Towr Spotting Data

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FROM": PTL. MAINPURT Fax, fd ath” "ty Shree bre ye POWERGRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD, TOWER SPOTTING DATA 400 Rv SIC TRANSMISSION LINES \ ASSOCIATED WITH RIHAND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM FOR WINE! ZONE-4 (47 W/Sec) |: [70 BE Usb FOR 400 KV D/C RIHAND-BALLABHGARN T/L GC TOWERS | 7 [L.0.4. NO. C-14208-2195A-3/LEA-t/2023 DT. 28/01/2003. PN ea ee ke PANTPAT T/L. Tri@ DY [Dib NO, CASO ARDEAA YC ARSE ’ [TO BE USED FOR 400 KV S/CP) TiaLA ~| ~RALERKOTLA FTE 1.0.8, RO, GoL1220-1195A-3/LC1A-T/2014 DT, 09/22/2002. OND.No. TID) RASC/T Revo No. UF PAUES 24 A i aye | Fe Panes EAs oe. en aa en ay A VE if RAJESH GUPTA | opaC GU GUNA. | D.CHOWDHURY l OCOE{ENGG-TL) DGM(ENGG-Ti) AGM(UUC Engg.) Jun, @1 2009 84:41PM PS FAX NO. 205672 234115 FROM’ :KPTL. MAINPURT ys Jun. @1 a9 e2ts4eM PO FRX NO. :9091+29123214105 FROM :KPTL PARCHABE MAKY SIC TRANSMISSION LINES ASS RANSMISSION SYSTEM FOR WIND ZONE -4 (47mcee) ‘SL DESCRIPTION T * = eT B nO = 1 sae oH 1) MAX IMUM ANGLE OF | ‘2 DEGREE 0-19 DIGREE 15:30 DEGRES 30 ODRGREE f DEVIATION f 2 | DOWNWARDS “DOWNWARD OWARD | BAWAWARD [UPWART] DOWNWARD _[tHWART 3 | MAK MINT Wak MIN MAX Tine + MAX. ~[. MIN i 2 | VERTICAL LOAD. : : LIMITATION ON WEIGHT > : SPAN FOR BOTH GW! &- : { | SONDUCTOR) i | . }WORBOTH SPANS (m) 600 | 700 0 oe = |: 0 é |) ONE SPAN (mn) _ 360. fino 200 2360 = | 2 300 i 3 [PERMISSIBLE SUM GF DEV | SPAN ‘SPAN DEVN ‘SPAN ADIACENT SPANS In “ANGLE ANGLE d METERS POR VARIOTS: DEVIATION ANGLES | ‘800 200 soe GUBIECTTO | 44 sed AVAILABILITY oF 888 se w« ‘MINIMUM SPECIFIED LIVE 332 wo METAL CLEARANCES), * 6 we | PERMISSIBLE ONG SPAN 1020 + ase FOR VARIOUS DEVIATION 1066 ro t - ANGLES SHOULD ROT. to roll ' EXCEED 50% OP THE ~ | 4154 ioe. VALET SHOWN Rp eth etre) | + &RELOW | | L_lorapiacerrseans, | =} | "I tL NOTE: Max. conductor temperiture has been considered BS degC for Transmission fines acsacfatel with Rill Vramssaission Spi. As the tower Bes » _ “¥osn designed considering max. ibuperatare of conductor mx 75. det. Therefore, tower, cua hespucied at warsual span I reepaire ore 5 * avaitable ther wise span sal be reduced tecordiigly. . Page (063 | { 1 FROM’ :KPTL, MAINPURT General Details vormun spda j Dosign ‘Wind Spun (m) oat A 3 Cc. D Ne 409) 40g 400 “ago Bw 240 "2D 240 [240 r M. BLECTRICAL CLEARANCS FOR RAILWAY CROSSING: 2 Prior spproval of Rsitway Authority “Mi | | ach ease, : F 2 The crossing span sho'l be laine 10 300 Mt, > Gearatng stall nor ally be eight angi othe miley trace : % Grossing shculd be deme with D eype toven, 5 = eee For 122kV: $490mm . WV. TELECOMMUCATION LINE ChosstNG: 7 243 Spl of exessng ial bo os caro 90 deg as possi However, doviation tthe extent of 40 eg. Mey be permitied under exces tonaly aificart sivations, : ‘The number of consecutive spans beweén the section points shal! mox excéed 13 or 5 Kr. in plain