3.4L (Gen I) Engine Specifications: General Data
3.4L (Gen I) Engine Specifications: General Data
3.4L (Gen I) Engine Specifications: General Data
Exhaust Journal Diameter Journals Journal Clearance Valve System: Lifter Rocker Arm Ratio Valve Lash Face Angle (Intake & Exhaust) Seat Angle (Intake & Exhaust) Margin Exhaust Intake Runout Stem Clearance Free Length Pressure Kg @ mm Installed Height Free Length Approx # of Coils Closed Open Intake Exhaust
6.94 47.44-47.52 0.03-0.10 Hydraulic 1.50:1 1-1/2 Turns Down from Zero Lash 45 degrees 46 degrees 1.55-1.85 170-2.01 0.3 0.2-.0.8 48.5 36 @ 40.9 84 @ 30.5 40.9 48.5 4
Valve Spring
Nm 24 50 78 55 Add 90 degrees
Ft Lbs 18 37 58 41
24 83 27
18 61 20
10mm Lower Intake Manifold (In Sequence) First Pass Final Pass Upper Intake Manifod Bolt Main Bearing Cap Bolt First Pass Final Pass Oil Filter Adapter Oil Pan Rear Bolts Oil Pan Bolt and Nut (Except Rear 2) Oil Pump Bolt Rocker Arm Stud Belt Tensioner Throttle Body Bolts Timing Chain Damper Bolt Water Pump Pulley Bolt Water Pump Large Medium Small Exhaust Heat Shield Nut Valve Cover Bolt
38 20 30 25 50 Add 77 degrees 68 25 10 41 46 33 25 25 24 24 47 21 10 9 8
28 15 22 18 37 50 18 8 30 35 24 18 18 18 18 35 15 8 8 7