4 Reg Ex
4 Reg Ex
4 Reg Ex
REs: Introduction
Regular expressions are an algebraic way to describe languages. They describe exactly the regular languages. If E is a regular expression, then L(E) is the language it defines. Well describe REs and their languages recursively.
REs: Definition
Basis 1: If a is any symbol, then a is a RE, and L(a) = {a}. Basis 2: is a RE, and L() = {}. Basis 3: is a RE, and L() = .
Note: {a} is the language containing one string, and that string is of length 1.
w1w2wn, for some n > 0, where each wi is in L(E). Note: when n=0, the string is .
Precedence of Operators
Parentheses may be used wherever needed to influence the grouping of operators. Order of precedence is * (highest), then concatenation, then + (lowest).
Examples: REs
L(01) = {01}. L(01+0) = {01, 0}. L(0(1+0)) = {01, 00}.
Note order of precedence of operators.
L(0*) = {, 0, 00, 000, }. L((0+10)*(+1)) = all strings of 0s and 1s without two consecutive 1s.
And we need to show that for every automaton, there is a RE defining its language.
Pick the most restrictive type: the DFA.
Converting a RE to an -NFA
Proof is an induction on the number of operators (+, concatenation, *) in the RE. We always construct an automaton of a special form (next slide).
RE to -NFA: Basis
Symbol a: :
: a
For E2
For E1
For E1
For E2
For E1E2
For E
For E*
A strange sort of induction. States of the DFA are assumed to be 1,2,,n. We construct REs for the labels of restricted sets of paths.
Basis: single arcs or no arc at all. Induction: paths that are allowed to traverse next state in order.
A k-path is a path through the graph of the DFA that goes though no state numbered higher than k. Endpoints are not restricted; they can be any state.
Example: k-Paths
1 1 0 1 0 3 2 0 1 0-paths from 2 to 3: RE for labels = 0. 1-paths from 2 to 3: RE for labels = 0+11. 2-paths from 2 to 3: RE for labels = (10)*0+1(01)*1 3-paths from 2 to 3: RE for labels = ??
k-Path Induction
Let Rijk be the regular expression for the set of labels of k-paths from state i to state j. Basis: k=0. Rij0 = sum of labels of arc from i to j.
if no such arc. But add if i=j.
Example: Basis
R120 = 0. R110 = + = .
1 0 1
0 3
2 0 1
Illustration of Induction
Path to k i Paths not going through k k From k to k Several times j
States < k
From k to j
Final Step
The RE with the same language as the DFA is the sum (union) of Rijn, where:
1. n is the number of states; i.e., paths are unconstrained. 2. i is the start state. 3. j is one of the final states.
1 0 1
0 3
2 0 1
R233 = R232 + R232(R332)*R332 = R232(R332)* R232 = (10)*0+1(01)*1 R332 = 0(01)*(1+00) + 1(10)*(0+11) R233 = [(10)*0+1(01)*1] [(0(01)*(1+00) + 1(10)*(0+11))]*
Each of the three types of automata (DFA, NFA, -NFA) we discussed, and regular expressions as well, define exactly the same set of languages: the regular languages.
R +
= R.