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Rural Tourism: An opportunity development of rural areas



By Kostas E. Sillignakis

The declining fortunes of the primary sector in advanced economies, confronting the impacts of globalization, and the efforts of third world nations to gain a foothold on the ladder of economic and social development, have served to focus increasing attention on rural tourism.

This report has as main objective:

To clearly identify the concept and the role of rural tourism.

Tourism is usually viewed as being multidimensional, possessing physical, social, cultural, economic and political characteristics. Definitions of tourism share a range of common elements (Dowling 2001, p24). However, this report will adapt the approach of Mathieson and Wall (1982) that tourism is the temporary movement of people to destinations out of their normal home and workplace, the activities undertaken during the stay, and the facilities created to cater for their needs.

Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the world. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) tourism is the worlds largest industry generating 12% of the global gross national product and it employs around 200 1

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million people worldwide (WTTC, 1995). The current growth rate is 4%, but it is the natural areas tourism which is the most rapidly growing segment of tourism and the WTO estimates it generates approximately 20% of all international travel expenditures (WTO, 1998b). Tourism in the 21st century will be the biggest industry of the world. Tourist arrivals are estimated to reach 1 billion by 2010 and 1,6 by 2020, and people will holiday more often, maybe two to four times per year (Pearce, 1995). Tourist arrivals are predicted to grow by an average 4,3% a year over the next two decades, while receipts from international tourism will climb by 6,7% a year (WTO, 1999). Along with this great growth, the tourism industry will also have to take on more responsibility for its wide impacts, on the economy, on the environment, on societies and on cultural sites (Dowling 2001).

Tourism is synthesized from mass and alternative tourism. Mass tourism is characterized by large numbers of people seeking relevant to their culture holidays in popular resort destinations. Alternative tourism is sometimes referred to as special interest tourism or responsible tourism and its usually taken to mean alternative forms of tourism which give emphasis on the contact and understanding of inhabitants way of living and the local natural environment (Smith & Eadington, 1992). As to the specific forms of alternative tourism, Mieczkowski (1995) identifies such forms as cultural, educational, scientific, adventure, agri-tourism, with rural, ranch and farm subsets. (Figure 1.1)

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(conventional, standard, Large-scale tourism)






Agri-Tourism (Rural, Farm, Ranch)

Nature Tourism OR Ecotourism

Figure 1.1 (Mieczkowski, 1995: 459)

The development of the environmental movement in the 1980s helped to the development and the increasement of the availability and the range of holiday types which was more environmentally friendly than these which was associated with Mass tourism. Alternative tourism can be broadly defined as forms of tourism that is made to be friendly to the environment and to respect social and cultural values of the communities, and which allow both hosts and guests to enjoy positive and worthwhile interaction and shared experiences (Wearing & Neil, 2000, p38).

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Cater et al. (1994) notes that alternative tourism comprises small scale, locally owned activities. She suggests that these contrasts with mass tourism, which is often characterized by large-scale multinational concerns, which repatriate the profits to offshore countries. Other characteristics of alternative tourism include its minimal negative environmental and social impacts, and also help to develop other sectors of the local economy as agriculture. Finally, alternative tourism also fosters the involvement of local people in the decision making process and includes them in the tourism development process. Using these criteria, alternative tourism exceed purely a concern for the physical environment that typifies green tourism, to include economic, social and cultural considerations. Thus alternative tourism can be viewed as being synonymous with the concept of sustainable tourism development (Holden, 2000, p137).


The detraditionalisation associated with modernity is also marked by a growing reflexivity both at individual and institutional levels (Urry, 1995, p87). As Urry (1995) points out, one of the most important consequences of this reflexivity is an increased concern for the environment, and a growing awareness of the links between the local and the global environment. In the shift from an industrial to a risk society (Eagles 1992), the need for development to be sustainable becomes paramount. Local communities become important in terms of actions taken to pretend their own natural environment, and also form part of wider alliances to preserve the environment globally (Richards & Hall, 2000). Placebased communities have become more interested to the concept of sustainability, which integrates environmental, economic, political, cultural and social considerations. In this way there is recognition that to be sustainable, the preservation of the natural environment must be grounded in the communities and societies, which exploit and depend upon it (Richards & Hall, 2000).

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The concept of sustainable development results from the observation that current generations are imposing too great of a demand upon the natural environment to allow it to continue to reproduce and maintain itself at its previous level of stability (Butler et al, 1998, p557). The principle of sustainable development has been applied to tourism. Sustainable tourism therefore seeks to sustain the quantity, quality and productivity of both human and natural resource systems over time, while respecting and accommodating the dynamics of such systems (Reid, 1991). Sustainable tourism is developed and managed together with the principles of sustainable development (Hunter and Green, 1995). These principles of sustainable development are based on the theory of carrying capacity (Butler et al, 1998). Although it is an ecology term, carrying capacity has been applied to humans and, more specifically to tourists. It has been defined for this purpose as the maximum number of people who can use a site without an unacceptable alteration in the physical environment and without an unacceptable decline in the quality of the experience gained by visitors (Mathieson and Wall, 1982, p168). This definition says that tourism carrying capacity is concerned with only two components, the quality of the environment and the quality of the recreation experience (Richards and Hall, 2000). Pritchard (1992), in clarifying their understanding of carrying capacity, add to Mathiesons and Walls definition by stating that carrying capacity is also concerned with the social and psychological capacity of the physical setting to support tourist activity and development. In addition McIntyre and Hetherington (1991) include the ability of the local community, economy and culture to support tourist activity.

