000 times the massof the Earth. It is producing energy by a nuclear reaction, converting hydrogen into helium and losingits massat the rate of 4 million tons per second. It lies well away from the centre of the Galaxy,nearthe edgeof a spiral arm. The distance
to Astrologg
FVue 7 between the Sun and the galactic centre is about 30,000light years. It is sharing the general rotation of the Galaxy with velocity about 135miles per second and take s 225 million years to complete one revolution. Ecliptic Ecliptic is a great circle on the celestial sphere whose plane passesthrough the Earth which is at its centre. It is the apparent yearly path of the Sun round the Earth in that plane. Here we have assumed that the Sun is moving round the Earth- If Sun was to move in a circle round the Earth, the diameter of its disc would not have changed at different times during ayear it goesthrough a regular cycle of changesthroughout the year. Being 32'36',It is greatest in early January and it is least in early July, when it has a value 3L'32'which shows that in early January it is nearest to Earth and in early July it is farthest from it. The difference between the two values of the disc is not much and, therefore the path
is nearly, circular. Earth: The Earth is the planet on which we live' Though we claim that we know a lot about our planet but the fact is that our knowledgeabout the planet is very limited. It is the third planet in order of the distancefrom the Sun. The mean distance from the Sun and the miles.As the orbit of the Earth is Earth is92,957,209 not a perfect circle, it is an ellipse,and the Sun is at one of its foci. The minimum distance (when the miles and the Earth is at perihelion) is 91,400,000 miles' maximum distance (at aphelion)is 94,600,000 density is tons and its mean Its massis about 6 x 102t water. Its atmosphere is made up 5.52 times that of cent). of nitrogen(??.6per cent)and oxygen(20.1per an oblate Earth is not a perfect spherebut is called miles when measured bpheroid.Its diameter is ?,926 along with the Equator and ?,900miles as measured through the poles. The lengths of one degree latitude at different parts of the Earth are as under: = 68.704 miles per one degree at the Equator at latitude 20" ,atlatitude 40" at latitude 60' at latitude 80o the arc of Equator for one degree 68.786 = 68.993 = 69.230 = 69.386 do do do do
The Earth is revolving round the Sun in an orbit nearly circular and it completes one revolution
Astronany fuboont
to Astrologg
around the Sun in nearly 365y1days. The Earth is rotating round its axis from west to east and it causesthe formation of day and night and the daily revolution of the Sun and fixed stars from east to west. The axis of the Earth is perpendicular to its Equator i.e. its North Pole is on one end of the axis and its South Pole on the other. In turn, the North Pole of the Earth is facing the Polar Star. Change of Appearance of Sky Due to Change of Place of Observer on the Earth When the observer is at the Equator, his horizon will be great circle passing t hro ugh t h e p o l e s ( see f igur e 8 ) a n d N poles will be on the horizon. If a person on the Equator likes to see the Pole star, he can seejust on the horizon in the North Ftgure 8 direction i.e. at the point where the Earth and sky appear to be meeting. As the observer starts moving northwards, the Polar Star will appear to rise in latitude which can be seen in figure 9. Let the observer be at O. His horizon will be a great circle AB and he will be seeing that the Polar Star has an angle equal to the latitude of the place of observer. The Polar Star will go on rising and will be seen above observer's head i.e. in the zenith, when he
re a c h e s a t t h e N o rth Pole of the Earth (see figut" 9). In this case,his horizon coincides with the celestialEquator. As the observergoes to the South of the Equator, the Polar Star will be below the horizon of the observer and he will not be in a position to seeit.
Figure 9
From the above diagrams it will be noticed that an observer can see only half the sky at a time while on the Earth and half the sky below the horizon is invisible to him. FONMATION OF SEASONS Seasonsare formed due to the constant obliquity of the Earth's axis with the plane of its orbit (90' 23o28'=66o32'). T h e Ea r t h i s re vo l vi n g ro u n d the Sun and days completes one revolution in a year = 365.2422 which is also called the tropical year. In the figure 9A the Earth is revolving round the Sun. EQ is the Equator, AB and MN are tropics of Cancer and Capricorn respectively. ab and mn are the arctic and antarctic circles. N and S are North Pole and South Pole respectively of the Earth, and NS is the axis which is inclined at an angle of 66o32' to the ecliptic. O is the centre of the Earth. Consider the paper on which the figure is printed as the plane of ecliptic, the axis NS is inclined to the plane of paper
Rz<boont to Astrologg
51 by 66o32' all the four positions.In positior. l, ttJe in Eorth is ot sumrner solstice(right side fiWre).In this case,the North Pole is bent towardsthe Sdn. The Sun is making an angleof g0o with the tropic of Canceri.e. it is shining vertically at it and there is no light at the South Poleas secnby the position I in figure 9A. \ilhcre thc South Pol'e rc.mains in continuousdarknessi.e.continuousdayonthe North Pole and 6 months night on the South Polc. Thic happenson 21stJune everyyeenIn thic cese, Sun the remains ebovc horizon for morc than twclvc hourr in Northcrn hemlsphcrc and lcss than 12 hourr ln the Southcrn hcmlrphcrc "and it ls rummcr ln Northcrn hcmirpherc but wintcr ln Southcrn hcmlrphcrct'. Ecrtlr ot thr ulntc rohtlcr 0qft.rld..tlgrr.) tn porltfon E. Thc Sun lr mrklng tn tnglc of g0o wlth thc truplc of Crprlcorn and thc North Folc lr rwry fbomthc Sun mrLlng rn obturc rnglc. In thr cur thr porltlon lr
reverseof position 1 i.e. in the Northern hemisphere nights are longer (of more than 12 hours duration), winter season. is middle of 6 months long night at It the North Pole and middle of 6 months long day on the South Pole. In the Southern hemisphere,the days are longer than nights and seasonis summer. This happens on about 22nd December every year. Eeurnox Eenrn on Vnnxer, Eeurxox eno AUTUMNAL In positions 4 and 2, the Earth is on the vernal and autumrial equinoxes.On these times the Sun shinesvertically on the Equator of the Earth and both the hemispheresand both the poles are equidistant (angular) from the Sun. It happens on about 21st March and 23rd Septemberevery year.The days and nights are of equal duration all over the world. In position 1, the Earth is at a greater distance form the Sun (near aphelionpoint) and Northern Pole is inclined towards the Sun while the Southern Pole is away from the Sun. In position 3, the situation is are reversed.The seasons not due to the distance of the Earth from the Sun but there are two reasonsfor it: (1) The Sun remains for a longer time above the horizon every day in summer than in winter. (2) In summer,the Sun attains a greater meridian altitude than in winter i.e. the rays fall more slanting in winter than in summer.It can be illustrated as under: From S (Sun), rays AB are falling on the Earth and covering lesser area AB in cone SAB. With the similar cone SCD the rays are covering more area CD on the Earth which can be explained in the way that shorter surfaceAB is receiving the sameamount of heat as CD (which is greater surface) is receiving.
Figure 70
The amount of heat received by 'ihe unit area in AB will be more than that of CD. So, AB will be hotter than CD. THE MOON Moon is the Earth's only satellite. Moon is the most important of all the heavenly bodies to us after the Sun.It is alsohaving its diurnal motion from east to west like other heavenly bodies due to rotation of the Earth on its axis.Like the Sun and other planets, it is also moving among the fixed stars in opposite direction (west to east) making a complete rwolution in about 27 days7 hours and 43 minutes i.e.27.3217 days i.e. the sidereal month is defined to be the interval given by the Moon's complete circuit of the stars as seen from the Earth, being its mean value, 27.32L7mean solar days. The synodic month of the Moon is the period from one ornooosgo to another omooosoglo and is mean solar days. It is more than sidereal 29.5305887 month, because during the Moon's one revolution, Sun too moves by about one sign, and some more time is required for the Moon to catch up with the Sun to have next corfunction (omooasogo).
If the Earth's 0orceof gravitational attraction is to be considered, the orbit of the Moon would have been an ellipse but due to the Sun's attraction and that of other planets, the orbit undergoes into considerable hanges. Its mean distance from the 'les Earth is 238,000 wl^l -h varies from 22L,460 miles at perigee to 252, 100miles at apogee. Owing to these perturbations, the direction of its perigee is altering. The time taken by the Moon in moving around the Earth from perigee to perigee is known as animalistic month which is equal to 2?.5546 mean solar days. A nodical month is the time taken between two passagesof the Moon through ascending successive node which is equal to 27.2122 mean solar days. The Moon's orbit can be inclined to the ecliptic maximum by an angle of 5o15'on either side of the ecliptic i.e. North and South latitudes of the Moon will nevcr exceed 5o15'. Moon's apparent diameter varies between 29'22" and 33'31" and the mean diameter is 31tt'nearly. Thc albedo is low which is about ? per cant only (i.e. only ? per cent of the light received by it iJ reflccted). Thc surface grivity is only one-sixth that of the Eerth. The Moon ls having a captured rotation i.e. lt kccps the samc face turned towerds thc Eerth. \[tc can sGs pcr cent of thc total surfacc of thc Moon at 59 ono timc or anothan Man flrst reeched the Moon ln July 1965whcn Neil Armstrong stcpped out from spacccraft Eejlc.
CYCLE OF MOON Meton discoveredin 433BC that in every 19years x days there are 235lunations i.e. 365.25 19 = 6939.75 = 6939.688 days in in 19 years and 29.530588?x235 months. It showsthat all the phasesof Moon 235lunar will occur again on the same days of the month as 19 years ago, the only difference being that they will occur about one hour earlier. It is called metonic qcle. It gives a readymade method of predicting dates of puntima, arnaoosyaetc. without much calculations. St udy o f a n c i e n t H i n d u a stro n o my sh o ws that Metonic cycle was known to our rishis and they added 7 oilhik or extra lunar months in 19 solar years to produce an exact correspondence in solar years and lunar years (year of 12 lunar months).
Wehave alreadystudied in chapter 3 that the planets are moving around the Sun in elliptical path and that the Sun is at one of their foci. Though there is no direction in the space, all directions are relative ones. Supposeyou are standing in front of a pedestal fan which is moving in the clockwisedirection. If you stand behind it, you will see it moving in anticlockwise direction, which is our direction too round the Sun. For the inner planets, a planet will be called in lnfertor coniunction when it come between the Earth and the Sun'and in supertor conjunction when the Sun is between the Earth and the planet. Conjunction is actually due to the two being in the same line of our sight. For superior or outer planets, a planet will be said to be in opposition when the Earth is in between the Sun and the planet. An outer planet can never come in between the Sun and the Earth and cannot have an inferior conjunction. It has superior conjunction when it is on the far side of the Sun.
Mercury is the first planet in order of distance from the Sun i.e. it is the nearestplanet to the Sun. It was earlier believed that Mercury had captured rotation (88 Earth days),but now it is known that the real rotation period of Mercury is 58.65days, approximately two-thirds of a Mercurian year. The interval between one sunrise to another will be 176 daysor two Mercurian years.The orbit of Mercury is more eccentric than of other planets of the Sun except Pluto. The maximum distance of Mercury miles and the minimum from the Sun is 43,000,000 miles which is due tothe orbit disteanceis 28,000,000 being more eccentric. Maximum inclination of its orbit is about 7o on either side of the ecliptic. Its diameter is about 3000miles. VENUS Venus is second nearest planet to the Sun i.e. after Mercury it is the next planet nearest to the Sun. The maximum inclination of its orbit to the on ecliptic is about 3o24' either side of the ecliptic. It is brighter than any other planet or star and castsits shadow many times. Its mean distance from the Sun is about 67 million miles and its diameter is about 7,500miles. Venus and Mercury are inner planets which can be seen near the Sun (either east or west). These are therefore called the morning or evening stars as they are visible either just after the sunset or before the sunrise. Its sidereal period of revolution is 224.7days,but synodic period (with the Sun) is 584 days.
