CG Music and Arts I

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2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts


Music and Arts

Functional Literacy for All

no Participating in Artistic and Cultural Performances

Self Development, Promoting Cultural Identity and Enhancing One's World Vision
Performing (Singing/Playing/ Acting/Dancing) Creating Composing Music and other Arts

Reading/ Analyzing

Listening/ Viewing

Teaching for Musical and Artistic Understanding Disciplined Based Art Education (DBAE) Social Constructivism Theory Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning Multiple Intelligences Theory

Schema Theory

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Conceptual Framework of Music and Arts

The central goal of Philippine basic education is functional literacy for all. Functional Literacy means that all individuals should possess a complete range of skills and competencies, which will enable them to: live and work as human persons, develop their potentials, make critical and informed decisions, and function effectively in society within the context of their environment and that of the wider community to improve the quality of their lives and that of the society ( Literacy Coordinating Council, September 1997) The major indicators of functional literacy are communication skills, critical thinking and problem solving, sustainable use of resources/productivity, development of self and sense of community, and expanding ones world vision. To contribute to this goal in Music and Arts, functional literacy is observed through participation in artistic and cultural performances either as a performer or a consumer of art for self development, promotion of cultural identity and expansion of ones world vision. The skills to be developed are reading/analyzing, listening/viewing, performing (singing, playing, acting, and dancing) and creating and composing music and arts. One of the approaches to be used is Teaching for Musical Understanding by Jackie Wiggins in which students construct understandings as a result of experience. Another approach is Disciplined Based Arts Education of Getty Center for Education in the Arts in which emphasis on art history, aesthetics and art criticism is encouraged in line with art making. The third is Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning in which learners need to engage in real-life problem solving situations. The philosophical foundation of these approaches are the Schema Theory, a framework for understanding how knowledge is constructed and utilized by the mind; Social Constructivist theory which provides a framework for understanding how learning occurs in human society, and the Multiple Intelligences Theory of Howard Gardner.

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts

Program Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of music and arts through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision

General Standard First Year The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of folk songs and arts of the Philippines and the world, through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision

General Standard Second Year The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of Asian music and arts through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision

General Standard Third Year The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of music and arts of the different periods (Renaissance, Baroque, Classical/Neo classical and Romantic periods), through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision

General Standard Fourth Year The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of music and arts of the 20th and 21st centuries through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Concept Matrix First Year Philippine Folk Songs And Art Folk Songs and Art of Asia and Africa Folk Songs and Art of Europe, Australia and America Dance Drama on Myths and Legends Second Year Music and Arts of Southeast Asia Music and Arts of East Asia Third Year Music and Arts of the Renaissance and Baroque Music and Arts of the Classical/ Neoclassical Period Music and Arts of the Romantic Period Musical Play Fourth Year Music and Arts of the th 20 Century Music and Arts of the st 21 Century Philippine 20th and 21st Century Music and Arts Multimedia Theater

Grading Period Q1



Music and Arts of Central and South Asia Music Theaters of Asia


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

General Standard for First Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of folk songs and arts of

the Philippines and the world, through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision
Quarter I Folk Songs and Arts of the Philippines (Music) Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of musical concepts used in Philippine folk songs as influenced by history and culture The learner performs examples of Philippine folk songs alone and with others in clear tone and correct pitch, rhythm, expression and style Singing Playing/Improvising Folk songs vary in style through the varied ways in which the musical elements are combined Philippine folk songs communicate fundamental ideas about human experience and help us understand peoples ideas, emotions and beliefs. How do folk songs vary in style?

Product/ Performance
Individual and group performance of Philippine Folk Songs Singing Playing and Improvising Accompaniments

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Explanation Explain how the different elements of music are used to convey the message of a specific folk song Criteria: Accurate description of the different elements Use of appropriate terminologies Interpretation Illustrate through movements how the different elements of music are used in a selected folk song to communicate ideas and experiences Evaluation of individual and group performance of Philippine folk Songs based on the following criteria: Clear tone quality Correct expression and style Correct pitch Correct rhythm Evaluation of Created Accompaniment based on the following criteria: Easy to follow Standard/Graphic Notation Appropriateness of symbols used Appropriate rhythm/ chord

Do you think folk songs are still relevant today? Why? How is culture reflected in our folk songs?

