Ghatage V R AES 1

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SANT GAJANAN MAHARAJ RURAL POLYTECHNIC, MAHAGAON (Institute Code. 0965) Subject Code: 12244 Subject: AES Max.

Marks: 25 CLASS TEST 2 Course code: ME6E Date: 2403/2012 Time-03 PM-04 PM

Instructions : 1. All Questions are Compulsory 2. Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.

Q1. Answer any four of the following questions 1. Write pay back period and ROI 2. Explain importance of energy conservation 3. What is energy audit and state its types 4. Draw the sketch of combined cycle 5. State the purpose of insulation 6. State the technique use for improving pump efficiency Q 2. Answer any three of the following questions 1. Explain Indian energy market in brief 2. What is co-generation explain it for sugar industry 3. What are the ways for improving boiler efficiency 4. What is critical thickness insulation 5. Explain reuse and recycling Q3. Answer any two of the following questions 1. Explain snaky diagram write about IC engine 2. Explain energy education 3. What is waste heat recovery and explain its criteria 4. Sketch and explain heat pipe

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