MARS Mars is the fourth planet in order of distancefrom the Sun and the nearest outer planet to the Earth. Its diameter from the Sun changesfrom 127,000,000 miles. miles.Its diameter is 4,200 miles to 153,000,000 When the Mars is closestto us, it is within 35 million miles form the Earth and it occurs when the Mars is at the least distance from the Sun and the Earth is at the greatest distance from the Sun. In this case the planet outshines the other stars except Venus. But when i t i s t h e f ai n te st, i t si n ks to the second magnitude and can be confused with a star.Near the quadrature, it appears strongly gibbous. Its sidereal period of revolution is 687 dyas and synodic period is ?80 days. There are two satellites of Mars, named Deimos and Phobos,which were discovered on 5 September, 1877when the Mars was in opposition. JUPITEB Jupiter is the largest planet. It is more massive planet than all the other planets combined togethen Its massis only 1/104?times of the Sun. As it flattens on the poles, its Equatorial diameter is over 88'000 miles and polar diameter is less than 8{,000 miles. million miles. Its mean distance from the Sun is 1183.3 perlod is 11.9yeers. Its sidcrcal Juplter shows ycllowish dlsc, crosscd by famous eloud bclts. Therc sro llxteen satcllltcs of whlch the most important erc four, namcly, Ior Europa, Ganymcdc and Cellirto.
When seen through a telescope, a number of bright belts or bands are seen encircling the planet parallel to its equator which may be of clouds or vapours in its atmosphere. SATURN Saturn is the sixth planet in order of distance from the Sun. Its mean distance from the Sun is 886 million miles and diameter is about 74,000miles. Its density is lessthan water. It is much larger and more massivethan any other planet (except Jupiter). Its to orbit is nearly circular and inclined about ZYz" t}re ecliptic. It is surrounded by circular rings which do not touch the surface of the planet. Formerly, only nine satelliteswere known but now 20 of its satellites have been discovered. Its sidereal period of revolution is about 29.5years.Its synodic period (with the Sun) is only 378 days. UNANUS fJranus was discovered by William Herschel in March 1781.The planet is known as lferschel also after the name of its discoverer. Five satellites are known till now.It is very far.Its distance is about 1783 million miles and its diameter is only about 32,000 miles. Hence, it is invisible to the naked eye.It is also very dim. NEPTUNE As a result of calculations by Leverrier and Adams, Neptune was discovered in 1846 by J Galle and H D Arrest, at the Berlin observatory.Its distance is 2?93million miles and sidereal period 164.8years. Its brightness is even much lessthan that of Uranus,
The pluto is the ninth planet. It was discovered by ClydeTombaughin 1930.Itsorbit is most eccentric of all the planets.For most of the 248years period, it is much further out than Neptune; but nea& perihelion,it is closerto Sun than Neptune. Its mean distance from the Sun is 3667million miles, and its diameter merely 1800 miles, and extremely low magnitude. COMETS Comets differ widely from the planets, both in t h e ir p h y s i c a l s t ate a n d i n th e n a tu re of or bits described around the Sun. Comets are generally a brilliant nucleus surrounded by nebulous matter stretching out into an elongatedtail. All the comets do not developtails and many are nothing more than tiny patchesof luminous haze in the sky.They appear shining due to the reflection of sunlight by them. The massesand density of comets are small and can easily be perturbed by planets. They appear suddenly in the sky and can be seen for some days, weeks, or months and when they reach near the Sun and then recede from it and disappear. The cometswhose motion can be calculatedand the datesof their return predicted are called periodic comets. The .notion of some comgts is direct while that of others retrograde. It is to be noted that the nnotion of all the planets around the Sun is in one direction i.e. direct if viewed from the Sun. Among the'periodic comets',Halley's c6met and
Encke's comet are more remarkable. Halley's Comet Halley's comet was first seen in 1531and afterwardsin 1607, 1682, 1758-59, 1835, 1910 and last on 9 February 1986.It has a period of 76 years. Its next return is expectedin 2061. Enckets Comet Its periodic/time is 3.3 years. At perihelion, it comes closer to the Sun than does Mercury and at aphelion, i.e. at its greatestdistance,it is more than 4 times the Earth's distancefrom the Sun. Non-periodic comets are much more numerous than periodic. Thesecometsare seenonly once and after that they are lost in the spaceand never come back. Minor planets or asteroids. The diameter of the asteroids is small, and the largest of them has a diameter of 623miles. Their orbits are very eccentric. The number of asteroids is very great which is estimatedto be 40,000. Due to their low masses, the escapevelocities will be low. All of them have their individual orbits in an asteriod belt between the orbits of Mars an Jupiter. But, someof these,because their orbits, are very eccentric, come inside the orbit of the Earth or even that of inner planets. METEORS Meteors are small particls, usually smaller than a grain of sand, moving freely around the Sun. A Meteor cannot be seenin spaceas it is very small but is heated by friction when it enters the Earth's atmosphere.It is destroyedbut during the processit
produces luminous effect. Due to their luminous effect meteors are also called the shooting stars. Meteorites: These are relatively larger bodies, big rocks etc., which do not get completelyburnt up in atmosphere before reaching the Earth's surface, and which produce craters etc. or get buried deep. Keplerts Laws The laws according to which the planets move around the Sun were discovered by John Kepler (1571-1630) which are given below. I Each planet moves in an elliptic orbit with the Sun in one of the oci.
U Equal areas are covered in egual times by the radius of the planet i.e., by the line joining the planet and the Sun. UI The squares of periodic times of the planets are to one another as the cubes of their mean distance from the Sun.
Though the three laws of Kepler have been stated,the use of the sameis otside the scopeof these lessons. The Scheme trbllowed for Keeping the Names of the Days of a Week In Indian Jyotish, the duration of day and night has been divided into 24 parts which is called hora. One hora is equal to an hour. The names of the days are kept on the basis of the lord of the first hora of the day. The lords of the horas are according to the planets. Now see the following scheme. Verse 31 (shloka 31) of chapter XII of Surgosidhonto of
q<z4l_q8{ga qd gfr"g+-{,
qft etdr: t tAg t t According to the shloka, the orbits of revolution around the earth of the various planets are in the order of Saturn, Jupi t er, Ma r s , Su n , Venus, Mercury and Moon. Keep the planets in a circle in this order.
This order is actually the order of the planets in their decreasing sidereal period or increasing angular motion, Figwe 77 Saturn being the slowest and the Moon being the fastest.
Now we start from Sunday (the name kept after the lord of first hora), the second hora on Sunday will be of Venus (counting anticlockwise),the third hora of Mercury, the fourth of Moon, the fifth of Saturn, the sixth of Jupiter, the seventhof Mars, the eighth of the Sun and so on the fifteenth of the Sun the twenty secondof the Sun, twenty third of Venus, twenty fourth of Mercury, twenty fifth hora i.e. first hora of the next day will be of the Moon, so the next day was named after Moon i.e. Monday. Now we count from Moon.
Hora Lord
1 Mon
23 Sat
15 Mon
22 Mon
56 Sun
Hora Lord
8 Mer
23 Sat
24 Jup
25 Mars
twenty fifth hora is the first hora of the next day, so the day was named after Mars (aapl the name of day (aa77a7V1i.e.T\resday. Similarly, of other weekdays were named as given in the table below. Lord of first hora Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Name of the day
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Ftiday Saturday Lord of first hora Ravi Soma Bhauma/ Mangal Budha Guru Shukra Shani Name of the day Raviwar Somawar Bhaumawar/ Mangalwar Budhawar Guruwar Shukrawar Shaniwar
WHY THE PLANETS BECOME BETROGNAI)E First of all we take up the caseof an inner planet. Let it be Mercury. The Sun is in the centre around which all the planets, including the Earth, are m o v i n g . M e r c ury i s n e a re r to th e Sun and it completes one revolution in 88 days. The Earth is away from the Sun and completes one revolution in 365yt days. So, the angular velocity of Mercury is faster than that of the Earth. The arrows in the figure are showing the direction in which Mercury and the Earth are moving. The arrow on zodiac indicates the direction in which the longitudes among the fixed
Figure 72
stars are increasing. As the longitudes are geo-centric, suppose the observer on the Earth is stationary and Mercury is moving in the direction of arrow with a relative speed of the Earth (i.e. Mercury's speed- Earth's speed). Let the observer be at O. As we are considering the observerand the Earth to be stationaryand Mercury moving with a relative speed,let the Mercury be at A and it will be seenat A,; in the zodiac,it movesfurther to B and seen at Br; in zodiac, C, D, are the correspondingpositionsof C and D. Here, longitudes are increasing.When it comes to E, the longitude is increasing at E, which is nearly the position of a tangent from the observer to the orbit of Mercury. At E, the planet will appear stationary as you will see that it is going to change its motion from direct to retrograde. It can be well understood by an example that a boy runs straight and touchesa point and runs back. He will have to stop for a moment for reversing the speed. Similarly, here the planet will appear
stationalry at E. Consider its further positions 4 G, H and I. It will be seen that the corresponding background at the zodiac will be seen backward at Fr, Gr, H, and Ir till it reachesJ and its corresponding position J, is seen at the zodiac. It is seen in retrograde motion as its geo-centric longitudes are decreasing. When it is at J and the line OJ,, which is nearly tangent to the orbit of the planet, it will be seen as stationary in the zodiac as the longitudes will neither increase nor decrease for some time. Afterwards it goes to K etc. when the corresponding position in the zodiac will be K, etc, It will be further seen that the longitudes have started increasing i.e. the planet has become direct. Similarly for the outer planets we can justify the retrograde motion by making the observer move and planet being stationary as the outer planets move slower than the Earth. i It is to be noticed that the inner planets become retrograde when they are in between the Earth and the Sun and the outer planets become retrograde when the Earth is in between them and the Sun i.e. they are nearer to the Earth. Note: See Toble of Planetary Mooement on page no. L42.
Precession Equinoxes of
By continuous observationour rishis found out that the longitudes of stars are increasing.Later on, the same phenomenon was noticed by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus (190-120BC). They consideredtwo possibleexplanations this: (1) The for stars are moving but the movementsof all the stars were mostly identical which was impossible.So they discarded it. (2) The first point of Aries twhich is the , inters e c t i o no f e c li p ti c a n d ce l e sti a l e quator ) is shifting backward. They also observedthat there was no appreciable change in the latitudes of the stars. .So,they came to the conclusionthat the ecliptic was a fixed plane. Accordingly, it was necessaryto assume that celestialequatorand the first point of Aries were moving in such a way that the longitudesof the stars were increasing.It clarifies that the vernal equinox is moving backwards. The precessionof equinoxes is mainly due to the attraction of the Sun and the Moon on the protuberant portions of the Earth at the Equator. The result is that the Earth has a slow wobbling motion, so that the point in the heavens(the celestial pole) describesa small circle of about 47o angular diameter round the pole of the ecliptic. This
resultsalsoin changein the identity of the polar star from one era to another. It can be well compared with the wobbling of the axis of rotation of a spinningtop, which has been d is t u r b e d t o c re a te wobb l i n g f r o m i ts s . t e a d y s p i n sta te , when its axis gets out of the vertical. The weight of the FlAtre 73 top which, acting vertically downwards at G, tends to pull the axis of rotation AB away from CA (the vertical), but, due to the fast speed of spinning, it will not fall down and the axis AB will describea cone round AC such that the angle CAB remains constant. Similarly the expanded Earth's pole (celestial pole) is revolving round the pole of the ecliptic in a small circle. As a result of this, the Equator plane is alsochangingand cutting ecliptic plane at shifting point. The slow backward motion of the first point of Aries is called the precessionof equinox. When the attracting body reaches its greatest north or south declination, the disturbance is greatest and it is zero when they are on the celestialEquator. The luni-solar precessionis in the ratio of 7:3i.e. the effect of Moon's attraction is more than twice that of the Sun i.e.,two-thirds of the whole. The total of the two affects amounts to about 50'.35yearly while that of planetary precession the affect is 0".11annually.