Conservation as a policy is a long-established approach to environmental protection. In a general sense such a policy may be aiming to achieve the sustainable management of renewable resources such as soil, forests and fisheries. More specifically, conservation policies involve the designation of protected status for landscapes, habitats or individual species; as more of these

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resources are lost or threatened, the importance of conservation is increased (Tribe et al., 2000).

Rural tourism is among the most polymorphous of all forms of Special Interest Tourism (SIT). The diversity of attractions included within rural tourism embrace: Indigenous and European heritage sites

Aspects of culture (agriculture) Industrial tourism (farm practices) Educetioanl tourism Special events Ecological attractions Adventure tourism Wine tourism

Such diversity represents major opportunities for rural areas that have turned to tourism as a means of supplementing diminished incomes (Douglas, 2001).


Geographic and demographic definitions: A multi-faced activity that takes place in an environment outside heavily urbanized areas. It is an industry sector characterized by small scale tourism business, set in areas where land use id dominated by agricultural pursuits, forestry or natural areas (Department of Tourism, 1994: 3)

Product-related definitions:

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The Rural Tourism product could be segmented to include such product components as rural attractions, rural adventure tours, nature based tours, ecotourism tours, country towns, rural resorts and country-style accommodation, and farm holidays, together with festivals, events and agricultural education (Department of Tourism, 1994:4).

Tourist experience-related definitions: Rural Tourism should be seen as offering a different range of experience to those offered in big cities and that the emphasis in rural tourism is on the tourists experience of the products and activities of the area (Department of Tourism, 1994: 3).

Consequently, rural tourism in its purest form should be:

1. Located in rural areas. 2. Functionally rural built upon the rural worlds special features of smallscale enterprise, open space, contact with nature and the natural world, heritage, traditional societies and traditional practises. 3. Rural in scale both in terms of buildings and settlements and, therefore, usually small-scale. 4. Traditional in character, growing slowly and organically, and connected with local families. It will often be very largely controlled locally and developed for the long term good of the area. 5. Of many different kinds, representing the complex pattern of rural environment, economy, history and location. (Lane 1994: 14)

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Social and Cultural

The most influential statement on the social and cultural impacts is Bouqeut and Winters (1987) diverse anthology of studies on the conflict and political debates associated with rural tourism. They consider the relationship between tourism, politics and the issue of policies to control and direct tourism and recreation in the countryside in the postwar period. In contrast, Neate (1987) considers farm-based tourism in the Scilly Isles in relation to attempts to diversify the economic base of family owned farms in the climate of declining profitability in agriculture. Vincent (1987) argues that rural tourism development requires that close-knit communities adapt to the incursion of capitalism in the expansion of tourism, where family independence, traditional values and cultural traditions may be adversely affected. The role of women in rural tourism has also belatedly attracted interest as a highly seasonal and unstable economic activity, since tourism is one of the few opportunities taken up by women but also contributes to the marginal status of women in the rural workforce. Increasingly, native people are becoming involved in tourism to help meet their own goals of independence and cultural survival, yet tourism development carries specials risks for them. There are also special problems related to obtaining financing for projects, training with cultural sensitivity, attitudes towards work and service, and making decisions communally (Smith, 1997). In communities with low economic activity and low tourism development there will be high hopes and expectations of tourism (Johnson et al., 1994). It has also be notedthat long term residents of rural areas are much more likely to support growth and change than newcomers, usually because the newcomers moved there for amenities which they do not want changed (Getz, 1994).

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The Economic impact

The economic impact of rural tourism has been a fruitful area for research among a range of social scientists, often emphasizing or challenging the role of tourism as a panacea for all the economic and social ills of the countryside (Getz, 1981). But Butler and Clark rightly acknowledge, tourism in rural areas is not necessarily the magic solution to rural development, given its:

Income leakages, volatility, declining multiplier, low pay, imported labor and the conservatism of investors. The least favored circumstance in which to promote tourism is when the rural economy is already weak, since tourism will create highly unbalanced income and employment distributions. It is better supplement for a thriving and diverse economy than as a mainstay of rural development (Butler and Clark, 1992: 175).

The environmental effect

In a rural context, the growing pressure emerging from the developmentintensive nature of tourism and the expansion of Mass tourism has posed many new pressures as new tourism discovers the qualities of rural environments. In fact, the construction of theme parks in rural environments, second homes (Gartner, 1987), timeshare, conference centers, holiday villages have all contributed to the insatiable tourism appetite for rural environments. A number of recent special issues of journals have also focused on sustainability and rural tourism. However, it is apparent that tourism in rural context displays many of the features of the symbolic relationship, which exists between tourism and the environment. For these reason it is appropriate to consider the tourism resource base, emphasizing supply and demand features in relation to the business aspects of Rural tourism (Page and Getz, 1997).

