Extracting Data From Non-R/3 Databases With The DB Connect Feature of BW 3.0B

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Extracting Data from Non-R/3 Databases with the DB Connect Feature of BW 3.

By Hung Nguyen

Extracting data from a non-SAP database and transferring it to a SAP BW database for analysis is an involved task. But with the DB Connect feature of BW 3.0B, it will become easier and simpler. This report presents the results of tests of the DB Connect feature conducted on a OS/390 based SAP BW 3.0B system.

The DB Connect feature of BW 3.0B was tested in three different OS/390 based BW 3.0B configurations. Data from a non-SAP Oracle database as well as data from a nonSAP DB2 database was successfully extracted and transferred into the PSA. The verification process was performed by comparing the data in the original databases against the one stored in the PSA.

Test Configurations
Three configurations are tested: 1. Data is extracted from a non-SAP Oracle database and transferred to a DB2 390 database of a BW 3.0B system. The non-SAP Oracle source database runs on a UNIX machine. The BW application server used to access it runs on Window 2000. This will be referred to as configuration A. 2. The non-SAP DB2 source database runs in the same LPAR as the SAP BW 3.0B DB2 database. A BW application server defined in the same LPAR is used to access the non-SAP source database. This configuration will be referred to as configuration B. 3. Data is extracted from a non-SAP DB2/390 database and transferred remotely to a DB2 390 database of a BW 3.0B system. A BW application server defined on a remote AIX machine is used to access the data of the non-SAP source database. This will be referred to as configuration C.

Configurations Setup
This section describes the setup of the tested configurations.

Extracting and Transferring Data From Oracle to BW on OS/390 Configuration A This is an interesting situation. An example of it is: Oracle Financials is running on a Window or UNIX machine. Its data must be transferred to an OS/390 based SAP BW system for analysis. An Oracle source database running on UNIX or Window can only be accessed from a OS/390 based BW system by application servers on UNIX or Window. OS/390 applications servers do not have the Oracle client code to achieve this access. In the case of AIX, there is currently a problem. BW 3.0B is available on the AIX platform only with AIX 5L 64-bit. The current Oracle 8.17 cannot run on AIX 5L 64-bit because of the binary incompatibility between AIX 4.3.3 64-bit and AIX 5L. The support of Oracle 9i on AIX 5L is not available yet. For those reasons we decided to run the DB Connect test under Window 2000. A dialog instance was therefore built on the Netfinity machine ibmcc34 to support this test. The Central Instance runs on OS/390. DFS on OS/390 was used to distribute common filesystems between OS/390 and Window 2000. This configuration is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Test System Configuration for Data Extraction from Oracle

The client code for Oracle and the SAP Oracle access library as well as a configured TNS are required to make the access to the database possible. Defining the Oracle Database Source System in an OS/390 Based BW 3.0B System The necessary steps to define the Oracle Database Source System are: 1. Go to the BW instance that can access the Oracle database, in our case the dialog instance on Window 2000 for the reasons given in the previous section 2. Use the Administrator Workbench and select Source Systems 3. Create a Source System with type Database 4. Enter the following required information: DB Connection: Name of this connection, for instance: BWIORA DBMS: ORA User name : a user defined in the Oracle database and whose tables/views are to be extracted to BW DB password: password of the previous user Conn.Info: TNS alias 5. Save 6. Back Note: The Source System will not be created if BW cannot access the source database Extracting Data from Oracle Once the source system is created, the communication with the non-SAP Oracle database is validated. The data can then be extracted using transaction rsdbc. A list of tables and views belonging to the user defined in the previous step is shown for possible extraction. See Figure 2.

Figure 2. Extracting Data From Oracle with Transaction rsdbc Requirements for Extraction Extractable database tables or views must have their name in upper characters in the source database. Database fields that are not extractable because there is no equivalent data type in the SAP dictionary are marked in the I field. Fields with a name that has more than 30 characters will cause a problem during generation of the DataSource. To extract those fields, a view that converts and renames the fields into acceptable format and length must be created in the source system. The view rather than the table will then be used for extraction.