:'Themean net annual precession, which is also called general precession, is about 50'.24 each year, on an average. As the distances of the attracting bodies i.e. the Sun, Moon, planets, asteroids, comets etc. change, the value of precession also changes. The circle on the celestial sphere is of only 47odiameter viz DB = 47" and takes 25,800years to complete. Its effect is important. Due to shifting of poles, the celestial Equator also moves ,'rnd, in tunn, the position of vernal equinox, that is the first point of Aries, also changes. NUTATION ' The effect of Sun's and Moon's attraction is not constant. Moon is sometimes above and sometimes below the ecliptic and therefore its pull on the equatorial bulge of the Earth is not always in the same direction as that of the Sun which results in the nodding of the celestial pole to and from the pole of the ecliptic. This nodding is called nutation. The result is that the precession is sometimes more and at other times less than its mean value by about 9 seconds of arc to either side in a period of 18 years 220 days or, say, 182/,years in which Moon's nodes make complete revolution in the heavens. ITIOVABLE AND FIXED ZODIACS ' Zodiac is an imaginary belt of about 9o North or South of the ecliptic within which the Moon and all the planets (except Pluto) remain in the course of their movement. The fixed zodiac is one in which the first point of
Aries is always fixed in the nakshatras i.e. always at a n a n g l e o f 1 8 0 " to C h i tra sta r. T h e longitudes measuredwith reference to this fixed first point of Aries which has a permanentposition on the ecliptic fixed among the stars are called Niragana longitudes. They are divided into twelve rashis such as Mesh, Vrish etc. This fixed zodiac is also divided into 27 nakshatras.Thus the Nirayana rashis alwayscontain the samestar groups/constellations. The other zodiac is called movable zod,iacl tropical zodiac. In this the first point of Aries is the v e rn a l e q u i n o x i .e . th e p o i n t w h e re the ecliptic intersects the celestial Equator and it precedesby about 50".3each year as already explainedearlier in this chapter. Due to attraction of the Sun and the Moon on the protuberant portions of the Earth on the Equator, the first point of Aries moves slowly in the direction oppositeto that of the yearly motion of the Sun. The longitudesmeasuredin this systemare called tropical or Sayanalongitudes. The twelve signs in this system are of 30oeach starting from spring equinox and these signsdo not alwayscover the same span of 30' over the ecliptic as in Nirayana system. Under this system, the star composition of zodiac of signs goeson changing with the passage time. The angular distance between the first point of fixed Aries and the movableAries i.e. vernal equinox is called Ayanamsa.In other words, it is the angular distance by which the vernal equinox has moved backwards from the time the two zodiac systems coincided. The year in which the two first points of Aries coincided is taken as 285A.D. according to which the
Ayanamsa on 21st January 1993was 23"45'55"(as per Rashtriya Panchanga). It is based on the recommendation of the Calendar Reform Committee appointed by the Government of India which adopted this system of Ayanamsa in 1953. Under this Ayanamsa system both first point Aries were deemed to have coincided on Sunday the 22nd Mareh of AD 285 and hence Ayanamsa on that day was zero. Therefore, Sayana longitude = Nirayana longitude * Ayanamsa. In Indian astrology, we use Nirayana longitudes. DIVISION Zodiac has been divided into twelve rashis each of 30' and their Indian names have been given according to the shape of the stars in it.
(1) Aries
= Mesha
= Tula = Vrischika
(4) Cancer = Karkata (10) Capricorn = Makara = Simha (11) Aquarius = Kumbha (5) Leo (6) Virgo = Kanya (12) Pisces = Meena From ancient times,the Nirayanazodiachas also been divided by our rashis into 27 constellations (nakshatras). Thesenakshatras group ofstars and are portion of the each nakshatra is of tto/r,= 13o20' zodiac. Their names are:
(7') Punarvasu (9) Ashlesha (f 1) Purvaphalguni (13) Hasta (15) Swati (17) Anuradha (19) Mula (21) Uttarashadha (23) Dhanistha (25) Purvabhadrapada (27) Revati
(8) Pushya (10) Magha (I2) Uttaraphalguni (14) Chitra (16) Vishakha (18) Jyeshtha (20) Purvashadha (22) Shravana (24) Satabhisha (26) Uttarabhadrapada
The Nirayana rashis and nakshatras have an unchanging relationship with each other. These nakshatrasand rashis are in the order as given above. Corresponding longitudes of nakshatras starting from the first point of Nirayana Aries are as shown below. Each nakshatra has a prominent identifying star afterwhose name the nakshatra is called. These stars are called Yogataros After completing one cycle of 0oto 360"again the same rashis and constellationcome i.e. after 360o= 0oMesha and Ashwini start.
1. Mesha 2. Vrisha 3. Mithuna 0oto 30" 30oto 60o 60oto 90' Ashwini Bharani Krittika Rohini Mrigashirsha Ardra Punarvasu to 13o20' 0o 13o20' to 26o40' 26o40' to 40' to 53"20' 40" 53o20' lo 66o40' 66o40' to 80o to 93'20' 80"
93'20' to 106o40' 106'40' to 120" 120" to 133'20' 133'20'to 146'40' 146'40'to 160" 160' to 173'20' 173'20'to 186o40' 186'40'to 200' 200" to 213o20' 213"20'ts. 226"40' 226"40 to 240o 24O" to 253"20' 253o20'to 266'40' 266'40'to 2801 280' to 293o20' 299"20' to 3'06"40'
90oto 120" Pushya Ashlesha 120'to 150' Magha Purvaphalguni 150'to 180o Uttaraphalguni Hasta 1 8 0 ' t o2 1 0 ' Chitra Swati Vishakha
8. Vrishchika210' lo 240" Anuradha Jyeshtha 9. Dhanus 10. Makara 24O"1o270" Mula Purvashadha 270oto 3fi)' Uttarashadha Shravana Dhanishtha
11.Kumbha 300'to330' Satabhisha 306o40'to 320" Purvabhadrapada320' to 333'20' 12.Meena 330'to 360' Uttarabhadrapada333"20 to 346'40' Revati 346'40'to 360'
of A Glimpse
Phasesof Moon
The Moon has no light of its own but it reflects the light received from the Sun. It revolves round the Eart h a n d i t s pa th i s i n cl i n e d a t a n angle of 5o approximatelyto the ecliptic. So, the eclipsecannot take place on every arnap&sgaand purnimo. (It will be explainedin the next chapter.)The Earth is in the c e n t r e w i t h O as i ts ce n tre a n d th e re ar e eight positions of the Moon shown around the Earth (see figure 14 on the next page).The sunraysare coming from the left. L is the centre of the Moon and O that of the Earth. Join OL and draw a perpendicular to it. Name it AB which bisectsthe sphere of the Moon in two hemispheres. The hemispheretowardsthe Earth will be visible from the Earth. The sunraysare coming from the left as the Sun is very big and at a very great distanceas comparedto the Moon's diameter and its distance from the Earth. We can easily assumethe rays to be parallel. Draw CD perpendicular to the rays of the Sun on the Moon. The side opposite to the direction from which the sunrays are reaching the Moon will be dark as no sunrays are falling on that portion of the Moon. It has been shown as shaded. The other position on which the sunrays are falling
Releoant to Astrologg
Sun rays
+ -_+ -------+
- t -
Sm rays
Figure 74 is left blank and this hemispherical portion is reflecting light in the space and seen by the observer on the Earth as bright portion of the Moon. When the Moon is in the position l with respect to the Earth and the Sun i.e. the Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon, AB and CD coincide, the illuminated portion of the Moon being towards the Earth and the full disc of the Moon i.e. illuminated hemispherical position is seen. This is the position on purnima. In positions 2 and 8, about threequarters of the disc of the Moon is seen as the portion visible are BLC and DLA which is more than half of the hemisphere of the Moon receiving light from the Sun. In positions 3 and 7, the CD is perpendicular to AB. So, only half of the illuminated hemisphere of
the Moon can be seenand as such half of the disc i.e. BLC and ALD is visible. The remaining half of the hemispheretowards the Earth is not receiving any light of the Sun; so, it doesnot reflect any light, and, as such,is invisible to us. It happenson'oshtorni'days of the shukla paksha as well as the krishna pakshaThe only difference is that the half disc that is bright on shulcloashtami is dark onkrtshno oshtamiand vice versa. When the Moon is in positions 4 and 6, less than half of the disc is visible as less than half the illuminated hemisphere is BLC, ALD being towards the Earth. In position 5, AB and CD coincide again and dark portion of the Moon is towards the Earth. So, the Moon cannot be seen and it happens on arnavosAaThe shapeof the Moon seenon a particular position is also shown near each position. Here, the hemisphereof the Moon towards the Earth is shown as a circle with bright half as blank and the dark portion as black. NODES Nodes are the points at which the orbit of the ' Moon, or any planet cuts the plane of ecliptic. During the course of its movement (i.e. of the Moon or the respective planet) when the said heavenly body crossesthe ecliptic plane, the crossing points are called nodes of the Moon or of the respectiveplanet. When the Moon or the respective planet crosses the ecliptic while going from north to south, the crossing point is called descending node. In the former case, the latitude of the Moon or the said planet is zero while changing from the positive to the
Orbit of Moon
Figwe 75
negative. The line joining these two nodal points is said to be the line of nodes or the axis of the nodes. RAHU AND KETU Rahu and Ketu are the nodes of the Moon. When the Moon crossesthe ecliptic while going from south to north of the ecliptic, it is the ascending node of the Moon which is called Rahu. The latitude of the Moon at Rahu is zero and is on the increase from the negative (south) to the positive (north). While crossing the ecliptic going from the north to the south i.e. the descending node of the Moon is called Ketu. In figure 15, while there appear four points of intersection, in space (3 dimensions) there will be only two, i.e. between thick (front) lines and the thin lines only. So, Rahu and Ketu are actually not any physical planets but are the points on the plane of ecliptic where the Moon crosses it. This is the reason for calling these two as chhaga grahas, i.e. shadowy planets. At these points, the Moon and the Sun get eclipsed on poornima ot arno,DosAa respectively, if on these tithis they are on or near these chhaga grah"as.These are also called
dragon's head and dragon's tail. These points are not stationary but take about 18 years 220 days i.e. 18.60 years in making a revolution around the Earth. This motion is non-uniform like that of all planets. Given here is the average period of motion. Their motion is in reverse direction than that of other planets. In other words, they move in the zodiac in reverse direction. So, they are said to be having a retrograde motion at an average or mean rate of about 19.36" each year or about 8" an hour. They have true or mean longitudes according to whether we have used mean motion or calculated actual position. SIDEREAL PEBIOD ' Sidereal period or periodic time of a planet is the time taken by it to make a complete revolution with reference to the fixed stars. In the case of the Moon it is 27 days 7 hours and 43 minutes. This is the minimum sidereal period among nava grohos. The maximum sidereal period is that of Saturn which is 29.46 solar years. After considering the extra Saturnine planets, the maximum sidereal period is that of Pluto i.e.248.4years. SIDEREAL TIME
Time, includingsidereal time, can be measured in many ways. Sidereal day is the time elapsed since the precedding transit of Sayana first point of Aries to the next transit of the meridian of a place.In other words, one sidereal day is the time taken by the Earth in completing one rotation with respect to a fixed star which is equal to 23 hours 56 minutes and a few seconds. This sidereal day is expressed in sidereal hours
and minutes. one sidereal day is equal to 24 siderear hours. One such hour comprises of 60 minutes etc. It can be observed that a fixed star which is rising along the Sun will rise about 4 minutes earlier than the sunrise next day i.e. the sun has moved r. in the zodiac. If an observer continues to observe the sky for one month, he will notice that the sun has risen l rashi after the fixed star. After one year he wilr notice that the same star is rising again with the Sun. As the Earth is moving round the Sun and the Sun is fixed, the earth completes one revolution around the Sun in one year. The Earth rotates around its axis once in a day. The same part of the Earth appears approximately 365 + I = 366 times in front of the same fixed star in a year (appro_ximately 36b solar days) or the lst point of Aries has transited the meridian 366 times in a year of 365 days and 36? times in a year of 366 days i.e. a leap year. Therefore, a sidereal day is shorter than the solar day by 365.25 = 24 x 60/365.25 = B minutes 56 sec approximately SYNODIC PERIOD Synodic period is the interval of time which elapsesbetween two oppositions or two conjunctions of a superior planet. In case of inner-planets it is the time between two conjuntions of the same type whether they are both inferior or superior. It can be explained as under: The Sun is stationary. The planets (including the Earth) are revolving around it. The earth compietes
one revolution in approximatelY days 365 while Merccomury pletesit in 88 days. In the figure 16,let E be the Earth, M,
Figure 76
Mercury and S, Sun. EMS is the inferior conjunction of Mercury. Now the Earth and Mercury start moving. The Mercury completes one revolution in 88 days and when it comes at M, the Earth is not at E but it has moved ahead and the next conjunction takes place when Mercury comes at M, and Earth at E,. So in moving from M and completing one revolution and after that coming to M, is its synodic period or the time taken by the Earth in moving from E to E, is Synodic period of Mercury. Similarly, for superior conjunction SMzEz t',
and SMrEr, the time taken by Mercury in mov in g f r o m M2 a n d completing one revolution and coming to M, is its Synodic period or the time taken by the Earth in moving from E, to E, is the synodie period of Mercury.
