2 4 Method Validation HPLC Case Study

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Method and Validation basics HPLC case study


HPLC methodology
- Content of HPLC test procedure - System Suitability Testing (SST) - Relative Response Factor (RRF)

Validation of HPLC method

case study


The prequalification programme --Assessor's training

19-20 January 2011

Information Sources
FDA CDER reviewer guideline for validation of chromatographic methods (1994)
WHO TRS 937 Appendix 4 Analytical Method Validation 2006 ICH Q2(R1) 2005

Compendial General Chapters

Methods and Validation presentationLynda Paleshnuik


The prequalification programme --Assessor's training

19-20 January 2011

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

HPLC is a separation technique based on a solid stationary phase and a liquid mobile phase. Separations are achieved by partition, adsorption, or ion-exchange processes, depending upon the type of stationary phase used.
Chiral Ion--exchange Ion--pair/affinity Normal phase Reversed phase Size exclusion

The reversed-phase HPLC with UV detection is most commonly used form of HPLC, is selected to illustrate the parameters of HPLC method and validation.
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19-20 January 2011

A flow scheme for HPLC


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19-20 January 2011

Content of HPLC test procedure

Any analytical procedure submitted should be described in sufficient detail, includes: Preparation of mobile phase Chromatographic condition:
Column: type (e.g., C18 or C8), dimension (length, inner diameter), particle size (10m, 5 m) Detector: wavelength Injection volume column T flow rate,


The prequalification programme --Assessor's training

19-20 January 2011

Content of HPLC test procedure

Elution procedure: isocratic or gradient elution
Preparation of standards and samples Operation procedure: sequence of injections System suitability testing (SST) and criteria

QOS 2.3.R.2 analytical procedures and validation summaries


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19-20 January 2011

Compendial methods
When claim a compendial method, there should be no change in: The type of column i.e the stationary phases Detector wavelength

Components in Mobile phase

System suitability testing and criteria

Adjustments to ratio of components in mobile phase, flow rate, column temp, dimension of column, particle size (reduction only), may be necessary to achieve the system suitability criteria. The allowable variations for each parameter, see Int.Ph 1.14.4 or USP general chapter <621>.
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19-20 January 2011

System suitability testing (SST)

Assay: RSD 1% (API) or 2% (FPP), n 5 Impurities: in general, RSD 5% at the limit level, up to 10% or higher at LOQ, n 6

Resolution (R): >2


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19-20 January 2011

System suitability testing (SST)

Tailing factor/peak asymmetry: ( 2)

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19-20 January 2011

System suitability testing (SST)

Number of theoretical plates (N): column efficiency 2000

Gradient elution is one way to increase the N

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19-20 January 2011

System suitability testing (SST)

A SST should contain:
For Assay: precision + one or more other parameter For impurity test:

resolution + precision + one or more other parameter

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19-20 January 2011

Relative Response Factor (RRF)

Quantitation of Impurities
Against impurity RSs: when reference standard available Against API itself Relative response factor should be considered

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19-20 January 2011

Relative Response Factor (RRF)

Response factor: the response (e.g. peak area) of drug substance or related substances per unit weight.
RF= peak area / concentration (mg/ml)

Relative response factor (RRF):

RRF=RF impurity / RF API, OR, RRF=slope impurity / slope API

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19-20 January 2011

Relative Response Factor (RRF)

y =31.312 x + 4.963 Rifampicine Quinone: y = 26.198 x + 1.154

RRF= 26.198 / 31.312


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19-20 January 2011

Relative Response Factor (RRF)

To review:
a) RRF calculation, and b) if RRF is properly used in the final calculation for % impurity If RRF within 0.8-1.2, correction may not be necessay

Correction factor= 1/RRF, the reciprocal of the RRF

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19-20 January 2011

Review points for HPLC method

is the analytical procedure described in detail including all the parameters ? is SST well defined to ensure the consistency of system performance? The preparation of solutions: assay: concentration of reference standard should be close to the sample solution impurities: concentration of the reference standards should be close to the limit The way of quantitation of impurities In case API is used as the reference, RRF should be used or justification of exclusion should be provided. To check the determination of RRF, check the correction of calculation of impurities

confirm/complete the QOS 2.3.R.2

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19-20 January 2011

Validation compendial methods

Assay API No validation generally required. Exception: specificity for major impurities not in the monograph.

Assay FPP
Specificity, accuracy and precision (repeatability).