Product: Created Accompaniment (Standard/Graphic Notation)

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Philippine Folk Songs Local Folk Songs: Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Criteria: Clear illustration of movements showing characteristic musical elements Meaningful illustration of movements Appropriate expression and technical accuracy Application Create an accompaniment to a selected Philippine folk song using standard or graphic notation applying under standing of musical concepts Criteria: Appropriateness to the song Correctness of rhythm/chordal accompaniment

Ballad and Narrative Song Lullaby Love and Courtship Song Friendship and Conviviality Song Work Songs Ritual Songs

Elements of Music Timbre Rhythm Melody Harmony/Texture Form

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Perspective If you are a folk singer, up to what extent will you modernize your rendition of a folk song? Criteria: Insightful Critical Unusual Revealing Empathy Walk in the shoes of a member of a cultural community. How would you feel when your folk song is performed in the Western style? Criteria: Open Perceptive Responsive Sensitive Tactful

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Self Knowledge Write your reaction on fusion of Western elements to our folk songs. Criteria: Insightful Reflective Self-adjusting

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

General Standard for First Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of folk songs and arts of

the Philippines and the world, through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision
Quarter I Folk Songs and Arts of the Philippines (Arts) Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of media techniques and processes and the elements and principles of arts used in Philippine folk arts as influenced by history and culture, The learner creates an example of Philippine folk art applying knowledge of media techniques and processes, elements and principles of art to communicate ideas, experiences and stories Philippine folk art reflects nature and the life of the common folk through various media techniques and processes based on the factors of time, climate, resources, ideas and historical and cultural context. How does Philippine folk art reflect nature and the life of the common folk?

Product/ Performance
Created Examples of Philippine folk art representing the different regions

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Explanation Explain the different media techniques and processes and how the elements and principles of art were used to reflect nature and folk in Philippine folk arts Criteria: Clear Accurate description of the different elements used Use of appropriate terminology Interpretation Illustrate through a media technique of your choice how factors of time, climate, resources, ideas and historical and cultural context influence a specific folk art Evaluation of a created art work based on the following criteria: Authenticity Clarity of Message Creativity

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Philippine Folk Arts Local Folk Arts of Luzon, Visayas Mindanao Media Techniques And Processes Carving Weaving Pottery Physical Ornaments Elements of Art Line Shape and Form Value Color Texture Space

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Criteria: Meaningful Revealing illustrative Application Apply knowledge of media techniques and processes and the elements and principles of art in creating an example of folk art using local resources Criteria: Appropriateness of: materials used media techniques elements and principles of art Creativity Perspective Critique two different versions of a specific art work as regards to media techniques and principles used, materials, ideas and historical and cultural context critical insightful revealing


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Principles of Art Unity and Variety Balance Emphasis/ Focal Point Rhythm/ Pattern Proportion/ Scale Movement

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Empathy Assume the role of a folk artist in a specific region in creating a sample folk art applying a chosen media technique and processes and the elements and principles of art. Describe how you felt as a folk artist. Criteria Sensitive Open Responsive Receptive Self -Knowledge Explain how you came to understand the culture of a specific cultural group in the Philippines through their use of the different media techniques and processes and the elements and principles of art. Criteria Insightful Reflective Self-adjusting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

General Standard for First Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of folk songs and arts of

the Philippines and the world, through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity and expansion of ones world vision
Quarter II Folk Songs and Arts of Asia and Africa (Music) Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of musical concepts used in Asian and African folk songs as influenced by history and culture Folk Songs of: Asia Africa Ballad and Narrative Song Lullaby Love and Courtship Song Singing Playing/Improvising The learner performs examples of Asian, and African folk songs alone and with others in clear tone and correct pitch, rhythm, expression and style 1. The varied ways in which the musical elements are combined give a unique style to a specific folk song. Asian folk music encompasses numerous styles originating from a large number of Asian cultures. African folk songs are mostly functional in nature; they are an integral part of all areas of daily activities of the entire community How do Asian, and African folk songs vary in style? Why do Asian and African folk songs vary in style?

Product/ Performance
Individual and group performance of examples of Asian and African Folk Songs

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Explanation Explain how the different elements of music are used in Asian and African folk songs. Criteria Accurate description of the different elements Use of appropriate terminology Interpretation Illustrate through movements how the different elements of music were used in a selected folk song to communicate ideas and experiences Evaluation of Performance of Asian and African folk songs based on the following criteria: Clear tone quality Correct expression and style Accurate pitch Accurate rhythm Evaluation of Created Accompaniment based on the following criteria:


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Friendship and Conviviality Song Work Songs Ritual Songs Culture is reflected in folk songs through the intonation of language, rhythm of speech, environmental sounds and other aspects of life all of which are culturally based. How is culture reflected in folk songs?