Figlne 77
The outer planets move slower than the Earth. Earth completesone revolution in I year and Jupiter does it approximately in 12 Years. Here S is the Sun, E, and E, are the positions of the Earth and d and Jr positionsof Jupiter at the time of opposition,while Ez,E3are positionsof the Earth and Jr, J, positions of Jupiter at the time of conjunction. SE J i s t h e o p p osi ti o n a n d S E rJr i s the next opposition. The time taken by Jupiter in moving from J to J, or by the Earth moving from E and completing one revolution and then coming to E, is the synodic period of Jupiter.
The sun is the only illuminated heavenly body which is actually a star in the solar system and Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, tfranus, Neptune and Pluto are its planets, reflecting the light received from it. All the planets are revolving around the sun as already explained in chapter 3. The Earth is moving around the Sun under the gravitational pull of the Sun. The Moon is moving around the Earth and along with the Earth, it goes around the Sun also, under the gravitational pull of the Earth. The Moon, in turn has its own pulling force like that of the Earth. LUNAR ECLIPSE A lunar eclipse takes place when the Moon passes through the shadow of the Earth in the heavens. This will only occur when all the three i.e. the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are nearly in a straight line. The Sun and the Earth are always on the ecliptic but the path of the Moon is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of about 5o. So the Moon may or may not be on or very near the ecliptic when the Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon i.e. on poornima. When the Moon is on the ecliptic or near to it and the Earth is
t ^ of Moorf o - ' o ) Orbit Figure 18 in between them, such a position will occur when the Moon is either on Rahu or Ketu or nearby because Rahu and Ketu are the nodes of the Moon i.e. thd points where the Moon crosses the ecliptic. When the whole of Moon's disc is obscured, the eclipse is said to be a total eclipse and when only a part of it is obscured it is said to be a partial eclipse (see figure 18). In the figure, S is the centre of the Sun and C of the Earth. The cone ABD is not receiving any light from the Sun because the rays from all areas up to either extreme of the disc of the Sun i.e. p or X are intercepted by the Earth and the cone ABD darkshaded is in complete darkness. Cones QAD and YBD (light-shaded) are receiving light from some part of the Sun lrrri not from the whole disc of the Sun. The dark-shaded portion i.e. cone ABD is called umbra or complete shadow while the light-shaded zones i.e. QAD and YBD are called penumbra. When the Moon goes from penumbra to umbra, its brightness decreases till it vanishes when it is fully in the umbra. This is the case of total lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse cannot occur until a portion of
Moon's surface enters in umbra. It is because in penumbra the Sun's light falling on the Moon is only diminished and not stoppeddirectly while in umbra no direct rays from the Sun can enter. So, when the Moon is at position M, or M, as in the figure it receives light from the one end of the Sun and hence its brightness is diminished' This diminution is smaller when the Moon is at the edge of the penumbral cone.Totality of the Moon'seclipse never exceeds1% hours. Moon losesheat and cools down more during an eclipse- During the totality period, the Moon is travelling through the width of per the Earth. (The Sun moves about ZVz' hour') SOLAB ECLIPSE The solar eclipsewill occur when the Moon is in between the Earth and the Sun i.e. (1) It will be an arnauoago. (2) The Moon must be on or near Rahu or Ketu so t h a t i t s l a ti tu d e i s n e a r ze ro a nd the thr ee heavenly bodies, the Moon, the Earth and the Sun, are in a line. The reasons for a solar eclipse are the same as for lunar eclipse i.e. the Sunrays should be stopped by the dark (non-luminous) Moon from falling on the Earth. It can happen only when the Moon comes in the line of the Sun and the Earth and in betweenthem so that the rays can be stopped. The Earth and the Sun are on the ecliptic; so,the Moon should be either on the ecliptic or very near to it i.e. the Moon should be on either of its nodes (Rahu or Ketu) or near the same.
In the case of lunar eclipse, the Moon loses light when it enters umbra and the eclipse is visible alike to the whole part of the Earth which is facing the Moon. The Moon, being much smaller than the Earth, can obstruct the Sun's rays for a smaller area on the Earth and as such the eclipse is visible to a limited area of the Earth at a time. Solar eclipse is of three kinds: (L) total eclipse, (2) partial eclipse and (3) annular eclipse. In the total eclipse the whole cif the Sun's disc is not seen by the observer while in the case of a partial eclipse only a part of the Sun's disc is covered by the Moon and as such cannot be seen. The Moon's angular diameter varies from 33'31" to 29'22". The angular diameter is 29'22" when the Moon is at the greatest distance from the Earth i'e' at its apogee. The diameter is 33'31"when the Moon is nearest to the Earth i.e. at perigee. In the case of the Sun, the angular diameter of the Sun when at apogee is 31'32"and when at perigee it is 32'36"' By the above fact it can be noticed that if at the time of eclipse the Moon is nearest to the Earth and the Sun farthest, the Moon's apparent angular diameter will be greater than that of the Sun and it can hide the whole of Sun's disc from the observer on the Earth in the line of the Sun and the Moon' It will be a total eclipse for that observer. In the case of partial eclipse, only a part of the Sun's disc will be hidden by the Moon. The reason being that the centres of the Sun and the Moon not being in an exact line with the observer i.e. when the Sun and the Moon are not exactly at Rahu or Ketu,
Figure 19
or the observeris at a point outside the umbral cone of the Moon. The annular solar eclipsetakes place when the Sun is the nearest to the Earth and the Moon is the farthest and other conditions remain the sameas that of total eclipse.It will be an annular eclipsebecause in this casethe Moon's apparentangular diameteris shorter than that of the Sun. The Moon's disc will not be able to fully cover the Sun,s disc but will obscure only the central portion of the Sun. At the edges,the Sun is seen in this position in the form of a bright ring, as shown in figure 19. The umbra created by the Moon is cone ABC when the observeris at E within umbra i.e.the Moon is t h e n e a r e s t a n d th e S u n i s th e fa rthest. The observerthus can seethe total solar eclipse.But when the observeris at F i.e. outsidethe umbra, which will happenwhen the Moon is the farthest from the Earth and the Sun is the nearest,he will not be chserving the total eclipseand insteadhe will be able to seethe Sun's disc like a ring. Only the shadedportion of the Sun will be hidden by the Moon and the rest i.e. circular ring will be visible over the entire hemisphere of the Earth. F\rrther,the track of totality can never be more than 16gmiles in width and the totality can never last more than eight minutes.
OCCULTATION Moon's siderealperiod of revolution is about 27r/, days and it moves eastwardswith reference to the stars and at an averageof more than half a degree per hour. In its movement,it continually interposes i t s d is c b e t w e e n u s a n d th e sta rs. T h e sudden disappearance a star by the Moon'sdisc is caslled of the occultation of the star by the Moon. Actually,the coveringup of one celestialbody by anot h e r is g e n e r a l l y ca l l e d o ccu l ta ti o n . Str ictly speaking,the solar eclipse is also an occultation of the Sun by the Moon. COMBUSTION The planets are called combust when they are near the Sun in longitudes and their rays which are the reflection of the Sun'srays are intermingled with that of the Sun whose rays are much stronger. Therefor, the effect of the planets becomesmuch less. The planet under combustionis not visible,being too near the Sun, and is called Asta.
