OFT GIPA Response 21 Feb 2012
OFT GIPA Response 21 Feb 2012
OFT GIPA Response 21 Feb 2012
PO Box 972
Parramatta NSW 2124
Tel: 029895 0111 Fax: 02 9895 0222
Fair TIY: 1300 723 404 ABN 81 913 830 179
NSW Trading
Dear .m~...~........rt~-
I refer to your application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and my
decision to grant you partial access to the information you requested.
I previously advised you that on 31 January 2012, Ms Meryl Dorey lodged an application for
an internal review of the decision made on 29 December 2011.
The independent officer appOinted to conduct the internal review made a fresh decision on
14 February 2012. This decision determined that there is no overriding interest against
disclosure of the information sought. However, it was further determined that it would be
appropriate to modify the material prior to its release with redactions as an effective means of
addressing some of the concerns outlined in Ms Dorey's objections. These specifically relate
to the release of personal details of individuals directly or indirectly named in the documents
and the names of the Australian Vaccination Network Inc's suppliers and professional
Before I provide you with access to the information, Ms Dorey is entitled to seek a review of
this decision under section 80(d) of the Act. There are two avenues of review remaining:
external review by the Information Commissioner or by the Administrative Decisions Tribunal.
The time for seeking an external review is eight weeks from the date of the internal review
decision. Whilst those review rights are pending, I am not permitted to provide you with access
to the information.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact _ -___. Right to
Information Officer. NSW Fair Tradina on 9619 redaclr email to
redacted ted
Christina Goodall (
AlDirector Z-( z... ( (2
Ministerial & Executive Services