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Primary producers and rural communities have increasingly turned to tourism as an alternative means of achieving sustainable economic growth and

development through restructuring, and greater diversification, of economic activity. Hall (1998) for example, has observed tourism has emerged as one of the central means by which rural areas can adjust themselves economically, socially and politically to the new global environment. Hall (1998) perceive that expansion of tourism in rural areas as designed to:

Sustain and create local incomes, employment and growth Contribute to the costs of providing economic and social infrastructure Encourage the development of other industrial sectors Contribute to local resident amenities and services Contribute to the conservation of environmental and cultural resources


Tourist commission gives these characteristics to rural tourists:

1. Better educated 2. More discerning in their demands 3. More interest in green issues 4. More health conscious 5. Greater interest in specialty food (Tourist Commission, 1995)

Identifying and segmenting the rural tourism market is probably the least researched and understood process in the rural tourism system (Page and Getz, 1997: 17)


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Also, The true dimensions of the rural tourism market are difficult to assess because of the nature of statistical definitions (OHollaran, 2000: 129)


OHalloran (2002) provides important insights into the motives of those visiting rural destinations that may well reflect those of domestic visitors. Visiting friends and relatives in the region and word of mouth recommendation accounted for almost 50% of the responses analysed. About 12% of those surveyed had an interest in visiting rural areas with a slightly smaller percentage listing naturebased activities as their reason for visiting. In terms of future growth potential, a number of OHallorans respondents reported being on a return visit. However, for these and other rural visitors improvements in shopping facilities and merchandise would enhance their visit (OHalloran, 2000).

A motivating factor for tourists to visit rural areas is to experience, or at least view, what is still thought of as the rural idyll (Beeton 1999: 28).

Rural tourism could be a strategy for sustainable development for rural areas and also could be a tool for product differentiation for area that are at stagnation stage of the Destination Life Cycle model of Butler (1986). Although, Tourist commission advises that:

1. Not all areas are suitable for development 2. Not all communities wish to be developed or are suitable for development 3. Not all forms of tourism activity are acceptable in every location


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4. There may have to be employed to prevent or repair environmental damage caused by visitor pressure

Rural tourism is a good opportunity for agricultural based communities but the setting of objectives and the final tourism development plan needs caution. For better results the whole range of the stakeholders have to participate in the planning stage. Slow and stable steps needs for this kind of planning in order conflicts and mistakes to be avoided.

1. Beeton S., (1999), Rural tourism policy, Flagstaff, Arizona 2. Butler R., Hall M., Jenkins J., (1998) Tourism and recreation in rural areas, Wiley, Chichester 3. Cater E., Lowman G., (1994), Ecotourism: A sustainable option? Wiley, Sussex 4. Douglas N, Derrett R., (2001), Special Interest Tourism, Wiley, London 5. Dowling R., Moore S.A., Newsome D., (2001) Natural area tourism, ecology impacts and management, Channel View, New York 6. Eagles P., (1992), The planning and management of environmentally sensitive areas, Longman, London 7. Gartner W.C., (1987) Environmental impacts of recreational home developments, Annals of tourism research, Volume 10. No.2 8. Hall D., Brown F., (2000) Tourism in peripheral areas, Channel View, Clevedon 9. Holden A., (2000), Environment and tourism, Routledge, London 10. Lane B., (1994), What is rural tourism, Journal of sustainable tourism Volume 2, No.7 11. Mathieson A., Wall G., (1992), Tourism: economic, physical and social impacts, Longman, London 12. Mieczkowski Z., (1995), Environmental issues of tourism and recreation University press of America, Maryland 13. Neate S., (1987), The role of tourism in sustaining farm structures, Aldershot, Avenbury 14. OHalloran M., (2000), Rural tourism in Australia, school of tourism and hospitality, La Trobe University 15. Page J., Getz D., (1997), The business of Rural tourism, Thomson Business Express, London 12

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16. Pearce D., (1995), Tourism today, Longman, Essex 17. Prichard W., (1992), Changing the essence, the art of creating and leading fundamental change in organizations, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco 18. Reid D., (1991), Sustainable development, an introductory guide, Earthscan, London 19. Richards G., Hall D., (2000), Tourism and sustainable community development, Routledge, New York 20. Smith V., Eadington W., (1992), Tourism alternatives, potentials and problems in the development of tourism, Wiley, Chichester 21. Smith V., Wilde P., (1977), The multiplier impact of tourism in Tasmania, Sorret, Melburne 22. Tribe J., Font X., Griffiths N., Vickery R., Yale K., (2000) Environmental management for rural tourism and recreation, Cassell, London 23. Urry, (1995), Consuming places, Routledge, London 24. Vincent J.A., (1980), The political economy of alpine development, Sociologia ruralis 20 (3-4) 25. Wearing S., Neil J., (1999), Ecotourism: impacts, potentials and possibilities, Butterworth-Heinemann, London 26. Winter M., (1987), Conflict and practise in rural tourism, Ecos: a review for conservation 5(3): 10-15


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