Mean Solar DaY We have seen that the Sun appears to describe an elliptical orbit around the Earth and its rate of changeofdirectionintheorbitisnotconstant,i.e. the Sun appears to move somewhat non-uniformly in the zodiac.It movesfaster when the Earth is at its perihelion, i.e. the nearest point from the Sun' -Corr.r"rr"ly the angular speed is slowest when the Earth is at aphelion point (the farthest from the Sun)' The other factor is that the Sun appearsto move in the ecliptic and not in the celestialequqtor,so its right ascension does not increase uniformly, it being measured along the celestial equator' The apparent solar day is the interval elapsed transits of the sun acrossthe between two successive observer'smeridian. As the Sun's motion is not uniform throughout t h e y e a r , t h e a p p a re n tso l a rd a ysw i l lbeofdiffer ent duration. It will be much troublesome in day-to-day working of the society.So, a fictitious body called the move "mean Sun" was devisedwhich is assumedto on the celestial equator at a uniform rate' The
Releoont to AsttologY
successive transits of this fictitious body or the mean Sun across the observer's meridian is defined as a mean solar day which is equal to the average daily motion of the real Sun in the ecliptic. The duration of such a mean solar day is divided into 24 hours. It implies that the right ascension of mean Sun increases at a uniform rate. When the mean Sun is at the meridian of a place, it is local mean noon there and the hour-angle of the mean Sun is zero. When the hour-angle of the mean Sun is 12 hours, it is said to be midnight there and this is the moment when the new civil day begins there. The Local Mean Time The time elapsed from the midnight of the place is known as local mean time. Thus LMT at midnight is zero hours. This is different from the hour-angle of the mean Sun. The Earth is rotating from the west to east and it completes one rotation with respect to the Sun in one civil day. However, it completes one complete rotation with reference to any distant star in one sidereal day. Its spin in a sidereal day is 360", while the same is about 361' for a civil day. A mean solar day is of 24 hours 3 minutes and 56.56 seconds in sidereal tiine. Mean sidereal day is equal to 24 hours, in sidereal hours, and is 23 hours 56 minutes 4.09 seconds in mean solar time. For simplicitg both solar day and sidereal day are taken as 24 hours in terms of their own hours. Thus, the Earth rotates 360" in 24 hours or, say, 1" in 4 minute. The places which are in the east will see the rising of the Sun early and those in the west will see it later. If the difference is 10' in terrestrial longitude, the difference in sunrise will be
of l0 x 4 = 4 0 m i n u te s p ro vi d e d th e ter r estr ial latitude is the same. This way, we can see that the local mean time of places at different terrestrial longitudes will be different in a country or a zone and the day-to-daywork of the societywill face a lot of trouble and practically be disrupted in the present era . Th e t e r r e s t r ia l l a ti tu d e s a n d l o n gitudes of Mumbai are 18'58'(N)and 72"50'(E), and of Calcutta (N) an 88'23'(E). 22"35' The difference between latitudes is only 3o3?' while in the longitudes it is 15o33', the difference i.e. between their local time will be of 15"33'x 4 = 62 minutes 12seconds, I hour 2 minutes 12seconds. i.e. person at Mumbai will at his noon say that the The time is 12hours while at Calcutta he will say no, it is I hour 2 minutes 12 secondsp.m. and the schedule of railway timing, plane timing, radio, television,etc. will not be possible.So, a way was devisedthat within a country or a zone (in large countries),one standard meridian is fixed and the time of that meridian is taken as standard time for that country or the zone. It is called the standard time of a country or zonal standard time of that zone. I n I n d i a t h e sta n d a rd me ri d i a n i s having a longitude 82o30'(E) and this meridian passes through a place near Varanasi. The local mean time of this place is the Indian standard time and is followed throughout India. Similarly, other countries or zoneshave also fixed their standard meridians. When going through the last few pages of the table of ascendents,it will be seen that the standard meridians of a country or a zone are fixed in such a way that normally the time
Releoant to Astrologg
difference between that of Greenwich is a murtiple of half an hour. The difference between the IST (Indian Standard Time) and that of the Greenwhich mean time is 572hours.
Units of Time The following are the units of time as per Szryo
Siddhanta 6 pran 60 pal 60 ghati 21,600pran = = = = I pal. (also called vinadi) I ghati (also called nadi) 1 day (Civil Day or solar day) I daY = 86,400seconds
The following are the units of time as prevalent during the modern time. 60seconds 60minutes 24hours = = = lminute lhour lday
Units of Measurement of Distances in Space Three systems for measuring distance in space are in vogue. (1) (2\ (3) light Year astronomical unit Parsec
Light Year miles (or Light travels at the rate of 1,86,000 km) per second.The distance traversed by 3,00,000 the light in one year is known as light year' x light year = 3,00,000 60 x 60 x 24 x 365'25km' km' So, one light Year = 9'46 x 1012 i.e.9,460billionkilometresor5,8S0billionmiles' Astronomical Unit The semi-major axis of the Earth's orbit is known as astronomical unit. In other words, the half of maximumdistance*minimumdistanceoftheEarth (AU)' from the Sun is known as astronomical unit One AU = 930 lakh miles In other words, the distance between the Earth's
to Astrologg
two positions at extreme points is two AUs. It can also be expressed as the mean distance of the Earth from the Sun. Parsec The distance corresponding to a parallax of 1" is called a parsec. 1 parsec = 2,06,265astronomical units
= =
S is a fixedStar. Distance E,E,= 249 whereE, and E, are the two positionsof the Earth on its mapr axis.
S (FiredStar)
Eailh's Orbil
Figure 20
The distanceis correspondingto a parallax of 1" and is inversely proportional to it. If the parallax is 0.001",the distance is 1000 parsecsand not 1i1000 parsec(seefigure 19).
Civil Day the Nowadays, time from one midnight to another midnight is a civil day. According to our ancient system,the time interval between one sunrise to anothersunriseis calledone'savanday'i.e.civil day = 24 solar time hours. Mean solar day = 24 hours 3 minutes56.5seconds in siderealtime hours, etc. Sidereal Day The time interval from one rising of anakshatra to its rising next time is called a sidereal day or nakslwtra is of about 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 secondsin solar day hours. Lunar Day or a Tithi Lunar day or a tithi is the averagetime taken by the Moon from one tithi to the next tithi. Each tithi represents12ophasedifference between the Moon's position from the Sun's position, i.e. Moon's advancement over the Sun by another 12". This averagetime is 23 hours 37 minutes 28 seconds. MONTHS Solar Month When the centre of the Sun enters from one rashi to another, it is the sonlcronti of the other rashi. The time taken by the Sun from one so.nlcrontitoanother is called a solar month. The time interval of every solar month differs because the angular velocity of the Sun is not uniform. When the angular velocity is more, the Sun crosses one rashi or sign early and that
Releoant to Asttologg
solar month is smaller.Conversely, when the angular velocity of the Sun is less,the solar month is bigger. The averagetime of a solar month is 80.438days. Lunar Month When the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon becomeexactly equal the amaaasgro ends.The period between the ending of one arnauclsya the end of to nextamauosgois called a lunar month.It is also called the synodical month, i.e. 2g.S30G mean solar days. Anomalistic Month The interval required by the Moon to move from perigee to perigee is called the anomalistic month. Its duration is 27.5546 mean solar days. Nodical Month The interval between two successive passages of the Moon through the ascending node is called a nodical month. It is of 27.2122 mean solar days.It is smaller than the siderealmonth (2T.gZ days)because during a month's interval Rahu movesbackwards on the zodiac towards the Moon. YEARS Astronomically, there are severalkinds of .years'. The sidereal year is the true revolution period of the Earth around the Sun.It is of 865days 6 hours 9 minutes 10 seconds, of 365.256 i.e. days. The Tropical year is the period between two passages the Sun acrossthe first point successive of (Sayana).As the first point of Aries is not Aries stationary, the tropical year is shorter by 20 minutes
"from the sidereal year. Its duration is J6S.Z4Z days, i.e. 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 45 seconds. The calendar year is the mean length of the year. Its duration is 365.24 days, i.e. 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds. The anomalistic year is the duration between t w o s u c c e s s i v ep a s s a g e so f t h e p e r i h e l i o n o f t h e Earth. As the Earth's perihelion also moves about ll seconds in its orbit every year and completes one revolution in about 108 thousand years, this year is slightly longe4 i.e. of BG5.Z6 days, er 965 days 6 hours minutes and 53 seconds. .13 f ,unar year: Twelve lunar months make a lunar year, i.e. of 12 x 29.5806days = 854.36?2days approx. Luni-Solar Year: Since early Vedic period, fndians followed solar year with lunar months and a synchronized luni-solar year. One system was prescribed in Rigo edanga, another in Atharaa_ aed'anga. varahamihira made some modifications for odhik and kshga tithis and adhik rnaas. The Luni_ Solar year as at present used in our panchangas. Tithis of most of the religious and social festivals are based on a mixture of solar year and lunar months by the pandits. The months are the lunar months but every 19 years there is an increase of ? months in this calendar (see page b5). The principal of making 13 months in a year is that if two times arn&uos1aends in a solar month, the month which followed the first onxaaasAawill be repeated again after the second onaavesAa,i.e. there will be two lunar months of the same name. This name of two lunar months (for a particular solar month) will be after the name of the said solar month. This is in accordance with the
Moon's nakshatra on which the Moon was on the poornfuna day during the said solar month. This way, after every two to three years, we have a year of 13 lunar months and the difference between the solar and lunar ydars is adjusted.
is Panchongo a Sanskrit word which consistsof two poncho * anga. Panehameans five and anga words means parts or limbs. So, ponchanga means five limbs. These five limbs are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) day tithi nakshatra(constellation) karna yoga
1. DAY Day here is the weekday to decide the lordship of the concerned day. In the Indian astronomy the day is considered to be form sunrise to just before the next sunrise. In the Western system, the name of the day is c a lc u l a t e d e a s il y fro m th e d a te s o f Gr egor ian c a len d a r . T h e e xa ct i n te rva l b e tw e en the two vernal equinoxes,i.e. a tropical year,is 365 successive
days 5 hours 48'and 45.3"or, say,365.2422 days. When gives 24.22 extra days (in it is multiplied by 100, it excess of 365 days per year) in a century. So, Pope Gregory XIII adopted a calendar in 1582 according to which normally years will be of 365 days each but the years which are divisible by 4 without remainder, such as 1988, L992, etc. will have 366 days, but the centuries, i.e. the year which are multiple of 100 but not multiple of 400 will only 365 days and the years which are multiple of 100 and also multiple of 400 will have 366 days. Because there were 24.22 days extra in a centgry so 24 days have been added 4, 8 ,L2... up to 96 and not 100;and 0.22 x 4 = 0.88, i.e. approximately I day has ben added in the 400 years. In one year when 365+7 leaves a remainder of 1 so if the January 1, 1949 was Saturday, the January 1, 1950will be one week day extra i.e. Sunday.In one century i.e. in 100 years the number of remaining days will be 100 * 24 leap days i.e. 124 extra days than complete weeks, which means (124+? leaving a remainder of 5) 5 extra days only after omitting complete weeks. In 100 years (one century), the number of days more than the complete weeks = 5. In 400 years (four centuries), the number of days more than the complete weeks = 20 + 1 as the 400th year is also a leap year = 21 which is divisible by 7. Thus, a period of four centuries folds up in complete weeks. This implies that the day on January 1, 1201 will be the same as on January 1,801,or 1601,or 2001.
Example The following is an illustration how to calculate the day of a week in Gregorian calendar which is presently in vogue. To find out the day on March 4, 1988. Number of days more than complete weeks in 1600years = Q .' Number of days more than complete = 5 x 3 + Trremainder = weeksin 300years 1
Number of days more than complete weeks = 87 * 7, (as 87 years pass) remainder = 3 Leap days in 87 years = 2l * 7, remainder = 0
Number of days more than complete weeks in January 88 = 31 * 7, remainder = 3 Number of days more than complete weeks in February 88 = 29 + 7t remainder = 1 Number of days more than complete = 4 i 7, weeks in March 88 remainder = 4 Total Now, L2 + T leaves the remainder 5. Now count it Monday if the remainder is l, I\resday if it is 2, Wednesday 3, Thursday if 4, Friday if if 5, Saturday if 6, and Sunday if 0 or ?. . The day on March 4, 1988is thus Friday as the remainder is 5. 2. TITHI A lunar month is from the end of one orrr';aoeayo
to the end of succeeding amaoasAo,i.e. the difference between the longitudes of the Moon and the Sun start incresing.As there are 360'in the zodiac, so in a lunar month the Moon moves 360o more than that of the Sun. There are 30 tithis in one lunar month.
So,onetithi =
399" = rz'
The following table shows the tithis and the differenceof the longitudesof the Moon and the Sun. Shukla Paksha (Bright Halfl
Tithi No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 L2 13 L4 15
Longitude of Moon - Sun 0o to L2' 24' to to 12" 24o 36o 48o .60o 72" 84' 96'
Pratipada Dviteeya Triteeya Chaturthi Panchami Shashthi Saptami Ashtami Navami Dashami Ekadashi Dwadashi Trayodashi Chaturdashi 'Poornima (F\rll Moon)
L20" to t32" 132" to L44' 144' to 156" 156' to 168' 168' to 180"
YyrishnaPaksha(Dark Halfl
Tithi No.
