Critical Incident Management Plan Version 2

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IT Resources

Critical Incident Response Manual


IT Resources Critical Incident Response Manual

Table of Contents

1. Purpose

2. Definitions

3. Critical Incident Management Plan overview

4. Emergency Contacts a) ITR Service Providers

5. Procedures

6. Infrastructure & Setup of a Command Centre a) Equipment Required b) Location of the Centre

7. Damage Assessment and Recovery


1. Purpose
To ensure the University is able to respond effectively and efficiently to an emergency situation occurring on or off campus a Critical Incident Management plan has been developed. This prepares the University for a timely response to critical incidents, reduces impact and assures the continuation of operations and restoration of normal activity as quickly as possible. IT Resources provide Information Communications Technology infrastructure and services to the University Community in support of the Universitys mission. In this role, IT Resources provides critical services in support of teaching, learning, and research and general business needs such as communications and information management. IT Resources have developed a Critical Incident response plan, in association with the University. This plan has been developed to prepare our key personnel to provide and coordinate an effective response to ensure minimal disruption to business operations in the event of emergency.

1. 2. 3. 4. Incident occurs during business hours Staff resources are available Electronic communications are available (emails and phones are working) Command Centre only established in Hobart Sandy Bay Campus

2. Definitions
Term/Abbreviation Critical Incident Definition Any incident which include: Cause of death or serious injury to persons on or near University property Significantly damage property or equipment contained on University premises Severe impact on the effective operation of the campus and in result negative media attention Result in adverse legal consequences for the University and or employees The name given to those key personnel responsible for implementing the Critical Incident Management Plan

Critical Incident Management Team


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ITR Critical Incident Management Team

John Parry Adrian Dillon John Miezitis Virginia Ryan The Command Centre is the location selected by the Critical Incident Management Team to be used by them to develop responses and manage the recovery process in a long term crisis situation. The person responsible for coordinating the initial University campus response to a Critical Incident or emergency.

Command Centre

Campus Emergency Coordinator (CEC)


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3. CriticalIncidentManagementPlanOverview


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4. External Emergency Contacts

Alphawest Dell Telstra Coates Hire AARNet Tops Comstra Chubb Environmental Air Cisco Systems

Contact Name
Julian Direen Technical Support Andrew Jenkins Bruce Morgan Russell Facer or Tony Dillon Karen Murfett

Phone No.
03 6226 3647 1800 060 889 0409 992 707 03 6245 0155 0408 882 390 03 6270 4111 03 6234 9349 13 1548 03 6273 0155 0408 412 068

Greg Hall

Internal Contacts
Hobart Campus Emergency Coordinators Asset Management (All Campuses) ITR OH&S Officer Security Launceston Campus Emergency Coordinators ITR OH&S Officer Security Cradle Coast Campus Campus Emergency Coordinators ITR OH&S Officer Security Frank Hay Mark Stemm 03 6324 3900 03 6324 4907 03 6324 3336 Peter Rowland Troy Finearty Greg Dicinoski Barry Russell Kathryn McGuinness 03 6226 1932 03 6226 2694 03 6226 2166 03 6226 2688 03 6226 6351 03 6226 7600

Neill Daly Tony Payne

03 6324 3689 03 6324 4942 03 6324 3336


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5. Procedures
C om m unicationsProcessC hartforC riticalIncidentR esponse

C ritica lin c id en tocc urs

R es p on sib le o ffic er

Inc ide ntis id en tified an dclass ified

C om p areto listof pre de fine din cid en ts

Inc ide nt respo nse is pred efin ed

In cid ent resp onse is n o t pre de fine d

R efe rto co m m u nicatio ns stra te gy

R e fe rto m a nag em e nt

Ide ntifyau dien cea nd co m m u nicatio ns stra te gy

N o tifya ud ie nceof in cid en tand re s po nseplan


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CommunicationsProcessChartforCriticalIncidentResponse Level1IncidentExample
Minornetworkoutageto section




Networkoutagedueto faultynetworkcable, classifiedasminor equipmentfailure

Incidentisidentified andclassified

Incidentexistsonlistof predefinedCIs

Comparetolistof predefinedincidents

Incident responseis predefined

Incident responseis not predefined

Communicationsstrategy definesnotificationof section

Referto communications strategy

Referto management

Appropriateaudienceof Identifyaudienceand minoroutagedefinedasIT communications supportandadministration strategy (toassistwithnotifying otherstaff).

Enactcommunications strategy.