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Criteria Meaningful Revealing illustrative Application Create a one -stanza song in the style of Asian, or African folk song. Criteria appropriate style reflects intonation of a specific culture reflects environmental sounds and other aspects of life of a specific culture Perspective Write a critique on the style of an Asian, and African folk song on how the elements of music were used to reflect language, rhythm of speech, environmental sounds and other aspects of life. Easy to Follow Standard/Graphic Notation Appropriateness of symbols used Appropriate rhythm/chord

Elements of Music Timbre Rhythm Melody Harmony/Texture Form


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Criteria Critical Insightful Revealing Empathy Walk in the shoes of an African or other Asians through a performance of their folk songs. Criteria Sensitive Open Responsive Receptive Self -Knowledge Being an Asian, write your realization about other Asian music and that of the Africans on the way the elements of music are used. Criteria Insightful Reflective Self-adjusting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

General Standard for First Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of folk songs and arts of

the Philippines and the world, through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity, and expansion of ones world vision
Quarter II Folk Songs and Arts of Asia and Africa (Arts) Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of media techniques and processes and the elements and principles of arts used in Asian and African folk arts as influenced by history and culture, The learner creates an example of Asian and African folk art applying knowledge of media techniques and processes, elements and principles of art to communicate ideas, experiences and stories Asian and African folk arts reflect nature and the life of the common folk through various media techniques and processes based on the factors of time, climate, resources, ideas and historical and cultural context. How do Asian and African folk arts reflect nature and the life of the common folk?

Product/ Performance
Examples of Asian and African folk art

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Explanation Explain how nature and folk life are reflected in Asian and African arts through the use of various media techniques and processes. Criteria Clear Accurate description of the different elements used Use of appropriate terminology Evaluation of a created art work and the whole festival based on the following criteria: Authenticity Clear Message Creativity


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Folk Arts of Asia and Africa Carving Weaving Pottery Physical Ornaments Asian folk arts encompass numerous styles originating from a large number of Asian cultures. African folk arts are mostly functional in nature; theyre an integral part of all areas of daily activities of the entire community Why do Asian folk arts differ in style?

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Interpretation Illustrate through a media technique of your choice how factors of time, climate, resources, ideas and historical and cultural context influence a specific folk art Criteria Meaningful Revealing illustrative Application Apply knowledge of media techniques in creating an example of an Asian or an African folk art Criteria Appropriate use of: materials Appropriate media techniques Creativity

Why are African folk arts mostly functional in nature?

Elements of Art Line Shape and Form Value Color Texture Space


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Principles of Art Unity and Variety Balance Emphasis/ Focal Point Rhythm/ Pattern Proportion/ Scale Movement

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Perspective Write a critique on how the relationship of human and nature is shown in an example of Asian and African folk art through their use of different media techniques and processes, and the elements and principles of art. Criteria critical insightful revealing Empathy Experience directly and see the relationship of human and nature in creating examples of Asian and African folk arts Criteria Sensitive Open Responsive Receptive


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Self Knowledge Write your realization on how folk artists of Asia and Africa differ as regards to media techniques and processes and the use of the elements and principles of art. Criteria Insightful Reflective Self-adjusting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

General Standard for First Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of folk songs and arts of

the Philippines and the world, through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity and expansion of ones world vision
Quarter III Folk Songs and Arts of Europe, Australia and America (Music) Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of musical concepts used in European, Australian and American folk songs as influenced by history and culture Folk Songs of: Europe Australia America Ballad and Narrative Song Lullaby The learner performs examples of European, Australian and American folk songs alone and with others in clear tone and correct pitch, rhythm, expression and style Singing Playing/Improvising The varied ways in which the musical elements are combined give a unique style to a specific folk song. Why do European, Australian and American folk songs vary in style? How do European, Australian and American folk songs vary in style?

Product/ Performance
Individual and Group Performance of European, Australian and American Folk Songs

Stage 3: Learning Plan At the level of Understanding Performance

Explanation Explain how the different elements of music are used in European, Australian and American folk songs. Criteria Accurate description of the different elements Use of appropriate terminology Interpretation Illustrate through movements how the different elements of music were used in a selected folk song to communicate ideas and experiences Evaluation of a Performance of European, Australian and American folk songs based on the following criteria: Clear tone quality Correct expression and style Accurate pitch Accurate rhythm Evaluation of Created Accompaniment based on the following criteria:


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Love and Courtship Song Friendship and Conviviality Song Work Songs Ritual Songs Elements of Music Timbre Rhythm Melody Harmony/ Texture Form The culture of a specific country is recognized in their folk songs through the intonation of language, rhythm of speech, environmental sounds and other aspects of life all of which are culturally based. How do we recognize the culture of a specific country through their folk songs?