Longitude of Moon - Sun 180" to L92" 192' to 204" 204" to 216" 216' to 228" 228" to 240o 240" to 252o 252' to 264o 264" to 276o 276" to 288' 288" to 300' 300" to 312" 312" to 324" 324' to 336' 336' to 348' 348" to 360o
Pratipada Dviteeya Triteeya Chaturthi Panchami Shashthi Saptami Ashtami Navami Dashami Ekadashi Dwadashi Trayodasi Chaturdashi Amavasya (New Moon)
16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
The lst tithi starts when the Moon starts moving aheadof the Sun, i.e. more than 0odifference.When the differnce becomesjust more than 12o,lhe tithi becomesDviteeya. Similarly, it is for other tithis. The above is the schemefor the tithis but these 30 tihtis falls in approximately 29.5 days and not in 30 days.The Moon movessometimesfast, i.e. about 15oin 24 hours and sometimes slow, about 12. in 24 hours. Tithis are depending upon the net difference of motion of the Sun and the Moon. Their individual
motions depend upon their distances from apogee or perigee. This fast and slow movement of the Moon causes sometimes the losing of a tithi and sometimes gaining a tithi. The principle behind it in the Indian lunar calendar is that the tithi which is at the time of sunrise is the tithi of the day. Whether that tithi may remain for a few minutes in that day or it may prolong upto the next sunrise. A tithi which starts after sunrise and ends before the next Sun rise is said to be missed in that fortnight. If a tithi which starts just before sunrise and ends after the next sunrise will be having two days in its name in that fortnight. The system was introduced for day-to-day working of the society. The formula for the calculation of tithi: Longitude of the Moon - Longitude of the Sun IT
Moon's Longitude
2. 19056' 1',A
7126" 24' ',ll 2" 50 10 I' 15' 'B' 7'260 39' 236'39'
19r 6'
. -.00 = t o 6' 12
which shows that 16 tithis have passedand the 17th is running at that time and its 0o6'have passedout of 12". The tithis at a particular moment are calculated in the above manner. Now you will see how the tithis last for two days or are missed.The principle behind it is that for social purposesthe tithi of a day is the tithi which is at the time of the sunrise on that day. It should be rememberedthat it is for socialpurposesand it does not mean that tithi will in reality remain for the whole of day. Examples How a tithi is missed or tithi kshago. T\po such examples are given below: (1) Take the caseof October18,2000and of October 19,2000. Sunrise at Delhi on October 18 is at 6h28'a.m. Tithi on October 18, 2000is calculatedas under:
, =
As 61 is shorterthan 181,add 360in 61. 5' 6104' + 360' - 1810 Tithi = L2 .L2L2
59' 239o
,^11o 59'
It shows that 19 tithis have passedand 20th is will running. So,the tithi of October18,2000 be called krt shna paksha panehmi. Tithi on October 19, 2000 is calculated below. sunrise at Delhi on that day is at 6h28' a.m. Tithi_ 2' 15o9' - 6" r 5' L2
75o9' + 360o - 182o 5'
tithi is running on 19th October. Hence, the tithi on October lg, 2000is Krishno Paksha Saptami. It is seenthat 2lst tithi has been missed. (2) Take another caseof missing tithi, i.e. of February 2,200Land February 3,2001. Sunrise at Delhi on 2nd February is at 7.13a.m. Sunrise at Delhi on 3rd February is at 7.12a.m. Colculation of tlthi on Znd Febntory: Tithi = Longitude of the Moon - Longitude of the Sun IT 0" 2502l' - 9' 19" 24'
l 57' = ,.'_l o
Saptami has passed and Shulclo PolcshoAshtomi is running. Calculation of tithi on 3rd Febru,ory: 1'8" 50' - 9' 20025' Tithi =
Astronomy Releoont to
^00 = o 25' Lz
Nine tithis have passedand tenth is running. So tithi on February 3rd, 2001is ShulcloPokshaDashami. It may be seen that Navami has been missed. Example qf Adhik Tithi (3) Take the caseof October 6, 2000and October ?, ' 2000. ; Sunrise at Delhi on October 6, 2000and October ?, 2000is at 6.21a.m. Tithi colculation on October 6,2000 is as under:
8' 250 29'. - 5' 1go 13' Tithi =
Eighth tithi has passedand ninth is running. So, the tithi of October 6, 2000 will be called Shuklo Poksho Naaami. Tithi on October 7,2000 is caleulated, under: os 9" 70 16' - 5" 20 L2' Tithi = L2
Eight tithies have passed and gth is running at the time of Sunrise. Hence,the tithi of October7,2000 is Shukla Paksha Navami. By this it is seen that the tithi for October6, 2000and October 7,2000is Navami for both the days. (4) Calculation of tithies on January 31, 2001 and February 1, 2001are given below. Tithi of 3lst January, 2001 11'290z?',- g', L7" 22'. Tithi =
^0P 5'
i.e. ShulcloPolcshoSoptomi Tithi on February 1, 2001 Tithi = 0' l2g 13' - I' 18" 23' L2 11 13' - 288023'
83o50' t2
^11e50' L2
,rvhich shows that Shutcla Paksha Saptmiis running at Surrrise of February 1, 2001. Saptmiis for two days, namely, ..r_ So, ShulcloPolcsha January 31, 2001and February 1, 2001. 3. NAKSHATRA The division of the zodiac in 27 nakshatrashas been shown at in chapter 5. However,the calculations for finding out the number of nakshatrasis as under: The 27 nakshatras are in 360.
So, one nakshatra =3600
= rr1. i.e.t3o2o,
3' Example Now, we have to find the nakshatra of the Moon whoselongitude is, say,24S"lG'. The.nakshatranumber will be arrived at
2450 16' 130 20'
i.e. the 2nd quarter, or pada, or charan of 19th nakshatra (Mula nakshatra). If the remainder is from I'to 200'it is lst quarter; if it i s 2 0 1 ' t o4 00 'i ti s 2 n d q u a rte r;i f i t is 401' to600' it is 3rd quarter; if it is 601'to 800'it is 4th quarter' Names of Nakshatras (1) Ashwini (3) Krittika (5) Mrigashirsha (7) Punarvasu (9) Ashlesha (11) Purvaphalguni (13) Hasta (15) Swati (17) Anuradha (19) Mula (21) Uttarashadha (23) Dhanistha (25) PurvabhadraPada (27) Revati (2) Bharani (4) Rohini (6) Ardra (8) Pushya (10) Magha (12) Uttaraphalguni (14) Chitra (16) Vishakha (18) Jyeshtha (20) Purvashadha (22) Shravana (24) Satabhisha (26) UttarabhadraPada
This way by changing the signs and degreesinto ; minutes and dividing by 800',the quotient gives the number of nakshatraspassedand the remainder gives the minutes of the next nakshatra which has passedout of 800'. In the above manner, we can calculate the nakshatra of any planet at any moment, provided the Niragana longitudes are known. But, when we say what nakshatra is running at present, the reference in Panchango always to the is Moon's nakshatra which is required for doshaphalas well as muhurta. 4. I(ARANA In each tithi there are two karanas. The first Karana ends at the middle of the tithi and the second ends with the ending of the tithi. The two halvesare not obtained by dividing the time of the tithi in two halves. Each Karana is decided by the time taken by the Moon to gain over the Sun by a margin of 6' (as against 12oin the caseof a tithi). 'The method of colculating the tithi is: Tithi = Longitude of the Moon - Longitude of the Sun LT Quotient * 1 givesthe Tithi. The fortnula for colculating Karono is: Karana = Longitude of the Moon - Longitude of the Sun
The quotient + l will give the number of Karanas running. Names of Karanas 1. Bava 2. Balava 3. Kaulava 4. Taitila 5. Gara 6. Vanij 7. Vishti which repeat eight times, i.e. ? x 8 = 56 such Karanas plus four others, namely, i\ Shakuni
ia) Kintughna Making a total of 56 + 4 = G0Karanas in 30 tithis. In other words, there are eleven different Karanas:4 non-recurring and seven recurring 8 times during a lunar month. Alll these ll Karanas have distinctive characterstics attached to them. Some Karanas like Vishti (Bhadra), Shakuni, Chatuspada, Naga, Kintughna are inauspicious and some are good. for muhurta of various rituals, ceremonies, etc. Example Take the case of October 18, 2000 at 6.25 a.m. (given in this chapter in the example of missing tithi at page.)
Karana =
As the longitude of the Moon is less than the longitude to the Sun, add 360'to the longitude of the Moon.
42'- 4', - 19105'
i.e. 40th Karana was running or the 2nd Karana of 20th tithi (40 + 2) was running. The table showsthat the 2nd Karana of 20th is 4th Karana, i.e. Taitila. Tithi lst Karana Kintughna 2 4 6 1 2nd Karana
Tithi 16 L7 18 19 20
I 2 3 4 5
3 5 7 2
Tithi 6 7 8 I l0 11 t2 ,13 L4 15
2nd Karana
4 6 1 3
b I
2 4 6 1
Shakuni 30 ChatushpadaNaga
5. YOGA Yogas are the result of combined movement of the Sun and the Moon. These can be inauspicious or auspicious for arriving at proper muhurta.
Names of Yogas 1. Vishakumbha 3. Ayushman 5. Shobhana 7. Sukarma '9. Shula 11. Vridhi 13. Vyaghata 15. Vajra L7. Vyatipata 19. Prigha 2. Priti 4. Saubhagya 6. Atiganda 8. Dhriti 10. Ganda 12. Dhruva L4. Harshana 16. siddhi 18. Variyan 20. Shiva
The names of Aogasthemselvesindicate (from their word meaning) where these are auspicious (good)and were these are inauspicious(bad). S o , e a c hy o g a = = 13o?0'= 00' 8
Thefortnula for calculating goga: Yoga = Long. of the Sun * Long. of the Moon (in minutes) 800' Example Any moment for which the yoga is to be found out, say,for example,Sun's longitude be 9*3o23' and 36'(January18,1992at 5.30 Moon'slongitudebe 2"6o a.m.) . Yoga at that time tithi = q'39 23' + 2' 6o 36' ff
20399' 800' _ 253gg' 900' 25th yoga has passedand 26th yoga,i.e. Indra was running at that time.