Notifyaudienceof incidentand responseplan


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CommunicationsProcessChartforCriticalIncidentResponse Level2IncidentExample
SmallFireinNodeRoom intheFacultyofBusiness, SandyBayCampus


AdrianDillon(SandyBay Coordinator)


Networkoutageisdueto firedamage,classifiedas amajorequipmentfailure

Comparetolistof predefinedincidents Incidentexistsonlistof predefinedCIs

Incident responseis predefined

Incident responseis not predefined

Communicationsstrategy definesnotificationof section

Referto communications strategy

Referto management

Notify: ITRandFacultyOH &SOfficers Security

Notifyappropriate InternalEmergency Contacts

Appropriateaudienceof majoroutagedefinedas FacultyExecutivesand HeadsofSchools(to assistwithnotifyingother staff).

Identifyaudienceand communications strategy

Enactcommunications strategy.

Notifyaudienceof incidentand responseplan


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Communication with the University Critical Incident Management Team

Completelossofnetwork tonodeclientsaffecting digitalandvoice communications.

Incidentisidentified andclassified

CommunicationsProcessChartforCriticalIncidentResponse Level3IncidentExample
SeriousFireinthe CorporateServices Building(DataCentrestill operational)




Completelossofnetwork tonodeclientsaffecting digitalandvoice communications. Networkoutageisdueto firedamage,classifiedas amajorequipmentfailure

Incidentisidentified andclassified

Incidentexistsonlistof predefinedCIs

Comparetolistof predefinedincidents

Incident responseis predefined

Incident responseis not predefined

Communicationsstrategy definesnotificationof section

Referto communications strategy

Referto management

Notifyappropriate EmergencyContacts

ActivateCommandCentre atanalternateoncampus location ITREmergencyResponse isactivate

Internal Response

ITRfollowexternal response

External Response

Notify: CEC Security UniversityEmergency Responseisactivated

Assemble Coordinationand Deploymentsteams andenactResponse Plan

ITRenactDamage AssessmentandRecovery Planwhilstbeingguided bytheUniversityCIMT

EnactDamage Assessmentand RecoverPlan

Communicationto audienceregarding incidentmanagedbythe UniversityCIMT


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Communication with the University Critical Incident Management Team

6. Infrastructure & Setup of a Command Centre

Purpose During a disaster situation an office facility may have the potential to become in danger or damaged to the extent additional resources must be setup in order to provide as much ITR services as possible. Therefore a Command Centre is set up for prompt activation of an onsite / offsite office for the coordination of personnel, equipment and supplies required in and after a disaster.

Critical Incident Management Control Teams

Incident Commander John Parry

Has the responsibility for coordinating the setup of the command centre, ensuring this process is carried out in an affective and efficient manner.

Activation Coordination

John Parry Adrian Dillon Jennifer Nield Virginia Ryan John Buttery Michael Harlow Mark Zimmerli Brett Clifford

John Miezitis Virginia Ryan Colin Broadbent Andrew FenneyWalch Nick Grundy Dave Watson Michael Bonsey


Requirements for a UTAS Command Centre Must accommodate up to 16 staff members

Level 2 Incident Local room in Corporate Services Building Level 1, Resolve Meeting Room Or Level 2, Meeting Room 3 Alternatively a lab within the University Campus Hbt / Lton / CCC Level 3 Incident Local room if available (Executive Meeting Rooms Lton/Hbt) Move to Launceston (off campus) Offsite location (non University)


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EquipmentRequired Seats&Tables FirstAidKit Whiteboards GeneralStationery Pens Paper Writingpads Staplers Folders Tea&Coffee TelephoneConnection Mobiles PABX POTS FaxMachine PABX POTS 5xDesktopComputers Wireless DSL LAN Photocopier Printers USBCable Paper(A3&A4) Television/Radio Powerboards&extension cords Torches&batteries VideoConferencing Equipment

EquipmentLocation ITResourcesOffice ITResourcesOffice

ResponsibleOfficer KathrynMcGuinness JenniferNield/JoCowen JenniferNield/JoCowen




ITResourcesorsource fromUniversityLabs


ITResourcesorsource fromUniversityLabs






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7. DamageAssessment&Recovery
Adocumenthasbeenpreparedtorecord,classifyanddocumentrecoveryfroma CriticalIncident.Thisdocument,theITResourcesCriticalIncidentReport, classifieseachincidentaccordingtothreatlevelandtype, detailsareasand resourcesaffected,andalsodetailsrecoveryandmitigationprocesses. TheITResourcesCriticalIncidentreportwillbemadeavailabletoallmembers oftheCriticalIncidentManagementControlTeam.Thereportisattachedasan appendixtothisreport.


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