Purity API and FPP

Full validation for specified impurities that are not included in the monograph (specificity, linearity, accuracy, repeatability, intermediate precision, LOD/LOQ) Validation of the limit for individual unknowns, if tighter than that in the monograph: LOQ of the API should be below the limit for individual unknowns
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19-20 January 2011

Non-compendial methods
Full validation is required for purity, assay and dissolution methods (HPLC, UV) : Specificity Linearity Accuracy Repeatability

Intermediate precision
LOD/LOQ (not required for assay, dissolution) Robustness (recommended)
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19-20 January 2011

Blank solution to show no interference Placebo to demonstrate the lack of interference from excipients Spiked samples to show that all known related substances are resolved from each other Stressed sample of about 10 to 20% degradation is used to demonstrate the resolution among degradation products
Check peak purity of drug substance by photodiode array detector (PDA): eg purity angle is lower than the purity threshold.

Representative chromatograms should be provided with time scale and attenuation indicated
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19-20 January 2011

Linearity / Range
The working sample concentration and samples tested for accuracy should be in the linear range (concentrations Vs. Peak areas)
Minimum 5 concentrations Dilute of stock solution or separate weighings

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19-20 January 2011

Linearity / Range
Assay : 80-120% of the theoretical content of active
Content Uniformity: 70-130% Dissolution: 20% of limits; eg if limits cover from 20% to 90% l.c. (controlled release), linearity should cover 0-110% of l.c. Impurities: reporting level to 120% of shelf life limit Assay/Purity by a single method: reporting level of the impurities to 120% of assay limit
The prequalification programme --Assessor's training 19-20 January 2011

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Linearity / Range
Correlation coefficient (r)
API: 0.998 Impurities: 0.99 y-Intercept and slope should be indicated together with plot of the data

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19-20 January 2011

Assay API: against an RS of known purity, or via an alternate method of known accuracy; analysis in triplicate.

FPP: samples/placeboes spiked with API, across the range of 80120% of the target concentration, 3 concentrations, in triplicate each. Report per cent recovery (mean result and RSD): 1002%
ICH Q2 states: accuracy may be inferred once precision, linearity and specificity have been established. (Demonstration preferred).

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The prequalification programme --Assessor's training

19-20 January 2011

Impurities: API/FPP spiked with known impurities
Experienced in PQ: Across the range of LOQ-150% of the target concentration (shelf life limit), 3-5 concentrations, in triplicate each.
(LOQ, 50%, 100%, 150%)

Per cent recovery: in general, within 80-120%, depends on the level of limit

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19-20 January 2011

System precision:
by multiple injections (n 5) of a homogeneous sample (standard solution). RSD 1% is recommended for assay; RSD 5% is recommended for related substances (reference standards at the limit) Indicates the performance of the HPLC system As a system suitability test

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19-20 January 2011

Repeatability (method precision)
Multiple measurements of a sample by the same analyst A minimum of 6 determinations at the test concentration (6 times of a single batch), or 3 levels (80%, 100%, 120%) , 3 repetitions each (combined with accuracy)

For Assay: RSD 2.0%

For individual impurity above 0.05%, in general, RSD 10%

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19-20 January 2011

Intermediate precision (part of ruggedness)
Test a sample on multiple days, analysts, equipments Repeat the method precision by different analyst in different equipment using different lot of column on different days RSD should be the same requirement as method precision

Reproducibility (inter-laboratory trial)

Not requested in the submission

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19-20 January 2011

signal to noise ratio: LOD 3:1 , LOQ 10:1
May vary with lamp aging, model/manufacturer of detector, column

standard deviation of the response and the slope of the calibration curve at levels approximating the LOD /LOQ

= the standard deviation of the response, base on

the standard deviation of the blank The calibration curve

should be validated by analysis of samples at the limits.

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19-20 January 2011

LOD: below the reporting threshold
LOQ: at or below the specified limit Not required for assay/dissolution methods. Applicant should provide
the method of determination the limits, chromotograms

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19-20 January 2011

The method's capability to remain unaffected by small but deliberate variations in method parameters
Influence of variations of pH in a mobile phase

Influence of variations in mobile phase composition

Different columns (different lots and/or suppliers) Temperature Flow rate

Evaluate the System suitability parameters

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19-20 January 2011


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19-20 January 2011

HPLC methods play a critical role in analysis of pharmaceutical product
Validation of HPLC should demonstrate that the method is suitable for its intended use Review the information in dossier against QOS 2.3.R.2

Data for acceptance, release, stability will only be trustworthy if the methods used are reliable

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The prequalification programme --Assessor's training

19-20 January 2011

Case Study
Case Study 1--HPLC Method.doc

QOS 2.3.R.doc

Case Study 2 -- Validation of HPLC Method.doc

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The prequalification programme --Assessor's training

19-20 January 2011

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