These are secondary planets (upagrahas in Indian astronomy). Of course' there are tertiary planets also. The secondary and the tertiary planets are invisible (not physical bodies). Actually, these so, called planets are astrologically sensitive points, mathematically computed positions with reference to the Sun's longitude. These points are of considerable importance with the birth chart as well as in the progressed horoscope of the individual (or a rlation). These upagrahas are Dhuma, Paridhi, Indrachapa and Sikhi. The method of calculation from the Sun's position is given below:
1. Dhuma
+ 133"20'
2. Patha 3. Paridhi 4. Indrachapa
360o- Dhuma Patha +180"
360"- Paridhi
5. Sikhi Example
Presumethat, in a horoscopethe Sun's location is at 12"in Gemini. So, the Sun's longitude = 7Zo 1. Dhuma 2. Patha 3. Paridhi 4. Indrachapa 5. Sikhi (S)
72'+133"20'=205'20' (133"20' 72. = 205"20') + 360"-205'20'=154"40' (226'40' 72" = 154"40') nt' 154"40'+190.= 334040' (4 6 '4 0 '-7 2 o 3 3 4 '4 0 ') = = 360'- 334"40' 25"20' (313"20'+72"=25"20') 25"20'.+ 16'40' = 42o (330"+72'=42")
Peha 154"rO'
25'20' Indrachapr
934'rO' Paridhi
T h e a b o v e s e n s i t i v ep o i n t s c a l c u l a t e dw i t h referenceto the Sun's longitude serveas Amshas of planets Mars (for Dhooma),Rahu (for patha), Moon (for Paridhi), Venus (for Indrachap), and Ketu (for Sikhi or upaketu). But for calculatingthe position of upa g ra h a s o f t h e o th e r fo u r p l a n e ts - the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, other methods are used. Upagrahas (Astrological) Astrologically speaking (not astronomically), there are nine upagrahasrelating to the nine grahas. They are consideredtheir (adverse) Amsha. Upagrahas:
Paridhi or Parivesh
Amsha of:
J Sun
Ardhyam or Ardhaprahara
Y Moon Yamagantak
Amsh"a of: U"Jurv
Gulika or Mandi
or Upaketu
Amsha of:
: The calculation procedure followed for the upagrahas, Ardhyam, Yamagantak and Mandi (or Gulika) is as follows: Birth During Day Divide the daytime (dinamaan) into eight equal parts. Alloted to the various weekdays, the first belonging to the planet ruling the weekday - the first seven in the weekday's cyclic order, eighth always called nireesh, i.e. without lordship Birth Dunng Night Divide the night span (rotrimaan) also into eight parts. Allot the first part to the lordship of the ,equal fifth upagraha (in the cyclic order) from the lord (planet) of the day. Eighth part will be Nireesh. ' Thus, on Sunday: It is Yamagantak (the first part of the night), followed by Kodanda, Gulika, Kala, Paridhi, Dhooma, Ardhyam and,lastly, the unalloted. lile have to calculate the ascendant at the commencement of each period of upagraha and that will give the longitude of the related upagraha. STARS Stars are self-luminous gaseous bodies in the celestial sphere. They are grouped into constellations (conspicuous grouping forming a small solid angle, with the Earth as the apex). The most conspicuous stars in a constellation are given a Greek letter ('cr' being the brightest), but in ancient Indian astronomy, the nakshatra is named after the brightest or most conspicuous star (such as Rohini or Chitra, etc.). Some stars have their own names (like Spica, Anteres, Polaris, Arcturus, Sirius, etc.).
The nearest star to our Solar System is Proxima Centauri but everi its distance is very great, i.e. 4.2 light-years. Sirius (Lubdhaka), the brightest star in the sky, is 8.7 light-years away (Sirius is in constellation Canis Majoris). Arcturus (Swati) in Bootes is 36 light-years away. Anteres (Jyeshtha) in Scorpio is a red star, which is 330 light-years away. Betelguese (Ardra) in Orion is at 310 light-years. Regulus (Magha) o - Leonis in Leo is 425light-years from us. A light-year is 5,880 billion miles. No telescope, however strong in magnification, will show a star as a measurable disc. We have, therefore, to depend upon the astro-spectroscope. Stars have great range in luminosity and temperature. The main sequence stars (such as the Sun) are classified as dwarfs. Then there are the giant branch, and white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. The usual sequences are like this: , From Nebulus, mass of 1 solar mass, a main sequnece star exists for 10 billion Solar Years, often it expands into a red giant branch and then coalesces into a white dwarf. A star of higher mass (10 solar mass) carries on for main sequence life of a million years, becomes a red giant, explodes as a supernova and then becomes a neutron star. A star of still higher mass (10 to 30 solar mass) has a main sequence life of a million years, becomes a red giant and then collapses into an extremely dense mass forming a black hole, from which even light cannot escape. (Main sequence stars with hot white or bluish stars, i.e. types O and B and end with feeble red stars, i.e. type M. The Sun is a yellow dwarf star of type G.)
Nirayana Longitude
Aries10'6' Aries24'20' Taurus 6'8' Taurus15o55'
Magni- Distance tude LightYrs. 2.72 3.68 2.96 1.06 0.21 1.78 3.66 2.1v 0.6v 680 310 8.7 1200 68.0
7. l, Orionis(f Mrigashirsa Taurus 29"50' ) 8. Polaris Dhruva Gemini4'42' 9. Betelguese Ardra (a Orionis) Gemini4'53'
10. Sirius Lubdhaka G e m i n i 2 0 o 1 3-1.58 ' (cr Canis Majoris) 11. Carropus Agastya (c Carinae) G e m i n i 2 1 " 0 6 '-0.86 1.21
12. Pollux Punarvasu Gemini 29"21' (p Geminorum) 13. 6 Cancri .tn^'A{r* 14. e'Hydrae Fushya
Cancer 14"51' 4 . 1 7 Cancer 21o20' 1.95 Leo5o58' 1.34 2.58 2.23 75 425
a17. 6 Leonis
Releoant to Astrologg
Indian Name
19. 6 Corvi ,Jr.L,. Hasta 20. Spica Chitra (crVirginis) -21. Arcturus (o Bootis) _ 22'. aLibra 23. p Centauri 24. a Centauri 25. 6 Scorpii 26. Antares (c Scorpii) .27. l, Scorpii Swati Vishakha
2.90 0.86 0.06 2.54 1.2v
6 Sagittarii P.Ashadha Sagittariusl 43' 2.94 O" f8. 29. o Sagittarii U. AshadhaSagittariusl 8o31'2.14 30. Vega Abhijit Sagittarius 21"27' 4 0.1 ' (crLyrae) 31. Altair Shravana Capricorn 7'55' 0.89 (c Aquilae) 32. p Delphini 33. l. Aquarii 34. Markab (a Pegasi) 35. y Pegasi 36. ( Piscium Dhanishta Capricorn22"29' 3.72 SatabhishaAquarius 17"43' g.g4 P. Bhadra- Aquarius29"37' Z.S7 pada U. Bhadra- Pisces15"17' Revati Pisces 26"01' 2.97
26 16.6
HR diagram is prepared by plotting surface t e m p e r a t u r e f r o m 3 , 0 0 0 " Ct o 4 0 , 0 0 0 o Ca g a i n s t , (Sun = 1), varying up to 1,00,000 luminosity times that of the Sun. For the main sequencestars, the
,"luminosity, increasesproportionally (in a logarithmic scale) to surface temperature. But for some luminosity is high though surface temperature is comparatively low (like Betelguese,Antares) while for others (like Sirius, Procyon B) luminosity is low even with high surface temperature. Stars like Betelguese(supergiants)are well advancedin their evolution. W-type stars have surface temperatures, of up to 80,000"C, and have bright lines (nitrogen, calcium, etc.) in spectra. Highly luminous Spica (Chitra) is B type star with helium lines dominant. Siriys (Lubdhaka) is a type (temperature 10,000"C) with calcium lines dominating. G type (Capellaand the Sun) both giants and dwarfs, with surface t e m p e r a t u r e 5 ,0 0 0 o C- 6 ,0 0 0 o Ch a ve num er ous metallic lines. Arcturus (Swati) is a K-giant type temprature with weak hydrogen lines and strong (Ardra) is M-giant type with metaliclines.Betelguese having s u rf a c e t e m p e r a tu re 3 ,0 0 0 o C 3 r4 0 0oC, complicated spectra with many bands. S type (X Cygni) have prominent bands of titanium oxide and zirconium oxides. The source of stellar energy is nuclear reaetions, mainly four hydrogen nuclei being merged to form a helium nucleus. In this nuclear reaction,the Sun is losing its mass (converted to energy) at the rate of four million tons per second.Still, it will last, in the present irom, for 5 billion years more. COMETS Members of the Solar System, move round the Sun in an orbit much more elliptical than that of a planet. A large comet is made up of small solid particles surrounded by an envelope of tenuous gas;
The tail of a comet consistsof excessivelyrarefied gasand a fine dust releasedby star heat and generally points away from the sun due to solarwind and solar radiation pressure. There are manyshort period cometswith periodsof a few years,but theseare very dim. The only bright comet of a period less than a century is the Hailey's comet (its period is about ?6 years). It was last seen in 1gg6.Cometsare seen by reflected light of the Sun when they are near enough and in a position to be seen. THE GALAXY The Galaxy is a huge star system of which the Sun is a memeber.It is seen in the sky as the Milky l{ay. It consists of about 100,000 million stars and gaseousnebula. Herschel,more than a century and a half ago, was the first to postulatethe shapeof tn" Galaxy,- a double convexlens,with diameter of 100,000 light-yearsand thickness of 10,000 lightyears. The Sun lies at a distance of 25,000to 3O,0OO light-years from the galactic nucleus (which is placed bey o n d t h e s t a r c l o u d s i n th e co n ste l l ation of Sagittarius). The Galaxyis a spiral and is in rdtation round its nucleus. The Sun takes some 225 million years to complete its rotation in the Galaxy.The great spiral is Andromeda, a member of local group oflalaxy, and is larger than the Galaxy. EXTRA GAIITCTIC NEBULAE Extra galactic nebulae are the separate stellar systems lying far beyond the Galaxy.Only three are visible to the naked eye.Two Magallenicclouds and the Adromeda spiral. The Megallanic clouds are
light-years away. 200,000 in The most distant galaxyobservedis 3C-295 the 'Bootes', and is estimated to be 5000 million lightyears away.The galaxiesare expanding with red shift in spectra.
CGlestial Equator
Cel$ii8l Htrizon
Fl,gtre 23
horizon at A and remains visible to the observerduring its course from AtoB.AtB,it culminat at D as its altitude is the highest and after that it starts declining and goes down the horizon arid
cannot be seen by the observer. So, it is said to be setting and remains set from B to C and then to A. It is the rising and setting once in a day or, say, in one rotation of the Earth. This rising and setting is like that of the Sun. In this case, there is no change of longitudes as in the case of fixed stars. 2 LONGITUDINAL MOTION
The planets, the Sun and the Moon have little change in their longitudes due to their revolution in the zodiac.In astrology, the meaning of rising and setting of planets including the Sun and the Moon is different from that as explained above. In astrology, when a planet cannot be seen by naked eye due to its nearness to the Sun, it is said to have set or combust. The same becomes invisible on account of dazzling light of the Sun. It is well known that Sun is the source of light in the solar system and other planets simply reflect the light received from the Sun.In case the planet moves a certain distance away from the Sun, it becomes visible and is said to have risen.
WqfEryfErciu {Qreff
wu: sTalati qrfu e#F-dt 4fu"rt dw t t2 t t frrr: fuqtgat qltz.:rqmt dEeraratet: t erqffireqfhqr; qqrg.{{ fts qrfu4: t tA t I
(qd ft?Frd-J<qzar&rru)
' There are two types of planets, namely, (a) outer planets (Saturn, Jupiter and Mars) whose orbits are larger than the Earth and whose sidereal period is also greater, i.e. their angular velocity is shorter than the Earth, in other words, it can be said that the Sun moves faster than outer planets. (b) Inner planilts (Venus, Mercury, Moon and can also be included in this category) as they move faster than the Sun. The paths of Venus and Mercury are shorter than that of the Earth. The Moon revolves round the Earth and their sidereal period is shorter than that of the Sun.
COMBUSTION OF OUTER PII\NETS '(i) As the Sun moves faster than the outer planets, viz., Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, it appears to be ' moving towards them. In such a case' their longitudes are more than the Sun. They are seen in the western sky after sunset. After some days when the Sun comes nearer to these planets, they are invisible by naked eye and are said to have set or combust. After some time, the Sun is in conjunction with them i.e. they are in a position of deep combust. The Sun starts moving ahead ' of them. When it goes ahead by a certain distance, outer planets are visible in the east before the sunrise and are said to be rising in the east.
, .
