Ii. Problems of Comparison
Ii. Problems of Comparison
Ii. Problems of Comparison
- The study of transfer depends greatly on the systematic comparison of the languages provided by contrastive analyses - The essential criteria for sound contrastive analyses are easy to state, but the development of comparisons based n these criteria are difficult
Theoretical adequacy
many contrastive analyses provide useful and sometimes highly perceptive information about languages they compare, none comes close '' to meeting in full the criteria of descriptive and theoretical adequacy.
The characterization of the most important aspects of a language with the elimination of unneeded details.
-Idealization of linguistic data is unavoidable since there are many minute variations in the speech of individuals who consider themselves to be speakers of the same language. * EX: contrastive descriptions of Arabic speakers in Iraq and Egypt in pronunciation -Social variation can matter as much as regional variation in contrastive descriptions EX:
EX: the resemblance between English embarrassed and Spanish emharazado (which means "pregnant") ( I am very pregnant # I am embarrassed)
( word- for- word- grammatical correspondence between That speakers of languages having articles tend to use Spanish & English) them more accurately than do speakers of languages not having articles (Oiler and Redding 1971)
- The existence of differences in acquisition patterns seen in comparative studies may not in all cases be due to crosslinguistic influence alone