Chemical Compatibility of Viton

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Chemical Compatibility of Viton

Bleaching liquors A- Excellent

Boric acid A- Excellent

Bromine A- Excellent

Butane A- Excellent

Butanol (butyl alcohol) A- Excellent

Butyl acetate D- Severe Effect

Butyric acid N/A

Calcium oxide N/A

Calcium salts N/A

Carbon bisulfide N/A

Carbon dioxide A- Excellent

Carbon tetrachloride A- Excellent

Chlorine, dry A- Excellent

Chlorine, wet B- Good

Chloroacetic acid D- Severe Effect

Chlorobenzene A- Excellent

Chlorobromomethane A- Excellent

Chloroform A- Excellent

Chlorosulfonic acid D- Severe Effect

Chromic acid, 30% A- Excellent

Chromium salts N/A

Copper salts N/A

Cresol A- Excellent

Cyclohexane A- Excellent

Cyclohexanone D- Severe Effect

Diacetone alcohol N/A

Dimethyl formamide D- Severe Effect

Essential oils N/A

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) A- Excellent

Ether N/A

Ethyl acetate D- Severe Effect

Ethyl bromide N/A

Ethyl chloride A- Excellent

Ethylamine N/A

Ethylene chlorohydrin A- Excellent

Ethylene dichloride B- Good

Ethylene glycol A- Excellent

Ethylene oxide D- Severe Effect

Fatty acids A- Excellent

QCM-Z500 Manual

Ferric chloride B- Good

Ferric sulfate A- Excellent

Ferrous chloride N/A

Ferrous sulfate N/A

Fluoboric acid N/A

Fluoroborate salts N/A

Fluosilicic acid N/A

Formaldehyde D- Severe Effect

Formic acid D- Severe Effect


Gasoline, high-aromatic A- Excellent

Gasoline, nonaromatic A- Excellent

Glucose A- Excellent

Glue, P.V.A. A- Excellent

Glycerin A- Excellent

Hydriodic acid N/A

Hydrobromic acid, 30% A- Excellent

Hydrochloric acid (conc) B- Good

Hydrochloric acid (dil) A- Excellent

Hydrochloric acid (med) B- Good

Hydrocyanic acid A- Excellent

Hydrocyanic acid, gas, 10% A- Excellent

Hydrofluoric acid, 50% A- Excellent

Hydrofluoric acid, 75% B- Good

Hydrogen peroxide (dil) A- Excellent

Hydrogen peroxide, 90% N/A

Hypochlorous acid A- Excellent

Iodine solutions N/A

Iodoform N/A

Kerosene A- Excellent

Ketones N/A

Lacquer solvents D- Severe Effect

Lactic acid A- Excellent

Lead acetate N/A

Linseed oil A- Excellent

Lithium hydroxide N/A

Magnesium chloride A- Excellent

Magnesium sulfate A- Excellent

Malic acid A- Excellent

Chemical Compatibility of Viton

Manganese salts N/A

Mercury salts N/A

Methane A- Excellent

Methanol (methyl alcohol) D- Severe Effect

Methyl chloride A- Excellent

Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) D- Severe Effect

Mixed acid (40% H2SO4, 15% HNO3) N/A

Molybdenum disulfide N/A

Monoethanolamine D- Severe Effect

Naphtha A- Excellent

Natural gas N/A

Nickel salts N/A

Nitric acid (conc) N/A

Nitric acid (dil) A- Excellent

Nitric acid (med) A- Excellent

Nitrobenzene N/A

Nitrogen oxides N/A

Nitrous acid N/A

Oils, animal N/A

Oils, mineral A- Excellent

Oils, vegetable N/A

Oleic acid B- Good

Oxalic acid, cold A- Excellent

Oxygen, gas N/A

Palmitic acid A- Excellent

Perchloric acid A- Excellent

Perchloroethylene A- Excellent

Phenol (carbolic acid) N/A

Phosphoric acid, 50% A- Excellent

Phthalic acid N/A

Plating solutions A- Excellent

Polyglycol N/A

Potassium carbonate N/A

Potassium chlorate N/A

Potassium hydroxide (conc) B- Good

Potassium hydroxide (med) B- Good

Potassium iodide N/A

Propanol (propyl alcohol) B- Good

Pyridine D- Severe Effect

QCM-Z500 Manual

Silicone fluids N/A

Silicone oils A- Excellent

Silver nitrate A- Excellent

Soap solutions A- Excellent

Sodium bicarbonate A- Excellent

Sodium bisulfate N/A

Sodium bisulfite A- Excellent

Sodium borate A- Excellent

Sodium carbonate B- Good

Sodium chlorate N/A

Sodium chloride A- Excellent

Sodium ferrocyanide N/A

Sodium hydrosulfite N/A

Sodium hydroxide (conc) B- Good

Sodium hydroxide (dil) B- Good

Sodium hydroxide, 25% B- Good

Sodium hypochlorite, <5% A- Excellent

Sodium hypochlorite, >5% B- Good

Sodium nitrate N/A

Sodium silicate A- Excellent

Sodium sulfide N/A

Sodium sulfite N/A

Steam, up to 40 psi B- Good

Stearic acid N/A

Styrene A- Excellent

Sulfuric acid (conc) A- Excellent

Sulfuric acid (dil) A- Excellent

Sulfuric acid (med) A- Excellent

Sulfurous acid A- Excellent

Tannic acid N/A

Tanning liquors N/A

Tartaric acid A- Excellent

Tin salts N/A

Toluene (toluol) A- Excellent

Trichloroacetic acid C- Fair

Trichloroethylene A- Excellent

Trisodium phosphate A- Excellent

Turpentine A- Excellent

Urea N/A

Chemical Compatibility of Viton

Uric acid N/A

Water, fresh A- Excellent

Water, salt A- Excellent

Xylene A- Excellent

Zinc chloride A- Excellent


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