Let us now see the direction of movement of planets and zodiac. Since the Earth rotates from west to east, all the planets including the zodiac appear to move from east to west. The position (the sign) of zodiac which is rising in the east at any movement is called ascendant. At the time of sunrise. Let the longitude of the Sun be 15oAries. At mid-noon, the Sun will be in the mid-heaven. So the Ascendant at that time may be 15'Cancer approximately. At the time of sunset the longitudes of the Sun will be roughly 15"30'Aries. It shows that the zodiac from east to west and completes one round daily. It shows that the longitudes are increasing in the direction from west to south to east to north i.e. in the direction in which the Earth is rotating.
(ii) Moon is never retrograde as it is revolving around the Earth. It moves much faster than the Sun and when reaches near it is seen in the west and becomes invisible in the east. Helical setting of , the Moon takes place once in a month. It sets in east on lcrishana paksh,a chaturdashi i.e. it becomes combust and rises in the west after shukla paksha pratipada. .
T 1: i,
When the Moon is within L2"of the Sun it is not seen by naked eye i.e. it becomescombust.
COMBUSTION OF INNER PLANETS Mercury and Venus do not remain direct and become retrograde when they come near the Earth. Their motion is faster than the Sun. When they are direct and their longitudes are less than the Sun, they are visible in the east before the sunrise. Due to their faster motion after some days, they reach near the Sun and cannot be seen; they become combust. When they move sufficiently ahead of the Sun and their longitudes are more than the Sun by a certain amount, they become visible in the west after the sunset. Mercury and Venus do not remain direct and become retrograde when they are near the Earth as their motion is faster than of the Sun. When the longitudes of retrograde Mercury and Venus are more than the Sun, they are seen on the western horizon after the sunset and become invisible in the west. After some time, their longitudes become lesser than the Sun due to their retrograde motion. In such a case, they can be seen in the east before the sunrise. The apparent diameters of the planets as seen from the Earth are:
The planets become combust when they are at a longitudinal distance as given on next page.
Saturn 15o ' From the above.table, it is seen that there is nothing in the retrograde column againstthe Moon, Mars Jupiter and Saturn. Since the Moon is never retrograde,the questionof its being in the retrograde column does not rise. The outer planets(Saturn,Jupiter and Mars) are combust only when they are in conjunction with the Sun and not in opposition. When they are near the Sun i.e. near conjunction, they become combust.In case of opposition, their longitudinal distance is nearly 180".The outer planets become retrograde, when they are nearer to oppositionthan conjunction. Now, consider the tables of apparent diameters and their distance of combustion. Though Saturn is more distant from the Sun than the Jupiter's distancefrom the Sun yet the degreeof combustion of Jupiter is llo while that of Saturn is 15".The reasonis that the diameter of disc of Jupiter is bigger than that of Saturn. So, Jupiter is visible to naked eye when it is nearer to the Sun. The longitudinal distanceof combustionof Venus is lesserthan that of Mercury in spite of its distance being more than the later. This is so on account of
bigger diameter of the disc of Venus It might have also been noticed that in the case of Venus and Mercury the longitudinal distance of their combustion is more while they are direct than when retrograde. At the time of direct motion, the Sun is in between the planet and the Earth. By this it can be inferred that at the time of superior conjunction the planet is farthest from the Earth and at the time of inferior conjunction it is nearest to it. The disc of the planet will appcar bigger when it is nearer and shorter when it is farther. Latitudes of the planets have not been considefed for the combustion of planets but only longitudinal distances have been accounted for. By not considering latitudes sometimes there is a difference of many days between the theoretical combustion of planets and the actual combustion which is by observation in the sky as shown in between the figure. Let N W S E be the ecliptic. Let the centre of the earth or, say, observer. S be the Sun. the P be planet position as per the longitude.
6tEctdic Pl is the
actual position of the planet. Now, a fastmoving planet is behind the Sun certain by a
Astronom! fuleoontto
longitudinal distance. The ZSOP is that longitudinal distance,at the time when the combustion starts, the planet is actually at P,. The distance p,S i.e. Zp,OS is more than ZPOS. Hence the planet will actually be combustwhen its actual angular distancefrom the Sun will be equal to ZPOS. The planet will have to move nearer to the Sun i.e. it will take some more days before it becomescombust.For this, the method of correction has been given in the Surya siddhanta.
Q f. Q 2.
Define Mahayugas.What are its divisions and their lengths of time? Write short notes on: (a) Surya siddhanta (b) Varaha siddhanta (c) Arya siddhanta
Q 3.
Q 4.
What is the diflerencg between the approach of Indian tstronomjl and that of Western astronomyt , Write Short notes oru (a) Galileo (b) Sir Issac Newton (c) Nicholas Copernicus ,(d) Sir William Herschal (e) John Couch Adams
Q 5. Q 6. Q 7.
f\ Name any four great circles on the celestial shpere. Give their importance. What is the relationship between planets and names of weekdays?
Q 8. Q 9.
Do the planets move retrograde? Give reason in support of your answer. Which is the most luminous planet (excluding luminaries Sun and Moon)?
Q f0. What is the highest latitude north or south at which it is possible to see the Sun in the Zenith at noon. Q 11. Why the Sun is never seen in Zenith at Delhi when it can be seen at Madras? Give reasons to justify your answer. Q 12. Which planets cannot be seen by naked eye and why? Q 13. How does the solar eclipse take place? What is the maximum limit of its totality? What are ' the various kinds of solar eclipses? Q 14. Under what conditions does lunar eclipse take place? What is the maximum limit of its
r' q,!
Q 15. What is the role of Rahu and Ketu in the eclipses?Can an clipse take place when the Moon is not near Rahu or Ketu? Q 16. Write short notes on: (a) Local time (b) Indian Standard Time (c) Zonal Standard Time Q 17. What are the different units for measuring distancesof stars? Q f8. What is a Luni-Solar year? How is it related
to Lunar year and Solar year? Cl f9. What is Panchanga? How the tithi and Karana are calculated?Find out tithi and Karana ar 2.30p.m. on December12,2000. Q 20. How the nakshatrasand yogasare found out? What nakshatra and yoga will be on December 28,2000at 5.30p.m.? Cl21. Sometimes a tithi is missed and on another occasion one tithi is named for two days. Explain the reasonand explain with the help of an example. q?z. Find out the day on February lg, 2000by the calendar method. Explain it with the help of an example.
Textbook of
e"un,pr.,ai,.,!;;'';;;il""Ti:"":TL?ix;lff Iliffi;:.,::,r";
^ E_R D c N o ??x,r"*]s""^rlwELL I D srAN rN r RAsrr F R ?,lJg y ADVANaE; BECTNNERS AS AS
f iiurji*ii,oT -:l^. ASrRoLocy _ _
Thepresenr workisanefforttoderineare rrr-i;tuTh,, the ina texrbook fashion. Transit pla The of
Altitude 39 Anomalistic Month 95 Anomalisticyear96 AstronomicalUnit 92 Azinuth 39
Declination Circle 38 Difference between Modern and Indian Classical Astronomy 26 Diurnal Motion 12? Division of zodiac into signs and constellations 71
Bija corrections 23
Earth 48 Earth on Vernal Equinox and Autunal Equinox 52 Ecliptic 36, 47 Encke's Comet 61 Extra Galactic Nebulae 125
Calendar year 96 Celestial Equator 35 Celestial Longitude 3? Celestial Meridian 40 Celestial Poles 35 Celestial Sphere 31 Changes in the Sun's Decli. nation 4l Civil Day 94 Combustion 87 Combustion of Outer planets 129 Combustion of Inner plenets 131 Comets 60, 124 Comparison of Time of Revolutions for Various Planets 26 Cycle of Moon 55
Five limbs of Panchanga g8 Formation of Seasons 50
Galaxy 125 Great Circle 82
Halley's Comet 61 Historical Background I Hour Angle 38
Important Astronomical Scholars 21. Indian Astronomy 15 Inferior Coqiunction 80, 56
Day 98 Declination 37
Jupiter 58
Karana 111 Kepler's Laws 62 Li Light Year 92 Local Mean Time 89 Longitudinal Motion 128 Lunar Day or a Tithi g4 Lunar Eclipse 82 Lunar Month 95 Lunaryear 96 Luni-Solar Year 96
Obliquity of Equator and Equinoxes 42 Occultation 87
Panchanga 98 Parsec 93 Phases of Moon 74 Plane 32 Planets 4rl Pluto 60 hle of a Circle in a Sphere 33 Precession of Equinoxes d? Prime Vertical 40
Mars 58 Mean Placesof Stars 122 Mean Solar Day 88 Mercury 57 Meteorites 62 Meteors 6l Minor planets or asteroids 62 Moon 53 Movable and Fixed Zodiacs 69
Rehu and Ketu ?7 Revolutions of various Planets in a Mahayuga ofSolarYears 23 Right Ascension 3? Rising and Setting 12? ( Satellite 4l Saturn 59 \ Siddhantas 1? Sidereal Day g4 Sidereal Period ?8 Sidereal Time 78 Siderealyear 95 Small Circle 32 ' I Solar Eclipse 84 Solar Month 94
Nadir 40 Nakshatra 109 Name of Astronomers 12 Names of the Days of a Week 62 Neptune 59 Nodes 76
Solar System 44 Sphere 31 Stars 44, 120 Superior Conjunction 80' 56 Surya Siddhanta 18 Synodic Period ?9
Terrestrial Equator 34 Tbrrestrial Latitude 35 Tierrestrial Longitude 34 Tbrrestrial Meridians 34 Ttthi 100 Tropicalyear 95
Unitsof Measurement of Distances in Space 92 Units of Time 91 Upagrahas l1?,119 Uranus 59
Venus 57 Verticals 40
Yoga ll4
Zenith 40 Zodiac 36
:... Page62 Page80 Page80 ' P a g eE 0 Page 0 8 Page l E
Twelfth line read'foci' insteadof ,oci'. Figure 16 deletelDrErEr' , Tenthline from bottomread.E,SM,'for.SMrErl, E l e v e n t hl i n e f r o m b o t t o m r e a d , E S M " , f o r 'sM,Er' T h i r dl i n e f r o mb o t t o m e a d, E ' f o r . E r ' a n d . E , ' r 'Er' for S e v e n t hi n e r e a d ' J ' a n d ' J , ' f o r , J r ' a n d . J . ' l respectively.
Page129 Twelfth line delete',' after .Mercury' and bring 'and' befote 'Moon'. Page129 Eeventh line from bottom deletewords .such, a n d' a ' . j Page129 Tenthling frg{ $gorn put'l'after Sun instead .' of '.' Page130 Twelfth line insert'moves' after .zodiac,.
. j'
Mags (Earth= 1)
Volume (Earth = 1)
Maxlmum Magn.!!udo
Number ot Satellite
Mercury Venus
88 224.7
115.9 583.9
, 0.206 0.007
7"O', 9"24'
0.38 0.90
(-) 1.e
0 0
Earth Mars
141,500,000 483,300.000 886,100,000
687 11.9yrs 779.9
23:56:04 24:37:23
1 0.15
0.048 0.056
1'18' 2"29' 0'46'
318 95 14.6 17.2
2.64 1.16 1.17 1.2 below 0.1
0.61 0.35 0.3It
74 67 57
3"5', 2e44'
98" 28"$',
6.0 1.2
29.5yrs 84.0yrs
Uranus 1,783,000,000
Neptune 2,793,000,000 Pluto
27.3 days
ol oa Ab(b ls ho r6fl*ttn9 por,erol a dantin th lalio otth amount llgt riclsd lron thobodyto t| srnount lighl whk* lalh Won it ftoman ouEldesourc. Magnitude|satemlorbdghtn55.Thegr6t6rthemagn|tUd6,het5sri6th.bdghtt6.wltthe'|gutbin'|rnusitrrlansthetp|a