Introduction Exercise:: Your Development As An Authentic Leader

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Introduction Exercise: Your Development as an Authentic Leader

After reading the Introduction, think about the basis for your leadership and the process you need to go through to become an authentic leader. The following exercise will get you started. 1. What leaders, past or present, do you admire most?

What is it about them that you admire?

Which of these leaders do you consider to be authentic leaders?

What can you learn from their leadership?

Introduction Exercises

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2. Thinking back over all your leadership experiences in your lifetime, which ones are you proudest of?

3. Think about the basis for your leadership and the kind of leader you would like to be as you answer these questions: What qualities do you bring to leadership?

What leadership qualities would you like to develop further?

Introduction Exercises

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4. Assess yourself against the five dimensions of an authentic leader: Do you understand your purpose?

Do you practice your values?

Do you lead with your heart?

Do you establish connected relationships?

Do you demonstrate self-discipline?

Introduction Exercises

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5. Do you feel that you are more effective as a leader when you are authentic, or does being authentic constrain your leadership effectiveness?

6. Are you consciously developing your leadership abilities at this time?

Introduction Exercises

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