How To Toggle Projection
How To Toggle Projection
How To Toggle Projection
STEP 1: Connect the VGA Cable into the VGA port of the desired notebook. Each Head Table is equipped with VGA cables (one main and one backup) to allow the user to connect their notebook to the projector(s). **Note: At any time, only 1 VGA cable can be used for projection.
STEP 2: Determine what Operating System the desired notebook is using. 1. Press the Windows Key + D button 2. Look for My Computer icon. Right-click and select the Properties option. 3. In the General Tab, you will see System: Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows 7 **Note: Please follow step 3(A) or step 3(B) based on the Operating System
STEP 3(A): Microsoft Windows XP Operating System (projection of notebook display to the screen) Press the FN key on your notebook with the assigned VGA function key. It varies between different notebook models.
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STEP 3(B): Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System (projection of notebook display to the screen)
Select Duplicate option and the desired notebook display should be shown on projector screen. ** Note: The resolution used for projection on screen is 1024 by 768. The desired notebooks display will fit nicely on projection screen, but, for the notebook display itself, it will be stretched to fit the notebook screen.
Before pulling out the VGA cable from the desired notebook, do the below: 1. Press the Windows Key + p button. Below screen is displayed.
2. Select Computer only option and the desired notebook display is not shown at projector screen. 3. Plug out the VGA cable from the desired notebook.
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STEP 3: Cooling down process starts as shown below. You do not need to wait for the process to complete as its already shutting down the system.
**Note: The Classroom System will auto shutdown if there is no activity for duration of 3 hours. Please be reminded to press other button and return back to original option that you want on the touch panel to keep the session active.
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