Claim - Form - 001
Claim - Form - 001
Claim - Form - 001
Corporate Office : 1, New Tank Street, Valluvarkottam High Road, Chennai - 600 034.
DETAILS OF THE HOSPITAL/NURSING HOME WHERE THE INSURED WAS ADMITTED Nature of Disease/ Illness Contracted or Injury Sustained : Date of Injury Sustained for Disease/ Illness First Detected Name of the Hospital Address City/Taluk Date & time of admission D DM M Y Y District State Date & time of Discharge D DM M Y Y Pin Code D D M M Y Y
DETAILS OF THE ATTENDING MEDICAL PRACTIONER Name of the Medial Practitioner Address City/Taluk Qualification District Regn. No. State Pin Code
DETAILS OF PREVIOUS INSURANCE Have you been insured under any Mediclaim Scheme of any other insurance Company. If YES, XEROX Copies of previous years policies must be enclosed. Date of commencement of very first insurance for the claimant with continuous insurance Coverage : Have you preferred any claim for the same insured under the Mediclaim Policy earlier, if so give details viz : (a) Previous claim No & Office (b) Diagnosis From Y N
D D M M Y Y To D D M M Y Y
(d) Amount of settlement (e) Admitted on (f) Discharged on Date Date D DM M Y Y D DM M Y Y Time Time 2. 3. Claim Amount 4. 5.
Name of the Patient & Age Admission Date and Time Name of Surgeon / Physician Diagnosis Date of First consultation (Prior to hospitalisation) (a) With what complaints was the patient admitted for : (b) Since when was the patient suffering from the said complaints Discharge Date and Time
I have incurred the above expensed for the treatment of the disease/illness/accident and herewith as per schedule mentioned below : Claim Type (Pre-Hospitalization/ Post-Hospitalization/Hospitalization)
Bill No.
Bill Amount
Amount Claimed
Past History of the Patient (if any) with the duration of illness Whether the present ailment is a complication of Pre-existing disease? If yes, please specify the disease (or) complication of any previous Surgery done? If yes, please specify details.
9. GRAND TOTAL * If required, additional sheet to be attached In support of the claim, I enclose the following documents Claim Form Duly Signed Pre-authorization form Claim Notification Discharge Summary Hospitalization Bills Doctors Surgery Certificate if any Surgery/Consultation Bills if any Operation Theatre Pharmacy Bills Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Pre-Hospitalization Bills : No(s)................. Bill Amount.................. Hospital Payment Receipt Investigation Report with Drs request 1)MRI Yes/No. 2) CT Scan Yes/No 3)ECG Yes/No 4) X-ray Yes/No. 5)US Scan Yes/No. Lab Reports with Drs request No(s).........................of Rep........................................ other if any Y Y Y Y N N N N 11.
Whether the disease/disorder is congential in nature? Nature of Surgery/treatment given for present ailment (a) Whether Hospital/Nursing Home is Registered, if yes, Regn. No. (b) No. of in-patient beds in the Hospital (including ICU) (c) Whether the hospital is having fully equipped Operation Theatre of its own/qualified nurses round the clock/Qualified docutors round the clock?
I hereby warrant the truth of the foregoing particulars in every respect and I agree that if I have made or shall make any false or untrue statement, suppression or concealment, my right to claim reimbursement of the said expenses shall be absolutely forfeited. I further declare that, in respect of the above treatment, no benefits are admissible under any other rMedical Scheme or insurance. I also consent and authorize Star Health And Allied Insurance Company to seek medical information from any Hospital/Medical Practitioner who has any time attended on the insured person. I hereby declare that I have included all bills/receipts for purpose of this claim and that I will not be making any supplementary claim in respect thereof.
Hospital Seal :
Date :