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Criteria Meaningful Revealing Illustrative Application Create a one-stanza song in the style of European, Australian or American folk song. Criteria appropriate style reflects intonation of a specific culture reflects environmental sounds and other aspects of life of a specific culture Perspective Write a critique on the style of a selected folk song on how the elements of music were used to reflect language, rhythm of speech, environmental sounds and other aspects of life. Easy to Follow Standard/Graphic Notation Appropriateness of symbols used Appropriate rhythm/chord


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Criteria Critical Insightful Revealing Empathy Walk in the shoes of an European, Australian and American through a performance of their folk songs. Criteria Sensitive Open Responsive Receptive Self Knowledge After learning representative folk songs of the world, write your realizations. Criteria Insightful Reflective Self-adjusting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

General Standard for First Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of folk songs and arts of

the Philippines and the world, through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity and expansion of ones world vision.
Quarter III Folk Songs and Arts of Europe, Australia and America (Arts) Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of media techniques and processes and the elements and principles of arts used in European, Australian and American folk arts as influenced by history and culture, The learner creates an example of European, Australian and American folk art applying knowledge of media techniques and processes, elements and principles of art to communicate ideas, experiences and stories European, Australian and American folk arts reflect nature and the life of the common folk through various media techniques and processes based on the factors of time, climate, resources, ideas and historical and cultural context. How do European, Australian and American folk art reflect nature and the life of the common folk?

Product/ Performance
Examples of European, Australian and American folk art

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Explanation Explain how nature and folk life are reflected in European, Australian and American folk arts through the use of various media techniques and processes. Criteria Clear Accurate description of the different elements used Use of appropriate terminology Evaluation of a created art work and the whole festival based on the following criteria: Authenticity Clear Message Creativity


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Folk Arts of Europe, Australia and America Carving Weaving Pottery Physical Ornaments Because of the large number of cultural groups in Europe and Australia, a variety of styles are found in their folk arts The enormous ethnic diversity caused by migrations of people from all over the world resulted in a mixture of several types of American folk arts, Why is it impossible to describe a typical American, European and Australian folk art?

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Interpretation Illustrate through a media technique of your choice how factors of time, climate, resources, ideas and historical and cultural context influence a specific folk art Criteria Meaningful Revealing illustrative Application Apply knowledge of media techniques in creating an example of folk European, Australian and American folk art Criteria Appropriate use of: materials Appropriate media techniques Creativity

Elements of Art Line Shape and Form Value Color Texture Space


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Principles of Art Unity and Variety Balance Emphasis/ Focal Point Rhythm/ Pattern Proportion/ Scale Movement

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Perspective Compare and contrast the different styles of European, Australian and American folk arts Criteria critical insightful revealing Empathy Assume the role of a folk artist from a specific cultural group in Europe, Australia or America in creating a sample folk art. Criteria Sensitive Open Responsive Receptive Self Knowledge Write your realization after learning the folk arts of Europe, Australia and America Criteria Insightful Reflective Self-adjusting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

General Standard for First Year: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of folk songs and arts of

the Philippines and the world, through active participation in artistic and cultural performances for self development, promotion of cultural identity and expansion of ones world vision.
Quarter IV Dance Drama on Myths and Legends Stage 1: Results/Outcomes STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of how elements of sound, music, gesture, movements and costume affect the creation and communication of meaning in a dance drama as influenced by history and culture, The learner: creates appropriate scenario/storyline based on myths and legends of a particular culture. Creates/improvise appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements and costume for a dance drama Through organized gestures and movements accompanied by recurring tension and release and the up and down movement of pitches in music based on a scenario/storyline an idea or theme is communicated in a dance drama. How is an idea or theme communicated through abstract movements in a dance drama?

Product/ Performance
Scenario or Storyline based on a specific Myth or Legend Performance of Created Dance Dramas on Myths and Legends of the World

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Explanation Explain how an idea or theme is communicated in a dance drama through the different elements of sound, music, gesture, movements and costume. Criteria Clear Accurate description of the different elements used Use of appropriate terminology Interpretation Illustrate how the different elements used in a dance drama contribute in communicating meaning. Evaluation of a Performance of Representative Dance dramas of the World based on the following criteria: Appropriate movements Appropriate sound and music Appropriate costume Culturally based


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

The learner: demonstrates mastery of movement sequences in a dance drama with accurate rhythm and appropriate movements

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Criteria Meaningful Revealing illustrative Application Create dance movements to communicate a particular scene in a dance drama. Criteria Appropriate movements Culturally based Creative Perspective Write a critique on two presentations of a dance drama based on how well a myth or legend is communicated Criteria critical insightful revealing


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes 2 STANDARDS ESSENTIAL Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 2: Assessment At the level of Understanding Performance

Empathy Express directly how other cultures express themselves through movements. Criteria Sensitive Open Responsive Receptive Self Knowledge Self assess your performance in class activities Criteria Insightful Reflective Self-adjusting


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