Done, tt 20 Spans or 3 Ken, in hi ly tetain, & isetlon paint shall comprise of tension soin, DBE {YPS-or DCC ype or DDD type towers as applicsble, naan Vlg: Minimum ground clearance require: : 8840mm °° F i e Mt < For all Nattonal Highway ‘crossing. Umsion tower is to be used and ahe ‘crossing span ig not tc exceed 1 ores, i VIL. Way teave clearance | 26 M Flther site trom the C.L, of the wwe, 1%. Maximum Span of Adjgcent Spans :or ecious Angles of deviation are cubjset to the condiion that © Mlniinuny spacitieg Live Metal Cleanaice & Minimee ‘Ground Clearance are available, x. Tower type “C shall de used for tran: pesiion with @ deg. Deviation with modifleation of criss arms, %1 Maximum deviation of fne for dead end tower shall be 15 deg, both side ie. line side and substation ‘ side (stuck, ‘Span side), XT Verteat toad of individual spans are ating downwards for éuspention tovare, thy mo : bee ; Pag: 30t3 OM “Ud Wout Sd wdssiza seee 19 “une SPUYFEEGL+TG00: “ON XH FROM: KPTL MATKPURT FAK NO. :05572 234115 Jun. 81 2009 a4:40eM PS. i : i alll. XY. Broken wite Conditions) ve = ; tae ie in cone phase only. : Any ground wire broken or both sub-condsctors oft Design Load Tensions : For Ground Wire :1219-kys (2° 8 NOW): (Ror TT"AN) 1 3236 kgs (32% & FW) + Deviation Angle, fee” Tae 1 oe oe Tension (i 3934 [3206 yidd 280 Few Coocuesor: 3614 Kgs (32° & NW) (For TT "A") , 1650 kgs (32° & FW) Deviation Angle, Tor: a as* 30° cm Tension (ij 17650 7585 73891 6625, vagal TABLE FOR EXTRA GROU! D CLEARANCE TO BEPROVIDED WHEN TQUIVALENT SPAN IS LINIS THAN THE NORMAL BPAN (i... 400 M) (No extra ground clearanc:: sired nbove 340 m equivalent spun) require Tiquivsient [Tension as | Tension as | Fornyuin for cadcutating extra ground als span per pereag | elonrancs for all individual span in meter ‘stringing | teraplate at int at 85 | 85 deg.C in dogc | ke Go) CTD LT | i. 340, 2831 3022, + 2 2854 3022 | 3.130 2825 on. : A 310. 2794 3022, [3 300 2782, oR 5 6] 290 3072 : se Sess Sane { re Ea BES Sea ' os 260 FT 3037 | (2.004 /8) x CSPAN)?x (1/T, - 1/73) | ee 280 ws | SOE : -: epee 25 Ec | [30 388 cad i F cs 20) at : 4 way 210 2388 30a . | 13. 200 2334 3002 aT Titanate vale ay Bh so 7 ey ; 7 Page3or3 SOTPTeRE-6o+T6aO: “ON Hud BORED Wat: bc pd wusg:20 Seee 1D UNE Jun, @1 2009 04:39PM _P2 ett Sass FAK NO. :05672 234115 —— FROM ZKPTL MAINPLRT ‘E40 € BOVE, VIVO ONILLOdS HIMO) MASA VIAMOd Bd SVSISIKA ALO. sree ues e parr Poowe poeez x ul re ears joa oars faces joai'e focme ¥ Kea |50Re 4 ri {ase x ei fase prvae lecey ome [oes fener 15500 jez faa peer fence fare 1 care jeeor exo FO [2 \S070 15920) [sce (caro [evr BE peer salaialalagel ele 215 [GSO | 8 0 [asso fesw0 [aoa] [ir 09250 fos O (ose |oze [owe $531.0 ROVE Si NGS IRISTVAINDS NAMM H2OIAGYa 39 Ol ZONVAVATD GNNOUD YAKS HOA TAY. oa 1 NORSSINSHWEL NAMM fe eFT | BDU “Wat! HAL SOTPIERTIGLITEOG! “ON HY Bd Muss:zo Gewe TO “Une

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