Generating a DataSource in BW After having selected the appropriate fields from a view or a table, a data source is generated by pressing on the Generate DataSource button of the application tool bar. See Figure 3. The name of the DataSource is always prefixed with 6DB_ and is appended to the table or view name. Figure 3 shows 6DB_VTAB01 as an example of such a DataSource. In that example, we chose only three fields for extraction. They are: ID, D_2A, and T_2A. InfoSource and Infopackage are then defined in order to request the data from this DataSource. This is shown in Figure 4. The extraction process is then scheduled and monitored. In our case we load the three fields of the view VTAB01 to the PSA only. So, update rules and InfoObject assignment are irrelevant. Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the creation of the InfoPackage for DataSource 6DB_VTAB01 and a successful extraction process seen from the Workbench Monitor.

Figure 3. Generating a DataSource

Figure 4. InfoSource and InfoPackage for Extracting a View in Oracle

Figure 5. InfoPackage Creation

Figure 6. Successful Extraction Shown in the Workbench Monitor To ensure that the data is loaded correctly we compare it with the data in the source system. In the PSA the name of the database table used to load the data from DataSource 6DB_VTAB01 is /BIC/B0000235000. Figure 7 shows the first 27 rows of /BIC/B0000235000 using the data browser (transaction se16). Figure 8 shows the first 19 rows of the original data in the Oracle database.

Figure 7. Extracted Data in the BW PSA

Figure 8. Original Data in the Oracle Database

Extracting and Transferring Data from a Non-SAP DB2 Database to BW on OS/390 For an application such as R/3 to access a DB2 database, we need a plan and a primary authorization ID. Unfortunately, those two parameters are not part of the connection information of table DBCON. A design error maybe? So BW will access the non-SAP database with the default plan name and authorization ID. Configuration B The non-SAP database could be running some Legacy application whose data is useful to BW. In this configuration, it runs in the same LPAR as the BW database. This is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Test Configuration B Setting Up the Source System As said in the previous section, some preparatory work must be done before the connection to the source database is possible. It is described in the following steps: 1. Bind the client access code of BW to the source database with the default plan name and with the user whose data will be extracted as the owner. See 3 below. 2. Grant the default primary authorization ID execute privilege on the plan. Now SAP BW can attach to the non-SAP database 3. Setup the connection parameters in the following way: a. Use Administrator Workbench and select Source Systems

b. Create a Source System with type Database c. BW will not create this source system if it cannot access the database so the previous steps are very important d. In the Description of the Database Connections screen, specify DB2 as the DBMS type. e. In the same screen specify the name of the schema whose objects are to be extracted. This is also the owner of the plan bound in step 1. The password is irrelevant. Anything would go. The DBCON architecture is a general architecture and some parameters are irrelevant for some platform. f. In the same screen specify the two following parameters, separated by a ; or ,: SSID=<ssid of the source database>;SAPDBHOST=<name of the host in which the source database runs> . See Figure 10 below.

Figure 10. Setting -Up the Local Connection to the Source Database

Note: The Source System will not be created if BW cannot access the source database.

Extracting the Data The data is extracted the same way as previously described for the Oracle database i.e using transaction rsdbc. InfoSource and InfoPackage are defined the same way with the extracted data going to the PSA only. Figure 11 and Figure 12 show the data loaded in the PSA and the data in the original DB2 database.

Figure 11. Data From DB2 Database Loaded in BW PSA

Figure 12. Original Data in the DB2 Database

Configuration C In this configuration an application server on AIX is used to access the non-SAP DB2 database. This case applies to application servers on Window as well. This is shown in Figure 13. Same as in the case of a local application server, preparatory work must be done to enable access from the remote application server to the non-SAP DB2 database.

Figure 13. Configuration C Preparing to Access the Non-SAP DB2 Database An ICLI Server must be setup in the host where the non-SAP DB2 database runs. It is preferable that the ICLI server release is consistent with the ICLI client release that runs in the application server. The ICLI server code must be bound to the non-SAP database the sane way as in the case of a local application server. If pass-ticket is used and is different from the current pass-ticket, a separate file containing the ICLI client code and the new pass-ticked should be created and specified in the DBCON table.

Setting Up the Source System Basically, source system setup, DataSource, InfoSource, and InfoPackage creation are the same as in the local access case. Since we did not use pass-ticket, the only parameters that are necessary to enable the access to the source DB2 are the ones that are shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Connection Information Parameters Test Results Data of table TTAB01 is extracted and transferred to BW using this configuration. The data loaded in the PSA is shown in Figure 15 and the data in the original system is shown in Figure 16.

Figure 15. Data Extracted From a Non-SAP Database and Loaded in the PSA

Figure 16. Original Data in the Non-SAP Database

For the tested configurations, the DB Connect feature on the OS/390 based BW 3.0B system works as designed.

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