St. Johannes College P.2 Mathematics Workshop Division (1) Name: - Date

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Johannes College Division (1) Name: _____________

Starting Time: _________

P.2 Mathematics Workshop

Date: __________
Ending Time: __________

Find the answers: 1)60 6 = 2)68 1 = 3)63 7 =

4)78 6 =

5)12 2 =

6)48 3 =

7)52 2 =

8)21 7 =

9)45 3 =

10)11 1 =

11)66 6 =

12)36 4 =

13)97 2 =

14)48 4 =

15)90 6 =

16)81 1 =

17)37 8 =

18)40 9 =

19)59 5 =

20)33 7 =

21)50 7 =

22)31 2 =

23)44 7 =

24)12 9 =

25)33 1 =

26)81 4 =

27)82 6 =

28)41 7 =

29)66 9 =

30)89 1 =

St. Johannes College Division (1) Solve these problems: 1.

P.2 Mathematics Workshop

Share 17 marbles equally among 5 children. How many marbles does each child get? many marbles are left?



Teddy packed 31 balls into some boxes. There were 6 balls in each box. How many boxes of balls did Teddy pack? How many balls were left?


9 persons share $85 equally. How much does each person get?

How much is left?


3 Pupils share 37 blocks equally. How many blocks does each pupil get? are left?

How many blocks


A pen costs $6. Miss Lam has $68. How many pens can she buy? left?

How much money is

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